Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

6 hours before the army “woke up.” The most surveilled border on the planet with multiple layers of security (that can detect when a cat farts) was breached by 100s of enemy combatants who went DEEP into Israeli territory, butchered innocents, AND walked back with 100s of hostages. Is that even remotely believable?

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

No, it's not. Note: there's a lot of undersea oil and gas reserves off Gaza. Guess who wants it.

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There are gas reserves under Gaza that continue off the coast.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Sadly it is to the the masses of fools who cannot conceive this level of evil exists. Cognitive dissonance is a real thing though still maddening and mind blowing. And same with Covid , most cannot admit they are wrong no matter what evidence. Smh

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

You're not kidding. I got pure raw hatred from the gang at Public for telling them the truth about the invasion. Not taking either side, just telling them how it must of went down, had to have. Yep, I'm a nutty conspiracy theorist.

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We unsubscribed from Public after all. They lost hundreds of subscribers apparently due to the Israel -Gaza coverage. Very biased coverage there (pro genocide)

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I just read about 100 reader comments regarding the obvious false flag - spawned by the "leadership" of Israel. You know: *Leader - Ship*. It's Maritime commerce, folks... Commerce. You know. The method by which civil populations "entertain" themselves.. Cognitive dissonance? Erm...

Not one comment placed solid blame on populations producing generation after generation of moron children, then training those moron children to maim and slaughter civilian populations. (Perhaps somewhere else) It doesn't matter what label or government. It's expensive entertainment... Having any luck with that?

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RemovedOct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

From the size of anti Israel protests and not just from displaced Palestinians a few more than usual don’t believe the msm narrative. People bought the 9/11 false flag hook line and sinker. Most even bought into the fact building 7 collapsed without being hit, or the real bullshit story that one of the hijacker’s passport was found on the sidewalk outside the twin towers. But this time the same people are not buying the story that “terrorists” paraglided unscathed into Israel and then plodded back 6 hours later with 200 hostages. This is quite the dilemma for the msm propaganda. I think they are going with the theory that if you repeat a lie enough times people will believe it.

If we are fortunate this Israeli genocide will bring about a two state peace agreement.

Last I want to disclaim the argument that Israel is taking Gaza for the offshore oil and gas. As a 40 year petroleum engineer who has worked in the oil industry in Israel this is a fabrication. There most likely are gas reserves offshore Gaza but not so much as to start a war over.

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Israel has never wanted a two state solution. All that talk from Israel has been a complete lie for decades while it usurps more land.

Btw the third building to fall was building 7.

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Yes I know it was building 7. Maybe I was ambiguous. But it fell in its footprint the the same as the twin towers that seemed like a controlled demolition

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The twin towers were disintegrated to micron sized dust in the space of nine seconds by directed energy weapons.

Same with building 6.

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👍🏼 My comment was for those perhaps too young to know and may google “building 3.” I should have worded it better.

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Yes I know it was building 7. Maybe I was ambiguous. But it fell in its footprint the the same as the twin towers that seemed like a controlled demolition

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The West Bank belongs to Palestine.

Israelis have no legal right to build exclusively Jewish settlements there.

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No, it is not. You can believe that there's undersea oil and gas reserves off of Gaza, though. Lots. Take a guess at who wants those Palestinian reserves.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Wrong. There are not enough reserves of gas to start this kind of genocide which can easily turn into a nuclear bombardment if all the Arab states attack Israel. I say this from experience not just throwing it out there. I’ve seen most of the seismic data offline Israel and drilled multiple wells in Israel both on land (dismal results) and offshore (barely profitable).

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Geologists and resources economists have confirmed that the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip, according to a recent UNCTAD study.



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Well that would supply Germany's gas demand for 50yrs.

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That amounts to a GAZILION SHEKELS, The $64,000 question is : Would BB and the Likudnicks murder 1200 Israeli Citizens to get a hold of that stash WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY getting rid of pesky gazans.

That would be a resounding YES

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

1200 citizens is peanuts compared to the ~20,000 they have killed in Israel with their Covid innoculations. Many more yet:

Exclusive: Video interview with 3 experts reveals evidence that the drug companies knew about the SV40 promoter, yet decided to conceal it from the regulators:


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I appreciate your insight, but others say otherwise as far as the reserves offshore, at least.. The latest article I read was on healthimpactnews, complete with maps, players & contracts, other links, etc. There appears to be a lot of incentive to grab those reserves. Enough for genocide? Who's to say? I see it as part of the bigger picture. It's obvious the ''invasion'' into Israel, which was the big trigger, was long-planned, coordinated and certainly, at least, allowed to happen. The whole thing stinks, and tragically with innocent victims on both sides, although severely disproportionate as always.

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When the puppeteers are on the ropes warbis their out.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Not just that. They want to run a pipeline from Israel to Cyprus and Europe for gas to replace Russian gas to Europe. LNG is just too expensive.

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How about a small tunnel from the sea to the underground Hammas tunnels. No bombs, just a flood of water.

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That would cause some problems but they have steel doors scattered throughout the tunnels to protect against smoke, fire or water ingress.

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RemovedOct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Isreals intelligence had a hand in that black flag alsi

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That would be a hollow steel and concrete skyscraper with lots of the surface covered with glass over a big holes in the side.

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First they sold them out to Pfizer.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This—the “wars,” the “pandemics,” the “vaccines,” the endless “emergencies,” (the supply chain issues, climate change, food shortages, etc.) —they are all about collapsing and resetting the current world economy. None of this organic, real, in the sense that it happened without being orchestrated by unseen controllers. All of this is being orchestrated by unseen controllers. Call these entities elites, call them freemasons, call them demons or demon-possessed. It doesn’t matter. They are all servants of evil. And they want us enslaved or dead.

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Off Guardian backs up your comment. Really worth a read.


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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

It’s all about stoking maximum division via hyper emotion-provoking events. I agree with every single point Knightly makes in that article.

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Call them Globalists who want Israel to reign over the Middle East in cahoots with the U.S.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Netanyahu needed his own 9/11. The holocaust wasn't doing it for him anymore.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Yes, he needed a pretext to genocide the Palestinians, which in turn will provide the pretext for a US-Iran war - a convenient distraction from the imminent collapse of the US and its financial system.

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Shortly after 9/11 Fox News ‘ Carl Cameron started a 4 part series showing that Israel knew about the impending attack and Israelites danced & celebrated afterward . Israel ‘DC Amen corner forced Fox News to cancel the series.

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What we have here is Pearl Harbor II - in the early 1940s FDR wanted to join WW2 but there was then a strong neutrality sentiment. No biggie. FDR surreptitiously attacked Japanese bases in indochina, froze japans assets in the US banks and refused to sell them oil . Those acts provoked Japan to attack - FDR directed Pearl Harbor commanders to ignore any warnings of an impending attack and presto FDR got the pretext to join WW2. Likewise , BB is facing possible civil war by Israeli who do not like what he is doing to their constitution, BB has been looking for a pretext to annihilate Gazans since they found oil there and he hates Hamas anyway- what better way to unite Israelites than a deadly attack by Hamas . And so it goes !!!!!!!!

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And moved the fleet from US west coast!

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Yup. The so-called pundits claim that he moved them to Hawaii as a show of American Power. Pure unadulterated BS. He placed them in harms way for the optics. He knew that once Americans saw their GIs being murdered that they would change their mind about entering WW2. All the commanders were ordered to ignore the early warning systems. For shame. These MoFos can’t be trusted. LBJ did the same with USS Liberty.

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Thanks for the link to the words of the courageous Israeli speaker. Is the speaker named Vincent Kennedy? Netanyahu's treason is at the high end of the treasonous actions on the part of many of our treasonous governors. They are engaged in many acts of sabotage, murder and maiming of their own constituents. Most of us are living in polities that are essentially under enemy occupation by illegitimate rulers. The treatment of the Palestinians is on the advanced frontiers of where humanity seems headed unless we can dislodge the predators.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

There vids of Benjamin Netanyahu talking about having to attack these people to start a war and when asked are you not worried about how this will fall back on the israeli gvmt etc as a predator-he said no not to worry, they've got the us in their pockets

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do you speak hebrew?

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February 21, 2013 in Uncategorized by craig murray

Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild 89

Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy. Major shareholders of Genie Energy – which also has interests in shale gas in the United States and shale oil in Israel – include Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild. This from a 2010 Genie Energy press release

Claude Pupkin, CEO of Genie Oil and Gas, commented, “Genie’s success will ultimately depend, in part, on access to the expertise of the oil and gas industry and to the financial markets. Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch are extremely well regarded by and connected to leaders in these sectors. Their guidance and participation will prove invaluable.”


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The U.S. is stealing Syrian oil all day every day.

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Malaysian-based Shahid Bolsen is yet another spox pumping BRICS and the "Global South" as if the BRICS alliance are actually dedicated opponents of the neoliberal/technocratic globalist agenda. Not only did Russia's state-owned Sberbank play a central role in the 2021 WEF-sponsored **Cyber Polygon conference**, this guy seems to have no understanding of Russia's 'special' relationship with the state of Israel. Perhaps he is just feigning ignorance - like so many others.

Here Bolsen advocates Fully Automated Luxury Communism, where citizens aspire to a life of 'laying on a beach and smoking hashish'. He'll be pumping Universal Basic Income next.

That 'endless flow of cash' to Israel is fuelling conflicts far and wide: Benyamin Netanyahu's government backed the fascist-led Maidan Coup and has been funding Ukraine -specifically the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion- for years. (Electronic Intifada, 2018.)

Most of the Ukraine oligarchs hold dual Israeli/Ukrainian citizenship. Most had decamped to Israel until the US/EU funded coup of 2014. Most Westerners paid little or no attention to this bloody conflict until 2022 - so they need to stop deflecting personal responsibility.

Scythia/Kievan Rus/Ukraine is far closer to being the true home of the ruling elite in Israel than the Levant will ever be.

These are some of the international cabal that are colluding to enslave you:

June 2021 Cyber Polygon

**The online conference was seen by 7 million viewers from 78 countries. Top global leaders and experts spoke at the event: Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum; Steve Wozniak, Co-founder of Apple Computer as well as senior officials from INTERPOL, UNICEF, the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICANN, IBM, Microsoft, Visa, Mastercard, Sber, and other organizations.**

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Mind you I have not investigated this guy.

According to this: He's the man behind the Sheika Latifa Al Maktoum kidnapping and propaganda. He was convicted in 2007 of the murder of Martin Herbert Steiner.


Bolsen is most certainly invested in the New Silicone Empire. He has a southern accent so he is clearly not local to Malaysia.

I have seen a lot of monied Westerners openly planning to divest in the West and invest in the East. It's clear their wealth is more important to them than freedom. Like the 'elite' they have no conscience and no allegiance - and they will be thrown under the bus.

Malaysia and Indonesia are hotbeds of radical Salafi Islam which generate shock troops funded by the same cabal who mint it in the Military Industrial Complex(es).

I am also hearing that some Israeli settlers may have been set upon by mercs not associated with Hamas, 'possibly' even IDF themselves.

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"Analysts" need to stop promoting people before they know who they really are and whose agendas they serve.

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my feeling exactly, from watching him, too smooth, a psychopath. i looked him up: he enticed a stranger to come to his apt for sex with his maid, got him drunk, killed him with chloroform, and stuffed his body in a trunk and dumped it in the desert.. that says a lot about a person's character lol.

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This is clearly a promo without caveat.

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There is no doubt in my mind that the US and Israel were both complicit in allowing this Hamas assault to occur on Oct 7. The first X video Celia posted clearly shows this stand down on the part of the IDF. The US needed a pretext to blame Iran for all of this, and now we see two US carrier battle groups off the Israeli coast.

More than likely there will not be a Gaza assault by tanks as Hamas knows the terrain and has full command of the tunnels under Gaza. It would be suicidal for Israeli troops... not that netanyahoo cares. This is all a distraction while the US brings more troops and supplies into Israel so they can eventually go after Iran, Syria and Lebanon who all have significant oil and gas reserves. This is all a distraction to go after Iran. Have a look at the monkeywerxus channel on YouTube to see the flights carrying troops and military hardware to Ramstein, Germany and Israel in preparation for the assault on Iran. Last show was on Friday here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHK7c-8KYOc&t=2393s. minute 44

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Def a globalist play. They probably have something on BIbi.

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Link 3..this man is brilliant. Is Israel a western or Middle Eastern nation? Is Israel just a “satellite” of the US, disengaged from its true heritage? Just a short few weeks ago, Israel was on the verge of civil war & Netanyahu kicked out. Then a security breech happens that places Netanyahu back in “leadership.”? Charlie Kirk is asking the same questions.

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Judging by his activities, he's a charismatic psychopath and a bullshitter. He was born shannon morris, converted to islam, changed his name to shahid bolsen, joined the muslim brotherhood, incites attacks on businesses like kfc, and killed a guy: “We fought and I unfortunately caused his death,” he said."The cause of death was an overdose of chloroform, which Mr. Bolsen told the court he kept in the house to fight insomnia but had used to try to sedate Mr. Steiner. After the killing Mr. Bolsen stuffed the body in a suitcase, disposed of it by a desert highway, and was arrested as he tried to fly to Oman, he acknowledged.

"Mr. Bolsen was initially convicted of murder and sentenced to death by an Emirati court. But after two appeals of lower court convictions, his crime was reduced to manslaughter and he was allowed to pay “compensation” to the family of the victim to win his release in 2013." this is from nyt

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The story lost all validity with the last sentence. The NYT is a msm propaganda machine

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can you point out what's invalid about the last sentence? what did they get wrong:

"The cause of death was an overdose of chloroform, which Mr. Bolsen told the court he kept in the house to fight insomnia but had used to try to sedate Mr. Steiner. After the killing Mr. Bolsen stuffed the body in a suitcase, disposed of it by a desert highway, and was arrested as he tried to fly to Oman, he acknowledged.

Mr. Bolsen was initially convicted of murder and sentenced to death by an Emirati court. But after two appeals of lower court convictions, his crime was reduced to manslaughter and he was allowed to pay “compensation” to the family of the victim to win his release in 2013.

These days, he focuses much of his attention on urging sabotage against participants in an investment conference scheduled for next month, a centerpiece of President Sisi’s plans for the economy. As the conference approaches, Mr. Bolsen wrote in a recent Facebook post, “it will become more important for rebels to inflict real financial losses on the multinationals and foreign investors.”

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No it was just my sarcasm. You wrote “this is from the NYT”. Which I assume was the New York Times. In my opinion the paper is pure msm and a lot of propaganda. Not saying what you wrote or even what the Times wrote isn’t true. I just despise the propaganda we are fed.

Sorry if I offended you.

I’m just a Dumb ass cowboy

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i know what you mean. but even a broken clock can be right twice a day lol. propaganda is coming at us right and left. cowboys aren't dumbass. i love cowboys.

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A growing number of reports indicate Israeli forces responsible for Israeli civilian and military deaths following October 7 attack


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Thank you for the video. The speaker is Shahid Bolsen, born a Catholic in Colorado in 1971. He studied computer science at the U of Colorado. He went to Dubai, studied the Emirates infringements on human rights, got involved in Egyptian politics, and converted to Islam. He is no rabbi (which is a Jewish minister). He has a YouTube channel Middle Nation.

I was very moved by what he said. The solution for Israel is to dump Zionism and embrace the Palestinians living in and near Israel - the one state solution. Also to dump Netanyahu and steer clear of the US. Well, that’s the short version. He talks for 18 minutes and has many things to say. I suspect that were Israel to take his advice, we would be free of the possibility of WW3 in the Middle East.

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in that video he said israelis just want to lay on the beach and smoke hashish. relax and enjoy a sharia takeover of their country. shannon morris aka shahid is also a murderer who lured a guy to his apartment for sex with his maid. he admitted it. he admitted killing him and dumping his body parts in the desert.

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Leave it to Netanyahu to say on 9/11 just how much the entire fiasco would benefit Israel. The man is a talking head for the forces of pure evil.

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