FYI, just last Friday, Candace Owens' podcast was episode 1 of a series on Mr. and "Mrs." Macron. According to her, Brigitte Macron was quoted as saying (or maybe in jest proposing, it wasn't absolutely clear to me) that one spire on the Cathedral should be rebuilt as a giant phallus, popping up above a pair of gonads. Candace's whole 40 minute show came off as the opening salvo in a social, cultural and religious war, to reclaim the soul of France. By airing out laundry that's been soiled for a long time but which no one's dared to try and expose to sunlight.

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"Becoming Brigitte: An Investigative Series by Candace Owens - Introduction"



[well worth watching the entire 40m]

Here is the part where Candace Owens discusses Brigitte Macron's idea/proposal "to install an erect penis with GOLDEN BALLS to become the new spire for the Notre Dame cathedral":

"Becoming Brigitte: An Investigative Series by Candace Owens - Introduction"


[timestamped to start at 12m 14s]

"Brigitte Macron backed an 'erect phallus with golden balls' as the new spire for Notre Dame cathedral, France's former culture minister claims"


Mr. and "Mrs." Macron need to be exposed as the frauds they truly are:

"Mon malaise à moi /My own malaise - Parody de Mon manège à moi - Edith Piaf"



[Sarah Jane Iffra's parody of Prez Emmanuel Macron and the First "Lady"]

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Who can remember the ideas that were launched in the form of a contest (?) about the possible new functions of Notre Dame. Some of these were too bizarre for words, such as instead of the great oak roof structure a large swimming pool! Or the extremely woke idea of turning the church into an UN's SDG info center. Indeed, it was a period just before the renovation began that it seemed that certain forms of power with too much money and hubris seemed to want to seize their golden opportunity to be able to thoroughly alter the eight hundred year old immensely powerful statement of Christianity in their tainted ideological promo image. Again indicative of the typical behavior of power grabbers, which we have been privileged to observe more often in our history. Including thoroughly correcting them, because after all, our history was always written down by the so-called Victors. In our present juncture we are dealing with a uniform [ Gleichgeschaltet ] conglomerate of power that apparently also wishes to see its own cult expressions realized in all kinds of forms of expression. Especially in recent decades we have witnessed how they wish to reshape the so-called old normal into a New Normal in which there no longer seems to be any room for religious spiritual matters that are peculiar/typical to human beings . But fortunately they do not always succeed. Mainly because this relatively small group lacks soul. Let's hope that they will finish each other off in time, so that our entire planet will not turn into Ground Zero and reconstruction will still be possible.

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I was not aware that The Christ's supposed crown of thorns was housed at Notre Dame Paris. I liked the podcast offerings part of this post. Writing, of course, is superior to a recording. And pictures (always good) cannot be embedded in a "tape" recording (I read Substack now offers video production for content creators.) But I like a writer who recognizes that sometimes a voice recording is a better delivery for some topics. A podcast is also an excellent choice if the writer is squeezed for time, yet wants to keep readers apprised of a situation.

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Thank you that was so good so insightful. Foods for thought and prayer. God bless you. I’m so happy to follow you and hear from you. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻. “By the way…” great title! You did a really great job

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Celia thanks as always.

Whatever the truths of the stories we are told, sound is vibrations.

And according to the soundhealersassociation.org (I'm a member), "God said," before, "Let there be light." (Other interpretations are available, but the order is consistent - sound came first.)

There is something special about sound; especially when we breathe so slowly and deeply, in and out of our noses, that we cannot hear the sound of our own breath, and so the miracles happen within.

Nose-breathing (AKA nasal breathing) is incredibly powerful for calming our incoherent hearts and brains; for deep healing, sleep, and so very much more. See Patrick McKeown's work at OxygenAdvantage.com and his youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@OxygenAdvantage

Love, gratitude, peace to you and all.

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Not sure how this relates to Celia's post, but am grateful for it as I hadn't heard of this before, and am now looking deeply into it!

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Fascinating post, Celia. Yes, that's astonishing not hearing anything about the Crown of Thorns in the fire coverage (I also felt the fire was intentional). While there's automatic "news coverage" about the situation of major celebrity homes in fires real or fake. Amazing.

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I agree that something was really weird about that mass. Yes, I was raised Catholic. It as time went on. I questioned many things I learned as a child. That was truly an odd group of people meeting under those circumstances.

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¡YO! SaTaN be in da House. NWO be Cthuluesque charades... What is the Pope? A Lizard.

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Trsnny Macron, who was in charge of Blasphemy at the Paris Olympics wanted to make the new spire an erect male genitalia with gold balls according to the Daily Male. Of course we all remember Big Mike sipping whine from a boat in the Seine as Notre Dame burned.

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There seems to be simply no end to the BS people will believe.

When Q (whoever or whatever that might be) says about the "bad guys" they will be exposed by their Symbols...a wizened old observer of Mankind might say the same of the True Believers who trustingly gush over the symbols of some historicalized possible maybe once man that the Roman aristocracy (who morphed into the Roman church to repackage control of an evolving-devolving Empire) sells you to keep you in awe....and sending in your tithes for their massive GRIFT.

Btw I am a deep admirer of the cathedrals, full of magnificent soul-elevating architecture, building tech, AND esoteric symbology beyond the ken of the modest simple worshipers. Funded by the so-called "evil" Templars, these "spiritual machines" were part of a counter-revolution AGAINST the soul-controlling oligarchy of the Church who pervert the best of the teachings of this SYMBOLIC Man of Galilee.

The Masses are Asses.... as are so many of the wealthy...eager to see fake crowns, nails, or relics ....or to buy at auction for millions a Bansky, or the gold-plated undies of Madonna.

Honestly, people in general are just plain stupid. One has to laugh just to not despair and cry.

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Most Americans are not aware that at the same time Notre Dame was burning, the huge Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem was burning. It was a symbolic ritual from the Evil, to the world.

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VSF Very Suspicious Fire:).

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I was fortunate to attend a Sunday service there several years before it was burned.

I will forever be thankful.

Vive La France.

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Loved the audio, loved hearing your voice. Please keep up that feature. That said, I can't imagine being any less interested in something than the relics of the evil RCC. I suppose it all does make for interesting history, in a weird sort of way.

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I heard a while ago that Michelle Obama was in a boat on the Seine watching it burn! Ages ago. When it was burning!

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It's no accident that they are trying to destroy Christianity through these endless wars and forced migration, slowly but surely. Take a look at the specific areas of Japan that were hit with the nuclear bombs. This is a long-term, multi-generational plan.

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