Farber never disappoints, even when there is disagreement. This is a fabulous little report. So much to assimilate and, by using other sources, incorporate and verify. Celia’s doubt about bioweapons is so provoking! Love it. If your primary concern is to be open to information and new perspectives on COVID and what our “experts” are telling us, this is for you. From the inestimable reporter Celia Farber. Do bio-weapons exist? Is there actually any genetic material in COVID vaccines, or primarily a toxin with unusual properties?

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It is my opinion that we are currently living through Revelation 13:16 in the Bible

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Me too

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Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman were talking about the medical uses of turpentine a few days ago, mainly as a detoxifier I think. Turns out it used to be a standard medicine, it appeared in the Merck manual 1899, until at some point the FDA forbade it. So it must be related to the pine needle tea, as turpentine comes from the distillation of pine resin. They said one of the few products where it is still present is Vicks Vaporub [if my nose gets blocked at night, I put some vicks vaporub under it and it works very well] I didn't watch the whole thing but it's here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cQ56PcUCSPf7/

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A ChemistPharmacoBiologist (I don't know if that word even exists in English) friend of mine, who also happens to work as a virologist, has told me he's been hesitant to claim there's a SARScov2 virus, since he has never seen applied the Koch rules in this case. Since last year he's been thinking 5G has to do with it. Also he's been helping people on the brink of death with CD; so far no one has died.

Now, although is not my field, I tend to disagree with him, I think it's a mix: they built the virus, but the "vaccine" (like La Quinta Columna shows) has both the nanoparticles and graphene oxide. And I think this because some treatments (such as those shown by Dr Fleming in his 2021 Event) work better if they target cell binding. So there has to be a pathogen binding to the cell - I even thought it could also be a bacteria, given that blood cells developed mycoplasma. I don't know. We are living in a sci-fi movie. And speaking of sci-fi, there's a movie called Vexille, where people are transformed into androids when after a fake pandemic the population is vaccinated with a substance that turns their cells into "biometal". When I heard about this graphene oxide in the vial, I just...

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Just saw this tweet. A list of substances coming under FDA "evaluation". Pine tar is among them. Zinc as well...

It is becoming really sinister.


On that topic, this is a premonitory film from 2014, done on a very low budget. The director/writer got her energy from the force of the shock of the realization that many things are not at all as they seem

One By One (2014)

A film by Diane Jessie Miller (1h 27m)

Can be watched here.


During the last few months it has been methodically scrubbed out of YT and even bitchute.

Interview with the director (2015)


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The vaccines have and course Prion

Infectious agent


Prion diseases occur when normal prion protein, found on the surface of many cells, becomes abnormal and clump in the brain, causing brain damage. This abnormal accumulation of protein in the brain can cause memory impairment, personality changes, and difficulties with movement.

This is why there has been deaths and side affects , a very large percentage of those that have been treated

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