Sounds interesting, I must watch it later. It seems to me that these "leaders" of the EU are either clueless or complicit in their own demise, and the destruction of national cultural heritages. They are arming up against an imagined threat. The real threat has already been allowed to invade their countries.
The European leadership are all in the same CLUB…the UN, WEF, CFR, Club of Rome, Davos, Bilderberg octopus tentacles all belong to the same predatory elitist cabal.
Many of them billionaires who are only installed to advance the 1% clubs agenda’s.
They don’t care about “their peasant class”. Sadly…
“City of London is Satan's” playpen.… a very appropriate statement below.
I watched this yesterday and it was VERY illuminating. I have been listening to Martin Armstrong for a while. Greg Hunter of USA interviews him from time to time. You can bank on what he says. I am new to Alex Krainer. Watched a podcast of his recently. Definitely someone to pay attention to. Absolutely loved his take on Zelensky's 'street hustle' of Trump (that I believe even more now didn't work). With Tom Luongo, Gold, Goats and Guns, the three of them for an hour and half was a treat. Thanks for posting.
I regard Alex Krainer as one of the smartest guys in the room and never miss an interview with him on Dialogue Works with Nima, though I am a little skeptical about a few of his ideas. Martin Armstrong is sort of a mystery man for me with a even more interesting AI computer named "Socrates." H is revelations are always quite interesting. Tom Luongo is very Sicilian. He reminds me of the old saying that if hitting it with a hammer doesn't fix it, then get a bigger hammer. Krainer is a Croatian now living in Monaco. Krainer and Luongo both firmly agree that the City of London is Satan's playpen. As a gringo living in Mexico incapable of speaking even vaguely fluent Spanish, I am amazed by Krainer's mastery of English.
Was it Krainer's recent interview on Dialogue Works that gave you pause? I nearly spit in my coffee when I heard him say we need to rethink our "reticence" towards authoritarianism. I adore Alex; and I highly recommend his excellent book, The Grand Deception. I believe I understand where he is coming from and possibly going to with his notion... surprisingly, very idealistic!... of a "benevolent" authoritarian. As someone who has spent a good deal of time in Russia and the Soviet Union (two very different political cultures), I can say that Krainer's thinking about authoritarianism is widely to be found. I have pondered this and am far from persuaded that such a leader would ever be accepted in the United States. Nevertheless, take note, everyone, that J D Vance and his mentor, Peter Thiel, are both quite enamored of a so-called "philosopher" named Curtis Yervan, who champions the idea of a coming, future monarchy. Yes. I listened to this Yervan... the so-called philosopher... and he is not impressive; to my mind, he recycles ideas that he is repackaging for a more provocative... irresistibly exciting effect... We must all stay hyper attentive, I'm afraid.
Yes, I found that disturbing, though Alex pointed out that monarchies tend to be more in tune and affected by the will of the people, than are our modern purported "democracies." I myself am too old to become king :-) and am an anarcho-libertarian. But in a transition, if the USA did strictly follow the letter of the Constitution, it would be a lot better than it is currently. I also regard Thiel , Vance, and Musk as wolves in sheep's garb, as pictured by the original logo of the Fabian society. Living with a permanent resident card on the outskirts of a tiny pueblo in SW Mexico, in a cottage which was off-grid solar until a year ago, I have enormously more personal freedom than I would have living in the USSA.
Lucky you, off-grid in SW Mexico! I might add that there are those who believe the "Doge" name is not at ll incidental, harking back to the Serenissima of Venice. If you ever want to read about predatory fascistic blackguards... who are also unfortunately quite compelling in their dark ways... research the Republic of Venice! That was (is?) a very interesting style of governance.
You must have misheard: Yarvin not Yervin. Not that I've read him, but I understand Benevolent Authoritarianism in a WW2 context. The Axis Powers and their lot fought against the liberal democracies who allied w/ the dictatorial SU. The Axis rallied under an NBA, Nationalist Benevolent Authoritarian banner as well as an anti-communist one. Don't think any of them were looking to reinstate a traditional monarchy.
Could somebody pls post the title of the video - pls and thank you. When videos are from you tube (instead of rumble and other less censored & controlled platforms), some of us can not watch the video without signing into you tube … and if we click on the link here in substack which I did, the title disappears making it impossible to go and find it directly. I realize this does not happen to every one but have spoken to several people who have reported the same issue of accessing you tube videos from Substack. If somebody will post the title at least I can go and search for it directly. Thanks for helping me to find it.
Yeah, YT has it flagged/locked down. Cannot watch unless you "sign in to confirm you're not a bot" ("to 'protect' the community" LOL).
More like in order to track/corral/bombard you with "recommended videos" negating the subject, to each curious set of eyes clicking over to watch...but I digress. YT SUUUUUKS.
(Based on YT's overreaction, this vid MUST contain quite a bit of truth! )
I get the sign in bot thing often. I refresh the page and wait a bit and then it plays. Or I click on the YouTube link and watch it there with no problem.
All of the same drug dealing bankers make the money.
"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium." The Curse of Canaan.... Eustace Mullins 1987
Excellent video. Thank you Celia. There's a reason Ukraine was called one of the most corrupt country in the world. Z said even himself that he didn't know where all the military aid has gone(like half). Of course there was a reason President Trump talked to Putin before all this went down. Can anyone imagine what would have happened if 'Chameleon' had gotten elected? I'd say we all dodged a nuke on that one.
3 Rock Stars explain it all to you…always good at explaning how the money works…ergo how the world really works. I agree with Alex and Tom pray for Trump, pray for Putin, they hold our only hope for peace.
yet fascinating to have these men who also know the psyops within psyops at humanity AND see the efforts and signaling going on to effort pragmatically to out-con and bring down these destroyer monsters in the flesh! Praying The Lord takes down their master in the invisible realms. 🙏💝
Yes . I listened to an hour twenty on my walk. Learned alot! Obama is the goal for Trump. Just sorry we have to give so many on the epstein list. Go Pam Bondi. Fascinating ! Thank you.
I listened to it a couple days ago. I'm a huge fan of all three gentlemen, especially Luongo and Krainer. Its always a good time for me to listen into their conversations.
See John Leake's Substack post regarding World War I and Austria's move towards world war against Serbia (and, implicitly, Russia, their ally), as a way to raise money via war bonds. The real story is that Europe, like so many (possibly all?) western institutions, is dead broke and desperately needs cash. Many cash flow spigots have been turned off, the Ukraine grift being only one of many. War and more dead innocent citizens of every country is, to their minds, a small price to pay. Thus has it been always! ... Do check out his post, though. It chills the blood to read how history just keeps doing the same damn thing.
Great discussion. I've been reading these guys for years on ZH and they had lots of insights. Entertaining and illuminating. Germany signed an EO to get them on board the euro? Fascinating.
It's funny. I read a very long piece in the New Yorker--probably in 97 or 98 on what each country was having to do to join the EU. Long time ago and I'm not particularly strong on economics, but I recall it was an involved discussion on how each country had to have a certain GNP level to join and that Italy managed to do so against all expectation. In 2000 I listened each day to London radio talk show and the Brits were outraged that Germany had the governing bank. Public sentiment was strong, and I think that's why Britain never adopted the Euro. Now I look back and think about all the dark money, graft/grift, Mafia and black markets that must have contributed to that. But the Germany information made total sense to the entire scheme.
I sure did learn a lot! I and probably everyone here, has been watching all the events unfold with such rapidity, especially since Trump 2.0 stepped in. I sensed or intuited what was happening on the world stage but these gentlemen really were able to put it within the historical and the economical context in a way that I understand, now, better. And they were funny! We really must pray for Presidents Trump and Putin. May God be with them and all the peacemakers.
Sounds interesting, I must watch it later. It seems to me that these "leaders" of the EU are either clueless or complicit in their own demise, and the destruction of national cultural heritages. They are arming up against an imagined threat. The real threat has already been allowed to invade their countries.
Yeah and King fat fingers has had multiple events recognizing Ramadan yet nothing for Lent?
Gawd, that was funny!
Interesting, eh?
The European leadership are all in the same CLUB…the UN, WEF, CFR, Club of Rome, Davos, Bilderberg octopus tentacles all belong to the same predatory elitist cabal.
Many of them billionaires who are only installed to advance the 1% clubs agenda’s.
They don’t care about “their peasant class”. Sadly…
“City of London is Satan's” playpen.… a very appropriate statement below.
I watched this yesterday and it was VERY illuminating. I have been listening to Martin Armstrong for a while. Greg Hunter of USA interviews him from time to time. You can bank on what he says. I am new to Alex Krainer. Watched a podcast of his recently. Definitely someone to pay attention to. Absolutely loved his take on Zelensky's 'street hustle' of Trump (that I believe even more now didn't work). With Tom Luongo, Gold, Goats and Guns, the three of them for an hour and half was a treat. Thanks for posting.
I regard Alex Krainer as one of the smartest guys in the room and never miss an interview with him on Dialogue Works with Nima, though I am a little skeptical about a few of his ideas. Martin Armstrong is sort of a mystery man for me with a even more interesting AI computer named "Socrates." H is revelations are always quite interesting. Tom Luongo is very Sicilian. He reminds me of the old saying that if hitting it with a hammer doesn't fix it, then get a bigger hammer. Krainer is a Croatian now living in Monaco. Krainer and Luongo both firmly agree that the City of London is Satan's playpen. As a gringo living in Mexico incapable of speaking even vaguely fluent Spanish, I am amazed by Krainer's mastery of English.
Was it Krainer's recent interview on Dialogue Works that gave you pause? I nearly spit in my coffee when I heard him say we need to rethink our "reticence" towards authoritarianism. I adore Alex; and I highly recommend his excellent book, The Grand Deception. I believe I understand where he is coming from and possibly going to with his notion... surprisingly, very idealistic!... of a "benevolent" authoritarian. As someone who has spent a good deal of time in Russia and the Soviet Union (two very different political cultures), I can say that Krainer's thinking about authoritarianism is widely to be found. I have pondered this and am far from persuaded that such a leader would ever be accepted in the United States. Nevertheless, take note, everyone, that J D Vance and his mentor, Peter Thiel, are both quite enamored of a so-called "philosopher" named Curtis Yervan, who champions the idea of a coming, future monarchy. Yes. I listened to this Yervan... the so-called philosopher... and he is not impressive; to my mind, he recycles ideas that he is repackaging for a more provocative... irresistibly exciting effect... We must all stay hyper attentive, I'm afraid.
Yes, I found that disturbing, though Alex pointed out that monarchies tend to be more in tune and affected by the will of the people, than are our modern purported "democracies." I myself am too old to become king :-) and am an anarcho-libertarian. But in a transition, if the USA did strictly follow the letter of the Constitution, it would be a lot better than it is currently. I also regard Thiel , Vance, and Musk as wolves in sheep's garb, as pictured by the original logo of the Fabian society. Living with a permanent resident card on the outskirts of a tiny pueblo in SW Mexico, in a cottage which was off-grid solar until a year ago, I have enormously more personal freedom than I would have living in the USSA.
Lucky you, off-grid in SW Mexico! I might add that there are those who believe the "Doge" name is not at ll incidental, harking back to the Serenissima of Venice. If you ever want to read about predatory fascistic blackguards... who are also unfortunately quite compelling in their dark ways... research the Republic of Venice! That was (is?) a very interesting style of governance.
You must have misheard: Yarvin not Yervin. Not that I've read him, but I understand Benevolent Authoritarianism in a WW2 context. The Axis Powers and their lot fought against the liberal democracies who allied w/ the dictatorial SU. The Axis rallied under an NBA, Nationalist Benevolent Authoritarian banner as well as an anti-communist one. Don't think any of them were looking to reinstate a traditional monarchy.
Could somebody pls post the title of the video - pls and thank you. When videos are from you tube (instead of rumble and other less censored & controlled platforms), some of us can not watch the video without signing into you tube … and if we click on the link here in substack which I did, the title disappears making it impossible to go and find it directly. I realize this does not happen to every one but have spoken to several people who have reported the same issue of accessing you tube videos from Substack. If somebody will post the title at least I can go and search for it directly. Thanks for helping me to find it.
Sure, it's called "The UK and Europe On The Brink Of Collapse." Let us know.
Thank you so much! Got it! 🌻
Yeah, YT has it flagged/locked down. Cannot watch unless you "sign in to confirm you're not a bot" ("to 'protect' the community" LOL).
More like in order to track/corral/bombard you with "recommended videos" negating the subject, to each curious set of eyes clicking over to watch...but I digress. YT SUUUUUKS.
(Based on YT's overreaction, this vid MUST contain quite a bit of truth! )
I get the sign in bot thing often. I refresh the page and wait a bit and then it plays. Or I click on the YouTube link and watch it there with no problem.
If you right click on a YT video, you can copy the video URL, then go to that URL and you'll see the title under the video.
All theater. Bankers create wars.
Neoliberals are the Trotskyites.
Traditional Liberals are the Stalinists.
All of the same drug dealing bankers make the money.
"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium." The Curse of Canaan.... Eustace Mullins 1987
Excellent video. Thank you Celia. There's a reason Ukraine was called one of the most corrupt country in the world. Z said even himself that he didn't know where all the military aid has gone(like half). Of course there was a reason President Trump talked to Putin before all this went down. Can anyone imagine what would have happened if 'Chameleon' had gotten elected? I'd say we all dodged a nuke on that one.
3 Rock Stars explain it all to you…always good at explaning how the money works…ergo how the world really works. I agree with Alex and Tom pray for Trump, pray for Putin, they hold our only hope for peace.
yet fascinating to have these men who also know the psyops within psyops at humanity AND see the efforts and signaling going on to effort pragmatically to out-con and bring down these destroyer monsters in the flesh! Praying The Lord takes down their master in the invisible realms. 🙏💝
Yes . I listened to an hour twenty on my walk. Learned alot! Obama is the goal for Trump. Just sorry we have to give so many on the epstein list. Go Pam Bondi. Fascinating ! Thank you.
Celia that was amazing. Thank you!!
I listened to it a couple days ago. I'm a huge fan of all three gentlemen, especially Luongo and Krainer. Its always a good time for me to listen into their conversations.
See John Leake's Substack post regarding World War I and Austria's move towards world war against Serbia (and, implicitly, Russia, their ally), as a way to raise money via war bonds. The real story is that Europe, like so many (possibly all?) western institutions, is dead broke and desperately needs cash. Many cash flow spigots have been turned off, the Ukraine grift being only one of many. War and more dead innocent citizens of every country is, to their minds, a small price to pay. Thus has it been always! ... Do check out his post, though. It chills the blood to read how history just keeps doing the same damn thing.
Great discussion. I've been reading these guys for years on ZH and they had lots of insights. Entertaining and illuminating. Germany signed an EO to get them on board the euro? Fascinating.
Right? I absolutely never knew that.
It's funny. I read a very long piece in the New Yorker--probably in 97 or 98 on what each country was having to do to join the EU. Long time ago and I'm not particularly strong on economics, but I recall it was an involved discussion on how each country had to have a certain GNP level to join and that Italy managed to do so against all expectation. In 2000 I listened each day to London radio talk show and the Brits were outraged that Germany had the governing bank. Public sentiment was strong, and I think that's why Britain never adopted the Euro. Now I look back and think about all the dark money, graft/grift, Mafia and black markets that must have contributed to that. But the Germany information made total sense to the entire scheme.
Vatican Bank, perhaps.
Little trickle from la Suisse to tie down alla plebes?
Oh look! No Euro in Suisse either!!
So strange!
Yes and yes!
I listen at 1.5 speed -- they're so slow -- but it saps my energy. writing this down concisely would take too much time? no doubt.
They're men
What can you do.
* rolls eyes.*
Each of these guys is worth reading and listening to, and they see the same things happening, and their views are complimentary.
Complimentarily oxymoronic ?
"But British authorities and their Western counterparts may have felt he was just too valuable an asset to shut down."
I sure did learn a lot! I and probably everyone here, has been watching all the events unfold with such rapidity, especially since Trump 2.0 stepped in. I sensed or intuited what was happening on the world stage but these gentlemen really were able to put it within the historical and the economical context in a way that I understand, now, better. And they were funny! We really must pray for Presidents Trump and Putin. May God be with them and all the peacemakers.
Looking forward to this... Luongo has long thought that there is a plan to grab the money control back from London.
"We're all roads lead to London guys over here," he said. Something like that.