It's far from over. The CDC is covering its tracks, in what is certain to be a futile effort to escape culpability.

They're trying to get ahead of the blowback. It's coming.

Of course we have been vindicated. Vindication doesn't assuage the millions of lives utterly ruined by the hideous overreach of control freaks worldwide. It doesn't restore shuttered businesses, broken families, or an entire generation lost to an interrupted or completely terminated education. It won't restore delays in child development. Whatever trust we had in elected government representatives is permanently and irrevocably gone.

And I haven't even begun to mention the countless young lives cut short due to sudden, inexplicable deaths caused by anything but some experimental injected concoction whose contents remain a trade secret.

Yes we have been vindicated. So what.

Those of us who survive owe it to future generations: NEVER AGAIN. Except I thought the Holocaust was supposed to have done that already.

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I agree, but wonder what can be done by the CDC and the rest of them to stop this. I simply cannot imagine anyone who has committed to fighting this backing down. I would think this would fire everyone up far more than before. I cannot see an outcome here that does not destroy the CDC, the FDA, Pfizer, Big Media, all of them. They have bet the farm on this insanity, spewed vitriolic hatred at reasonable people saying reasonable things ... How can the truth not burst through? And when it does, how can the liars and deluded survive that eruption?

I don't know how long this will take, I don't know how much more damage the globalists will do as they go down, but surely there's no hope for them.

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Love your comment Toby. Can't make the alto turn the little heart to red.

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Far as I know, the teachers union and their pediatrician supporters are still advocating for kids to be masked, while the CDC is still sayingg masking kids is ok in Head Start. That and the CDC is still saying get vaccinated, so the fight is far from over. There will have to be accountability, for Phizer and Moderna, the health care leadership at NIH, CDC and FDA, this Administration and for those in Media who relentlessly repeated "Safe and Effective," and "The pandemic of the unvaccinated."

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There has been some discussion whether the CDC really DID release new guidelines?

Here they discuss the new CDC guidelines on NPR. Peter Hotez, if you can stomach it.


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No I cannot ever again stomach anything from NPR

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Celia, This is the transcript https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1116991600 of the NPR interview with Dr. Massetti of the CDC and Dr. Marcus Plescia - he's chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials which provided the substance for the twitter version and graphic that most people have seen. https://twitter.com/NPR/status/1557810406000922625

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NPR :: National Polite Reset fanatics that tweet to themselves-

No wonder their grift is ever a chameleon of posers always coming up totally pwndlosers

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109--And......National Pharma Radio but always National Propaganda Radio, which is exactly why the CDC, Hotez, Offit, and others are always invited, but never challenged.

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I’m still out of work for refusing the vaccine. Haven’t worked in 10 months. Wife is still kicked out of college for refusing the vaccine.

It’s not over. We’ve just begun to fight.

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.I never refuse a request for medical exemption from vaccines, because I don't want to be an accomplice to a poisoning. Let us know if I can help. Our clinic phone is 480-839-2800 in Arizona.

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Thank you so much. I will be in contact.

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Even the unvaccinated are allowed to vote in November.

This relaxation of strictures is all about the upcoming mid-term elections. Nothing else matters; they will do anything to stay in power. Read the tea leaves, wake up and smell the coffee.

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i do believe that this is part of the planned chaos- and that they will reverse course, as they have done on so many things, in the fall- we'll wait and see-- also- according to Naomi Wolf- we are being given 'quackzines' made in China- Pfizer is co-owned by China and that's where the manufacturing is being done-- how many people will be dead by fall- how many children- and what will it be blamed on- not the vaxx- no way- .....

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Well, how convenient...

Not to sound pessimistic, but of course, the CDC is now scrambling to cover their asses, given the fact that tens of thousands (according to Steve Kirsch, it’s hundreds of thousands; I have no idea what the official number is) in this country alone, have died, and will continue to die from the vaccine. Mid-terms are right around the corner. Too much is at stake. And more and more people continue to wake up to the truth every day. So of course, the CDC is going to do and say whatever is necessary to save face.

I would love to share in the optimism of others, but my mother continues to languish in hospice, slowly dying because she made the horrible decision to get vaccinated. And she’ll probably end up paying the ultimate price because of it.

The only way I’ll feel any type of vindication, is if she makes a full, miraculous recovery.

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#unvaccinated. And, fucking proud of it!

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Yet the military , universities and many employers still require them, and they are requiring visitors to US to have them

This is an old trick. Right before the school season and fall when they know cases will increase they relax guidelines so they can blame the relaxed guidelines for the increase.

Then they tighten again and with a new vax coming out start pushing it and making life difficult (after the elections) for those who dont get it

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Smart man.

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The timing, though. We know now the CDC is political, not a scientific, organization. Midterm elections are coming with an expected Republican landslide. Is this an attempt to "soften" the covidian stance, in order to influence election outcomes, with it all coming roaring back afterwards?

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None of this is over. The main thing to do now, and in the future is simple:

DO NOT COMPLY. Who cares what the CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, DOJ, FBI, etc etc etc say? IT DOESN’T MATTER.

We The People tell THEM what to do. Not the other way around. Until this is understood and practiced, we will suffer greatly.

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Exactly, never forget for a moment and do not let down your guard. In 2021 they had a Monkeypox simulation exercise and the scenario ‘imagined” 3Billion infected and 270 million fatalities. Our “grubment” has already purchased 117M in vaxes.

I will neither forget nor trust a single word that come from the lips or pens of these eugenicists that masquerade as a government.

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When do the mandates end? Until then, i vote DeSantis republicans!!!

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What? Shame and Blame is over??!! YEAH!

Will CDC issue an apology? Unlikely. But more importantly, does this mean the HHS "Covid-19 Public Health Emergency" due to end on Oct 13th, 2022 will end then?

I can't help wondering if this CDC change in direction has anything to do w the abysmally low booster and vax uotake for adults and kids.

It's nice to know we in the Un-Vaxd Covid Control Group are no longer cconsidered a menace to society... for the time being.

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Amen! Finally! If you made it thru unvaccinated congrats 🎉🎉

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"Men go crazy in congregations,

They only get better,

One by one."

~ Sting

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Thank you for this article, Celia. Much appreciated. I agree that it could take years for healing to take place.

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