In Australia they were fanatical about 1.5 metres. All just made up. Never trust these people again.

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Right. In Canada it was 2 metres. In the US it was 2 yards, several inches less than in Canada. And you Australians only needed 1.5 metres distance. Because, science. And don't get me started on the masks.

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"Never trust these people again." Well, at least that much good came from it. That could be an important benefit next time around?

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What good was that?

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The good that, those who listened to, and believed the lies, deceptions, disinformation, deflections and misdirections of politicians, officials and the "scientific" community (including the medical "profession") next time will at least think twice before falling for it all again and will perhaps even say, "No!"

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That's certainly the hope. Did the pandemic create more skeptics and people who will be more willing to apply critical thinking to the next scare-mongering narrative?

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They are playing games with us, making up rules as they go. Other people 's lives/ well-being mean nothing to them.

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Paul Alexander had said this maybe ten months ago In a written post

Doctors now support end the hacksxxxine you can add your signatory in James Roguski substack

Thanks for all you do and for letting me comment Celia

You are my sheroe

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Just like that complete ars*hole Drosden made up the bullshit PCR method, just like they made up the nucleotude sequence for Sars Cov2, just like they made up mask effectiveness, just like they made up the bullshit dangerous snakeoils, just like they made up mortalilty and case numbers, just like they made up garbage like asymptomatic transmission when they can't even prove symptomatic transmission, and just like they follow the made germ theory!!

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This reminds me of James Chin's admission about how he and his associates made up the CDC's HIV estimates:

“It was after about TWO BOTTLES OF BOURBON that we finally came to a consensus that (HIV infections in 1986) was between one and one-half million." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdpTYUFZh9o&t=2293


“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive... but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” ~ C.S. Lewis

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Everything was made up and most of the world fell for it.

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Yip the world fell for fear.

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The six feet separation number probably comes from the MIC. Satellites cannot distinguish people who are closer than six feet apart. This tech is used to keep track of soldiers who wear a distinguishing marker that can be picked up by satellite. The rest of the BS comes from the bankers cabal and their corporate entourage that control the political and economic spheres wherever they have influence.

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6 feet is the distance a cellular phone needs from another cellular phone to be tracked as an individual identity. A bunch of phones in close proximity show that yes, there are phones, but not as the individual pings…

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My understanding is that in order for the surveillance technology to get accurate readings of individuals, 6 feet was the optimal distance. I can't find anything right now when searching for this, but you know the censorship...

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They're erasing the internet before our eyes. Duckduckgo has become a "Factcheckers say" nightmare too now.

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Yep, Truthstream Media: https://youtu.be/6zyJB45ewvU and Jimmy from Bright Insight: https://youtu.be/8O_NvPpbsbw demonstrate their searches.

Yeah, I remember switching to DuckDuckGo 4 years ago, so the turnaround gets quicker compared to say 2006 Twitter or 2004 Facebook. I'm using Ecosia for now. Brave has all those mainstream ads and DailyMail articles. We'll see what happens to Substack.

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The "science" behind the "science" was all made up. The whole thing was a sham, for a flu-like illness. Based on a government financed and created bioweapon.

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So it follows the next statement from him should be" There is nothing behind covid19, we made it up".

Everything was made up.

Clearly, (and we all know this) , ALL the convid rules had no science behind them and were totally insane.

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Why am I not surprised? Shared on Telegram. Then there's this ... https://snooze2awaken.com/2020/06/21/tear-down-this-plexiglass

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They JUST took down the plexiglas at the pharmacy at the closest Walmart.

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Those FOOLS!!! The magic plexiglass is all that stands between us and total annihilation.

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Well, now, you know it is Walmart......

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Philippines gov health stated 'mask wearing outside would be forever' = rule is now voluntary after senate hearings 3 days ago. NEXT, stopping EUA extension. Then jabs not required or mandated only voluntary. One step at a time.

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I just read about SP1-77, an antibody that scientists have discovered that can take out all Covid-19 variants. Now they'll make a vaccine with mRNA tech with it and mandate it. The insane push to vaccinate everyone will escalate with this discovery :(


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Except that it's not a real discovery at all. Antibodies are not specific and that's been known quite some time even though they are used for all sorts of excuses.

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I'm amazed they did at all. I'm still seeing this ridiculous setup EVERYWHERE--and I'm in Florida ...

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Will there be any accountability?

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You're funny! Thanks for the chuckle :)

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No way. They'd have to hang too many people. Too many companies and organizations would be sued into insolvency.

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Redfield and his lying comrades should have all their property confiscated and then put on the gallows for mass murder. This is as bad as the Nazi genocide. Why people would believe anything these pricks say is beyond me. I don't fucking get it.

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I feel so blessed to be a Floridian. We never really practiced social distancing here. The few times that I walked into a business and was actually told to mask-up and stand six feet apart, I turned around and walked out. I suspect many others did, as well. We just didn’t put up with that crap here.

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Made up… everything i point out to the (intelligent but psychologically deficient )sounds so absurd as to be UNbelieveable. So, they don’t believe it.

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These 'scientists' lie about everything and I suspect they are lying about this too.

It is a fact that our electro-magnetic field extends in a six foot bubble shape around all healthy people. Less in those of us who are unwell. Some forms of photography can show this field as light. There are no viruses but there is a communication between people on an energetic level.

These poorly educated and indoctrinated 'scientists' misinterpret the transmission of stimulation to detox as 'infections'. So they said we had to keep 6 feet apart so that we did not transmit the impetus to detox and would remain isolated - yet another root cause of ill health. We need to feel the electro-magnetic radiation from our families and our friends.

This has been proven:


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Right. In some people it can extend further than 6 or so feet. I have one son whose extends close to 30 ft and I suspect that is why he is so "sensitive" to other people's energies. Makes for a tough existence sometimes and I know he's far from rare in that regard.

I think you might give those "scientists" too much credit for knowing about the 6 ft electro-magnetic field of humans and basing the distancing rule on that. I'd say it's more likely that they knew that would be accepted by most people as reasonable to keep from getting showered with "viruses" but not so much as to be absurd, in their minds, and it would still get the results wanted including shutting down many businesses who cannot accommodate that.

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How fascinating that you know the distance your son's aura extends! How did you arrive at that knowledge? I am awfully sensitive to energy and, when I was younger and fitter, I could drain the colour from a television or cause electronic equipment to malfunction or even break down permanently! My son is into electronics and he would protect his equipment from me by banning me from his room!! lol

Nowadays I suffer from static and we are correlating that to the Schuman resonance or sun flare activity. I feel that the electro-magnetic environment is serious disturbed by the use of wifi and satellites. I question whether these mobile phones and EMFs in general are damaging our health.

Maybe you are right that I am attributing too much credit to 'scientists' - their formal education does not extend to understanding the electro-magnetic fragility of living beings, does it? I would like to think that the genuinely curious among them just MIGHT have indulged in some extra-curricular study.... but then, I may be attributing them with the same level of curiosity and thirst for knowledge that I experience myself.

You may be right to say that the 6 foot rule was merely a politcal artifice which serves the purposes of controlling and terrorising us.

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Keep in mind though that while our mainstream sciences do not allow for the real study and exposure of the effects of frequencies and resonance, TPTB DO know, just as they know much about free energy, light, water, and the power of the human. They are fully aware that these inharmonious frequencies result in a weakened mind and body, destruction of all forms of life to various degrees, and are a key tool in their methods of gaining and maintaining control. A fully functional, healthy human being simply cannot be controlled. This resonance is also the reason that almost certainly "we" will "win" this battle. Those that are fully aware of the plan and all of the fantastic qualities of a healthy mind and body will resonate the frequency of truth and love and it will spread to all. Just as many minds conceive the same invention at the same time in various parts of the world, so will the connected consciousness, in time, spread the truth about all of the evil being perpetrated on us and the earth's resources.

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While we were in Arizona for a few years we were in contact and working with a couple of medical intuitive teachers and one was an especially skilled person in many areas of consciousness/frequency/energy. It's been a good number of years ago so I don't remember everything right off the top of my head, but she had set up a room to capture the auric field, among other things. Back here in Missouri, where so much is still very backwards, (which is not always a bad thing), the options in these areas are extremely limited, and so are the libraries and University resources. We had several different experiences with the one person and unfortunately I've lost contact with her.

I know what you mean about electronics. Decades ago my boys had one of those Radio Shack electronic kits and you touched the wires and could here a "buzz" according to your individual electrical system. All of the other four people in the family had a nice clear buzz, although varying somewhat, and mine was a very low dull buzz, cutting in and out. At the time I had no idea what that meant but it has always been a family joke. Our television at the time could only get local channels via an antenna, and at the time we used rabbit ears. If I walked to a certain distance from it the picture would go to static, and if I moved away it would return and vice versa. A few years later we ditched all television so I can't say if that would have continued. I did read recently how it's been found that hair is an antenna. I have a massive head of hair, naturally very curly and frizzy and I've since wondered if that plays any part in my sensitivity to EMFs which I've clearly shown to have, increasing with age or more likely, exposure.

There's no doubt the cell phones and all equipment, including smart meters, that produces inharmonious frequencies are damaging and there is no lack of evidence in that regard.

Infrasound is also extremely dangerous and is a silent killer. That's one big problem with the wind turbines, among many other machines and equipment. For one, the fascia becomes thickened around organs, and especially the heart.

Most scientists do not question or at least do not follow those questions for the same reasons many other prominent people do not. Lack of curiosity and desire to learn, and/or fear of learning they have lived a lie, and/or losing income and position or even worse, physical harm. Those that do expose truths can and have ended up destitute, shamed, ostracized, jailed, or suddenly turn up dead, or missing. I've noticed that the level of curiosity and desire to keep learning has all but disappeared in the masses, just as was planned.

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I have always referred to my hair as aerials - that is why I do not cut it until it gets past my thighs and, even then, only very reluctantly! I figure that it would not grow so long unless it has a purpose and that does not mean keeping me warm!

I found out that North American indigenous tribes have a tradition of letting their hair grow because they believe it connects them to the environment. I heard that some were required to work for the US Army but lost the tracking skills they were employed for as soon as they were forced to get a haircut!

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Makes sense. My question is now that we have all of these inharmonious and unhealthy frequencies everywhere, is having antennas as part of your body really a good thing, or is it far more harmful? The environment was normally grounding and harmonizing for the most part and now it is very much the opposite in most places.

The Army got what they deserved in that instance, as far as I'm concerned.

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Since the roll out of 4G and especially recently with 5G my hair has fallen out, thinning down to a third of its previous volume. I would not be at all surprised that electro-magnetic radiation is off the charts.

In the same period I have also lost all my teeth!

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Andy Kaufman also did a slightly more recent interview with Dolf titled "The water that makes light dance", https://rumble.com/search/video?q=the%20water%20that%20makes%20light%20dance

Dolf is an amazing person, as are Cowan, Kaufman, Baileys, Lanka, and countless others too numerous to mention.

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