My life has never been better, and I've never felt greater peace than I have since 2019. I view what's happening the way I view a gory car wreck on the freeway. I take a look to see who the idiot was who caused it, and who the innocents were who became entangled in it. It's well within our power to avoid car wrecks and it was well within our power to avoid the COVID19 operation. I haven't played along with it one wit other than ocassionally wearing a mask loosely fitted, and constantly pulling it away from my face after I walked away from whatever ahole, mind controlled moron said I had to wear one in a store. I look at the morons masked up willingly with part contempt, part compassion, and work to make it mostly compassion twinged with a bit of sadness for humanity.

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Our public health officials had plenty of available "lifeboats" (HCQ & IVM) but suppressed access to these "life preservers."

At least, the Titanic's captain allowed what lifeboats they had to be lowered into the water.

Never forget.

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There wasn’t even a mere mention of the power of Vitamin D (12 metabolic things including immunemodulation against fluid filling lungs) except by Dr Campbell on youtube during the evil lockdown.

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They closed beaches just so you couldnt accidently get Vitamin D.

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Think about that. ALL of their advice was BAD. I'll never get over it. All of it was bad. Stay indoors. Don't see people, use LOTS of hand sanitizer. All bad advice.

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You're so right. Everything the public health people said to do was either wrong or a lie. I'll now say bluntly and with confidence that they did evil. Some apologists, like the advocates of amnesty, say that 'some mistakes were made.' I completely disagree with them. With benefit of hindsight, I have become quite convinced that they acted intentionally ... and therefore evilly.

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Note the necessary step the amnesty seekers deliberately skip: trial and sentencing. They are well aware of what they have done.

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Somehow they were able to save Bloom from the gallows at Nuremberg right? It was never about justice and I suspect that all of this may be a lot older than we even know .

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Absolutely. A scientist does not toss the scientific method out of goodness.

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The people who drank the Kool-Aid were certain of their moral superiority for all kinds of justifications against those didn't obey. I won't forget!

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Dec 3, 2022
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Dec 4, 2022
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All of their instructions?

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They suppressed that too

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that Escher pic is exactly what the world is like now. thankfully I am far from the maddening crowd in the woods with a dog and 3 cats. I can't imagine how people could live in NYC or LA with all this crace going on

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Your sentence structure is just fine. And I do like crace, more compact and elegant than craziness....and it is going on, no doubt. How excellent to be in the woods with animals.

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There's a maddening crowd in the woods with a dog, and 3 cats? Where is that woods, and why does that crowd have a dog, and 3 cats? You might enjoy the book "Godel, Escher, Bach."

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i read that many years ago, but did not really enjoy it. But I love the Escher pics. NO the crowds are in NY and LA and I am in the boonies in GA (with the animals)

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I started to read it, and it's clear the author is very intelligent but I haven't finished the book because there are other books I want to read more than that one. I was jokingly pointing out your faulty sentence construction. I figured you lived in a rural area.

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haha I did not even realize. Yes rural GA here, and English is my third language, which of course is no excuse to make mistakes !

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Your name led me to believe English was not your first language, but I couldn't help pointing out the humor in the sentence. I'm guessing you speak Swedish, English, and German. Ingrid is most often a Swedish name isn't it?

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It is. I date back to the time Ingrid Bergman was popular. I am originally Belgan, from the Dutch speaking part, and also speak French, German and Italian. Well and English of course LOL

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Yes, while we do not know all, we know enough. However, if we do not act upon this knowledge, what difference does it make knowing it?

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In our post-Christian culture, the near-universal instinctive reaction to the accelerating collapse of trust--in leaders, institutions, media, etc.--and mountains of lies-upon-lies wrapped in lying manipulations is to TRUST IN ONESELF. And that's on the part of the savvy ones; the smart crowd; folks who don't buy the narrative but instead are clued-in enough to read substacks like Celia's.

Disney made a killing feeding this koan ad nauseum to two, going on three generations. Story-sellers who wanted to make a living followed, carrying the idea from fiction into advertising, narrative non-fiction, and live events. Watch the Olympics; pick up a bestselling self-help book, a magazine, or a celebrity biography. Trust in oneself is the water we swim in... our instinctive safe place. And I'm not talking about the sheeple wearing double n95s, out by themselves on a sunny day. I'm talking about literate folks; libertarians; conservatives; folks who read widely, study hard, and think for ourselves.

The landmark 2009 feel-good film lauding Nelson Mandela's achievements in healing South Africa came right out and declared the doctrine of self with its title "Invictus," (apparently) figuring that in the 67 years since the last two fist-shakingly narcissistic lines from that 1875 William Ernest Henley poem were used, in Casablanca (1942; out of the mouth of the shamelessly corrupt Captain Renault; Claude Raines) that nobody would notice or care that the blatantly Satanic anti-Christian (s)creed had shifted from a scoundrel-villain's lips to the centerpiece doctrine espoused by cinematographic heroes like Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon.

"It matters not how strait the gate,

how charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul."

The Bible says precisely the opposite.

"He who trusts in his own heart is a fool..." (Proverbs 28:26b) "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) "...None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one... all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." (Romans 3:9b-12,23)

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Yes, exactly, what’s happened to us, and what do we do about it?

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Stephen Ericson is wise as a person based in his reality. I do not know him but the words are well put together.

So much distraction in this world of today, as well as in the past and now in the future that is spinning around us.

Trust yourself and build from that.

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I'm a wreck. But we're holding on right?

Stay strong.

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Sometimes I am a wreck too. It is hard to see the devastation that fellow medical professionals have put upon human beings in order to serve ‘the greater good’ as gullible uninformed people that has been fed lies through many decades by perpetrators that only have enslavement and death in their systems and on their minds.

I am not good at serfdom which tunes into NO Compliance at any given time.

You hold on.


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I forget what substack article I saw this quote from REM buy tit keeps coming to mind these days.

'Six o'clock, TV hour, don't get caught in foreign tower

Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn

Lock him in uniform, book burning, blood letting

Every motive escalate, automotive incinerate

Light a candle, light a votive, step down, step down

Watch your heel crush, crushed, uh-oh, this means

No fear, cavalier renegade steer clear

A tournament, a tournament, a tournament of lies

Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives

And I decline' --REM Michael Stipe

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The machine of distracting the mind from its center, is prolific in the western societies, and developing countries which have bowed to everything western. It is necessary to take stands in not only breaking down the psy-op around distracting the mind away from what is at the heart and center of Me and being alive. It will take a totally different way of relating human to human. Intelligence must be honored and cultivated on a personal level. Are we ready to make that a priority as communicators with compassion for the Mind?

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…11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.

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I had no idea that you posted this when I wrote my comment on your other post.

Its always an honor.

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If you’ve ever seen a Rat King, it really portrays in physical form how those in control manipulate those who are not. Or rather more directly, those who are willing to be manipulated through their good intentions, merely ignorance, or following the mob as it were. This also includes those very people who are in power.

One can look at the Rat King and have pity, desiring to put it out of its misery while knowing that inevitably it will die (and likely in short order). One can also see it and be revolted to the point of putting it out of our misery considering that perhaps it is our fortune to have so many rats in one convenient package. However you might see it, you cannot unsee it and it’s perfect homogeneity to the modern mindset.

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Amazing article. Amazing substack. I just subscribed. This is my first and only paid substack subscription.

I read in another post here - "The Passion Of Peter Duesberg (Jan. 1, 2022)" --- that Ms. Farber's amazing book, "Serious Adverse Events", would be republished in 2022. I have not yet been able to find it for purchase. Any update on its availability for purchase?

Thank you.

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