It defies logic and a want/need to understand what happened to them. I have given up on trying to reach the normies. We don't think the same. They are in God's hands now.

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I am feeling more and more like this, too.

And Jesus wept.

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Luke 9:60 Jesus said to the man, "Let the dead bury the dead."

We have to let the dead bury their dead. Trying to wake people up is the surest way to make sure they'll hate your guts. People have to wake up on their own. Yes, you can throw out little seeds of thought indirectly, but direct confrontation won't work. THEY'RE GONE.

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...And Moses crept

While the man came riding on horseback.

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As you should. There is no reaching them, and they don't want to be reached. They manifest what I think may be the worst and most easily manipulated aspect of human nature, certainly that of the majority of people.

We actually need to separate from them, deliberately. They are crabs that will never allow anyone to leave the pot.

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I read some sciencey article a few days ago that basically argued for individual conformity in service of what the writer called “the dataome,” ie, the culture and the collective “knowledge” contained therein. I’ve also read that, since the beginning of grain agriculture and pyramids, the average human brain has shrunk by 15-20%. Some speculate that was because we no longer needed the brain space since we can now outsource a lot to the culture. Kinda like a transition from PCs to cloud computing portals. I think what we’re seeing now are those lineages that somehow preserved what culture tried to destroy and those that did not. Some of us are nothing but faces and nodes in the network. Some of us still have the ability to connect to source.

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An interesting hypothesis you have. Something like that makes sense, as we would appear to have two completely distinct temperments among humans, and the dataome argument will instinctively appeal to the bigger crab group, as do all arguments for the 'greater good' or any of its synonyms.

The greater/common good/general welfare argument is the most abused notion I think I've ever heard of. An absolute slam dunk with the crabs who feel safe and morally virtuous and superior in its embrace, no matter how much harm the adherence to it causes, and which the ownership class has no regard whatsoever for, and which its Tavistock Inst., Rand Corp. and other think tanks surely exploit fully and constantly.

It's time that the minority of us on the other side of the schism stopped expending energy attempting to convert and and awaken crabs. We need some societal alternative desperately now, and that's a completely futile sidetrack.

We're the new Amish, it would appear. Now we need places to live together.

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Well, the most important thing is that we all know for certain that this had nothing to do with any miracle jabs or anything like that.

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It could have been so much worse without it. 😕

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I love this from Dr Walter Hadwen (1854-1932) in Mike Stone's excellent article using newspaper articles from the late 1800s to early 1900s when newspapers weren't as suppressive and censoring as they are now.


Dr. Hadwen then pointed out the fallacious thinking regarding “protection” from vaccination. If the vaccines provide “immunity,” one should not need to be re-vaccinated again and again and again until they die. However, this is exactly what was being proposed and carried out as the vaccines did not actually prevent the diseases they were meant to protect against. He pointed out how easy it is to proclaim that a vaccine is “effective” if one receives the vaccine and goes throughout life without getting the disease. This has been “the sheet anchor of every marketplace quack from time immoral.” During the plague, people were told that wearing a live toad around their necks protected them from disease. When one did not come down with disease, they were assured that it was because of the toad that they were protected. If one did take to disease in a mild form, they were told that without the toad, the disease would have been much more severe. If one had severe disease while wearing the toad, they were assured that without the toad, they would have died. If one did succumb to the disease, it was said that they must have had the wrong toad, or wore it the wrong way, or the toad was either put on too soon or too late, or some other excuse. As Dr. Hadwen succinctly stated, “Quackery always has one shuffle left.”

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Lies beget lies beget lies beget lies…

Truth has only one iteration.

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If it looks like a quack and quacks like a quack, I guess you'd better duck!

Even further back, there was "cutting the stone" as famously depicted by Hieronymus Bosch.


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N ot so much - though the endless lies and propaganda of the tools of big pharma would have one believe that.

Allow me to suggest you read Sharyl Attkisson's "Follow the Science" or Robert Kennedy's "The Real Anthony Fauci" to get a glimmer of understanding as to just how deep and wide the scum of the medical industrial complex has become.

And bear in mind that, unlike when some coked out moron living in his mother's basement writes an "article" for Vox or the bird cage liner known as the New York Times et al, he can say anything as by pringting a "correction" a month later lawsuits cannot be had. But for book publishers, not so much - and the fact the two authors I mentioned name all the names and have not been sued of libel tells us they are not lying. Just sayin'

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Sue for libel & I'll subpoena the documents, check.

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yay you, BobF

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News from.beyond overheard: I died but t'm so glad I got all my.shots before I did. Who knows how bad it might have.been otherwise !

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Sarcastic comments about a young, beautiful, and talented young woman who died ?

All for freedom of speech, BUT, truly, isn't this a time to mourn for the fallen and wish them peace ?

And ensure this mass democide NEVER happens again ?

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gallows humor= survival technique

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True. They could have been so much MORE dead if they hadn't had the shots.

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Exactly - I believe this is an actual medical board exam question/answer is…

When something bad happens after vaccination the cause is?

A. Anything BUT the vaccine

B. Anything BUT and vaccine and you’re a racist if you don’t agree.

C. Anything BUT the vaccine, and the more vaccines the better.

D. All of the above.

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Correlation IMPLIES causation and should be investigated first, not last. But that isn't the case, as we all know...

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I feel so out of touch. Never heard of her. Obviously very talented, and she was fortunate to be adopted by parents who could give her the connections in the dance community.

"War torn Africa". And hell holes like Haiti where there is little to no hope of escape.

Dying suddenly, and dying young, is the new normal, and "they" want us to accept it. No.

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"A cause of death was not provided." Well, is it ever, anymore?

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Every single person we've lost is irreplaceable. There will never be another person like them on this earth. I think the saddest part of all of this is all of the people that are already treated like they're not here because screen-time supersedes actual human contact so much of the time. What has happened to us? We need to come back to ourselves, to our families and our communities. It's the only way our country is going to survive and thrive.

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Wow and she was adopted so they cannot use the excuse, "it runs in the family."

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Yeah Heidi Heil! 👏🏼

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Well, the obvious question of the day is did the Boston ballet mandate the vaccine? And the boosters? This reads like Mark Crispin Miller's blog where 30 nurses die suddenly in a week and most of them have no cause of death listed. The fact that she was a prima ballerina means she obviously had to be in excellent health, so I don't think it's a giant leap of faith to suggest that most likely she was required to get jabbed. Another notch in the gun and on the soul of Anthony Fauci et al .

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Looks like she was "Vaxxed and boosted." I can try to find the link...

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Yes, Boston ballet did require dancers to be vaccinated and boosted. It is on the website. Hmm.

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Says so right here (still) on their website. 2021 press release.


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At some point, if we’re not there already, it will seem normal that young people drop dead for no reason, woven into the fabric of our lives. And best for the press to never state the cause of death because that just confuses the messaging.

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Aren’t we already there? The formula for the articles is: a) tragic sudden death, b) no cause provided at this time, and c) grief counselors will be made available. I’m almost convinced the bulk of allopaths are going straight to hell. There was a fork in the road. They chose wrongly.

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She had a beautiful face.

Professional ballet is a very meritorious activity. Better than acting. Anyone can be an actor or a rock star. Ballet is one of those things that require love.

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Mariah Carey’s mom and sister died on the same day a few weeks ago.

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Had not heard that. What grief and loss for the family.

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Same batch of shots I'm guessong?

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

As JJ Couey has been saying since 2021.......

STOP the transfection of healthy humans NOW.

This review was written with the intent of stopping the transfection roll out. You will notice the conspicuous absence of any discussion regarding the protocols that led to massive iatrogenic casualty events that were used to DEFINE the crisis for the world.

I have come to understand RNA virology as almost exclusively a mythology. Make no mistake: I was part of the illusion of the consensus that was used to compel millions of healthy humans to submit to transfection. I was guilty of falling for the Theater and pushing a mythology of a novel circulating RNA coronavirus.

The review I wrote then now stands as a record of where I was and what I was thinking at the end of 2020, and how I had not yet realized the full extent of the Theater. This is an account of the 'lab leak' good guy narrative where DRASTIC and other sleuths solved the Mystery of the Novel Coronavirus. It even includes the bonus mythology of an effective transfection technology that can influence the evolution of the novel circulating RNA virus.

I leave this document available for everyone so as not to hide my history but instead to own it. Everyone that pushed the Mystery of the Novel Coronavirus was wittingly or unwittingly involved in enabling the murder of thousands if not millions of humans. Myself included."


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That's honorable. I never imagined they were culling us but I was already against vaxxes from looking into it 25 years ago when I had babies.

The people in our health dept and gov knew and instead of protecting, they wittingly tricked us and still are.

The pharma lobbies control a lot in DC.

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Wish I could have refused them, all starting in 1957.

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Pharma lobbyists control EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in DC.

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Frontera, How is that NOT election interference when only the people the big lobbies support get elected?

How is it free and fair elections?

How is that the people's choice?

IMHO Candidates should have the same amount of money for campaigns to make it as equal and fair as possible.

Congress should have terms, have the same benefits as the general population, have all their voting, income, and stock exchange records broadcasted, and if they don't show up to vote then they get fined. That would be a good start. It seems all of them come from wealthy and none are actually from the working class.

I have come to the conclusion that government is just for show. Maybe I am wrong but maybe I am right...

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You are right!!!

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These are the workers of iniquity that "God hates."

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At garage sale today... woman lost her husband to ALS after 3 yrs... and a yr ago her daughter died suddenly for "no reason".. went to bed and didn't wake up. That's the 3rd or 4th one I've heard of like that in last 6 mn.

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Unimaginable. I think having (for people who don't yet see it) NO idea why a loved one died would make the loss so much worse. Because it's so scary and creepy, like a horror movie.

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I recently observed a similar event. An acquaintance of my ex, a woman in her 60's died suddenly. No cause was given on obit. Shortly thereafter there was a similar obit for her daughter. The daughter was 29.

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Mariah Carey's mother Patricia and sister Alison both died on the same day, the singer said Monday. “My heart is broken that I've lost my mother this past weekend. Sadly, in a tragic turn of events, my sister lost her life on the same day,” the Grammy-winning singer said in a statement.Aug 28, 2024

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There’s a children’s book about Michaela that my daughter who has Down Syndrome, would read for years .It is a beautiful, and incredible story and to read that her life is over at 29 is shocking . And her foster mother as well? It hurts my heart .

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quote ; "Sort Of Like The Secular Rapture" more like the pound of flesh the strong and powerful took from us peasant. Bricks and fanal anyone ? What about a good old fashion linching ! ?

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I just meant "secular rapture" in that people POOF, are gone. Vanish in the middle of life.

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I knew what you meant . Mark Crispin remind us all every other week. I can accept gang violence or worst alien vaporizing cities . Its all of our control but we all know what took them. AND that replicon tech might be the end of everything. I keep my eyes on the balls.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

The next rabbit hole for you to go down is christian zionism and their desire to bring about last days via any means possible. This is the scariest thing happening right now. It could be that they are the rational ones, who in times of crisis find joy. They celebrate disaster and chaos as bringing us closer to the sweet rapture-the ultimate ego trip.

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"People Get Ready, there's a train a'comin'..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l04yM7-BWbg

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