Hi Celia! Your piece on Peter Duesberg brought back the frustration, pain and anger I experienced as a Registered Pharmacist and a member of the gay community in the 80’s when I first heard the “news releases” from Gallo and Fauci and Ho claiming that testing positive for HIV Antibodies guaranteed a persons “death from AIDs” when of course all previous knowledge in the immunology field said that having the antibodies conveyed immunity! I would scream at the TV as they twisted science around their little fingers to drive the gay community and then the World crazy with fear and loathing! When AZT came into the store where I worked in West Los Angeles with a “Skull and Crossbones” on the package insert warning the pharmacists not to open the bottles nor touch the capsules for fear of acute poisoning my heart sank and I had to dispense this poison prescribed by the AIDS Quacks and watch these young men die ..usually it took 2 to 3 months as it destroyed their bone marrow and vital organs! This became “The AIDS Epidemic” or “AIDS by Prescription” as Neville Hodgkinson wrote. Many of these young men were friends who I tried to warn against AZT but most thought I was crazy and I would watch them die with them believing they had AIDS instead of being poisoned to death! I would go to gay bars and try to tell anyone I would meet about what was going on but end up in an argument with them being abusive and became an outcast. I thought I was the only one who believed like I did until I ran into one or two gay men who also saw thru it and heard about Christine Maggiore in LA and managed to contact her and she asked me to speak to her group about AZT which I did on several occasions and thats when I heard about Peter and it was like finding a long lost friend though I never met him face to face and by that time the Gallo/Fauci Freight Train was busy running back and forth on him and all of us! When I saw Trump hand Fauci the microphone I knew we were in BIG TROUBLE.. I actually called Peter in his lab once jusf to hear his voice and offer encouragement and he was very kind and deferential and reminded me of some of my professors at Purdue University when I was there in the Sixties. I later joined the Committee for the Reappraisal of HIV/AIDS and any other similar group. It was about that Time I think I read your article in Rolling Stone too! Anthony Fauci is a Satanic individual, responsible for death and destruction wherever he goes and a nemesis to all that is good! Thank you Dear for your perseverance and honesty and I pray for retribution for all those lives of friends we knew and loved and lost to his evil ways!
Good on ya, mate. It must have been a nightmare having to live through that Holocaust and here we are again with the covidiocy and great contrived divide of society through medical apartheid.
Iatrogenicide - it’s the only word for this profiteering eugenics social engineering experiment.
So good to have your voice added to this...Press on, please. People can hear you now... Evolution is painfully slow, but you are still here and your message is more weighty, timely and relevant than before...Who could have guessed. Grateful for you!
Great! Very important and timely topic. Understanding what happened with HIV is the key to understanding what is happening now. Just wrote this in a newsletter I sent out earlier today. synchronicity!
Well that is a shame for those of us that do not use Kindle. Could you produce it as a PDF and charge a fee to get a copy?? I do not like Kindle and I know many others that don't like it either. I like real books.
Karen, point taken. I have abandoned that Kindle idea. For now, publishing chapters here...then will advance toward a book when/as it all comes together. Thank you!
I'm not a Joe Rogan fan (I have my reasons why I never watch his show); and I'm also somewhat dubious of his recent guest, Robert Malone, inventor of the deadly, human-maiming, Nazi-like mRNA technology. I haven't put my finger on Malone yet.
Maybe I just don't care for the quasi celebrity aspect to all of this. Well before his ban, I eMailed Malone a few times asking him to appear on the David Knight Show (via replies to Malone's Substack eMail address; via a paid direct LinkedIn message; but not by commenting at him on Substack, which he has paywalled off). He never answered me. Perhaps I or David Knight don't have enough celebrity factor. Too bad, because millions have foregone Rogan for his anti-Christisn stance.
Anyway, you wrote the following near the outset of this post, which I found fascinating:
"I was thinking about the poor 'HIV infected' chimps who died of old age, and wondering what Malone meant".
In a way, this circles back to my doubts about Malone.
Well I think I've written enough for now and, like you, will leave it there. I look forward to your Chapter-1 post.
Yes, we are on a similar wavelength. Did you notice he said he co-published a paper with a CIA agent?
I said to myself, "um...what?"
But I'm not anti-Malone, if that's the way to say it. I'm sort of just trying to figure out who he is. He's done a great service to humanity, as far as I can tell. I'm very happy about all of this. Just also baffled. Where did these people come from?
Perhaps we should take a step back before we make something out of what could be nothing. Malone worked for the DOD for years so writing a paper with a CIA agent is not a stretch. Perhaps we should try to find who he wrote it with and what was it about. I am sure if it were damning he would not have mentioned it. mRNA was developed to fight cancer not corona virus so I put no illness on his work. You should read the letter his wife wrote in his Substack about how they stole his research and almost destroyed him. Watch HOUSE OF NUMBERS and you will see what Fauci did with AIDS is EXACTLY the same as COVID. Read Good Intentions by Nussbaum from 1990. AIDS/COVID both fake epidemic, fake tests, refusal to provide early treatment proven to work, deadly vaccine, manipulating infection rate and deaths all to make money. Human life means nothing to people like Fauci, Gates, Birx, Gallo, Collins, Redfield and many others. They themselves are not human. The parallels between AIDS and COVID is undeniable. People in Africa were dying of poverty not AIDS. Gays were dying from a destructive lifestyle and when they couldn't get funding for the gay plague they used a faulty test to say heterosexuals with no symptoms had HIV and put them on AZT and the AZT killed them just like the COVID shot. Fake epidemic, fake numbers, fake test, no early treatment, killer vax. The difference back then as with the swine Flu vax big pharma could be sued so they ended both but today they can kill us and walk away with trillions and no liability. There is absolutely no proof that AIDS or COVID ever existed. Dr. Mullis priced that about AIDS. The french scientist that discovered HIV said it was a benign virus. Fluoride Free Peel out of Canada has copies of over 140 FOIA requests and so far no one can produce proof that COVID was ever isolated. Even the CDC said only 6% of COVID deaths were FROM COVID. Which equates to less deaths than from the flu. I gave a screen shot from before they changed it to more than 5%. Really...that could easily be 6% without saying it. We have been conned and the longer people comply the more people will die. Gates and his crew are eugenicists and depopulationists and that's a fact and people are quite happy to take his money and make his dreams come true.
Yes, I agree, excellent comment. I listened to more Malone last night after I was settling in post-move. I "scan" people energetically, as do we all, and he came up "good." I don't mean it in a new age sense at all. Just that I've spent my professional life connecting to people through their voices. Malone is a good guy. I mean not reptile. Not "pod." Not enemy. He is an INSIDER, blowing the whistle. Those are golden.
Also: I love how he is so close with his wife, that's a very good sign of health. I do not think his CIA connections make him dubious but I do still think it's a "wait, what?" as Tom Cowan would say. The fact that CIA agents and top scientists co-write papers, convene, commune.
It's noteworthy. But we have so much else to contend with right now.
Actually his taking the shot makes his present criticism of it even more powerful for me. He authored the science and to me it shows his integrity to have subjected himself to the "experiment". If he were now extolling the "virtues" of it that's when I would be suspicious!
Excellent reply comment. I agree with 99.9% of it from what I've read (over the years), too.
I'll wait on Malone, though. I'm very suspicious of these johnny-come-lately doctor celebrities.
In the end, it will be up to the collective citizenry to end this once and forever. We have more than enough bombshell testamony and independent research from doctors, RFK Jr's book, people maimed and lost by this death shot, etc. I just hope that these revelations aren't well-timed distractions meant to demoralize and lead to mass resignation. Because mass social media and generations of deliberately dumbed down people (see literature from Charlotte Iserbyt, Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman) weren't part of the equation before.
If Malone mentioned it (the CIA comment) on the Rogan cast, I did not hear it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. It's definitely more than noteworthy. I feel like there's a missing appendix to Malone somewhere.
On where these people come from, I suspect that what the CIA imported via Operation Paperclip (Annie Jacobsen's book of the same name is excellent) developed an entire culture in these "Health" agencies; and these are its offspring.
On a more spiritual note, I wonder if God approves of messing with his intelligent designs in these particular ways. 🤷♀️
Agree with all , Until all the doctors and scientists dig into WHO is(are) actually behind the damm curtain,( Hint: Rothschilds, Soros, Gates et.al) and why (In a word EUGENICS~ the 'science' of the elite) they are doing this, either by threat, bribe or similar beliefs like depopulation of the planet...until then, none of this will make any sense.
Dr Peter Mc Cullough, great man, superb scientists but he will not or cannot address motive behind the manipulation of science, the censorship and bannings, so then, its all moot points... Its his word against their word . Do not expect the masses of dumbed down americons to arise and think when their whole lives have been matrixized for this very moment; TV, Iphones, junk food, junk values, all of it...
To overcome with truth you must love truth, WE who love truth, have to and are trying, (Even with Rogan) to expose the foundations that are destroyed, to the fallen masses if possible to resurrect them from the death machine. But as scripture tells us, , because of lack of knowledge of TRUTH, and the bribes, threats , coercion, beliefs, of the masses by elites who have a long researchable history of EUGENICS, the people are destoryed! But now they have most tech, science, govts, pharma, etc~ all the money and power is on their side. Its not just Germany this time, its the world.
I saw Dr. McCullough discussing with Dr Reiner Fuellmich JD why he held back on some of what he knew. He felt that revealing too much to the public would only discredit his stand. He was very forthright with Dr. Fuellmich that he believes that the "vaccine" is not a vaccine at all but a bioweapon to depopulate a significant portion of the world. (Today the One America Insurance Company, based in Indiana announced that All Cause Non Covid Deaths for people between the ages of 18 and 65 are up an ASTOUNDING 40%! Dr. Robert Malone reported this in his substack and the link is here:
When God created you free - you can only argue God with your copy. You do not have copyright over creation. When two or more get together in a bad apple, you have the fruit of the tree of judgements that shatter the minds of all who partake. If we set up a lesson plan in hate, fear and denial AS IF taking our own Inheritance, we cast our self out under false possession.
Releasing the ego of judgement made and making allows/invites healing.
I’m still listening to the Rogan Malone interview, and I can also attest to that moment where he says he co-authored with CIA guy, even names him during that moment.
Dr Malone just took a step forward last night. He received an email from an insurance guy (exec?) in Indiana stating that they've seen a 40% increase in deaths & dramatic increase in short & long term disability claims among *working age* (iirc 18-64) people, as compared to pre-pandemic years. The #s are 4x what you would see in a 1 in 200 year event.
Dr Malone went on to state that he always thought WEF was just a bunch of super rich partying every year at Davos.
He's waiting to see if these #s are seen elsewhere, but looks about ready to turn full blown CT.
Mary....we need to get this person to Steve Kirsch. He just open a separate Substack account for employees of insurance companies. Insurance companies have the most accurate statistics so Steve is in the right track. Look up Kirsch in Substack.
I think you need to be in the US or viewing via a VPN but it's there, I saw it. I downloaded it as a PDF and reuploaded here https://we.tl/t-F6YGGaB90P where it will only remain for a week.
Very interesting, sharp comment, and when I read it, I tend to agree. I have also been rankled by the whole Covid celebrity aspect. Celebrity and fame, portals for bad stuff. Can be used also for good. But people ought not crave it. I dislike star systems. Every single person is a star. This is patently obvious.
Oh no, I meant "sharp" as in keen. Not as in sharp. I agree utterly about Dr. Merritt. She is what Swedes call "rak." Pronounced ("rock," but with rolling r.) That means straight. As in straight shooter. I have always admired surgeons, and this is a very important distinction. They are in the "real world." They try to fix the human body when it breaks and they can't just make up self-glorifying fairy myths about "saving lives," from "protection" against computer algorithms.
Do I mean there is no "it?"
No. I'll get to this later. It's very complex code-cracking and I am not there yet. I believe there is a synthetic illness afoot. How people "get it," I am not sure about. Have to re-read everything David Crowe ever wrote. Time is so compressed. I'm so far behind. When you stall out, in shock, for long periods, it's incredibly difficult to ever "catch up." But I will inch-worm along. And you all will be way ahead of me and yet I will sometimes have a piece that somebody dropped on the road behind. We are all seeking gold in the form of real real truth. So many billions of sand grains in everything. What do we know for sure? They are insane and they are trying to kill us.
Probably I’m being naive and have more to learn, but in my eyes so far, Malone is ‘doing the right thing’ for at least as far as I can see… probably protecting his a** because he’s so involved deeply with Pharma and yet apparently not financially connected enough to benefit other than his paychecks? He’s certainly doing a service by pulling back the curtain on a previously unseen area, and giving us a lot of dots to connect.
I don't invest in personalities but recognise patterns.
Malone has set out a bid for taking a position just as the vaxpush reaches its limits.
He is fully invested in genetic technologies and virology and only arguing modalities and proportionality - no?
By pushing aggressively in such sustained ways the masses will become more than willing to enter the biotech genetic control system under the 'good cop' turning up to save the day. He has to concede ground for credibility and take a stance of anti-greed and corruption, but not questioning pharma models, funding, government contracts, regulatory capture & iatrogenic disease/death as at least third highest in pharma developed world.
The HIV/AIDS scam could have broken virology as a credible model for pharma to operate from IF Duesberg had not rescued the HIV as a real virus, while asserting is was not The cause of AIDS. It was never found in the real world, so they shifted to genetic means to reconstruct it - and then there was no looking back.
I see Malone positioned to protect both virology & the genetic dogma and its global investor base - which is also a narrative that doesn't yield to new biology because applied tech investments become too big to fail.
The graphine & nanotech applications for so called medical use, give all the reasons for WHY to run the cover story in play.
I have no doubt biotech can put a spanner in the works or as said over the way a wrench in the gears. But is investor PR (not hard to find) is in the business of spinning narratives to attract investments that turn out to be a ponzi scheme after a trail of wreckage.
Yes. We have been screwed by controlled opposition in the U.K. in the person of Nigel Farage, Mr Brexit, who pulled his parliamentary candidates at the last minute to hand a general election landslide to the despot Johnson and now refuses to stand against storming totalitarianism, whilst acknowledging it in private.
First RFK Jr. and now Malone! Duesberg is finally getting his props, when a few of us, with your help in Spin, had our eyes opened to the chicanery a generation ago (we even had a dissident group here in SF). Can't wait for Chapter 1.
I'm starting with the one chapter with the aim to find a new publisher and put the whole book out, as an actual book. Some energy fields have gotten in the way for so many years. But the time is right, now.
Many thanks! Just read Chapter One....captivating, to say the least. I forwarded it to several people, and recommended your Substack. Happy New Year, and thanks again!
Can't wait...Tried in vain to find a copy...I stumbled upon yourself in " the real Anthony fauci "... Beautiful words and sentiments...A light in the darkness ....I'm exhausted....
Thank you and I look forward to getting a hard copy of your re-published book on my shelf! Beyond Robert Malone respectfully acknowledging Prof. Duesberg, I appreciate RFK Jr. devoting 3 chapters in his recent book "The Real Anthony Fauci" to dissent from the HIV/AIDS orthodoxy, giving full coverage to Duesberg's analysis, quoting from interviewing him and from his 1995 book "Inventing the AIDS Virus". Kennedy also quotes from your electrifying and heatbreaking 2006 Harpers article "Out of Control: AIDS and the corruption of medical science" and from your book "Serious Adverse Events: an Uncensored history of AIDS", making me very eager to read the whole thing. Interesting that when AP predictably panned Kennedy's book, they carefully avoided any mention of those chapters!
and i remember Mark Twain saying. the truth as only he could: "A lie travels around the world while truth is still putting on her shoes>" I wish it weren't truer now than it was when he penned it, however IT IS!
You can publish a one chapter ebook and charge a small fee like .99 or 1.99 and it can be downloaded as a PDF and printed on a home printer or printed at a copy store. That way people can have it immediately AND hold it in their hands in paper form :)
I read people's comments and left the Kindle idea-- just published it as a chapter, here. Because a few people said they can't get Kindle. So, I'll publish each chapter here, and then eventually it will become a book when the right publisher appears. Maybe I will self-publish. Open to suggestions.
Thank you John. Wow, that's a very inspiring lovely idea. I "have" what we call ADD, they once told me it's an 11 on a scale of 10. It's to do with neural pathways, dendritic system--I have no questions about why mine are but little nubs. And it was not due to Pharma attacks, it happens in early childhood. This in turn causes immense problems with follow through, short and long term memory, etc. I am making myself take cold showers and ice baths, to try to get my mind in order. I have somebody who is presently offering to work with me on getting my book out. I just have to stay present and push through. In the meantime, due to my ADD, perhaps it IS a good idea to publish the chapters here, period full stop. And then one day a book too--a real book. But in the meantime, since I get so thrown by the whole process of making a book, I think it's best I just fetch the articles, chapters, and publish them here, with you all. I like to keep things simple. In any case, it's a good way to start. And we ARE off to a great start.
Hi Celia! Your piece on Peter Duesberg brought back the frustration, pain and anger I experienced as a Registered Pharmacist and a member of the gay community in the 80’s when I first heard the “news releases” from Gallo and Fauci and Ho claiming that testing positive for HIV Antibodies guaranteed a persons “death from AIDs” when of course all previous knowledge in the immunology field said that having the antibodies conveyed immunity! I would scream at the TV as they twisted science around their little fingers to drive the gay community and then the World crazy with fear and loathing! When AZT came into the store where I worked in West Los Angeles with a “Skull and Crossbones” on the package insert warning the pharmacists not to open the bottles nor touch the capsules for fear of acute poisoning my heart sank and I had to dispense this poison prescribed by the AIDS Quacks and watch these young men die ..usually it took 2 to 3 months as it destroyed their bone marrow and vital organs! This became “The AIDS Epidemic” or “AIDS by Prescription” as Neville Hodgkinson wrote. Many of these young men were friends who I tried to warn against AZT but most thought I was crazy and I would watch them die with them believing they had AIDS instead of being poisoned to death! I would go to gay bars and try to tell anyone I would meet about what was going on but end up in an argument with them being abusive and became an outcast. I thought I was the only one who believed like I did until I ran into one or two gay men who also saw thru it and heard about Christine Maggiore in LA and managed to contact her and she asked me to speak to her group about AZT which I did on several occasions and thats when I heard about Peter and it was like finding a long lost friend though I never met him face to face and by that time the Gallo/Fauci Freight Train was busy running back and forth on him and all of us! When I saw Trump hand Fauci the microphone I knew we were in BIG TROUBLE.. I actually called Peter in his lab once jusf to hear his voice and offer encouragement and he was very kind and deferential and reminded me of some of my professors at Purdue University when I was there in the Sixties. I later joined the Committee for the Reappraisal of HIV/AIDS and any other similar group. It was about that Time I think I read your article in Rolling Stone too! Anthony Fauci is a Satanic individual, responsible for death and destruction wherever he goes and a nemesis to all that is good! Thank you Dear for your perseverance and honesty and I pray for retribution for all those lives of friends we knew and loved and lost to his evil ways!
Good on ya, mate. It must have been a nightmare having to live through that Holocaust and here we are again with the covidiocy and great contrived divide of society through medical apartheid.
Iatrogenicide - it’s the only word for this profiteering eugenics social engineering experiment.
So good to have your voice added to this...Press on, please. People can hear you now... Evolution is painfully slow, but you are still here and your message is more weighty, timely and relevant than before...Who could have guessed. Grateful for you!
Great! Very important and timely topic. Understanding what happened with HIV is the key to understanding what is happening now. Just wrote this in a newsletter I sent out earlier today. synchronicity!
Dr Judy Mikovitz exposes fauchi in her book "plague of Corruption" as the harbinger of death and HIV fake science: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1SP0AgbR38
Well that is a shame for those of us that do not use Kindle. Could you produce it as a PDF and charge a fee to get a copy?? I do not like Kindle and I know many others that don't like it either. I like real books.
Karen, point taken. I have abandoned that Kindle idea. For now, publishing chapters here...then will advance toward a book when/as it all comes together. Thank you!
All that was old has been made new. I appreciate your fighting spirit!
I thought about you today Celia.
I had commented on an important question that you posed in one of your recent posts. Here it is:
I'm not a Joe Rogan fan (I have my reasons why I never watch his show); and I'm also somewhat dubious of his recent guest, Robert Malone, inventor of the deadly, human-maiming, Nazi-like mRNA technology. I haven't put my finger on Malone yet.
Maybe I just don't care for the quasi celebrity aspect to all of this. Well before his ban, I eMailed Malone a few times asking him to appear on the David Knight Show (via replies to Malone's Substack eMail address; via a paid direct LinkedIn message; but not by commenting at him on Substack, which he has paywalled off). He never answered me. Perhaps I or David Knight don't have enough celebrity factor. Too bad, because millions have foregone Rogan for his anti-Christisn stance.
Anyway, you wrote the following near the outset of this post, which I found fascinating:
"I was thinking about the poor 'HIV infected' chimps who died of old age, and wondering what Malone meant".
In a way, this circles back to my doubts about Malone.
Well I think I've written enough for now and, like you, will leave it there. I look forward to your Chapter-1 post.
Yes, we are on a similar wavelength. Did you notice he said he co-published a paper with a CIA agent?
I said to myself, "um...what?"
But I'm not anti-Malone, if that's the way to say it. I'm sort of just trying to figure out who he is. He's done a great service to humanity, as far as I can tell. I'm very happy about all of this. Just also baffled. Where did these people come from?
Perhaps we should take a step back before we make something out of what could be nothing. Malone worked for the DOD for years so writing a paper with a CIA agent is not a stretch. Perhaps we should try to find who he wrote it with and what was it about. I am sure if it were damning he would not have mentioned it. mRNA was developed to fight cancer not corona virus so I put no illness on his work. You should read the letter his wife wrote in his Substack about how they stole his research and almost destroyed him. Watch HOUSE OF NUMBERS and you will see what Fauci did with AIDS is EXACTLY the same as COVID. Read Good Intentions by Nussbaum from 1990. AIDS/COVID both fake epidemic, fake tests, refusal to provide early treatment proven to work, deadly vaccine, manipulating infection rate and deaths all to make money. Human life means nothing to people like Fauci, Gates, Birx, Gallo, Collins, Redfield and many others. They themselves are not human. The parallels between AIDS and COVID is undeniable. People in Africa were dying of poverty not AIDS. Gays were dying from a destructive lifestyle and when they couldn't get funding for the gay plague they used a faulty test to say heterosexuals with no symptoms had HIV and put them on AZT and the AZT killed them just like the COVID shot. Fake epidemic, fake numbers, fake test, no early treatment, killer vax. The difference back then as with the swine Flu vax big pharma could be sued so they ended both but today they can kill us and walk away with trillions and no liability. There is absolutely no proof that AIDS or COVID ever existed. Dr. Mullis priced that about AIDS. The french scientist that discovered HIV said it was a benign virus. Fluoride Free Peel out of Canada has copies of over 140 FOIA requests and so far no one can produce proof that COVID was ever isolated. Even the CDC said only 6% of COVID deaths were FROM COVID. Which equates to less deaths than from the flu. I gave a screen shot from before they changed it to more than 5%. Really...that could easily be 6% without saying it. We have been conned and the longer people comply the more people will die. Gates and his crew are eugenicists and depopulationists and that's a fact and people are quite happy to take his money and make his dreams come true.
Yes, I agree, excellent comment. I listened to more Malone last night after I was settling in post-move. I "scan" people energetically, as do we all, and he came up "good." I don't mean it in a new age sense at all. Just that I've spent my professional life connecting to people through their voices. Malone is a good guy. I mean not reptile. Not "pod." Not enemy. He is an INSIDER, blowing the whistle. Those are golden.
Also: I love how he is so close with his wife, that's a very good sign of health. I do not think his CIA connections make him dubious but I do still think it's a "wait, what?" as Tom Cowan would say. The fact that CIA agents and top scientists co-write papers, convene, commune.
It's noteworthy. But we have so much else to contend with right now.
But Malone did say on a very recent video that he had the clotshot. That alone makes me very suspicious.
Actually his taking the shot makes his present criticism of it even more powerful for me. He authored the science and to me it shows his integrity to have subjected himself to the "experiment". If he were now extolling the "virtues" of it that's when I would be suspicious!
Excellent reply comment. I agree with 99.9% of it from what I've read (over the years), too.
I'll wait on Malone, though. I'm very suspicious of these johnny-come-lately doctor celebrities.
In the end, it will be up to the collective citizenry to end this once and forever. We have more than enough bombshell testamony and independent research from doctors, RFK Jr's book, people maimed and lost by this death shot, etc. I just hope that these revelations aren't well-timed distractions meant to demoralize and lead to mass resignation. Because mass social media and generations of deliberately dumbed down people (see literature from Charlotte Iserbyt, Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman) weren't part of the equation before.
Malone wrote recently that he was working on mRNA for hemophilia, then switched to vaxx work...hmmm...
If Malone mentioned it (the CIA comment) on the Rogan cast, I did not hear it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. It's definitely more than noteworthy. I feel like there's a missing appendix to Malone somewhere.
On where these people come from, I suspect that what the CIA imported via Operation Paperclip (Annie Jacobsen's book of the same name is excellent) developed an entire culture in these "Health" agencies; and these are its offspring.
On a more spiritual note, I wonder if God approves of messing with his intelligent designs in these particular ways. 🤷♀️
Agree with all , Until all the doctors and scientists dig into WHO is(are) actually behind the damm curtain,( Hint: Rothschilds, Soros, Gates et.al) and why (In a word EUGENICS~ the 'science' of the elite) they are doing this, either by threat, bribe or similar beliefs like depopulation of the planet...until then, none of this will make any sense.
Dr Peter Mc Cullough, great man, superb scientists but he will not or cannot address motive behind the manipulation of science, the censorship and bannings, so then, its all moot points... Its his word against their word . Do not expect the masses of dumbed down americons to arise and think when their whole lives have been matrixized for this very moment; TV, Iphones, junk food, junk values, all of it...
To overcome with truth you must love truth, WE who love truth, have to and are trying, (Even with Rogan) to expose the foundations that are destroyed, to the fallen masses if possible to resurrect them from the death machine. But as scripture tells us, , because of lack of knowledge of TRUTH, and the bribes, threats , coercion, beliefs, of the masses by elites who have a long researchable history of EUGENICS, the people are destoryed! But now they have most tech, science, govts, pharma, etc~ all the money and power is on their side. Its not just Germany this time, its the world.
I saw Dr. McCullough discussing with Dr Reiner Fuellmich JD why he held back on some of what he knew. He felt that revealing too much to the public would only discredit his stand. He was very forthright with Dr. Fuellmich that he believes that the "vaccine" is not a vaccine at all but a bioweapon to depopulate a significant portion of the world. (Today the One America Insurance Company, based in Indiana announced that All Cause Non Covid Deaths for people between the ages of 18 and 65 are up an ASTOUNDING 40%! Dr. Robert Malone reported this in his substack and the link is here:
The Great DieOff is beginning and it could get worse... or not ... depending on if we get these "political quacks" out of the business of medicine!!
When God created you free - you can only argue God with your copy. You do not have copyright over creation. When two or more get together in a bad apple, you have the fruit of the tree of judgements that shatter the minds of all who partake. If we set up a lesson plan in hate, fear and denial AS IF taking our own Inheritance, we cast our self out under false possession.
Releasing the ego of judgement made and making allows/invites healing.
I’m still listening to the Rogan Malone interview, and I can also attest to that moment where he says he co-authored with CIA guy, even names him during that moment.
Dr Malone just took a step forward last night. He received an email from an insurance guy (exec?) in Indiana stating that they've seen a 40% increase in deaths & dramatic increase in short & long term disability claims among *working age* (iirc 18-64) people, as compared to pre-pandemic years. The #s are 4x what you would see in a 1 in 200 year event.
Dr Malone went on to state that he always thought WEF was just a bunch of super rich partying every year at Davos.
He's waiting to see if these #s are seen elsewhere, but looks about ready to turn full blown CT.
Mary....we need to get this person to Steve Kirsch. He just open a separate Substack account for employees of insurance companies. Insurance companies have the most accurate statistics so Steve is in the right track. Look up Kirsch in Substack.
Steve appears to already be on this. He's written on his substack asking for insurance people.
Ty. I was exhausted yesterday but suspect I saw it 1st from Steve. Then Dr Malone just minutes later...
I just re-checked. He's the CEO of OneAmerica in Indiana. Here is the article:
Igor Chudov has checked it out. The publisher & company are for real.
What Malone interview did you watch where he said this about One America and Davos?
Not an interview. Malone's substack.
This won't open. It takes you to a screen but will not allow you to see the article
I think you need to be in the US or viewing via a VPN but it's there, I saw it. I downloaded it as a PDF and reuploaded here https://we.tl/t-F6YGGaB90P where it will only remain for a week.
See if you can get this to the CEO mentioned.
Not finding Kirsch
Ty. I left a space between 1st & last!
Very interesting, sharp comment, and when I read it, I tend to agree. I have also been rankled by the whole Covid celebrity aspect. Celebrity and fame, portals for bad stuff. Can be used also for good. But people ought not crave it. I dislike star systems. Every single person is a star. This is patently obvious.
Oh no, I meant "sharp" as in keen. Not as in sharp. I agree utterly about Dr. Merritt. She is what Swedes call "rak." Pronounced ("rock," but with rolling r.) That means straight. As in straight shooter. I have always admired surgeons, and this is a very important distinction. They are in the "real world." They try to fix the human body when it breaks and they can't just make up self-glorifying fairy myths about "saving lives," from "protection" against computer algorithms.
Do I mean there is no "it?"
No. I'll get to this later. It's very complex code-cracking and I am not there yet. I believe there is a synthetic illness afoot. How people "get it," I am not sure about. Have to re-read everything David Crowe ever wrote. Time is so compressed. I'm so far behind. When you stall out, in shock, for long periods, it's incredibly difficult to ever "catch up." But I will inch-worm along. And you all will be way ahead of me and yet I will sometimes have a piece that somebody dropped on the road behind. We are all seeking gold in the form of real real truth. So many billions of sand grains in everything. What do we know for sure? They are insane and they are trying to kill us.
Vanden Bossche is working on a vaccine for innate immune system.
I have a novel idea...how about leave our healthy, functioning immune systems the hell alone?!?
Amen!! Hooray! Yes!
yes, i jumped up and down when my son and brother got it! YEAH now you are a tank!
"Yeah, now you are a tank!" Haha.
Probably I’m being naive and have more to learn, but in my eyes so far, Malone is ‘doing the right thing’ for at least as far as I can see… probably protecting his a** because he’s so involved deeply with Pharma and yet apparently not financially connected enough to benefit other than his paychecks? He’s certainly doing a service by pulling back the curtain on a previously unseen area, and giving us a lot of dots to connect.
and if they wanted him dead he would be...
Yes, precisely.
Yes, indeed. Thank you for that.
I don't invest in personalities but recognise patterns.
Malone has set out a bid for taking a position just as the vaxpush reaches its limits.
He is fully invested in genetic technologies and virology and only arguing modalities and proportionality - no?
By pushing aggressively in such sustained ways the masses will become more than willing to enter the biotech genetic control system under the 'good cop' turning up to save the day. He has to concede ground for credibility and take a stance of anti-greed and corruption, but not questioning pharma models, funding, government contracts, regulatory capture & iatrogenic disease/death as at least third highest in pharma developed world.
The HIV/AIDS scam could have broken virology as a credible model for pharma to operate from IF Duesberg had not rescued the HIV as a real virus, while asserting is was not The cause of AIDS. It was never found in the real world, so they shifted to genetic means to reconstruct it - and then there was no looking back.
I see Malone positioned to protect both virology & the genetic dogma and its global investor base - which is also a narrative that doesn't yield to new biology because applied tech investments become too big to fail.
The graphine & nanotech applications for so called medical use, give all the reasons for WHY to run the cover story in play.
I have no doubt biotech can put a spanner in the works or as said over the way a wrench in the gears. But is investor PR (not hard to find) is in the business of spinning narratives to attract investments that turn out to be a ponzi scheme after a trail of wreckage.
Yes. We have been screwed by controlled opposition in the U.K. in the person of Nigel Farage, Mr Brexit, who pulled his parliamentary candidates at the last minute to hand a general election landslide to the despot Johnson and now refuses to stand against storming totalitarianism, whilst acknowledging it in private.
con trolled opp osition!
First RFK Jr. and now Malone! Duesberg is finally getting his props, when a few of us, with your help in Spin, had our eyes opened to the chicanery a generation ago (we even had a dissident group here in SF). Can't wait for Chapter 1.
No kindle here. Would gladly buy an actual book.
I'm starting with the one chapter with the aim to find a new publisher and put the whole book out, as an actual book. Some energy fields have gotten in the way for so many years. But the time is right, now.
Many thanks! Just read Chapter One....captivating, to say the least. I forwarded it to several people, and recommended your Substack. Happy New Year, and thanks again!
Can't wait...Tried in vain to find a copy...I stumbled upon yourself in " the real Anthony fauci "... Beautiful words and sentiments...A light in the darkness ....I'm exhausted....
You can get the kindle reader on your laptop or desktop computer at no charge from amazon. That's what I did instead of buying a Kindle.
Thank you and I look forward to getting a hard copy of your re-published book on my shelf! Beyond Robert Malone respectfully acknowledging Prof. Duesberg, I appreciate RFK Jr. devoting 3 chapters in his recent book "The Real Anthony Fauci" to dissent from the HIV/AIDS orthodoxy, giving full coverage to Duesberg's analysis, quoting from interviewing him and from his 1995 book "Inventing the AIDS Virus". Kennedy also quotes from your electrifying and heatbreaking 2006 Harpers article "Out of Control: AIDS and the corruption of medical science" and from your book "Serious Adverse Events: an Uncensored history of AIDS", making me very eager to read the whole thing. Interesting that when AP predictably panned Kennedy's book, they carefully avoided any mention of those chapters!
Just like HIV, covid deaths came from a shitty Fauci pushed drug that didn't work.
I'm skeptical that HIV does a single thing, it's another bullshit discovered by PCR like testing.
PCR is genetic scrabble... Not a real thing.
Virology is a joke.
im pretty sure Judy Mikovitz in her book exposed this. I havent read it "Plague of corruption"
I thought of you during that part of the interview! I love your interpretation of the timing of it all, and your Spidey sense...perfect.
and i remember Mark Twain saying. the truth as only he could: "A lie travels around the world while truth is still putting on her shoes>" I wish it weren't truer now than it was when he penned it, however IT IS!
Bravo! Thank you, Celia! A warrior for truth!
What good news to hear that it will soon be available on Kindle. Thank you, Celia.
I don’t have a Kindle so I guess I’m out. I do not like to read long form written material (like a book) on a device.
I'm trying to push the material toward "book," but...can one publish a chapter on Amazon not on Kindle?
You can publish a one chapter ebook and charge a small fee like .99 or 1.99 and it can be downloaded as a PDF and printed on a home printer or printed at a copy store. That way people can have it immediately AND hold it in their hands in paper form :)
So how does one read it on Amazon? Downloaded to a tablet?
I read people's comments and left the Kindle idea-- just published it as a chapter, here. Because a few people said they can't get Kindle. So, I'll publish each chapter here, and then eventually it will become a book when the right publisher appears. Maybe I will self-publish. Open to suggestions.
People should boycott anything Amazon. Bezos is in the thick of this NWO, his role is to control global commerce. Please do not help him.
Thank you John. Wow, that's a very inspiring lovely idea. I "have" what we call ADD, they once told me it's an 11 on a scale of 10. It's to do with neural pathways, dendritic system--I have no questions about why mine are but little nubs. And it was not due to Pharma attacks, it happens in early childhood. This in turn causes immense problems with follow through, short and long term memory, etc. I am making myself take cold showers and ice baths, to try to get my mind in order. I have somebody who is presently offering to work with me on getting my book out. I just have to stay present and push through. In the meantime, due to my ADD, perhaps it IS a good idea to publish the chapters here, period full stop. And then one day a book too--a real book. But in the meantime, since I get so thrown by the whole process of making a book, I think it's best I just fetch the articles, chapters, and publish them here, with you all. I like to keep things simple. In any case, it's a good way to start. And we ARE off to a great start.
I lived through the fauci yrs in NYC...This is fantastic news!! Godspeed!!!
You have been ploughing a lonely furrow for a long time, respect to you.