When people realize that anti-parasite medication and some other cheap as chips products undo the whole pharma industry.. when the truth of chemicals in water, and food, etc. is finally brought to light. No one will trust Doctor's again. That's part of the "war" going on in this world. Pharma being exposed for their deeply corrupt nature. We're watching the "show" now. Follow Dirt Road Discussions on the telegram for some interesting stories.

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Alot of people not getting the jab.... that's what changed.

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Celia, you were the one who first got me started on looking into HIV/ AIDS. It is difficult to find books on the topic, as they are almost all out of print. GOOD NEWS: yesterday, on audible.com, I found Peter Duesberg’s book “Inventing the AIDS Virus”!! I’m already on Chapter 6 — it is riveting, and I am learning a lot of history that I hadn’t known before. BTW, can’t wait to read YOUR book when/if it is reprinted.

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I beg your pardon. Physics is a cultural artifact dependent on being us being synthetic "moderns." Whereas astrology speaks to the age-old connection between human and cosmic. Furthermore, the problem we're facing does not depend on whether viruses exist or not. The problem we're facing is AI totalitarianism being driven by 5G smartphone surveillance and a social credit system which will deprive you of your freedom if you don't get jabbed and otherwise conform. Your bank account will then be frozen whether you think viruses "exist" or not.

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Someone get this man a megaphone because this is the truth.

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Sorry Michael - I should not have painted Astrology with such a broad brush. I hoped to allude to parallax, the astrological claim that "Mercury is in retrograde", and the demonstrable fact that Mercury orbits the Sun.

That said, I am also concerned about AI totalitarianism, the surveillance state and social credit system - but that's another subject. God bless you - I share your concerns.

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Find the book of VITALOGY in one of the internet puzzles and be amazed at what we once knew. Find me on TG and I can share it.

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What changed?

-> The final concerted push for the Great Reset began and Fauci had a plandemic to attend to:

Dr. Robert Malone talks about the Covid-19 vaccines and the globalist corporatist elites who planned the Covid-19 plandemic and how he is now working globally with some people to combat the World Economic Forum's (WEF) goal of a One World Government/New World Order (NWO)/Global Reset.

[FULL INTERVIEW] Uncovering the Covid Narrative with Dr. Robert Malone


This is a wonderful interview. I'm amazed and so happy that Malone is now working against the WEF. The only issue I still have with him is that he still doesn't understand that NO ONE should be injected with any of these Big Pharma poisons...absolutely no one, due to the debilitating and often deadly adverse event outcomes frequently caused by these injections. - But, that understanding will come, in time, and, perhaps, quite soon.


Just in from TheLibertyBeacon:

"Fifteen "Fully Vaccinated" Players Unable to Finish Miami Open ..., including the male and female favorites to win"

Look away! Nothing to see here folks, nothing to see . . .


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Why, it's almost as though natural immunity was disregarded because it wouldn't have driven sufficient pharma revenue, wouldn't have afforded the powers-that-be an opportunity to impose a societal control system, and wouldn't have allowed Mengele-esque public health bureaucrats the chance to play God!

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Also applies to false flags....

Incoherence of Jewish Nazi zoolemskitttle

President of UKraine, fake president, supports Nazis and Nazism

President of us an ghostly apparition who is really alive not fake

We know cause he smells bad

Dominant narrative of domination:

1. Lockdown kids in jails and masks

2. Destroy economy and womanity

3. You must get your neeedlerape

4. Support our US war in Ukraine

5. Get more needlerape poke

Why they didn't call it a poke like fuckerberg fakebook used to poke?

Because then it would be a bit too obviously

Hoke - Poke needlerape depopulation agenda even for the mass psychodelfor hypnosis

6. German lies are good too.

Support the destruction of Womanity by needlerape and US hato NATO war

We have always been at war with west Seattle...

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Apr 6, 2022
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I grew up with Jews and non Jews

They both abandoned me, but one set of the Jews did so for the lowering of their pay to raise me ....another for misbehaving (Holocaust survivors) by going out on a Sunday night a t like 7 pm

The non Jews kicked me out for smoking pot

Oh well

We all suck

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Apr 6, 2022Edited
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Do we even have souls in the new world order? I Think they did away with mine a few years back ..

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Apr 6, 2022
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Until you're in solitary long enough, which is like two days

Try it...

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Dr Fauci is in it for the money, I am a Lifestyle Medicine Health and Well-being Practitioner and Nutrition Scientist.

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Natural immunity would have been the truth. They can’t have that.

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Maybe Fauci is just getting senile and "forgot" about natural immunity? (I'm joking of course- he's just evil!)

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I’m truly concerned about those jabbed. The latest I have heard is that it will take 18 months from the jab for the effect to come to light and it won’t be pretty. I pray this is wrong and I really do as there is nothing to gain from our side being right! However we must stick to the solutions and Chlorine dioxide is one of the two - that and Carbon 60. I’m distributing it in the UK so message me if you want a set…

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UK residents! My dear friend (since the 90s) Anna distributes CD and Carbon 60 in the UK. But we don't mean "CD" now do we? WPS. Oxidizer. Anna tell us more about Carbon 60. I struggle to connect with it. I have some, as I told you. I began to listen to the Andreas Kalcker we spoke of, have to go back to it. I'm going to start the 3 activated drops every hour for four 10 hrs (UGH) for 21 days. I have been only dabbling so far. LOVE YOU ANNA xoxo PS. How can people reach you if they want to order? Let's keep as much in the family as we can, everyone.

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Thank you darling C. My email for orders is: honest2godhealth@protonmail.com - website is not up yet and I don’t yet have Carbon 60. However WPS is a must and I have started the protocol too! I have no doubt that I have been affected by shedding as too many strange feelings in my body since this all began? Numb hands, lower back pain, memory fuzzy and sometimes no energy. So let’s all do this as part of our fight back …

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Re: Memory-holing the concept of natural immunity.

To define is to determine, to control. Believing “there is no other standard than the ends justify the means,” the Leftist always feels entitled to control humanity by perpetually redefining the terms and conditions of objective reality—much like a narcissistic child will continually redefine the rules of a game until he's the winner.

For example:

Herd Immunity had always been defined as:

“the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”

In October 2020, the WHO redefined it as “a concept used for vaccination”:

“‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.”

This redefinition represents a concerted effort to memory hole the concept of natural immunity in order to drive humanity into a perpetual regimen of newly defined “vaccines” and “vaccinations.”

Once upon a time, a vaccine was defined as “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” And vaccination was defined as “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Then one day in September of 2021, the CDC changed the definitions thusly:

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. …

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

The CDC claims they redefined the terms to increase “transparency;” lest anyone interpret the original definition to mean vaccines are 100% effective. Curiously, however, they neglect to explain how the world failed to manage for the past century with the original definition; much less where they derive the authority for unilaterally redefining the term.

These redefinitions enable technocrats to keep ‘updating’ the definition of ‘fully vaccinated.’ As for the potential purpose of any “updated definition” [of ‘fully vaccinated’], well it would be twofold.

Firstly, it would allow them to maintain control. Forcing people to jump through hoops just to “get back” rights they once took for granted creates an atmosphere that normalizes state tyranny.

Secondly, and more cynically, it would allow them to artificially manipulate statistics to flatter the vaccines’ effectiveness whilst hiding any damage they might do.

Memory-holing the concept of natural immunity and redefining the concept of vaccination renders the individual completely dependent upon the state for “protection” from infectious disease. Thus, linking pandemics like COVID-19 to “Climate Change” would be the ideal pretext for wielding perpetual emergency power to “build back better” as a technocratic totalitarian biosecurity police state.

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Lot of good facts and discussion. But it is too complicated for the average person at times to discern. But the issue is truth that is diluted and fabricated among those in control of the tyranny being spread. The vials of death, "vaccines", have been exposed as useless and deadly. Along with 60% ??? of the medical establishment compromised. Science has been used to coerce and threaten you to follow blindly into "Oblivion".

To survive you have to be aware what you put into your to body. And censor the false information and lies you are attacked with and absorb each moment. Life has no guarantees but offers you a path to be free and independent.

How long can this evil continue until the total suppression and destruction of modern humanity is completely smothered???

Prepare for judgment!!!!

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I don't think we are the ones who need to worry about " Preparing for Judgement"

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The dark and bleak practices of the modern stone age medical mafia are the 3rd leading cause of death in the US. After 100 years of trying, they are saving no one...their incomes and profits have a far better survival rate than the patients they mangle both medically and psychologically.

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Everything Subject to Change Based On Agenda Shifts.

THE Agenda to help “solve overpopulation” has a long history.

Philip himself maintained the family tradition, first having been educated under a Nazi curriculum centered on eugenics in the 1930s, and then going on to found the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) with fellow one-time Nazi Party member Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a lifelong eugenicist and Bilderberg Group founder, in 1961. Philip and Bernhard were joined by Sir Julian Huxley (then president of the Eugenics Society of Britain) as WWF co-founder. In an August 1988 interview with Deutsche Press Agentur, Prince Philip proclaimed his desire to return in the next life as a deadly virus to help “solve overpopulation”.


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There is no proof of 1) natural immunity 2) no proof that jabs provide cure, protection; i.e., immunity. Let's not perpetrate the myth (lie?). This is typical Western war mentality superimposed and indoctrinated for mass consumption.

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