I think the woke agenda (being overly simplistic) has reached the end of the road. There's no life there; no joy, no future.

Finally some really good signs.

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Yep. I saw a video of Sam Harris recently on The Young Turks saying "aborted children are sources of protein and we should eat them." (para)

We have reached the end of the road of depravity and God is using us to push back.

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After Konstantin Kissin wiped the floor with him…his replies “uh, uh, uh….some intellectual bullshit…uh, uh”….Sam Harris is DONE.

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I believe he has well and truly given his soul to dark forces. Is there a market for this sort of viewership? It's very odd behaviour.

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He has lost his soul and his mind

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I hope. It never bothered to make any sense. One would think it would have arrived DOA. I can't believe that it took hold at all.

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It’s 5 am here and I’m crying with joy and hope. May God bless them all🙏❤️🙏❤️

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God is moving on the earth. It’s undeniable. For some reason this month, I decided to go to daily mass - God woke me up at 5 am and I am routinely making it to 6:30 am mass. On my way there now. I’m NOT a morning person and have only gone to Sunday mass for years- although I’ve wanted to do this- I’ve never mastered it- till now. He wakes me every am at around 5. God wants us to return to Him. He loves us. ❤️

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It is fascinating. The people take the words of the authoritarian left at face value: you have a right to be whatever you are and do whatever you prefer to do.

Then, people go a become Christians.

Overcoming all that unsurmountable brainwashing, they do what they love.

The authoritarians melt down: "You can't do that!!! Be yourself but not like that!!!"

It is too funny to not laugh.

The satanic "do as you wish" is finally inverted. They hate it. Tactics are changing in the cultural war.

I can only say: if it works, do it more!

Celia, both the end and the beginning are nigh!

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Incredible and profound! Warriors against the woke.

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Here's the Good News:

While this is a genre-specific worship & prayer movement amongst a new generation of young folks, no one needs to go to Asbury in Wilmore, Kentucky to experience what these teen & mostly 20-somethings are receiving from our Creator.

God is not a respecter of persons. Asbury is not "sacred ground." What is going on at Asbury can go on in your own home today anywhere in the world. Christ promised that He'd meet any of us where we are at if we would only just open the door to Him. God doesn't make idle promises. If He says He'll show up, He does.

And, where even just 2 or 3 are gathered in His Name, there He promised to be in our midst.

So, there is no need to trespass upon the two private Asbury campuses to "get a piece of God' for ourselves. (Asbury University & Asbury Theological Seminary) (This week they closed off the campuses to unofficial visitors & are bringing in High School students instead. These are learning institutions, after all, of which the kids are paying extreme money for the privileges of walking those campuses.)

And, there is no need to invade tiny, little Wilmore with its IGA, 2 small restaurants, flower shop, chiropractor, a couple attorney offices & a gas station or two & a Middle School. Wilmore has no place to host such large crowds. You get the picture, I am sure.

So, God WILL meet you where you are at. If you, too want God in a more meaningful way, He already gave Himself on the cross on Earth to make that happen. You can claim Him through Christ Jesus this very second.

By the way, it is way too soon to call this a Revival. Rather, it is a Movement which could sponsor a Revival. A true revival transforms a nation across all of its cultural barriers and even into its government & justice systems. From there, we could have an Awakening. And, if enough folks give themselves back to our Creator, who Himself founded this U.S.A., we just might have our 3rd Great Awakening.

And, if any of Y'all come to Kentucky, I can take you out to the grounds of our nation's 2nd Great Awakening at Cane Ridge, about 90 minutes east of Asbury.

And, if Celia allows, you can contact me here on this blog & I will pray with you to find & experience the Creator for yourself. Amen.

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thank you!

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People have decided to not be helpless, hopeless the way the state wants us to be. They’ve decided not to be mindless consumers. They’ve decided to ignore the Prime Directive which says to monetize their lives. This taking control is a good sign. It will be interesting to see the psychopath’s next move. I’m sure they are confused by what’s happening and will try to infiltrate and propagandize. As usual. They aren’t original thinkers; they are trapped inside a box. Psychopath’s weakness is that they do not understand how humans work. They can only mimic human behaviors while trying to bully and control. They always give themselves far more credit than they deserve and humans far less. These kids, even without necessarily comprehending it all, are taking their lives back; are rejecting meaninglessness. This is what thought leaders have been saying for three years now; the globalist’s will fail (not without first causing great damage) but ultimately, because they lack a spirit.

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No masks?!!!!

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I am encouraged by Sasha Stone's story also. And I am hopeful that the Lord will effect true conversions in unlikely places (as He often has) *despite* what sounds, at Asbury, like a muddy, therapeutic, rave-like emotional "gospel". At best.

Red pill is not white pill and fleshly enthusiasms (however religious they may appear for a time--Matt 13:20-21) are of no ultimate value if separate from God's clear, incisive, convicting Word.

"Conversion" out of secular-lefty delusion into more reality-grounded thinking, feelings of camaraderie, and nostalgia for the high pinnacle of Christendom's benefits--which this nation largely wasted, spurning the Giver (see Romans 1)--might lead to repentance and true, saving faith.

But they just as well might be roads to the kind of Christless moralistic reversals that often take place at or in the wake of the hangovers from debauched eras, at history's tumultuous fourth turnings.

Would it be nice to see this culture's moral depravity quenched? Yes.

But without Christ sovereignly changing peoples' desires, giving the new birth (John 3:3-8, Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:21) a return to a culture of intense-but-superficial religiosity coupled with 1955 (or 1980) "conservative" values would mean nothing.

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Feb 22, 2023Edited
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Meditate on Romans 9 and John 15 contact me under your real name. I'm easy to find.

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Anyone who defines their own god will have the same outcome Sasha Stone wrote about in her Substack you referenced. I pray she comes across someone who can pull her out. The Incarnate Truth is right in front of her.

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"... hope is something that extinguishes that fire of darkness." God give us the perfect antidote - hope.

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so great and while they're at it maybe they can pray that the global treaty giving the WHO absolute reigning 'response' to the next 'pandemic' is somehow 'de-railed'. this insanity must NOT go through. it is scheduled to be signed by world gov'ts on 2/27/23 without ANY vote of congress. their will be no more constitutional rights. "provisional" it says but when have they ever backed away? please please

read this article and share with everyone and anyone who can read. now back to our wondrous prayer meeting and something else to pray about. Godness Bless Us All https://yournews.com/2023/02/19/2517717/biden-admin-negotiates-deal-to-give-who-authority-over-us/

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Christians should not be surprised at this because this is what we hve been praying for, for years. God loves all of us so much, so much that He paid the price for our eternal life, our salvation, and all that He asks us to do is believe that Jesus Christ paid our debt in full, and all we have to do is believe that He did that. We don't need to clean up our life before we believe in Him. We just need to believe and He will take care of the rest. Praise the Lord!

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This is what ii is going to take to REALLY change things! God Bless them!

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Great Are You Lord

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I grew up in the heart of the Bible Belt in South GA and we used to laugh about the hard core revivalists. At this point, it’s good to see kids turning to God’s love and wisdom as we watch pure evil exposed in front of us. Before 2020 there were so few people aware of the level of corruption and mind control - whenever you pointed anything out, most people wouldn’t even want to listen. But things are changing thank God!

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