For anybody who needs assurance about this video, I find nothing unsound about it, except maybe that he insults British people's teeth, which is unnecessary. Normally I stop listening to people who pick on any physical attributes. But to say he is a "fake" really discredits the person saying it. He's intense and he can be rude but..."fake?" NEVER any evidence. How can I hysteria-proof this place? I really dislike hysteria. Adults can listen to just about anybody, and learn.

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D.G. has done admirable research in the past. Reason enough not to dismiss him. So he's a bit of a wise guy at times. Are we gonna get mad at Mike Meyers for his Austin Powers look?

His tech talk is like something out of Star Trek, namely a force field he calls the plasma shield.

IMO he's right there with the City Of London with the political and false flag strategies.

My biggest challenge is to overcome my still personal bias that Trump is the most cleaver wolf in sheep's clothes; that his pushback against The Crown is theatre and he's actually a British ally.

Also, beware of bots with a preponderance of CAPS.

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I listened to both podcasts you posted with the Gabriels. What I like about them is that they do not beat around the bush. They are very confident about their research and opinions. I need to research their channel more since I no nothing about them. Many of his statements surprised me. (With all the talk of quantum and high tech military capabilities). I need to listen to the last half again. First half I found no argument with his views and later on I was like -What? Is EVERYTHING a stinking psy-op? Thanks for posting Celia.

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He has some very interesting stories about being a former exorcist . . . with a priest, he supposedly found out later was actually his birth father (if I got that all correct).

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Thanks Celia. Interesting trying to keep up and decide where to be in the aether and energies. I overdid the cold sea-swimming today, attempting to find a different universe, an alternative peaceful reality. I certainly found a very different universe; an alternative (and bizarrely contorted reality) but definitely the wrong one, on the verge of irreversible hypothermia. Took me about 3hrs to recover. I'll keep trying....

Love, gratitude and peace to all

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Alan.. I can appreciate your words.. I used to surf a lot in the winter in Southern California... even with wetsuits if you stayed out long enough, it took quite a while to warm up again.. but It sure felt good laying on the warm sand in the sun.. After a good session..

Glad you got out alive..!

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Curt thank you. Indeed, it's a very interesting balance. I appreciate your reply and support very much.

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I minute per degree C at this time of year …..otherwise dangerous - 5 years for me

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Elizabeth thank you. That's a very wise reminder for me, because I knew the rule (moreover I wear no neoprene, and I cold-showered in the morning for 10mins). I have a history of risk-taking and experimenting. I must learn my lessons. Hugely appreciated.

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My bad because I have not listened yet to the full video, but if Mr. Gabriel does not contextualize that since at least the Napoleonic Wars the Brits have been ZOG'd to high heaven from their City of London bastion (not to mention intermarried with the royals throughout the years), any bottom line opprobrium directed against their British minions is misplaced and trafficking in half-truths.

I stand fully corrected if counter evidence can prove otherwise. But it's pretty obvious these takeovers have become a straight-up, in-the-open thing now. Witness Rothschild's Macron puppet in France and Germany's slavish vassal philosemitism. Worse is the Adelson-style hegemony across the pond in which the Trump administration is 100% Zionic, most of whom like their European counterparts are Shabbos goys.

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IF there is counter evidence, it is probably fake.... It is a labyrinthic show.

"In all ages the peoples of the world, equally with individuals, have

accepted words for deeds, for they are content with a show and

rarely pause to note, in the public arena, whether promises are followed

by performance. Therefore we shall establish show institutions which

will give eloquent proof of their benefit to progress.

We shall assume to ourselves the liberal physiognomy of all parties,

of all directions, and we shall give that physiognomy a voice in orators

who will speak so much that they will exhaust the patience of their

hearers and produce an abhorrence of oratory.

In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into

a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many

contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to

make the G---- lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that

the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters political,

which it is not given to the public to understand, because they are

understood only by him who guides the public. This is the first secret. " - POZ

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All to say, you know who controls perception management, and their go-to M.O. for decades, if not centuries, is to muddle the conversation so thoroughly that people just throw their hands up and check out. Sadly, the mass mind f*ck has long been a winning strategy.

But in the age of internet, We The People finally have a tool, a weapon, to fight back against disinformation, misinformation, under-information, mal-information -- all their clever strategies to distract and undermine Truth. We shall overcome. Gentiles of the world and our Jews of conscience allies unite!

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Yes yes, but what will this truth do for us? I realized there is too much to know and then once I find out, then what? What I figure is most important, is the condition of our souls.

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Britain was overtaken in 1066. None of the 'rulers' from that time onward were Britonic or 'Anglo'.

Gabriel is a Freemason and a Jesuit.... "He was drafted into and served in the Army Security Agency (NSA) where he was a cryptologist and systems analyst in signal intelligence, earning him a degree in Signal Broadcasting. After military service, he entered the Catholic Church again as a Trappist monk and later as a Jesuit priest where he earned PhD’s in Philosophy and Comparative Religion, and a Doctor of Divinity."

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Hi Gabriel

I dont doubt your opinion that nukes do not exist, but you did not always think this way. In some past videos you mentioned how exploding nukes disturbs something in the universe drawing attention from some other beings …. What has changed? Why now are there no nukes.



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Fun listen..what does that make me? 😵‍💫😵‍💫 Certainly agree about the war stuff.

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Where's your evidence?

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I find him somewhat over gentle ,for an intelligence analyst .

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If I had his address I'd send him a fifth of bourbon requesting he have a couple before he told us who was/is attempting to bring us the misery. That woman cohort with the same last name isn't messin' 'round. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNqmN1Riqmw

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Not a good discourse in response. Bots entering chat.

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🎵I need some boti, not just any boti . . . .🎵

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A "Q" clearance from the Department of Energy (DOE) is the equivalent of a Top Secret clearance for access to classified information, specifically Restricted Data (RD) and Formerly Restricted Data (FRD), which are types of nuclear or atomic information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_clearance

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Does Mr Gabriel have a Q clearance?

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Plasma dome??Really?? Even by sci-fi standards the idea is not even wrong…lol

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I just wrote my thoughts since I had time & if nobody reads this who cares...That was pretty good. I took brief thought notes while listening at 1.5 speed so.... There was a lot of truth but trust NO man because they are fallible and there are agents working against humanity pretending to be truth.

It was not all Biblically correct and I compare what I learn with the Bible.

He is not wrong that they still worship Babylonian gods who demand human sacrifice and worse. Even the Bible explains it many times and things they do. Wickedness...

Ukraine is the rouge CIA's headquarters? Not surprised. There are a ton of underground (literally too) things they are exploiting Ukraine for and many of these imposters are from there.

FF, treaties, wars etc. are all manipulated for sacrificing, pop control, and for bankster profit. True

He asks some good questions about Israel and few dare to.

What they do with children's blood and who they ultimately worship...

Plasma shields, EMF (bad), energy (good & bad), magnetism, antigravity plasma weapons to mess up magnetic field lines and we are done... does some fearmongering too... plasmoids in space? cosmic weather?There is no space. Only water according to Gen 1.

Yes evil and demonic things at play...

Science is speculating... true.

Angels' job is to go back and help? No. (at 53:15 mark) The Bible specifically states types of angels and their jobs and also that we were created a little lower than the angels but Jesus became human, not an angel, to save us, not angels. There are people who are following and controlled by demonic fallen angels.

Evolution going back? No evolution.

(54:30) Yes all vaxxes are poison with use of petroleum base and much much worse including baby dna to make us cannibals in a way like they trick us to worship idols/demons.

They poison us in every way like soil microplastic, but they feed it to the animals too.

Yes the metals they put in our food water air have plastic and metal will react to frequencies that make us sick.

(58:50) We are not making mother nature mad. We are destroying nature though.

Missiles are fake. True. Musk has missiles and sent things to space? Lies

CERN is fake? I hope so.

Telepathy clairvoyance...says he can teach you... Um no. God says people do have gifts but also says not to mess with that kind of stuff and for good reason.

I don't believe in space though. I believe the earth may indeed be flat. Now I personally can't prove it and it is not in my expertise, but Genesis 1 explains that after the earth was made, God created the sun and the moon for us and we have water above and below us, so that negates us rotating around a sun star and flying into space. We are not likely on a spinning ball with gravity keeping the oceans in place while a helium ballon floats.... I learned quite a bit of science, and much of it is not really understood but we just have to accept a bunch of BS since we have not conducted the experiments ourselves. Also, the heliocentric model is like idol worshipping the sun (Helios-god of the sun), and God specifically said not to worship stars meanwhile they call famous people stars and they get worshipped. We are tricked into idol worship and cannibalism even the best people who love God are fooled. All lies....

Reading palms? I wouldn't let that witch touch me let alone transfer a so-called gift. That alone is demonic. He is mixing truth with lies. Danger....be wary

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Great posting.

Not enough on role of the bankers.

Really enjoyed his spiritual discourse.

Love Rudolph Steiner.

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This was a very wide-ranging video to sit through. I could do it while working on my own notes, making out that Gabriel [?] got to dwelling upon 'plasma,' as some kind of weapon or medium of angelic existence, I don't know what. It sort of jibed with what I found on twitter today, about some apparent material facts about civilization in the ancient Indus valley--

https://x.com/JasonWilde108/status/1899542611364298846 . I guess I get to wonder what got into Robert Oppenheimer's head that he found he had a proficiency for ancient Sanskrit where the test at Trinity was foreshadowed.

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Is it the same Q as in the James Bond sagas? (humor intended) I haven't engaged in any Bond films for decades. Just being silly.

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Is that what could be called asymptomatic bombs?

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