Very interesting. I believe the CIA is behind much of what we see in the world and they are pure evil.

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And former President Truman warned in 1962 that the CIA had far overstepped its purpose, and was already illegally creating and implementing its own policy.

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That's a perfect definition of witchcraft, though I guess in my pre-awake days I would have called the media end of this desire for control "propaganda." I can't call what the media is doing "propaganda" anymore after "COVID." It's pure evil, motivated by an shape-shifting anti-human spirit. God save us from this evil.

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Thanks, I'll take a listen. I understand intuitively the invisibles behind this world, and how it capture people in spells. It's all energy, and frequency and ways of infiltrating people through their emotions and thoughts. I suspect a technology is in place, currently breaking up and breaking havoc in the process. The spells aren't holding anymore.

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Good point on frequency Kathleen. In my world of EMF research, many are concerned about quantities of power, physical variables like heating of skin tissue, when it's the silent, low-level frequencies that often have the greatest positive or negative impact.

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Thanks, Roman. I'm no expert on it by any means. I've spent some time reading through Heartmath's research, which is impressive. And also have listened to Gregg Braden discuss. The implications on what we can do to create coherence for instance, with our heart via a simple practice of gratitude - including the natural syncing with the earth's frequency is quite astounding. Frequency healing and immunity is the future once we realize and work with this knowledge. Which I believe humans inherently know though have not been able to access in the current slave-system, a capture via frequencies.

It's hard to see it in the midst of current madness, but we are on the brink of so much possibility. Best.

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I’ve experienced HeartMath with Rollin (McCredy) in my grad program. I’m sure with advances in technology, it’s way more progressive than it was in the late 90s

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I find it weird a lot of women coming out of the humanities are become being wiccans and engaging in witchcraft. Religion isn't really going away it's just getting replaced with even weirder shit.

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Shamanism and wiccan type pagan religions were primarily peaceful and uncentralized.

The Romans adopted Christianity to gain power for the empire and imposed this "less weird" stuff which was compatible with centralized authority.

It's the same with science. Inventors were free agents, until industrialism took over and created "scientists".

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Absolutely - when I hear "religion is obsolete" from many atheists, what I believe they mean is "abrahamic religion and the church etc" are dead. Fun fact: Religion at its root, and meaning of the word - is relegere (to get back to , rededicate oneself to nature).

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James 1: 26 ¶ If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

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Always come back to this verse. Love it.

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If you're going to capture the world, capturing language is essential. A binding back to nature is the natural religion all natural beings share.

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This is also true about yoga which translates as “yoking” mind to body and also small self to the greater whole. Hatha yoga postures comprise a “metamorphic” communion with the habitat to discover its essence and maintain harmony with it.

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Both men and women play around with sorcery , why Cecilia saying " Don't worry about the use of the word witch really is important . As much as I like Mr Prince's theology , he stymies me when it comes to his concept of what roles the female is to play - applying it to people who actually potentially carry a child inside their body for nine months , rather than applying the idea of female to the brides of christ , of which we ALL are , be we born to bear the child for nine months , or start the childs life with an alternate set of information - lets say "Seed" / For only nine months and nine minutes , there is a sexual differentiation , the rest of the time , we are all people , sharing reality . .... so In the BIble , the fact that the energy of the male seeds the fertility of the female is used to explain the relationship that Christ has with US . Not to explain why a man hits his wife in the face if he thinks she was too nice to the waiter at dinner . We already have been there and done that , please don't drag the game back into the mud . There are TONS of WARLOCKS and WITCHES , both male and female , playing around with chemicals and language -- some of them wear black scary costumes , and some wear clean white jackets .

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This. Too often Christ’s relationship to all Christians as the husband of the church gets lost. It’s important to remember that.

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For me, being a true female has always been a literally pain filled event , because of the reaction of the people around me - but yet once , I hugged a tree that was getting cut down , and my daughter cried and said " Mom you are so brave " and I felt that I was seen - loving in the face of destruction is the 'Way' turning the other cheek etc . I know how many times men were SHOCKED that I was able to accomplish big things via submission . Because they are consumed by - well , Paul Levy calls it Wetico , it is a demon of our times - a belief in a created story that is not actually how the world works . There is only one source of power and that is inside of submission to Christ . That narrow door , and the promise of new life .

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You’ve given me some great nuggets to consider today. It seems so difficult to me lately to know the wise course of action. You’ve reminded me that submission to Christ is the basis for my behavior.

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He was the great mother ! Inside of this whole insane water and natural gas fight in the name of genetic and historical heritage and connection to the land ... we really need Jesus to solve this one . To me , it gets down to respect of what it means to give birth and love the fruit of that labor , and in a world where people think that shooting a gun is some kind of creative act , ( I am not anti gun , I just know that it does not make anything better than before ) - and ultimately to me it has to do with the eradication of the feminine energy . Go Karen Go ! Be YOU fully , and see what starts to happen . That is what I am experimenting with . - Jen I mean , look at our names , Care , and Generate .

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Love this! And what you said about our names gave me my first smile of the day. You have a wonderful day!

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I took Cecilia's comment about the word witch merely as a warning not to confuse the biblical concept of witchcraft, the desire to control people, with the unrelated depiction of a person called a witch.

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Indeed. Witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, sex magic, out of body attacks on others are all very real practices and often successful for the purpose of harming or controlling others or simply getting their own way. Its an abuse of real spiritual energies instead of aligning those energies with the will of God through prayer and supplication and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have known both male and female witches. They identified themselves as such. They also told me that they don't have a problem with the idea of God, but they want nothing to do with Jesus.

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I do not know what ancient words were translated into to describe witch , I do know that we are commanded not to go to seers , or even to have Kings . We are supposed to listen to that still small voice , and wait on the lord . But it's super clear that Witch is a feminine Warlock , and a Warlock is a masculine gendered Witch . Super cautious about going there linguistically when only one half of the equation are mentioned . Well , as much as I like to look at tea leaves , it is forbidden because it would remove the miraculous power of the creator , even if the picture were beneficial and kind . Wim Hof is a fanatical biological miracle , who had a bunch of germs shot into his system at a hospital during a controlled test of his capacity to overcome the invasion with his own will power and intention . He did NOT succumb to the germs , via his belief in his own power . Well , so as did David when asked to put Goliath down . Strange to me that now , a Palestinian people needs the power of David , and the greater power has become Goliath . We CAN believe in the truth and bring forth peace with the power of our creator , who loves all of us in the exact same way , like a Bridegroom loves his Bride .

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I am a religious studies grad scholar who got exposed to feminism after studying Islam and feeling it treated women like objects that men own. My two daughters reached puberty at the same time and suddenly everything changed in their demeanor and I wondered what happened to their happiness. I researched feminism. Went to study women’s spirituality or goddesses in grad school. Asked my teachers what religion are we goddess scholars as I didn’t practice Wicca. My teacher said she calls God the great mystery. And that goddess scholars share a family resemblance with Wicca. In the end I just wanted to serve and protect life so I wrote my thesis on ecofeminists. My preferred religion is shamanism which connects us to the spirits of nature.

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only when men understand that they are women too , will we come to peace with the earth and her creatures . So , in Christianity , Jesus says that he would like to gather his people under his wings like a mother hen . That is just one of the images , but apparently , the words he spoke with was Aramaic , but the FEMALE version of the language , as the language has two tenses . It would be really difficult for people to face it that Christ actually was a man body who embodied the female path of life . The christian message is a maternal mindset .

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Celia! You're speaking my language! I grew up pentacostal so I know just HOW strong the spiritual world can be! I actually discuss that in the podcast here:


What I've learned is that 1) there has been some deception with the faith, and that's fine. Politics can smear religion, but once we learn to separate the two, we begin to see spirituality and reality in a whole new light: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/religion-as-the-greatest-weapon#details

I also talk about how the Gnostic sect is PERFECT for the time we find ourselves in now: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-gnosticism-is-the-christianity#details

There has been a great deception even longer than us, but once we start to see clearly, "The Truth Shall Set You Free."

There is withcraft. There is dark forces here. I discuss that in Are we under a satanic attack (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack#details), but there's also the fruits of the spirit. We don't have a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND. We can use these and more to fight against the evil forces of our reality.

Looking forward to your thoughts and feedback here!

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Combine the infrasonic waves of the TV, that entrain our brains with blue light, and those "spells" become very easy for many to absorb:


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Mmmmm, helpful observation, Roman.

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Yes, witchcraft is a sort of mind control based on belief and assumptions.

This control was/ is also practiced by the major religions.

They don't call it witchcraft though.

They proclaim to speak for god. But didn't Jesus say the temple was within?

Nowadays, the "science" does the same thing.

It's about time we learn how to stop following tribalist groups and connect directly to the truth.

This covid thing was a big thing that shocked people to question authority.

What lead to Martin Luther's reformation is not much different than what we're facing today.

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I was born in '58, to a Catholic family. Oldest of 7. Parents took us in the direction of neopentecostalism/charismaticism when I was around 12. We listened to Derek Prince (I like his teaching on fasting) and Kenneth Hagin/Copeland (name it and claim it) and everything in between. I launched into a 24 day fast in my latter 20s, looking for God to give me my own miracle ministry. Little did I know that it was me that needed the miracle. My heart wasn't right. I was trying to use God for my ends, rather than seeking His will. It radically changed my life. Toward the end, I saw myself for the selfish wretch that I was...which I rectified (through a couple days of deep repentance). After that, it was like heaven came down. I had never known God's presence before that.

I don't find it necessary to discern between types of demonic spirits. Maybe I'm wrong? But did Jesus differentiate? They are all just unclean liars. And if we submit to God and resist them, they will flee from us. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (Jas 4:7)

My biggest change from my 24 day fast, besides a new heart, was realizing that the contemporary doctrine/practice of "speaking in tongues" was nothing but gibberish, supported by verses taken totally out of context. The fast brought me into real fellowship with God, and basically alerted me to the fact that something was wrong with the tongues doctrine that I had been practicing for 15 years, often for hours on end.

It took me two years of reevaluating the prooftexts to find the truth.

So many people think that speaking gibberish means they are filled with the Spirit. It's one of Satan's greatest deceptions. God bless.

Thank you for all your years of fighting against the lies of the devil.

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“Thy will be done”

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Manipulate, intimidate and dominate sound like infantile ego. My ego constantly speaks to me in my own voice. I am an alcoholic and to get away from this noise I drank alcohol. So in other words I drank alcohol to treat my alcoholism. Yes I have a body that likes alcohol (the effects) and I can’t stop after the first drink. The only way I can treat my alcoholism is to constantly turn to God, moment to moment throughout the day. Asking Him for guidance. It’s a total conscious contact with God that saves me from my disease.

I imagine this “witchcraft” is the same. By turning our will and our lives over to the power of God we can dispel the so called “sorcery of the flesh”

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Perhaps this is why alcohol is referred to as "spirits."

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Good one

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Sober since 1985. I know all about not being able to stop.

One too many, ten thousand not enough.

God bless you and your journey.


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Thanks my friend. Enjoy life one moment at a time

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Agreed. HIV/AIDS was not a question of science versus 'superstition' ("conspiracy theory"), same goes for Covid, 9/11, last week's Hamas attack etc. The question is who gives authority & credibility -- aka power over others -- to whom and why.

I recently came across the following, by historian Ioan Couliano, a protegé of Mircea Eliade, written in 1986:

“Nowadays the magician busies himself with public relations, propaganda, market research, sociological surveys, publicity, information, counterinformation and misinformation, censorship, espionage ... Historians have been wrong in concluding that magic disappeared with the advent of ‘quantitative science.’ The latter has simply substituted itself for a part of magic while extending its dreams and its goals by means of technology . . . Technology, it can be said, is a democratic magic that allows everyone to enjoy the extraordinary capabilities of which the magician used to boast.”

-- Ioan P. Couliano/Culianu, "Eros and Magic in the Renaissance," trans. Cook (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1987), p. 104

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As soon as any "preacher" affixes a human quality to God by calling "Him", I'd rather worship Lord Rothschild, at least he created "Fiat monet" , which is the seed of war. You can hear the dogs a barking when Selected Marco Rubio chants out "Kill Em All"! I guess there is only 9 commandments from the book of laws.

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Thank you Michael , I do undertand that Prince did a lot of good work , he came from a different time , but he really believed that women were not men . And we are all men . Before god , we are all women , that is the point of so much of Christian teaching that that people like Derek Prince did not get . Having seen that , lived that , tried to function inside of that , I know for sure that is not god's plan for us . Male and Female Differentials inside of areas that are not actually taking a year off from life and popping out a baby or three ( or seven , I think someone had seven the other day ) - is INSANE . That includes 5th graders , and that includes Politicians , and that includes GOD . And if I mis interpreted your comment , out of the hope that there are a few other sane people out there , just erase my comment here . -

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What I mean by before god we are all women , may be something that you only understand if you are a woman ! Its a state of willing acceptance of the mystery , that actually makes you laugh , sing , and cry with joy . But that is what we all should be like , before god , and when women are turned into witches or whores or people who have to wear lace caps and knit sweaters all day , how is a man ever going to learn from a woman what it means to BE a woman , a woman before her husband . So that is what I mean .

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He also sacrificed nutrition for drugs, which I totally don't agree with. So I can't worship Rothschild or Rockefeller.

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I've had some run-ins with psychopaths and malignant narcissists, and they definitely practice a form of dark sorcery. They live and breathe manipulation, intimidation, and domination.

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Well I for one, and many other people will say, that all your time and work exposing the HIV=AIDS fraud was not wasted Celia. You did an amazing job then, even though what we see now is 100 times worse.

Yes. This was witchcraft and sorcery. Only in the book of Revelation is the word "sorcery" translated form the Greek word "Pharmakiea" so they are the same.

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I'll watch the video later. Yes, it's sorcery or if you want to use a more prosaic term, mind control. And I agree it's crazy how we spend so much time in the science of whatever when it's just so obviously mind control.

As soon as they showed us nonsense images of people falling flat on their face and told us that the Chinese cobra and many-banded krait had been found by a Chinese research team to be "reservoirs" of the virus and at the same time told us that this had been called "complete garbage" by a biosecurity specialist at Sydney University I knew straightaway the alleged covid pandemic was a psyop because that kind of stuff has Revelation of the Method all over it. I knew nothing of the anti-virology movement but I knew IMMEDIATELY without any knowledge of the science that being a psyop there would be no virus because psyops are all about smoke'n'mirrors, not doing things for real unless they're wanted for real.

When you know the hallmarks of psyops you can work out so many things out instantly:

--- there will be deliberate nonsense shown and told on top of a usually highly implausible base narrative (Revelation of the Method) - they always have to let you know the truth underneath the propaganda

--- only what is wanted for real will be done for real, the rest will be faked - there's no good reason to do things for real unless wanted because the strange thing is that propaganda works better the less it corresponds with reality and often doing something for real wouldn't work anyway. Besides, the whole point is mind control

--- if it's a big psyop they will push out multiple streams of propaganda to confuse and mislead (as soon as they said "biolab" we could work out it was just one of the multiple BS streams)

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Celia - I came upon this piece right before reading yours. Charles Eisenstein takes a deep sincere and personal dive into how this sorcery is threatening us all and the only way way out of it. https://open.substack.com/pub/charleseisenstein/p/hamas-israel-and-the-devil-on-my?r=59dck&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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