"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.
People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.
They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.
Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.
Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.
That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.
You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."
Thank you. There was never a moment, a split second that I considered taking this shot or any for that matter. I have been an "anti-vaxxer" for close to 20 years. I have been a bit on the edge of my seat wondering if any of my immediate family, especially my father, would succumb to death or injury after their boosters. So far they are alive and "well?" Only time will tell.
I try to put the thoughts of how many of my family members will get sick and die too young. There are young children that are nieces and nephews, sisters and brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles. So far I also have not heard of catastrophe.
This is one of my favorite posts on the subject. Suzanne Humphries MD emigrated to NZ several years ago (before Covid), promising not to mention vaccines in her new country. Lots of good info posted here. https://www.omsj.org/blogs/hood12nov
Hey, when will EVERYONE start to see TRUMP IS ONE OF THEM. He 'warped sped' (his words) the death shot on his watch, and was proud to say he is the father of it. WAKE UP. All politicians are middle mean for SATAN.
I have been saying the same thing to my friends for 7 months. They are going to blame it all on DJT. There is a select sub-committee investigating the prior administration now, they claim that DJT pushed the FDA to authorize the poison juice knowing that it had not gone through enough testing. I knew I was never going to subject myself to an experiment but I am one of the lucky ones who wasn't working and did not have the shot mandated by my workplace. The rest of my immediate family and my extended family took these jabs, including my adult children. I watched both of my elderly parents decline both cognitively and physically after being injected, both passed within a year of the shots. My Dr vilified me, said that I was the cause of the variants and that people like me were taking up ER beds that should have been for the jabbed only. Needless to say, I fired her (after a 30 year Dr/Patient relationship). I pray that the ones responsible for this genocide will one day be held responsible for the carnage they wreaked on the world, especially for what they did to the children. It's deplorable.
Time to compare the deaths in sleep happening now to crib deaths. May be the same mechanism, so the genocide is a many decades long work in progress, now in overdrive.
As a young policeman, I was dispatched to the home of a crib death. I'd never seen it before, and the young couple were inconsolable. I examined her body and saw the discoloration expected but didn't know that the dried trickle of blood from its nose was normal in such deaths. I asked, as gently as I could, about violence that I thought might've caused the visible signs, not knowing that vaccines cause the same injuries.
I never forgot that little girl or the parents who are routinely blamed for such injuries. The vaccine industry is evil, and it demands that we blame parents for events that I once thought could not possibly be sponsored and defended by a malevolent government. That my ignorance might've played a part in their suffering haunts me still.
Everybody dies at some point, so let's not be black pilled and hide in a mental safe space doing nothing, let's make sure the lives of those that die early are not wasted.
As a Vietnam veteran on "Total and Permanent" PTSD disability as a result of my "service" (please don't thank me for it; if you do you just don't understand), I am no stranger to the most intense kind of loneliness. From the moment I disembarked from the "freedom bird" that brought me "home" I have not felt at home in the country that sent me to Vietnam. But that old loneliness is nothing compared to this new loneliness of seeing friends and loved ones volunteer to be human guinea pigs. Two of my three children volunteered to take the Covid shot; and they injected my two grandchildren with it. The spectacle of witnessing our entire nation do the unspeakable by sleepwalking past the criminal violation of the Nuremberg Code with the various Covid mandates leaves me aphasic. I move my lips; no sound comes out. I feel as though I have watched my beloveds behave as though drugged by an evil wizard and board Big Pharma's Nazi cattle cars bound for the gas ovens of a kind of ZYCON-B shot into their precious blood. I live with the terrible image of most of the people I know and love rolling away from me in those cattle cars toward a horizon black with storm clouds and death smoke-smudged skies. I'll carry my grief about Vietnam to my grave. This new grief is an order of magnitude worse. God help us.
This is so painful to read. I stopped at viewed many of the links... I know this information, but it stings every time. And I suppose in some way that's good. I can still feel. But we are all getting accustomed to the horror of this, which I suppose is survival, but terrifying in its own way.
You are right, of course. Preserving our hearts and our compassion is critical. Last night I danced poolside with girlfriends... very badly, as a woman tried to teach us some Bollywood moves... it was the best heart medicine I've had in some time. Music and laughing together seems to be part of the formula. Crying together... singing together... Together is absolutely a part of the formula.
Thank you for documenting all the parts of the human condition.
In the beginning as people I knew were eager for the shots I urged them not to do it. I appealed to the logic: we don't know what is in them. You are consenting to something that you know nothing about. Do some research first. Give a listen to some of the most respected scientists in the world warning us not to do it.
I decided to have the attitude that they had made their own decision and they must suffer the consequences; I will not longer be in their lives. I decided it was the only way I would be able to move forward and keep my sanity. Since then over the last year and listening to and watching horrifying videos of people in so much pain, my heart has softened and I know they need our compassion. Those of us who kept our resolve and put our faith in God must be compassionate and provide any help we can. Keep saying to people as new "mandates" are pushed at us: Just say NO. We are all human beings, no one better than another.
We can all seek opportunities right where we live. We can initiate discussions, with family, neighbors, friends, associates, -- keeping in mind this whole range of topics is volatile and will likely become more so as the US elections approach. There remains an official administrative culture of pushing the deadly vaxes. Here in CA, the wannabe '24 POTUS is still pushing toxic vaxes into toddler arms. There is no mainstream culture of public deliberation which we might follow for general assistance. We have an opportunity here to create local public spaces. Public space is not rental space. It belongs to no one and to everyone. We share it, or we don't. It may even prove distracting to note that Aristotle said those who remain aloof from public deliberations also remain idiots for their entire lives. However, rather than broadcast that wisdom, we can keep it mind, and look for moments where the idiots might join those remaining radically indecent, and against our every effort to achieve public decency. These are treacherous times; carefulness is always urgent. Snoops and spooks are everywhere. Thank you, Celia Farber, for initiating the conversations.
Indeed, I've known Celia and giants like her. She's one of those heroes - one of those who stood before that hurricane. And like all heroes, she made me a better man. She is to journalism what Semmelweis was for medicine.
Great article covering harrowing injuries and deaths. They keep on piling up and outside my bedroom, I can hear the shrill wail of ambulance sirens pick up again
This is what happens when we blindly trust government and the medical community, mainly big pharma whose only purpose for existing is to create fear and perpetuate the use of drugs to calm those fears...all a monstrous illusion and lie. Billions have been injected with mRNA substances and we do not know the future because an emergency was wrongfully declared and trials and testing for an entirely new injectable concoction were never judiciously completed. The health agencies like the FDA and CDC took the payoffs and turned a blind eye to the possible repercussions.
Do we wonder why? Now you see the reasons why. Compassion may ease your soul, but not save many lives. The carnage is well into play and is not close to peaking. That is the assumption we must make. If we do anything, it might be to avoid all big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections. For those already poisoned, the medical community should be your last source of hope.
Gorgo: I didn't mean "compassion" INSTEAD of taking action. I have been exposing these criminals since the late 1980s. The carnage was well under way THEN. Too. At least 300,000 killed by AZT alone. I guess I need to retrieve and re-publish that stuff so people understand the history? AIDS was where they identified how to kill people in plain sight and call it "success" against "the virus," or, perhaps "lessons learned."
The years spent together has made me a better man and investigator. I saw Del Bigtree the other day and thought that, without your spirit, courage, and voice, his passion might not have been ignited to fight for and inspire others. YOU did that, Celia. That's YOUR legacy, and I am forever grateful.
Indeed Audrey, Celia Farber is a true heroine, the civilian version of the men who stormed the Pacific islands and Normandy beaches in WWII. The medical nazis led by Fauci set about ruining her life and she still persevered. Here is a link to some of her best work from the 80's and 90's regarding the AIDS debacle: http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/index/cfarber.htm
We must do more. This can not be allowed to be swept away; it can not become just another talking point political issue.
We must react very, very strongly, even violently. These sociopaths must learn fear, that they can not do this without repercussion. They must face our anger, our retribution and they must be shamed mercilessly. They should never be allowed anywhere near a leadership position, nor should they be able to walk among us without knowing that we loathe them. They should be imprisoned, their ill-gotten gains returned to us, and we should scorn them.
They have no fear. They know they can just move on. They can bank their profits, hide in their walled gardens and private islands. They can steal our money, our lives, our children, our joy without any fear of us.
That must change if we are ever to recapture our freedom. I am angry; righteously angry!
Bear witness, yes. Forgive those behind it, no. How to punish them is the question. How to prevent them from taking power again is another question. How to protect ourselves from the WEF through its military arm, the UN military (misnamed Peacekeeping Force). Those jackbooted thugs will come door to door to round up those us remaining, is the most important question.
Great questions. I don't have the answers of course, but keeping our hearts open is key - I agree with that. Everyone is still struggling to comprehend it. Happening in real time, the desire to duck and dive, numb out ebbs and flows with outrage, fury and profound sadness.
I trust life, I trust nature and I don't believe this is the end of humanity. Seriously hard lessons being learned. It helps me, in some moments, to remember there's much we don't see or know. I believe in the eternal and most essential part of every life, the piece that can't be snuffed out.
Like you, I tweeted numerous warnings to friends and associates until Feb 2020 - when Twitter permanently suspended my account. My warnings alienated terrified friends and family who refused to heed my warnings. I shared my fears with my wife and doctor-friend of ours who insisted that the vaccines were necessary to save lives.
To close the topic, he asked, "What if you're wrong?"
I responded, "What if I'm right?"
One month after vaccination he tested positive, took Remdesivir, was intubated and dead ten days later.
I left for Florida in 2021 to no longer witness the slow-motion suicide of SoCal's Branch Covidians who included dear friends and family members. How do you stop terrified believers from believing? How do you watch their iatrogenic murders and suicides? I can't watch that horror show. Life is too beautiful and short to waste with the death cult.
As someone who'd worked for years on learning and sharing the truth of the attacks of Sep 11 to the disinterest and ridicule of virtually everyone, I knew 𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 what would happen with this "operation". (Other impossible official stories and the facts of U.S. government murder of its own citizens such as Waco made seeing Sep 11 for what it actually was fairly easy.)
We left the northeast for Florida in 2021, too. Having a place to go where there was a modicum of freedom was our only choice vs. staying and "fighting" I had neither the energy nor the interest to bang my head against the wall -- again. We settled in NW Florida, which has more of a southern feel than a "Florida" feel, which suits us just fine.
You are exactly right, Robert, that life is too short to waste on the incorrigible. I hope you've found a "tribe" here in the Sunshine State. We will need each other...
What are the solutions for those who took the shots? How can they be vigilant about potential health issues? Those who took them cannot take it back. How do we move forward? I am worried for family who took the shots but have to tiptoe around the issue.
Thank you for this Substack compilation, Celia. I downloaded the blood analysis...shocking and the best I have seen. I found Vera Sharav's address so profound without mincing the hard words of what we are facing compared to 1933. As she said, not one word of the Nuremberg Code is not valid today. I'm going to attempt to get a document copy of this speech to share with many. These crimes must not go unacknowledged.
At the same time that truth must be revealed, I continue to guard my heart...
As always, I love and respect your courageous efforts.
A Message to the UNVACCINATED
Author unknown:
"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.
People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.
They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.
Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.
Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.
That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.
You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."
Author unknown
Thank you. There was never a moment, a split second that I considered taking this shot or any for that matter. I have been an "anti-vaxxer" for close to 20 years. I have been a bit on the edge of my seat wondering if any of my immediate family, especially my father, would succumb to death or injury after their boosters. So far they are alive and "well?" Only time will tell.
I try to put the thoughts of how many of my family members will get sick and die too young. There are young children that are nieces and nephews, sisters and brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles. So far I also have not heard of catastrophe.
This has been attributed to Fernando López Mirones, a Spanish biologist.
I've saved and shared this. Thank you for sharing it.
Your very welcome Robert.
This is one of my favorite posts on the subject. Suzanne Humphries MD emigrated to NZ several years ago (before Covid), promising not to mention vaccines in her new country. Lots of good info posted here. https://www.omsj.org/blogs/hood12nov
Keep beating the drum, loudly. The implosion is going to happen although they will hang this on Trump.
Hey, when will EVERYONE start to see TRUMP IS ONE OF THEM. He 'warped sped' (his words) the death shot on his watch, and was proud to say he is the father of it. WAKE UP. All politicians are middle mean for SATAN.
I have been saying the same thing to my friends for 7 months. They are going to blame it all on DJT. There is a select sub-committee investigating the prior administration now, they claim that DJT pushed the FDA to authorize the poison juice knowing that it had not gone through enough testing. I knew I was never going to subject myself to an experiment but I am one of the lucky ones who wasn't working and did not have the shot mandated by my workplace. The rest of my immediate family and my extended family took these jabs, including my adult children. I watched both of my elderly parents decline both cognitively and physically after being injected, both passed within a year of the shots. My Dr vilified me, said that I was the cause of the variants and that people like me were taking up ER beds that should have been for the jabbed only. Needless to say, I fired her (after a 30 year Dr/Patient relationship). I pray that the ones responsible for this genocide will one day be held responsible for the carnage they wreaked on the world, especially for what they did to the children. It's deplorable.
Time to compare the deaths in sleep happening now to crib deaths. May be the same mechanism, so the genocide is a many decades long work in progress, now in overdrive.
As a young policeman, I was dispatched to the home of a crib death. I'd never seen it before, and the young couple were inconsolable. I examined her body and saw the discoloration expected but didn't know that the dried trickle of blood from its nose was normal in such deaths. I asked, as gently as I could, about violence that I thought might've caused the visible signs, not knowing that vaccines cause the same injuries.
I never forgot that little girl or the parents who are routinely blamed for such injuries. The vaccine industry is evil, and it demands that we blame parents for events that I once thought could not possibly be sponsored and defended by a malevolent government. That my ignorance might've played a part in their suffering haunts me still.
Forgive yourself Robert. You have learned a great deal from a simple mistaken identifier.
Vaccines are the violence. What a horrible experience. May GOD rest that baby's soul.
Contact them and apologize. I promise they’ll appreciate it. And you’ll be able to forgive yourself.
It happened 30+ years ago. I recall what happened but not where or to whom.
It is the exact same thing. SADS= SIDS. I’m getting a t shirt made up
Everybody dies at some point, so let's not be black pilled and hide in a mental safe space doing nothing, let's make sure the lives of those that die early are not wasted.
Ouch, I’m guilty.
As a Vietnam veteran on "Total and Permanent" PTSD disability as a result of my "service" (please don't thank me for it; if you do you just don't understand), I am no stranger to the most intense kind of loneliness. From the moment I disembarked from the "freedom bird" that brought me "home" I have not felt at home in the country that sent me to Vietnam. But that old loneliness is nothing compared to this new loneliness of seeing friends and loved ones volunteer to be human guinea pigs. Two of my three children volunteered to take the Covid shot; and they injected my two grandchildren with it. The spectacle of witnessing our entire nation do the unspeakable by sleepwalking past the criminal violation of the Nuremberg Code with the various Covid mandates leaves me aphasic. I move my lips; no sound comes out. I feel as though I have watched my beloveds behave as though drugged by an evil wizard and board Big Pharma's Nazi cattle cars bound for the gas ovens of a kind of ZYCON-B shot into their precious blood. I live with the terrible image of most of the people I know and love rolling away from me in those cattle cars toward a horizon black with storm clouds and death smoke-smudged skies. I'll carry my grief about Vietnam to my grave. This new grief is an order of magnitude worse. God help us.
This is so painful to read. I stopped at viewed many of the links... I know this information, but it stings every time. And I suppose in some way that's good. I can still feel. But we are all getting accustomed to the horror of this, which I suppose is survival, but terrifying in its own way.
You are right, of course. Preserving our hearts and our compassion is critical. Last night I danced poolside with girlfriends... very badly, as a woman tried to teach us some Bollywood moves... it was the best heart medicine I've had in some time. Music and laughing together seems to be part of the formula. Crying together... singing together... Together is absolutely a part of the formula.
Thank you for documenting all the parts of the human condition.
In the beginning as people I knew were eager for the shots I urged them not to do it. I appealed to the logic: we don't know what is in them. You are consenting to something that you know nothing about. Do some research first. Give a listen to some of the most respected scientists in the world warning us not to do it.
I decided to have the attitude that they had made their own decision and they must suffer the consequences; I will not longer be in their lives. I decided it was the only way I would be able to move forward and keep my sanity. Since then over the last year and listening to and watching horrifying videos of people in so much pain, my heart has softened and I know they need our compassion. Those of us who kept our resolve and put our faith in God must be compassionate and provide any help we can. Keep saying to people as new "mandates" are pushed at us: Just say NO. We are all human beings, no one better than another.
We can all seek opportunities right where we live. We can initiate discussions, with family, neighbors, friends, associates, -- keeping in mind this whole range of topics is volatile and will likely become more so as the US elections approach. There remains an official administrative culture of pushing the deadly vaxes. Here in CA, the wannabe '24 POTUS is still pushing toxic vaxes into toddler arms. There is no mainstream culture of public deliberation which we might follow for general assistance. We have an opportunity here to create local public spaces. Public space is not rental space. It belongs to no one and to everyone. We share it, or we don't. It may even prove distracting to note that Aristotle said those who remain aloof from public deliberations also remain idiots for their entire lives. However, rather than broadcast that wisdom, we can keep it mind, and look for moments where the idiots might join those remaining radically indecent, and against our every effort to achieve public decency. These are treacherous times; carefulness is always urgent. Snoops and spooks are everywhere. Thank you, Celia Farber, for initiating the conversations.
Indeed, I've known Celia and giants like her. She's one of those heroes - one of those who stood before that hurricane. And like all heroes, she made me a better man. She is to journalism what Semmelweis was for medicine.
Great article covering harrowing injuries and deaths. They keep on piling up and outside my bedroom, I can hear the shrill wail of ambulance sirens pick up again
This is what happens when we blindly trust government and the medical community, mainly big pharma whose only purpose for existing is to create fear and perpetuate the use of drugs to calm those fears...all a monstrous illusion and lie. Billions have been injected with mRNA substances and we do not know the future because an emergency was wrongfully declared and trials and testing for an entirely new injectable concoction were never judiciously completed. The health agencies like the FDA and CDC took the payoffs and turned a blind eye to the possible repercussions.
Do we wonder why? Now you see the reasons why. Compassion may ease your soul, but not save many lives. The carnage is well into play and is not close to peaking. That is the assumption we must make. If we do anything, it might be to avoid all big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections. For those already poisoned, the medical community should be your last source of hope.
Gorgo: I didn't mean "compassion" INSTEAD of taking action. I have been exposing these criminals since the late 1980s. The carnage was well under way THEN. Too. At least 300,000 killed by AZT alone. I guess I need to retrieve and re-publish that stuff so people understand the history? AIDS was where they identified how to kill people in plain sight and call it "success" against "the virus," or, perhaps "lessons learned."
The years spent together has made me a better man and investigator. I saw Del Bigtree the other day and thought that, without your spirit, courage, and voice, his passion might not have been ignited to fight for and inspire others. YOU did that, Celia. That's YOUR legacy, and I am forever grateful.
Yes Celia, please republish. Thank you for ALL you do🙏
Indeed Audrey, Celia Farber is a true heroine, the civilian version of the men who stormed the Pacific islands and Normandy beaches in WWII. The medical nazis led by Fauci set about ruining her life and she still persevered. Here is a link to some of her best work from the 80's and 90's regarding the AIDS debacle: http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/index/cfarber.htm
Thank you JohnS. Appreciate this link and agree 💯 with your words/description of Celia.
We must do more. This can not be allowed to be swept away; it can not become just another talking point political issue.
We must react very, very strongly, even violently. These sociopaths must learn fear, that they can not do this without repercussion. They must face our anger, our retribution and they must be shamed mercilessly. They should never be allowed anywhere near a leadership position, nor should they be able to walk among us without knowing that we loathe them. They should be imprisoned, their ill-gotten gains returned to us, and we should scorn them.
They have no fear. They know they can just move on. They can bank their profits, hide in their walled gardens and private islands. They can steal our money, our lives, our children, our joy without any fear of us.
That must change if we are ever to recapture our freedom. I am angry; righteously angry!
Bear witness, yes. Forgive those behind it, no. How to punish them is the question. How to prevent them from taking power again is another question. How to protect ourselves from the WEF through its military arm, the UN military (misnamed Peacekeeping Force). Those jackbooted thugs will come door to door to round up those us remaining, is the most important question.
The Nazis are alive and well in this generation. Using all technology at their disposal.
Great questions. I don't have the answers of course, but keeping our hearts open is key - I agree with that. Everyone is still struggling to comprehend it. Happening in real time, the desire to duck and dive, numb out ebbs and flows with outrage, fury and profound sadness.
I trust life, I trust nature and I don't believe this is the end of humanity. Seriously hard lessons being learned. It helps me, in some moments, to remember there's much we don't see or know. I believe in the eternal and most essential part of every life, the piece that can't be snuffed out.
Thank you.
Like you, I tweeted numerous warnings to friends and associates until Feb 2020 - when Twitter permanently suspended my account. My warnings alienated terrified friends and family who refused to heed my warnings. I shared my fears with my wife and doctor-friend of ours who insisted that the vaccines were necessary to save lives.
To close the topic, he asked, "What if you're wrong?"
I responded, "What if I'm right?"
One month after vaccination he tested positive, took Remdesivir, was intubated and dead ten days later.
I left for Florida in 2021 to no longer witness the slow-motion suicide of SoCal's Branch Covidians who included dear friends and family members. How do you stop terrified believers from believing? How do you watch their iatrogenic murders and suicides? I can't watch that horror show. Life is too beautiful and short to waste with the death cult.
As someone who'd worked for years on learning and sharing the truth of the attacks of Sep 11 to the disinterest and ridicule of virtually everyone, I knew 𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 what would happen with this "operation". (Other impossible official stories and the facts of U.S. government murder of its own citizens such as Waco made seeing Sep 11 for what it actually was fairly easy.)
We left the northeast for Florida in 2021, too. Having a place to go where there was a modicum of freedom was our only choice vs. staying and "fighting" I had neither the energy nor the interest to bang my head against the wall -- again. We settled in NW Florida, which has more of a southern feel than a "Florida" feel, which suits us just fine.
You are exactly right, Robert, that life is too short to waste on the incorrigible. I hope you've found a "tribe" here in the Sunshine State. We will need each other...
We do need each other. Celia has my contact info. Let me know if/when you visit the Treasure Coast.
What are the solutions for those who took the shots? How can they be vigilant about potential health issues? Those who took them cannot take it back. How do we move forward? I am worried for family who took the shots but have to tiptoe around the issue.
I wrote this post over 18 months ago as the wave of terror was building. How I wish I'd been wrong.
Excellent. This was where my feelings were as well...
Thank you for this Substack compilation, Celia. I downloaded the blood analysis...shocking and the best I have seen. I found Vera Sharav's address so profound without mincing the hard words of what we are facing compared to 1933. As she said, not one word of the Nuremberg Code is not valid today. I'm going to attempt to get a document copy of this speech to share with many. These crimes must not go unacknowledged.
At the same time that truth must be revealed, I continue to guard my heart...
As always, I love and respect your courageous efforts.
Since I did a quick search for this earlier today, just an FYI that a transcript of Sharav's speech is available at:
and at
Thank you so much!