For anybody who needs assurance about this video, I find nothing unsound about it, except maybe that he insults British people's teeth, which is unnecessary. Normally I stop listening to people who pick on any physical attributes. But to say he is a "fake" really discredits the person saying it. He's intense and he can be rude but..."fake?" NEVER any evidence. How can I hysteria-proof this place? I really dislike hysteria. Adults can listen to just about anybody, and learn.
Thanks Celia. Interesting trying to keep up and decide where to be in the aether and energies. I overdid the cold sea-swimming today, attempting to find a different universe, an alternative peaceful reality. I certainly found a very different universe; an alternative (and bizarrely contorted reality) but definitely the wrong one, on the verge of irreversible hypothermia. Took me about 3hrs to recover. I'll keep trying....
For anybody who needs assurance about this video, I find nothing unsound about it, except maybe that he insults British people's teeth, which is unnecessary. Normally I stop listening to people who pick on any physical attributes. But to say he is a "fake" really discredits the person saying it. He's intense and he can be rude but..."fake?" NEVER any evidence. How can I hysteria-proof this place? I really dislike hysteria. Adults can listen to just about anybody, and learn.
Thanks Celia. Interesting trying to keep up and decide where to be in the aether and energies. I overdid the cold sea-swimming today, attempting to find a different universe, an alternative peaceful reality. I certainly found a very different universe; an alternative (and bizarrely contorted reality) but definitely the wrong one, on the verge of irreversible hypothermia. Took me about 3hrs to recover. I'll keep trying....
Love, gratitude and peace to all