"I can’t even tell, anymore, where my own mind leaves off and implanted PSY OPs begin. That’s when I start writing about the cats, or quoting Cervantes, or posting Peter O’Toole’s drunk tales."

It's probably why I started watching cute kitten videos.

Assuming that life itself and humans are part of an intelligent and benevolent Source that created us - and I do assume this - then despite the parasitic-like take over of 'reality' - there is a way back to actual reality. I'd suggest Nature points us in that direction.

Less screens, more walks in woods will perhaps tip the balance back into something real. What a time. I so appreciate your self-reflection and honest attempts at sorting through, Celia. A consistently human voice. Thank you.

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in many places "less screens"= more insects.

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It so sucks that most of my work requires "screens" because they are not good for us. However, I've limited my news intake quite a bit and ended participation on any goofy social media like FB or X. It really does help improve quality of life.

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I find myself determined to believe "life itself and humans are part of an intelligent and benevolent Source that created us", although not long ago I read something that countered it. And then I wonder when did it start? When Earth was first formed? I like the idea of Gaia. I find it comforting and reassuring.

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“implanted PSY OPs”

Yup. 🎯🎯🎯

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I will tell you it was going out into nature that helped my messed up mindset after coming out of 10 years in a religious cult. Had to go back to basics and watch God's creation and how things are 'supposed to be'. It really threw a lot into the 'unnatural' category. Definitely fits into that song by Garth Brooks 'The Dance'. Glad looking back because many lessons would not have been learned, oh but what a price.

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Some how, I am no longer able to reply to those who reply to me. I cannot read all of your comment, but saw the first part. Is the book in question one of those that claims the Roosevelt admin knew of the attack and let it happen because they wanted the US to enter the war? If so, how does it deal with the USS Panay incident?

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Yes, I am not in nature as I would like to be. I am going to make more of an effort.

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"When the people need a hero, we shall supply him." Albert Pike 33rd Degree Freemason

It's too simple for most folks to accept. Hopium is much more appealing.

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Good reminder. Does that mean we have no hope?

No. History's heroes were more often the villains yet people survived.

This is why I must hope in our Creator God and Jesus only lest I lose all hope knowing that such evil exists and does such wickedness on humanity with no feeling. What do I have to lose if I am wrong anyway?

On the other hand, they have much to lose if I am right when their spirits leave their flesh on earth.

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That is exactly how I try to look at things. What do I have to lose if……. Or if……?

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Don't doublethink it. LOL

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I voted for Trump but it seems he has morphed into Mr Hyde.

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He is doing almost everything he promised to do. What’s not to like?

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True he is but it seems obviously planned to make everyone turn on Biden and bring back Trump. IDK....

So far looks good but that is the surface and what is going on behind the curtain? We can't be too gullible and always be skeptical so we are not easily manipulated.

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Agree. I wonder what his Act 2 will be, after he cleans things up to make us happy, the government easier to control, America more profitable, Americans more ’comfortable’, etc. ????

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IMO, most people will let down their guards and become complicit again. It's the vicious cycle of human nature I suppose, and few remain watchful even the best of us.

Worrying doesn't do any good, but focusing our human brains on good does make a positive difference (not ignoring evil at the same time).

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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Politics is messy. There are no good solutions once it gets to the President to solve. That is what you are seeing.

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He’s not changed a bit. His campaign for term 2 was different than the first one but the man has always been a TV persona seeking the highest ratings. Unfortunately, he’s been put in office to do the acting (and the bidding) for the technocracy, funded by those who hold the world’s purse strings. When you watch his “show” try to take your eyes off of him personally and then you can see the plan unfold- it’s bad news for humanity.

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That’s a good way to put it.

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He was going to end the genocide but he joined Netanyahu in starving the civilian population of Palestine so that he can take over Gaza. They have stopped food and electricity and are now threatening to cut off water. Trump was the object of witch hunt but now he is pursuing the same against his political opponents. He was all for free speech but now he is threatening to suppress all political protests and is revoking the green card of a person who is pursuing BDS at Columbia. All of this while JD is lecturing Europe about free speech. Did you see his Gaza ad where there are golden statutes of Trump? He thinks of himself as Pharaoh.

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Totally predictable....He and the big Netti are buddies from way back. Do you really think a man like el Trumpster who lives in an actual palace gives a flying f*ck about the little people and their "terrible lives" in Gaza and else where? Why are we so blind to what they want and what they do. It is really true that "the rich are not like other people"...

Get real. The msm and the "wave lengths" they emit have hypnotized the masses and destroyed our minds. EMF's are a weapon. They have been deployed against real people for decades.

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THE SILENT WAR "and its so sad watching these times as they changed.

the battle's been violent and strange"

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Whatever is and is not happening in Gaza, it is NOT genocide. Ethnic cleansing, perhaps, but NOT genocide. Hamas broke the cease fire that was then in place for their October 7th attack, and the solution is another cease fire? Yeah, that’ll work just as well as the last one. Oh, an army cut off food electricity to a city that is resisting their take over, who has ever heard of such a thing? Well, that’s what happens in war. The Palestinians pulled the tiger’s tail and now blaming the Tiger for attacking back. Their Oct. 7th attack invited all they are getting. If they didn’t want this result, they should not have attacked. A green card can be revoked for jay walking. Green card holders have no right to stay, only the privilege which can be revoke at anytime for any reason.

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Ukraine caused the terror attack of March 2024 in Moscow at their concert hall. By your reasoning, Russia should destroy Ukraine, starve and kill the population.

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Is the scale of these two attacks the same in your mind? The Oct 7th attack was a full out attack, much like Pearl Harbor was. But yes, Russia is not only allowed to respond to a terror attack regardless who was behind it, it should be expected that they will.

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You should read James Perloff's book on Pearl Harbor. Definitely is not what most people believe once you see a lot of the facts(and his are verifiable unlike most others.). Israel has the MOST secure border in the world. ALL nations use them for examples. Just take a look at all the technology they have. Impossible it ALL failed. Just the ONE FACT that there was NO response for such a long amount of time when response time is less than 10 minutes anywhere REGARDLESS of anything else means it was definitely planned. Take a look at Gaza now. Leveled. Can't blame the innocents and children because Hamas uses them as shields. Not all Palestinians are Hamas. That would be like saying all US citizens are Nazis, or domestic terrorists,....

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What is the difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing?

The 10/7/23 massacre was made possible because the world's tightest, most monitored border mysteriously suddenly had a security moratorium resulting in a 7-hour long standdown.

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Why are you quibbling over words? "They" are murdering small children, pregnant women and old people.

Is that not genocide? I cannot believe this absurd babble over "Hamas" etc.

Hamas is funded by Israel and Israel is funded by US!

Gaza is just a hole we fall into and argue over the "fine points" of murder and pillage. There is nothing virtuous or defendable about the horrible crimes committed in Gaza. Call it anything you want .... but it is still wholesale murder....

Gaza and Ukraine are being used to ignite a world war in which billions will die if "they" are successful.

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I am not smart enough to understand why it's not genocide. Sorry.

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Well-- we all know how very dim you are.....and that must be the reason why you cannot understand such deep topics....

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I guess the fact Trump took over 200 million from AIPAC, Miriam and her husband, the Adelsons doesn't matter to MAGA, they don't care Trump is replacing all the fired employees with AI, or he's doing a crypto coin to sell to Americans but he'll control it, or hes pushing more mRNA jabs, for cancer this time using AI, or that he's setting up surveillance to watch everyone 24 hours a day. He's actually working for Israel not America but the MAGA cult will never notice. Netanyahu wants Trump to go to war with Iran, I think he just might have to, 200 million reasons for him to say YES.

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I find it amazing that Christians of all people have Trump's back, when he obviously supports zionism. But then all the leaders do.

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I think that is because most Christians do not understand the difference between Zionism and the Chosen of Israel and the Israel State.

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Also, I'm finding out so many Christians don't even understand their own Christianity and what it means.

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Thank you Hannahlehigh---Wonderful......Yes yes yes!!!!

You hit the nail on the head!

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I also voted for Trump, and I am getting exactly what I expected and desired. I have known that Trump was part of a plan to regain our Republic from the criminal syndicate that has been running the government for decades.

The so-called deep state, the administrative state, the bloated bureaucracy, most of which has been installed into the Executive Branch. That is the President's responsibility. That is what is being ended, the swamp is being drained, the "old guard" being removed. To some it seems extreme, it seems unsightly, even unnerving.

We must also realize that those who are the enemies of the US use paid protesters and agitators, especially on college campuses. These are often not organic, but planned and orchestrated. A young man the other day admitted he was paid to stand outside a Tesla dealership with a sign protesting Elon. And are not burning cars and businesses acts of domestic terrorism?

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I understand that the new budget has all the USAID funding in it. And Trump wants a cease-fire in Ukraine while still arming Ukraine. Magically, Ukraine now has "all the cards". This is just a shell game now. IMO. All Trump really seems to care about is his image. He wants that Nobel Prize so much he will stab everyone in the back.

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Have to agree. Rubio recently claims that USAID money has been cut by 83% (a pretty exact number) which may be factually true. But where has that money been redirected to? Same thing with Musk/DOGE "saving" billions.

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Wrong, he has Zelensky leveraged with military support he can cut off at any time and he has Putin semi-leveraged with a continuing conflict. The difference between he and Biden is he is trying to use the leverage to get them to talk and end it. Biden just blundered through the thing without any realistic plan for anything.

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Oh there was a plan. The plan was for the Bidens to make millions on laundering with Ukraine war as a cover as they did for the Iraq war.

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I respect your optimism. I use a basic filter for all those who claim to be on our side. I look at what they have challenged regarding the original gubmint 9/11 narrative.

I look to see if they have stopped mentioning mistakes or incompetency regarding Covid lockdowns and the Covid jab. Instead, they say there was not a Covid anything, just a psyop to issue the jab.

Finally, I look to see if they are exposing the joo world order. If revealed, any or all of these things would bring down what is called the deep state. All else is a distraction from those who really run the world.

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I agree with your thoughts but not necessarily the filter.

IMO, if I was in a lion's den, I would pretend to be a lion.

Exposing won't bring it down because people are manipulated so deeply, they would not believe it even when told. Then what happens to those who exposed it?

Most people use doublethink and believe the truth that the party tells them. Because they use fear tactics and false narratives, we cannot help but be herded to believe what they want whether we believe it all or pick and choose.

Do you believe the earth is flat? It is such an ingrained belief, nobody would consider contrary, yet valid evidence, that the earth is indeed flat. You get canceled or ruthlessly mocked. Another MO tool they use.

Was Orwell one of them? Doublethink

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Any normal person can "help" being a total schlump and a fool. All you have to do is to be able to add two plus two.

"THEY" meaning the ubermensch want our land, our bank accounts and our children....in that order.

They want our land to use AI slaves to build luxurious estates on and they want our money to totally disempower the "lower races" and they want our children for their sex toys....totally disposable when they grow tired of them.

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Dave, me too. I have known Trump was to be president since 2007. Most people are going to be up and down, back and forth, double minded, confused, in fear, etc. I sleep like a baby. God has never lied to me nor failed me and I trust HIS plan. And He chose Trump for such a time as this. It does not matter what you think of any of these people. Everything is subject to change. People you are worried about can be gone tomorrow. This is going to be quite the roller coaster ride. So gather your courage put your trust in the one that is a whole lot smarter than any of you intellectuals. And for goodness sake, listen to the Holy Spirit, he will tell you exactly what you need to know. And if gaps are left unanswered then it is not the time. Sorry for the rant, love and blessings to all.

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Am I in trouble? 😳

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It wasn't me this time.

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"I’m very tired of all these garish stunts, and all these figures declaring their toughness in staged photo ops and X storms"

Thanks for this note of sanity as the INSANE ASYLUM looms large on the horizon. The antics of the 1% and their mockery of the "regular folk" is tiring and also infuriating. Trump will not suffer for one second as the "normies"-- the lumpenproletariat bear the burden of a major recession.

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Trump has disappointed. 😔

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They ALL do.

As long as Americans keep participating in and believing in the game, it will continue to be played.

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Maybe the understatement of the year! 🙂

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I did a write-in vote in the 2024 presidential elections for Thomas Massie. I hope he'll be on the ballot in 2028.

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Hasn't Trump said that Tom Massie, the only one of them who doesn't have a Zionist handler, should be primaried?

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They have set Massey up to be better controlled too. He started in the 5th district essentially anchored in eastern Kentucky. A fading economic area now being inundated by despair and drug culture. Still however a strong independent mindset. He’s now in the 4th district which has higher economic output and includes the northern ky/ Cincinnati metro / Louisville suburbs which like most urban areas is more left leaning.

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I think Trump should be circumcised live on twitter. If he says no, he's an anti-semite.

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Russia has been saying, for years, that it will not agree to a cease-fire. as that would just be used to beef up Ukraine's military. I don't say "defenses", because Ukraine is cheerfully attacking civilians on a regular basis. Trump tells Zelensky he has no cards, that Russia has all the cards. So - yesterday, Trump proposes a cease-fire, during which the US will continue to arm Ukraine. And Trump says Russia has no cards, and the $MSM uniformly state that "the ball is now in Russia's court". Of course, Russia says nope. I have now given up whatever little glimmer of hope that anything at all will change or get better. The new budget has all the USAID funding in it, by the way. And free speech is still non-existent. I do not think Harris would have been any better whatsoever, but Trump is certainly not in the business of making America great again. He has Musk, the Dems have Soros and Gates, AIPAC has everybody.

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So all is lost, it is futile, we lose, goodnight.

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Well, I am not going to dance around like a delusional Bernie Bro. Been there, done that. I will watch results. All the words mean nothing. I think we are heading to a state where we are picking through dung and finding a stray seed here and there, like cowbirds. Not engaging with that.

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Well said.

Been there, done that, LEARNED.

Once you learn, there is no going back (hopefully).

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Love the metaphor. I feel that way too, but do believe those seeds have value, and the words too as long as you’ve stripped away the presented narrative. Then there is freedom of mind to really see. And the picture that emerges, though not pretty, is clear. Giving those with that sight opportunity. Best to you.

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Thank you for the reply, appreciate it.

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It is as it's always been. Live your best life, and don't try to control things or obsess on them if they aren't something you can change. Observance and acknowledgement is separate from action.

When you trust in God, it doesn't matter what these bozos do, not really.

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It is getting hard for me to read the comments. You, Dave have wisdom and discernment which is in short supply these days.

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Who said anything of the kind?

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Thanks, again, Celia. For what it's worth, you are not alone in feeling like you're a carrot in a mixmaster. But these are the times, and this is the our challenge/lesson/"punishment" handed down to us from on High: to develop the spiritual faculty for "discerning" (feeling, intuiting, dreaming, epiphanies welcome, divining, plugging into... The Truth. Ain't gonna be easy, fun or pleasant. But hey... we are meeting some good people in the process... (:

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This is the real world...not some coddling "university" where we are taught "lessons"...and eventually are graduated to higher and higher levels of "spiritual attainment".

REAL HUMAN BEINGS will die in vast numbers in the coming wars and economic disasters that GATES/SCHWAB inc. have planned for us....not to mention all the fires destroying our homes. Big fire in Tampa last night...the smell of smoke woke us up...Interestingly enough it was said to have originated in a whore house called the PINK PONY....I haven't read the lasted reports on this, though.

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Interesting. I can read part of your comment in my feed but not open nor find here. They are not “murdering” Gazans. Hamas and Gazans, however engaged in murder most heinous on Oct 7th, however. What is happening in Gaza now is war. Wherever the enemy entrenches, hides, seeks shelter, bivouacs, musters, trains, mess, stores munitions are legitimate targets. Hamas has a looooooooooong history of hiding behind and amongst civilians for the very reaction that you have. But, it is actually far worse. Have you read any of the accounts of the released or rescued hostages abducted on Oct 7th? Ordinary Gazans joined Hamas in the atrocities of that day and afterwards. You are falling for the trap of thinking all civilians are innocent, amount other traps.

Here is a test. Answer honestly. If all in Israel laid down their arms, would there be any Jews or any Israelis alive there a year from now? How about if Hamas surrendered unconditionally. Would there be any Palestinians alive in Gaza a year from now?

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No, it is about the people on the ground. Have you seen any of the photos or pictures of those slain on Oct 7th, read the accounts of those abducted? It is about protecting all of those in Israel, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or religion from this ever happening again.

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It's all about pitting one little group of humanity against another little group and watching us kill each other....endlessly entertaining for those who can afford it.

The Rockfellers et. al and Stand Oil and the other biggies get richer after every giant conflagration that involves millions of deaths.

The next one the numbers won't be in the millions....it will be billions.

Hamas is another toy for the elite war mongers. wtfu.

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And its already happening.


See Steve Kirsch and VAER for an estimate. These are not "vaccines"

They are bioweapons and we are the target.

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THAT is another issue, one I have a very personal interest in, several, actually. All who were behind any of the inappropriate covid mitigation measures need to punished to the fullest extent of the law and those not executed, ostracized by all of humanity so that they wish they did get the dearth penalty. Gaza, while not completely disconnected, is a different issue.

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Well Maskless Crucifier....after the "elites" murder all our children with "vaccines"...the mRNA platform has been put into the childhood "vaccine schedule".... and burn down our cities and homes with DEW weapon technology....who will be left to "punish" the evil doers?

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(think La Haina, Paradise Valley, Los Angeles, etc etc}

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Firefighters: Gentleman's club in Tampa engulfed in flames - WTSP.com

TodayRight now, Tampa Fire Rescue crews are responding to a two-alarm fire at the Pink Pony Showgirls club on North Lois Avenue. In an X post, the agency shared that all lanes on Lois Avenue are closed ...

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Thank you for this.

Future generations will look back on TV as the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Romans mad. -Kurt Vonnegut’s

Regarding Musk: Elon Musk's X App is the One Ring to Rule Them All: https://archive.is/QH1wt <-- If you can take the time to read that Celia, i think you will find it eye opening. Musk is not who he claims to be .... or maybe he is, we're just blinded by the glitz and glamour, and that's the problem, he doesn't hide his nature he simply overshadows it.

"Why do the yankees always win? Because everybody's too busy looking at the pinstripes" -Catch me if you Can

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I had to purge my substack, so all of the videos are missing from the above archived version. Here they are with one exception:

First video: Musk talking about WeChat: https://old.bitchute.com/video/yDHzFvINR2f2

Second video x app cannot find

Third video: symphony of liberty: https://old.bitchute.com/video/bwcnOTGI4nd7

Fourth video: Carol Rosen Werner Von Braun Testimony Fake UFO invasion: https://old.bitchute.com/video/rZKWlRlDE5zt

Fifth video: Bush Sr New World Order Speech September 11, 1991: https://old.bitchute.com/video/T8Rm38be5Ksp

Sixth video: Mother of all secrets. If anyone has an open mind this will likely blow your mind and is worth every second of your time if you have not seem it: https://old.bitchute.com/video/Ph6qgsn5iqOj

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Will watch, read and listen.

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Who is he, then?

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(Ask his nanny)

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"...MAGA Fatigue... /// I'm not interested in bashing and mocking hard working people who hoped for something better, and saw a savior in Trump. Bashing innocent people for being too credulous is cowardly… I still can’t bring myself to completely (I said "completely") turn against Trump for reasons having nothing to do with him, but everything to do with people’s battered souls hanging in the precipice… /// When and how exactly does the ‘golden age of America’ begin to be felt…?"

To add to that---on the 'domestic' front: The way, and the way in which Trump speaks about things,… that 'mode' resonates directly and deeply with America's Kulak class. Meaning, the small-business owners---those types of 'hustlers'---meaning, in America today, those out there on their own operating in the "service industry" (*)… meaning, every Uber driver; meaning, the jet-ski rental guy; meaning, the mom and pop restaurant owner with the best smoked ribs in town… The American Kulaks love Trump. And, since the 1990s many of us have been moved into that service industry class… I love Trump in this context.

(*) Because, what 'industries' in America can the little guy---as a small business owner---be a part of these days if not in the "service industry"? A car manufacturing plant isn’t going to outsource the manufacture a certain car-part to the local tool&die guy…

Note: This is my understanding of the 'American Kulak class' framing by Isaac Simpson regarding "Trump and the ‘golden age of America'". Credit to Isaac.

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Right, exactly And Tom, I think you understand my "frustration" at Trump/Musk and their performative style, as time is short, and ever gentle kulaks might not be able to hang on indefinitely. I just want less performance. Less performance. Now somebody's gonna come on here and slap me for not being grateful that he works 20 hours a day to save us.

I'm not IN America.

Are things getting better? Maybe they ARE.

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'totally agree regarding wanting less Trump/Musk performance. 'was thinking more in terms of the core campaign promises -- and how, I'm like, "let's go" on those promises...

As for things getting better,... hard for me, personally, to entirely fully feel it, so far... but, of course, definitely a better feeling, knowing he's in the WH, than Biden,... I'm feeling Pyrrhic currently,...

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I've worked for small businesses and studied them and tried to be a consultant myself... I couldn't agree with you more. When the lockdowns came and 1 million small business people lost their businesses, I really didn't give a shit.

Not one of the small businesses I ever worked for gave a shit about their employees. Not one of my small business bosses would become politically involved and actually fight the ridiculous regulatory and tax burdens that piled up on them over the years. Instead, they sat back and enjoyed a 30 year wage holiday while the US Congress failed to allow the US Minimum Wage to at least keep pace with inflation. They made bank while every working person in America suffered declining wages and purchasing power.

None of them could see that if they didn't fight (and fight for their employees wages to be fair), the time they had to actually manage and enjoy their businesses and their time would be reduced, year after year... and their employees would be unable to handle financial emergencies, live crazy stressful lives, and miss work... but still they would not get together and fight. The most they ever did was donate to their local Chamber of Commerce and a candidate or two...

And now, they're too dumb to pay attention to The Going Direct Reset that is about to wipe out a bunch more of their control over their own businesses. I knew several companies that ran double books. That's not happening when everything goes blockchain digital and run by the Federal Reserve. All that extra bank these companies have been making is going to END.

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You nailed it Celia~the false savior. Leading his sheep to the edge of the cliff. Pushing them off with love and a hug. Lesser of two evils, it was meant to be. Taking us down, gently this time. For myself, I'm going to just enjoy the rest of my life. This is now under God's control, but it's not going to get better anytime soon, well, just around the edges. When I said Let Go and Let God, that is how I regain control of reality and see the world peacefully and sanely. Truth is and always was spiritual. Navigating around the evil and staying on the path of truth is where I want to stay.

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Rose, do you actually think it's that...dark? That this was planned as a deception?

I can only stick by ONE core observation, and that is that I can't discern anymore what it is that really matters to him or to any of them. But a worrying emphasis on showmanship.

I want to be ruled by Tsar Nicholas. 😂

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Well, I can certainly admit I have started to sway a time or two towards thinking Trump might be sincere in trying to bring this country back from the brink. It took many decades to get us here, he will face many obstacles and enemies getting us out and it will take a long time, much longer than he has to be president. So, sometimes I give him the benefit of the doubt. But for the long haul, it's a wait and see adventure. I'm 72, and girlfriend I still have a lotta living to do. There's a wonderful world to see and people to meet and God is my navigator. Celia, I believe you are one of many messengers who let us see the world from a different perspective. We need your info to keep our minds open and occasionally laughing. But do get away once in awhile to come back with a fresh perspective. I always look forward to what you write and how you write it. In final response to your reply, the best answer to ponder I can think of...The greatest trick Satan ever accomplished was to convince us he doesn't exist...

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Thank you! What a great attitude.

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Now where have I hard that quote "Let go and Let God"....?

Oh yes! it was from my relative an inveterate alcoholic in one of her dry times.

"letting God" doesn't work for everyone.....

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Darlin' I was married to an alcoholic who almost killed me. He is long gone. I attended AA, Alon and several codependents groups for years as I certainly enabled my husbands drinking as much as himself. But letting God was the answer for me to get strong and make major changes in my life. No, letting God doesn't work for everyone, it's a personal choice to let that happen or turn down another path. Most of the recovering alcoholics I met and knew went back to drinking but there were a few souls ( my husband now for 25 yrs and sober for 50 yrs) who did let God and have gone on to do great things.

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It was my senior class motto 1971. Christian Seventh-Day Adventist PREP school. I was the "pastor" of my graduating class (which never made sense until I got older). If I remember right, the motto was picked by our gay principal who collected Barbie Dolls. I would edit the locution to be more internal rather than external: Let Go and Let God in You. Not as poetic, but more accurate in expressing my belief.

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They need to convince us that the majority of people WANT self-slavery into our glorious digital future which will be the next thing Trump hawks. I am concerned that my social security will be nonexistent and that I'll be forced into digital slavery in old age. The flip side is, I am glad I'm old!

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Happy to see you coming to your senses Celia. Living outside the US doesn’t allow a full view of what’s going on here (I’ve had this problem with Italian friends for years). Trump/Musk are waging war against us, the non-billionaire Americans. Musk declared he wants to get rid of the biggest gov. expenditure—entitlements-Medicaid, Social Security, all forms of social welfare. This is their deep state—us.

USDA just cut the funding for the FOOD BANKS. On the days of the food pantry down the street from me, the lines stretch out around the block. On the days of the pantry two blocks away, the lines are even longer. This is the handiwork of someone (Musk) who recently said that homelessness is a “scam.”

Food Banks Defunded


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The deep state is the unelected billionaire class that has literally purchased the government. Elon Musk IS the deep state. I don’t understand how people can’t see this.

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What? It seems impossible. WHY would they do that???

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Medical Freedom Fighter Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox nails it on this issue in her blog When Free Speech Is No Longer Free: https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/when-free-speech-is-no-longer-free

The Left is screaming this is a “dangerous” violation of free speech, a dramatic example of political persecution from a totalitarian White House. They are accusing the new Administration of violating the Constitution and overstepping the Executive’s authorities. (Wow, if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black, I don’t know what is). But when you look at the details of what Khalil did, you notice that he wasn’t arrested for speaking out against Israel, but for apparently promoting terrorist organizations and leading the riots that endangered other students’ lives, university property, and so on.

Hate speech, a term used to define when someone says something that is negative or derogatory towards someone else, is indeed “protected” speech. This means that our First Amendment right to free speech includes a person’s right to say something offensive about someone else, and the bar is even higher for public figures. However, there are certain things that do not fall under that protected hate speech umbrella, and instead are deemed impermissible and thus against our laws.

So it begs the question… when is free speech no longer free?

Free speech really is a delicate balancing act between individual liberties and the safety of the public, versus supporting an open, free-willed dialogue. Generally speaking, hate speech is not considered a crime unless it falls into specific categories like, for example, a call to incite lawless action or violence, or speech that amounts to real threats that invoke fear of bodily harm. So, hate speech that results in hate crimes, which involve criminal acts motivated by bias against a person or group, is illegal. As applied to the case at hand, reports claim that Khalil was apparently organizing protests including the encampments that took over the quad at Columbia, the harassment of Jewish students from freely navigating the campus, and distributing pamphlets supporting Hamas and Hezbollah (two terrorist organizations, in the eyes of the United States), and as such, his words and protests passed out of the realm of protected hate speech, and became dangerous and illegal.

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