I don't know what it is-- that so many of us need some kind of superficial sense of belonging to a fractured-off social group. I think it's some kind of numbing reaction. Taking the road less traveled and being willing to surrender to the fact that we're ALL connected in ways big and small is not easy. Many people have had trauma and painful childhoods, but turn what they've learned into something that can help others. I think Socialism, Facism and all those artificial ways of pretending to help the greater good are for cowards. It revolves around avoiding any kind of deep self-reflection and not being willing to truly surrender to that oneness that we're all a part of. They make up their own weird rules and gloat in their own senses of moral superiority like they're God.

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Most modern sense of trauma is television or video inspired. Plebs keep surrendering their frontal lobe skills to the incipient emotional garbage of video experience. Read a well written book from the 18th or 19th centuries. These publications actually engage intellectual analyses, rather than spoon fed emotional rubbish.

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C.S. Lewis foresaw the coming of that spoon fed emotional rubbish and its effect on young heads full of mush. If you have not read The Abolition of Man, it is a must read.

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Hello Michelle: I haven't read that particular book. I stopped reading speculative fiction books years ago, after concluding that such works are socially accepted prescriptions. We've thrilled ourselves into an endless abyss of mental and emotional trauma... It is a mental illness.

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You should do yourself a favor and read this non-fiction treatise. C.S. Lewis is one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century.

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i think that tv triggers what is already happening from our childhoods- things we saw and experienced that we couldn't make sense of- when i go to an event- and watch the women all trying to look like movie stars- it actually makes me feel sick- covering their faces with makeup because they aren't good enough the way they are- and now the men doing the same thing- time to wake up

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Hello valeri: I like women who actually know how to enhance their beauty. Men? Erm... What beauty?

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That's because those women are serving your preferences and spending a lot of time and money and effort to attract your attention artificially. So of course you like it. It's very flattering.

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People have lost the ability to see beauty and instead rely on someone else to tell them what it is and then emulate it to the best of their abilities. That's why they imitate movie stars and that's a big reason movie stars exist at all. It certainly isn't due to thespian talent being number one.

Ever notice how many of the women who deck themselves out end up looking alike? Interchangeable? By design as well.

I just wrote a stack about this very subject if interested.

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part of it is being continually uprooted- so we have no sense of really being connected to a community- or having your community targeted with tourism that simply overwhelms the local population- bringing in money that changes who gets elected and the values of a small community- i think that's why they had to get rid of all the old people- we have the memories of when it was 'not so'

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this would explain what i've been watching all my life- the way we migrate back to the pain we experienced as children- drawn back into the drama etc- i have friends who just torture each other - acting out what happened all through their childhood- one takes the role of victim- the other as the perp- we need to wake up from the nightmare of the priesthood- it's a true sickness- takes a lot of courage and meditation and self challenge to stop

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Return to the scene of the crime , this time in the drivers seat -- I will write above about my definition of fascism , which is a way to grab the tail of the dragon and thus control it . The dragon , in this case being the living fire of spirit and free will in every human being born to woman .

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A near perfect description of 12-Step Recovery - surrender/escape from Tyranny into connection to something greater. 10-18-85.

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That sounds like a great read. I'm going to look that one up.

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Thanks. It’s not a book - but the Experience is available Worldwide- at any 12- Step meeting.

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Tribalism seems to be a powerful force in the human psyche, doesn't it? Divide-and-conquer is clearly a powerful weapon to use against humans.

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I think we might be on the same wavelength. See my comment in response to Tirion.

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It’s not just fascism -- people subject themselves to intellectual bondage under any number of headings: political, philosophical and religious being among them. They would prefer a life of stasis under authority rather than embarking on the rugged journey of the indefatigable pursuit of truth.

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Yes, doesn't it seem that so many seem unwilling to think for themselves - determined not to do so, in fact? Is it fear of consequences? Do they crave not having to make decisions, preferring instead "I was only following orders" or copying what everyone else was saying or doing? Is it just laziness, not wanting to take responsibility, having someone else to blame for everything? Or are they entrained and/or mind kontrolled?

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I think a big part of pursuing truth is facing the truth about yourself: if you can’t do that, you’re in no position to seek the truth about things outside yourself (remember: we’re talking about truth, not facts). Honest self-examination usually means jettisoning long-nurtured and carefully cultivated self-delusions, doing which, in my view, requires a reasonable degree of spiritual maturity, and is, at least in my experience, much more of a journey than a destination. A rugged and demanding journey that’s not for the faint of heart, but for which the reward is freedom, though you may be in chains: “The truth shall set you free”.

Nicole Hintze says it well below.

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I think many people are denigrated and come to believe they aren't important and so don't trust their own likes or dislikes or beliefs or anything else.

The entire world works to make people feel small or overinflated so they will eventually be deflated or mentally ill.

What this world fears is authenticity so it conditions from birth to reject one's own true self in favor of an artificial self. Accurate self-knowledge is powerful.

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Yes, accurate self-knowledge is a key to great power. Thank you.

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All of the above 😞

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You couldn't have said this better... and it is amazing the effect other people have on our lives/journey that pull us of course constantly. The embrace of authoritarian stasis is to be stuck emotionally/spiritually in childhood.

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I am reading a book, Your body keeps the score, by Bessel Van Der Kolk, which explains how trauma stays in the body, and how different people react, first to the trauma itself, and then to the memory and the treatment. After 3 years of scamdemic I think we are all traumatized (may be not those that knew what was going on and just kept living as if nothing happened) I wonder if this 'feeling at home' in fascism is something like a brainwashing? does one get 'used' to abuse? How far does it have to go before one considers it 'normal'? Being introvert helped me over the scamdemic, but I think lots of people are damaged for life

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Be anti-ism since they are all false.

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In a sense, all classifications are false. But -isms are not only a classification, but a way of life.

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Locking a 150-year-old movement in half a page of summary may not be the best way to draw any conclusions. Especially following an easy association “if A then B” and subject dismissed.

Dismissing phenomena, other people and changes is what we love most, by the way. We use labels to make it easier. Once a label is made up, subject dismissed.

And we love making extremist labels, polarizing everything to the “are you for or against” sentence (in the judicial meaning), with an imminent classification of the responder to “one of ours” or “enemy”, depending on how much his/her reply corresponds with the label description in the head of the terrorist questioner.

Why do we do all this? Maybe because we already know everything. Being around other people may be infuriating - they don’t know anything. You have to tell them what to do, what to believe. They won’t listen, obviously. This is where you ask polarizing questions and classify them as enemies. Because these questions are not asked to learn anything. You already know everything. There is nothing new to learn. The world has become an absolutely boring place with absolutely mindless people who don’t want to obey you. Why care?

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Sometimes nuance is like the noose of the Hangman. I tend to write too black-and-white. Sorry not sorry.

We live in the first quarter of the 21st century, not the first quarter of the 20th. We live in a world where many points of the Communist Manifesto have been adopted as normal policy, based on logic and sound morality (utter bollocks.) If Fascism appeared to fight against the global and internationalist dictatorship prefigured by Communism, then it has failed squarely.

But ask the Marxists: they claim we live in a totally Fascistic world. (Do Marxists even understand Marxism?)

My quesiton is: why today there are people who pretend to be fascists, actually become fascists? Why they try to resuscitate that Undead Ideology? What do they desire by identifying with utter political failure?

From these individuals, of all ages, not only adolescents and young adults, I have observed that they seem (maybe I'm wrong?) to have a strong trauma that guides their intellectual life.

Using poetic language, their love is broken like the life of Mothers of vaccine-injured children. They need to find their way out of darkness, and Society seems to be conspiring against them and that need at the moment.

It is interesting. Why not simply reject evil, which is the easier way?

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All -isms are of secondary importance and result from a deep feeling of unease and inner conflict.

The management (education, religion, politics, social services, medicine, psychology, philosophy) do their best to impart on us the must to have some meaning in life. Not even a necessity. You must be a leader, successful, or in any other way useful or contributory. You must have a purpose, a life goal, a destination which you will try to reach.

But when you are alone in the room, with nobody else, there is no meaning or purpose to your life. You simply are, and nothing more is needed to be fulfilled and happy as you are. Just like a child - there is no purpose or meaning to child’s life, it is because it is, and nothing more is needed. And his/her life is happy… until one day some “adult” asks him/her “What do you want to be?” What a stupid question. “I already am a perfect creation, I don’t need to be anything else.”

But the child will be bombarded from all angles with such challenges. And he/she starts feeling the pressure to become something else, or the adults won’t accept him/her or will reject him/her. And the inner conflict starts, and it won’t end till the last breath.

From this inner conflict, a motivation arises to be, to become something. And the child has to impress adults. He/she cannot be as he/she is, or as others are. And competitiveness starts. It won’t end until the last breath.

How can the child be competitive when everybody around is older, larger, taller, faster, wiser, better educated? The only way is through embracing wrongdoing. Adults won’t go there. The child is the master of the wrongdoing world. After some time, it turns out that other children venture along the same trail. And again, competitiveness.

Now the task is almost impossible - all children are equal and all know why they are rejected by adults. So they recreate the rejection hierarchy of adults among themselves. What can you do to become a master wrongdoer? You can only turn to harming others. If that is not enough, to killing others. That will not be enough, after some time. Then the child will become a politician and will perform ritualistic mass killing commanding others, less assertive, to go out, risk their lives, and kill other people whom they have never met before. For an average adult, this is the climax of evil.

It does not come from the outside. We - adults - push children to discover the evil world and to spread it around.

When evil children become adult, they already know that the adult world is ruled by rules and obedience. So they create structures to justify their evil wrongdoing. At this stage, they are no more human beings. There is no human element in them, except the physical body. With their separation from humanness, their inner evil has no limits. Human adults are not able to stop it. And so the evil rules this world, although we do a lot of weird philosophies to declare otherwise.

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Why not reject plastic? It's evil. Come talk with me when you've eliminated it from your life and tell me how easy it was to be rid of.

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What is plastic? Does the Winged Victory of Samothrace count as plastic?

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Nonsense. Great. Confirmation. Thanks.

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Why exactly are petroleum derived products, whether they exhibit plasticity or elasticity or viscolasticity or any other -icity described by the discipline called "materials science," are bad for health?

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Nonsense. Again. There isn't room on this thread to go into the myriad of ways plastics are detrimental to human, animal, plant and environmental and economic health.

The enormous "calamari" blood clots coming from people's bodies are made of plastic polymers.

If you are being honest, I don't know what to say other than you must have had your head buried somewhere for a long time and I suggest you excavate your noggin and do some reading.

If you are being disingenuous, which I highly suspect you are, I have no thoughtful recommendations for a clown other than - join a circus.

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Jung described the shadow which is the complete disconnect with the part of self which is a threat, which causes pain, which is feared and needs to be suppressed from the conscious and yet is projected on to others, on to the world. Would this be the same? The psychopathic skeleton we see walking around the planet in so many structures? Fascist-government-corporate bureaucrats, the medical industrialists, the administrations of the education system from kindergarten through the university, the philanthropic liars, crooks and cheats? The separation of humanity from our humanness, from our compassion, our intelligence, our physical health, and our ability to be vulnerable but vigilant in our love--all stripped away with the need to bring as many into their prison as possible. Sick, sad and satanic. . . . Thank you! This is an essential topic for all to understand.

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Intersting. Thank you!

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WHAT "mystery"? I doubt that the ppl running the fascist enterprise are masochists! As for the victims putting up w/ fascism--Stockholm Syndrome? Inability to overthrow the perpetrators, for whatever reason, including preoccupation with day-to-day existence? This sounds to me like blaming-the-victims (Propaganda 101).

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I have 2 brothers who I grew up with under the same circumstances involving an abusive and neglectful father. Boarding school was his answer to parenting and psychological torture for his 3 young children. I grew up hating and fearing him but always was able to face and call out what he was with every memory alive through the years. I got away from him at 18 and had to go through years of therapy to pull out the negative issues I couldn't see about myself that he caused. I had to find adult responsibility to be accountable for my bad behavior. It took me years of rattling my cage because the issues were like an addiction calling me to go back and resume those unacceptable behaviors. Long story short, my brothers on the other hand did not and do not have the strength to fight their issues and to this day deny and rationalize the abuse my father heaped on them, one brother becoming suicidal on the first anniversary of my monster father's death. So, talking about being fascist or exhibiting controlling behavior, both brothers in their weak minds, put themselves above others that are not gifted with their intellect. In their mental misery, they rationalize away their inability to deal with the pain of my father's abuse by hiding and making themselves feel better by thinking they know better about everything. It's how they deal with it by being passive/aggressive and instead of dealing with a slight directly, as in sitting down with someone and telling them 'I don't like what you said to me' and hashing it out, they instead find a way to 'get you back' in an underhanded way that is always hurtful. Like a child, a monstrous child. They cannot expand their minds or let other's opinions in, it would demean them. My one brother always finishes my sentences or opinions for me by 'knowing better'. By the end of a visit, all I can hear is the sound of my soul being sucked dry as though he wants to absorb my essence because he really has none of his own. So, isn't that what is happening with our communist leaders? They want to eliminate or diminish what they really crave but don't have the courage to be. And as a result, they have self-loathing and then turn it outwards toward us with the goal of destroying us to try and fill that vaccuum where their souls should be.

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Not much of a victim if they like it.

Fascism is a son or a grand-son of Marxism. And ask any true Marxist how would they feel if all the exploitation in the world suddenly stopped and everyone was happy. Achieving the desired solution would be devastating to them. Fascism has inherited that twisted nerve from its ancestor, but it is even more intense there.

The mystery is why some people go there like a moth to a flame. Is someone telling them to go there?

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One man's blaming is another's explaining

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Tbh I think my past trauma made me realize the abusive nature of the covid response more readily than others who couldn’t spot the red flags.

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We are so privileged! LOL!

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A pic of a sweet little poodle being tortured. People are evil.

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In the '70s, I took some college in Detroit. Also took a job at the Methodist Children's Home, a cottage facility for seriously abused children. It was a good environment with sincere management. To work there as staff for the cottages, we were told we needed to know one thing to be effective and last at this job: The unknown is scarier than even the worst abuse experienced by these kids. They would fight to stay in the pattern of abuse they had learned.

And, boy, they did. Our strategy was to hold them in our arms when their actions threatened others and themselves. We were not only containing them, we were hugging them with affection.

The unknown is often scarier than the known. I think this is a simple key to most psychology. Cathy O'Brien, coming out of MK Ultra, is an amazing survivor. Her message that tuning into our own life force to survive and thrive is another simple key to psychology.

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Other examples of this phenomenon are found in prisons and on plantations. In prisons there are prisoners the guards utilize as enforcers. First part of the conditioning a new prisoner experiences in the penal system is how they are broken down and organized by race. Whites, Blacks, Latinos Asians, etc form the umbrella over subgroups within them. With apex prisoners from each umbrella group given privileges and status above the other prisoners of their group by wardens and guards. To keep their "kind" in line. The prison system operates like this because there are far more prisoners than guards, and the prisoners must be used to police themselves. Still prisoners. But more equal, with more freedoms than the rest. Because they are trusted by guards and wardens to keep the peace. And if one is tempted to fraternize outside of one's designated racial group to get out from under the control of their race's designated leader there is a concerted effort to bring that race traitor back into the fold, with beatings or death.

On plantations there were/are the slaves who were/are given more rights than the others. And those slaves who could/can be fully trusted, had/have intelligence but weren't/aren't too curious or talkative about things they weren't/aren't supposed to know would/will be brought in from the field house and made house slaves. Still slaves. But they would/are often be the most rigid enforcers of the slavery system that they had/have achieved rank, status and privilege in. I use past/present because the reality is we exist in a much more sophisticated and invisible plantation world than most of us thought or were prepared to accept prior to 2020.

Using members of the people who are targeted and oppressed to maintain control of the masses has always been how power and control is seized and maintained. Even Nazi Germany utilized privileged Jews to help exterminate their own, given rank, status and privilege. Like György Schwartz, aka George Soros.

It's a combination of trauma and self-interest that makes one a supporter of fascism. One is traumatized into losing their compassion and humanity. And then realizes reward in acting uncompassionately and inhumanely. Those in positions of power have known this about human psychology since the dawn of man about group dynamics. The most manipulative attain the highest positions of power.

And think about the spate of reality shows that began appearing on television over two decades ago, Survivor, Big Brother, et al. The most manipulative ended up winning, forming alliances with others who would be happy enough as lower sidekicks to the eventual winner. The reality shows were psychological testing results on display, stimuli, predictive modeling reactions to manipulation, roles that traumatized people will naturally adopt. That's reality.

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We end up becoming the TV, and the TV is the remote they use when they are bored. It's a funny thought. Many people's faces look a lot like smartphones these days.

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Making good use of "useful idiots"

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One thing. You make it sound like a dance-step pathway - tango, waltz, foxtrot, whatever, trauma to fascism. I've experienced that traumatized people may also choose to go on very different pathways. I see trauma in virtually all lives - and I see many people choosing facing reality as best as we can. A question: any ideas on what factors encourage different choices? Also, I'd think an exploration of choosing-points would be interesting.

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Heh, heh... When reality becomes trauma, a guy (or gal) has to ask *why* it's trauma. When someone attempts to traumatize me, I just walk away and leave them dangling from their own hanging tree. There's no point in confronting these assholes unless they force the issue.

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Bio-psychosocial factors, as well as personality, protective and support structures

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I was thinking about it and really, what I'm seeing, is it just comes down to narcissism. Anyone who's dealt with a narcissist knows and has seen how they will plow over anyone and anything to defend their fragile egos, leaving behind total devastation if you let them. I've been witness to and had to deal with the flying monkey phenomena, the shaming and blaming, the financial devastation they can wreak on a person's life, the health issues it can cause. You've got to completely shut a person like that out of your life or they can literally destroy you and they won't stop until they have a dead body and have taken everything that matters to you. Narcissists, for the most part, can't change. There's no making sense out of what they do. Their system is collapsing and it's going to get crazy before it gets better, but I know it will get better. Since they won't leave us alone for five seconds, the only way to shut them out right now is to laser focus on what we know the world can be while also continuing to push back.

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Every narcissist was an abused child.

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I understand where you're coming from, but the narcissist that went scorched earth on my life was not an abused child. He was extremely spoiled and entitled and he was never called-out on anything by his parents or anyone else. From that same family came another total nightmare of a human being that murdered an 18 year old girl after picking her out on a dating site and gaining her trust after a couple of dates. NEITHER of them were abused--I can 100% guarantee that. I have great empathy for people that have dealt with abuse, but that's absolutely NO excuse for turning around and harming another human being. And it's definitely no excuse for the lack of accountability that these people are graced with so much of the time.

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What you're describing is abuse. It's just not what you define as abuse. To over-inflate a child is as damaging as demeaning one.

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There are always exceptions. However, abuse takes many forms. Refusing to parent children is one of them.

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The big lie of the 20th century is finally being examined and questioned, but most people still haven't really processed it yet, including most people in the Alt Movement (such as it is):

The lie being the two sides of the same coin: "Communism is not Fascism / Fascism is not Communism"

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Well, maybe not "the" big lie, but one of them. If we're casting about for competition for the biggest lie of the 20th century, it may well have been the Holocaust.

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Wow! That picture overkill! That person really did that!!!

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Maybe that person really staged that for effect.

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"Quite shockingly, traumatized people seek to re-experience the sensation of trauma,...".

It's not shocking at all. All healing processes are fundamentally instinctive and unconscious, and for the specialized kind of trauma we're talking about here, the instinct to revisit is part of the instinct to reintegrate. As long as you're alive, there will be a drive to be whole. But so far, the prevailing pattern is one of approach-avoidance. Like the antelope and the watering hole being watched by the lion, we know ("know", as in cellular knowledge) we must approach, or die. And the act of getting closer to water and death at the same time alters behavior in real time so that the goal may never be reached. This is where psychiatric practice could add value, if only it wasn't addicted to easy ways out, like toxic pharma products. Dr. Arthur Janov used to say "the closer you get to the original pain, the farther away you have to run." Fascism could be framed as that kind of "run".

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But it shouldn't be that way.

The instinct to run when a painful external stimulus appears should correspond to an instinct to run from a painful internal stimulus, like memories from trauma. And running can be as simple as ignoring the memories or laughing at them.

This interior system of re-experiencing trauma from memory –perhaps a false memory in some cases– may be part of the problem, a bug instead of a feature.

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There is fight. And there is flight. And there is collapse.

When a deer is frozen in the headlights it is in a state of collapse. It's natural instincts of fight or flight have collapsed. I think we are in a state of collapse.

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