Reiner Fuellmich is really a political prisoner. I am praying he will not only be released soon, but also be vindicated - however with the deep corruption within the “justice” systems worldwide, it is not likely they will ever admit to wrong doing.

Still we must celebrate that his unjust capture, revealed the depth of corruption.

Just like Main Stream Media has been exposed for being globalist run and tightly “scripted “ machine, devoid of true integrity and journalism.

Just subservient actors all reading the same script on every channel.

They just PROVED Reiners argument about the plandemic, with the powers behind it taking such extreme and obvious unjust actions against him,

just as the deep state behind Romania is doing the same thing.

Isn’t it ironic BOTH these men who sat down to expose corruption, are being falsely persecuted simultaneously.

The message the controllers are sending is “don’t mess with us “-

my message is “NEVER SURRENDER to EVIL”.

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Reiner will never be vindicated. The deck was stacked against him to begin with.

There are many of us worldwide who believe he was railroaded - he was kidnapped from my country - I pray he will be released alive and will recover.

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The opposite of war is not the absence of war or peace. War is destruction and the opposite is creation. Life is creating meaning and value. Machines do not create meaning or value. Yes, the opposite of life is machine or computing.

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So much to digest here--but in a word, or two--perhaps atheism is the real virus. People tend to think of it as benign, or inert--but what you show here is a wake of destruction that is leading to a very dark and evil place. Ergo, in a classic misdirect orchestrated by technocrats and Marxists and whomever else--it's atheism that is the virus.

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🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 Wow! So many good points.

I read about this this morning. And immediately thought that "defunding" USAID money is simply a euphemism for being "reallocated." Coincidentally X is (was?) suffering a nationwide outage today. Too much "free" speech I suppose.

Who could possibly be behind it?

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The X outage would explain why the videos about Romanian protests that Celia linked couldn't be found. I had thought it was probably censorship. Or maybe it is censorship.

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Re: the French women & Lenin: What FREEDOM did women gain being "forced" into factories and offices, while their kids also went to work or roamed the streets, or were raised by other people in day care and schools? The state created more taxpayers is what it did. I am chuckling to myself that the term "feminazi" may have been aptly coined.

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“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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I doubt many get the subtlety of your post.

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Sadly, but an excellent comment.

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My favourite part: ‘Now I’m going to try to stop thinking about this, because it’s out of our hands.’ without God we are nothing. Atheism is the malignancy we have to overcome. The most awake, savvy people in the world aren’t offering solutions or hope. When the majority of humanity gets comfortable, worldly & complacent and so rejects God, the results are clear.

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Thank you for your compassion for the victims of the new world order. IMHO this scenario has played out countless times in past history (perhaps millennia). The Bible has tales about conquest of the known world by first one civilization and then another. The rulers are not usually depicted as anything but evil and stupid. The end for these civilizations is always grotesque and tragic. The rulers and the people suffer. There are no exceptions. The progress from the garden of Eden is downhill all the way. The New Testament supplies a method to get back to life and I recommend it to everyone who prefers life to the opposite which is the Machine.

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I get RT news. I watched a lot of the Romania protests and news feeds yesterday - Sunday.

As I mentioned before, there doesn't look to be many 'safe' places left in the European continent.

The graphic videos of the terrorist regime in Syria slaughtering people was horrendous.

Erdogan is more problems upcoming.

The world has gone mad.

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meanwhile... Trump has seen fit to gratify his Zionist overlords by revoking grants earmarked for Colombia Univ. and arresting a Palestinian activist who helped organize student protests. which for me begs the question: which is worse, science run amok (e.g., "covid" craze, transhumanism, technocracies) or religiosity run amok (e.g., Israel, Spanish Inquisition, evangelicals)?

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Here is the Füllmich/Georgescu UN whistleblowing interview https://rumble.com/v27ggd7-secrets-of-the-united-nations-what-everyone-should-know.html. They certainly have succeeded in eroding our bearings - or is it that we just now can see, all at once, the false bearings we were given all along and find ourselves drifting in the fog, having severed most of these ties in disgust? I feel vindicated now, years after the birth of the ‘fact-checker’cult, my warnings visciously belittled by so many in the 10 second class of virtuous thinkers, waving their Snoopes deity through the air. What a deliberate and obvious psychological warfare tool it has been. LOL. The US Freedom Summit cast has dedicated heightened attention to Romania since the start of CovCon. Geographically it occupies a strategic location in the military theatre. So there is that.

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Impressive article. Thank you!

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Celia… Warrior/Thinker… You are the most profound dot-connector. I am grateful.

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In this 2015 Watt talks about the agenda to cause division and chaos to usher in one world control. A couple times in this conversation. First time between 30:00-36:00, another time towards the end. Alan Watt like the Day Tapes are warnings of what was to become and so much what we are living since 2020 especially.

10 Sep 2015

Alan Watt on Reality Bytes Radio w/Neil Foster-59 min


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Club of Rome association is concerning. I can only say that at these elite levels it's going to be near impossible to find anyone who was not inside or at least adjacent to these organizations. Even at the peon level it wasn't until I worked within the military-industrial complex that my eyes were really opened to the reality. So on a CV one would see that I (like many) worked for Boeing but that would be a mistaken assumption to think I agree with what they do, especially now. So two years working for them doesn't seem like an indication that he's fully on board. Same with a lot of U.S. politicians who attended a WEF conference once a decade ago, which is viewed as equivalent to being a career-long member of their steering committee. Or working for a national bank or the FED (one friend did so while in grad school and she is now an audit the FED libertarian as a result) or attending a Jesuit or Ivy League university means you're damaged goods forever. It's an arbitrary litmus test for such things to be polarizing decisions. It's also just as blindsiding to trust someone who did NOT work within the Monster. Being -too- perfect is a sign of a scrubbed background (e.g. maybe a provocateur) or naive or inexperienced. If you didn't see the dirt and ugly up close you don't really know how things work or how much you really should hate the system.

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Was it Putin warned ‘your democracies will become hollowed out dictatorships’? Or did I dream this?

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