Tear Gas Used To Disperse Crowds In Romanian Capitol, As Romania's EU Controlled Electoral Bureau Bans Georgescu Candidacy: "Europe Is Under Dictatorship," He Warns, As The EU Experiment Derails
Despite His History With Sustainable Development And Even Club Of Rome Leadership Position, The People's Candidate Is Described By Euro-Press As "Far Right," And Simply Banned.
Clip here.
Clip here.
Clip here.
As I saw this image of the young, angry Romanian man with a bloodied face, I immediately saw how this will be weaponized to brand (further) all opposition to EU tyranny as neo-Nazi skinhead fascism on the rise.
I state the obvious.
It will also be used to push the war in Ukraine, (where nobody minds actual Bandera Nazis who brandish openly.)
On the same account, I then found this clip, a vivid display of my worst fears:
Done and dusted—black propaganda branding complete. This is no velvet revolution, but rather, it seems, a powder keg that either serves EU/NATO’s warmongers one way or the other way. One could take the Q line “Trust the plan” and place it in in the mouths of the EU/NATO elites just as readily. Everything feels hijacked. Freedom is “far right,” and Europe is brainwashed and conditioned to beg for a final solution type of crackdown.
Clip here.
International Women’s Day, (formerly International Working Women’s Day, unbeknownst to Meghan Markle) began in the Marxist/Feminist American movement, and eventually got adopted by Lenin, who used the cause of women’s rights an a blunt force weapon for his Bolshevik death cult.
You can read about it in this nice magazine called The Communist.
Some outtakes:
In the clip, the useful idiots, dramatically painted, and nude, scream “Heil!” at: Trump, Putin, Musk, Orban, Meloni, and Le Pen, in that order. And on their stomachs they bear the slogan: “Fascist epidemic.”
Lenin didn’t think to use “viruses” or “epidemics” for his revolution, but now it’s a central theme: All these dangerous things that spread unless you kill everybody.
Again, women will be central to the resurrection of communist globalism, this time serving robots’ rights, perhaps, since people have to go.
It feels like every time we see protest, slogans, anything on a big scale, it plays right in to the grinning, greasy face of Mr. Global. And that includes all things populist and patriotic. All traps. Now we know how the house mouse feels.
Background article from Romania Insider, November 2024
Reiner Fuellmich’s interview with Calin Georgescu two years ago, here. (At the 59 minute mark, Georgescu says all the oligarchs that run the global system are involved with pedophilia.)
Composite of clips about Georgescu from “The People’s Voice,” here.
Is Georgescu a trap too? I’m paranoid. Everything is a trap, it seems. I speak as one who fell into many of them, but still forget, when I see a new piece of cheese. Calin Georgescu seems, for what it is worth, authentic. Or do I underestimate the enemy’s ability to drive us through the maze?
When IKEA funded the Securitate. What? Yes.
Commentary: I can’t square Georgescu’s Sustainable Development and Club of Rome history with his anti-NATO, nationalist, populist, pedophilia opposing, “conspiracy theorist” new incarnation, but if he has addressed his metamorphosis, I will try to find it. Maybe it’s addressed in his interview with Reiner Fuellmich, which I’ve only listened to parts of. By the time I have possibly figured it out, the EU and NATO press will have overturned the chessboard.
What is clear is that the Romanian people overwhelmingly want Georgescu to be their next President, the EU is willing to impose a Soviet style crackdown to block him, and the situation brings the entire world to the brink of chaos, revolution, and tyranny, which is how the controllers want things.
Small comfort that we EU skeptics can say: “Told you so.”
I look at the clips from Bucharest and sense, with dread, a re-enactment of the 1956 Soviet crackdown of the Hungarian student uprising, with a head spinning role reversal— the EU playing the role of the USSR, and Russia playing the role of the anti-tyranny hold out. The Anaconda, or “Mr. Global,” and its propaganda press twists all events from the top and from the sides, to create chaos on the ground. No way out.
What locks the exits are the two weapon words “far” and “right.” These words create the fig leaf pretext for all crackdowns, since Europe (its leaders) would rather usher in abject tyranny than allow any member state to define its own national interests. In that sense, the EU has become a replica, with less blood, of the former USSR, just as Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky relentlessly warned.
“It is really puzzling to me, that having just buried one monster, the Soviet Union, another remarkably similar one, the European Union, is being built.”
—Vladimir Bukovsky
That coming from a man who spent 12 years in various Soviet gulags, still comfortable with the comparison.
My two part article and Q&A with Bukovsky here, behind ET paywall—I don’t have an available copy to openly share. In part 2 he talks about the EU.
A Digression (You can end your reading of the article here, or continue.)
You’d think maybe Bukovsky would be “appalled” by such comparisons, as Zionists, even if they were slightly anti-Covidian, were appalled when Vera Sharav likened the Covid Reich to the Third Reich she barely survived as a child.
The book that truly documents how Nazi ideology stemmed from a craze for “public health” (in the name of “science”) and, above all, contamination mania is “Life Unworthy of Life” by James M. Glass. This book is my bridge, and also where I feel Holocaust correctors get lost, or at least, overlook a well documented path history: “Science,” eugenics, and contagion mania in the Third Reich. Glass’ book traces the history along an unbeaten path—along public health and germ phobia lines, and documents that contagion mania was the root cause, (or one of the main ones.)
Sharav is right to draw a straight line between the Third Reich and Covid, as it identified groups as “phobic objects,” as biologically (not merely politically or ethnically) infected, and deployed eugenics, already well developed in the US, Sweden, and France, as a front for sadistic medical experimentation.
I don’t expect anybody disputes this history but maybe I’m wrong.
“The body possesses no meaning: It is perceptually transformed into waste; it may be broken up into parts for “scientific” experimentation.”
—Chapter: “The Indifference Thesis and Science as Power,” James M. Glass
”So called pure science knew no moral bounds.”
Covid was also full of Marxist/Leninist obsessions, like extreme statism, human misery, children turning on parents, and kitschy worship of the working classes, or at least nurses. (For some Monarch themed reasons.) It attacked free assembly, free speech, freedom to travel, work, freedom not be subject to state sanctioned medicine, and any other freedom we care to list. Covid was more tyrannical in some ways than Communism at its worst, which I wrote about in 2023.
I saw, and battled this identical ghost, (science as global religion) fused with globalist Marxism, in my decades of exposing the role of “AIDS activism,” which obliterated the human being as human, reducing it instead to a location where the “fight against the virus” would take place. You could call it public health as path to revolution. What’s “revolution?” Everything changes, overnight. Mass hysteria. An Enemy is declared and all bets are off. Catastrophic loss of empathy. The ends justify the means. Stupid person is worshipped. (Fauci.)
AIDS was the part of the story where they, over decades, engineered all the thought forms, and cast all the characters and ideals—the religion of scientism and the monster called “global health.” It hated women more than anything, but gay men were brought in to run it, and in South Africa, it was run by open, revolutionary Marxists, now funded by USAID/Pharma. All this fomented the cult of Fauci, who was their faux rejecting father turned fellow (revered) revolutionary. The revolution was to make sure the world had “access” to deadly drugs on a conveyor belt of FDA approval that moved faster and faster after AZT (1987) broke down the old world notion of 10 year “safety and efficacy” testing.
AIDS activists who destroyed my career post 2006, and many others, chided me for lamenting the death of a pregnant woman who was consciously sacrificed in a Fauci led NIAID trial. Read the story here. I’ll return to the details of this—I’ve held it in my mind for years as a way to really show people who they were.
I often say “I haven’t told you the story,” and it will have to appear in fragments, at random times, like in this post; I can’t tell it in a linear way. Usually when I write pieces of it, I delete them. I wait until they light up some current piece of our shared experience.
The myopic error, flourishing now again in new forms, was to ask: “Does HIV cause AIDS?” Or, “Does HIV exist?” All the while they were building the Global Health Fifth Reich. The blind spot of the No Virus movement is that they think this Reich needs a genuine pathogen to tyrannize, entrap, and kill people, when it always relied on sorcery.
They still believe in “science” but in reverse (accurate science) as the way to stop the vicious tyranny. This is wishful thinking and ignores the history of extreme, elaborate human persecutions that followed as a consequence of Gallo’s 1984 fraud.
So they’re scientifically correct, but they seem to take no interest in the human story—only the scientific one. PCR can find, as Kary Mullis said, anything, in anything, you just program it to any molecule you like. What has to be torn down is not virology (which is bankrupt) but the globalist/WHO rogue super state that will sacrifice any number of people, (and chickens,) so long as they can act out their perverse contamination mania, and Marxist/Masonic lust for one world government. No amount of bio-correction will affect that, it’s separate.
Tweezers—lost details, small things
“Farber laments the death of a pregnant woman…”
—Anton Chekhov
This is a bit of a digression, but one I feel strongly about, and we know all things are interconnected, and foretold, as in Chekhov’s pistol on the wall.
The substantiation for my claim above, that AIDS activists said I “…even lamented the death of a pregnant woman…” is here, in the attack dossier they created and spread around the world, in the last line:
The first time I read it I probably gasped.
I could not seem to get the gravity or perversity of that line across to anybody around me, at the time. Here it is again:
“Farber describes the death of one patient and implies this is relevant to the science of HIV.”
In other words: The “science of HIV” is a Godhead, and anybody who is murdered by it either managed to be “relevant to the science,” or, a mere corpse, which AIDS activists should not have to be bothered with.
The entire attack document, which originated in South Africa, detailing my thought crimes, recast as “56 errors” is here. The third author, by the way, Gregg Gonzalves, was cited by Anthony Fauci in a deposition as the source of the entirely made up “six feet social distancing,” in 2020.
From Act Up New York’s website: “We expect a satisfactory response from Harper’s by Monday evening.”
Meaning what?
Meaning: AIDS “activists,” who enforced globalist virus ideology, even ones that were not American, but South African, fully expected to have full editorial control over any and all US media on the subject of HIV/AIDS. See also their junta style list of demands at the bottom of this image:
Harper’s informed them they could write a 500 word letter and sailed on. Everybody involved did not need to be destroyed and removed from the profession, luckily, only one.
Scapegoating and sacrifice patterns are consistent.
Speaking of which, I got an audio message from Reiner Fuellmich last night, and in it, he describes what role his running for political office in Germany played in his persecution. He sounds strong and clear, and says he hopes and expects to see me soon. I took that as more than vague optimism.
Back when Reiner was kidnapped and taken to prison, (and to this day,) people lament the apparent fascist descent of “Germany” but if they instead look at the European Union as the deranged body politic, the locus of the illness, it begins to make more sense. No amount of quoting Goethe will bring the beast to pause, and there is no longer any such thing as “Germany.”
Romania, however, is putting up one hell of a fight, that there should be such a thing as “Romania.”
Why did any EU member states doubt they would be erased and engulfed?
Just as “deadly virus” was rolled out (1984 to the present) to crush all freedoms, so is “far right” as a justification to forfeit free elections in Europe. And “misinformation” is the phantom that tells these people all free journalism should end. Soros is apparently paying for all the attacks and burnings of Tesla cars and Tesla dealerships across Europe. In Sweden, the state radio reports regularly on not only vandalism, but Swedes giving away their Tesla cars.
I have no idea what makes Calin Georgescu “far right,” as I have not even seen him oppose Soros led forced migration, but I assume he has. It must be simply that being a “nationalist” (also known as “patriot”) as opposed to an EU erasure-ist (erasing national identity) is the new black plague. The normal thing rendered abnormal.
And on a Zoom presentation held by Doctors For Covid Ethics last night, historian of the rise the technocracy cult, Patrick Wood, (website here) told us that the technocrats take cover in any political ideology, to advance their one world agenda—including populism. That’s what we’re seeing now, but don’t want to see.
Wood sees President Trump surrounded by technocrat billionaires and has a sinking feeling, after 45 years of tracking this cult. Several people almost pleaded with him to concede that maybe Trump and/or Musk are a bulwark against the tyranny.
He said: “Let’s talk in five years.” (I think he said five.)
Wood said he knew on day one that Covid was the global coup d’etat of the technocrats, his word for the people we sometimes call globalists.
And if I had spoken up, I would have said:
”The technocrats overtaking of biology peaked with the discovery of DNA double helix, the genetics craze, HIV, and Covid. All made possible by the “machine model of biology” around WW1, and genetic determinism, which is as false as virology. HIV was the first major phantom weapon, that sought to recast the human body as a machine. All cell death, in this machine, predictable and separated from God’s healing. (The body’s healing.) HIV was technocracy introduced to biology, decimating its truths in the process. This is how to understand the real, deepest horror of “virology.”
In a phone conversation with my friend Ooana Trien yesterday, she said something stunning. Reading from this piece she wrote, she said (paraphrased from memory:)
”What is the opposite of life? Many would say “death,” but that’s not true. The opposite of life is the machine.”
Wait, I found it. Here is the passage, in full:
Ooana’s Substack is linked above.
I have to send this quote to Patrick Wood.
Here is the interview I did in 2000 with AIDS dissident and opponent of genetic determinism, Berkeley’s Dr. Richard Strohman, who told me about this shift that happened around WW1, from a biology that allowed for God’s “miracle” to one that came to be known as “The Machine Model of Biology.”
This ghastly ideology rises in lockstep with all the “isms” and psychoses of the last century—acts as its Lysenkoist scientific expression.
So, it’s not virology that needs to be exposed and dismantled. It’s the deeper pathology, which is, broadly speaking, atheism. The sine qua non of all virus panics.
As the Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva, whose family perished at the hands of the Bolsheviks, put it simply:
”To the atheist, there is nothing but the earth and its organization.”
Patrick Wood’s technocrats, and they include Elon Musk, adhere to this catastrophic creed.
Here are some of the slides from his presentation:
Now I’m going to try to stop thinking about this, because it’s out of our hands.
The opposite of war is not the absence of war or peace. War is destruction and the opposite is creation. Life is creating meaning and value. Machines do not create meaning or value. Yes, the opposite of life is machine or computing.
Reiner Fuellmich is really a political prisoner. I am praying he will not only be released soon, but also be vindicated - however with the deep corruption within the “justice” systems worldwide, it is not likely they will ever admit to wrong doing.
Still we must celebrate that his unjust capture, revealed the depth of corruption.
Just like Main Stream Media has been exposed for being globalist run and tightly “scripted “ machine, devoid of true integrity and journalism.
Just subservient actors all reading the same script on every channel.
They just PROVED Reiners argument about the plandemic, with the powers behind it taking such extreme and obvious unjust actions against him,
just as the deep state behind Romania is doing the same thing.
Isn’t it ironic BOTH these men who sat down to expose corruption, are being falsely persecuted simultaneously.
The message the controllers are sending is “don’t mess with us “-
my message is “NEVER SURRENDER to EVIL”.