I’ve been away from this Substack for several hours, and in that time, a friend called to tell me I that what I wrote, here, led to a post by Alison McDowell which apparently listed at least some of my flaws.
Holds a radical unscientific opposition to nuclear power, hydroelectric energy and hydrogen cars. Supported Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Obama. 1
1 Jan 2023. He kept pushing the error that “carbon now poses an existential threat to our planet”... “a suicide pact for humanity and the planet.” “Pharma convinces the public that the autism epidemic is an illusion. Big Tobacco swears smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Monsanto convinces us that glyphosate is harmless. Similarly, Big Oil and King Coal go to great lengths to persuade us that carbon doesn’t heat the planet.” 2
He needs to read this:
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
For him, any collusion is just “regulatory capture” with money corruption by corporations, not planned genocide.
Even if the believes that both JFK and RFK had been murdered in a conspiracy, he is still clueless about the freemason authors.
After cheating with 37 women in 2001 only, though with “guilt” about his “lust demons” 3, filing for divorce 2010 and keeping custody of their 4 children, his second “wife” hanged herself in 2012.4 In his memoir, Kennedy writes that as he recovered from his drug and alcohol vices, he “became determined to clear up the wreckage of battered relationships that lay in the wake of my addiction.” 5
There seems to be no records on his stance on abortion using different search engines.
He might be right about the weaponization of vaccines, the danger of CBDCs, the corruption in the US Government and corporations, but if he is pro-abortion he’d be as responsible for genocide as the ones he accuses… same as his voters.
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Nuclear Power is death. Pure and simple. Three Mile Island. Chernobyl. Fukushima. Where next? Who dies next? Solar, wind power, hydroelectric, and geothermal are all much less deadly. There is still, now, 70 years after the advent of Nuclear Power, still no long-term nuclear waste depository. So I agree with RFK on this opposition to nuclear power. However, I did not know until now that he supported Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Obama - all bad stances, from my perspective. And his stance on carbon definitely deserves more scrutiny. Thank you for pointing that out. But, nonetheless, he has been spot on on Covid, "Lockdowns" (lockdowns are for prisoners, "mandates," and the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections ("vaccines") coerced on hundreds of millions of people, with deadly results. He has been a shining beacon of light in a dark period the past three years.
you should spend a few hours listening to the archived footage of Galen Winsor. Everything you have written above is you repeating untrue things which you have been made to believe by the people who want to keep you as a slave.
Please listen to Winsor and you will understand what has happened and what is happening. Right now, your singing their song.
nuclear power is unsafe for central bankers because it can lead to billions of people who don't need central bankers. that's why they have turned it into shit while using our money to accumulate and maintain control of the entire Earthly stock of nuclear fuel. The most dangerous things on the planet are hydroelectric dams. If you're a sound sleeper and even if you're not, do you think you'll be able to get out of the flood plane after a dam has a problem? I believe that an intentional act by the gov't of New Zealand recently killed 11,000 new zealanders unnecessarily and their control of the press permitte them to admit to 11 deaths and we're hearing nothing about it. If it was really only 11 people I'd guess we could read all about what happened. The fact that there's precious little info available tells me it's more likely that it was 11,000. If you know anything, please post a link.
Ultimately, it looks like hydrogels have been used in the vials to deliver self-assembling graphene structures that created permanent contact with the central AI through 5G and followed its instructions. The damages/kills are identical with the existing, but not deployed, technology of mRNA/spike protein combo, but they affect only the target, whose DNA can be targeted as long as it is in the central database from blood works, PCR "tests," genetic tests or, even from a police record of a roadside breathalyzer (the last one happened in England about a year ago for all I know).
This time, the killing fields have been opened with a lot more than the general poisoning that has been going on for decades:
It's easy to attribute them more abilities than they actually have and it's greatly to their advantage to do so. If you look at their history of incompetence you'll see that you shouldn't be afraid of their so-called AI. As globalist dirtbag FDR said, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. I'm not saying that they don't have things which would blow our minds. They do, but they have to be very careful about letting that be seen because we could copy it. They're scared to death that we get our hands/eyes on some of the things they have that we don't.
Best example would be their technology used to powder the world trade center tower faster than they could fall to the ground.
They own and/control everything that matters. Sometimes they give themselves away a bit ahead of time, as it happened during the truckers' protests in Canada, when they froze bank accounts, made people lose their jobs, and jailed people without a charge (some of them still being kept in prison).
I'm glad that you and I agree on the 33rd-degree Mason, FDR, considering he was a dirtbag.
The (un)Patriot(ic) Act that came after 9/11 is still in effect. How is that for efficacy?
They even publicize their steps, making fun of their victims.
As for their technological superiority, it's light-years ahead of the home computer. The following is only a taste of it:
I cannot see any "we" who can do anything about Agenda 2030. Even the targets remain divisive and unclear. (I happen to publish more about it today, although I have addressed hundreds of the aspects to consider.)
Nuclear is stupid the way it's being done. It would be totally safe in small reactors. The cantonnier (can't remember how to say that in english) could be a hopeless drunk and maintain it with no risk. Even Manny Micron (pres of france) spoke of it (only cause he knows nobody listens to him).
hydro-electric is pretty bad for the environment.
But the point is, you are preferring badly executed nuclear and hydroelectric because you've let them make you believe their incorrect interpretation and framing of the second law of thermodynamics.
Do yourself a favor and find the archived version of Patrick J. Kelly's pdf. That version is missing some of the best designs, not surprisingly.
We need for every person to be able to pull his own energy out of the environment so that everyone can tell everyone else to go away and quit bothering him. Any other way and it's slavery. Free energy exists and the biggest enemy to it is the cult of authority which wants us to believe it doesn't in spite of the enormous energy that they themselves use it.
WHO is the original poster? Can you even quote a single thing so the case can advance? Is it your contention Alison did NOT say RFK Jr. was controlled opposition? Did she yes or no. If yes, did she base it in part on that chapter heading? If yes, is it true or false that he has since changed his mind? I provided the video evidence. If you can't answer these questions posed here starkly and simply I am kicking you off this Substack which should happen anyway since you do not like me and I do not even understand you enough to dislike you. You make no sense, but seem obsessed with a fantasy that I have been mean to Alison.
Alison invited me to watch her video. I didn't even know she existed until I saw your blog yesterday. So I watched some of her video. A commenter on her video called RFK "controlled op." NOT Alison. So it is my "contention' as well that she didn't say it. Sorry (disappointed) to see you be so nasty to a pretty decent seeming guy. If you want to kick me off for saying so go ahead but give me my money back as I'm a paying sub. I can't believe you actually CANCELLED that guy! For some reason i didn't think you were like that.
I have been driving all day and have just sat down to absorb this. I intend to take full responsibility now that somebody (you) has begun to clarify. I read Sandra's comment a certain way. Now I have to go back. I don't care what you think of me to be honest, I'm just clarifying my time line to understand this and will address it once I see it all. Who didI cancel? I generally only block people if they are abusive.
You blocked a guy who criticized you. He was reasonable, not at all abusive (but you were). He spoke the truth. The truth hurts. You mis-read him, (maybe because you're exhausted from driving and lack of sleep), became enraged, banned him from your kingdom, which is your right, but taking a breath and calming down would help dialog. It doesn't matter anymore, let it go, he's gone. Calm down.
Who is the "original poster?" Sandra? Are you saying Sandra was incorrect to say Alison says RFK Jr. is controlled opposition for that chapter heading and other reasons? Why can't you be clear. You waste so many words expressing dislike for me, but you do not clarify. I don't like you either but I would like to get to the bottom of this. I am to go back and read ALL of Alison's comments to ferret out how Sandra misquoted her? is this your case? State your case.
don't waste any more time on it Celia. It was probably done to cause you to waste time and energy, or just as likely because the person just has personal problems.
Knowing the work of Alison McDowell very well, the jargon "controlled opposition" is not really a phrase she would use.. What she does do is to seriously question RFK's position since it is premised on the 'pandemic' having been real and that using repurposed drugs was the way to counter it. She finds it bemusing that the 'freedom movement' should be happy to accept rule by one set of white coats, but not another.
I'm sorry if that confused you. It could just as easily have been someone else's comment. I'm not really interested in getting into the playground swarm behaviour that seems to go on here. What I'm interested in is the actual *substance* of Alison McDowell's original material, which was latched onto *from here* (not the other way around). For some reason, few, if any, seem willing to engage with that.
Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
when Trump Jr said drink bud light recently..... who told him to say that? ...well who really has integrity....??? I like the integrity I see in Robert Kennedy Jr and so much of what he has said and integrity counts more to me than political labels between left and right, dem and repub
Holds a radical unscientific opposition to nuclear power, hydroelectric energy and hydrogen cars. Supported Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Obama. 1
1 Jan 2023. He kept pushing the error that “carbon now poses an existential threat to our planet”... “a suicide pact for humanity and the planet.” “Pharma convinces the public that the autism epidemic is an illusion. Big Tobacco swears smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Monsanto convinces us that glyphosate is harmless. Similarly, Big Oil and King Coal go to great lengths to persuade us that carbon doesn’t heat the planet.” 2
He needs to read this:
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
For him, any collusion is just “regulatory capture” with money corruption by corporations, not planned genocide.
Even if the believes that both JFK and RFK had been murdered in a conspiracy, he is still clueless about the freemason authors.
After cheating with 37 women in 2001 only, though with “guilt” about his “lust demons” 3, filing for divorce 2010 and keeping custody of their 4 children, his second “wife” hanged herself in 2012.4 In his memoir, Kennedy writes that as he recovered from his drug and alcohol vices, he “became determined to clear up the wreckage of battered relationships that lay in the wake of my addiction.” 5
There seems to be no records on his stance on abortion using different search engines.
He might be right about the weaponization of vaccines, the danger of CBDCs, the corruption in the US Government and corporations, but if he is pro-abortion he’d be as responsible for genocide as the ones he accuses… same as his voters.
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
What does integrity mean to you? I guess I could call RFK2 a man of integrity. To me integrity means I can believe what you tell me you will do. I know I can't believe Trump because so often he says one thing and does another. I know Trump does not believe in vaccine mandates--and yet he appoints people who support them and follows Brix and Fauci rather than Paul Alexander and Scott Atlas and RFK2. So Trump is DEFINITELY not a man of integrity. He is for sale to the highest bidder. So if RFK2 says he believes Climiate Change is a threat and he's going to support "The Green New Deal," to me that means he supports something I don't like and don't believe is helpful. He might be a man of false illusions--but that is different. Remember, it took a lot of effort for vaccine damaged families to persuade him to look at mercury in vaccines--not just fresh water rivers. Even though I can't believe Trump, he DID get us out of WHO (but Biden put us right back in and is probably ready to sign the WHO treaty). So Trump has a good chance of beating Biden if they run against each other. I vote for Trump as more likely to get us out of WHO and avoid pandemics/vaccines forever! Who do you prefer? Trump or RFK2? Say why. I guess I prefer RFK2. But the Democrats will never let him win. Do you think they can run Biden for a second term? Is he up to it?
Trump has many faults, though fewer than the corrupt to the core incumbent. Trump did promote the injections. Very bad. Some would say unforgivable. On the other hand, though, Trump did support Scott Atlas, and appointed him to his Covid Commission. That angered many like Fauci and his ilk. Trump was right on that.
I saw that Trump was at least attempting to do the right thing in the face of total opposition from both parties and the global media.
Not the best communicator compared to Obama, but light years better than the paedophile in chief who was installed in 2021.
Unlike Obama and Biden, Trump wasn't actively trying to destroy America
The fact that the DOJ, CIA, FBI and the Pentagon were constantly lying to him and trying to stab him in the back, should result in a major reduction in the power they are allowed to wield.
so you're backing a guy who is too stupidly naive to know that he can't believe the DOJ, CIA and FBI? Sorry, that makes you yourself seem not too bright. Haven't you heard? Ignorance is no excuse?
if he had some courage he would have made an executive order dissolving the DOJ, the CIA, the FBI and the Pentagon. He was the "president", right?
He could have made a second executive order creating a new wing of Guantanamo Bay to house all of the former employees of these shit holes to break stones forever. Perhaps let them make their own porno flicks and pay 98% taxes on the profits.
funny how you start mentioning "regulatory capture", eventually you get to ivermectin treating "25 virus". Since you're so hot for logic, I'll assume that means that you're the one who can finally point me to the proof of the existence of any pathogenic virus.
If not, maybe you need to cut RFK a break for saying some things less than logicall perfect.
Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
Oh, Celia, I feel for you and I honor your choice to apologize. Sometimes a conversation becomes so convoluted that it simply can't be sorted out and the best we can do is to let it go and move on. You have more important things on your plate right now, and that's where you need to focus. I don't always agree with RFK Jr., nor do I always agree with you; but I honor both of you for having the courage to stand for truth as you see it, for being willing to amend your view on the basis of new information, and for doing all of that with compassion and grace. May you put this behind you now in order to get the rest you need.
Alison McDowell is quite brilliant. Justified or not- it is disheartening that she does not find as much common cause as she seems to find fault with others on a similar path.
Thank you. I try and I don't always succeed. Right now I am livid-- just went off on Rappoport's trolls. I am now declaring WAR on people who arrived 2 years ago daring to accuse people who have been fighting for 35 years to be "fake medical freedom" movement (for supporting RFK Jr,)whereas the brats, straight out of Animal Farm, are gonna run the show trials and the denunciations? Somebody's got to be kidding. I am ready to go to war now—research and expose every last one of them. How many use their real names? Who ARE they? Feds?
You go girl! I would say you're on target with the trolling feds. You posted a weakness to them, but a strength to us about your illness, and it is the type of thing they will latch onto to try and destroy you. You also are opposing their figurehead leader being used to accomplish many goals with your support of JFK Jr., and while some of us may not be on that page, we are in full support of you and your efforts.
Alison McDowell. I didn't know this person. Se has deleted everything but she was writing a million of comments. She insisted that she was being insulted by everyone in the comments. It was so weird.
I don't owe it to anybody to answer questions. I was correcting ONE thing on my own damn Substack. Do I need to show it to you again? Who is the "she" you are referring to? Alison? Why am I at fault for not answering questions? Is this a deposition? I corrected a statement she made via Sandra that RFK Jr. thinks Covid was bungled based on a chapter title of his book which he began to write in 2020. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? This was ALL that was being resolved. NEXT you can ask me if I am willing to answer questions from somebody not part of this community, about RFK, and my answer is MAYBE, when Sandra and Alison concede their error, which I provided evidence of. You're not a balanced person.
Leftist arrogant sops never admit they are wrong even though the worms of error have eaten holes through their dirty underwear. Some are not worth talking to.
You think when somebody is called out on a blatant error THEIR questions must be answered by the person calling them out? You people simply can't admit when you're wrong. I apologized for having upset them. They got upset when I pointed out they were wrong. That is all that happened. Somebody like you rejecting my apology means nothing to me. I was not apologizing to you. You still have NOT ADDRESSED THE ONE AND ONLY ISSUE I RAISED.
HERE IT IS AGAIN. Tell me if you UNDERSTAND yet. This is all I was addressing—NOT every last thing Alison or you or anybody else dislikes about RFK Jr. You moved the goalposts. If you can't answer THIS, or admit they made an error, I have no idea what to say to you. They were wrong.
Outtake from comment:
“And here Allison McDowell calls RFK Jr. out as controlled opposition for promoting the idea that the pandemic was "mismanaged" as opposed to a massive psychological warfare operation based on deliberate fraud and deception:
Sandra, this clip dispels this argument made by Allison McDowell. In this clip, RFK Jr. says he did a deep dive after seeing the original Event 201 shock video we all saw, and found 20 more, and named which CIA officers were behind the planning and running of these simulations. Why then are we quoting as fact that RFK Jr. “promotes” the mismanagement theory of the “pandemic.”
Here is the clip.
Here is the link again.
Can we all agree that this is not RFK’s position, regardless of what the title of a book chapter was that he wrote 3 years ago?
I am not familiar with Allison McDowell, so I took the time to watch the above video, which appears to be the first part of perhaps a longer discussion of RFK, Jr's Fauci book.
I won't quibble about little things, but there are a couple of issues which should be corrected, which McDowell likely would not have been aware of when she had the above discussion. And, this points to the fact that information awareness around the Plandemic is blossoming faster than I would have ever expected. If anyone wants to understand some of what RFK, Jr. now understands about the Plandemic, I suggest watching the following video:
"The Defender Show - Rober F. Kennedy Jr. - Militarized Healthcare with Sasha Latypova"
1) Allison at time = 0:27: "I would say, any time you get a Best Seller is because it actually helps, um, the system of domination. Like you don't get to have a New York Times Best Seller unless you're actually are, are, um, not a problem. (somewhat forced laughing) Like if you're advancing the protocol like you (?) you can get the Best Seller."
I take issue with this statement, because the MSM, including the NYT, bookstores, and libraries made every effort to NOT have the Fauci book become a Best Seller. Anyone who was watching the initial sales would have known this fact. For example:
"Publisher blasts ‘total media blackout’ of Robert Kennedy’s bestseller on Dr. Fauci"
2) Allison at time = 2:32, with regard to Dr. Tess Lawrie (Dr Theresa Anne Lawrie): "She's a data researcher, so her background is in data; and, that she's focused on repurposed drugs; and that she was inspired, according to the story,..."
Actually, Dr. Tess Lawrie, MBBCh (MD), PhD, is a world renowned expert: see https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-tess-lawrie/ who, along with Dr. Andrew Hill, PhD as lead, consulted colleagues regarding Ivermectin for use against the alleged SARS-CoV-2 and found it effective; but due to several of Hill's financial conflicts of interest, Hill made a recommendation to the WHO that curtailed Ivermectin's immediate use.
This is stunningly explained in the following article and videos; and, I've followed these links with my own short summary.
In my opinion, Allison McDowell would not have dismissed HCQ and Ivermectin, if she had been aware of this information, which was widely available a year ago, but only slightly before her above video discussion. It's a wonder that Hill can live with himself.
"Dr. Andrew Hill, The Man Who Killed Millions?" [Video]
This is another link to the same video on Rumble. It's interesting to read the Comments section under each video. People are not happy, to say the least.
"A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie | Oracle Films" [Video]
RFK, Jr's Children's Health Defense's The Defender newsletter today exposed The Wall Street Journal's March 18th hit piece on Ivermectin (link below) with an article (link below) that reveals the entities and people responsible for inducing the WHO to not approve Ivermectin for the treatment of Covid-19. In my opinion, it's a story of outright corruption via bribery; and, my bet is that Bill Gates is up to his neck in this. If you can afford the 19 minutes, by all means, please watch the video of Tess Lawrie and Andrew Hill within The Defender article. It's superb.
The main entity involved is Unitaid whose core donors are France, the UK, Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Brazil, Spain, the Republic of Korea, Chile and Japan. On its website, Unitaid indicates it has now received $US 3 billion from donors since 2006.
The main person responsible is Andrew Hill, PhD, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, who was tasked by the WHO to evaluate Ivermectin for treatment of Covid-19. Hill initially consulted with Paul Marik, (MD), Pierre Kory, MD, and Tess Lawrie, (MD), PhD, and agreed to collaborate with them to do a comprehensive and systematic review of Ivermectin for treatment of Covid-19. Tess Lawrie shared her Ivermectin research data with Hill. However, before they could all collaborate, Hill published a preprint reporting, "Ivermectin was associated with reduced inflammatory markers...and faster viral clearance... Ivermectin showed significantly shorter duration of hospitalization... In...moderate or severe infection, there was a 75% reduction in mortality...with favorable clinical recovery and reduced hospitalization." Incredibly, however, in stark contrast, Hill concluded, "Ivermectin should be validated in larger, appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities." This greatly distressed Tess Lawrie, since 15,000 people were dying every day and Ivermectin could be saving 75 to 80 percent of these people.
In short, a substack gent named Phil Harper ( https://philharper.substack.com/ ) discovered in the metadata of Hill's preprint that the actual author of the preprint appeared to be an Andrew Owen, PhD, a full professor in the Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool and co-director of the Centre of Excellence in Long-acting Therapeutics (CELT). As a full professor in the same department where Andrew Hill is only a visiting Fellow, Andrew Owen is Hill's superior.
As is explained in The Defender article text and accompanying video, four days before the publication of the preprint, "...a $US 40 million grant from Unitaid, the paper’s sponsor, was given to CELT. Owen is the project lead for that grant."
"According to Harper:
“The $40 million contract was actually a commercial agreement between Unitaid, the University of Liverpool and Tandem Nano Ltd (a start-up company that commercializes ‘Solid Lipid Nanoparticle’ delivery mechanisms) — for which Andrew Owen is a top shareholder.”"
Link to The Defender article:
WSJ Misleads Public on Ivermectin, Ignores Latest Revelations About ‘Hidden Author’ Who Undermined Its Efficacy
Do you think Alison was hurt? Do you think Celia is hurt? The therapists treating narcissists are used to being relentlessly devalued, misinterpreted, scolded, dismissed. To me, I value a dialog. Although sometimes I feel so hurt I can't do it properly. One time I was trashing Trump and having a great time denouncing him. Then a Trump supporter scolded me and told me I knew nothing. He was a champion of small businesses and supported minorities. Did I criticize the inflated budget for military expenditures? He raised the salary of our troops! Did I think the tax laws were repressive? He supported black colleges. I may have apologized, I'm not sure. But I did agree that the Trump supporter was probably right. Later I thought better, and returned to post a clarification. Yes, he did raise the salaries 2%--but it was less than the cost of inflation working out to about $500/year. Yes, he did support black universities--but the tax plan gave billionaires a lower tax rate than the average worker for the first time in our history. I concluded that we should demand more from our favored politicians and not let them seduce us with claims and promises that seduce us into believing they are all good--when they are not. Nobody is all good. All right! It seems RFK2 needs more education on climate control. Let's try to reach him! Who can afford all those lithium batteries that we need for electric cars? What happens when your electric car stalls on the freeway and you need a diesel truck to tow you? I'm a one issue voter. Anybody who opposes vaccine mandates gets my serious consideration. I don't care about other issues. Well, maybe war. We shall see.
I was not hurt. I was trying to correct an error. I'm extremely happy that my subscriber base has manners and the people causing trouble don't come from here and won't be here at all, soon.
Well, like I said, I have not had TIME to catch up. There are many things one could argue about RFK Jr but I was only addressing what Sandra brought up and she cited Alison so I addressed that. Do you see what I am saying? Can we deal with one thing at a time?
Celia, never attempt to educate a leftist loon...it is not possible...they are totally content with their opinions even when proven wrong. Do not bother your pretty head over that anymore. (yeah, I know that was "sexissssssssss" but Truth is that in this case. ) I live to say what I mean and mean what I say, which is my right, though in this case my "opinion" is right on this score. Flattery is often non applicable but truth is accurate. Whatever is in my head always finds its way out my mouth regardless of what it is. Consequences be damned. In my profession I deal mostly with women. I never get into trouble with clients of the fairer gender who I find desire transparency which is what they get with me.
What I think is this. Celia, you are a class act for wanting to apologize purely and simply for possibly hurting other peoples' feelings. You do not need to say anything more about this. An apology is an apology and no one should keep pressing. If they do, they are not interested in a real apology, they want to dominate you and were NEVER interested in moving the dialogue forward but are only interested in moving their own agenda forward. Don't respond any further to this. It's done. And keep banning anyone who is attacking you.
Holds a radical unscientific opposition to nuclear power, hydroelectric energy and hydrogen cars. Supported Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Obama. 1
1 Jan 2023. He kept pushing the error that “carbon now poses an existential threat to our planet”... “a suicide pact for humanity and the planet.” “Pharma convinces the public that the autism epidemic is an illusion. Big Tobacco swears smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Monsanto convinces us that glyphosate is harmless. Similarly, Big Oil and King Coal go to great lengths to persuade us that carbon doesn’t heat the planet.” 2
He needs to read this:
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
For him, any collusion is just “regulatory capture” with money corruption by corporations, not planned genocide.
Even if the believes that both JFK and RFK had been murdered in a conspiracy, he is still clueless about the freemason authors.
After cheating with 37 women in 2001 only, though with “guilt” about his “lust demons” 3, filing for divorce 2010 and keeping custody of their 4 children, his second “wife” hanged herself in 2012.4 In his memoir, Kennedy writes that as he recovered from his drug and alcohol vices, he “became determined to clear up the wreckage of battered relationships that lay in the wake of my addiction.” 5
There seems to be no records on his stance on abortion using different search engines.
He might be right about the weaponization of vaccines, the danger of CBDCs, the corruption in the US Government and corporations, but if he is pro-abortion he’d be as responsible for genocide as the ones he accuses… same as his voters.
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Vaccine theory is valid. Life is toxic. I experienced first hand that distemper shots work for rescued kittens. The ones who weren't vaccinated died a bad death. Heartbreaking! RFK is fighting tooth and nail to make vaccines safe. He never was anti vax.
I stopped believing in germ theory of disease recently.
Please, tell me why do you believe microbes cause diseases?
I'm sincerely trying to disprove my new opinion.
I believe diseases are real and that it is a good thing to prevent them and to cure them. I don't believe that vaccines prevent disease. I understand that you do. Do you have scientific evidence for that?
Panleukopenia is another name. Look all those things up for yourself, please. I’ve already had a cat die from it while I was a girl. An awful death to watch. And yes, the vaccine does prevent it. Sorry to burst your bubble.
ikr, wow, McDowell is at it again? She does great research, but so holier than thou. She had a weird beef with Derrick Broze, picking at him multiple times, one for doing some article about crypto, and it happened that it supported some child labor so she ranted. It seemed she shouldn't use technology then, since it uses child labor. And she boycotted some convention for freedom at Philadelphia's Freedom Hall bc the Founding Fathers owned slaves. smh
Derrick Broze is a good guy in my book, a solutions-oritented man. Alison McDowell cannot stand the idea of people creating solutions for anything, obviously.
This is what I wrote: It quotes Sandra, who quotes Alison, and then I posted why the statement was not true. How did I EVER instruct ANYBODY to mock anybody? It was a factual correction. Please answer this question. "Placed front and center?" Sandra cited her and I addressed the factual error. Are you saying it was not an error? I said not ONE mocking word. This is truly outrageous. Here is the text again:
When RFK Jr. Details Finding 20 Plus CIA Led Simulations Like Event 201 In Hillsdale Talk and COUNTLESS Interviews...
How Does An Argument STILL Linger that he "promotes" the idea that "the pandemic was mismanaged." This is an experiment to see if anybody ever admits they are mistaken
APR 15, 2023
Outtake from comment:
“And here Allison McDowell calls RFK Jr. out as controlled opposition for promoting the idea that the pandemic was "mismanaged" as opposed to a massive psychological warfare operation based on deliberate fraud and deception:
Sandra, this clip dispels this argument made by Allison McDowell. In this clip, RFK Jr. says he did a deep dive after seeing the original Event 201 shock video we all saw, and found 20 more, and named which CIA officers were behind the planning and running of these simulations. Why then are we quoting as fact that RFK Jr. “promotes” the mismanagement theory of the “pandemic.”
Here is the clip.
Here is the link again.
Can we all agree that this is not RFK’s position, regardless of what the title of a book chapter was that he wrote 3 years ago?
This all started because of a joke aboout people overdosing on red-pills (totally metaphorical) and Alison pretending to be offended to attract attention. No one insulted her.
I didn't know Alison before, and I don't expect anything good from her in the future. This person is not to be trusted.
To any and all that are concerned about RFK jr. having issues.
You are laughable. For the last 50 odd years the leadership in your country have been people of immorality, consumate liars, thieves, rapists( and I don't mean Trump). Opportunists, shallow , iliterate clowns open to any and all bribes.
We finally have someone who is running, not for personal gain or ego but has come to the realization that western civilization is a hollowed out corpse on the brink of collapse.
The man brings intelligence, insight ,honesty and perseption to a country that can't tell reality from fantasy and your splitting hairs. This man singlehanditly brought down Fauci with his book. RFK jr. is not your enemy. Grow up.
The concern that RFK Jr is a climate fanatic-- and it appears that he is-- isn't trivial.
Well before RFK Jr hinted about a presidential run I wrote this on my substack regarding the theory of climate catastrophe:
"All of this is important: catastrophic warming will be the next bludgeon used to subdue humanity into entering a new world wherein we all collectively pull together for the greater good, and wherein individual rights and freedoms will be given up 'out of necessity.' We need to pay attention."
So a very real concern is, will RFK Jr be the one to wield that bludgeon? Not because he's a bad person but here's the thing: out of perceived "necessity." And so far, he absolutely believes in the necessity to stop catastrophic CO2 warming.
There is no catastrophic CO2 warming. It's complete fiction. Why does an intelligent and perceptive man believe that there is?
Look at it this way: RFK Jr might be the most honorable man alive (and yes, I believe he's honorable and decent) but that may be exactly who they want in right now, as he'd implement a key step in the transformation into the Reset world: the fear of CO2 catastrophe and restrictive-- even dangerous and insane-- measures to counter it. Not to mention stifling of opposition views, a thing that Kennedy has signaled he isn't above. After all, we'd be in a war, wouldn't we? And we can't be consorting with the enemy.
CO2 catastrophe is the very heart of the moral justification for the Great Reset. Schwab's books are shot-through with the unquestioned assumption of the need for a Reset to stop global warming. Would RFK Jr be a pawn in the larger quest for a Reset?
I don't know. But, these are questions too few are asking, and given RFK Jr's past fanaticism on climate-- and yes, that's exactly what it is, fanaticism-- I think we should be very suspicious of any guarantees that he'll review the science later when he's president, because his past views indicate that he'd simply pack the "review panel" with alarmists. Climate deniers are not to be listened to!
I am so accustomed to hostility. And usually I am terrible and triggered in the face of it due to past attacks. But I have changed what I eat, so my nerves are better.
IMHO, your best move is to silently forgive them and move on without replying.
If you really made some horrible mistake, they should explain it to you clearly and with respect. If they don't do that, they don't deserve a response.
I think our whole "movement" deserves people trying to settle differences quickly. We're all very traumatized and we need unity, not on all issues but unity that we face a horrendous beast system, with thousands of arms and tentacles.
My best friend of 23 years is a woman of high intelligence who I cherish. Like you, she encountered not only hostility, but also manipulation and dysfunctional tripe from others. Flee to the hills, the pursuit by morons never ceases. But you know that.
Yes, Alison banned me years ago on Facebook for disagreeing about social media being all bad. Not even a reply, I later saw that I couldn't read her group anymore.
That's when I stopped bothering to read her stuff.
Celia, don't need to back down. Remember how they used that against you during the AIDS thing? Seriously, it's a bully that makes you feel wrong even when you don't know what you did to deserve it and have no ability to hear what is the problem.
You have tremendous grace and maturity. This is a perfect example of why I normally do not get into discussions in comments. As my college speech professor once said, “In communication there is always partial misunderstanding.” I truly admire your attitude in this matter. Thank you, as always for all you are doing.
As a recent graduate of Nigerian Prince School of Virology, (my diploma is in the mail they said) I am aquainted with the virus/no virus debate. In school they did show us lots of pictures and told us what they meant. But setting all that aside, I do know we have been lied to and manipulated by weapons grade propaganda. Multi levels of conflicting lies going back a hundred years. When one lie falls apart they have a new one ready to go. RFK's book is masterpiece, I'm not going to read too much into chapter titles. Yes, I know virology is a dodgy business and the medical system is a train wreck. Lets work together and fix it.
Sometimtes it's a good idea just to not say" I'm sorry." Such a difficult thing, to know when to apologize, why you are apologizing, even if you need to apolgize. I really, really struggle with this issue. For example, last Thanksgiving I was visiting with my adult daughter and her family. She has a challenge with ideology, as she can be gaslit (as so very many do) and in Canada, wow do we have a lot of that going on. I was in the 'right' about something, yet she took offence. On the long drive home across the prairies I thought about the situation, struggled really as I felt I did not have anything for which to apologize. She never apolgizes to me, which upsets me greatly. But, being the parent, I finally decided to say I was sorry. after I had returned home. She felt better. I didn't. But I guess that not's the point. I just didn't want to be the source of more grief for her, and at the same time wished that she would have examined her choice of response to me. Mother-daughter stuff!
In your case, the possible future president! Why do we always have to be nice! Nice, nice, nice, nice. nice. I hate the word. By age four I was trapped in it. I also don't like to hurt or to upset people. But that means that I can wind up not speaking at all, because of what 'they' don't want to hear, and don't want to think about. It's easier. But I walk away feeling a life-time of sorries and my own silence. Not on top of that yet.
Wish you well Celia. You are so very fortunate that you know Kennedy, that you know him to be a good man. I hope he sees through the carbon issue for all of our sakes.
I know exactly what you mean. I often want my son to apologize to me. I get really REALLY childish when he does not and I feel wronged or disrespected. We all love to be apologized to. I'm no more mature than anybody else I just (honestly) have developed Galapagos Tortoise hide from being bashed relentlessly by HIV dissidents who think I'm stupid and don't understand the science. And I say it's not science it's sorcery. I'm trying to be a writer, a good communicator, entertainer, even. Not a good science deconstructionist. It's all filthy tyranny, nothing else. "Scientism" extends to those who live to prove it wrong in a. super exacting way. They've been lashing me for decades. I kind of like it. :)
Thank you for your kind message. I do take care of myself. I've not had any major illness and know that I could if not conscious. Women in genderal apologize all the time, are nice and thoughtful of other's needs, part of our nature taken advantage of over and over again and socilized to be even nicer.
Then we may also compromise our own integrity. Sometimes NOT saying sorry means that you’re standing up for your legitimate, true feelings behind your reasoning of a situation.
We are all in this together, trite as it sounds (though it is not in the least trite, in reality).
Sometimes in written word - particularly in commentary, particularly in these times - we cross wires, 'miss' the tone of a phrase, etc etc. Let's face it, there are countless opportunities to misunderstand one another.
Your apology is a balm. Your integrity is a gift. May you and Alison and Sandra find new ground going forward.
Celia, I would say that Alison McDowell was upset by something you wrote, but that doesn't mean you said or did anything injurious...you must let her be responsible for her emotions, her blind spots, her triggers, her possibly erroneous information, her prejudices, her name-calling, etc. If she blames her responses on you, then she is being a victim and she does not deserve your lovely kindness, tenderness, conscientiousness. And you don't have to agree with each other. I used to apologize to my brother when I did nothing wrong because I knew he couldn't, and I wanted us to stay open to each other.
As for Bobby, we know of his goodness and compassionate work and fine stirring oratory, and let's just pay attention and see how it all unfolds. He's certainly got my attention.
“To fear for his life is an insult to his guardian angels” YES!!!!
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they shall bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.” -Psalm 91:11-12
Wow, I love his stance on vaccines but not the climate. We need CO2 to survive. There are thousands of scientists who say it’s another freedom grabbing hoax.
I read the Bible when I was a young woman. I think in Leviticus (Old Testament) there was a commandment: "Thou shalt not put a stumbling block before the blind or curse the deaf."
You are just sweet, Celia. But I myself feel a little irked on your behalf... a kind person like you should not have to apologize just to keep peace. It’s your call, of course, but like I said: you are sweet. It’s who you are.
I enjoy reading even your simple apology. You like Bobby are a peace maker. Maybe you could write his speeches when he becomes president
I'm sorry is usually OK as in your case, but it is not enough when dealing with a genocide:
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
With respect to RFK2:
Holds a radical unscientific opposition to nuclear power, hydroelectric energy and hydrogen cars. Supported Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Obama. 1
1 Jan 2023. He kept pushing the error that “carbon now poses an existential threat to our planet”... “a suicide pact for humanity and the planet.” “Pharma convinces the public that the autism epidemic is an illusion. Big Tobacco swears smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Monsanto convinces us that glyphosate is harmless. Similarly, Big Oil and King Coal go to great lengths to persuade us that carbon doesn’t heat the planet.” 2
He needs to read this:
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
For him, any collusion is just “regulatory capture” with money corruption by corporations, not planned genocide.
Even if the believes that both JFK and RFK had been murdered in a conspiracy, he is still clueless about the freemason authors.
After cheating with 37 women in 2001 only, though with “guilt” about his “lust demons” 3, filing for divorce 2010 and keeping custody of their 4 children, his second “wife” hanged herself in 2012.4 In his memoir, Kennedy writes that as he recovered from his drug and alcohol vices, he “became determined to clear up the wreckage of battered relationships that lay in the wake of my addiction.” 5
There seems to be no records on his stance on abortion using different search engines.
He might be right about the weaponization of vaccines, the danger of CBDCs, the corruption in the US Government and corporations, but if he is pro-abortion he’d be as responsible for genocide as the ones he accuses… same as his voters.
He is still not up to the task:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Open season for human culling:
Nuclear Power is death. Pure and simple. Three Mile Island. Chernobyl. Fukushima. Where next? Who dies next? Solar, wind power, hydroelectric, and geothermal are all much less deadly. There is still, now, 70 years after the advent of Nuclear Power, still no long-term nuclear waste depository. So I agree with RFK on this opposition to nuclear power. However, I did not know until now that he supported Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Obama - all bad stances, from my perspective. And his stance on carbon definitely deserves more scrutiny. Thank you for pointing that out. But, nonetheless, he has been spot on on Covid, "Lockdowns" (lockdowns are for prisoners, "mandates," and the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections ("vaccines") coerced on hundreds of millions of people, with deadly results. He has been a shining beacon of light in a dark period the past three years.
For the last reason, he is one of the 38 heroes I listed in my 2022 240-page book, The Campground, Pandemic, Plandemic, or The Great Reset?, One American's Journey through a Topsy-Turvy World Amid the Struggle between Freedom and Tyranny. https://www.blurb.com/b/11086425-the-campground-pandemic-plandemic-or-the-great-re
you should spend a few hours listening to the archived footage of Galen Winsor. Everything you have written above is you repeating untrue things which you have been made to believe by the people who want to keep you as a slave.
Please listen to Winsor and you will understand what has happened and what is happening. Right now, your singing their song.
Please distill his point into a sentence? If so, will be happy to read it.
Click on the 3 dots after "reply." One of the options is edit.
thanks. I thought I'd done that and didn't see it. A good example of how easily one can make oneself believe a thing which isn't true.
We have much safer nuclear power technology that won't melt down into a disaster.
The pressing issue is global warfare on people and freedom.
Nuclear power is unsafe. Period. Your last sentence, though, is spot on.
they're even stupider than I thought there in New Zealand. Just read this while looking for traces of that incident: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/indepth/national/aratiatia-dam-drowning-tragedy/
4 times a day they do a thing that can cause deaths if somebody steals a sign or if somebody doesn't notice a sign.
So if there's so much danger from their normal activities, imagine what their mistakes (or psychopathic intentional acts) can do.
nuclear power is unsafe for central bankers because it can lead to billions of people who don't need central bankers. that's why they have turned it into shit while using our money to accumulate and maintain control of the entire Earthly stock of nuclear fuel. The most dangerous things on the planet are hydroelectric dams. If you're a sound sleeper and even if you're not, do you think you'll be able to get out of the flood plane after a dam has a problem? I believe that an intentional act by the gov't of New Zealand recently killed 11,000 new zealanders unnecessarily and their control of the press permitte them to admit to 11 deaths and we're hearing nothing about it. If it was really only 11 people I'd guess we could read all about what happened. The fact that there's precious little info available tells me it's more likely that it was 11,000. If you know anything, please post a link.
The US has been using depleted uranium warheads in its remote wars; that' for "depository."
mRNA, however, seems like a red herring:
Ultimately, it looks like hydrogels have been used in the vials to deliver self-assembling graphene structures that created permanent contact with the central AI through 5G and followed its instructions. The damages/kills are identical with the existing, but not deployed, technology of mRNA/spike protein combo, but they affect only the target, whose DNA can be targeted as long as it is in the central database from blood works, PCR "tests," genetic tests or, even from a police record of a roadside breathalyzer (the last one happened in England about a year ago for all I know).
This time, the killing fields have been opened with a lot more than the general poisoning that has been going on for decades:
It's easy to attribute them more abilities than they actually have and it's greatly to their advantage to do so. If you look at their history of incompetence you'll see that you shouldn't be afraid of their so-called AI. As globalist dirtbag FDR said, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. I'm not saying that they don't have things which would blow our minds. They do, but they have to be very careful about letting that be seen because we could copy it. They're scared to death that we get our hands/eyes on some of the things they have that we don't.
Best example would be their technology used to powder the world trade center tower faster than they could fall to the ground.
It's even easier to underestimate them. :)
They own and/control everything that matters. Sometimes they give themselves away a bit ahead of time, as it happened during the truckers' protests in Canada, when they froze bank accounts, made people lose their jobs, and jailed people without a charge (some of them still being kept in prison).
I'm glad that you and I agree on the 33rd-degree Mason, FDR, considering he was a dirtbag.
The (un)Patriot(ic) Act that came after 9/11 is still in effect. How is that for efficacy?
They even publicize their steps, making fun of their victims.
As for their technological superiority, it's light-years ahead of the home computer. The following is only a taste of it:
They have nothing to be scared of:
I cannot see any "we" who can do anything about Agenda 2030. Even the targets remain divisive and unclear. (I happen to publish more about it today, although I have addressed hundreds of the aspects to consider.)
Al least Robert Kennedy will discuss environmental issues in public.
Nuclear is stupid the way it's being done. It would be totally safe in small reactors. The cantonnier (can't remember how to say that in english) could be a hopeless drunk and maintain it with no risk. Even Manny Micron (pres of france) spoke of it (only cause he knows nobody listens to him).
hydro-electric is pretty bad for the environment.
But the point is, you are preferring badly executed nuclear and hydroelectric because you've let them make you believe their incorrect interpretation and framing of the second law of thermodynamics.
Do yourself a favor and find the archived version of Patrick J. Kelly's pdf. That version is missing some of the best designs, not surprisingly.
We need for every person to be able to pull his own energy out of the environment so that everyone can tell everyone else to go away and quit bothering him. Any other way and it's slavery. Free energy exists and the biggest enemy to it is the cult of authority which wants us to believe it doesn't in spite of the enormous energy that they themselves use it.
Nuclear is bad in any reactor. Period. Where will you put the waste? For how long?
Hydroelectic has environmental issues, but less than nuclear.
please put malone in that category-
When was the last time a politician did anything for the taxpayer that lasted?
False hope sells, because it's cheap:
WHO is the original poster? Can you even quote a single thing so the case can advance? Is it your contention Alison did NOT say RFK Jr. was controlled opposition? Did she yes or no. If yes, did she base it in part on that chapter heading? If yes, is it true or false that he has since changed his mind? I provided the video evidence. If you can't answer these questions posed here starkly and simply I am kicking you off this Substack which should happen anyway since you do not like me and I do not even understand you enough to dislike you. You make no sense, but seem obsessed with a fantasy that I have been mean to Alison.
Alison invited me to watch her video. I didn't even know she existed until I saw your blog yesterday. So I watched some of her video. A commenter on her video called RFK "controlled op." NOT Alison. So it is my "contention' as well that she didn't say it. Sorry (disappointed) to see you be so nasty to a pretty decent seeming guy. If you want to kick me off for saying so go ahead but give me my money back as I'm a paying sub. I can't believe you actually CANCELLED that guy! For some reason i didn't think you were like that.
I have been driving all day and have just sat down to absorb this. I intend to take full responsibility now that somebody (you) has begun to clarify. I read Sandra's comment a certain way. Now I have to go back. I don't care what you think of me to be honest, I'm just clarifying my time line to understand this and will address it once I see it all. Who didI cancel? I generally only block people if they are abusive.
You blocked a guy who criticized you. He was reasonable, not at all abusive (but you were). He spoke the truth. The truth hurts. You mis-read him, (maybe because you're exhausted from driving and lack of sleep), became enraged, banned him from your kingdom, which is your right, but taking a breath and calming down would help dialog. It doesn't matter anymore, let it go, he's gone. Calm down.
Who is the "original poster?" Sandra? Are you saying Sandra was incorrect to say Alison says RFK Jr. is controlled opposition for that chapter heading and other reasons? Why can't you be clear. You waste so many words expressing dislike for me, but you do not clarify. I don't like you either but I would like to get to the bottom of this. I am to go back and read ALL of Alison's comments to ferret out how Sandra misquoted her? is this your case? State your case.
don't waste any more time on it Celia. It was probably done to cause you to waste time and energy, or just as likely because the person just has personal problems.
I don't believe the apology was to you, and not for you to decide the value of the apology made to another. What a bunch of psycobabble.
Knowing the work of Alison McDowell very well, the jargon "controlled opposition" is not really a phrase she would use.. What she does do is to seriously question RFK's position since it is premised on the 'pandemic' having been real and that using repurposed drugs was the way to counter it. She finds it bemusing that the 'freedom movement' should be happy to accept rule by one set of white coats, but not another.
? Are you sure you meant to reply to my comment?
"I don't believe the apology was to you, and not for you to decide the value of the apology made to another. What a bunch of psycobabble."
The comment I replied to is gone now, and was questioning the apology being made. Your comment seems to be directed at someone else.
I'm sorry if that confused you. It could just as easily have been someone else's comment. I'm not really interested in getting into the playground swarm behaviour that seems to go on here. What I'm interested in is the actual *substance* of Alison McDowell's original material, which was latched onto *from here* (not the other way around). For some reason, few, if any, seem willing to engage with that.
when Trump Jr said drink bud light recently..... who told him to say that? ...well who really has integrity....??? I like the integrity I see in Robert Kennedy Jr and so much of what he has said and integrity counts more to me than political labels between left and right, dem and repub
Integrity is vital. And uncommon in politicians.
Integrity? RFK2:
Holds a radical unscientific opposition to nuclear power, hydroelectric energy and hydrogen cars. Supported Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Obama. 1
1 Jan 2023. He kept pushing the error that “carbon now poses an existential threat to our planet”... “a suicide pact for humanity and the planet.” “Pharma convinces the public that the autism epidemic is an illusion. Big Tobacco swears smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Monsanto convinces us that glyphosate is harmless. Similarly, Big Oil and King Coal go to great lengths to persuade us that carbon doesn’t heat the planet.” 2
He needs to read this:
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
For him, any collusion is just “regulatory capture” with money corruption by corporations, not planned genocide.
Even if the believes that both JFK and RFK had been murdered in a conspiracy, he is still clueless about the freemason authors.
After cheating with 37 women in 2001 only, though with “guilt” about his “lust demons” 3, filing for divorce 2010 and keeping custody of their 4 children, his second “wife” hanged herself in 2012.4 In his memoir, Kennedy writes that as he recovered from his drug and alcohol vices, he “became determined to clear up the wreckage of battered relationships that lay in the wake of my addiction.” 5
There seems to be no records on his stance on abortion using different search engines.
He might be right about the weaponization of vaccines, the danger of CBDCs, the corruption in the US Government and corporations, but if he is pro-abortion he’d be as responsible for genocide as the ones he accuses… same as his voters.
He is still not up to the task:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Open season for human culling:
What does integrity mean to you? I guess I could call RFK2 a man of integrity. To me integrity means I can believe what you tell me you will do. I know I can't believe Trump because so often he says one thing and does another. I know Trump does not believe in vaccine mandates--and yet he appoints people who support them and follows Brix and Fauci rather than Paul Alexander and Scott Atlas and RFK2. So Trump is DEFINITELY not a man of integrity. He is for sale to the highest bidder. So if RFK2 says he believes Climiate Change is a threat and he's going to support "The Green New Deal," to me that means he supports something I don't like and don't believe is helpful. He might be a man of false illusions--but that is different. Remember, it took a lot of effort for vaccine damaged families to persuade him to look at mercury in vaccines--not just fresh water rivers. Even though I can't believe Trump, he DID get us out of WHO (but Biden put us right back in and is probably ready to sign the WHO treaty). So Trump has a good chance of beating Biden if they run against each other. I vote for Trump as more likely to get us out of WHO and avoid pandemics/vaccines forever! Who do you prefer? Trump or RFK2? Say why. I guess I prefer RFK2. But the Democrats will never let him win. Do you think they can run Biden for a second term? Is he up to it?
Trump has many faults, though fewer than the corrupt to the core incumbent. Trump did promote the injections. Very bad. Some would say unforgivable. On the other hand, though, Trump did support Scott Atlas, and appointed him to his Covid Commission. That angered many like Fauci and his ilk. Trump was right on that.
I saw that Trump was at least attempting to do the right thing in the face of total opposition from both parties and the global media.
Not the best communicator compared to Obama, but light years better than the paedophile in chief who was installed in 2021.
Unlike Obama and Biden, Trump wasn't actively trying to destroy America
The fact that the DOJ, CIA, FBI and the Pentagon were constantly lying to him and trying to stab him in the back, should result in a major reduction in the power they are allowed to wield.
so you're backing a guy who is too stupidly naive to know that he can't believe the DOJ, CIA and FBI? Sorry, that makes you yourself seem not too bright. Haven't you heard? Ignorance is no excuse?
Who are you backing? And why?
What an angry little man.
if he had some courage he would have made an executive order dissolving the DOJ, the CIA, the FBI and the Pentagon. He was the "president", right?
He could have made a second executive order creating a new wing of Guantanamo Bay to house all of the former employees of these shit holes to break stones forever. Perhaps let them make their own porno flicks and pay 98% taxes on the profits.
funny how you start mentioning "regulatory capture", eventually you get to ivermectin treating "25 virus". Since you're so hot for logic, I'll assume that means that you're the one who can finally point me to the proof of the existence of any pathogenic virus.
If not, maybe you need to cut RFK a break for saying some things less than logicall perfect.
Oh, Celia, I feel for you and I honor your choice to apologize. Sometimes a conversation becomes so convoluted that it simply can't be sorted out and the best we can do is to let it go and move on. You have more important things on your plate right now, and that's where you need to focus. I don't always agree with RFK Jr., nor do I always agree with you; but I honor both of you for having the courage to stand for truth as you see it, for being willing to amend your view on the basis of new information, and for doing all of that with compassion and grace. May you put this behind you now in order to get the rest you need.
I love your balanced, kind, insightful comment. Thank you.
Alison McDowell is quite brilliant. Justified or not- it is disheartening that she does not find as much common cause as she seems to find fault with others on a similar path.
Well, she should be doing her research and not having to worry about me. I thought I was just correcting the record but it all went haywire.
Don't sweat it. She banned me way back on Facebook because I was saying how social media is not all bad if you have an intent , like she does.
She thought I was some kind of pro technology shill and banned me from commenting on her fb.
After that, I really didn't give a damn what she said, even if it was on my side.
So just my own experience among the cancel culture of the "freedom fighters".
Never heard of Alison McDowell until now. Celia is golden.
Thank you. I try and I don't always succeed. Right now I am livid-- just went off on Rappoport's trolls. I am now declaring WAR on people who arrived 2 years ago daring to accuse people who have been fighting for 35 years to be "fake medical freedom" movement (for supporting RFK Jr,)whereas the brats, straight out of Animal Farm, are gonna run the show trials and the denunciations? Somebody's got to be kidding. I am ready to go to war now—research and expose every last one of them. How many use their real names? Who ARE they? Feds?
You go girl! I would say you're on target with the trolling feds. You posted a weakness to them, but a strength to us about your illness, and it is the type of thing they will latch onto to try and destroy you. You also are opposing their figurehead leader being used to accomplish many goals with your support of JFK Jr., and while some of us may not be on that page, we are in full support of you and your efforts.
Who is this person, Rob? I just met her and it's incredible how weirdly she wrote her comments.
I was talking about Alison.
Who are you referring to about comments?
Alison McDowell. I didn't know this person. Se has deleted everything but she was writing a million of comments. She insisted that she was being insulted by everyone in the comments. It was so weird.
Things did not go haywire on your account. There are people you cannot be friends with. Never compromise. Compromise always give way to new demands.
I don't owe it to anybody to answer questions. I was correcting ONE thing on my own damn Substack. Do I need to show it to you again? Who is the "she" you are referring to? Alison? Why am I at fault for not answering questions? Is this a deposition? I corrected a statement she made via Sandra that RFK Jr. thinks Covid was bungled based on a chapter title of his book which he began to write in 2020. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? This was ALL that was being resolved. NEXT you can ask me if I am willing to answer questions from somebody not part of this community, about RFK, and my answer is MAYBE, when Sandra and Alison concede their error, which I provided evidence of. You're not a balanced person.
Leftist arrogant sops never admit they are wrong even though the worms of error have eaten holes through their dirty underwear. Some are not worth talking to.
Right on, Celia.
Stop that!
You think when somebody is called out on a blatant error THEIR questions must be answered by the person calling them out? You people simply can't admit when you're wrong. I apologized for having upset them. They got upset when I pointed out they were wrong. That is all that happened. Somebody like you rejecting my apology means nothing to me. I was not apologizing to you. You still have NOT ADDRESSED THE ONE AND ONLY ISSUE I RAISED.
You know you're wrong so you're doubling down.
HERE IT IS AGAIN. Tell me if you UNDERSTAND yet. This is all I was addressing—NOT every last thing Alison or you or anybody else dislikes about RFK Jr. You moved the goalposts. If you can't answer THIS, or admit they made an error, I have no idea what to say to you. They were wrong.
Outtake from comment:
“And here Allison McDowell calls RFK Jr. out as controlled opposition for promoting the idea that the pandemic was "mismanaged" as opposed to a massive psychological warfare operation based on deliberate fraud and deception:
RFK Jr.'s "Mismanaging a Pandemic" Narrative: Testing, Early Treatment and Repurposed Drugs https://odysee.com/@Argusfest:b/mismanaged_pandemic:d”
13 hrs ago, in response to this.
Sandra, this clip dispels this argument made by Allison McDowell. In this clip, RFK Jr. says he did a deep dive after seeing the original Event 201 shock video we all saw, and found 20 more, and named which CIA officers were behind the planning and running of these simulations. Why then are we quoting as fact that RFK Jr. “promotes” the mismanagement theory of the “pandemic.”
Here is the clip.
Here is the link again.
Can we all agree that this is not RFK’s position, regardless of what the title of a book chapter was that he wrote 3 years ago?
Can we agree on what makes a fact a fact?
A correction to the above link:
I am not familiar with Allison McDowell, so I took the time to watch the above video, which appears to be the first part of perhaps a longer discussion of RFK, Jr's Fauci book.
I won't quibble about little things, but there are a couple of issues which should be corrected, which McDowell likely would not have been aware of when she had the above discussion. And, this points to the fact that information awareness around the Plandemic is blossoming faster than I would have ever expected. If anyone wants to understand some of what RFK, Jr. now understands about the Plandemic, I suggest watching the following video:
"The Defender Show - Rober F. Kennedy Jr. - Militarized Healthcare with Sasha Latypova"
Here are my two issues with the McDowell video:
1) Allison at time = 0:27: "I would say, any time you get a Best Seller is because it actually helps, um, the system of domination. Like you don't get to have a New York Times Best Seller unless you're actually are, are, um, not a problem. (somewhat forced laughing) Like if you're advancing the protocol like you (?) you can get the Best Seller."
I take issue with this statement, because the MSM, including the NYT, bookstores, and libraries made every effort to NOT have the Fauci book become a Best Seller. Anyone who was watching the initial sales would have known this fact. For example:
"Publisher blasts ‘total media blackout’ of Robert Kennedy’s bestseller on Dr. Fauci"
2) Allison at time = 2:32, with regard to Dr. Tess Lawrie (Dr Theresa Anne Lawrie): "She's a data researcher, so her background is in data; and, that she's focused on repurposed drugs; and that she was inspired, according to the story,..."
Actually, Dr. Tess Lawrie, MBBCh (MD), PhD, is a world renowned expert: see https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-tess-lawrie/ who, along with Dr. Andrew Hill, PhD as lead, consulted colleagues regarding Ivermectin for use against the alleged SARS-CoV-2 and found it effective; but due to several of Hill's financial conflicts of interest, Hill made a recommendation to the WHO that curtailed Ivermectin's immediate use.
This is stunningly explained in the following article and videos; and, I've followed these links with my own short summary.
In my opinion, Allison McDowell would not have dismissed HCQ and Ivermectin, if she had been aware of this information, which was widely available a year ago, but only slightly before her above video discussion. It's a wonder that Hill can live with himself.
"Dr. Andrew Hill, The Man Who Killed Millions?" [Video]
https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/03/04/dr-andrew-hill-the-man-who-killed-millions/ -- If you want to view full screen, note the direct Rumble link at the bottom of the video window within this article.
This is another link to the same video on Rumble. It's interesting to read the Comments section under each video. People are not happy, to say the least.
"A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie | Oracle Films" [Video]
And, here's a ChildrensHealthDefense link to an article which contains the video:
"WSJ Misleads Public on Ivermectin, Ignores Latest Revelations About ‘Hidden Author’ Who Undermined Its Efficacy" [Video}
Lastly, here's my summary of the issue:
RFK, Jr's Children's Health Defense's The Defender newsletter today exposed The Wall Street Journal's March 18th hit piece on Ivermectin (link below) with an article (link below) that reveals the entities and people responsible for inducing the WHO to not approve Ivermectin for the treatment of Covid-19. In my opinion, it's a story of outright corruption via bribery; and, my bet is that Bill Gates is up to his neck in this. If you can afford the 19 minutes, by all means, please watch the video of Tess Lawrie and Andrew Hill within The Defender article. It's superb.
The main entity involved is Unitaid whose core donors are France, the UK, Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Brazil, Spain, the Republic of Korea, Chile and Japan. On its website, Unitaid indicates it has now received $US 3 billion from donors since 2006.
The main person responsible is Andrew Hill, PhD, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, who was tasked by the WHO to evaluate Ivermectin for treatment of Covid-19. Hill initially consulted with Paul Marik, (MD), Pierre Kory, MD, and Tess Lawrie, (MD), PhD, and agreed to collaborate with them to do a comprehensive and systematic review of Ivermectin for treatment of Covid-19. Tess Lawrie shared her Ivermectin research data with Hill. However, before they could all collaborate, Hill published a preprint reporting, "Ivermectin was associated with reduced inflammatory markers...and faster viral clearance... Ivermectin showed significantly shorter duration of hospitalization... In...moderate or severe infection, there was a 75% reduction in mortality...with favorable clinical recovery and reduced hospitalization." Incredibly, however, in stark contrast, Hill concluded, "Ivermectin should be validated in larger, appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities." This greatly distressed Tess Lawrie, since 15,000 people were dying every day and Ivermectin could be saving 75 to 80 percent of these people.
In short, a substack gent named Phil Harper ( https://philharper.substack.com/ ) discovered in the metadata of Hill's preprint that the actual author of the preprint appeared to be an Andrew Owen, PhD, a full professor in the Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool and co-director of the Centre of Excellence in Long-acting Therapeutics (CELT). As a full professor in the same department where Andrew Hill is only a visiting Fellow, Andrew Owen is Hill's superior.
As is explained in The Defender article text and accompanying video, four days before the publication of the preprint, "...a $US 40 million grant from Unitaid, the paper’s sponsor, was given to CELT. Owen is the project lead for that grant."
"According to Harper:
“The $40 million contract was actually a commercial agreement between Unitaid, the University of Liverpool and Tandem Nano Ltd (a start-up company that commercializes ‘Solid Lipid Nanoparticle’ delivery mechanisms) — for which Andrew Owen is a top shareholder.”"
Link to The Defender article:
WSJ Misleads Public on Ivermectin, Ignores Latest Revelations About ‘Hidden Author’ Who Undermined Its Efficacy
Link to WSJ hit piece:
"Ivermectin Didn’t Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date"
You totally misunderstood the situation.
Cosmos, do you refer to me? If yes, tell me how.
No, this is a response to a comment from he banned troll.
She/he was insisting in that Alison was being abused by everyone here in the comments.
Do you think Alison was hurt? Do you think Celia is hurt? The therapists treating narcissists are used to being relentlessly devalued, misinterpreted, scolded, dismissed. To me, I value a dialog. Although sometimes I feel so hurt I can't do it properly. One time I was trashing Trump and having a great time denouncing him. Then a Trump supporter scolded me and told me I knew nothing. He was a champion of small businesses and supported minorities. Did I criticize the inflated budget for military expenditures? He raised the salary of our troops! Did I think the tax laws were repressive? He supported black colleges. I may have apologized, I'm not sure. But I did agree that the Trump supporter was probably right. Later I thought better, and returned to post a clarification. Yes, he did raise the salaries 2%--but it was less than the cost of inflation working out to about $500/year. Yes, he did support black universities--but the tax plan gave billionaires a lower tax rate than the average worker for the first time in our history. I concluded that we should demand more from our favored politicians and not let them seduce us with claims and promises that seduce us into believing they are all good--when they are not. Nobody is all good. All right! It seems RFK2 needs more education on climate control. Let's try to reach him! Who can afford all those lithium batteries that we need for electric cars? What happens when your electric car stalls on the freeway and you need a diesel truck to tow you? I'm a one issue voter. Anybody who opposes vaccine mandates gets my serious consideration. I don't care about other issues. Well, maybe war. We shall see.
I was not hurt. I was trying to correct an error. I'm extremely happy that my subscriber base has manners and the people causing trouble don't come from here and won't be here at all, soon.
I'm glad you are not hurt. I wanted to protect you!
I'm the best mannered mofo in this town!
Well, like I said, I have not had TIME to catch up. There are many things one could argue about RFK Jr but I was only addressing what Sandra brought up and she cited Alison so I addressed that. Do you see what I am saying? Can we deal with one thing at a time?
Celia, never attempt to educate a leftist loon...it is not possible...they are totally content with their opinions even when proven wrong. Do not bother your pretty head over that anymore. (yeah, I know that was "sexissssssssss" but Truth is that in this case. ) I live to say what I mean and mean what I say, which is my right, though in this case my "opinion" is right on this score. Flattery is often non applicable but truth is accurate. Whatever is in my head always finds its way out my mouth regardless of what it is. Consequences be damned. In my profession I deal mostly with women. I never get into trouble with clients of the fairer gender who I find desire transparency which is what they get with me.
Yes and no.
One tactic is: Treat idiots as adults and demand straight answers until the shut up and leave on their own.
That is fair. Time consuming, but fair.
They will not know what hit them. It was their own negative force that hurt them.
I haven't read all the comments on this post...
What I think is this. Celia, you are a class act for wanting to apologize purely and simply for possibly hurting other peoples' feelings. You do not need to say anything more about this. An apology is an apology and no one should keep pressing. If they do, they are not interested in a real apology, they want to dominate you and were NEVER interested in moving the dialogue forward but are only interested in moving their own agenda forward. Don't respond any further to this. It's done. And keep banning anyone who is attacking you.
For what it's worth, you have my utmost respect.
Does RFK believe the climate bullshit?
Yes, he does, as of 2020 at least: https://www.amazon.com/Climate-Crisis-Causing-Fighting-Reverse/dp/1510760563/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2LNPBZEU28LNN&keywords=rfk+jr+climate+book&qid=1681732796&sprefix=rfk+jr+climate+book%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-2
9 years ago he said that! He also gave the full vaccine schedule to his kids.
You can't fathom that he has evolved? I used to believe the climate change story too until I did my own research.
Holds a radical unscientific opposition to nuclear power, hydroelectric energy and hydrogen cars. Supported Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Obama. 1
1 Jan 2023. He kept pushing the error that “carbon now poses an existential threat to our planet”... “a suicide pact for humanity and the planet.” “Pharma convinces the public that the autism epidemic is an illusion. Big Tobacco swears smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Monsanto convinces us that glyphosate is harmless. Similarly, Big Oil and King Coal go to great lengths to persuade us that carbon doesn’t heat the planet.” 2
He needs to read this:
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
For him, any collusion is just “regulatory capture” with money corruption by corporations, not planned genocide.
Even if the believes that both JFK and RFK had been murdered in a conspiracy, he is still clueless about the freemason authors.
After cheating with 37 women in 2001 only, though with “guilt” about his “lust demons” 3, filing for divorce 2010 and keeping custody of their 4 children, his second “wife” hanged herself in 2012.4 In his memoir, Kennedy writes that as he recovered from his drug and alcohol vices, he “became determined to clear up the wreckage of battered relationships that lay in the wake of my addiction.” 5
There seems to be no records on his stance on abortion using different search engines.
He might be right about the weaponization of vaccines, the danger of CBDCs, the corruption in the US Government and corporations, but if he is pro-abortion he’d be as responsible for genocide as the ones he accuses… same as his voters.
He is still not up to the task:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Open season for human culling:
Vaccine theory is valid. Life is toxic. I experienced first hand that distemper shots work for rescued kittens. The ones who weren't vaccinated died a bad death. Heartbreaking! RFK is fighting tooth and nail to make vaccines safe. He never was anti vax.
vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.
they never stopped infectious diseases.
better hygiene, treated water, sewage treatment, garbage pick up, indoor plumbing, refrigeration, better housing and labor practices......all on the CDC website.
I stopped believing in germ theory of disease recently.
Please, tell me why do you believe microbes cause diseases?
I'm sincerely trying to disprove my new opinion.
I believe diseases are real and that it is a good thing to prevent them and to cure them. I don't believe that vaccines prevent disease. I understand that you do. Do you have scientific evidence for that?
Yes, distemper is a horrible disease for kitties and it is always a bad death. The vaccine can prevent this. And that is good.
what is "distemper" exactly?
What are the clinical signs? How does this disease start?
How does the vaccine prevent it?
Please, explain.
Panleukopenia is another name. Look all those things up for yourself, please. I’ve already had a cat die from it while I was a girl. An awful death to watch. And yes, the vaccine does prevent it. Sorry to burst your bubble.
IMO, most vaccines are unnecessary, but a few can be good, such as the ones against rabies and tetanus and maybe a few others.
neither can prevent nor cure you from either disease. you will need immune globulin and antibiotics if exposed.
Make sure you read the comments, too.
Agreed they could be safer. MRNA gene editing will never be safe. Just asking for autoimmune problems. And the toxic chemicals and metals need to go.
ikr, wow, McDowell is at it again? She does great research, but so holier than thou. She had a weird beef with Derrick Broze, picking at him multiple times, one for doing some article about crypto, and it happened that it supported some child labor so she ranted. It seemed she shouldn't use technology then, since it uses child labor. And she boycotted some convention for freedom at Philadelphia's Freedom Hall bc the Founding Fathers owned slaves. smh
Derrick Broze is a good guy in my book, a solutions-oritented man. Alison McDowell cannot stand the idea of people creating solutions for anything, obviously.
Their beef is unavoidable.
Ignore this woman.
This is what I wrote: It quotes Sandra, who quotes Alison, and then I posted why the statement was not true. How did I EVER instruct ANYBODY to mock anybody? It was a factual correction. Please answer this question. "Placed front and center?" Sandra cited her and I addressed the factual error. Are you saying it was not an error? I said not ONE mocking word. This is truly outrageous. Here is the text again:
When RFK Jr. Details Finding 20 Plus CIA Led Simulations Like Event 201 In Hillsdale Talk and COUNTLESS Interviews...
How Does An Argument STILL Linger that he "promotes" the idea that "the pandemic was mismanaged." This is an experiment to see if anybody ever admits they are mistaken
APR 15, 2023
Outtake from comment:
“And here Allison McDowell calls RFK Jr. out as controlled opposition for promoting the idea that the pandemic was "mismanaged" as opposed to a massive psychological warfare operation based on deliberate fraud and deception:
RFK Jr.'s "Mismanaging a Pandemic" Narrative: Testing, Early Treatment and Repurposed Drugs https://odysee.com/@Argusfest:b/mismanaged_pandemic:d”
13 hrs ago, in response to this.
Sandra, this clip dispels this argument made by Allison McDowell. In this clip, RFK Jr. says he did a deep dive after seeing the original Event 201 shock video we all saw, and found 20 more, and named which CIA officers were behind the planning and running of these simulations. Why then are we quoting as fact that RFK Jr. “promotes” the mismanagement theory of the “pandemic.”
Here is the clip.
Here is the link again.
Can we all agree that this is not RFK’s position, regardless of what the title of a book chapter was that he wrote 3 years ago?
Can we agree on what makes a fact a fact?
This all started because of a joke aboout people overdosing on red-pills (totally metaphorical) and Alison pretending to be offended to attract attention. No one insulted her.
I didn't know Alison before, and I don't expect anything good from her in the future. This person is not to be trusted.
To any and all that are concerned about RFK jr. having issues.
You are laughable. For the last 50 odd years the leadership in your country have been people of immorality, consumate liars, thieves, rapists( and I don't mean Trump). Opportunists, shallow , iliterate clowns open to any and all bribes.
We finally have someone who is running, not for personal gain or ego but has come to the realization that western civilization is a hollowed out corpse on the brink of collapse.
The man brings intelligence, insight ,honesty and perseption to a country that can't tell reality from fantasy and your splitting hairs. This man singlehanditly brought down Fauci with his book. RFK jr. is not your enemy. Grow up.
The concern that RFK Jr is a climate fanatic-- and it appears that he is-- isn't trivial.
Well before RFK Jr hinted about a presidential run I wrote this on my substack regarding the theory of climate catastrophe:
"All of this is important: catastrophic warming will be the next bludgeon used to subdue humanity into entering a new world wherein we all collectively pull together for the greater good, and wherein individual rights and freedoms will be given up 'out of necessity.' We need to pay attention."
So a very real concern is, will RFK Jr be the one to wield that bludgeon? Not because he's a bad person but here's the thing: out of perceived "necessity." And so far, he absolutely believes in the necessity to stop catastrophic CO2 warming.
There is no catastrophic CO2 warming. It's complete fiction. Why does an intelligent and perceptive man believe that there is?
Look at it this way: RFK Jr might be the most honorable man alive (and yes, I believe he's honorable and decent) but that may be exactly who they want in right now, as he'd implement a key step in the transformation into the Reset world: the fear of CO2 catastrophe and restrictive-- even dangerous and insane-- measures to counter it. Not to mention stifling of opposition views, a thing that Kennedy has signaled he isn't above. After all, we'd be in a war, wouldn't we? And we can't be consorting with the enemy.
CO2 catastrophe is the very heart of the moral justification for the Great Reset. Schwab's books are shot-through with the unquestioned assumption of the need for a Reset to stop global warming. Would RFK Jr be a pawn in the larger quest for a Reset?
I don't know. But, these are questions too few are asking, and given RFK Jr's past fanaticism on climate-- and yes, that's exactly what it is, fanaticism-- I think we should be very suspicious of any guarantees that he'll review the science later when he's president, because his past views indicate that he'd simply pack the "review panel" with alarmists. Climate deniers are not to be listened to!
I respectfully disagree.
Apologies for someone else's bad imagination and hostility are a horrible mistake, inviting further attacks as soon as possible.
No one should ever apologize unless he or she knows for a fact that he or she acted with malice or inexcusable carelessness.
Please do not feed the beast. Do NOT apologize.
I am so accustomed to hostility. And usually I am terrible and triggered in the face of it due to past attacks. But I have changed what I eat, so my nerves are better.
IMHO, your best move is to silently forgive them and move on without replying.
If you really made some horrible mistake, they should explain it to you clearly and with respect. If they don't do that, they don't deserve a response.
I think our whole "movement" deserves people trying to settle differences quickly. We're all very traumatized and we need unity, not on all issues but unity that we face a horrendous beast system, with thousands of arms and tentacles.
Was I wrong that Sandra cited Alison that RFK Jr. believes Covid was not planned but rather mismanaged?
Nope. I do not deify you but I find you on the right track.
My best friend of 23 years is a woman of high intelligence who I cherish. Like you, she encountered not only hostility, but also manipulation and dysfunctional tripe from others. Flee to the hills, the pursuit by morons never ceases. But you know that.
Yes, Alison banned me years ago on Facebook for disagreeing about social media being all bad. Not even a reply, I later saw that I couldn't read her group anymore.
That's when I stopped bothering to read her stuff.
Celia, don't need to back down. Remember how they used that against you during the AIDS thing? Seriously, it's a bully that makes you feel wrong even when you don't know what you did to deserve it and have no ability to hear what is the problem.
You have tremendous grace and maturity. This is a perfect example of why I normally do not get into discussions in comments. As my college speech professor once said, “In communication there is always partial misunderstanding.” I truly admire your attitude in this matter. Thank you, as always for all you are doing.
Yes, it is difficult to write something which is 100% unambiguous.
...might be good to thank Celia for being who and what she is too.
As a recent graduate of Nigerian Prince School of Virology, (my diploma is in the mail they said) I am aquainted with the virus/no virus debate. In school they did show us lots of pictures and told us what they meant. But setting all that aside, I do know we have been lied to and manipulated by weapons grade propaganda. Multi levels of conflicting lies going back a hundred years. When one lie falls apart they have a new one ready to go. RFK's book is masterpiece, I'm not going to read too much into chapter titles. Yes, I know virology is a dodgy business and the medical system is a train wreck. Lets work together and fix it.
Sometimtes it's a good idea just to not say" I'm sorry." Such a difficult thing, to know when to apologize, why you are apologizing, even if you need to apolgize. I really, really struggle with this issue. For example, last Thanksgiving I was visiting with my adult daughter and her family. She has a challenge with ideology, as she can be gaslit (as so very many do) and in Canada, wow do we have a lot of that going on. I was in the 'right' about something, yet she took offence. On the long drive home across the prairies I thought about the situation, struggled really as I felt I did not have anything for which to apologize. She never apolgizes to me, which upsets me greatly. But, being the parent, I finally decided to say I was sorry. after I had returned home. She felt better. I didn't. But I guess that not's the point. I just didn't want to be the source of more grief for her, and at the same time wished that she would have examined her choice of response to me. Mother-daughter stuff!
In your case, the possible future president! Why do we always have to be nice! Nice, nice, nice, nice. nice. I hate the word. By age four I was trapped in it. I also don't like to hurt or to upset people. But that means that I can wind up not speaking at all, because of what 'they' don't want to hear, and don't want to think about. It's easier. But I walk away feeling a life-time of sorries and my own silence. Not on top of that yet.
Wish you well Celia. You are so very fortunate that you know Kennedy, that you know him to be a good man. I hope he sees through the carbon issue for all of our sakes.
I know exactly what you mean. I often want my son to apologize to me. I get really REALLY childish when he does not and I feel wronged or disrespected. We all love to be apologized to. I'm no more mature than anybody else I just (honestly) have developed Galapagos Tortoise hide from being bashed relentlessly by HIV dissidents who think I'm stupid and don't understand the science. And I say it's not science it's sorcery. I'm trying to be a writer, a good communicator, entertainer, even. Not a good science deconstructionist. It's all filthy tyranny, nothing else. "Scientism" extends to those who live to prove it wrong in a. super exacting way. They've been lashing me for decades. I kind of like it. :)
You like it? Might be some sadist inclinations within you. But that is alright even though I jest.
Thank you for your kind message. I do take care of myself. I've not had any major illness and know that I could if not conscious. Women in genderal apologize all the time, are nice and thoughtful of other's needs, part of our nature taken advantage of over and over again and socilized to be even nicer.
Then we may also compromise our own integrity. Sometimes NOT saying sorry means that you’re standing up for your legitimate, true feelings behind your reasoning of a situation.
Apologies are important. We would all do better if we used them more often.
Thank you, Celia. You rock.
We are all in this together, trite as it sounds (though it is not in the least trite, in reality).
Sometimes in written word - particularly in commentary, particularly in these times - we cross wires, 'miss' the tone of a phrase, etc etc. Let's face it, there are countless opportunities to misunderstand one another.
Your apology is a balm. Your integrity is a gift. May you and Alison and Sandra find new ground going forward.
Celia, I would say that Alison McDowell was upset by something you wrote, but that doesn't mean you said or did anything injurious...you must let her be responsible for her emotions, her blind spots, her triggers, her possibly erroneous information, her prejudices, her name-calling, etc. If she blames her responses on you, then she is being a victim and she does not deserve your lovely kindness, tenderness, conscientiousness. And you don't have to agree with each other. I used to apologize to my brother when I did nothing wrong because I knew he couldn't, and I wanted us to stay open to each other.
As for Bobby, we know of his goodness and compassionate work and fine stirring oratory, and let's just pay attention and see how it all unfolds. He's certainly got my attention.
“To fear for his life is an insult to his guardian angels” YES!!!!
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they shall bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.” -Psalm 91:11-12
Wow, I love his stance on vaccines but not the climate. We need CO2 to survive. There are thousands of scientists who say it’s another freedom grabbing hoax.
I’m just here for the book of Romans; always soothes my soul. 🥰
I read the Bible when I was a young woman. I think in Leviticus (Old Testament) there was a commandment: "Thou shalt not put a stumbling block before the blind or curse the deaf."
You are just sweet, Celia. But I myself feel a little irked on your behalf... a kind person like you should not have to apologize just to keep peace. It’s your call, of course, but like I said: you are sweet. It’s who you are.