Well after the Jab and with horrible medical consequences I suspect more children will be assisted with suicide. Damn NAZIS of CANADA.

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It's so crazy that phrase "assisted suicide."

It breaks the concept of euphemism apart.

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Yeah, very much.

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When bad is seen as good, and good is seen as bad. Wakey wakey everyone

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Read recently how Canada is part of a handful of countries participating in "death tourism," in that people can travel there to be voluntarily, legally euthanized. And now this?! Depressing af.

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Lovely, a tourist attraction.

For those who still can't see what's happening... (most people I know) they might be beyond help. Hope not.

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But tourists must have their vaccines in order. No one in Government Health wants for people to spend eternity with the stoopid flu!

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Normalizing the abnormal. It's what they do. And the hypnotized fall for it every time.

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Unbelievable! Eugenics is alive and well. As an RN, I am horrified.

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The Nazis practiced widespread euthanasia in hospitals and nursing homes of the mentally ill, the disabled, the elderly. And doctors and nurses were the ones that wholeheartedly carried this out. They did this long before the Death Camps and the Final Solution were underway.

We are already on the same trajectory here in Today's Western World. Dr Mengele and IG FARBEN on steroids.

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There is a huge difference between what the Nazis did and what's happening now. The doc The vast majority of doctors and nurses today have been programmed to believe everything the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc say. They think they are good, reliable institutions. For this reason I cannot talk about this with my colleagues and friends in the medical profession...they all had the shots, too, unlike the Nazi medical staff who only did it to others. It's the people at the top of these institutions, not the rank & file medical people, who know the truth. As far as my medical friends know, this is cutting-edge medicine. I'm hoping they are finally beginning to question this.

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Next up will be a commercial, funded by WEF/Schwab, the vile Soros, etc. for ***national suicide.***

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😲😳🤯🤬 Those f'ers are insanely EVIL! At least the US government will just murder you without consent. 🙄😕

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With Trudeau's march to Great Reset totalitarianism, I wouldn't be surprised if there are more suicides. Many people are leaving Canada because they can see the writing on the wall.

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Trudeau is an evil, evil, EVIL, utterly evil man.

We are in the US - unfortunately, in the People's Socialist Republik of Venezuellois, outside the equally bad Chicago, but as noted elsewhere, we used to know Jane Philpott, his Health Minister, that somehow came back from being a missionary doctor, and to whom we sent OUR hard earned money This person came back, somehow got involved with the disgusting Liberal party, and starting pushing legalized drugs, euthanasia, even more liberalized abortion, etc. My wife's cousin was Trudeau's nanny (I don't know her); we also used to spend a lot of time with Ian Shugart, the top unelected civil official in Canada (now out on sick leave). We were also friends with the personal secretary for Mila Mulroney, the old PM. I also used to do a LOT of training for the RCMP in computers (used to use SuperCalc back in the day!!)

I mention this just to note that we we slightly connected politically, and do have a bit of a pulse of what is going on. We followed Philpott's antics with euthanasia assiduously, and were utterly disgusted with what she did. We left Canada for the reason you note, and my wife just became a US citizen last week (I am a dual). Unfortunately, we did it legally, so we don't get any of the freebies the illegals do. And she had to get her papers because, she couldn't get back into the US as an unvaxxed person legally... only if she was ILLEGAL could she enter.

If I couldn't get out of Canada, Danielle Smith looks great in AB. (I lived also in Edmonton and BC for a long time). Alberta is lovely; Edmonton is a great city, but colder; if you are really that upset about cold, Calgary is up and down a LOT; but I alway say just move your summer vacation to winter if the cold is that aversive. Also, Vancouver is just a dozen hours by car for the cold averse

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Interesting - I have noticed a definite uptick in radio ads in the US (Texas-New Mexico area) for mental health assistance operations - with the "my son is gone for days, I'm worried about him..." kinds of talk and the voice over lady explaining how their company can help...but I have wondered what the real reason for this decidedly large increase in these kinds of ads is about - and this makes some sense.

After all, for the leftist scum pushing to depopulate, sure, killing with the jab and freezing and/or starving the people who cannot afford energy or food is a start, but why not go direct? Let them express doubt about living and help them into the coffin? Now, I certainly do not know if that is indeed what happens, at least today, but hearing this advertising strategy just makes me wonder if there isn't a bigger picture.

The leftist leadership (read: WEF and the cabal of crap)is most certainly evil, but they are not dumb.

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They want 90% of us dead, and they aren't picky about how - exposure (no heat/ac), starvation, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, drug abuse, war, dehydration (droughts), drowning (floods), etc. They're covering all possible bases, but they have a special place in their icy black hearts for suicide - because making someone become so desolate and defeated that they voluntarily take their own life produces way more loosh than other methods. Except, of course, for the torture & ritual murder of small children. They get loosh plus the bonus of adrenochrome from that...

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Thanks. (I think.) Good writing to you.

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I heard a story one Sunday afternoon this past summer or early fall. It was on "In P Are" in my car driving with my 18-year-old daughter. I believe the show was called "on the media." and it was a gleeful woman telling how wonderful it is that suicide is becoming acceptable and legal for elders who are lonely. I do not remember if it were in US or Canada, but she was such the advocate for elders who were lonely to be legally allowed and helped to take their own lives. Maybe a pod was involved. I was horrified. I said, well, is that the best "they" can come up with to help lonely elders? Why not introduce children and elders to keep company together, read together, or play games together. The reporter was incredibly upbeat about the possibility of extinguishing loneliness with assisted suicide. After the interview, I began a diatribe to my daughter, but she quickly said, "Shhh, Mom, listen to the music being played right after that story. Hear how happy the music is?" I said, "How creepy and disgusting!" Where has our world gone? Grand theft world is right, and it seems it was like taking candy from a baby. We all looked one way while "they" used slight-of-hand to prepare to get rid of us; probably so they will not need to pay out the SS money that has been stolen and off-shored according to many sources I read, who spend their time making the observation and understanding of the economy and consumer money matters their life focus. Many who say the SS system is broke would say there is reason "they, the thieves of American assets and resources" want us out-sourced to the world beyond.

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This is what happens when you have no inner core values or principles.

But some people found the ad 'beautiful'; a testament to Canada's 'compassion' and progressivism.

Brutally amoral.

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We used to be friends with Jane Philpott, Trudeau's health minister, who later quit due to his blatant financial shenanigans (SNC Lavalin, WE, etc). She USED to be a missionary doctor... but then came back and got involved with the Liberal Party, then ran as an MP, then was health minister, Started pushing legalized drugs, euthanasia like this, all the usual left wing garbage. My wife was just SICK over this, as she was in our church, and we sent them money... our hard earned dollars. Then these types turn to what is in my opinion the dark side. I suspect these types of people think they are "doing good," but are just too deluded to figure out they are just being used as tools for the dark side.

My wife's cousin was also Trudeau's nanny (I don't know her myself personally), and I did grad work at Univ. of British Columbia, living in Pt Grey... which is MASSIVELY wealthy... y'know, typical locale for all the Learjet leftists and limousine liberals, like those hypocrites on Martha's Vineyard who kicked out all those illegal immigrants despite having THOUSANDS of hotel rooms available (and yes they DID have the rooms, as it was past tourist season, and they have a LOT of rooms for that period). Yes, that same Pt. Grey where drama teacher rich boy Justin lived and taught.

When I finished my second grad degree, I was left leaning. But you know what? Even a modicum of intelligence dovetailed with wisdom and real life experience must necessarily move you are out of the fasco-Marxist leftist camp of Trudeau, Biden etc.

If you want an elucidation on how the left are truly fascists, as originally defined by its creator, Mussolini, and defined in his eponymous 1932 The Doctrine of Fascism, see https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism And oh yeah. Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party. Get it? Umm.... see the word "socialist" in there?

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I wish I could shed a better light about those who suffer from debilitating illness. Illnesses that make your quality of life horrible every day. I can only speak for myself though.

Some folk only think it’s only ok for some terminal cancer patient to say no more, choosing euthanasia instead of a painful death (which unfortunately most suicides tend to be), but it’s not just physical cancer that makes people want to end their suffering, there are mental cancers that are just as ravaging, terrifying, and incurable. I’m sharing this as someone who has done some personal research into suicide and euthanasia, someone who has listened to people with mental illness who want to end their suffering, and someone who has suffered to the point of wanting to die. I think topics like this need to be thoroughly researched, perhaps beyond the point of whatever this commercial may be.

I am not speaking on behalf of whatever the commercial in question. I have not even watched it (and don’t plan on it because the content sounds triggering). I am not closed to the reality that there are frequencies being shifted and narratives being created to drive people to suicidal thoughts and actions. That is what this commercial sounds like. It doesn’t sound like actual help in the form of trained professionals to provide care for those seeking to die.

I am speaking on behalf of myself, a person in suicide recovery. Talking about uncomfortable topics like this with intelligent, agile minded individuals is one thing we can do as a society to help those considering suicide, who often have to secretly cope with their desires on their own. There’s a study that found that giving people with suicidal ideation the option to discuss wanting to die, and the option to do it, has been integral in providing a chance for a different outcome - one in which they don’t choose to violently end their life. Many even choose to keep living. Just wanted to share that. I accept and realize that some people won’t be able to come around to this kind of thinking but I’m taking a chance to share my thoughts. 🙏🏾

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Tracie, Thank you for being here and “taking the chance to share” your thoughts. I value different perspectives and I always take the time to read the comments for that reason, especially when someone shares their very own personal experience. I learn as much from the comments as I do from the content. I hope you take comfort knowing how valuable sharing this comment was. Blessings to you ~ and Celia.

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Part of the big problem is that many of the illnesses today either mental or physical (many mental illnesses are truly physical) are caused by toxins in the body. I know of someone up in Canada who's fiance committed suicide due to "depression". I put that in quotes because depression in her case was a symptom of copper toxicity and none of the "professionals" knew that or did a simple test for it. And so due to her "depression" and feeling no way out, she committed suicide. Very sad and so unnecessary. Much of the toxins [heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc), flouride, glyphosate, etc] have been created or put into the environment in dangerous ways by those who are causing the damage now. There is hope but it's only when you get those toxins out of the body can your body heal. Some of the toxins are also neurotoxins that affect the brain, too, causing depression and many other "mental" illnesses. They affect the cells of organs and cause severe damage including cancer. Medical professionals are ignorant to these basic facts. The body needs to get rid of toxins (and no the liver and kidneys don't necessary do it well as these ignorant doctors will tell you they do) and minerals need to be balanced. If minerals aren't in balance, the body can become "sick" or diseased in so many different ways based on many variables. Bottom line is, there is hope and that's what needs to be the focus not offering death. That's truly insane. We need to get back to the basics of science and not what these so called health professionals believe science is.

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The immortal phrase of progressive philospher Margaret Sanger: "I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world..."

IMO, she was a pure racist. A life wasted in hatred. Poor soul.

People, only open this link if you have stomach for it:


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