I posted on this earlier today on another site and someone responded that:

"We have to understand that the current USA totalitarian regime no longer cares about optics"

Yup, I have to agree--they aren't even hiding it now. The masks are off.

Also on the positive side, over at Katherine Watt's substack (Bailiwick news) she posted that a couple of Idaho state lawmakers have introduced a bill to criminalize the administration of Covid 19 bioweapons (making it a misdemeanor) https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/idaho-leading-the-charge-to-criminalize

So, that's a good start and a positive sign that perhaps people are waking up.

Also I found a few other small signs of hope:

GOP in Lee County FL (fort Myers area) passed a resolution to ban the poison kill shot and actually referred to it as a bioweapon. Nothing will come of it, apparently just a resolution that can be ignored, but at least they are seeing we have a problem:


These next few are on the monetary system--I'd say these guys are courageous for standing up to the bankers, so they might be good people to send info on the bioweapon injection and DOD genocide program (I have the feeling that Rep Andy Biggs is clued in).

So a few good bills introduced (again, means nothing until more sign on and get these passed, but at least there are a few in DC who are not total WHORES):

From today:

https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/us-legislators-introduce-bill-would-prohibit-creation-american-cbdc So it looks like Rep Tom Emmer (R-MN) and Rep Andy Biggs (R-AZ) know about the Federal Reserve's plan for CBDC tyranny and are trying to stop it.

And Rep Mooney (R-WV) introduced a bill to return us to a gold standard


And Senator Lankford (R-OK) introduced a bill to allow us to keep cash and not go cashless.


So slight signs of hope....we need to call our Congressmen and tell them to sign on and help get these bills passed. And educate them on the monetary system--according to Bill Still, who made The Money Masters documentary, most in Congress do not understand our monetary system. The only one who understood it was former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, which is why we always had End the Fed rallies.

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Arkansas also reportedly working on legislation to imprison people that harm with pharma products.

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I just read an article about Idaho doing the same. things are starting to get on the trail. hopefully this train does not derail !

I think there should be a motion to dismiss Buttigieg.

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"We have to understand that the current USA totalitarian regime no longer cares about optics"

I was thinking the exact same thing this morning but my brain extrapolated it this way.

"The Khazarians have slithered out from under their rock and into the sunshine."

I think this 3 minute video sums up where WE ARE and where the normies are. Well worth 3 minutes I assure you.

The Cave - An Adaptation of Plato's Allegory in Clay


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deletedFeb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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deletedFeb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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No i'm not familiar with Exit The Cave but i'll check it out.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Bless you! We needed some good news to balance things...

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I would beg to differ- they care about optics, as they part of the thesis , antithesis, synthesis paradigm... (i.e. masks are off for a reason)

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

A darkened room…

A diffuse light limns a cone of sentience in the otherwise darkened and obscured space, It defines the periphery of the round, wooden table, masked with a deep, magenta- colored cloth.

Madame…”X” - we’ll call her ( ‘him’, ‘them’, ‘it’ ) sits, head wrapped in a paisley scarf (so as to conceal any wisps of hair, or hint of baldness ) -and leans forwards, and in doing so, flashes a glint of wiry chin hairs. The crystal ball, set in the center, seems, in character, to be more akin to the swirled opacity of a Tide-Pod than the clarity of streams recalled from our youth.

“X” is the "Medium "- and is the bridge to the “truth”- which is held in the jealous hands of those who reside on the other side of the veil …

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

to add - as I am wont to do- the subsumption of significance- only fertilizes the ground that yields (the perception) of omnipotence...

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

It sounds very similar to what had happened in Germany after the blow up of the North Stream pipelines. The leader of the high-tech-company responsible for the maintainance and repare of the pipeline was killed along with his family in a strange airplane crash. If he had stayed alive, the pipeline would have got repaired quite quickly ... there is only one party that is interested in covering up the real story ...

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wow, I didn't know that. That's horrific. It was reported in German media? I'm guessing, not.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

There was very little notice about this "accident" in mainstream media and you couldn't find the information there , that this person was a key figure in repairing the tubes ....

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Got any links or a name?

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Well, another interesting thing is how intense the so called factcheckers tried to make sure no one thinks there is a link between North Stream 2 and the deadly accident....

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They do their best along with the MSM to cover up the truth.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Hi Kelly,

here the website of the company including the obituary.:


You can find an article including a good collection of original links, documents etc. here:


as written in this article it looks as if a huge effort has been taking place to delete or rewrite any information in the web about the connection between North Stream 2 and the Griesemann company.

All the best, Rainer

I tried to send a reply to your message including the attachment, but since I use a different email adress, the system blocked it ...

I've found another website and downloaded the information as PDF but don't have the original weblink any more. If you are interested in it, I can email it to you. But I need an email adress that doesn't get blocked by the sytem of the website here ...

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You could upload anything of interest here: https://mega.nz/filerequest/fXHHnNYpmgQ

Once in the box, I will post a link here for anyone to access the storage.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

O.K. thanks, I'll uploaded it.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

Thank you. It's too bad this system doesn't allow uploads like pdf files into posts. I like that option on gettr.. I don't like posting an email address usually but I'd be very interested in that information. It always helps to post those types of links with this information.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

Thank you for the previous link and all of these, and for reminding me to remove my email address. I'd meant to do that too!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

OMG Celia this is unbelievable they are not even trying to hide what they are doing FRIGHTENING wow just......WOW

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deletedFeb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Clinton Airport? You're kidding right?

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

well it's not technically clintons airport- just one that he let the government mafia use

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Exactly Bryan

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

From one perspective not so strange. The fascist melding of Luciferian government and giant corporations. As Catherine A. Fitts often says, they kill with impunity.

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There have been too many coincidences over the last 6 years. The result of these coincidences always favor those in power. Probabilities should break 50/50. They haven't because certain entities are manipulating outcomes. What is frustrating is how apparent this is, but it has been very difficult to draw a direct cause and effect. Iin other words, causation. We are left to speculate which leaves room for correlation but not direct causation.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

the essence of 5th Gen War - diffuse, hidden, deniable...

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

"...ask your doctor if Pfive- Gee is right for you...!"


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deletedFeb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Only way is through direct evidence, otherwise we have the Salem Witch Trials. You might find that sentiment insensitive but if we do not follow direct causation and evidence then that same process of finger-pointing will easily be turned on you and I. That's why they call it The Rule of Law. Half of our Bill of Rights are related to legal proceedings...fair trial, etc.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

some things are unscripted - but they will necessarily be subsumed...

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Remember the MH17 crash? BBC expressed 'Total shock' at Aids researcher deaths

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Yes, but I never understood what that was about. Why those AIDS researchers?

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber


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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Another massive government cover up in progress.

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Oligarchs gonna oligarch.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Archons gonna "Chon"


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as expected from you

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I fear that I'm becoming too predictable...

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Wait for the next update of the simulation's software in a couple of days to rejuvenate.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I WISH !!! - only, maybe talking out loud -in the 'presence' 'Alexa' is better than wishin'...?

(only feelin' the downhill slide at the mo')

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Hi Celia,

Here's a story you might want to look into a bit more:


It concerns the de-certification of the Nov. 2020 US presidential (s)election.

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Thank you. Yes, very important.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Cheers for that depressing update.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Sorry about that, I wasn't surprised by it though, and was more surprised to hear they were reconsidering it for the 2nd time, and somehow figured it'd end with the same result.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Any chance the pilot was vaxxed?

Not saying the Khazarian mafia/ganster banksters in charge of the British Territorial ie Federal Government wasn't involved, but just wondering.

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deletedFeb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Yes and No

Yes tptb are responsible for the vaxx and the mandate, however no if the pilot died from the vaxx, meaning the crash wouldn't have necessarily been an orchestrated event.

Guilty none the less, so Yes : )

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With the amount of train derailments every year, (Thanks Pete Buttercheeks) why would they be moving 200 million gallons (I believe that was the total) of this toxic poison.? What was the justification for moving this earth killing substance?

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

And the majority of derailments are in the yard.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

To snag the Amish farmland.

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this is not about moving this chemical. nothing new...millions of tons of chemicals move yearly on raisl. it was the burning of the liquid with low temperatures in an uncontrolled way. Listen to recent podcasts on the subject with Mike Adams, Health Ranger.

If people want to do something about dangerous chemicals, stop buying anything made of plastics. And dont install new vinyl outdoor windows, window shades, shower curtains or fences or decks made of plastics and vinyls, dont buy any cars either--mostly plastics and rubber vinyl compounds--the list is near endless. This will continue because man has chosen to commercialize these products which are killing all of us slowly and surely.

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Lol…good luck with that! And I agree with you! https://youtu.be/eaCHH5D74Fs


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deletedFeb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

No one did anything because the sabotage was suppose to occur. Remember also, that the RR workers wanted to strike…

NEVER go against the DS/NWO!

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It seems that our most successful enemy are the people that choose to not be aware of the evil in this world. The people that laugh at us when they hear or read your brief statement above. If these cowards that live among us would get their heads our of their asses, this would be a very solvable issue. The coward commoner/citizen slave minds that go along to get along are the problem.

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BINGO! As I said previously, people MUST learn to say NO! People are so used to being in a “comfort zone”. People aren’t going to be comfortable losing their freedom! They better start dealing now, before they’re dragged off to the gulag. It’s such a simple fix, I agree!

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Thank you for the info. Instead of the least expensive narrative I will go with what I have gathered over the years. Fluoride is not good for our teeth by putting it in drinking water. Lysol is loaded with Benzene and we are instructed to spray it into cribs to disinfect. Agent Orange, Asbestos and the list goes on and on. We live in a weaponized world where chemicals are used to sicken and sterilize. Vaccines have been jacked to corrupt our blood and cause the diseases that have popped up over many years. The royal bloodlines that are in DC & Hollywood, House of Commons and other political bodies do not take these poisons. The poison shots are for the commoner subjects to the crown corporation. With VC being used to make water and sewer pipes I can easily gather that it leeches into that water and gets into our bodies. In turn then they make $ off of the disease that these poisons create and more. The obvious application is that we need water so they poison it. It is quite possible that covid was put in the water or spread through chemtrail geo-engineering or both.

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I agree 100%! Although I had heard that it wasn’t put into water because it would be too diluted. I take zeolite and EDTA for a detox among other things. I also keep the Wi-Fi off unless absolutely necessary…just little things I’m learning from others.

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and surely this is not an adverse event to the jabs. what is going on? someone does not want things investigated, it seems like. What did they make in that factory? metals for what?

and where did the train come from, where was it headed? for whom were these forbidden chemicals? why did the govt try to hush hush it all? did they think this would go unnoticed? they must be out of their minds. oh well we already knew that...

I think it is the highest time we start decentralizing the govt and dismiss all of the big pay people that do nothing for the american folks.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Two words: Clinton Airport

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

" Fly the Deadly Skies..."

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Uh-oh......would this be in Clinton Country?

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When individuals are held responsible for their actions? Ahhh hell guess I was napping again. Nothing to see here. Go get a cricket solient green organic wrap. There are on special today

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