One of the (many) things I remember about "my fellow citizens," -- in particular, "American" women -- was the seemingly ubiquitous insouciance regarding creepy Bill's "affair" with Monica. I saw it as abuse...because that's what it was -- if one knew anything at all about slimy Bill.
I repeatedly found myself the lone woman among groups of women who held this view -- friends, colleagues, etc. At the time, as a corporate manager, I knew that the chances of a senior male manager getting away with that treatment of a subordinate would have had a snowball's chance in Hell.
I earned my M.B.A. at an all-women's graduate school in oh-so-liberal Massachusetts. When I tell you I heard nothing but excuse-making for this creep's treatment of Monica -- and barely a thought to the security implications -- while bashing Linda Tripp? Absolutely staggering.
Me. The lone one -- again -- looking out into the world as if it were an alien one -- or that I was the alien. I'll remember that forever because it also taught me that women can be just as full of shit and hypocritical as men despite all the 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 to the contrary about how the world would be sunshine and lollipops if only women were in power.
So agree with you that “women can be just as full of shit as men”. In fact I have found them to be as diabolical as men but do it on the ‘Sub-Rosa ’ level.
Thank you...The other aspect of this time that struck me was the virtually complete lack of empathy or sympathy for Monica. Should she have done any of what she did? Of course not...but we all remember what being a 22 year-old was like, yes? Here is this woman in "the seat of power" as a White House intern -- and the slimy, creepy Prez shows you some attention..? And then the wife of the slimy, creepy one blames Monica and the media??????????? All of it in violation of federal sexual harassment law (Title VII), his marriage (such as it was), simple decency, etc., etc. Saying any of this was like spittin' into the wind. still gets to me. I know it shouldn't after all this time and everything else that's happened since, but it does.
Yes Phoney Hilary …their ‘marriage’ was not a ‘match made in heaven” but rather a “match forged in hell”! Slick Willie and his ‘Willie’ were always on the prowl preying on women. It’s the sex addicts drug! But since he was the POTUS…he gets a pass, but a young 22 year old ‘intern’ became the scorned woman, for messing with Hil & Bill’s phoney sham of a marriage.
A number of years ago my ex-wife and I were talking and she said, at least in part as an attempt to pull my chain, that Bill Clinton could eat crackers in her bed.
I think I laughed and said I hope he does, that would be the only fun he would have.
Maybe it was 2013/2014....I can't recall exactly what documentary (Zeitgeist I??) I saw that originally awakened me to the corruption in the 'government'...& the Bush-Clinton cartel, but I nearly had a heart attack when Hillary was nearly 'selected' as the then later learning all the shite that Obummer propagated....omg....and now it is just getting deeper and deeper and darker and darker. I read Carroll Quigley's massive tome, then Anthony Sutton, G. Edward Griffin's books (all of them), & most recently Whitney Webb's excellent "One Nation under Blackmail"...and simultaneously, I came to see that the "health" cartel is embedded is this whole mess....the MDs who blew it open: Peter Gotzsche's "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime"; Suzanne Humphries and Vernon Cole's books; RFK Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" and his other books. And to the truthers, we have to stay focused on inner balance and that which is higher AND also help others *who are able to hear* the message. Thank you Celia and fellow truthers.
Loud and proud Hillary despiser since the early 90s. She is a high satanic witch and drinks the blood of living infants. Have known this for 35 years. Finally finally finally people are seeing it
I can go to my grave knowing that Hillary Clinton will never be president. And Hillary will go to her grave knowing that she was the sorest loser ever. She is still bitching about Putin stealing her presidency because she can’t accept that people rejected everything she stood for.
Funny how Russia gate isn’t election interference. I tell people who gripe about Trump getting to appoint 3 Supreme Court justices to blame it on Hillary. If she hadn’t rigged the primary there’s a good chance that Bernie would have beaten Trump.
I remember that video of slaves of the Hollywood plantation begging the members of the electoral college to not give the presidency to Trump. The slaves wanted Hillary because Trump was immoral. Immoral compared to Hillary? Yes, slaves lie as much as necessary to avoid the whip. The ticket-takers are the poorest people on Earth.
I'm watching it now. Thanks for the intro. I'm not surprised. I cannot recall ever liking Hillary and, because of her, Bill. Yes, Bill was a smooth talker, he and Obama have that in common. Neither were good, honest men.
Just a few days ago, the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport was killed in a firefight with the Feds at his home...allegedly he was "dealing guns"
One of my babysitters used to babysit for Hillary and governor Bill…. this babysitter saw and told me about the crazy parties and how Hillary wouldn’t be at them and didn’t seem to care… it was clear these people were no good. When it came to him running for President and subsequently his bad behaviors that the nation seemed shocked about?? I was stunned they all acted like they had no idea… Did i really have inside info no one else knew about? I can’t imagine no one else knew…. I recall their bad business dealings being in the news as well as Billaries ambitions for the white house long before Bill became President. The info is there if people want to be informed.
It may be, but it did call out the deeply connected and sinister underbelly in our system. Whatever truths or misdirection was included, one still gets a strong sense that people in power are in complete control and will stop at nothing.
Thanks--I just happened upon it, so had no expectations. I was surprised at how open they were about how it all works and that murder is second nature to these people. I particularly liked the explanation about how certain "whistleblowers" are really chaos agents in disguise who keep throwing nonsense into the narrative to exhaust investigators--stories that evolve endlessly. It really works.
The media has been and still is so massively corrupted by the Left that we had and still have no chance of beating them at anything! It was true 50+ years ago and is still true today!! How do people think they got away with it? With lots and lots of help from their corrupt friends in high places who bought influence and the evil media types!
Respectfully disagree, but I understand completely where you're coming from.
It's not so much that they're lazy. It's that they recoil at any notion of such vast corruption. It flies in the face of everything they've been taught, it flies in the face of everything NPR tells them. They're good people; they simply can't believe the corruption is so vast. So then their defense is: you're a crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist swallowing misinformation! This is what they've been taught to think.
I've had good, decent, smart, not-lazy people yell at me at the top of their lungs because I contradicted what NPR told them.
We are a good people. If the people blinded by the likes of NPR could see, trust me, they'd be as angry as we all are. We are a good people.
Again, I disagree. I can say this because I'm deep in the heart of NPR country, and I know and have been friends with many of the people who believe that NPR is telling them how the world really works.
I have a theory that comes from years of listening to NPR, and that is that NPR in essence coos at its listeners, reassuring them that they're in the know and part of a caring humanity, while those other misinformation spreaders are not. This is a form of psychological seduction. It's an aura of calm superiority they convey, inviting listeners to review their evidence with the same calm intellectual authority and not get caught up in baseless conspiracy theories.
So no, people who listen to NPR aren't intellectually lazy. In effect, they've been hypnotized because I know with 100% certainty that if they knew the truth, they'd be outraged, and not at all lazy about it. They have no idea what's being done to them.
This ties into Desmet's theory of totalitarianism, which I believe is deeply misguided, and probably deliberately so. This theory says that we do it to ourselves through our own mechanistic thinking, and is akin to saying that we're too lazy to think straight and it's our own fault. I disagree. The deception is of course being done deliberately to the good people of this country, who may be naive but who are also such good and decent people that the corruption in front of them is so unbelievable as to be ... unbelievable.
Ok, I get it. I too am aware of the mass, mass formation psychosis (mfp) and I guess we are discussing cause and effect. The laziness I cite is caused by mfp.
I just started reading "Legacy of Ashes" and I marvel at what we the masses allowed to take place right under our noses. It's obvious mfp isn't a new concept, the method of delivery might be the only thing that changes.
Thank you for posting this, Celia. I wanted to mention, I didn't see this in any comments--I got Linda Tripp's book that was published after she died. She did not want it published before. I was shocked. She claimed that Bill had a different sex worker in the oval office almost every day. I can't imagine what the Secret Service thought. Hillary didn't care as long as nothing leaked out. Bill said she "played for the other team." The whole Vince Foster thing was a huge coverup. Also, the account of Bill assaulting a young woman at Oxford in England during his Rhodes Scholar---that was not revealed until Hillary ran for President!! The woman refused to press charges and Bill was kicked out. He did not finish there. I never knew that. Also Bill fathered a child with Eleanor Mondale who is now dead. No one seems to know that but her relative adopted the child. I guess I could go on and on. Sorry!
Marie, this is absolutely staggering. I didn't realize Linda Tripp died. There's also the boy who says he was raped by BC, it's a video. I can't believe how depraved and evil those two actually were, beneath all the horse choking propaganda. I wonder why they didn't kill Linda Tripp.
Yes, I follow and read a lot of different websites, columns, people, etc., because that is the best way to find things out that are hidden. Also, it was revealed that early on, Bill was co-opted into the CIA, and no doubt Hillary as well. They are all on the same team with the Bushes. It is also possible but not proven that they were behind JFK jr plane crash. Hillary wanted that Senate seat. The whole JFK jr crash was a huge coverup. I have investigated that for a long time, the MSM did not report the truth.
Yeah, that whole plane crash story reeks. John Jr was a good pilot and there are hundreds of huge discrepancies in that 'official' narrative. I've often heard that Hillary wanted (and got) that senate seat, but never seen any compelling evidence linking her to that crash--but that only means I haven't seen it.
One significant thing is they have hidden the photos of the plane for a long time, after we are all gone. Possibly the photos would show a hit on the plane. Nothing about the initial response was normal, and the weather was NOT bad as they claimed.
In the '80s, I read a book (and I'll have to look up the title) by a NYT writer (or some other rather legacy media type writer) that included details @ B Clinton's illegal drug running into the Mena AR airport. From public county library in CO. No accident that the C's honeymooned in Haiti - home of vodoo and sorcery - and have spent quite a bit of time there doing "charity" work. G Webb brings to mind another dead reporter, Danny Casalaro. The recent documentary @ him on Netflix is quite watchable.
One of the (many) things I remember about "my fellow citizens," -- in particular, "American" women -- was the seemingly ubiquitous insouciance regarding creepy Bill's "affair" with Monica. I saw it as abuse...because that's what it was -- if one knew anything at all about slimy Bill.
I repeatedly found myself the lone woman among groups of women who held this view -- friends, colleagues, etc. At the time, as a corporate manager, I knew that the chances of a senior male manager getting away with that treatment of a subordinate would have had a snowball's chance in Hell.
I earned my M.B.A. at an all-women's graduate school in oh-so-liberal Massachusetts. When I tell you I heard nothing but excuse-making for this creep's treatment of Monica -- and barely a thought to the security implications -- while bashing Linda Tripp? Absolutely staggering.
Me. The lone one -- again -- looking out into the world as if it were an alien one -- or that I was the alien. I'll remember that forever because it also taught me that women can be just as full of shit and hypocritical as men despite all the 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 to the contrary about how the world would be sunshine and lollipops if only women were in power.
Yeah. Right.
So agree with you that “women can be just as full of shit as men”. In fact I have found them to be as diabolical as men but do it on the ‘Sub-Rosa ’ level.
Thank you...The other aspect of this time that struck me was the virtually complete lack of empathy or sympathy for Monica. Should she have done any of what she did? Of course not...but we all remember what being a 22 year-old was like, yes? Here is this woman in "the seat of power" as a White House intern -- and the slimy, creepy Prez shows you some attention..? And then the wife of the slimy, creepy one blames Monica and the media??????????? All of it in violation of federal sexual harassment law (Title VII), his marriage (such as it was), simple decency, etc., etc. Saying any of this was like spittin' into the wind. still gets to me. I know it shouldn't after all this time and everything else that's happened since, but it does.
I could not agree more!
Yes Phoney Hilary …their ‘marriage’ was not a ‘match made in heaven” but rather a “match forged in hell”! Slick Willie and his ‘Willie’ were always on the prowl preying on women. It’s the sex addicts drug! But since he was the POTUS…he gets a pass, but a young 22 year old ‘intern’ became the scorned woman, for messing with Hil & Bill’s phoney sham of a marriage.
Brilliantly expressed.
Thank you, Celia. ❤️
A number of years ago my ex-wife and I were talking and she said, at least in part as an attempt to pull my chain, that Bill Clinton could eat crackers in her bed.
I think I laughed and said I hope he does, that would be the only fun he would have.
Well received narrative. Thank you.
Thank you, Gene.
A pleasure, always.
I avoid utub as much as possible. The video is on Rumble too:
Thank you for the cross reference.
Agree re Utub.
Thanks. I always prefer any alternative to EweToob.
It's also on BitChute.
Maybe it was 2013/2014....I can't recall exactly what documentary (Zeitgeist I??) I saw that originally awakened me to the corruption in the 'government'...& the Bush-Clinton cartel, but I nearly had a heart attack when Hillary was nearly 'selected' as the then later learning all the shite that Obummer propagated....omg....and now it is just getting deeper and deeper and darker and darker. I read Carroll Quigley's massive tome, then Anthony Sutton, G. Edward Griffin's books (all of them), & most recently Whitney Webb's excellent "One Nation under Blackmail"...and simultaneously, I came to see that the "health" cartel is embedded is this whole mess....the MDs who blew it open: Peter Gotzsche's "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime"; Suzanne Humphries and Vernon Cole's books; RFK Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" and his other books. And to the truthers, we have to stay focused on inner balance and that which is higher AND also help others *who are able to hear* the message. Thank you Celia and fellow truthers.
Loud and proud Hillary despiser since the early 90s. She is a high satanic witch and drinks the blood of living infants. Have known this for 35 years. Finally finally finally people are seeing it
I can go to my grave knowing that Hillary Clinton will never be president. And Hillary will go to her grave knowing that she was the sorest loser ever. She is still bitching about Putin stealing her presidency because she can’t accept that people rejected everything she stood for.
Funny how Russia gate isn’t election interference. I tell people who gripe about Trump getting to appoint 3 Supreme Court justices to blame it on Hillary. If she hadn’t rigged the primary there’s a good chance that Bernie would have beaten Trump.
I remember that video of slaves of the Hollywood plantation begging the members of the electoral college to not give the presidency to Trump. The slaves wanted Hillary because Trump was immoral. Immoral compared to Hillary? Yes, slaves lie as much as necessary to avoid the whip. The ticket-takers are the poorest people on Earth.
I'm watching it now. Thanks for the intro. I'm not surprised. I cannot recall ever liking Hillary and, because of her, Bill. Yes, Bill was a smooth talker, he and Obama have that in common. Neither were good, honest men.
Just a few days ago, the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport was killed in a firefight with the Feds at his home...allegedly he was "dealing guns"
another body to add to the Clinton body count??
Unreal. But why now?
One of my babysitters used to babysit for Hillary and governor Bill…. this babysitter saw and told me about the crazy parties and how Hillary wouldn’t be at them and didn’t seem to care… it was clear these people were no good. When it came to him running for President and subsequently his bad behaviors that the nation seemed shocked about?? I was stunned they all acted like they had no idea… Did i really have inside info no one else knew about? I can’t imagine no one else knew…. I recall their bad business dealings being in the news as well as Billaries ambitions for the white house long before Bill became President. The info is there if people want to be informed.
Let's not forget Danny Casolaro, either...
Seen recent Netflix documentary about him ?
I missed it, not having Netflix - but heard that it's a coverup/limited hangout.
The Netflix doc rambled endlessly. Check out James Corbett's "Requiem for the Suicided" episode on Danny Casolaro.
Unsure. The 2 lead characters seem very committed to the story and genuine. No definitive conclusions at the end, though, so...
It may be, but it did call out the deeply connected and sinister underbelly in our system. Whatever truths or misdirection was included, one still gets a strong sense that people in power are in complete control and will stop at nothing.
Fair enough. There's lots of good exposés out there, if people want the full picture. There was a book published by Feral House, called "The Octopus" a decade, or more, ago. Also, this - , more recently.
Thanks--I just happened upon it, so had no expectations. I was surprised at how open they were about how it all works and that murder is second nature to these people. I particularly liked the explanation about how certain "whistleblowers" are really chaos agents in disguise who keep throwing nonsense into the narrative to exhaust investigators--stories that evolve endlessly. It really works.
I can recommend ‚Clinton Cash‘ by Peter Schweizer for a more up to date account of the Clintons.
The media has been and still is so massively corrupted by the Left that we had and still have no chance of beating them at anything! It was true 50+ years ago and is still true today!! How do people think they got away with it? With lots and lots of help from their corrupt friends in high places who bought influence and the evil media types!
Don't forget the compliant, lazy masses who don't want to be bothered with such things. I know a lot of them.
Respectfully disagree, but I understand completely where you're coming from.
It's not so much that they're lazy. It's that they recoil at any notion of such vast corruption. It flies in the face of everything they've been taught, it flies in the face of everything NPR tells them. They're good people; they simply can't believe the corruption is so vast. So then their defense is: you're a crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist swallowing misinformation! This is what they've been taught to think.
I've had good, decent, smart, not-lazy people yell at me at the top of their lungs because I contradicted what NPR told them.
We are a good people. If the people blinded by the likes of NPR could see, trust me, they'd be as angry as we all are. We are a good people.
I'm of the opinion they don't look past npr because they are lazy.
Again, I disagree. I can say this because I'm deep in the heart of NPR country, and I know and have been friends with many of the people who believe that NPR is telling them how the world really works.
I have a theory that comes from years of listening to NPR, and that is that NPR in essence coos at its listeners, reassuring them that they're in the know and part of a caring humanity, while those other misinformation spreaders are not. This is a form of psychological seduction. It's an aura of calm superiority they convey, inviting listeners to review their evidence with the same calm intellectual authority and not get caught up in baseless conspiracy theories.
So no, people who listen to NPR aren't intellectually lazy. In effect, they've been hypnotized because I know with 100% certainty that if they knew the truth, they'd be outraged, and not at all lazy about it. They have no idea what's being done to them.
This ties into Desmet's theory of totalitarianism, which I believe is deeply misguided, and probably deliberately so. This theory says that we do it to ourselves through our own mechanistic thinking, and is akin to saying that we're too lazy to think straight and it's our own fault. I disagree. The deception is of course being done deliberately to the good people of this country, who may be naive but who are also such good and decent people that the corruption in front of them is so unbelievable as to be ... unbelievable.
Ok, I get it. I too am aware of the mass, mass formation psychosis (mfp) and I guess we are discussing cause and effect. The laziness I cite is caused by mfp.
I just started reading "Legacy of Ashes" and I marvel at what we the masses allowed to take place right under our noses. It's obvious mfp isn't a new concept, the method of delivery might be the only thing that changes.
I don't think it's so much that people want to pretend that all is well, as it is that they've been deliberately indoctrinated for so long.
It's a very crowded sand pile; been there done that .... .
Project Mockingbird.
“It’s snowing in Mena”. Time to head for the Whitewater Tavern!
We can meet Barry Seale (not Soetero) there!
Revisiting Mena, Bill Clinton, the CIA & Barry Seal
Well received, Celia. Thank you.
Obrigado. 🇧🇷
I would not cross the street to urinate on Bill's wingtips or his wife's pumps. Waste of perfectly good body fluid.
Thank you for posting this, Celia. I wanted to mention, I didn't see this in any comments--I got Linda Tripp's book that was published after she died. She did not want it published before. I was shocked. She claimed that Bill had a different sex worker in the oval office almost every day. I can't imagine what the Secret Service thought. Hillary didn't care as long as nothing leaked out. Bill said she "played for the other team." The whole Vince Foster thing was a huge coverup. Also, the account of Bill assaulting a young woman at Oxford in England during his Rhodes Scholar---that was not revealed until Hillary ran for President!! The woman refused to press charges and Bill was kicked out. He did not finish there. I never knew that. Also Bill fathered a child with Eleanor Mondale who is now dead. No one seems to know that but her relative adopted the child. I guess I could go on and on. Sorry!
Marie, this is absolutely staggering. I didn't realize Linda Tripp died. There's also the boy who says he was raped by BC, it's a video. I can't believe how depraved and evil those two actually were, beneath all the horse choking propaganda. I wonder why they didn't kill Linda Tripp.
Yes, I follow and read a lot of different websites, columns, people, etc., because that is the best way to find things out that are hidden. Also, it was revealed that early on, Bill was co-opted into the CIA, and no doubt Hillary as well. They are all on the same team with the Bushes. It is also possible but not proven that they were behind JFK jr plane crash. Hillary wanted that Senate seat. The whole JFK jr crash was a huge coverup. I have investigated that for a long time, the MSM did not report the truth.
Yeah, that whole plane crash story reeks. John Jr was a good pilot and there are hundreds of huge discrepancies in that 'official' narrative. I've often heard that Hillary wanted (and got) that senate seat, but never seen any compelling evidence linking her to that crash--but that only means I haven't seen it.
One significant thing is they have hidden the photos of the plane for a long time, after we are all gone. Possibly the photos would show a hit on the plane. Nothing about the initial response was normal, and the weather was NOT bad as they claimed.
Thank you for showing this! I did not know the depth of the corruption and evil going on in Arkansas with Bill Clinton as governor. He is a sociopath.
Those boys deserve retribution!
Thank you for all that you do!
In the '80s, I read a book (and I'll have to look up the title) by a NYT writer (or some other rather legacy media type writer) that included details @ B Clinton's illegal drug running into the Mena AR airport. From public county library in CO. No accident that the C's honeymooned in Haiti - home of vodoo and sorcery - and have spent quite a bit of time there doing "charity" work. G Webb brings to mind another dead reporter, Danny Casalaro. The recent documentary @ him on Netflix is quite watchable.
Whiteout by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffery St. Clair provides a ton of details on Iran Contra and Gary Webb, Mena--the whole coverup.
Yes, that's the one. Thank you. Still quite surprising that it was in a public county library.