The "Interview" As Medium Of Abuse
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What makes it “Monarch?”
—Rudeness and crudeness
—Excitation coupled with irritated boredom about mass death
—Sheer stupidity, as though we are watching a hammy satire about a TV presenter who could not exist in “real life.”
Who pays her? How much? For what exactly? Is this interview part of “reality” or is it something newly bizarre I do not yet understand? Who is she? Let me guess—a “fearless conservative,” who “doesn’t suffer fools gladly?”
It’s truly insane, this clip. She’s not hearing a word he says, she’s horrifyingly disrespectful, and racist, won’t let him get a word in edgewise, treats him as though he is a ranting man on a street corner—then accuses him (very Monarch) of being unable to tolerate a woman speaking?
TV interviews are codified abuse, basically. That’s the “Monarch” part. The part of our brain they are aiming for is the reptilian part that supposedly gets excited when people are degraded, abused or hurt.
That makes normal people very uncomfortable.
Inherent in the abuse formula of TV interviewers is the host stressing the guest out about how they barely have any time. It’s completely disgusting.
Chase 75 years history into a small jar, turn it upside down, shout into the jar that there is only 10 seconds, and the guest had better “make their point.”
Monarch uses women for abuse in the medium of television more efficiently than it uses men. No contest.
Women behaving badly still has shock value. The men are the controlled opposition operating behind the scenes and the women are now the shock troops. This kind of behaviour is sick. But I bet it is well paid - by a MAN.
I'm looking forward to your elucidation of Monarch programming. I am a psychologist and can tell you that what was considered psychology up until 2020 bears no resemblance to the psychology that actually holds sway over human life in modern western societies. The real story, the man behind the curtain, is in the psy-ops, the way human psychology has been perverted and weaponized against us. I really appreciate your insights and knowledge on this score, Celia.