After travelling to my island and not being able to open my mail for two weeks, I just went to the Delete button for 98% of the mails et voila! Sorted! You'd be surprised how freeing that is and how the world kept turning whilst you were living real life, which is what I was doing i those two weeks, fabulous! I highly recomment it as I'm doing another two weeks of that now as well, cyberspace get a bit of attention and then I rush to find the off button, et voila! Those that know you will forgive you and the others will always just be the others, peace, Saludos.

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

I am a huge fan of analog. I much prefer fountain pens and typewriters to computers. I just wish that the postal service was more efficient.

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

I know the feeling. The whole purpose is to throw people off balance, knocked into a rushing flood of fear from which the Global State wishes to appear as the rescuer

I trust and cling to none other than God, my Creator, Sustainer,Redeemer and Rock in this perilous times.

Yes, MLK Jr. definitely has a point. Credit when credit is due.

God is the keeper of that pleasant summer cottage, the DACHA, Set in the midst of that lovely grassy field bordering the peaceful lake fed by springs.. He invites us to take refreshment in Him there: PSALM 23rd. Whosoever will.

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

You have mirrored what I have been experiencing but could not articulate. Thank you.

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

Take your time, we're here!

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by Celia Farber

Loved your writing Celia! I vote we take a week off and focus on self-care and enjoyment with people nearby or far away that we haven't reached out to in a while. Also walks in nature or whatever feeds each of our souls. I lovingly and gently challenge us all to up our self-care/love game and take some healthy "me" time to fill up and then share that restored beauty with those we care about analog style. Love to the TTB Zoom Tribe. I took Saturday off for the call and can't do Sundays, so if y'all have a call Sunday, I'll miss you terribly but will rejoice in the communion of the souls of my sweet tribe... until we meet again... yours, Anna...

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Celia, please try out this simple qi gong to re-center your awareness. There's also somatic exercises but those courses didn't help me as much. This does, so if you like this please check his other videos!


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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

A word from the privacy mafia: Keep your delete button close and a timeshare on a Golden Retriever even closer.

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

You can let yourself off that hook. If ALL you did was write and share info you'd be in the black, wildly on the credit side of the ledger (and are due thanks, so...thanks).

The King quote is admirably high-minded, but wrong. There is something badly amiss with human nature, with our general default inclinations. While I've met a very high ratio of likeable and some admirable people in the truth and freedom movements that have taken shape since 2001, and which is what I base my hope and optimism for a different future on, that isn't at all the case elsewhere. I find very little to like or admire about most people I meet, and that distinction was made most stark during the c19 phenom (crises do that), and is manifested constantly socially now with the cell phone culture tsunami.

Thoughtless, slavish, humorless, witless, spectacularly self-absorbed, no conversation skills or interest, do not read, discourteous, closed minded, cowardly, despotically meddling; what's to like? It won't be the case for you, with the community of people you seek and attract (not unlike King's own, perhaps), but King has left that out the major point there's very little to like about many people, maybe most people, I'm sorry to conclude. Not here in the States, anyway (California is really bad for people), and I doubt generally in 'the West', but I'm guessing its generally true everywhere.

One example which I think entirely representative, a complete 'tell', as they say in poker, on a person's character, and what I'm describing: We have a culture now where people will sit 12-15 cars deep in car lines, car running (a lot of these people probably nominally support the beast 'green' movement), at chain coffee place drive-ups, the lines spilling out onto the roadways and lanes of parking lots, blocking or diverting through traffic, while the lobby is almost empty.

Since 'coffee' places are very slow now, the drinks super complicated, not many drip coffees or even plain cappuccini or lattes being ordered anymore, the cars only move every two-three minutes or so, so that's a 20-40 minutes wait to get an expensive, super unhealthy coffee drink that could have been had in one to five minutes by going inside.

That's all I need to see in a person. I know what I'm dealing with if I see that, and I feel certain that almost all those people wore their masks and got their shots, because no thinking person would ever sit-in such a line. King has not factored such people into his thinking in that quote.

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Thanks for the beautiful heartfelt message, one to which we all can relate, Celia.

Fret not fraulein, you're still the best!

~~ j ~~

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." ~~ Albert Einstein

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I ❤️ that quote! I agree.

Yes, it's important to live in the Now, because Now is all we have. The past is gone, tomorrow isn't here. You will enjoy your life so much more by just breathing, having a cup of tea, and feeling grateful for Everything.

Take time for yourself every day, even if it's just 15 minutes.

It's the best way to love yourself and recharge your energy.🥰🤗🙏

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Ease up on yourself Celia. You push yourself way too hard. When was the last time you let your best friend pamper you a bit? I saw the pic Bibi posted of you in your mother's Japanese kimono and I thought, when was the last time you had your feet rubbed? My marriage ended nearly a decade ago and I miss her. For a time I was married to my best friend. I didn't cherish her the way the Scriptures told me to and I regret that deeply. Sobriety has made a big difference for me and I think I'm finally able to give more than I recieve and now I have nobody to give to. Are you in that same place Celia? Praying for you to be filled with His peace, that surpasses All understanding.🙏

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

Me too Celia, I'm so very sick of the digital world and treasure face to face interactions.

Zoom is somewhere in-between and I've appreciated the calls and beginning to get to know new folks who are more on my wave length. I do wonder why so many keep their cameras off though, the disembodied voices are confusing.

Love the calls but please take care of yourself Celia, I don't think it would be the end of the world to skip a week here and there. It seems that the group is evolving in a good way, Bryan and Sam did a great job as moderators last week and the conversation was more focused. Thanks for all that you do but please don't sacrifice having some rest and down time. The group will still make it!

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

MLK had good points and bad points but that is how we all are. HIs best words were, "I dream of a day when my children will be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin." Do you realize that was a rejection of affirmative action where people are now hired on the basis of their skin color and not their qualifications? I had the results of that affirmative action policy demonstrated by a defective detective who lied, deceived, and violated CCC, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Bill of Rights, and who was responsible for the theft of private property over a thousand dollars and who was complicit in criminal obstruction, criminal harassment and on four counts of reckless endangerment that I CAN PROVE by documents in my possession and on record over the last two decades. That is the penalty of having incompetent unqualified fools hired by their skin color. MLK knew this. MalcolmX knew this. George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of the Nazi party of America and had secret meetings with Malcolm X knew it too. It was and is a policy pushed by white fools who decry racism though in their hypocrisy they are too stupid to realize that the policy of affirmative action is racist as it is tacit admission that some people of specific races are not able to compete with people of other races. MLK would turn over in his grave, especially if he knew his people demanded reparations from whites which shows how stupid they are in ignoring or being ignorant of the reality Barbary coast moslems captured both white and black slaves and continued that practice for over 1400 years, not the few hundred years as it was done in the USA. And then there were also BLACK slaveowners as well in the USA as documented by congressional records. So what do the Black Lies Matter people say to those truths? Nada. And nada. They have made fools of themselves in their ignorance and disgraced MLK. Stupid is forever and it cannot be fixed. (George Carlin)

How can a lowly uneducated man like self come to a knowledge of these truths and univerSH*Tty educated people not? Pray tell, the mean and wicked, evil and nasty me with no criminal record but a record of defending and recovering judgments for those who are unable to fight for themselves in the six digit range mostly? That includes my X who was divorced from me during the time I won a $100,000. settlement from a bureaucracy so stingy and tight that they squeaked.

Can anyone tell me how an "X" feels when she sees her X fighting and benefitting her substantially? Stranger things have and can happen. My refusal to "get along to go along" attitude made me what I am with some help from my mother, a WW2 veteran who hated injustice amnd taught me to ask no quarter and give none.

Going along to get along was not kosher for me. I did decide to fight injustice so I could look in the mirror without puking. Too many are tolerant of the vile leftists in western nations seeking to destroy us all.

I am not. And never will be. Two rules. "Praise excellence" counselled by Isaac Isamov in a mag called MC2 in the early seventies. I have been bold but transparent with those here and especially the site owners specifically sharp women The second rule is do not accept that which is wrong on any account or circumstance. That last one is a killer because everywhere I look I see deceptions, lies, criminality and evil in the current CYSTems that try to control us.

I have not mentioned the scriptural rules that I have embraced in the reality of the Ten Commandments but there are deviations allowed for example killing in self defence or in defence of family/innocent people. Trudope lies when he says nobody can kill in self defence but he is a liar and can go to bloody hell with his BS.

All is never as it meets the eye.

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

The thing about analog: it is grounded.

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Apr 19Liked by Celia Farber

Remedy for stress: do less. Talk this over with Lewis, your business partner, and ask him how he practices this. Yawn.

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