NO! I mean this: When the SPIRIT of accusation is allowed in the front door, the solidarity and good will are no more. I am trying to tell you I speak from experience.
I believe you Celia and trust your experience. Certain "characters" that came forth suddenly (like a now well known VIROLOGIST cough cough) I suspected right away.
Interesting. I agree that Desmet seems to blame the people when the amorphous anxiety he speaks of is largely anxiety over climate catastrophe, which in my view is a complete fabrication. Yet it seems that someone is very keen to keep this pseudoscience alive, and I don't see as much push-back on this from the leaders of the current anti-elite movement as we should be seeing.
Better go give Alex Berenson a big hug because that's who you are going to have to find solidarity with. And Kirsch, and Malone, and Geert, and Yeadon and Dr. Jay and Kulldorrf and all of them.
And Bannon, and Naomi, and RFK, Jr. and Bongino and you are going to have to deal with the fact that there is widespread disagreement on your not a virus theory as you alluded to with Stew Peters, and that there are people who are going to rigorously want to question and examine Snake Venom or Trump or not a virus and people who are going to pull up clips of RFK discussing climate change and so forth.
There was never solidarity because we were all just invited to a party and if you wish to craft and a 'movement' you will need to "back down".
Because your "allies" ::wink wink:: are not going to back down either.
So where this is headed is to Mad Max tribal clans of Virus Warriors.
With people smashing the shit out of their keyboards while they debate goodies and baddies.
You never know what’s true, lots of rabbit holes and red herrings . They must keep us confused… just like 911 so many theories so many arguments. I just focus on the knowledge that they have lied. They lie to us , we don’t need to know more than this.
So strange, again this evening I tried to click like after your comment, but the substack won't register my click. This happens so often when I read articles on this site. Anyway, SL, I like what you said.
I have the same problems sometimes. I do not know what that is about. It is not like I have any type of following so I do not think any person would care what I am liking.
I was able to "like" this with a click. Weird. Sometimes it allows me to like one or two comments then it disallows my clicks. Sad to think even Substack is censoring, but who knows, maybe it is.
I see the same symptom. The "like" does seem to get recorded, though, just not show up on the page while I'm there. If I reload the page (pain in the ass) I see the like was recorded.
Yes, you are right that it is basically a bunch of people on the internet with little in common other than being more or less are not jazzed about the injection. The one good thing about such in an incoherent pile of shit is that it is really hard to stamp out because it has no centralized structure and few are taking commands. Everyone is their own general. It must be frustrating in a way for the Empire.
Of course, all the drugs, corporative types and the CIA, poured into them and all around them, with the created, dissident, harsh, loud, music replacing the uniting folk songs, didn't hurt the cause of destroying effective dissent either...
Having allies and feeling swept up in a movement is nice, but your responsibility as a thinker and human being is always, always, ALWAYS to think for yourself and express what you know to be true. As soon as you choose “belonging” as a priority you are necessarily sacrificing truth.
Hopefully, we can all remain focused on truth and not get swept into “who is allied with who” and “who seems to be on my side but is actually against me” nonsense. We are each of us, fundamentally alone in our perception of the universe and no loyalty to any tribe supersedes our fidelity to the truth as we see it.
In the film "Apocalypse Now," when Martin Sheen's character finally arrives to the part of Cambodia where General Kurtz (Brando) hides, it is a Pandemonium of rebelled us soldiers alongside natives and orphans running wild. There's also the Dennis Hopper character, who is completely out of his mind (a graphic reporter of war). I think those who are not Trump followers and are not zealots of either side are as excited and confused as that reporter. I'm one of them.
🎵🎶This is the end, beautiful friend, the end...🎵🎶🎵
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight... razor... and surviving.
I'm not clear if you are addressing me or somebody else. I'm very thick when it comes to deciphering sarcasm. I will go ahead and address this:
Berenson, I think his book on marijuana was excellent and his Covid reportage was very helpful. He understands exactly as much as he needs to. He's not going to ever go all the way and that is normal and standard. Kirsch--I've never before expressed anything but admiration for his clarity on the death jabs. Malone--I was neutral but published Diana West's careful analysis and critique. Bannon, Naomi, RFK, Bongino--I am unable to keep up with this list IF this comment is addressed to me. What am I accused of here? Being hostile to these people?
or too trusting? "allies...wink wink.." what does that mean? I'm not debating goodies and baddies. I thought Eric's crowd was too intense about Poornima and said so. My interview with Stew was about Fauci-ism. I am astounded at all these people who think the illuminati need ANYTHING to exist, to build fascist systems of domination, wage war, etc. Viruses don't have to "exist." That's the joke. The trick. And when I try to describe the history of the fight about whether any of this bullshit "exists" other than by way of the "tests" I get told I'm boring.
I conclude that somebody or something is co-intelpro and started this as a deliberate shit show. Not sure who. I don't really DO suspiciousness. Well. I also have played ZERO part or role in the Covid star system or the rank idolatry that has been passing for scientific debate in this whole thing. It's all way way beyond loathsome at this point.
One thing I've discovered recently. Mike Stone explained his suspicion that the guy with whom Kirsch made a debate in July is an impostor. I didn't watch that debate because the guy gave me a bad vibe an I thought he was just a schmuck who went to debate with nothing. I don't know if Mike's right, but then I thought: did Steve Kirsch prepared that mock debate with an overacting double agent, or did he happened to have a conversation with an actual nutjob person of the internet?
Because this weird person used another name, and another appearance in March or April of '20, to say that SARS2 didn't exist, and he identified as a double Ph.D. in virology and immunology, a lie that got recycled, according to Stone, in the case of Poornima Wagh. And I think well of Poornima because she looks like a good person in trouble.She gave me a good vibe. She may have accepted to participate in something insincere because of her troubles, whatever they are. I think Dr. Lee Merritt has a lot of merit in not giving up on her.
Now I'm thinking this may not even be professional co-intelpro. After all, the "virus deniers" are completely censored outside of their little pond where they are allowed to say things, and the "movement" is too small in numbers to deserve a professional operation. This episode seems so amateurish.
And remember that those "halfway" truthers are then no truthers. That includes RFK, Jr, Del Bigtree, Dr Mercola, and hundreds of others. They refuse to actually look at, study, and determine the complete truth. Is there such as thing as partial truth? No, which is why they are of little to no help with waking people up to the complete tyranny. When you straddle the fence, which is what those mentioned are doing, people will still fall for every other scam that the globalists put forth, because the only thing they might be doubting is some of the CV protocols and restrictions and solutions, but not the BASIS for it which will be used again and again and again because it works. History shows that. And you know, Celia, how well Jon Rappoport has exposed all of this. Any sane relatively intelligent person that reads through Jon's many articles over the past years will be far more knowledgeable and prepared than from any other single source. The excuses the "truthers" mentioned above and all of their groups give for not coming out and acknowledging the truth about the nonexistence of viruses, which would bring down the entire house of cards, is that too many would then not listen to anything else they say, causing more harm than good. That's nonsense and they know it and so should everyone else with half a brain. That's an excuse to stay only partially in the limelight, to not quite expose yourself, to play it safe, and to keep their incomes rolling in. I have long since dismissed all of them from my awareness. They are vampires along with those like Kirsch and friends.
I guess I’m a half-truther doctor, too. To my mind, there is no medical or public health basis to this pandemic, so whether a virus exists or not will not stop the tyranny that is at our heels when it comes to our rights and freedoms and finances. That should be our only focus.
But realize that it is not just about THIS pandemic. As long as viruses are believed in, and make no mistake, there is to date no scientific evidence whatsoever that they exist as pathogens, they will continue to be used as excuses for further tyranny and people will continue to acquiesce to it all. Every variant, every "new" strain, every "new" virus, or a return of a previous virus, will be the excuse to exert unlawful controls in every area. Manufactured shortages, manufactured crises of all kinds will follow. When the masses realize that indeed this or any other virus does not exist the entire narrative falls flat and those behind it will be exposed. It is but one arm of the monster but it is a very crucial arm. It is one leg of the three legged stool and the stool will fall to one side when that leg is chopped off. And that is why this is an important step in stopping the tyranny. It also exposes the continued, long standing collusion of a multitude of otherwise "respected" agencies and conglomerates as well as smaller divisions of government and private businesses. This is crucial.
There is no "truth movement". There is only truth. Period. Many have exposed that truth, multiple times in multiple ways and if people choose to investigate for themselves, REALLY investigate, and then make a logical, rational, sensible conclusion, then that's great, that's what's needed. But there is no movement. Humans are not, especially now, geared to have a movement. We have those that know and live the truth, that create their own healthy lives and families, that are learning to successfully live without the need for a "movement", without the need for government or anyone else really to believe what they themselves know. That IS the movement. Creating a new reality which makes the current one obsolete. All the rest of this is distraction and division by intent, including Kirsch and the others like him. Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, Baileys, Rappoport, are spreading the truths, verified and documented proofs, but are not fanatic about it and leave it to the readers, whereever and whoever they are, to decide. They have no agenda, they have no funding, they have no ulterior motives, only the desire to share truth so that others may improve their lives and by doing so improve the world. They do not push, do not scream, do not slander others. There is no need to when the truth is what you are disseminating. Take it or leave it. And leave all of the other bullshit for the bullshitters to play in. When you wrestle with a pig you both get muddy. No need to wrestle, no need to read, listen, or try to understand as that drains you of your energy which is just one more thing "they" want to do. Forge ahead, focused, on the truth and only the truth, and keep one ear to the ground but only for your own personal safety because when you live in truth and love, there is no real fear.
I'm sorry to disappoint: I want to hear it. I like the gory details. But I know many people are not ready to handle controversies about controversies.
When I learned about the existence of HIV dissidents years ago I saw a video of a man called Henry Bauer on a conference, I believe it was called "rethinking HIV" or "rethinking aids." He made the comment that he wished Duesberg wasn't always saying that HIV was a harmless, passenger virus, that did nothing. I didn't understand that then. I deduced there were a few big egos competing for attention.
I like the concept of "pathological science," because it is all psychological projection. I find it very funny. "We don't like the dissidents about cold fusion, therefore they are crazy. It has to be a pathology. Nothing to see here. It couldn't be that we, in the majority and pampered by the Government, are wrong, right?"
If there is anyone who prevents progress it must be the people living in Consensus City, population 5 billion.
Well said! Let's usher out the spirit of accusation! Methinks Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Big Pharma are ecstatic to see the virus-no virus fights unfold. I decline to participate and give them that satisfaction.
Mind you, I'm willing look at arguments from time to time on both sides, but I'm not interested in focussing on this fight and being right about it. Sure, those who wish to study this in depth can do so, but insisting only one side of this question is acceptable in the health freedom movement will destroy the movement.
We all need to be in alliance with one another to fight the real enemy of medical tyranny and the fat cats who push it and profit from it. We need to demand an end to any requirement of testing, masking, vaxxing, distancing for anybody of any age anywhere. And let more and more people know we've been lied to about the supposed benefit of these things. We need to fight the censorship and allow doctors to be doctors. Let's welcome multiple voices on virus or no virus, in the spirit of exploration and not accusation. You can believe viruses exist or not and still promote medical freedom.
Rather than fight each other we need to resolutely go after the fat cats without distractions! Seeing us get derailed is discouraging.
So sorry to hear how you were targeted In the HIV/AIDS truth movement (which I sadly completely missed out on as my eyes only opened to that scam a couple years ago). The point of the movement should be not whether the HIV virus exists or not, but that AIDS-like diseases are not caused by HIV, that the HIV test is bogus, that a positive HIV test result should be ignored and HIV/AIDS medications warned about! Follow the Big Pharma money and go after them, not each other!
You cannot believe viruses exist without any proof (and lots of observations to the contrary) and still expect to gain medical freedom. Those are 100% at odds with each other, intentionally so.
For some reason many keep using the phrase "debate" as in should or should not debate the virus theory. First, there is no theory because a hypothesis was never shown to be true and a theory able to be posited. Second, a debate is not only pointless it's entirely a waste of time and a distraction from the real problem. You don't "debate" science to come to some sort of conclusion. You look at the properly done scientific experiments, that included controls, carefully study the data, repeat the experiments, and see the results. There is no debate. You can debate opinions, beliefs, but you cannot debate actual scientific results. You can, and should, always question and continue to look and learn, but you simply do not debate a proof.
The SPIRIT of accusation should not be mistaken for the SPIRIT of investigation. What unites all of us in this truth community is really just 3 simple things:
1. We know that we are being lied to by powerful forces who control the world.
2. We are forever in pursuit of truth.
2. We love our children, and we are fighting to save their future.
That’s all we need to fall back on if things get to crazy in our passionate debates and quest for truth. Sure, we've got a lot different viewpoints in a lot of areas. And? The world has already woken up to the fact that “conspiracy theories” are real and are everywhere. That’s progress. We’ve gained momentum. Rigorous open debate is a part of our truth community culture. We're not at each others throats as long as we are honest with ourselves and always in pursuit of truth.
I'm fairly new to substack, just a couple months. But I've never seen a troll here until just the other day and now I'm seeing them everywhere on various stacks. Not a good sign.
Off topic, I never met your father but I knew a friend of his, Stu Tarlowe. Did you know him? I've lost touch with Stu over the years, hope he is well.
Sometimes I just need to admit I am having "bad" feelings. Then the next day I bounce back. One thing you all don't know, how could you? I am TARGETED for complete destruction by the virus purists in the HIV camp so much so that I had to depart/leave/ be let go from all their group emails and whatever. I was severely bullied. I am not going to "woman up." No. I'm going to express myself because I've earned it. I was always always the punching bag. The one who wasn't as smart as the others and didn't understand the DAMNED ESOTERICA of virus isolation or PCR or whatever which even made Kary Mullis cry from despair. AND Harvey Bialy. And Serge Lange ended his life. And Liam Scheff did too. And they killed Christine Maggiore and likely her daughter too. And I have to set all this history straight while I am still here.
Celia, because of you I would never have known about HIV/AIDS lies and then recognized the same playbook used for this scamdemic. As much as you’re feeling despair and the injustice of it all, I hope you will take comfort in how much you are loved, supported and believed. Thank you for shining your light, I see more clearly now. Cheers to expressing yourself! Don’t stop.
Me too (the book helped me see through), so grateful for all you do - and I've given my copy of Serious Adverse away 2x to people who were greatly appreciative, the last person an emergency room nurse who couldn't part with the book so I told her to keep it, it meant a lot to her to read, as it has for so many of us
Celia, to me you are the conscience of this whole movement. I so appreciate the combination of gritty truth-seeking and discerning human feeling you bring to your research and writing. These are rare and precious qualities.
I never feel it's anything but kind and encouraging, from you T. Never worry, please. It's been as bedeviled as though they assigned a fleet of spirits just to make sure I don't sit down and start it. But you know what, I think I just did. Getting in touch with the anger was actually the first step. Yesterday I was angry and not just "reporting." "Reporting" means repression. When I get angry I get super ashamed as well. But yes, I'm angry.
Well Celia I have great respect for your journalism and writing skills. As my mother said to me once “cowboy, you can lay on the ground and bleed to death or you can get up and get back on”.
This was the bluntest most confusing and yet most intuitive and informative essay I’ve read from you.
Hang in there cowgirl. Fight for truth. I’m truly in love with you.
Whomever Poornima Wagh is, i.e., the one who spoke with Dr. Lee Merritt, she sure knew her stuff. I checked, and she did work in the Santa Barbara City College lab of a noted professor there who died a natural death from cancer in 2012. Then, this Poornima Wagh did move to Texas as she said. Also, she did say that she attended doctoral school online, and worked a couple of months a year (summers?) doing her research in Africa, which would be required for the program(s) she claimed. The school cannot, legally, confirm or deny her attendance w/o written permission from her, which she has not provided the school to date. Thus, she is the victim of an obvious smear campaign so far -- whether she completed her dissertation (ABD) or not. Frankly, she is very likely telling the truth about everything, as she was never a professor herself at a college or university like her famous mentor in CA who died in 2012.
Thus, lab working research scientists, even with Ph.D's have no incentive to publish if they're working under other professors who have the gotten the grants; and they're often not mentioned in the papers by their bosses, unless the bosses insist (unlikely, usually). These hard working lab "scientists" and lab "researchers" are paid employees on appointment or hired under their bosses budgets. They are often considered professional researchers, not academic researchers, so they do not have to publish or perish, and are often only called to substitute teach, as Poornima acknowledged in CA, when their academic bosses are away on a trip.
I know because I worked in a cancer research lab at a university as a first job, and the most brilliant of the professional lab workers, with a Ph.D., was a man from India on a work visa. At least Poornima Wagh, very knowledgeable and credible, has dual citizenship (U.S./India) from my own research. I truly think she has her Ph.D.'s, but I don't care, she knows more than any other American about the details of this situation to date.
"The school cannot, legally, confirm or deny her attendance w/o written permission from her, which she has not provided the school to date. “ The school can totally legally confirm or deny if she was awarded a degree, without permission. What it cannot do is release her full record, but that’s not necessary to see if she got a degree. She herself stated the school’s library had her thesis paper, and she said Eric Coppolino could look it up, it’s public information. Papers are also registered to national data bases in the UK. And please tell us why the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, home of the medical establishment, would award not just one PhD, but two of them, for a paper which denies that AIDS is caused by HIV and that Malaria is a nutritional deficiency. when Dr Peter Duesberg, an established scientist, lost his lab access for merely writing a letter to the media casting doubt on the HIV-AIDS connection, falling well short of saying HIV does not exist.
And she did NOT “know her stuff.” She made basic errors about lab procedures.
The Science Imposter :: New edition of Planet Waves FM is ready. The new edition of Planet Waves FM is ready — Poornima Wagh, the counterfeit "scientist" who became a darling of the health freedom and covid truth. Eric F. Coppolino, 9/2/22.
Very good interview with Kevin Corbett, starting around: 01:26:00 of the 03:09:33 mp3 audio of the radio show. About half an hour.
It's clear now that Poornima is a person with problems. Let's respect her and encourage her to come clean and take control of her life. I have no grudge about her and I wish her only the best.
Good points. Perhaps, the laws are different in Great Britain than in the U.S., as a noted elite university, of which I can personally testify, will not even verify graduation IF a former student has not provided written permission for the school to do so -- even if a prospective employer, without the proper signatures, requests such information. (All these forms, letters, etc., can be scanned and/or faxed today for legal proof of permissions, thank God.)
BTW: Even the recently deceased Dr. Luc Montagnier, the acclaimed discoverer of the HIV virus, later recanted that there was a proven connection between HIV and AIDs; and before his death, he spoke to many reputable doctors and scientists, in phone and Skype interviews, to say that he was now dubious about his identification of the HIV virus (for which he won a Nobel Prize). Thus, known science, i.e., developed theories by researchers, even sincere, brilliant ones, of all stripes, are constantly being updated based on new knowledge. And men of integrity like Dr. Montagnier and the late Dr. Kary Mullis (who decried the abuse of his PCR tests, which he stated could not be utilized to identify a specific pathogen) are rare among most of the self-serving, phonies and "experts" (whether holding doctorates or not) in scientific research circles today, sadly...
Never heard the Malaria claim...But most diseases are given advantageous circumstances, or even a base situation to attack, in an individual with nutritional deficiencies, as I'm sure you'll agree...Who knows, though, what will ultimately be determined about the actual and updated causes of many known disease processes today? Remember Scurvy? Vitamin C deficiency, or Beri-Beri? Vitamin B1 deficiency,
P.S. Please be more specific about her "basic errors about lab procedures" since it's been decades since I worked as a lab researcher -- maybe I need updating.
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine did respond to requests, and stated that no one with the last name Wagh has received a degree from it, let alone 2 PhDs.
This is not about whether AIDS is caused by HIV. The team which has exposed Poornima Wagh as an imposter is not contesting this, its members have long been doing work showiing HIV does not even exist, let alone cause AIDS.
"Regarding her “scientific" assertions, the opinions of a scientist are not the findings of science. All scientists must present their data if their claims are to be accepted. That is the whole point of science.
Apart from any specific and unverifiable experiment she claims to have conducted, let’s consider just one detail that is verifiable.
In our discussion on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022, Wagh — while claiming to be an accredited virologist and infectious disease specialist — said this was the first time she was hearing that there were multiple in silico sequences of SARS-CoV-2 ! In late 2022!
She said she thought there was only "Patient Zero” (the term for the first claimed AIDS patient, and who died in 1984). And Patient Zero, about whom she admits she knows nothing, is what she claims she was trying to match against in her experiment on 756 lavage samples.
She had no idea there were multiples even though she claimed to be using the Blast database, where most of them are! She did not know the accession number of the virus she was trying to replicate.
Drs. Victor Corman and Christian Dosten in their now discredited Jan. 23, 2020 Eurosurveillance paper establishing the World Health Organization’s PCR assay (the Corman-Drosten paper) said they used six in silico sequences to design their PCR assay.
Like it or not, it is one of the most famous papers in the history of virology, and it was world famous out of the gate. It claimed the reality of the pandemic and established the world’s first publicly available PCR assay for SARS-CoV-2. It was a matter of international public record.
In fact by that same week (the last week in January 2020) there were at least 28 in silico sequences of “SARS-CoV-2” documented. Today there are 12 million versions of in silico "SARS-CoV-2” transcripts deposited into genetic libraries.
This is the whole problem. There is no original to match against — and everyone knows this — except for Poornima Wagh.
In the original version of this article, I said that the Corman-Drosten paper proved the reality of the pandemic when it only claimed to. That paper has since been discredited as a work of scientific fraud by an independent peer review team.....
She claims to have been a lab technician and does not know the difference between lavage fluid and supernatant. She is grossly ignorant of the facts of her own profession."
Also the use of trypsin, the nature of the PCR test, the number of nucleotides iin the alleged genome (she keeps saying 40,000 vs 30,000).
Other errors include.
Using BLASTP to "find the virus" - why weren't they employing de novo sequencing platforms such as MegaHit or Trinity like everyone else?
1500 samples that were sent to one lab were lung aspirates? That's an awful lot of lung aspirates - the typical samples are NP swabs.
Describes "gravity filtration" to obtain nucleic acids from samples - huh?
Agarose gel is "part of the PCR" - no. It is used to estimate the size/charge of proteins or nucleic acid length.
"When you get sick RNA and DNA break off from the cells" - that's not why nucleic acids are detected in samples. (To be fair - she could be asked to clarify what she means.)
COVID PCR tests are "programmed to 40-50bps" - highly inaccurate description of the bp length, possibly conflating the primers and the amplicons.
Says she has known of The Perth Group since the 1990s - doesn't seem to be aware it was TPG that completely influenced Stefan Lanka. Very odd to pursue a PhD in virology if she knew of TPG and Stefan in the 1990s.
Don't have time for a full reply here, but some of your critique here in some small aspects of her overall presentation, but specific points, appear to be reasonable and logical. However, you must read RFK, Jr.'s book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" to find documented evidence that science publications and scientific research no longer is the ideal place where "All scientists must present their data if their claims are to be accepted." Too many journals, as editors and former editors have publicly noted, are now totally corrupted in their ability or freedom to print research articles that counter any "official narrative." Of course, even the research funding is so tainted with pharma and researcher conflict of interests, monetarily, that your idealism is nice, but no longer reality, sadly.
i really like eric's latest post on how it relates too our 'poor' friend: And it's part of my normal content stream, though an especially intriguing issue. My investigative team has traveled for years, and it morphs, but it's mainly me and Cindy Tice Ragusa, who is a volunteer and a close friend. Then I organize a team of volunteers around every story. I've been doing this a long time. My work is an outgrowth of student journalism, where people work because they are motivated to learn.
Poormina Wagh is special because she claims two Ph.Ds. We looked for any trace of them through public sources like resumes, CVs, and publications; we searched the British academic system; we searched the British Library; and found nothing. Impostering is a serious problem, and she became a cult hero of the "covid truth" movement specifically because she was a "virologist" and "immunologist" -- no other reason.
And when I asked her basic questions, like what was your thesis about (which I ask almost every PhD, even at a party) she had no answer. She just parroted Kary Mullis. She did not know basic facts about the genomes she said she was investigating.
Then the institution where she claimed to have attended said this:
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Responds, Aug. 30 and Sept. 1
UPDATE: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has checked in with the following statement this morning from their press office: “Nobody by the name of Poornima Wagh has obtained a degree from our institution.”
We have also received a second confirmation from Roger Watson: “I have it from the dean of Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at LSHTM, Alison Grant, that nobody of her name has obtained any degree from their institution.”
Update Thursday, September 1: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has confirmed: “Nobody with the last name Wagh, including as part of a hyphenated surname or as part of a surname containing the letters in that order, has obtained a degree from this institution.”
The story about Wagh is over; now it's a story about standards and practices of "new media," and it's about the mental environment under full digital conditions. I'll be discussing this Friday night on my program."
It was very good work. I am distressed because it has become a "shit show," and Steve Kirsch has gone off and accused so many good people of being charlatans. I think it could have been predicted. But it is what it is. Maybe Eric did defuse a bomb. I am still not sure what this is all about, at the root.
I'm going to go out on a limb and take a stab at the root - This is a re-post of mine from the Statement From Eric Coppolino thread on this substack:
This isn't about Wagh's credentials, or about whether SARS-Cov-2 has been isolated according to Koch's postulates, or whether Nobel Prize laureate Kary Mullis was right about the (RT-)PCR technique not being able to be used to diagnose disease...this is about what is actually physically in the 200+ Covid-19 injection products currently being injected into humans globally.
Other than Wagh, has anyone else made the statement that these products are CHEMICAL weapons, rather than biological weapons (since they were allegedly found by Wagh's group to contain no biological material, such as mRNA or spike protein)? Think about's of utmost importance.
If Wagh's alleged group's analyses were to be made public and verified as true, that would likely end the liability shield for every Covid-19 injection product manufacturer they allegedly studied; and, would necessitate criminal investigations, indictments, and proceedings. Civil suit class action damages from each manufacturer would likely be in the trillions. These manufactures would all be bankrupted; and, the fallout on conventional Rockefeller petrochemical medicine and governmental medical agencies would be severe.
Rather than the continual stream of lies that these Covid-19 injection products are "safe and effective", we know from the secretly recorded, December 2-3, 2019, "Global Vaccine Safety Summit" organized by the World Health Organization and held at the WHO's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, which was passed on to Del Bigtree's ICAN, there have been NO STUDIES proving ANY vaccine to be "safe". The international group of acclaimed scientists at that WHO meeting were video recorded lamenting that the global public is starting to realize this fact; and, they'd better start doing something about it (see SHOCKING VACCINE ADMISSIONS FROM INSIDE THE WHO -- -- This video builds the evidentiary conclusion right to the very end; so, I recommend watching all of it).
So, I say to all of Wagh's illustrious naysayer/detractors, for the sake of humanity, let's see you organize an appropriate group of scientists; procure numerous vials of each of the most commonly injected Covid-19 injection products; analyze what's in them; and prove to us that Wagh is wrong (regarding these injection products being chemical weapons, rather than bioweapons). Otherwise, you're just throwing opinions and statistics at us, which all of us can plainly see for ourselves, without your assistance, simply from all of the debilitation and death reported by and of people receiving the various Covid-19 injections.
(A disclaimer here that I am not implying that Wagh has conclusively proven to us that she has done this analysis. But, neither has anyone else (done such an analysis); and it's about time that the public demand to know, for certain, from an independent group of researchers, what is being injected into their bodies and the bodies of their loved ones. Governments must be kept out of this, since many, if not most, are complicit. Funding could be through an apparently reliable organization such as GiveSendGo, rather than an apparently easily coerced organization such as GoFundMe. This is only an example, since such funding is not my area of expertise.)
"I am TARGETED for complete destruction by the virus purists in the HIV camp so much so that I had to depart/leave/ be let go from all their group emails and whatever. I was severely bullied." Shit man... breaks my spirits to read such a thing. I am so sorry for you *sending hugs*
oops-- as to the post i just made from a friend: WRONG Poornima Wagh. Poornima was asked about her on Regis’s video, she emphatically said she was NOT the same person, who lives in Iowa, and did not get degrees from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
This will earn me no fake internet points, nor should it.
There is no "movement".
There are disparate people that realized that the Ford Pinto has an exploding gas tank.
That is not a movement.
The "movement", if it comes at all, will come from people who finally get sick of blowing up in Exploding Shitty Cars. A giant Pinto pileup and probably some violence.
I don't think I should be flagged for saying "movement." It was just one word inside a much bigger set of laments. Choose a better word and I'll use it. I usually say "war."
I almost died from having Covid. I got it in Spring 2020.
I wasn't afraid. I never get sick. My TERRAIN is awesome. ::rolls eyes::
Am I a liar? Am I a liar because I got sick and I think that viruses exist?
Am I confused?
Maybe Stew Peters can trot out Ardis again and come up with Snake Venom in the water to explain it again. That was a good episode of Make Shit Up on Rumble. I enjoyed that episode.
Maybe I was just afraid and stress fucked up my terrain in this TOTALLY NEW WAY or again, maybe I'm just a liar and John Rappaport and Credentials Not Needed Woman can explain it all away, just like Blue Pill Covidians gaslight Vaccine Injured People because everybody is the smartest person in the room.
I almost died in 2020 as well but I never considered "Covid" because it was nothing to do with lungs, or breathing, but was instead a searing pain in both arms, bi-lateral, at 5 am each morning, for hours, that left me in fetal position, screaming in pain. I did not know pain like that existed. Lost 26 pounds rapidly and color from lips disappeared, and I vomited copiously at the end of it. I prayed and got the word "salt" and started to drink salt and water. The pain that next morning did not wake me, was gone. It was a month of the most alien, excruciating pain I ever felt in my life. I prayed each moment for God to take me.
After praying for an answer and getting the word "salt," I began to drink salt in water, and the next morning the pain did not wake me, it was gone. And my recovery began. I feel that God helped me. And 100% I felt the devil himself was in my body and bones, trying to kill me. whatever it was...It was evil.
Maybe you're a moron who doesn't know the first ACE inhibitor to treat hypertension, captopril or Capoten, is derived from snake venom, and that the COVID19 bioengineered virus has a GOF insert that allows it to target the ACE system. For someone who knows anything about science, not you, or rigorous critical thinking, also not you, that was an amusing, and only somewhat plausible disinformation attempt although I was surprised Stew bought it. I only wondered who crafted it.. It didn't go anywhere except in the minds of a few morons like you who don't know much but like to get bogged down in minutiae. You're amusing though, and the Pinto analogy was slightly clever so your undergrad in English, education, or sociology or some such other triviality was of some benefit.
Thanks, but I've enacted a new rule I'm following which is that I will no longer interact with cowards who hide behind screen names who shit post on social media. Beside that, I'm going to be very busy volunteering my considerable skills to an effort by physicians, and attorneys to wage law fare using the crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated. Their plan is brilliant.
The great thing is I couldn't care less whether viruses exist or not, if the earth is flat or round, or whether we really want to the moon or not. None of that impacts my life one wit. If goons showed up tonight to execute me for not taking a eugenics bioweapon, or because I voted for Trump I wouldn't care less. When one truly knows what Truth is, all the idiocy of this human earthly realm is mostly just amusing, but also kind of sad because of how people waste this precious life. I haven't wasted my life.
So far it has been absolutely amazing. I chose an absolutely incredible incarnation with amazingly wise parents, siblings, and an extended family. I've had great relationships with really wonderful women who have taught me so much. I've never wanted to waste much time working for money so I didn't. The Big Pharma gig fell in my lap. I made great money, and worked about 5 hours a day as do most reps. I retired at age 50. I traveled the world, accomplished incredible things for my community in public education, housing, historic preservation, and more.
I've done exactly what I've wanted in this life, and my life keeps getting better. So good on you if viruses don't exist. I couldn't care less. I don't get ill anyway. I haven't seen a physician in well over a decade. I'm in far better physical condition than most men in their twenties, and I'm 60 years old. Best of luck in your life.
And I do not have any issue to spare with you in my local gym because I want to humiliate you physically as well.
Also I want to make sure that you will be judged by people for collaboration with big pharma against humanity. We, people, are going to make sure that you or your family will pay for your crimes.
Also I do not care about your politicians or your fake la la land system.
"The Big Pharma gig fell in my lap. I made great money, and worked about 5 hours a day as do most reps. I retired at age 50. I traveled the world, accomplished incredible things for my community in public education, housing, historic preservation, and more."
Sounds like a boring life filled with mindless consumerism. Just like usurpers-parasites planned for you. What a waste. You have not created any community which is based on antidegenerative principles and you have not fought against your masters.
Exactly. Good honest and accurate answers to those questions. People do like to just assume, because they're conditioned to, that any illness with some or all of the stated symptoms of Covid is indeed Covid. And to believe that you also have to believe all of the other lies starting from at least over a century ago and actually well before that. People just need to have pat answers, easy things to blame that are outside of their control and responsibility. Because if you have control you also have responsibility and that has long since gone out the window, by and large.
I certainly didn't have you in mind when I wrote it's a word used mostly by washed up hippies. I saw your discussion with Stew Peter's and you don't strike me as a washed up hippie. You're a bright, attractive woman, although you do strike me as someone who is quite sensitive, that can be a good thing, but one who also may let alot of this evil with which we are now living into the psyche which can be damaging. It's difficult not to let it in, but it is important not to and to instead pray. This truly is a spiritual war, and our petitions in the spirit realms are heard, and acted upon.
Sorry, Celia, I only just subscribed and I don't mean to attack. You said something interesting when you said, 'a movement'. Made me think. Possibly, people who are connected and well-known (not an attack: being connected would be great) have that perspective. I do not have that perspective. Be well!
That's seriously funny, and true, except slightly inaccurate.
Yes there is a broadly defined truth movement, and in it are small numbers of narrowly focused nut jobs intent on the idiocy of whether pathogens exist, and cause diseases, or whether humans are causing slight increass in atmospheric temps observed over many decades, or whether the earth is flat or round, or whether the child molestor Nazis filth who started, and run NASA went to the moon, but it is also largely comprised of tens of millions of Americans, all of whom voted to reelect Trump, including record numbers of black, and Latino folks voting for a Republican. It's not fractured, it's not going away, and it's had many failed attempts by the mouth breather morons like Gen. Jones, various CIA goons, that's all CIA hires or uses as contractors, just like most of U.S Armed Services, which are mostly mouth breather morons, trying to manipulate it but failing spectacularly. Many more people are joining this truth movement each day, and it's also global in scale, scope, and it will bring down the criminals running earth.
You are describing a movement. Yes. A Trump movement.
And just like everybody who thinks this Venn Diagram is a circle, you assume that all of your "allies" will vote for Trump even as within the Trump movement itself people defect on the injection issue.
I began clocking Trump when I realized that Naomi and McCullough were going on Bannon and it was all funneling into Democrats, Democrats, China, China. and there was this giant unspoken elephant in the room.
Nobody was tracking back to Op. Warp Speed of the EUA's or the Executive Order from 2019. Kyle Young (on this thread somewhere) was on this, too.
And I began to see what was going to happen.
And then the raid, and then Kushner is going on Fox and they are still, STILL acting like the injections "saved the country."
::head explodes::
That ain't gonna get a "movement" done, when you still can't get a person to stand up and say, These injections are dangerous.
The giant-unspoken-elephant-in-the-room. I decided to hyphenate it so its one word in case I do a letter-to-the-editor where there's a word limit. There is that Niel Oliver video on "hopeful despair and boiling anger". That's the movement. My boiling anger wants to see some of the bastards just drop dead.
As I remember you are 3 of 20. The elephant will have come home to roost when one of the 17 come to you with that admission.
I am reasonably sure that Claus Schwab, Justin Truedeau, Biden, the Dutch Prime Minister, Macron and (whose that side kick of Cluas'es that talks about useless eaters) are not having this conversation. They want us as slaves, dead, which ever comes first and eating insects.
Keep it simple, PHARMA, FDA, Fauci, Frances Collins, Walensky, Facebook, Twitter, Bill Gates, WHO, want you and all of us out of the picture. Everything else is secondary, and I sleep at night and if I get sick, I will do the FLCCC early treatment.
Anybody of minimal intelligence knows a Venn Diagram is two overlapping circles illustrating A or B with A and B as the intersection. Any asswipe who took basic prob and stats knows that like a middle school child for example.
Nobody cares much whether or not Trump wants anyone to take the eugenics bioweapin or not. The idiots subject to fear based mind control already did, and those who haven't died are largely still Trump supporters. I know many like this. Others, like I who did not take the shot, who disagree with Op Warp Speed, and his signing the CARES Act, and a few other things he did will overlook his mistakes given what he faced. The truth movement isn't going anywhere except up in numbers, up in civic action, including massive law fare, much of which has already had success, intense political activism, also having great success at local, state, and national elected office, and more, and more investigative journalist efforts like Project Veritas. The criminals are fucked, and they know it. It will take time but their days are numbered.
Fauci is stepping down, and Biden's mandates have been defeated in courts. Trump never mandated the eugenics bioweapon, and suggested HCQ worked, which he said he took, and he's also said he took the bioweapon. The interesting thing is there seems to be a spiritual aspect to whether or not one is st all impacted by the eugenics bioweapon. I know one who died from it, one who was hospitalized, and bounced back and is great, one whose hearing was slightly impacted but us otherwise fine, and many others who are perfectly fine. Most people could care less about what Trump says or does about the bioweapon.
People do need to realize that someone that has actually had the vaccine and seem fine, are not fine. They just appear that way for now. One is never fine after any vaccine. And, it's clear that there are/were certain lots that had more disastrous results than others, for whatever reasons.
Those are relatively uninteresting. Trump messed up with Op Warp Speed, and he never should have signed the CARES Act. His accomplishments, including waking up billions of people, including many black, and Latino folks, and may billions more worldwide outweigh his faults, and most people couldn't care less about his vax stance. People are moving on past the death, and destruction of Operation COVID19. Many more will die, and teach their loved ones who are also vaxed a lesson about fear based mind control, and many will survive the eugenics bioweapon just fine. Trump kicked off the truth revolution, and it's growing. If he runs in 2024 he'll be re-elected in a larger landslide than in 2020 which was the largest in U.S history.
What is decidedly “idiotic” is to go around “believing” in something that has never been definitively shown to exist and then proceeding to dismiss via ad hominems anyone who questions that belief (i.e., the false, because unproven, premise of SARS-CoV2 viral existence). So who really are the nut jobs here? It continues to baffle me that so many people can’t do the basic reasoning in all this, which is as follows.
The entire Covid "pandemic" is founded on the supposed existence of a virus. But if the virus has never been shown to exist via proper purification and isolation (following Koch’s and River’s postulates), with corresponding SEM images showing said proof of existence, then the beloved “pathogen” that so many want to “believe” in doesn’t in fact exist. It is a lie. And everything that follows (mask-wearing, lockdowns, vaccinations) are based on that lie and thus unnecessary. Christine Massey, to give one example, has shown countless times ( that the evil players who are running this scam, when asked, can show no proof of the existence of the virus.
This is THE critical fact. To dismiss this critical fact is to then side with the psyopers, the maskers, and the vaxxers.
Remember, the burden of proof of the existence of anything in the physical world (from viruses to Big Foot) is on those who make the claim. Which means that if someone says something exists, they must then SHOW that it exists. If instead one’s viral worship is based on believing what the media and TPTB and Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone and a bunch of other “respectable” people (read: controlled ops) say about the virus’s "existence" (with associated "bioweapon" attribution), then that worshipper is simply jumping on the bandwagon of the irrational, unthinking masses through appeals to authority (both logical fallacies). And all THAT does is assist the perpetrators of the crime in perpetuating the lie and introducing any number of “solutions” to a non-existent problem, thereby helping to usher in government tyranny.
I would urge anyone not to be an aider and abettor of (known) criminals.
An Indian team isolated, and sequenced COVID19 and identified 4 or 5 GOF inserts. They published their results in an online, peer-reviewed virology journal the editor of which took their paper down in 1 day likey after receiving tremendous pressure. Thankfully, I am a bioengineer who reads a lot and I came across their study, and read it. They identified one insert from HIV, the pathologies of which have been observed in histology of victims of COVID19 but not as serious as those seen in AIDS victims. Another was an insert having to do with how the virus interacts with the ACE system which is mostly in the lungs. I don't recall what the other inserts were. I know a number of people, including a brother, my sister, an ex girlfriend, and her son, and 2 other people who contracted COVID19. The symptoms are similar to flu, but a bit more severe due to the ACE involvement. The idiocy of those who don't think viruses exist is amusing. They exist, and bioengineered ones are patented. HiIV is a virus also engineered by Fauci. I've read a great deal of Rapaport's work. Some of it is good, some of it is abject idiocy. He's always trying to his moronic "How I Exited the Matrix" stupiditybfor hundreds of dollars. I fail to understand why the kooks who think viruses don't exist draw line at viruses or are there many who are also such nut jobs they think bacteria, mold, and fungi don't exist?
For starters using the inclusion of the 3 Gp-120 sequences from ‘HIV’ as part of the ‘SARS2’ genome as proof that the virus is human made, is a bit of an embarrassing shot in the foot.
It wasn't a protein, asswipe, it was a base pair sequence from HIV. I won't even comment on that post since its author seemingly doesn't know that base pair sequences only code for proteins, and can be inserted into genomes, so its often impossible to determine their origin, which he claims is not viral. You cannot see bacteria and microscopic pathogens are well established, including viruses, en vitro, and en vivo, to cause a variety of illnesses.
No alleged bio virus has been ever directly observed in real time nor acquired as an independent variable. It is clear that you do not know what you are talking about.
And IIRC I already kicked your sorry ass arguments on Kirsch's substack before.
Also no one has proven that any bacteria, mold or fungi on its own causes any disease.
I am going to make you a laughingstock again.
BTW "I know a number of people, including a brother, my sister, an ex girlfriend, and her son, and 2 other people who contracted COVID19."
They never got any imaginary COVID. What made them sick is their lifestyle and toxic environment they live in.
That is a typical response. Why is expecting science to be used to prove a pathogenic contagious virus exists somehow then leading to the erroneous assumption, (accusation actually), that those same people , (nut jobs as you label them), might also claim that bacteria, mold and fungi don't exist? Not a single person that I'm aware of has ever denied the proven existence of bacteria, mold and fungi. Not one. The line is drawn there because that's where the science has failed. But as is typical of your type of erroneous "logic" this is used to once again try to discredit those that have legitimate questions and requirements for scientific proof. It's required for everything else EXCEPT viruses. Isn't that a bit disturbing? And your claims of isolation, inserts and ACE involvement is nonsense and everyone that actually studies that in detail and can think will see that. Why on earth people keep insisting they "had Covid" because they were sick is just beyond understanding. There is some need for people to belong to that "Covid" illness group. Their is no "idiocy" about seeing the real reasons people get sick and requiring the same level of scientific proof of a pathogenic virus as is required for every other claim. Again, claiming that Rappoport's works are often "abject idiocy" shows your complete lack of true understanding, comprehension and the ability to open your mind and see the world as it is and not how you've been led to believe it is and need it to be.
The issue is with cognitive standards. Start asking people about them and you will see that the most of them have abysmal cognitive standards. And it is due to systemic indoctrination and brainwashing.
I couldn't care less what caused paralysis of the supposed Polio epidemic. The state of the art of epidemiology, pathology, immunology,, histology, virology, genetics, and imaging, were in their infancy then so if it wasn't a virus I couldn't care less.
It's beyond well established how viruses, and other microscopic pathogens cause diseases.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Yeardon formerly of Pfizer, Dr. Malone, and numerous other people with extensive bench skills in the labs have done amazing work to educate the public. They know viruses exist, how they're genetically engineered, how they cause illness, how both the human immune system, and various therapeutics can block cell entry, replication, etc.
I'm glad I got my undergrad in bioengineering, and studied on my own for an entire year quantitative genetics as I was considering a Ph.D. in that field. I made good money pushing drugs for the criminals at Big Pharma. They do develop amazing meds too, and I did get amazing training in antivirals, which I sold, antibiotics, which I sold, anticonvulsant, ACE inhibitors, and numerous other therapeutic classes.
The clinical presentations of COVID19 are quite obvious, and a brother, my sister, a former girlfriend, her son, and a couple I know all got it. The ACE system involvement makes a differential diagnosis from influenza quite trivial just based upon presentation alone, not to mention it's not seasonal as is influenza.
The nitwits arguing either viruses don't exist, or cause illness, or that COVID19 hasn't been isolated, and sequenced are crack pots. COVID19 was isolated, and sequenced. It's amusing to read their idiocy but it would be great if just one of them knew basic genetics, virology, microbiology, histology, or any of the other life sciences. They don't, and they're nutters.
"I couldn't care less what caused paralysis of the supposed Polio epidemic. The state of the art of epidemiology, pathology, immunology,, histology, virology, genetics, and imaging, were in their infancy then so if it wasn't a virus I couldn't care less."
You like your state of the art pseudoscience, don't you?
"It's beyond well established how viruses, and other microscopic pathogens cause diseases."
Established by consensus not by scientific experiment. LOL
"Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Yeardon formerly of Pfizer, Dr. Malone, and numerous other people with extensive bench skills in the labs have done amazing work to educate the public. They know viruses exist, how they're genetically engineered, how they cause illness, how both the human immune system, and various therapeutics can block cell entry, replication, etc."
LOL again. They do not even know how to do proper science and Yeadon changed his mind about alleged bio viruses.
"I'm glad I got my undergrad in bioengineering, and studied on my own for an entire year quantitative genetics as I was considering a Ph.D. in that field. I made good money pushing drugs for the criminals at Big Pharma. They do develop amazing meds too, and I did get amazing training in antivirals, which I sold, antibiotics, which I sold, anticonvulsant, ACE inhibitors, and numerous other therapeutic classes."
Thanks for officially confirming of being a shill.
"The clinical presentations of COVID19 are quite obvious, and a brother, my sister, a former girlfriend, her son, and a couple I know all got it. The ACE system involvement makes a differential diagnosis from influenza quite trivial just based upon presentation alone, not to mention it's not seasonal as is influenza."
There is no presentation of any new disease. And people you mentioned were affected by their own lifestyle and toxic environment.
Also you do not have a clue what processes occur on nano levels.
"The nitwits arguing either viruses don't exist, or cause illness, or that COVID19 hasn't been isolated, and sequenced are crack pots. COVID19 was isolated, and sequenced. It's amusing to read their idiocy but it would be great if just one of them knew basic genetics, virology, microbiology, histology, or any of the other life sciences. They don't, and they're nutters."
I like destroying idiocrats like you. Also you can't isolate a disease called COVID19. Thus you debunked yourself. And even if there was a particle for isolation, there is no tools and methods to do this.
And you can't sequence something, if you can't even prove existence of such structures.
Your idiocy is epic here.
Your pseudosciences are laughable to those who have solid cognitive standards.
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. You are so ignorant of all of the fields you mention, and in thinking that virology is somehow a science, and that genetics plays the part you seem to think it does. The more you comment the more clear it is just how either ignorant and full of yourself you are, or how much you are being used to further the lies. The fact that you are using Mikovits and Malone as examples is also telling. Did you see Yeadon admitting that now he knows that respiratory viruses do not exist as he had been taught and thought and also that he is now not even sure that any viruses exist? Why would he say that when he has nothing to gain and an awful lot to lose? Well, maybe because he has some working brain cells left and at his age is not afraid to stand for truth and admit where he had been deceived as well. And most upstanding people do not call people names in order to get a point across. You seem to be a real pro at that.
One had a choice not to buy a pinto. This is mandating the removal of seat belts. But your point is no less explosive.😅 there was never a movement. Just angry nodes who joined a walking club. Now with purity tests and rituals. "She wears Saucony!"
Yes, all of these "movements" are completely shattered. As a bystander, interested in JFK, for example, I realize that all the researchers hate each other. So you can't pick one and stick with them. You have to think for yourself and read a lot. I don't know if the virus exists, was engineered, or was accidentally leaked, or what, but I don't care about that as much as I can see how it was used to destroy us. We the people can see that. We'll never know the truth about state secrets, ever. We can debate until the cows come home, and we should. It's a mystery. But we can still fight for freedom for all, and try to teach and learn from each other. Ego is an ugly thing, and these conditions are ripe for know-it-alls and bullies to shout the quieter ones out of the room. I reserve judgement. I read Steve and Celia and love them both, and I don't care if the virus exists, and I don't need to know right now. We should join forces on the things we can agree on, and win the war, then we can argue about the details. Millions of lives are at stake.
PS One thing that bothers me about some writing in this "movement", is that they are shilling for Republicans. Even to a point of posting links to donate on their Substack articles. I would be wary. Not that I am triggered by Republicans. I always thought it would be great if Republicans attacked Obama from the left. But they didn't. They are doing so now, a bit, with Biden. But we can see how Obama betrayed his own base (he privately used not wanting to "end up like Dr. King" as an excuse), and Republicans are likely to do the same. They are all likely controlled with metadata, as Harari bragged about publicly. So I don't think we should put all our faith in either corporate party. A lot of time can be lost...
It is good and bad. Bad because they can steal the movement with their money and then cut a deal with the criminals later. Good, because it takes money to defeat money and they have it.
Glad you bring that up. I think too often people forget that the vast majority DO not fall for this nonsense and while they may not all realize the depth of the deceit and how long it's been going on and just how much of their daily lives have been affected through the years, they do know they are being used, abused, controlled, lied to, and are not complying. It's easy to think we are outnumbered, (which is in the plan, of course), due to what is perceived as such a large number of posts and videos and newscasts and headlines and forums and so forth and so on that are drummed into awareness seem to indicate. It is, however, simply not true. There are millions more of those that do know and won't accept it anymore than there are that are still in the dark, weak, scared, and timid. The illusion of great numbers of people that are in support of mandates, vaccines, medical protocols, lockdowns, more government control, gun control, etc., is just that, an illusion. Some are most certainly concentrated in some cities but they are still, overall, the minority and they are shrinking, daily. Do not be fooled, people, do not be fooled. We are the strong, the majority, the movers and the shakers, and the ones creating a new reality. We are the powerful.
Right there with you. I've been suspicious of Steve's million dollar offers since day one, but stuck around for his learning curve. The last post threw me completely. Jon Rappoport had my respect before the current medical cartel gambit and he'll continue to have it after. If people are only questioning this 'virus' they haven't done enough research, imho. Thank you, Celia for all you've done and continue to do.
Sometimes street cred is more valuable than college degrees and money. I work in the biggest mail sorting facility in the world located in Jersey City. It employs around 4k workers. Most Hispanics and Blacks in my facility did not take the shot, myself included. Most of us “uneducated blue-collar anti-vax low life’s” became very suspicious of all the free krispy cremes, free beer, free lottery nonsense. We’ve seen it before. There is no such thing as “FREE.” The black community has the Tuskegee experiments. Puertoricans like myself know how the Rockefeller Institute (very invested in promoting the shot) funded Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, who boasted how he intentionally injected cancer cells into Puertorricans. Cornelius Rhoads was the first director of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. We trust no one.
Agree wholeheartedly! Degrees, more often than not, mean indoctrination and closed minds. I'm sure that will set people on fire here, but it's quite observable. I'm very impressed by your critical thinking and using history to also make decisions, wisely. It's amazing so many simply cannot or will not do just that.
I agree. I find it amazing that Steve was rejected by his former clique, he was then welcomed by us, but then proceeds to try and tell a large portion of us that we are idiots (I enjoyed Wugh’s talk and I whole heartedly agree with Cowan et al).
Besides, what is that definition of insanity? I’m so tired of hearing Steve’s bla bla bla about how no one wants to debate him.
The “us” is his audience on Substack. We come from all different backgrounds (al lot of “anti-vax”, anti-mandate, and a number of no-virus people).
I’m not sure what you mean about the clique. When I said he was rejected by his clique I meant all the pro-vaxxers that go ballistic if you question vaccine safety.
So then the "us" is just people who are looking for truth and reality?
Because that is very messy. Very messy. And none of us are elite scientists, I'm guessing, so we are arguing Batman vs. Superman shit.
Or people who are looking for belongingness in a "group", or "movement"?
I can tell you that most of the people yammering about "we" are the first ones to run for the hills when you cross one of their boundaries of inclusion.
That boundary might be Trump, or not a virus, or...Democrats...but the "we" is an illusion.
All I meant to say is that Steve insults a large portion of his audience. I obviously don’t understand the complexity of words like “we” or “us”. Please excuse my faux-pas, I’m no author on Substack.
I just dropped off Steve Kirsch's substack once he made that full on, irrational, attack on others. If he really took the shots, which I doubt now that he or Malone did, then both would be focused on saving themselves by investing in research scientists and labs doing transparent work to expose the contents of the "vaccine" vials.
Neither of them are doing that...or really trying to save lives by investing in such projects as La Quinta Columna and a few German scientist, and the Malaysians, are doing. These two men, if for real, would have rushed to create such transparent research to save their own lives and the lives of others.
They have not, because they are not -- for real, i.e., genuinely telling the truth about their positions and aims in becoming leading influencers in the current COVID "vaccine" field. So many conflicts of interest, monetarily, in the histories of these two men -- if their histories are even accurate. Who knows?
Well, he says he has, and, originally, I believed him. However, Malone says he took the first two jabs, too. Now, if both those men, with all their money (from stock shares and patents, esp. in Malone's case, if he's for real) really had taken a mysterious, now exposed as harmful -- even deadly, unknown contents, bioweapon into their bodies, you'd think that both of them would have joined forces (they speak together, in person, too) to invest in qualified research scientists and a proper lab to investigate the contents of these "vaccines" and expose these mysterious contents to the world -- to actually start the process of truth-telling where it counts, saving lives by exposing the ingredients and their potential effects (and aims).
If they did that, they would prevent people from taking these mystery, risky, shots (including children), and be at the ground floor of trying to reverse the ill effects of these shots once the contents were recognized, shared, and verified. I no longer trust anyone who says they took these shots, who is rich and is not investing in seeking the truth, directly, through their own sponsored, direct, transparent, research.
If they really took these experimental, mystery, shots, they would be focused on saving their own lives, and their families lives, too -- and they're obviously not focused on the contents of these injections, oddly, except to distract and divert to lesser, possibly, fake issues of modified RNA in the shots -- but neither of these men, not stupid, are appropriately focused on the deadly adjuvants, chemicals, and other synthetic substances that La Quinta Columna is exposing in the vaccine vials from all manufacturers to date. Why?
Yes, so far, Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, is sincere, knowledgeable, courageous, and also doesn't claim to have taken any of the bioweapon shots.
I agree with you that, particularly in this situation since 2019, no provable, live, isolated, shared virus existed or exists now. There is no accurate test for such, as the PCR tests are non-diagnostic for a specific pathogen and totally unreliable anyway. However, I think that you should also open your mind to the possibility that there was indeed a pathogen spread in those early months, and maybe over the last two years, perhaps, a biological, likely bacterial pathogen, spread to people -- who were vulnerable, stressed perhaps with hard work, or with other complicating physical conditions. This group, many of them, also took the senior flu shot of the late 2019/early 2020 period, or later that year, and seemed to get cold/respiratory symptoms after these shots.
Also, one must seriously consider why Dr. Fauci, through his control of the medical response protocols in a heavy handed, unprecedented, dictatorial fashion, dictated through hospital administrators, pressured by insurance companies, and using pharma records & the medical records of doctors actually treating patients, these doctors, whether in the hospital, office, or home, treating patients, were not allowed to offer the decades long normal standards of care for suspected pneumonias and/or resistant/persistent moderate to high fevers over 3 days with flu-like symptoms, that were not improving w/o oral antibiotics.
The first basic treatment, which could be ordered by phone, was always, for decades, even with suspected haemophilus influenzae, was erythromycin that later became a more easily treatable, fewer stomach discomfort symptoms, drug, in its synthetic version of Z-Pac. Dr. Zev Zelenko used this drug quite effectively, very early on, in oral prescription form for his patients. None of whom died in early 2020 with such treatments. (Of course, he also used doxycycline and/or penicillin based drugs if patients were sensitive to the Z-Pak/Erythromycin.)
So, not only is Dr. Fauci guilty of pushing terminal ventilator care, prematurely, on patients allowed to sicken without proper, normal standards of care treatments in hospitals, and his own use of the proven to be deadly drugs of his own patented creations, Dr. Fauci (not a practicing physician) is guilty of medical malpractice by exceeding his authority as Trump's appointee to handle the crisis; but, I would argue, as would many, including RFK, Jr., more elaborately, precisely, and eloquently, that Dr. Fauci should be criminally prosecuted for the murder of thousands of people, in the very least, with his coercive tactics and totalitarian deadly protocols directly under his supervision and mandates.
I don’t care if you think the vaccine snatches up children in the night and drags them through air vents like the movie Aliens. All I care about is if you’re against forced medical procedures, everyone else is an enemy.
Go to war. The man on your left is there because his daddy was in the army. The guy on the right wanted free college, the guy behind you is a flaming liberal and wants to be surrounded by men. Who cares. There’s an enemy, and he ain’t us.
BB King sang that his mother said she loved him but “ even she might be jivin”! Ronald Reagan said we need to “trust but verify” when speaking about Gorbachev (God rest his soul) Dylan wrote that “they are tearing down the distance between right and wrong”. And the most published and hated book in history said “woe to them that call evil good and good evil”….all you can do is keep writing what you believe the truth is and try to verify and point out those who are jivin. And if you screw up….apologize.
As I said in Sage Hanna's piece earlier today, someone is doing a fine job of sowing seeds of confusion.
The thing I keep coming back to on this issue is the fact that if the existence of viruses comes into question by a large percentage of the medical profession, then the entire Rockefeller-medical-industrial-vaccine complex will be brought to its knees. A whole lot of money and power at stake there.
That's why, to me, Mike Yeadon is a hero. Not only did he, like Kirsch and Malone, et al, come out early against the shot (actually way earlier than them), but NOW he's admitting he's doubting, yes that the "virus" even is a THING after all. A brave man of integrity.
Few things are as beautiful as a man saying he has changed his mind and his former position was not as correct as his new position and why he made the change. so human.
In his interview with Hearts of Oak, Yeadon states in a couple of places "if viruses even exist", and "I'm not even sure Marburg virus exists", and then "respiratory viruses do not exist as I thought" , etc. I think all he needs to crack the entire virus bs from beginning of history is to complete his research into how each virus was fudged and layered one upon the other. "Turtles All the Way Down" I believe does just that although I have yet to read it. "Virus Mania", "Contagion Myth", "What Really Makes You Ill" and even "The Invisible Rainbow" covers it all very well. I imagine he will follow through with his investigation as he clearly has integrity and a conscience.
Sad, that Steve Kirsch became obvious as a troubled human being and/or a fake of some kind. Truly, with all his money he claims to offer interviewers, why, if he and Dr. Malone really took the first two shots, hasn't he hired independent, competent, researchers, to study the vials of these "injections" to discover the contents, verify them, and prove to the world, their contents.
No, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Malone, and many of those people who've claimed to have taken the shots, if they really had taken genuine injections of unknown substances, they (with their means) would have already studied the contents, with experts, to discover the potential risks and harm involved with them.
This logic alone leads me to believe that ANYONE, who claims to have taken these shots, of this "truther" or "quester" movement, who is not desperately trying to discover the fake "vaccines'" contents --with hired, independent, qualified, researchers and well-equipped labs, and share, the contents with the public to save lives being lost daily, is a fraud!
Sadly, just like Steve Kirsch, Dr. Malone, and even other doctors who've claimed to have taken the shots, but waste time on public diversions and distractions -- taking away from proving the genuine contents and, thus, the likely intents of the shots, cannot be for real, without verifiable proof from credible lab work -- unless they've all lost the ability to think rationally about self preservation (which would be convenient, wouldn't it?)
It's easy to spend other people's money, especially using hindsight, so I'll make a general complaint building on your point, because I've felt something similar: So much of the criticism of the mRNA shots is theoretical, but there is hardly any original research.
An example is the recent post by Arkmedic (a valuable researcher) making a great case that changes caused by the mRNA get passed on in mice from generation to generation. The point is made that the same thing could happen in humans.
So test it! I asked about the difficulty, and Arkmedic said it would be simple to do. Instead of a rich person offering to pay off a med students bills if they will do a debate, how about pay to do this test to see if babies of vaccinated mothers have evidence of DNA changes?
Instead, a concerning point is raised, and then disappears when the next big thing comes up, and everyone forgets it.
I can think of other examples:
-the mRNA makes changes to blood cells. So get 500 people who have been vaccinated and take a look.
-the mRNA, or something, gets excreted in the breath of vaccinated people (I personally have noticed this enough that I believe it). So test it!
-about 30% of people have sub-clinical heart problems. OK, pay for 1,000 people to do blood tests and prove it/confirm it.
I credit Dr. Malone for giving me intellectual support in avoiding the shots, but I have the same frustration with him. He would raise a theoretical concern about what the mRNA could be doing, and then a few hours later go and Tweet about something else. He has the resources and knowledge to test his own blood - why not do it?
It's interesting just how much is actually still not proven and/or acknowledged in mainstream, such as DNA being what it's be touted as being, the actual components of a cell and several other inconvenient truths. The advent of more "advanced" equipment and processes has often just obscured the truth even more.
Agree completely! I don't understand why people continue to make excuses for Kirsch and Malone and the like. These guys are sometimes this and sometimes that and halfway this and halfway that and Kirsch is downright intentionally deceitful, and in a bullying sort of way. Malone has his own smooth talking deceitful stance. The only thing I can guess is that many people can't stand the thought of their allegiance to someone turning out to be misplaced. Time to grow up, people.
I honestly dont know the specifics on the whole virus/no virus debate, but i have read Steve stuff refuting the hypothesis.
Cant let this stuff get between us—we are all fighting the same government/pharma companies. Worry about whether or not you can isolate the virus after most of the world finds out they have been tricked into getting dangerous experimental garbage put in their bodies.
I know Kirsch can be abrasive, but hes fighting hard on the right side of this.
I think people have to understand that even if 'germ theory' is found to be wanting, it's going to take a helluva lot of disproving. To dismiss viruses altogether is a MONUMENTAL paradigm shift -- but this kind of shift can only come with serious evidence to change the minds of people who have assumed viral/germ theories to have been foundational.
Can you talk some sense into him then perhaps? Someone should... I'm not seeing dark as I am "Middle School." It may be he's just plain ornery or frustrated (aren't we all?) being too caught up in his tireless work to stop, look, listen and try to understand the potential harms done by making enemies of those that should be allies.
Reading some of the comments here: look, Malone and Kirsch and others have done a great job educating people. Kirsch has complied stories of vaccine-injuries seen by medical personnel-- that's not nothing. Malone has written many illuminating articles, although how he personally has the time to do all that is a real question: they're really good and well-researched. But he just might be a very bright person with some help from others.
Just because someone believes in viruses doesn't mean they're a bad person. So far, I believe in viruses although the comments here do make me think.
The work to be done is massive. The focus should be on defending individual self-determination against those who would take it away from us, for the supposed 'greater good.'
So this is why I think that the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming might be part of the plan to subdue humanity to the technocratic vision: this theory supplies the moral justification for a collectivism necessary to save the planet, a collectivism ('we're all in this together') that would be the death of self-determination. This theory is the very basis for Schwab's vision that he sets out in his two latest books: we must do what he says (according to his Great Narrative) to save the planet. This theory is the unquestioned foundational premise of his Great Reset Great Narrative.
So in a way, I think the real enemy isn't Covid-19 or massive government corruption, but the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming which will undoubtedly serve as justification for emergency measures in the future-- what, we have only nine years left, and soon we'll have no time at all? It's time for a Great Reset! Already in Europe bizarre government strictures are being imposed to 'save the planet.'
It seems that many people understand the fraud of Covid-19 but many, like RFK, Jr., are completely blind to the fraud of the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming. Yet this theory is waiting in the wings, ready to justify emergency and urgent measures that are absolutely necessary to prevent a burning, hellish planet, and just coincidentally destroy any remaining vestiges of self-determination and personal freedom.
Nothing is happening. There's no evidence at all in balloon data, from thousands of balloons launched twice each day, that CO2 is impacting the atmosphere at all. So where is it? Where is this mysterious heating or trapping or congestion or choking of emissions? Nowhere to be seen.
When we recognize the fraud of the theory of catastrophic warming, this by analogy helps us to see other frauds that have been perpetrated in the name of Science. In my view, recognizing this foundational fraud is crucial to any awakening that any of us hope for. If we fail on that one, it really doesn't matter what else happens: we'll eventually be forced to act for the collective greater good to save the planet from a threat that doesn't exist. The Great Reset wins.
Look at Dennis O'Neill, above. Preening about his career and money selling Pharma poisons. Absolutely certain he's right about Covid because his ex girlfriend and brother got sick. And he knows a little about "histology and virology." Fevered egos as Bill Hicks said.
The truth movements have always been infiltrated .
The media's narrative has always been lies.
You either see the truth, ie are not in the grip of fear and so have the ability to reason or you get hooked into the egoic dialect( us vs them) , emotive BS and the non sequiturs.
No need to feel " deflated" .
They would like a meme that said the truth movement died.
The truth is out there and less people believe the one narrative .
It is alive and kicking.
There is a higher movement that is happening and that is an evolutionary movement away from the fear paradigm to a shift to love.
Fear is not who we are.
And it is notable in fear we loose the ability to reason.
Beware those that take the media metaverse as reality it is the opposite.
Do not judge how a truth movement is doing based on what the media tells you. Big mistake.
For me, the "movement" began and ended in the period of February 2020 (Rappoport), March 2020 (Kaufman), April/May 2020 (Icke). By the summer of 2020 I really didn't need any more PARTICULAR information. I didn't need the Baileys, Cowan (and his unicorns), Kirsch and his MILLIONS, Coppolino, Tenpenny and her posse, et al. (Definitely didn't need Malone, whoever he is)
I had that triumvirate mentioned above-- and MAN, did my "penny drop" (as Icke puts it). Like after Plato, everything else is a footnote.
Please, let's not write the obituary just yet for the movement that will be necessary for rescuing humanity from COVIDmania / Mr. Global.
There is a 3rd way that you did not mention:. As one far side blusters that disease is all terrain, and that viruses do not exist because they say so, while the other side blusters that they have proven the presence of viruses in all diseases that are blamed.on viruses, the truth seems to be in between. Terrain is certainly a major factor in disease. Those who live on junk food are usually tired and seem, from my perspective practicing medicine for 15 years, to be the ones with more chronic disease. That's terrain, where viruses are not so relevant. On the other hand, all primary care providers see "the special of the week" over and over again. One week lots of people have "a weird stomach bug.." Next time it's the sniffles. All without any identifiable local pollutant. Shingles appears in outbreaks. Ditto measles and chickenpox and mumps, and all appear with distinct features. This happens without any virus-denier even suggesting a particular pollutant, much less proving its presence.
The most plausible scenario for what is considered infectious disease is the presence of microbes exploiting vulnerable terrain in those who already have health vulnerability.
But this doesn't mean that those of brittle oversized egos should be allowed to destroy a necessary movement with their mutually directed insults and grandstanding .
I say, Let's ignore that debate. It's an unnecessary and potentially self-defeating distraction..
Brilliantly expressed Dr. Huber. I regret overstating and calling the movement dead. I will go back and edit that. I totally agree that the truth is ...can I say "quantum?" It contains all sides in some way.
I'm fine with most people ignoring the so called debate. Some need to explore things. I do my best to persuade them to not be jerks to doctors on the side of medical freedom.
Just exploring things and learning along the way will reduce the anxiety of the victims of the many psyops we are under, and will make them better prepared to withstand the next attack. We need to advance in our autonomy or self-regulation. A skirmish like this is a good place for some people to start questioning and learning.
Just to be clear, I am 100% on the side of medical freedom, on record as advocating strenuously for it since 2001, still as a student, even with threats to my medical license over that time, even to the point of being one of the many single issue voters on this. In fact, medical freedom is so very essential that it must be upheld *regardless* of any microbe. Not to be waved away with lockdowns, masks, vaccine mandates, regardless of how scary some find a virus, fungus, bacterium or other to be.
You are not portraying the virus issue correctly. First, even saying there is "one side" and then "the other side" you are clouding the issue. This isn't about sides, it's about science and what happens in real lives, whether human, animal or plant. The "one far side" doesn't "bluster" that viruses don't exist "because they say so". How irresponsible of you. However, the "other side" does just that in reverse as there has never been any science able to prove the existence of any pathogenic virus that can cause disease. Not all diseased conditions are "blamed" on the terrain, but rather that is a very major factor in how the body reacts to the environment. Certain poisons and toxins will create disharmony on some level and yes, the condition of the terrain plays a part in that, absolutely. The environment includes everything, which people like to overlook, and that includes not just your diet, your water supply, your sun exposure and exercise and exposure to toxins but also your toxic thoughts, past traumas, perceptions and the like. Abbreviating these to support your beliefs is unprofessional. "This happens without any virus-denier even suggesting a particular pollutant, much less proving it's presence. Seriously? First, using the term "virus-denier" is again both unprofessional and a clear attempt to label and segregate. There are many things yet unproven but those that are waiting for such proof are not labelled as deniers of said subject. Second, no one needs suggest a "particular pollutant, much less proving it's presence" because no one is making a claim and has repeatedly stated that there is no ONE cause of these groups of symptoms, which is what they are. Additionally, through the years there have been many particular pollutants identified as causing these very symptoms. One only needs to do actual research and real reading to see what has been attempted to stay hidden from public exposure.
I sincerely hope that you are not a practicing NMD.
Ha ha ha. Good is a relative term. I am incredibly well informed and apparently Huber is not quite so much. The problem with NMD's , which is not entirely across the board but mostly, is that while they use "natural" methods, they usually still subscribe to the main tenets of mainstream medicine of the last hundred years or so which is a mistake. While intentions may be honorable, the results, nonetheless, are less than the best.
As I have stated before, after decades of doing it the "right " way, I have opted out of spoon feeding, soft pedaling, easy does it, don't offend type of responses. Those get no traction either. Any professional of any intelligence and motivation has no excuse not to know the actual truths of how our physical and energetic bodies work, along with the mental and emotional components and how any and all dis-ease should be addressed. This especially includes NMDs! I am not trying to persuade anyone of anything but rather put a thorn in their side so they will actually build up enough gusto to go out and prove me wrong! In the process they will find that indeed I am correct and they still have much to learn. Do I know it all? Absolutely not! Do I think there is always more to learn? A resounding YES! Am I careful who and what and where I look? Yes! Do I have enough years of experience to have the intuition to "know" when something is on the mark? Yes. It's a process and one everyone should undertake wherever they are starting, but especially professionals that are in the health field because others are relying on them to be the "experts" and that is more often than not simply not the case.
Yes, we have had this discussion before, in which you never backed up your allegation "can be caused by many things" with any one (not even one!) specific thing that has more concrete evidence behind it than HZV, measles or SARS-COV-2, all of which have abundant evidence, some of which I cited for you many months ago. You waste everyone's time insisting that everyone accept your viewpoint, for which you offer no evidence at all.
Colleen, you are now starting to embarrass your profession as well as yourself. What you have just said is not only non-scientific but laughably ludicrous and explicitly false. Kordelas has given correct and complete answers but you seem unable to comprehend what he/she is saying.
I agree: who cares whether viruses exist? It's an irrelevant exercise in obscurantism.
This is a struggle against global totalitarianism. We must all recognize that duh dweadful deadwy virwus is only a stage prop.
It just doesn't matter if duh dweadful deadwy virwus is fully imaginary, is the common flu, or is the new Black Plague. Doesn't matter. Cybernetic totalitarianism is still unacceptable. The Covid Atrocities are still atrocities.
"It's an irrelevant exercise in obscurantism." I tend to agree. Almost. PRECISELY, most days. I go back and forth. I think it's the way men (and women, but primarily men) of the LEFT act out their protesistism. They can't cope with the larger beast. NWO. Great Reset. Formerly "Communism." They never saw THAT elephant. I mean since the 50s, 60's 70s....Never.
They are all "men of the left." This is the theme of a post I never posted last night. I was too raw and angry. They're LEFTISTS. All the AIDS dissidents. Most of the Covid frontline fighters. Except a few.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. It is NOT irrelevant and as others have stated here is why. Whether people can handle the whole truth or not, and that is their choice, it MUST be presented. And it is very relevant because people must see that these lies, lies that have ruled their lives, their parents lives, their children's lives, future generations , and actually quite far back in history, are the basis for everything. Once the virus lie is exposed fully, and people realize that so much was based on that, so much devastation, so much harm, so much control and misuse of authority, so much physical and emotional harm and trauma, so much death and disability, then they will be able to see through the rest of the lies as well, hopefully. One can believe that maybe 9/11 wasn't what they said, that school shootings are not what they say, that the Federal Reserve is not Federal, that CDC is not a federal health agency, and so forth,, but until they see the deepness and the severity of the deceit, the intent, and the careless disregard all the agencies and people involved have/had for human life and dignity, they will continue to be slaves, continue to lose their freedoms granted by birth, and continue to raise children that believe the same.
NO! I mean this: When the SPIRIT of accusation is allowed in the front door, the solidarity and good will are no more. I am trying to tell you I speak from experience.
Co-intelpro. Divide and conquer.
I am not backing down.
I believe you Celia and trust your experience. Certain "characters" that came forth suddenly (like a now well known VIROLOGIST cough cough) I suspected right away.
Thank you.
Lol. Which virologist? I’m unsure of 2 big names….
robert wallace malone = bowel tolerance alarm
Makes sense to me, LOL
Wow, I didn't know that he entered the US lol
Desmet sells the story that the elites like..
People fall into mass formation, creating this totalitarianism.
Ignore the fact that psychopaths funded the Nazis...
Ignore the fact that psychopaths know that humans are hypnotizable...
Nah, it's the people's fault.
Look away from the actual predators.
Interesting. I agree that Desmet seems to blame the people when the amorphous anxiety he speaks of is largely anxiety over climate catastrophe, which in my view is a complete fabrication. Yet it seems that someone is very keen to keep this pseudoscience alive, and I don't see as much push-back on this from the leaders of the current anti-elite movement as we should be seeing.
Fake certificate? Like many of the players n the U.S. Open?
That's an interesting question.
Better go give Alex Berenson a big hug because that's who you are going to have to find solidarity with. And Kirsch, and Malone, and Geert, and Yeadon and Dr. Jay and Kulldorrf and all of them.
And Bannon, and Naomi, and RFK, Jr. and Bongino and you are going to have to deal with the fact that there is widespread disagreement on your not a virus theory as you alluded to with Stew Peters, and that there are people who are going to rigorously want to question and examine Snake Venom or Trump or not a virus and people who are going to pull up clips of RFK discussing climate change and so forth.
There was never solidarity because we were all just invited to a party and if you wish to craft and a 'movement' you will need to "back down".
Because your "allies" ::wink wink:: are not going to back down either.
So where this is headed is to Mad Max tribal clans of Virus Warriors.
With people smashing the shit out of their keyboards while they debate goodies and baddies.
This is the type of thing the government did to dissident groups in the 60s. Got them to be at each other's throats and ineffective as a result.
You never know what’s true, lots of rabbit holes and red herrings . They must keep us confused… just like 911 so many theories so many arguments. I just focus on the knowledge that they have lied. They lie to us , we don’t need to know more than this.
So strange, again this evening I tried to click like after your comment, but the substack won't register my click. This happens so often when I read articles on this site. Anyway, SL, I like what you said.
I have the same problems sometimes. I do not know what that is about. It is not like I have any type of following so I do not think any person would care what I am liking.
I was able to "like" this with a click. Weird. Sometimes it allows me to like one or two comments then it disallows my clicks. Sad to think even Substack is censoring, but who knows, maybe it is.
I think it is probably a glitch, but like you said who knows given all of the craziness of the past couple of years.
I see the same symptom. The "like" does seem to get recorded, though, just not show up on the page while I'm there. If I reload the page (pain in the ass) I see the like was recorded.
Just reload the page and your likes will show up.
Sure. But those groups probably coalesced over years due to race or labor issues.
This is like two years and now you have this clusterfuck of people that have very little in common.
There is a dude on this thread that says that nobody cares if Trump wants them to take the bioweapon.
That's your alliance?
Yes, you are right that it is basically a bunch of people on the internet with little in common other than being more or less are not jazzed about the injection. The one good thing about such in an incoherent pile of shit is that it is really hard to stamp out because it has no centralized structure and few are taking commands. Everyone is their own general. It must be frustrating in a way for the Empire.
Very sharp point, and I had not considered that! This thread did turn out to be fruitful! 👍
This is the book I have to write but need prayers because it's like a cat up in a tree that won't come down.
I think you have it exactly right.
Of course, all the drugs, corporative types and the CIA, poured into them and all around them, with the created, dissident, harsh, loud, music replacing the uniting folk songs, didn't hurt the cause of destroying effective dissent either...
Having allies and feeling swept up in a movement is nice, but your responsibility as a thinker and human being is always, always, ALWAYS to think for yourself and express what you know to be true. As soon as you choose “belonging” as a priority you are necessarily sacrificing truth.
Hopefully, we can all remain focused on truth and not get swept into “who is allied with who” and “who seems to be on my side but is actually against me” nonsense. We are each of us, fundamentally alone in our perception of the universe and no loyalty to any tribe supersedes our fidelity to the truth as we see it.
I knew the Mad MAx reference was near. I could sense it before I read your comment, Sage.
I have been experimenting with new ways of describing this, for example, "Afghanistan, The World" but that's cumbersome.
Help me come up with new stuff. 🤨
In the film "Apocalypse Now," when Martin Sheen's character finally arrives to the part of Cambodia where General Kurtz (Brando) hides, it is a Pandemonium of rebelled us soldiers alongside natives and orphans running wild. There's also the Dennis Hopper character, who is completely out of his mind (a graphic reporter of war). I think those who are not Trump followers and are not zealots of either side are as excited and confused as that reporter. I'm one of them.
🎵🎶This is the end, beautiful friend, the end...🎵🎶🎵
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight... razor... and surviving.
"Better go give Alex Berenson a big hug...?"
I'm not clear if you are addressing me or somebody else. I'm very thick when it comes to deciphering sarcasm. I will go ahead and address this:
Berenson, I think his book on marijuana was excellent and his Covid reportage was very helpful. He understands exactly as much as he needs to. He's not going to ever go all the way and that is normal and standard. Kirsch--I've never before expressed anything but admiration for his clarity on the death jabs. Malone--I was neutral but published Diana West's careful analysis and critique. Bannon, Naomi, RFK, Bongino--I am unable to keep up with this list IF this comment is addressed to me. What am I accused of here? Being hostile to these people?
or too trusting? "allies...wink wink.." what does that mean? I'm not debating goodies and baddies. I thought Eric's crowd was too intense about Poornima and said so. My interview with Stew was about Fauci-ism. I am astounded at all these people who think the illuminati need ANYTHING to exist, to build fascist systems of domination, wage war, etc. Viruses don't have to "exist." That's the joke. The trick. And when I try to describe the history of the fight about whether any of this bullshit "exists" other than by way of the "tests" I get told I'm boring.
I conclude that somebody or something is co-intelpro and started this as a deliberate shit show. Not sure who. I don't really DO suspiciousness. Well. I also have played ZERO part or role in the Covid star system or the rank idolatry that has been passing for scientific debate in this whole thing. It's all way way beyond loathsome at this point.
Exactly, my thoughts, but better written.
But I do theorize about small-time conspiracies.
One thing I've discovered recently. Mike Stone explained his suspicion that the guy with whom Kirsch made a debate in July is an impostor. I didn't watch that debate because the guy gave me a bad vibe an I thought he was just a schmuck who went to debate with nothing. I don't know if Mike's right, but then I thought: did Steve Kirsch prepared that mock debate with an overacting double agent, or did he happened to have a conversation with an actual nutjob person of the internet?
Because this weird person used another name, and another appearance in March or April of '20, to say that SARS2 didn't exist, and he identified as a double Ph.D. in virology and immunology, a lie that got recycled, according to Stone, in the case of Poornima Wagh. And I think well of Poornima because she looks like a good person in trouble.She gave me a good vibe. She may have accepted to participate in something insincere because of her troubles, whatever they are. I think Dr. Lee Merritt has a lot of merit in not giving up on her.
Now I'm thinking this may not even be professional co-intelpro. After all, the "virus deniers" are completely censored outside of their little pond where they are allowed to say things, and the "movement" is too small in numbers to deserve a professional operation. This episode seems so amateurish.
It's far from over.
And remember that those "halfway" truthers are then no truthers. That includes RFK, Jr, Del Bigtree, Dr Mercola, and hundreds of others. They refuse to actually look at, study, and determine the complete truth. Is there such as thing as partial truth? No, which is why they are of little to no help with waking people up to the complete tyranny. When you straddle the fence, which is what those mentioned are doing, people will still fall for every other scam that the globalists put forth, because the only thing they might be doubting is some of the CV protocols and restrictions and solutions, but not the BASIS for it which will be used again and again and again because it works. History shows that. And you know, Celia, how well Jon Rappoport has exposed all of this. Any sane relatively intelligent person that reads through Jon's many articles over the past years will be far more knowledgeable and prepared than from any other single source. The excuses the "truthers" mentioned above and all of their groups give for not coming out and acknowledging the truth about the nonexistence of viruses, which would bring down the entire house of cards, is that too many would then not listen to anything else they say, causing more harm than good. That's nonsense and they know it and so should everyone else with half a brain. That's an excuse to stay only partially in the limelight, to not quite expose yourself, to play it safe, and to keep their incomes rolling in. I have long since dismissed all of them from my awareness. They are vampires along with those like Kirsch and friends.
I guess I’m a half-truther doctor, too. To my mind, there is no medical or public health basis to this pandemic, so whether a virus exists or not will not stop the tyranny that is at our heels when it comes to our rights and freedoms and finances. That should be our only focus.
But realize that it is not just about THIS pandemic. As long as viruses are believed in, and make no mistake, there is to date no scientific evidence whatsoever that they exist as pathogens, they will continue to be used as excuses for further tyranny and people will continue to acquiesce to it all. Every variant, every "new" strain, every "new" virus, or a return of a previous virus, will be the excuse to exert unlawful controls in every area. Manufactured shortages, manufactured crises of all kinds will follow. When the masses realize that indeed this or any other virus does not exist the entire narrative falls flat and those behind it will be exposed. It is but one arm of the monster but it is a very crucial arm. It is one leg of the three legged stool and the stool will fall to one side when that leg is chopped off. And that is why this is an important step in stopping the tyranny. It also exposes the continued, long standing collusion of a multitude of otherwise "respected" agencies and conglomerates as well as smaller divisions of government and private businesses. This is crucial.
I do. Yes.
There is no "truth movement". There is only truth. Period. Many have exposed that truth, multiple times in multiple ways and if people choose to investigate for themselves, REALLY investigate, and then make a logical, rational, sensible conclusion, then that's great, that's what's needed. But there is no movement. Humans are not, especially now, geared to have a movement. We have those that know and live the truth, that create their own healthy lives and families, that are learning to successfully live without the need for a "movement", without the need for government or anyone else really to believe what they themselves know. That IS the movement. Creating a new reality which makes the current one obsolete. All the rest of this is distraction and division by intent, including Kirsch and the others like him. Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, Baileys, Rappoport, are spreading the truths, verified and documented proofs, but are not fanatic about it and leave it to the readers, whereever and whoever they are, to decide. They have no agenda, they have no funding, they have no ulterior motives, only the desire to share truth so that others may improve their lives and by doing so improve the world. They do not push, do not scream, do not slander others. There is no need to when the truth is what you are disseminating. Take it or leave it. And leave all of the other bullshit for the bullshitters to play in. When you wrestle with a pig you both get muddy. No need to wrestle, no need to read, listen, or try to understand as that drains you of your energy which is just one more thing "they" want to do. Forge ahead, focused, on the truth and only the truth, and keep one ear to the ground but only for your own personal safety because when you live in truth and love, there is no real fear.
Sure as hell there is no longer any movement and never was. Does anybody want to hear the truth about the HIV dissident "movement?" I hope not.
I'm sorry to disappoint: I want to hear it. I like the gory details. But I know many people are not ready to handle controversies about controversies.
When I learned about the existence of HIV dissidents years ago I saw a video of a man called Henry Bauer on a conference, I believe it was called "rethinking HIV" or "rethinking aids." He made the comment that he wished Duesberg wasn't always saying that HIV was a harmless, passenger virus, that did nothing. I didn't understand that then. I deduced there were a few big egos competing for attention.
I like the concept of "pathological science," because it is all psychological projection. I find it very funny. "We don't like the dissidents about cold fusion, therefore they are crazy. It has to be a pathology. Nothing to see here. It couldn't be that we, in the majority and pampered by the Government, are wrong, right?"
If there is anyone who prevents progress it must be the people living in Consensus City, population 5 billion.
(Sorry, I meant to post my comment here!)
Well said! Let's usher out the spirit of accusation! Methinks Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Big Pharma are ecstatic to see the virus-no virus fights unfold. I decline to participate and give them that satisfaction.
Mind you, I'm willing look at arguments from time to time on both sides, but I'm not interested in focussing on this fight and being right about it. Sure, those who wish to study this in depth can do so, but insisting only one side of this question is acceptable in the health freedom movement will destroy the movement.
We all need to be in alliance with one another to fight the real enemy of medical tyranny and the fat cats who push it and profit from it. We need to demand an end to any requirement of testing, masking, vaxxing, distancing for anybody of any age anywhere. And let more and more people know we've been lied to about the supposed benefit of these things. We need to fight the censorship and allow doctors to be doctors. Let's welcome multiple voices on virus or no virus, in the spirit of exploration and not accusation. You can believe viruses exist or not and still promote medical freedom.
Rather than fight each other we need to resolutely go after the fat cats without distractions! Seeing us get derailed is discouraging.
So sorry to hear how you were targeted In the HIV/AIDS truth movement (which I sadly completely missed out on as my eyes only opened to that scam a couple years ago). The point of the movement should be not whether the HIV virus exists or not, but that AIDS-like diseases are not caused by HIV, that the HIV test is bogus, that a positive HIV test result should be ignored and HIV/AIDS medications warned about! Follow the Big Pharma money and go after them, not each other!
You cannot believe viruses exist without any proof (and lots of observations to the contrary) and still expect to gain medical freedom. Those are 100% at odds with each other, intentionally so.
For some reason many keep using the phrase "debate" as in should or should not debate the virus theory. First, there is no theory because a hypothesis was never shown to be true and a theory able to be posited. Second, a debate is not only pointless it's entirely a waste of time and a distraction from the real problem. You don't "debate" science to come to some sort of conclusion. You look at the properly done scientific experiments, that included controls, carefully study the data, repeat the experiments, and see the results. There is no debate. You can debate opinions, beliefs, but you cannot debate actual scientific results. You can, and should, always question and continue to look and learn, but you simply do not debate a proof.
Is Celia Farber OWNED by the Deep State?
I'm an Anonymous Russian Computer Expert. I have x3 sources of documented evidence...
I truly hope my information and analysis will enlighten Celia's readers. Please feel free to comment or share.
The SPIRIT of accusation should not be mistaken for the SPIRIT of investigation. What unites all of us in this truth community is really just 3 simple things:
1. We know that we are being lied to by powerful forces who control the world.
2. We are forever in pursuit of truth.
2. We love our children, and we are fighting to save their future.
That’s all we need to fall back on if things get to crazy in our passionate debates and quest for truth. Sure, we've got a lot different viewpoints in a lot of areas. And? The world has already woken up to the fact that “conspiracy theories” are real and are everywhere. That’s progress. We’ve gained momentum. Rigorous open debate is a part of our truth community culture. We're not at each others throats as long as we are honest with ourselves and always in pursuit of truth.
I'm fairly new to substack, just a couple months. But I've never seen a troll here until just the other day and now I'm seeing them everywhere on various stacks. Not a good sign.
Off topic, I never met your father but I knew a friend of his, Stu Tarlowe. Did you know him? I've lost touch with Stu over the years, hope he is well.
I wrote about this, a short piece, on this topic:
Sometimes I just need to admit I am having "bad" feelings. Then the next day I bounce back. One thing you all don't know, how could you? I am TARGETED for complete destruction by the virus purists in the HIV camp so much so that I had to depart/leave/ be let go from all their group emails and whatever. I was severely bullied. I am not going to "woman up." No. I'm going to express myself because I've earned it. I was always always the punching bag. The one who wasn't as smart as the others and didn't understand the DAMNED ESOTERICA of virus isolation or PCR or whatever which even made Kary Mullis cry from despair. AND Harvey Bialy. And Serge Lange ended his life. And Liam Scheff did too. And they killed Christine Maggiore and likely her daughter too. And I have to set all this history straight while I am still here.
For whatever it's worth with all you been through over the years, many people around the world have arrived here now because of you, and they care. 🙏
Celia, because of you I would never have known about HIV/AIDS lies and then recognized the same playbook used for this scamdemic. As much as you’re feeling despair and the injustice of it all, I hope you will take comfort in how much you are loved, supported and believed. Thank you for shining your light, I see more clearly now. Cheers to expressing yourself! Don’t stop.
Me too (the book helped me see through), so grateful for all you do - and I've given my copy of Serious Adverse away 2x to people who were greatly appreciative, the last person an emergency room nurse who couldn't part with the book so I told her to keep it, it meant a lot to her to read, as it has for so many of us
Celia, to me you are the conscience of this whole movement. I so appreciate the combination of gritty truth-seeking and discerning human feeling you bring to your research and writing. These are rare and precious qualities.
Celia, please put it all down, from the HIV period to Covid. Take a year and DO it.
I will. I am about to do precisely this.
Please take care when do Celia. offline, no drafts connected. I don't think it's paranoia to say "they're" and watching/reading everything.
Oh man... yes.
I want to see the DEFINITIVE Celia Farber medical cartel volume. Soup to NUTS.
I never feel it's anything but kind and encouraging, from you T. Never worry, please. It's been as bedeviled as though they assigned a fleet of spirits just to make sure I don't sit down and start it. But you know what, I think I just did. Getting in touch with the anger was actually the first step. Yesterday I was angry and not just "reporting." "Reporting" means repression. When I get angry I get super ashamed as well. But yes, I'm angry.
Well Celia I have great respect for your journalism and writing skills. As my mother said to me once “cowboy, you can lay on the ground and bleed to death or you can get up and get back on”.
This was the bluntest most confusing and yet most intuitive and informative essay I’ve read from you.
Hang in there cowgirl. Fight for truth. I’m truly in love with you.
I totally get that
i am so glad that you made the comment about steve kirsch being all over the map
there are a lot of people i read that i have problems with
i am very glad that eric coppolino took it on to investigate that strange woman
here's what someone sent to me today from his research on her: Here is what I found in a brief search on the web about Poornima Wagh.
She's not nobody.
Studies conducted by or participated in:
Whomever Poornima Wagh is, i.e., the one who spoke with Dr. Lee Merritt, she sure knew her stuff. I checked, and she did work in the Santa Barbara City College lab of a noted professor there who died a natural death from cancer in 2012. Then, this Poornima Wagh did move to Texas as she said. Also, she did say that she attended doctoral school online, and worked a couple of months a year (summers?) doing her research in Africa, which would be required for the program(s) she claimed. The school cannot, legally, confirm or deny her attendance w/o written permission from her, which she has not provided the school to date. Thus, she is the victim of an obvious smear campaign so far -- whether she completed her dissertation (ABD) or not. Frankly, she is very likely telling the truth about everything, as she was never a professor herself at a college or university like her famous mentor in CA who died in 2012.
Thus, lab working research scientists, even with Ph.D's have no incentive to publish if they're working under other professors who have the gotten the grants; and they're often not mentioned in the papers by their bosses, unless the bosses insist (unlikely, usually). These hard working lab "scientists" and lab "researchers" are paid employees on appointment or hired under their bosses budgets. They are often considered professional researchers, not academic researchers, so they do not have to publish or perish, and are often only called to substitute teach, as Poornima acknowledged in CA, when their academic bosses are away on a trip.
I know because I worked in a cancer research lab at a university as a first job, and the most brilliant of the professional lab workers, with a Ph.D., was a man from India on a work visa. At least Poornima Wagh, very knowledgeable and credible, has dual citizenship (U.S./India) from my own research. I truly think she has her Ph.D.'s, but I don't care, she knows more than any other American about the details of this situation to date.
"The school cannot, legally, confirm or deny her attendance w/o written permission from her, which she has not provided the school to date. “ The school can totally legally confirm or deny if she was awarded a degree, without permission. What it cannot do is release her full record, but that’s not necessary to see if she got a degree. She herself stated the school’s library had her thesis paper, and she said Eric Coppolino could look it up, it’s public information. Papers are also registered to national data bases in the UK. And please tell us why the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, home of the medical establishment, would award not just one PhD, but two of them, for a paper which denies that AIDS is caused by HIV and that Malaria is a nutritional deficiency. when Dr Peter Duesberg, an established scientist, lost his lab access for merely writing a letter to the media casting doubt on the HIV-AIDS connection, falling well short of saying HIV does not exist.
And she did NOT “know her stuff.” She made basic errors about lab procedures.
The Science Imposter :: New edition of Planet Waves FM is ready. The new edition of Planet Waves FM is ready — Poornima Wagh, the counterfeit "scientist" who became a darling of the health freedom and covid truth. Eric F. Coppolino, 9/2/22.
See also:
Very good interview with Kevin Corbett, starting around: 01:26:00 of the 03:09:33 mp3 audio of the radio show. About half an hour.
It's clear now that Poornima is a person with problems. Let's respect her and encourage her to come clean and take control of her life. I have no grudge about her and I wish her only the best.
Well-stated. My problem is with those who insist upon hanging on to her no matter what.
Good points. Perhaps, the laws are different in Great Britain than in the U.S., as a noted elite university, of which I can personally testify, will not even verify graduation IF a former student has not provided written permission for the school to do so -- even if a prospective employer, without the proper signatures, requests such information. (All these forms, letters, etc., can be scanned and/or faxed today for legal proof of permissions, thank God.)
BTW: Even the recently deceased Dr. Luc Montagnier, the acclaimed discoverer of the HIV virus, later recanted that there was a proven connection between HIV and AIDs; and before his death, he spoke to many reputable doctors and scientists, in phone and Skype interviews, to say that he was now dubious about his identification of the HIV virus (for which he won a Nobel Prize). Thus, known science, i.e., developed theories by researchers, even sincere, brilliant ones, of all stripes, are constantly being updated based on new knowledge. And men of integrity like Dr. Montagnier and the late Dr. Kary Mullis (who decried the abuse of his PCR tests, which he stated could not be utilized to identify a specific pathogen) are rare among most of the self-serving, phonies and "experts" (whether holding doctorates or not) in scientific research circles today, sadly...
Never heard the Malaria claim...But most diseases are given advantageous circumstances, or even a base situation to attack, in an individual with nutritional deficiencies, as I'm sure you'll agree...Who knows, though, what will ultimately be determined about the actual and updated causes of many known disease processes today? Remember Scurvy? Vitamin C deficiency, or Beri-Beri? Vitamin B1 deficiency,
P.S. Please be more specific about her "basic errors about lab procedures" since it's been decades since I worked as a lab researcher -- maybe I need updating.
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine did respond to requests, and stated that no one with the last name Wagh has received a degree from it, let alone 2 PhDs.
This is not about whether AIDS is caused by HIV. The team which has exposed Poornima Wagh as an imposter is not contesting this, its members have long been doing work showiing HIV does not even exist, let alone cause AIDS.
As to the science, newly posted today,
"Regarding her “scientific" assertions, the opinions of a scientist are not the findings of science. All scientists must present their data if their claims are to be accepted. That is the whole point of science.
Apart from any specific and unverifiable experiment she claims to have conducted, let’s consider just one detail that is verifiable.
In our discussion on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022, Wagh — while claiming to be an accredited virologist and infectious disease specialist — said this was the first time she was hearing that there were multiple in silico sequences of SARS-CoV-2 ! In late 2022!
She said she thought there was only "Patient Zero” (the term for the first claimed AIDS patient, and who died in 1984). And Patient Zero, about whom she admits she knows nothing, is what she claims she was trying to match against in her experiment on 756 lavage samples.
She had no idea there were multiples even though she claimed to be using the Blast database, where most of them are! She did not know the accession number of the virus she was trying to replicate.
Drs. Victor Corman and Christian Dosten in their now discredited Jan. 23, 2020 Eurosurveillance paper establishing the World Health Organization’s PCR assay (the Corman-Drosten paper) said they used six in silico sequences to design their PCR assay.
Like it or not, it is one of the most famous papers in the history of virology, and it was world famous out of the gate. It claimed the reality of the pandemic and established the world’s first publicly available PCR assay for SARS-CoV-2. It was a matter of international public record.
In fact by that same week (the last week in January 2020) there were at least 28 in silico sequences of “SARS-CoV-2” documented. Today there are 12 million versions of in silico "SARS-CoV-2” transcripts deposited into genetic libraries.
This is the whole problem. There is no original to match against — and everyone knows this — except for Poornima Wagh.
In the original version of this article, I said that the Corman-Drosten paper proved the reality of the pandemic when it only claimed to. That paper has since been discredited as a work of scientific fraud by an independent peer review team.....
She claims to have been a lab technician and does not know the difference between lavage fluid and supernatant. She is grossly ignorant of the facts of her own profession."
Also the use of trypsin, the nature of the PCR test, the number of nucleotides iin the alleged genome (she keeps saying 40,000 vs 30,000).
Other errors include.
Using BLASTP to "find the virus" - why weren't they employing de novo sequencing platforms such as MegaHit or Trinity like everyone else?
1500 samples that were sent to one lab were lung aspirates? That's an awful lot of lung aspirates - the typical samples are NP swabs.
Describes "gravity filtration" to obtain nucleic acids from samples - huh?
Agarose gel is "part of the PCR" - no. It is used to estimate the size/charge of proteins or nucleic acid length.
"When you get sick RNA and DNA break off from the cells" - that's not why nucleic acids are detected in samples. (To be fair - she could be asked to clarify what she means.)
COVID PCR tests are "programmed to 40-50bps" - highly inaccurate description of the bp length, possibly conflating the primers and the amplicons.
Says she has known of The Perth Group since the 1990s - doesn't seem to be aware it was TPG that completely influenced Stefan Lanka. Very odd to pursue a PhD in virology if she knew of TPG and Stefan in the 1990s.
Don't have time for a full reply here, but some of your critique here in some small aspects of her overall presentation, but specific points, appear to be reasonable and logical. However, you must read RFK, Jr.'s book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" to find documented evidence that science publications and scientific research no longer is the ideal place where "All scientists must present their data if their claims are to be accepted." Too many journals, as editors and former editors have publicly noted, are now totally corrupted in their ability or freedom to print research articles that counter any "official narrative." Of course, even the research funding is so tainted with pharma and researcher conflict of interests, monetarily, that your idealism is nice, but no longer reality, sadly.
Purnima K Wagh is not Poornima S Wagh.
i really like eric's latest post on how it relates too our 'poor' friend: And it's part of my normal content stream, though an especially intriguing issue. My investigative team has traveled for years, and it morphs, but it's mainly me and Cindy Tice Ragusa, who is a volunteer and a close friend. Then I organize a team of volunteers around every story. I've been doing this a long time. My work is an outgrowth of student journalism, where people work because they are motivated to learn.
Poormina Wagh is special because she claims two Ph.Ds. We looked for any trace of them through public sources like resumes, CVs, and publications; we searched the British academic system; we searched the British Library; and found nothing. Impostering is a serious problem, and she became a cult hero of the "covid truth" movement specifically because she was a "virologist" and "immunologist" -- no other reason.
And when I asked her basic questions, like what was your thesis about (which I ask almost every PhD, even at a party) she had no answer. She just parroted Kary Mullis. She did not know basic facts about the genomes she said she was investigating.
Then the institution where she claimed to have attended said this:
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Responds, Aug. 30 and Sept. 1
UPDATE: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has checked in with the following statement this morning from their press office: “Nobody by the name of Poornima Wagh has obtained a degree from our institution.”
We have also received a second confirmation from Roger Watson: “I have it from the dean of Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at LSHTM, Alison Grant, that nobody of her name has obtained any degree from their institution.”
Update Thursday, September 1: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has confirmed: “Nobody with the last name Wagh, including as part of a hyphenated surname or as part of a surname containing the letters in that order, has obtained a degree from this institution.”
The story about Wagh is over; now it's a story about standards and practices of "new media," and it's about the mental environment under full digital conditions. I'll be discussing this Friday night on my program."
It was very good work. I am distressed because it has become a "shit show," and Steve Kirsch has gone off and accused so many good people of being charlatans. I think it could have been predicted. But it is what it is. Maybe Eric did defuse a bomb. I am still not sure what this is all about, at the root.
I'm going to go out on a limb and take a stab at the root - This is a re-post of mine from the Statement From Eric Coppolino thread on this substack:
This isn't about Wagh's credentials, or about whether SARS-Cov-2 has been isolated according to Koch's postulates, or whether Nobel Prize laureate Kary Mullis was right about the (RT-)PCR technique not being able to be used to diagnose disease...this is about what is actually physically in the 200+ Covid-19 injection products currently being injected into humans globally.
Other than Wagh, has anyone else made the statement that these products are CHEMICAL weapons, rather than biological weapons (since they were allegedly found by Wagh's group to contain no biological material, such as mRNA or spike protein)? Think about's of utmost importance.
If Wagh's alleged group's analyses were to be made public and verified as true, that would likely end the liability shield for every Covid-19 injection product manufacturer they allegedly studied; and, would necessitate criminal investigations, indictments, and proceedings. Civil suit class action damages from each manufacturer would likely be in the trillions. These manufactures would all be bankrupted; and, the fallout on conventional Rockefeller petrochemical medicine and governmental medical agencies would be severe.
Rather than the continual stream of lies that these Covid-19 injection products are "safe and effective", we know from the secretly recorded, December 2-3, 2019, "Global Vaccine Safety Summit" organized by the World Health Organization and held at the WHO's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, which was passed on to Del Bigtree's ICAN, there have been NO STUDIES proving ANY vaccine to be "safe". The international group of acclaimed scientists at that WHO meeting were video recorded lamenting that the global public is starting to realize this fact; and, they'd better start doing something about it (see SHOCKING VACCINE ADMISSIONS FROM INSIDE THE WHO -- -- This video builds the evidentiary conclusion right to the very end; so, I recommend watching all of it).
So, I say to all of Wagh's illustrious naysayer/detractors, for the sake of humanity, let's see you organize an appropriate group of scientists; procure numerous vials of each of the most commonly injected Covid-19 injection products; analyze what's in them; and prove to us that Wagh is wrong (regarding these injection products being chemical weapons, rather than bioweapons). Otherwise, you're just throwing opinions and statistics at us, which all of us can plainly see for ourselves, without your assistance, simply from all of the debilitation and death reported by and of people receiving the various Covid-19 injections.
(A disclaimer here that I am not implying that Wagh has conclusively proven to us that she has done this analysis. But, neither has anyone else (done such an analysis); and it's about time that the public demand to know, for certain, from an independent group of researchers, what is being injected into their bodies and the bodies of their loved ones. Governments must be kept out of this, since many, if not most, are complicit. Funding could be through an apparently reliable organization such as GiveSendGo, rather than an apparently easily coerced organization such as GoFundMe. This is only an example, since such funding is not my area of expertise.)
Love and Light Celia. Thank you for your courage.
"I am TARGETED for complete destruction by the virus purists in the HIV camp so much so that I had to depart/leave/ be let go from all their group emails and whatever. I was severely bullied." Shit man... breaks my spirits to read such a thing. I am so sorry for you *sending hugs*
Would you consider doing another piece on Mullis? Sort of a 'my thoughts now' follow up to your interview with him in '94?
oops-- as to the post i just made from a friend: WRONG Poornima Wagh. Poornima was asked about her on Regis’s video, she emphatically said she was NOT the same person, who lives in Iowa, and did not get degrees from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
This will earn me no fake internet points, nor should it.
There is no "movement".
There are disparate people that realized that the Ford Pinto has an exploding gas tank.
That is not a movement.
The "movement", if it comes at all, will come from people who finally get sick of blowing up in Exploding Shitty Cars. A giant Pinto pileup and probably some violence.
I don't think I should be flagged for saying "movement." It was just one word inside a much bigger set of laments. Choose a better word and I'll use it. I usually say "war."
I almost died from having Covid. I got it in Spring 2020.
I wasn't afraid. I never get sick. My TERRAIN is awesome. ::rolls eyes::
Am I a liar? Am I a liar because I got sick and I think that viruses exist?
Am I confused?
Maybe Stew Peters can trot out Ardis again and come up with Snake Venom in the water to explain it again. That was a good episode of Make Shit Up on Rumble. I enjoyed that episode.
Maybe I was just afraid and stress fucked up my terrain in this TOTALLY NEW WAY or again, maybe I'm just a liar and John Rappaport and Credentials Not Needed Woman can explain it all away, just like Blue Pill Covidians gaslight Vaccine Injured People because everybody is the smartest person in the room.
I almost died in 2020 as well but I never considered "Covid" because it was nothing to do with lungs, or breathing, but was instead a searing pain in both arms, bi-lateral, at 5 am each morning, for hours, that left me in fetal position, screaming in pain. I did not know pain like that existed. Lost 26 pounds rapidly and color from lips disappeared, and I vomited copiously at the end of it. I prayed and got the word "salt" and started to drink salt and water. The pain that next morning did not wake me, was gone. It was a month of the most alien, excruciating pain I ever felt in my life. I prayed each moment for God to take me.
After praying for an answer and getting the word "salt," I began to drink salt in water, and the next morning the pain did not wake me, it was gone. And my recovery began. I feel that God helped me. And 100% I felt the devil himself was in my body and bones, trying to kill me. whatever it was...It was evil.
Maybe you're a moron who doesn't know the first ACE inhibitor to treat hypertension, captopril or Capoten, is derived from snake venom, and that the COVID19 bioengineered virus has a GOF insert that allows it to target the ACE system. For someone who knows anything about science, not you, or rigorous critical thinking, also not you, that was an amusing, and only somewhat plausible disinformation attempt although I was surprised Stew bought it. I only wondered who crafted it.. It didn't go anywhere except in the minds of a few morons like you who don't know much but like to get bogged down in minutiae. You're amusing though, and the Pinto analogy was slightly clever so your undergrad in English, education, or sociology or some such other triviality was of some benefit.
Where is your undeniable evidence of any alleged biological virus?
If you claim that you know what science is, then describe all steps of scientific method?
Also what is rigorous critical thinking according to you?
I am going to expose your pseudointellectuality.
Thanks, but I've enacted a new rule I'm following which is that I will no longer interact with cowards who hide behind screen names who shit post on social media. Beside that, I'm going to be very busy volunteering my considerable skills to an effort by physicians, and attorneys to wage law fare using the crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated. Their plan is brilliant.
The great thing is I couldn't care less whether viruses exist or not, if the earth is flat or round, or whether we really want to the moon or not. None of that impacts my life one wit. If goons showed up tonight to execute me for not taking a eugenics bioweapon, or because I voted for Trump I wouldn't care less. When one truly knows what Truth is, all the idiocy of this human earthly realm is mostly just amusing, but also kind of sad because of how people waste this precious life. I haven't wasted my life.
So far it has been absolutely amazing. I chose an absolutely incredible incarnation with amazingly wise parents, siblings, and an extended family. I've had great relationships with really wonderful women who have taught me so much. I've never wanted to waste much time working for money so I didn't. The Big Pharma gig fell in my lap. I made great money, and worked about 5 hours a day as do most reps. I retired at age 50. I traveled the world, accomplished incredible things for my community in public education, housing, historic preservation, and more.
I've done exactly what I've wanted in this life, and my life keeps getting better. So good on you if viruses don't exist. I couldn't care less. I don't get ill anyway. I haven't seen a physician in well over a decade. I'm in far better physical condition than most men in their twenties, and I'm 60 years old. Best of luck in your life.
The only coward here is you.
And I do not have any issue to spare with you in my local gym because I want to humiliate you physically as well.
Also I want to make sure that you will be judged by people for collaboration with big pharma against humanity. We, people, are going to make sure that you or your family will pay for your crimes.
Also I do not care about your politicians or your fake la la land system.
"The Big Pharma gig fell in my lap. I made great money, and worked about 5 hours a day as do most reps. I retired at age 50. I traveled the world, accomplished incredible things for my community in public education, housing, historic preservation, and more."
Sounds like a boring life filled with mindless consumerism. Just like usurpers-parasites planned for you. What a waste. You have not created any community which is based on antidegenerative principles and you have not fought against your masters.
Exactly. Good honest and accurate answers to those questions. People do like to just assume, because they're conditioned to, that any illness with some or all of the stated symptoms of Covid is indeed Covid. And to believe that you also have to believe all of the other lies starting from at least over a century ago and actually well before that. People just need to have pat answers, easy things to blame that are outside of their control and responsibility. Because if you have control you also have responsibility and that has long since gone out the window, by and large.
Excellent Questions!!
I certainly didn't have you in mind when I wrote it's a word used mostly by washed up hippies. I saw your discussion with Stew Peter's and you don't strike me as a washed up hippie. You're a bright, attractive woman, although you do strike me as someone who is quite sensitive, that can be a good thing, but one who also may let alot of this evil with which we are now living into the psyche which can be damaging. It's difficult not to let it in, but it is important not to and to instead pray. This truly is a spiritual war, and our petitions in the spirit realms are heard, and acted upon.
Sorry, Celia, I only just subscribed and I don't mean to attack. You said something interesting when you said, 'a movement'. Made me think. Possibly, people who are connected and well-known (not an attack: being connected would be great) have that perspective. I do not have that perspective. Be well!
A billion of us for three years in a day-to-day slog against tyranny. Not a movement.
That's seriously funny, and true, except slightly inaccurate.
Yes there is a broadly defined truth movement, and in it are small numbers of narrowly focused nut jobs intent on the idiocy of whether pathogens exist, and cause diseases, or whether humans are causing slight increass in atmospheric temps observed over many decades, or whether the earth is flat or round, or whether the child molestor Nazis filth who started, and run NASA went to the moon, but it is also largely comprised of tens of millions of Americans, all of whom voted to reelect Trump, including record numbers of black, and Latino folks voting for a Republican. It's not fractured, it's not going away, and it's had many failed attempts by the mouth breather morons like Gen. Jones, various CIA goons, that's all CIA hires or uses as contractors, just like most of U.S Armed Services, which are mostly mouth breather morons, trying to manipulate it but failing spectacularly. Many more people are joining this truth movement each day, and it's also global in scale, scope, and it will bring down the criminals running earth.
You just said movement. haha. :)
Trump still wants you to take the injections.
You are describing a movement. Yes. A Trump movement.
And just like everybody who thinks this Venn Diagram is a circle, you assume that all of your "allies" will vote for Trump even as within the Trump movement itself people defect on the injection issue.
I never ever think about Trump.
I began clocking Trump when I realized that Naomi and McCullough were going on Bannon and it was all funneling into Democrats, Democrats, China, China. and there was this giant unspoken elephant in the room.
Nobody was tracking back to Op. Warp Speed of the EUA's or the Executive Order from 2019. Kyle Young (on this thread somewhere) was on this, too.
And I began to see what was going to happen.
And then the raid, and then Kushner is going on Fox and they are still, STILL acting like the injections "saved the country."
::head explodes::
That ain't gonna get a "movement" done, when you still can't get a person to stand up and say, These injections are dangerous.
The giant-unspoken-elephant-in-the-room. I decided to hyphenate it so its one word in case I do a letter-to-the-editor where there's a word limit. There is that Niel Oliver video on "hopeful despair and boiling anger". That's the movement. My boiling anger wants to see some of the bastards just drop dead.
As I remember you are 3 of 20. The elephant will have come home to roost when one of the 17 come to you with that admission.
I am reasonably sure that Claus Schwab, Justin Truedeau, Biden, the Dutch Prime Minister, Macron and (whose that side kick of Cluas'es that talks about useless eaters) are not having this conversation. They want us as slaves, dead, which ever comes first and eating insects.
Keep it simple, PHARMA, FDA, Fauci, Frances Collins, Walensky, Facebook, Twitter, Bill Gates, WHO, want you and all of us out of the picture. Everything else is secondary, and I sleep at night and if I get sick, I will do the FLCCC early treatment.
Anybody of minimal intelligence knows a Venn Diagram is two overlapping circles illustrating A or B with A and B as the intersection. Any asswipe who took basic prob and stats knows that like a middle school child for example.
Nobody cares much whether or not Trump wants anyone to take the eugenics bioweapin or not. The idiots subject to fear based mind control already did, and those who haven't died are largely still Trump supporters. I know many like this. Others, like I who did not take the shot, who disagree with Op Warp Speed, and his signing the CARES Act, and a few other things he did will overlook his mistakes given what he faced. The truth movement isn't going anywhere except up in numbers, up in civic action, including massive law fare, much of which has already had success, intense political activism, also having great success at local, state, and national elected office, and more, and more investigative journalist efforts like Project Veritas. The criminals are fucked, and they know it. It will take time but their days are numbered.
"Nobody cares much whether or not Trump wants anyone to take the eugenics bioweapin or not."
Cool. Do they care if Fauci or Biden wants them to take it?
Fauci is stepping down, and Biden's mandates have been defeated in courts. Trump never mandated the eugenics bioweapon, and suggested HCQ worked, which he said he took, and he's also said he took the bioweapon. The interesting thing is there seems to be a spiritual aspect to whether or not one is st all impacted by the eugenics bioweapon. I know one who died from it, one who was hospitalized, and bounced back and is great, one whose hearing was slightly impacted but us otherwise fine, and many others who are perfectly fine. Most people could care less about what Trump says or does about the bioweapon.
Alright, Dennis. Best of luck with the Truth in Vaccine, errr,,,,RE-elect Trump movement. 👍
People do need to realize that someone that has actually had the vaccine and seem fine, are not fine. They just appear that way for now. One is never fine after any vaccine. And, it's clear that there are/were certain lots that had more disastrous results than others, for whatever reasons.
LOL at eugenics bioweapons.
Such an intellectual like you believes in genetics and deadly germs.
Those are relatively uninteresting. Trump messed up with Op Warp Speed, and he never should have signed the CARES Act. His accomplishments, including waking up billions of people, including many black, and Latino folks, and may billions more worldwide outweigh his faults, and most people couldn't care less about his vax stance. People are moving on past the death, and destruction of Operation COVID19. Many more will die, and teach their loved ones who are also vaxed a lesson about fear based mind control, and many will survive the eugenics bioweapon just fine. Trump kicked off the truth revolution, and it's growing. If he runs in 2024 he'll be re-elected in a larger landslide than in 2020 which was the largest in U.S history.
What is decidedly “idiotic” is to go around “believing” in something that has never been definitively shown to exist and then proceeding to dismiss via ad hominems anyone who questions that belief (i.e., the false, because unproven, premise of SARS-CoV2 viral existence). So who really are the nut jobs here? It continues to baffle me that so many people can’t do the basic reasoning in all this, which is as follows.
The entire Covid "pandemic" is founded on the supposed existence of a virus. But if the virus has never been shown to exist via proper purification and isolation (following Koch’s and River’s postulates), with corresponding SEM images showing said proof of existence, then the beloved “pathogen” that so many want to “believe” in doesn’t in fact exist. It is a lie. And everything that follows (mask-wearing, lockdowns, vaccinations) are based on that lie and thus unnecessary. Christine Massey, to give one example, has shown countless times ( that the evil players who are running this scam, when asked, can show no proof of the existence of the virus.
This is THE critical fact. To dismiss this critical fact is to then side with the psyopers, the maskers, and the vaxxers.
Remember, the burden of proof of the existence of anything in the physical world (from viruses to Big Foot) is on those who make the claim. Which means that if someone says something exists, they must then SHOW that it exists. If instead one’s viral worship is based on believing what the media and TPTB and Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone and a bunch of other “respectable” people (read: controlled ops) say about the virus’s "existence" (with associated "bioweapon" attribution), then that worshipper is simply jumping on the bandwagon of the irrational, unthinking masses through appeals to authority (both logical fallacies). And all THAT does is assist the perpetrators of the crime in perpetuating the lie and introducing any number of “solutions” to a non-existent problem, thereby helping to usher in government tyranny.
I would urge anyone not to be an aider and abettor of (known) criminals.
An Indian team isolated, and sequenced COVID19 and identified 4 or 5 GOF inserts. They published their results in an online, peer-reviewed virology journal the editor of which took their paper down in 1 day likey after receiving tremendous pressure. Thankfully, I am a bioengineer who reads a lot and I came across their study, and read it. They identified one insert from HIV, the pathologies of which have been observed in histology of victims of COVID19 but not as serious as those seen in AIDS victims. Another was an insert having to do with how the virus interacts with the ACE system which is mostly in the lungs. I don't recall what the other inserts were. I know a number of people, including a brother, my sister, an ex girlfriend, and her son, and 2 other people who contracted COVID19. The symptoms are similar to flu, but a bit more severe due to the ACE involvement. The idiocy of those who don't think viruses exist is amusing. They exist, and bioengineered ones are patented. HiIV is a virus also engineered by Fauci. I've read a great deal of Rapaport's work. Some of it is good, some of it is abject idiocy. He's always trying to his moronic "How I Exited the Matrix" stupiditybfor hundreds of dollars. I fail to understand why the kooks who think viruses don't exist draw line at viruses or are there many who are also such nut jobs they think bacteria, mold, and fungi don't exist?
For starters using the inclusion of the 3 Gp-120 sequences from ‘HIV’ as part of the ‘SARS2’ genome as proof that the virus is human made, is a bit of an embarrassing shot in the foot.
In 1989 the Gp-120 ‘HIV’ protein was shown to be a polymer of the cellular protein p40, which is actin, and not ‘viral’ at all.
you can see and smell bacteria, mold and fungi
nut job
There is no undeniable proof of any alleged bio virus nor any alleged genome.
It wasn't a protein, asswipe, it was a base pair sequence from HIV. I won't even comment on that post since its author seemingly doesn't know that base pair sequences only code for proteins, and can be inserted into genomes, so its often impossible to determine their origin, which he claims is not viral. You cannot see bacteria and microscopic pathogens are well established, including viruses, en vitro, and en vivo, to cause a variety of illnesses.
Bozo, you can't even prove what alleged nucleic acids are. Genes, base pairs, genomes are fairy tales.
No alleged bio virus has been ever directly observed in real time nor acquired as an independent variable. It is clear that you do not know what you are talking about.
And IIRC I already kicked your sorry ass arguments on Kirsch's substack before.
Also no one has proven that any bacteria, mold or fungi on its own causes any disease.
I am going to make you a laughingstock again.
BTW "I know a number of people, including a brother, my sister, an ex girlfriend, and her son, and 2 other people who contracted COVID19."
They never got any imaginary COVID. What made them sick is their lifestyle and toxic environment they live in.
Your idiocy is so laughable.
That is a typical response. Why is expecting science to be used to prove a pathogenic contagious virus exists somehow then leading to the erroneous assumption, (accusation actually), that those same people , (nut jobs as you label them), might also claim that bacteria, mold and fungi don't exist? Not a single person that I'm aware of has ever denied the proven existence of bacteria, mold and fungi. Not one. The line is drawn there because that's where the science has failed. But as is typical of your type of erroneous "logic" this is used to once again try to discredit those that have legitimate questions and requirements for scientific proof. It's required for everything else EXCEPT viruses. Isn't that a bit disturbing? And your claims of isolation, inserts and ACE involvement is nonsense and everyone that actually studies that in detail and can think will see that. Why on earth people keep insisting they "had Covid" because they were sick is just beyond understanding. There is some need for people to belong to that "Covid" illness group. Their is no "idiocy" about seeing the real reasons people get sick and requiring the same level of scientific proof of a pathogenic virus as is required for every other claim. Again, claiming that Rappoport's works are often "abject idiocy" shows your complete lack of true understanding, comprehension and the ability to open your mind and see the world as it is and not how you've been led to believe it is and need it to be.
Yes, very well put.
Having covid is a badge of honour somehow. Like being part of all the excitement
The issue is with cognitive standards. Start asking people about them and you will see that the most of them have abysmal cognitive standards. And it is due to systemic indoctrination and brainwashing.
None of those that question viruses think that bacteria mold and fungi don't exist.
You're misinformed.
They state that bacteria mold etc are not the cause of the sickness, but a result of it.
How about you brush up on the polio story... And then come back and say you still think it was caused by a virus
I couldn't care less what caused paralysis of the supposed Polio epidemic. The state of the art of epidemiology, pathology, immunology,, histology, virology, genetics, and imaging, were in their infancy then so if it wasn't a virus I couldn't care less.
It's beyond well established how viruses, and other microscopic pathogens cause diseases.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Yeardon formerly of Pfizer, Dr. Malone, and numerous other people with extensive bench skills in the labs have done amazing work to educate the public. They know viruses exist, how they're genetically engineered, how they cause illness, how both the human immune system, and various therapeutics can block cell entry, replication, etc.
I'm glad I got my undergrad in bioengineering, and studied on my own for an entire year quantitative genetics as I was considering a Ph.D. in that field. I made good money pushing drugs for the criminals at Big Pharma. They do develop amazing meds too, and I did get amazing training in antivirals, which I sold, antibiotics, which I sold, anticonvulsant, ACE inhibitors, and numerous other therapeutic classes.
The clinical presentations of COVID19 are quite obvious, and a brother, my sister, a former girlfriend, her son, and a couple I know all got it. The ACE system involvement makes a differential diagnosis from influenza quite trivial just based upon presentation alone, not to mention it's not seasonal as is influenza.
The nitwits arguing either viruses don't exist, or cause illness, or that COVID19 hasn't been isolated, and sequenced are crack pots. COVID19 was isolated, and sequenced. It's amusing to read their idiocy but it would be great if just one of them knew basic genetics, virology, microbiology, histology, or any of the other life sciences. They don't, and they're nutters.
"I couldn't care less what caused paralysis of the supposed Polio epidemic. The state of the art of epidemiology, pathology, immunology,, histology, virology, genetics, and imaging, were in their infancy then so if it wasn't a virus I couldn't care less."
You like your state of the art pseudoscience, don't you?
"It's beyond well established how viruses, and other microscopic pathogens cause diseases."
Established by consensus not by scientific experiment. LOL
"Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Yeardon formerly of Pfizer, Dr. Malone, and numerous other people with extensive bench skills in the labs have done amazing work to educate the public. They know viruses exist, how they're genetically engineered, how they cause illness, how both the human immune system, and various therapeutics can block cell entry, replication, etc."
LOL again. They do not even know how to do proper science and Yeadon changed his mind about alleged bio viruses.
"I'm glad I got my undergrad in bioengineering, and studied on my own for an entire year quantitative genetics as I was considering a Ph.D. in that field. I made good money pushing drugs for the criminals at Big Pharma. They do develop amazing meds too, and I did get amazing training in antivirals, which I sold, antibiotics, which I sold, anticonvulsant, ACE inhibitors, and numerous other therapeutic classes."
Thanks for officially confirming of being a shill.
"The clinical presentations of COVID19 are quite obvious, and a brother, my sister, a former girlfriend, her son, and a couple I know all got it. The ACE system involvement makes a differential diagnosis from influenza quite trivial just based upon presentation alone, not to mention it's not seasonal as is influenza."
There is no presentation of any new disease. And people you mentioned were affected by their own lifestyle and toxic environment.
Also you do not have a clue what processes occur on nano levels.
"The nitwits arguing either viruses don't exist, or cause illness, or that COVID19 hasn't been isolated, and sequenced are crack pots. COVID19 was isolated, and sequenced. It's amusing to read their idiocy but it would be great if just one of them knew basic genetics, virology, microbiology, histology, or any of the other life sciences. They don't, and they're nutters."
I like destroying idiocrats like you. Also you can't isolate a disease called COVID19. Thus you debunked yourself. And even if there was a particle for isolation, there is no tools and methods to do this.
And you can't sequence something, if you can't even prove existence of such structures.
Your idiocy is epic here.
Your pseudosciences are laughable to those who have solid cognitive standards.
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. You are so ignorant of all of the fields you mention, and in thinking that virology is somehow a science, and that genetics plays the part you seem to think it does. The more you comment the more clear it is just how either ignorant and full of yourself you are, or how much you are being used to further the lies. The fact that you are using Mikovits and Malone as examples is also telling. Did you see Yeadon admitting that now he knows that respiratory viruses do not exist as he had been taught and thought and also that he is now not even sure that any viruses exist? Why would he say that when he has nothing to gain and an awful lot to lose? Well, maybe because he has some working brain cells left and at his age is not afraid to stand for truth and admit where he had been deceived as well. And most upstanding people do not call people names in order to get a point across. You seem to be a real pro at that.
Thank you I'd not seen this piece before, very well written.
One had a choice not to buy a pinto. This is mandating the removal of seat belts. But your point is no less explosive.😅 there was never a movement. Just angry nodes who joined a walking club. Now with purity tests and rituals. "She wears Saucony!"
Trump would never flip on mandates. No way.
I'm just kidding. Who knows whether the Donald would have flipped on mandates, is the point.
But this is THE go to plank to steadfastly remain loyal to Dear Leader for the dear followers.
Brains are exploding.
We are getting too much flak: either we are over the target, or there are too many anti-aerial guns everyfuckingwhere.
Yes, all of these "movements" are completely shattered. As a bystander, interested in JFK, for example, I realize that all the researchers hate each other. So you can't pick one and stick with them. You have to think for yourself and read a lot. I don't know if the virus exists, was engineered, or was accidentally leaked, or what, but I don't care about that as much as I can see how it was used to destroy us. We the people can see that. We'll never know the truth about state secrets, ever. We can debate until the cows come home, and we should. It's a mystery. But we can still fight for freedom for all, and try to teach and learn from each other. Ego is an ugly thing, and these conditions are ripe for know-it-alls and bullies to shout the quieter ones out of the room. I reserve judgement. I read Steve and Celia and love them both, and I don't care if the virus exists, and I don't need to know right now. We should join forces on the things we can agree on, and win the war, then we can argue about the details. Millions of lives are at stake.
THIS. Thank you !
PS One thing that bothers me about some writing in this "movement", is that they are shilling for Republicans. Even to a point of posting links to donate on their Substack articles. I would be wary. Not that I am triggered by Republicans. I always thought it would be great if Republicans attacked Obama from the left. But they didn't. They are doing so now, a bit, with Biden. But we can see how Obama betrayed his own base (he privately used not wanting to "end up like Dr. King" as an excuse), and Republicans are likely to do the same. They are all likely controlled with metadata, as Harari bragged about publicly. So I don't think we should put all our faith in either corporate party. A lot of time can be lost...
Probably yeah, and please note that most of the various anointed leaders are rich.
They hang out on yachts and travel the world for example, and hobnob with famous people.
It is good and bad. Bad because they can steal the movement with their money and then cut a deal with the criminals later. Good, because it takes money to defeat money and they have it.
Glad you bring that up. I think too often people forget that the vast majority DO not fall for this nonsense and while they may not all realize the depth of the deceit and how long it's been going on and just how much of their daily lives have been affected through the years, they do know they are being used, abused, controlled, lied to, and are not complying. It's easy to think we are outnumbered, (which is in the plan, of course), due to what is perceived as such a large number of posts and videos and newscasts and headlines and forums and so forth and so on that are drummed into awareness seem to indicate. It is, however, simply not true. There are millions more of those that do know and won't accept it anymore than there are that are still in the dark, weak, scared, and timid. The illusion of great numbers of people that are in support of mandates, vaccines, medical protocols, lockdowns, more government control, gun control, etc., is just that, an illusion. Some are most certainly concentrated in some cities but they are still, overall, the minority and they are shrinking, daily. Do not be fooled, people, do not be fooled. We are the strong, the majority, the movers and the shakers, and the ones creating a new reality. We are the powerful.
Steer clear of petty bickering, pay it no mind. Truth has an unmistakable ring. Keep pedaling.
3 succinct sentences. Nailed it.
Right there with you. I've been suspicious of Steve's million dollar offers since day one, but stuck around for his learning curve. The last post threw me completely. Jon Rappoport had my respect before the current medical cartel gambit and he'll continue to have it after. If people are only questioning this 'virus' they haven't done enough research, imho. Thank you, Celia for all you've done and continue to do.
Steve Kirsch has taken two jabs of the COVID-19 vaccine. So, if your thinking he has street cred, think again.
Sometimes street cred is more valuable than college degrees and money. I work in the biggest mail sorting facility in the world located in Jersey City. It employs around 4k workers. Most Hispanics and Blacks in my facility did not take the shot, myself included. Most of us “uneducated blue-collar anti-vax low life’s” became very suspicious of all the free krispy cremes, free beer, free lottery nonsense. We’ve seen it before. There is no such thing as “FREE.” The black community has the Tuskegee experiments. Puertoricans like myself know how the Rockefeller Institute (very invested in promoting the shot) funded Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, who boasted how he intentionally injected cancer cells into Puertorricans. Cornelius Rhoads was the first director of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. We trust no one.
Agree wholeheartedly! Degrees, more often than not, mean indoctrination and closed minds. I'm sure that will set people on fire here, but it's quite observable. I'm very impressed by your critical thinking and using history to also make decisions, wisely. It's amazing so many simply cannot or will not do just that.
I agree. I find it amazing that Steve was rejected by his former clique, he was then welcomed by us, but then proceeds to try and tell a large portion of us that we are idiots (I enjoyed Wugh’s talk and I whole heartedly agree with Cowan et al).
Besides, what is that definition of insanity? I’m so tired of hearing Steve’s bla bla bla about how no one wants to debate him.
Who is this "us" that you refer to?
Be explicit.
How much "change" is a "clique" going to generate?
The “us” is his audience on Substack. We come from all different backgrounds (al lot of “anti-vax”, anti-mandate, and a number of no-virus people).
I’m not sure what you mean about the clique. When I said he was rejected by his clique I meant all the pro-vaxxers that go ballistic if you question vaccine safety.
So then the "us" is just people who are looking for truth and reality?
Because that is very messy. Very messy. And none of us are elite scientists, I'm guessing, so we are arguing Batman vs. Superman shit.
Or people who are looking for belongingness in a "group", or "movement"?
I can tell you that most of the people yammering about "we" are the first ones to run for the hills when you cross one of their boundaries of inclusion.
That boundary might be Trump, or not a virus, or...Democrats...but the "we" is an illusion.
All I meant to say is that Steve insults a large portion of his audience. I obviously don’t understand the complexity of words like “we” or “us”. Please excuse my faux-pas, I’m no author on Substack.
Steve insulting a large portion of his audience as you say is a function of highly competitive combative people who like to win.
On the one hand, it may ruffle some fee-fees sometimes.
On the other hand, this is also how you get a guy who goes on Fox News and sets shit on fire.
The two go together.
"We" is everybody involved.
Thank you for this. Breathtaking.
I just dropped off Steve Kirsch's substack once he made that full on, irrational, attack on others. If he really took the shots, which I doubt now that he or Malone did, then both would be focused on saving themselves by investing in research scientists and labs doing transparent work to expose the contents of the "vaccine" vials.
Neither of them are doing that...or really trying to save lives by investing in such projects as La Quinta Columna and a few German scientist, and the Malaysians, are doing. These two men, if for real, would have rushed to create such transparent research to save their own lives and the lives of others.
They have not, because they are not -- for real, i.e., genuinely telling the truth about their positions and aims in becoming leading influencers in the current COVID "vaccine" field. So many conflicts of interest, monetarily, in the histories of these two men -- if their histories are even accurate. Who knows?
Well, he says he has, and, originally, I believed him. However, Malone says he took the first two jabs, too. Now, if both those men, with all their money (from stock shares and patents, esp. in Malone's case, if he's for real) really had taken a mysterious, now exposed as harmful -- even deadly, unknown contents, bioweapon into their bodies, you'd think that both of them would have joined forces (they speak together, in person, too) to invest in qualified research scientists and a proper lab to investigate the contents of these "vaccines" and expose these mysterious contents to the world -- to actually start the process of truth-telling where it counts, saving lives by exposing the ingredients and their potential effects (and aims).
If they did that, they would prevent people from taking these mystery, risky, shots (including children), and be at the ground floor of trying to reverse the ill effects of these shots once the contents were recognized, shared, and verified. I no longer trust anyone who says they took these shots, who is rich and is not investing in seeking the truth, directly, through their own sponsored, direct, transparent, research.
If they really took these experimental, mystery, shots, they would be focused on saving their own lives, and their families lives, too -- and they're obviously not focused on the contents of these injections, oddly, except to distract and divert to lesser, possibly, fake issues of modified RNA in the shots -- but neither of these men, not stupid, are appropriately focused on the deadly adjuvants, chemicals, and other synthetic substances that La Quinta Columna is exposing in the vaccine vials from all manufacturers to date. Why?
Yes, so far, Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, is sincere, knowledgeable, courageous, and also doesn't claim to have taken any of the bioweapon shots.
I agree with you that, particularly in this situation since 2019, no provable, live, isolated, shared virus existed or exists now. There is no accurate test for such, as the PCR tests are non-diagnostic for a specific pathogen and totally unreliable anyway. However, I think that you should also open your mind to the possibility that there was indeed a pathogen spread in those early months, and maybe over the last two years, perhaps, a biological, likely bacterial pathogen, spread to people -- who were vulnerable, stressed perhaps with hard work, or with other complicating physical conditions. This group, many of them, also took the senior flu shot of the late 2019/early 2020 period, or later that year, and seemed to get cold/respiratory symptoms after these shots.
Also, one must seriously consider why Dr. Fauci, through his control of the medical response protocols in a heavy handed, unprecedented, dictatorial fashion, dictated through hospital administrators, pressured by insurance companies, and using pharma records & the medical records of doctors actually treating patients, these doctors, whether in the hospital, office, or home, treating patients, were not allowed to offer the decades long normal standards of care for suspected pneumonias and/or resistant/persistent moderate to high fevers over 3 days with flu-like symptoms, that were not improving w/o oral antibiotics.
The first basic treatment, which could be ordered by phone, was always, for decades, even with suspected haemophilus influenzae, was erythromycin that later became a more easily treatable, fewer stomach discomfort symptoms, drug, in its synthetic version of Z-Pac. Dr. Zev Zelenko used this drug quite effectively, very early on, in oral prescription form for his patients. None of whom died in early 2020 with such treatments. (Of course, he also used doxycycline and/or penicillin based drugs if patients were sensitive to the Z-Pak/Erythromycin.)
So, not only is Dr. Fauci guilty of pushing terminal ventilator care, prematurely, on patients allowed to sicken without proper, normal standards of care treatments in hospitals, and his own use of the proven to be deadly drugs of his own patented creations, Dr. Fauci (not a practicing physician) is guilty of medical malpractice by exceeding his authority as Trump's appointee to handle the crisis; but, I would argue, as would many, including RFK, Jr., more elaborately, precisely, and eloquently, that Dr. Fauci should be criminally prosecuted for the murder of thousands of people, in the very least, with his coercive tactics and totalitarian deadly protocols directly under his supervision and mandates.
I don’t care if you think the vaccine snatches up children in the night and drags them through air vents like the movie Aliens. All I care about is if you’re against forced medical procedures, everyone else is an enemy.
Go to war. The man on your left is there because his daddy was in the army. The guy on the right wanted free college, the guy behind you is a flaming liberal and wants to be surrounded by men. Who cares. There’s an enemy, and he ain’t us.
Yeah well, it was a hypothetical statement. Can you tell me what color pants they were wearing too?
Johnny wrote: go to war against people who are forcing children to get vaccinated. Why is that wrong?
BB King sang that his mother said she loved him but “ even she might be jivin”! Ronald Reagan said we need to “trust but verify” when speaking about Gorbachev (God rest his soul) Dylan wrote that “they are tearing down the distance between right and wrong”. And the most published and hated book in history said “woe to them that call evil good and good evil”….all you can do is keep writing what you believe the truth is and try to verify and point out those who are jivin. And if you screw up….apologize.
Thanks for that piece of honesty Celia.
As I said in Sage Hanna's piece earlier today, someone is doing a fine job of sowing seeds of confusion.
The thing I keep coming back to on this issue is the fact that if the existence of viruses comes into question by a large percentage of the medical profession, then the entire Rockefeller-medical-industrial-vaccine complex will be brought to its knees. A whole lot of money and power at stake there.
That's why, to me, Mike Yeadon is a hero. Not only did he, like Kirsch and Malone, et al, come out early against the shot (actually way earlier than them), but NOW he's admitting he's doubting, yes that the "virus" even is a THING after all. A brave man of integrity.
Few things are as beautiful as a man saying he has changed his mind and his former position was not as correct as his new position and why he made the change. so human.
I agree.
Mike Yeadon is not doubting virus! He said 'RESPIRATORY' viral infections<0>causing colds, flu, Covid 19
It remains a huge step out of the orthodoxy because it calls into question the idea of contagion.
Wrong. He also said that he is now not sure that ANY pathogenic virus exists.
Looking through my saved files and will post as soon as I locate it.
In his interview with Hearts of Oak, Yeadon states in a couple of places "if viruses even exist", and "I'm not even sure Marburg virus exists", and then "respiratory viruses do not exist as I thought" , etc. I think all he needs to crack the entire virus bs from beginning of history is to complete his research into how each virus was fudged and layered one upon the other. "Turtles All the Way Down" I believe does just that although I have yet to read it. "Virus Mania", "Contagion Myth", "What Really Makes You Ill" and even "The Invisible Rainbow" covers it all very well. I imagine he will follow through with his investigation as he clearly has integrity and a conscience.
Thank you for the update!
Saw that. Yes, given the times, very brave.
Sad, that Steve Kirsch became obvious as a troubled human being and/or a fake of some kind. Truly, with all his money he claims to offer interviewers, why, if he and Dr. Malone really took the first two shots, hasn't he hired independent, competent, researchers, to study the vials of these "injections" to discover the contents, verify them, and prove to the world, their contents.
No, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Malone, and many of those people who've claimed to have taken the shots, if they really had taken genuine injections of unknown substances, they (with their means) would have already studied the contents, with experts, to discover the potential risks and harm involved with them.
This logic alone leads me to believe that ANYONE, who claims to have taken these shots, of this "truther" or "quester" movement, who is not desperately trying to discover the fake "vaccines'" contents --with hired, independent, qualified, researchers and well-equipped labs, and share, the contents with the public to save lives being lost daily, is a fraud!
Sadly, just like Steve Kirsch, Dr. Malone, and even other doctors who've claimed to have taken the shots, but waste time on public diversions and distractions -- taking away from proving the genuine contents and, thus, the likely intents of the shots, cannot be for real, without verifiable proof from credible lab work -- unless they've all lost the ability to think rationally about self preservation (which would be convenient, wouldn't it?)
It's easy to spend other people's money, especially using hindsight, so I'll make a general complaint building on your point, because I've felt something similar: So much of the criticism of the mRNA shots is theoretical, but there is hardly any original research.
An example is the recent post by Arkmedic (a valuable researcher) making a great case that changes caused by the mRNA get passed on in mice from generation to generation. The point is made that the same thing could happen in humans.
So test it! I asked about the difficulty, and Arkmedic said it would be simple to do. Instead of a rich person offering to pay off a med students bills if they will do a debate, how about pay to do this test to see if babies of vaccinated mothers have evidence of DNA changes?
Instead, a concerning point is raised, and then disappears when the next big thing comes up, and everyone forgets it.
I can think of other examples:
-the mRNA makes changes to blood cells. So get 500 people who have been vaccinated and take a look.
-the mRNA, or something, gets excreted in the breath of vaccinated people (I personally have noticed this enough that I believe it). So test it!
-about 30% of people have sub-clinical heart problems. OK, pay for 1,000 people to do blood tests and prove it/confirm it.
I credit Dr. Malone for giving me intellectual support in avoiding the shots, but I have the same frustration with him. He would raise a theoretical concern about what the mRNA could be doing, and then a few hours later go and Tweet about something else. He has the resources and knowledge to test his own blood - why not do it?
I am still waiting for someone to prove existence of alleged base pair structures in what is declared as nucleic acids.
It's interesting just how much is actually still not proven and/or acknowledged in mainstream, such as DNA being what it's be touted as being, the actual components of a cell and several other inconvenient truths. The advent of more "advanced" equipment and processes has often just obscured the truth even more.
Through all those lies, usurpers-parasites control the masses.
Agree completely! I don't understand why people continue to make excuses for Kirsch and Malone and the like. These guys are sometimes this and sometimes that and halfway this and halfway that and Kirsch is downright intentionally deceitful, and in a bullying sort of way. Malone has his own smooth talking deceitful stance. The only thing I can guess is that many people can't stand the thought of their allegiance to someone turning out to be misplaced. Time to grow up, people.
I read Jon’s “rebuttal” today...outstanding! LMAO!
Yes it was. Jon doesn't care, pays it no mind. Me, I got all depressed.
Do some of his imaginative imagination exercises. :)
Or think of what Jack True might say!
I honestly dont know the specifics on the whole virus/no virus debate, but i have read Steve stuff refuting the hypothesis.
Cant let this stuff get between us—we are all fighting the same government/pharma companies. Worry about whether or not you can isolate the virus after most of the world finds out they have been tricked into getting dangerous experimental garbage put in their bodies.
I know Kirsch can be abrasive, but hes fighting hard on the right side of this.
I know that. I have always been his ardent supporter. Right now lots of dark energy all of a sudden.
I think people have to understand that even if 'germ theory' is found to be wanting, it's going to take a helluva lot of disproving. To dismiss viruses altogether is a MONUMENTAL paradigm shift -- but this kind of shift can only come with serious evidence to change the minds of people who have assumed viral/germ theories to have been foundational.
Can you talk some sense into him then perhaps? Someone should... I'm not seeing dark as I am "Middle School." It may be he's just plain ornery or frustrated (aren't we all?) being too caught up in his tireless work to stop, look, listen and try to understand the potential harms done by making enemies of those that should be allies.
ego invites such.
Steve has never proven his claims. Thus he failed to refute anything.
Reading some of the comments here: look, Malone and Kirsch and others have done a great job educating people. Kirsch has complied stories of vaccine-injuries seen by medical personnel-- that's not nothing. Malone has written many illuminating articles, although how he personally has the time to do all that is a real question: they're really good and well-researched. But he just might be a very bright person with some help from others.
Just because someone believes in viruses doesn't mean they're a bad person. So far, I believe in viruses although the comments here do make me think.
The work to be done is massive. The focus should be on defending individual self-determination against those who would take it away from us, for the supposed 'greater good.'
So this is why I think that the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming might be part of the plan to subdue humanity to the technocratic vision: this theory supplies the moral justification for a collectivism necessary to save the planet, a collectivism ('we're all in this together') that would be the death of self-determination. This theory is the very basis for Schwab's vision that he sets out in his two latest books: we must do what he says (according to his Great Narrative) to save the planet. This theory is the unquestioned foundational premise of his Great Reset Great Narrative.
So in a way, I think the real enemy isn't Covid-19 or massive government corruption, but the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming which will undoubtedly serve as justification for emergency measures in the future-- what, we have only nine years left, and soon we'll have no time at all? It's time for a Great Reset! Already in Europe bizarre government strictures are being imposed to 'save the planet.'
It seems that many people understand the fraud of Covid-19 but many, like RFK, Jr., are completely blind to the fraud of the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming. Yet this theory is waiting in the wings, ready to justify emergency and urgent measures that are absolutely necessary to prevent a burning, hellish planet, and just coincidentally destroy any remaining vestiges of self-determination and personal freedom.
Nothing is happening. There's no evidence at all in balloon data, from thousands of balloons launched twice each day, that CO2 is impacting the atmosphere at all. So where is it? Where is this mysterious heating or trapping or congestion or choking of emissions? Nowhere to be seen.
When we recognize the fraud of the theory of catastrophic warming, this by analogy helps us to see other frauds that have been perpetrated in the name of Science. In my view, recognizing this foundational fraud is crucial to any awakening that any of us hope for. If we fail on that one, it really doesn't matter what else happens: we'll eventually be forced to act for the collective greater good to save the planet from a threat that doesn't exist. The Great Reset wins.
There is no proof of any venom.
Look at Dennis O'Neill, above. Preening about his career and money selling Pharma poisons. Absolutely certain he's right about Covid because his ex girlfriend and brother got sick. And he knows a little about "histology and virology." Fevered egos as Bill Hicks said.
The truth never dies.
The truth movements have always been infiltrated .
The media's narrative has always been lies.
You either see the truth, ie are not in the grip of fear and so have the ability to reason or you get hooked into the egoic dialect( us vs them) , emotive BS and the non sequiturs.
No need to feel " deflated" .
They would like a meme that said the truth movement died.
The truth is out there and less people believe the one narrative .
It is alive and kicking.
There is a higher movement that is happening and that is an evolutionary movement away from the fear paradigm to a shift to love.
Fear is not who we are.
And it is notable in fear we loose the ability to reason.
Beware those that take the media metaverse as reality it is the opposite.
Do not judge how a truth movement is doing based on what the media tells you. Big mistake.
Peace, truth and Love.
For me, the "movement" began and ended in the period of February 2020 (Rappoport), March 2020 (Kaufman), April/May 2020 (Icke). By the summer of 2020 I really didn't need any more PARTICULAR information. I didn't need the Baileys, Cowan (and his unicorns), Kirsch and his MILLIONS, Coppolino, Tenpenny and her posse, et al. (Definitely didn't need Malone, whoever he is)
I had that triumvirate mentioned above-- and MAN, did my "penny drop" (as Icke puts it). Like after Plato, everything else is a footnote.
Please, let's not write the obituary just yet for the movement that will be necessary for rescuing humanity from COVIDmania / Mr. Global.
There is a 3rd way that you did not mention:. As one far side blusters that disease is all terrain, and that viruses do not exist because they say so, while the other side blusters that they have proven the presence of viruses in all diseases that are blamed.on viruses, the truth seems to be in between. Terrain is certainly a major factor in disease. Those who live on junk food are usually tired and seem, from my perspective practicing medicine for 15 years, to be the ones with more chronic disease. That's terrain, where viruses are not so relevant. On the other hand, all primary care providers see "the special of the week" over and over again. One week lots of people have "a weird stomach bug.." Next time it's the sniffles. All without any identifiable local pollutant. Shingles appears in outbreaks. Ditto measles and chickenpox and mumps, and all appear with distinct features. This happens without any virus-denier even suggesting a particular pollutant, much less proving its presence.
The most plausible scenario for what is considered infectious disease is the presence of microbes exploiting vulnerable terrain in those who already have health vulnerability.
But this doesn't mean that those of brittle oversized egos should be allowed to destroy a necessary movement with their mutually directed insults and grandstanding .
I say, Let's ignore that debate. It's an unnecessary and potentially self-defeating distraction..
Brilliantly expressed Dr. Huber. I regret overstating and calling the movement dead. I will go back and edit that. I totally agree that the truth is ...can I say "quantum?" It contains all sides in some way.
I'm fine with most people ignoring the so called debate. Some need to explore things. I do my best to persuade them to not be jerks to doctors on the side of medical freedom.
Just exploring things and learning along the way will reduce the anxiety of the victims of the many psyops we are under, and will make them better prepared to withstand the next attack. We need to advance in our autonomy or self-regulation. A skirmish like this is a good place for some people to start questioning and learning.
Just to be clear, I am 100% on the side of medical freedom, on record as advocating strenuously for it since 2001, still as a student, even with threats to my medical license over that time, even to the point of being one of the many single issue voters on this. In fact, medical freedom is so very essential that it must be upheld *regardless* of any microbe. Not to be waved away with lockdowns, masks, vaccine mandates, regardless of how scary some find a virus, fungus, bacterium or other to be.
"Let's ignore that debate." 100%, Dr. Huber.
You are not portraying the virus issue correctly. First, even saying there is "one side" and then "the other side" you are clouding the issue. This isn't about sides, it's about science and what happens in real lives, whether human, animal or plant. The "one far side" doesn't "bluster" that viruses don't exist "because they say so". How irresponsible of you. However, the "other side" does just that in reverse as there has never been any science able to prove the existence of any pathogenic virus that can cause disease. Not all diseased conditions are "blamed" on the terrain, but rather that is a very major factor in how the body reacts to the environment. Certain poisons and toxins will create disharmony on some level and yes, the condition of the terrain plays a part in that, absolutely. The environment includes everything, which people like to overlook, and that includes not just your diet, your water supply, your sun exposure and exercise and exposure to toxins but also your toxic thoughts, past traumas, perceptions and the like. Abbreviating these to support your beliefs is unprofessional. "This happens without any virus-denier even suggesting a particular pollutant, much less proving it's presence. Seriously? First, using the term "virus-denier" is again both unprofessional and a clear attempt to label and segregate. There are many things yet unproven but those that are waiting for such proof are not labelled as deniers of said subject. Second, no one needs suggest a "particular pollutant, much less proving it's presence" because no one is making a claim and has repeatedly stated that there is no ONE cause of these groups of symptoms, which is what they are. Additionally, through the years there have been many particular pollutants identified as causing these very symptoms. One only needs to do actual research and real reading to see what has been attempted to stay hidden from public exposure.
I sincerely hope that you are not a practicing NMD.
Who are you to talk, you're just a country bumpkin.
Coleen Huber is a very good NMD. You should inform yourself better before attacking people.
Be nice.
Ha ha ha. Good is a relative term. I am incredibly well informed and apparently Huber is not quite so much. The problem with NMD's , which is not entirely across the board but mostly, is that while they use "natural" methods, they usually still subscribe to the main tenets of mainstream medicine of the last hundred years or so which is a mistake. While intentions may be honorable, the results, nonetheless, are less than the best.
If your purpose is to persuade, you are doing it wrong.
As I have stated before, after decades of doing it the "right " way, I have opted out of spoon feeding, soft pedaling, easy does it, don't offend type of responses. Those get no traction either. Any professional of any intelligence and motivation has no excuse not to know the actual truths of how our physical and energetic bodies work, along with the mental and emotional components and how any and all dis-ease should be addressed. This especially includes NMDs! I am not trying to persuade anyone of anything but rather put a thorn in their side so they will actually build up enough gusto to go out and prove me wrong! In the process they will find that indeed I am correct and they still have much to learn. Do I know it all? Absolutely not! Do I think there is always more to learn? A resounding YES! Am I careful who and what and where I look? Yes! Do I have enough years of experience to have the intuition to "know" when something is on the mark? Yes. It's a process and one everyone should undertake wherever they are starting, but especially professionals that are in the health field because others are relying on them to be the "experts" and that is more often than not simply not the case.
We already had this discussion before. People's wellbeing depends on their lifestyle and environment they live in.
There is no proof of any alleged biological virus. They have never been observed directly in real time nor acquired as an independent variable.
Also no one has proven that any microbe on its own causes any disease.
And because you see symptoms, it does not mean that you know what caused them. This means that the same symptoms can be caused by many things.
Yes, we have had this discussion before, in which you never backed up your allegation "can be caused by many things" with any one (not even one!) specific thing that has more concrete evidence behind it than HZV, measles or SARS-COV-2, all of which have abundant evidence, some of which I cited for you many months ago. You waste everyone's time insisting that everyone accept your viewpoint, for which you offer no evidence at all.
I backed up all my claims.
None of viruses you claim to exist have been directly observed in real time or acquired as independent variables for verification purposes.
That is why you are unable to provide such evidence.
And yes, you are wasting everyone's time with your unsubstantiated claims.
And you ignore patients' lifestyles and environment they live in.
Colleen, you are now starting to embarrass your profession as well as yourself. What you have just said is not only non-scientific but laughably ludicrous and explicitly false. Kordelas has given correct and complete answers but you seem unable to comprehend what he/she is saying.
I agree: who cares whether viruses exist? It's an irrelevant exercise in obscurantism.
This is a struggle against global totalitarianism. We must all recognize that duh dweadful deadwy virwus is only a stage prop.
It just doesn't matter if duh dweadful deadwy virwus is fully imaginary, is the common flu, or is the new Black Plague. Doesn't matter. Cybernetic totalitarianism is still unacceptable. The Covid Atrocities are still atrocities.
"It's an irrelevant exercise in obscurantism." I tend to agree. Almost. PRECISELY, most days. I go back and forth. I think it's the way men (and women, but primarily men) of the LEFT act out their protesistism. They can't cope with the larger beast. NWO. Great Reset. Formerly "Communism." They never saw THAT elephant. I mean since the 50s, 60's 70s....Never.
They are all "men of the left." This is the theme of a post I never posted last night. I was too raw and angry. They're LEFTISTS. All the AIDS dissidents. Most of the Covid frontline fighters. Except a few.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. It is NOT irrelevant and as others have stated here is why. Whether people can handle the whole truth or not, and that is their choice, it MUST be presented. And it is very relevant because people must see that these lies, lies that have ruled their lives, their parents lives, their children's lives, future generations , and actually quite far back in history, are the basis for everything. Once the virus lie is exposed fully, and people realize that so much was based on that, so much devastation, so much harm, so much control and misuse of authority, so much physical and emotional harm and trauma, so much death and disability, then they will be able to see through the rest of the lies as well, hopefully. One can believe that maybe 9/11 wasn't what they said, that school shootings are not what they say, that the Federal Reserve is not Federal, that CDC is not a federal health agency, and so forth,, but until they see the deepness and the severity of the deceit, the intent, and the careless disregard all the agencies and people involved have/had for human life and dignity, they will continue to be slaves, continue to lose their freedoms granted by birth, and continue to raise children that believe the same.