They absolutely won! I have no doubts about it. How do I know it? I know it because very soon after the protest, our Quebec Minister Mr. Francois Legault lifted the vaccine mandates for children doing sports. My daughter is a competitive swimmer. She was 12 at the time when their forced everyone to get the shots. As a mother, I refused to get my daughter vaccinated with something so dangerous and horrible. I remember that day when all three of us were sitting in the living room, with my daughter crying that she can't go back to her swim team. Swimming means everything to her and giving it up because of these criminals shots was very painful. I also remember trying to comfort her and telling my daughter that nothing last forever. By the time spring will come you will be back in the pool swimming again with your friends, I told her. This is exactly what happened. She stopped swimming in late fall, and was back in March, thanks to the truckers. They are my heroes. I own a debt of gratitude to all of them. When they moved us out of Quebec this summer I gave them the biggest tip ever. As for not giving the shots to my daughter, I never regretted my decision. I believe God gave me strength and courage to stay strong and say no. I wish more parents would have said no.

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The most important thing a parent can say to their child: "I'd rather you cry for a week, than me cry for a lifetime".

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Wonderful story

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Many of those who didn't have the resolve to resist vaccination are dead or suffering now for their short term decisions. You were wise not to trust the government. Others were not so lucky.

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Your story brought a big smile and tears to my eyes - bravo brave mom!!🙌🏼🙏🏻♥️

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Good for you for protecting your child, I am not Canadian, but they are my heroes as well. I really think they helped my sanity. I will forever be indebted to those courageous men and women, and to all the Canadians who supported them. I also learned what a deplorable, lying coward Trudeau is; I didn't know. check this out; and I'm not pushing religion or politics, but Dr. Malone, generator of the mNRA technology, and this group of doctors are speaking out against this horrific crime against healthy humans. https://www.whitecoatsummit.com

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So many athletes are dying... she'll have a competitive advantage!

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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I remember uniting with brothers and sisters in the snow...people I felt like I knew my whole life here in Ontario. Live and die gloriously once, the only way to be.

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yes! Thank you. I watched the entire stream from here in the US. I will forever love, respect and be indebted to the Trucker's Convoy; they helped my soul and mind during a time of profound darkness. They brought light to us. Thank you for being there for them. Please share this; it's so important what these doctors are doing. Dr. Malone, generator of the mNRA technology and other doctors speak here: https://www.whitecoatsummit.com

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The Truckers (intentionally honoured with upper case reference), representing the full spectrum of our demographic "diversity", gave us all a reason to be "proud Canadians" once again. It was like feeling a bird take flight in my heart, although I could only watch online.

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Indeed, Joanie! The French hugged the English; the Sikhs hugged the Hindus. The Aboriginals hugged the Whites. See? Race just didnt, and doesn’t matter. Canadians proved to the fearful psychotics in power who really holds the truth. We’re all the same, deserving of fairness from governments hired to serve Us.

The Weffers just peed their fancy slacks and watched from the Privy Council suites above Wellington St. And the mercenaries /hired thugs from Europe returned home proud of their first class tickets. To hell.

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Amen, yes! Well said 😄

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A premonition of the great Class War to come...I say bring it on!💕


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Mark Rutte, WEF stooge, has resigned.

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I wonder; Did he by some chance, see an angry crowd forming in the courtyard, carrying Ropes and Torches? If so; Let's call that a "Very Personal, Come to Jesus Moment" ...

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yes! Please watch and shar3e this: thank you. Dr. Malone and other doctors speaking out against the crime they committed against unsuspecting humanity.


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I loved what the truckers in Canada did, too! They gave me hope! They let me know I wasn't alone, even though I was in the US.

Our truckers let me down, almost as much as our government has let us all down.

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Same as in Australia. Our truckies tried, but gave up so easily. Government here are so corrupt. The weaponised police force here shooting rubber bullets at protesters has frightened off many protesters. I for one will never conform, or comply and will fight back any way I can.

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Yeah, your truckers and our truckers, were Johnny-come-latelys. Too scared to try.

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What Australia did was horrific. I can't understand why the entire country is not revolting. Michael Gunner from the Northern Territory, treated the Aboriginal people in the most horrific way; he was demented about the jabs, now he's running. Please watch and share this: https://www.whitecoatsummit.com

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I think Aussies were being used as guinea pigs for this NWO/WEF takeover garbage that is ongoing globally...Italy was also another country where the president had to resign...what really bothers me is that almost everyone globally now knows that this entire "cootie19" PLANDEMIC is a total hoax & all about a one-world government that no one would ever vote for....WE have to never give in or comply...

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This story should be told for generations.

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Great analysis - and mainstream cover-up (watch it - they've lost!!!) of what actually happened.

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Thanks for this and Thank you TRUCKERS!

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For those who don't know what Kulak means, it means fist, and it was the name given to the most successful landholders and farmers in Ukraine when the Soviets took over the country by force in about 1920. This is a term that reaches out to the men and women who thrived, the most successful peasants in Ukraine, those who were subsequently shot or exiled, their lands taken from them by the Soviet machine, because they were the best, because if they remained they would have been the most successful at resisting. What were the consequences of their destruction? The Holodomor, the mass famine of 1932-1933 when millions died of starvation because of the collective farm failure and Stalin's ruthless tactics to control the common people. I have nothing but praise for the kulaks.

Yes, the trucker's convoy was a huge success, not only in Canada, but across the world. It inspired the Dutch farmers who have driven WEF stooge Mark Rutte to resign, has brought about the cabinet reshuffle of the Canadian government of another WEF stooge, Justin Turdo, today, protests in Germany, France, and other countries.

It inspired me too. The subsequent protests in Germany forced the Germans to abandon their plans for mandatory vaccination of all citizens. It cancelled the plans of the Austrians to go door to door injecting those who had refused to submit to the needle.

Let's not forget something that has been forgotten. Turdo was a huge supporter of the Indian farmers in their long protest campaign in India, protests against agrarian reform which would have put all agriculture in India under the thumb of Big Food. Let's not forget Turdo's hypocrisy. He supported the Indian farmers, but tried to crush the Truckers. Today there are still Canadian protesters in jail for that protest on what appears to be trumped up charges. Let's not forget them.

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I have mentioned the Holomodor to countless people and I am disappointed in how few have heard of it or think it matters. It’s an excellent reminder of why we must never let the parasitic predator class win.

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Same here. I learned about while shooting a film. It was so horrific, but buried somehow.

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Truck Fudeau!

Even though I was financially devastated for resisting the COVID-ClownWorld killshot mandate associated with my (former) career here in the US, I dug deep to become a supporter of the documentary film Trucking For Freedom. I KNEW THAT SPREADING THE GOOD NEWS MATTERED. The film chronicles the early-2022 Canadian Trucker Convoy that sparked spontaneous protests across the globe.


Now is the time to stand up, not later when we're locked away in cells somewhere eating bugs simply to survive and asking permission to know whether our loved ones are still alive. Courage is called for NOW.

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Lest We Forget


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2020/2021 Exposed Most of The Leaders for what they truly are. The Enemy on Display.

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Kulak's evaluation is mucho appreciated! I've been on a soapbox for many years saying what has now come to a watershed moment: 'Society's ills are not rooted in Racism, or any other ism schism--the rancid root of the real problem is found cloaked within social-Class/caste and the ruling Elite/bloodlines.' Solution?...Lawfare(under the current judicial system) will not be enough, unfortunately. A return to 'Common Law', and reclaiming our identities as "sovereigns" is the critical element at hand. We the People are all Truckers at heart. "Yeah with one foot in the grave

And one foot on the pedal

I was born a rebel, born a rebel..."-T. Petty

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Well Written, Well Done!!!

This is Inspirational!

Many Thanks to the Canadian Truckers, You Lead the Way...

Thank You

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God wins. So many people we’re praying for that convoy protest. God answers prayers. The satanic forces of the Canadian government lost - and if we keep the faith and trust God - God will cast down every evil strong hold. Turn to God, repent of our evil ways and we will win.

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Very valuable repost.

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Spot on and incredibly uplifting!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah. Finally the middle class suburbanites have something to protest after decades of complaining about the lower middle class protesting against banks etc.

Finally they might see that it's a class war and they're in the same shitty spot as the city working class.

Jimmy Dore (https://youtube.com/@thejimmydoreshow) has been trying to make this point for a decade+ and both the left and the right dismissed him. The left called him right wing, the right called him a comnie. Both ridiculous red scare type idiocy. Divide and conquer shit works well on the middle class who rather complain about welfare but clap for war spending which is many many times more the cost.

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Well Written, Well Done!!!

This is Inspirational!

Many Thanks to the Canadian Truckers, You Lead the Way...

Thank You

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