The Fall and decline of the American Empire started on November 22, 1963...we are now witnessing 59 years of this decline...President Obama was our first gay President now for the 21st century we have our first pedophile President...the office of the President is a joke, it is corporate America, Military America, and the Intelligence of America, that being NSA, CIA, FBI and the other 16 intelligence offices here and abroad in the world. And most of Americans continue to play the Ostrich game by sticking the head in the sand and getting raped by these fascist oligarchs... OUCH!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I think Buchanan was the first gay POTUS.

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Does it need to be stated that being gay is not in any way in the same universe as being a pedophile?

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True...but the invasion of Drag Queens into the public schools is disconcerting to say the least...

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Actually the fall began in 1871.

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Ummmm…. Before that. How about when Lincoln overruled the concept of voluntary union and decided that he had the right, and the duty, to kill thousands of people to keep the half of the states that wanted states rights, rather than federal supremacy, in the union by force?

And someone else may go earlier than that…

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Right: The war of Northern Agression. Funded by the European cabal...yet again.Many levels.

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First let's examine the concept of "voluntary union." A Union is like marriage. One party can not dissolve the agreement legally at their own impulse, and take the kids, house, cars, finances without an agreement. That is called theft. There were no negotiations offered that could be beneficial to both sides. The complications were way beyond just a border dispute.

The mostly "self-appointed deputies of the South" were in effect kidnapping the people there without their Old Constitution. Even many locations in the South, were now continuing to break away themselves. like Kentucky, Missouri and eventually West Virginia. This would continue to dissolve and even leave the South open to conquest.

There were NO State's Rights when the south left the Union, other than what were already in the Constitution. (as long as they remained) The states were defined by the Union, not the other way around. The "civil war" was not started by Lincoln. It stared in 1856 in "Bleeding Kansas" If the South would have agreed to STOP the EXPANSION of slavery, there would have never been a war. The South rejected both the Corwin Amendment and the Crittenden compromise and a number of other workable solutions, so that the war could have been avoided. Why didn't they?

Lincoln did everything he could to hold the Union together. But the war was started by the Jesuits, the Rothschild banks and tin-horn IDIOTS in the south, who wanted to create a feudal Plantation economy. Even most yeoman farmers quit attending secession rallies after Lincoln's 1'st Inaugural Address, because "nothing had changed" or benefited them to running a family farm. Quite the opposite! These plantation slavery owners were like Walmart ruining small farmers. The saw through this, but now were FORCED to defend their lands. These self-appointed deputies if the South were desperate to start THEIR war. Had the banksters and traitors never attacked Fort Sumter, they may have averted the war.

I think the most powerful statement about what was about to go wrong was from the "prophet of the South" Texas governor Sam Houston. He warned the South that "they were "chasing phantoms " and "gambling EVERYTHING for NOTHING!" And in the end, they were going to get their asses kicked hard. Read his speech. He was right.

So most of the rhetoric about "states Rights" and re-writing history comes from Jesuit agents like Tom DiLorenzo. from Loyola University.

The SAME people who initiated the "War of Rebellion" (as it was known for years) are behind the treason NOW in D.C. Only this time it is D.C. against all of us robbing our rights and setting up a phony and fraudulent government. Look who Lincoln was really fighting. The International banking cartel, the European monarchies and Jesuit agents.

Who was it that hid and backed John Surratt in Rome?


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It was a very complicated thing. I appreciate his great quote about having the South in front of me and the bankers behind me.

However that didn't give Lincoln the power to:

Suspending the Writ of Habius Corpus, which according to Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution only the Legislature has the power to do.

Jailed newspaper editors and shut down hundreds of newspapers.

Arrested Maryland state legislators. Arrested the City Council, Mayor and Police Chief of Baltimore.

Issued an arrest warrant for Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for speaking out against him.

Had men kidnapped off the street to be soldiers in the Union army.

Also, Lincoln had Maryland citizens arrested and held in Military prisons, without trial, some of them for years.

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Actually the Constitution DOES allow for arrest without Habeas Corpus in the prescribed manner you mentioned. but Lincoln took that initiative on his own as Executive since Congress was not in session. At the time he had to act alone--and concluded that it was duty under the dire circumstances, and being negligent on this area could be deemed even more a problem than taking action.

I hate to say this but this sounds like one of the Jesuit inspired arguments that Di Lorenzo likes to split hairs over to attack Lincoln. Here is why. There were approximately 14,563 arbitrary arrests during that time. (slightly padded over- estimate) Of these there was about 3% of the arrested convicted by juries of their peers for crimes of murder, kidnapping, sabotage, spying, cutting communications etc. Still, many of the arrested were held for only a short period of time, and others longer. Most were never tried in a court and got off with a warning. The truth is that many of these people were dangerous to their fellow citizens.

Now contrast that with 400,000 Japanese Americans held for four years in internment camps, during WW II. They were perfect prisoners. Virtually NO (zero) cases of spying or attacks. I think there were upwards of 40,000 German descent people arrested during WW I the same way.

What sounds like a serious issue today concerning these arrested in Lincoln's time--well--honestly it didn't mean SHIT to ANYBODY after the war when 40,000 deaths in Andersonville alone and the massive casualties on both sides of the war were tallied. It wasn't really an issue as as over 620,000 died as result of the war. No one really cared that these copperheads and southerners were arrested. Even Maryland eventually became a strong Union supporting border state as things progressed.

These arbitrary arrests were FAR more justified than the 500 people now being held falsely for the Jan 6. "Insurrection" which was peaceful.

Yes it is ugly. But what is the lesson here? The Constitution is being shredded right now against all of us. How many of these people tearing apart our nation need to be arrested and are still in power?

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Jesuit history(much of it hidden) is an area I believe as essential in order to understand the political realm.

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Yep. I agree. Jesuit pope "Francis" is totally evil and destroying what is left of the RCC.

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You have obviously studied this topic a LOT and are very knowledgeable about certain aspects of it that are above my pay grade. I can’t comment on each point you made, as I need to get back out and finish running my cow fence, but….

I have no doubt there were things going on behind the scenes - international, and probably national, influencers who had a lot to gain from inciting a war. I have heard that Britain was providing weapons for both sides under different brand names.

I don’t doubt that there were people stirring up trouble. There always are. I don’t doubt the jesuits were involved. Or the British.

It is very telling to me that Robert E. Lee declined Lincoln’s offer to be his general and instead offered his services to the Confederacy. By all accounts, he was an honorable man of integrity. Unlike, shall we mention … Sherman…?

The original purpose of the war was to “save the union.” Wow… you’re going to “save the union” by killing the people who no longer want to be in your union…? That would be some marriage, using the marriage analogy. If you don’t stay, I’m going to kill you and your family and destroy your home and land and livelihood.

Why did Lincoln free only the SOUTHERN slaves - the ones he had no authority over at that time - and not the NORTHERN slaves? I guess that would have stepped on too many toes. From what I understand, including Ulysses Grant. He would no doubt have lost significant support if he had done that.

The states FORMED the federal government. They are superior to it (or are supposed to be). A very limited number of powers were DELEGATED by the STATES to the federal government, which only existed because the states brought it into existence. The federal government didn’t create the states; the states created the federal government.

Secession was not a new idea. Others had thought about it before and it was not considered treasonous. My understanding is that New England was one group that had considered it.

I come from northern stock from as far back as I know, but on this I firmly believe that the war of northern aggression completely undermined liberty and set us on the path to the servitude and Orwellian government we now “enjoy.” It turned the tables and resulted in a consolidation of power in the federal government instead of the original intention of the primacy of the states.

Oh, I think Lincoln was also the first one to institute an income tax, and I believe he also issued the first (unconstitutional and unlawful) fiat currency. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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Ok. Some good points you made and some questions.

Before the Declaration of Independence, they were all known as "colonies" under the British crown. They became "states" when the Union was created.

1. From the Declaration

"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do"

So the United Colonies now declared themselves "States."

2. Of course no one should stay in a dangerous marriage. The violence and threats are every good reason for arrest and legal defense. But that doesn't legally grant a divorce, by law. It does provide for reasons. But in any event you still have to legally divide the ownership and net worth, to move on. There is still a binding agreement until it is settled. Even common law marriages often end up in the courts.

3. Think for a moment of all the problems allowing the South to secede would have created. We would have shared resources like rivers, shorelines, railroads, markets, US Mail, armed forces. and religious denominations, The US fought Mexico in 1846-48, a needless and bloody war that Lincoln's unpopular voice protested like the Ron Paul of his day. (There are statues of Lincoln in Mexico today celebrating his protest of that horrible war. Lincoln was right) What would happen to the south if Spain, France and Mexico wanted all that land back with revenge? Would the north come to their rescue again, or wait until they were defeated. and divide up the spoils?

Would a northerner's Constitutional Rights be honored in the South? and likewise the vague rights that might exist with each and every different state in the South? Families were divided. What laws would hold any peace

Two points that Lincoln brought up in his July 4th speech asking would the Fugitive Slave Act be honored any more in the south and would the ban of foreign slave trade be lifted bringing more slaves in?

How many abolitionists would train escaped slaves to revolt and murder southern slave holders? Look at Bleeding Kansas in 1856. Lincoln wasn't even back in politics when that started.

I could go on and on with would would have happened had Lincoln allowed the south secede.

4. I think you might be confusing the Emancipation Proclamation (which freed slaves only in Union Army occupied territory) with the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery in all states. That was passed in Jan of 65.

5. Lincoln outsmarted the international banks by issuing our own debt free currency--the Greenbacks, which actually ARE what the Constitution entails in that Congress, (not foreign private banks) is the only legal way to issue or coin money, and "establish the value" thereof. These thieving banks set a trap to take over---and now have. (BTW, Canada issued its own Bank of Canada Note the same way and it soon passed the USD in value by 10%, but when Trudeau came in, he ruined that).

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

"We elected a pedophile, for President."

I cannot use the word "we" when talking about anything about this country. "We" didn't elect anyone. Biden was literally the last choice even for Democrats. If "we" chose anything, Bernie Sanders would have been going up against Ron Paul for the last few elections.

There is no "we". All "we" get is the illusion of choice between people who will continue pushing vaccines and growing government power while removing more and more freedom.

Also, I didn't elect anyone. I voted for literally none of the above because I do not accept the results as legitimate no matter who they decide to allow to win.

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You're right. I never thought "we" did. But it must be said, some people DID vote for him. And yes, he was installed. Elections are hopeless.

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Sorry, I get 'triggered' by the sense of 'we'. It's just another tactic of eliminating the individual. So many people say/think "we're getting what we deserve since we don't vote these fools out of office." It just doesn't work that way. The political system attracts/creates psychopaths and they are the only ones who survive. You can barely separate government from politics now either. I'm sure you are very aware. As bad as Biden is, the next one will be worse and so on. There is nothing to be done other than the masses not voting or participating in anything they want which would eliminate their power by the removal of the belief that they should have the power they have.

They cannot kill or imprison everyone. But they can if it's just a small minority of people who get it.

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He was appointed not elected. All presidents of central banking nations are appointed .

Ron Paul is clearly a convid -virus toting controlled opposition media celeb.

Is this why this called the truth BARRIER ( hidden in plain sight).

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I KNOW HE WAS NOT ELECTED. The name of this site is based on a collection of poems by that name by Tomas Tranströmer. If you don't like this place you don't have to come here. If you think I BLOCK truth.

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Truth, thank you. Biden finished last in the first primary in NH. How in the world did he get installed?

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

Sorry, I should clarify.

Remove "people" and insert "carefully chosen psychopath puppets of the elite".

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Let's just say that Biden was selected for presidency.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

This guy is a straight up pedo (among lot's of other things)....a disgrace to our once proud nation. I can't stand the site of him or the good 'Dr' Jill. We must change the direction that we are headed for or we are done for.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

" He preys on the very crowds he speaks to. He does it openly. "


"It’s a shock moment meant to paralyze your mind, split it, from cognitive dissonance, and prepare it for the normalization and even glorification of pedophilia."

I think you have hit the nail on the head!

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The Elite are not stupid. They can at times underestimate the resolve of humankind, but they have many backup plans already in place. Everything they do is accounted for and everything that might go slightly astray has a counter attack ready to correct the course.

And no, Biden was not elected, pedo or not.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Even Trump was selected by the elite in order to paint nationalists as terrorists that threaten democracy.

Or even anyone who has any distrust in mainstream anything.

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deletedSep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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I agree.

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There were two things I wanted from Trump. For him to follow through on his vaccine safety initiative when he hired RFK Jr. and for Hillary to be prosecuted.

The one thing I wanted from Obama was to prosecute W for war crimes.

I don't need any of these idiots ruling me.

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I agree.

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Trump was talking to Kennedy til Gates told him Kennedy was a wacko. That was the end of that.

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Evidence please.

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On Jan. 17, 2017, "Environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an outspoken vaccine critic, said today that he was asked by President-elect Donald Trump to chair a "vaccine safety and scientific integrity" commission."


"Gates then trashed Robert Kennedy Jr. and told Trump that the vaccines are safe."


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Are we really expecting kleptocratic old liars in chief, stooges for the World Economic Forum, to be anything but abnormal? This guy apparently abused his own children. Is there any future in this?

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I'm not an MD but I recognized Biden as having signs of Parkinson's dementia several years ago because of experience. I watched as my father-in-law developed it and deteriorated to death within 5 years. I have known and currently know several people with the disease. It's far from invisible so it's gotta be obvious to a lot more people. And c'mon, who doesn't know what inappropriate leering sexual innuendo conduct towards children looks like??? Especially when it's repeated and repeated all over MSM? But apparently you can't recognize it if you're a Democrat?

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Thank-you very much for posting this! Loved the Alex Jones video. Having a doctor (psychologist? I didn't catch her title...dogs 🙄) confirm my thoughts about Obiden, helps prop up my sanity when I'm surrounded by dumbocrap gaslighters. I hope he crashes and burns sooner, rather than later. Would it be so bad having Obummer controlling Scamala instead of Pedo Peter?

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Part of the plan to distract and get people to attack the appointed scapegoats... haha yes it is and people that buy into this narrative are not stupid, they are just mistaken. Which happens when you choose the narrative of fear( aka attack, anger , conflict ).

Psychologically with this mind control meme ( *insult puppet Biden who clearly like the majority is insane) they then let people feel superior =triggering the ego as master. Who even cares that this is from an MD injecting people . Most MD's have totally lost their way I only know a few that are sane and are trying to debunk the foundation of the Rockefeller medical snake oil industry.

As I said when you know how the ego mind works and on that level is mind control effective specifically to push people to choose fear and not love. The fear reset. Fear submission control.

So in summary Meh Biden !

Meh Bush Meh Clinton too, all are central banksters puppets that fearful people believe in, pay attention to, follow and so (not being who they are) they give their sovereignty and authority away.

They are lead further into fear which is madness.

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This is Roman-decline-style corruption. The 'president' works for another country. "My Son Hunter" pretty much sums it all up. Cornpop? He was a bad dude. But at least he wasn't Brandon Biden.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

What they chose was kamala harris, and shes a coming. The judgement is coming America, be ready...for anything (clue; look at history of democidal nations). Has anyone watched 2000 mules/ THAT is how he got ..erected, sorry..

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I saw it in a theater the day it came out. And I cried.

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Correct my memory if I am wrong. Bandi X Lee went on a tear saying Donald Trump was unbalanced, etc, even though SHE NEVER EVEN MET HIM to give a PROFESSIONAL diagnosis! Testified in front of Congress, as did other "professionals" who also never met him. Hundreds of " mental health PROFESSIONALS " signed letters.

Where are they all NOW?

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This sends a clear message to us that Presidents are little more than puppets! Perhaps, they want us to internalize this on subconscious level so that when they pull the plug on this crumbling facade of "democracy" we will quietly accept it.

I have hard time believing that Harris, although inept, would be as badly performing puppet as this. There has to be another reason why they are not retiring this extremely sick person.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I believe there is an American man living outside the U.S. that states he has/had a copy of Hunter's laptop & that also may contain a copy of sister's diary. I think he said he would release portions of it, but I have never heard of it.

Others, in the U.S., I believe said similar.

I believe I have heard some of these speaking about being threatened by U.S. Intelligence and/or Law Enforcement.


When President Trump, struck back at the Intelligence Committee (I cannot remember exact issue), a Senator somewhat jokingly said The IC had many ways to get revenge.


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I am reminded of a day I spent working in a high security mental institution here in the UK. It was terrifying. The people I was expected to deal with were beyond insane. They were operating with faulty equipment, relating to a reality that I could not see or hear. They were locked permanently into a mindscape that could not be changed, only artificially suppressed or restrained. They were, in most cases, completely oblivious of the harm they were doing themselves and others.

THAT is who you are dealing with, Celia. Intransigent psychotics with an equally psychotic plan that they believe in wholeheartedly. We cannot reach them because they think that WE are the crazies; we are the wronguns.

I don't want to ever be on their wavelength and they don't want to be on mine.

It is a division that I do not think can be breached.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The Dummy is already the next candidate for a new dummy act for Jeff Dunham. He's brain dead, talks like a freak and looks scarier then heck.

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