I have been a Republican my entire life, and I could vote for RFKJr. The issues he cares about are real ones, not fake and made up. He gets it and has no personal chip on his shoulder that he has been hauling around. He is also seemingly humble and very human, not a normal political quality set. Hope he gets the Dem nod and makes it a meaningful race in 2024.

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The Kennedy charisma is difficult to ignore. Old enough to remember JFK. Changed voting status from indepedent and voted straight Rep in last election - and am happy so far w/my State Rep. RFK Jr's platform has many appealing points. Still, very concerned about his spouse and his stance on climate change.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

You seem to be firing on all cylinders again. I'm happy to see that. Thank you for every word that you write.

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Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed this (& the comment section is interesting, as well). This article is really great, too: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/robert-f-kennedy-jr-interview-david-samuels?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

The mainstream media's treatment of Kennedy's candidacy reminds me of their treatment of Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012. Let's hope that Kennedy's campaign enjoys greater success, as statesmen like these two do not come along very often and our country is in dire need of a president who tells the truth and is not afraid to confront the challenges that we are facing.

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Don’t forget Howard Dean’s terrible treatment by the media...

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About Galileo and Fauci:

1. One was a natural philosopher and the other a glorified swindler.

2. One was prosecuted because of his deductions, the other ought to be prosecuted because of his deeds.

3. Heliocentrism is false, but that is normal science. But humongous lies are not errors that can be refined later.

4. Politically and intellectually, northern Italy in the 1500s and 1600s was not the same as the current time in the West, when the state of Science is dire. Our time is so rigid and dark that we have to go at least to the the 900s to see so much boredom, decadence, abuse and concentrated stupidity at the top.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

we'll now hear from the bots, the trumpers, the bideners, and the no vaxx folks- who all seem to be lumping their comments into the same troll hole

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I'm also wavering. I reluctantly voted for Pres. Trump in 2016 but after all he accomplished for our country, I eagerly voted for him in 2020. However, I do respect RFK, Jr. and have been reading his 'Children'sHealth' site for a few yrs. now. The main issue for me is Pro-Life. I had read about a month ago that RFK, Jr. was Pro-Life so I was definitely not ruling him out and was looking forward to a debate between him and Pres. Trump. But then I received an email yesterday that clearly stated RFK, Jr. is not Pro-Life. I'm hoping for more clarification on this issue soon for it is definitely a determining factor for me.

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I never thought I'd live to see the day when a candidate who so vociferously opposes the establishment orthodoxy would be glowingly reviewed in a conservative magazine. Whodathunkit? Meanwhile, what you will never see is a liberal magazine give a glowing review to a conservative--or ANY review for that matter. The additional delight was reading the comments which run from the predictively scathing to surprising admiration--to the point of a commenter's admission that if it came down to Trump and Kennedy, Kennedy would get his vote. Even if you have misgivings about the legitimacy of elections, you can't help but be inspired by the 'strange bedfellow' alliances being formed which I doubt many could have predicted a decade ago.

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TRUTH TELLERS SUCH AS ROBERT KENNEDY JR are demonized by cabal puppets! Fauchi Lied !!on many issues!!

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

There are so many great things he has said, but how much weight should we be giving those words? I am truly concerned about his stance on other major issues.

Please read RFK's historical tweets in this article below. You don't have to agree with the author but RFK's own words speak for themselves. Pro Hilary, pro climate change and anti-gun. Just NO.

At the very least, I would love to hear the argument in favor of RFK Jr. in light of these specific policies he has held. I will admit that I now question everything--perhaps overly so, but how does one overlook all of this?


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TY for posting that link. By chance, do you have any info on RFK's stance on Pro-Life vs abortion? I've read conflicting articles, thus far.

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No, I don't. If you find anything, please post!

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However, in this 2005 article, it states that RFK described himself as Pro-Life. So, perhaps he has changed his stance sine then which is why I'm searching for clarification. Pres. Trump years ago said he supported pro-choice yet hated abortion. Yet most recently he has proven himself to be one of the most Pro-Life Prez. we have seen in decades. Here is the 2005 article: https://www.chron.com/life/houston-belief/article/Robert-F-Kennedy-Jr-takes-a-lesson-from-St-1939959.php

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Thank you!

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

I will never be able to overlook what Trump did as Mr.Operation Warp Speed & Promoter of the Jab to this day. He was the only one with an AMerica First Agenda in 2016 (imagine that 😎) and this resonated with normal people, regardless of political leanings. When he won, Trump said: If I can't do it (Drain the Swamp etc etc etc), Nobody can. Then he won and proceeded to do the exact opposite. Big Wup that he donated his salary to a Govt. Agency, and never "mandated" the wholly unnecessary Jabs, whatever other crumbs we keep hearing about. That was the message that Trumpers still don't get. He was put into Office to prove nothing could be done about the Permanent Bureaucracy, and to squash the Patriots' hopes, dreams, and actual lives once they lined up to get the poisonous Jabs on his advice. 2020 was the nail in the coffin that there would never be a free and fair Election again, thanks to him dropping that ball, too. So, no thanks to RFK Jr or anyone else singing the Populist song of Freedom and Kumbaya. This is the guy who wanted Climate Deniers put in prison.

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'This is the guy who wanted Climate Deniers put in prison.' Is that for real? Can you share anything that supports that? I'd like to see/read it. TY!

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Ok...so it sounds like he wants Koch Bros., politicians, & CEO's jailed... not 'everyone' that doesn't buy into the 'climate' change' agenda. Unless I'm not understanding this clearly. I'm trying to separate out what RFK actually stated from the others who seemingly want to destroy everyone else.

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I did find an article on this topic, but I don't know if his statement was taken out of context. I seem to recall another article I had read in which they clarified that he was referring to the Koch brothers, not climate deniers in general. So...I guess we all have to take these articles with a grain of salt until we actually hear them state where they stand on these issues: 'In September of 2014, Jr. participated in a large protest of around 100,000 participants in New York City for the “People’s Climate March,” and when Climate Depot Director Marc Morano asked Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a set of questions, RFK said that he believes climate change deniers should be put in jail.'


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Thank you for that great analysis about RFKjr. I didn't have the context of him talking about the Koch Brothers and politicians who are Climate Deniers and their undue influence over We the Peasants in making up our own minds based on our own research. It's all about the draconian actions that hurt poor people the most. And most everybody's going to be poor after this Reset. The [fill in the blank] Alarmists make a lot of money off the Hysteria and nothing is ever improved. Miles & miles of solar panels and wind turbines are preferable to RFKJr than coal and natural gas plants. Agenda2030/ Green New Deal is a reality right now. No way is that sustainable or efficient...unless we do get whittled down to that 1 billion target pop.

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Sadly, I am with you. We all have a tendency to pin our hopes on something (or someone) tangible which is not likely to be real in the decades-long agenda to control operations.

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The real difference between Kennedy and Newsome is simple.

Newsome is a fake and a lier.

Kennedy isn’t and this time around the vaccine debacle will be in the open. He will provide some amazing data so that once and for all the American people will know the truth.

The smearing game is on, however.

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If Bobby is going to win we have to do our part too. Victory is going to come from the grassroots of America...that means "We the People" must come together in unity and through strength in numbers over power the conspiracy that is destroying our civil rights, health, economy and even our once great Republic. Check out PeopleUnited.net...together we can empower Bobby and our Constitutional Republic to win this war. It is time for the sleeping majority to step up to the plate and take action!

Len Saputo, MD and President of PeopleUnited.net

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He will bring issues that are being ignored by both political parties to the forefront. That in itself is extremely valuable.

But.........he supported Hillary, so I dont know if I could support him.

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Great article! "The source of Kennedy’s troubles is a chronic inability to tolerate the intellectual dishonesty he finds in his antagonists. He would fully recover, returning to the life of liberal accolades he once knew, if only he didn’t have so much integrity."

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That last paragraph speaks volumes - “Picture it for yourself, from the standpoint of a Democrat: the son carrying forward the ideals of the father, finishing the work that was cut short, faithful to the dream that never dies. A crowd electrified, men and women everywhere tearful and inspired, an entire nation captivated. Now think of Joe, Kamala, or Gavin trying to match that.”

I’ve mentioned here that RFK was murdered June 5, 1968 which was the night I graduated from high school. Certainly was, along with the insane Democratic Convention that followed 3 months later, a symbolic milestone in my journey into adulthood and all that awaited me leading to this moment in time 55 years later. Indeed it’s a full circle swing.

But if you are a recovering progressive as well (and many readers here are) this campaign is a rare opportunity to possibly help others come around just by sharing this NR article or maybe Bobby’s interview with Russell Brand. We can only hope that those we know and love will come to their senses for the sake of renewing love and integrity in our great land which has been so abused for way too long.

It’s not the RFK is a savior. Each one of us has the potential to join him as we go through the process of restoring our own humanity. My song for the day written by Laura Nyro around 1968 as a tribute to him

fallen hero


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I have been listening to that song for 3 years!!!! The version by Fifth Dimension who sang many of the Great Laura Nyro songs.

I had it in mind this week to send Team Kennedy a suggestion that they use this song as his theme. It's just glorious. Uplifting.

"Keep the dream of the two young brother's"

So happy to see someone else refer to this song.

Let's all write to Team Kennedy and suggest it.

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I like the idea. Also will start sharing it among many freedom loving patriots. It’s Save the Country or else!

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We Always Knew


Would Be What Killed Them.

It Went Like This:

FEEL Scared And Unprotected

FEEL Safe And Effective

FEEL Dead. Service Disconnected.

That’s … The That … On That.


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I really hope and pray that RFK.Jr is what the world needs, I say “the world” because what happens in America affects everyone, but I am leery of all politicians, governments etc. The plandemic has opended my eyes to the corruption EVERYWHERE and how easy it is to manipulate people even to the point of repeating history. My view of reality has shattered and now I trust no one. I think it wise to rely on yourself and much as you can and gather like minded around you for support. It would be great to have someone in power who doesn’t want war and supports bodily autonomy though!

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