
I appreciate every single comment including regarding typos. I have been away from computer all day--I moved again. I will check again for typos. I am just back so not yet sure if anybody already pointed typos out to me. I know it's urgent--just could not get to it today, until now. Many thanks to every single person here. Can't overstate how much feedback and shared energy means to me.

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Celia: Ran into this video just now...don't know whether you are aware of it, which is why I'm bothering you:

Video: Never Broadcast Channel 4 News Report from 1998: “Challenging Existence of HIV ‘Virus'”


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Thank you,I can use this alongside of Celia’s article to show how corrupt Science is ,relative to where we are with Covid….Many friends do not believe me. UK citizens have great trust in NHS…now UKHSA I call it the UK health secrecy agency 🤣😂

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In typo land there is a 'too' instead of a 'took' somewhere.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

It seems as it is not science. It is scientism. It has it's orthodoxy like a rigid religion and those who step outside of that orthodoxy are excommunicated. There is the equivalent of a pope, cardinals, bishops, and priests. Their job is to uphold accepted doctrine.

It is easy to see how the current situation came about. The dysfunctional system has been in place for decades. I don't think it is possible to reform what is rotten to the core. Something new must be built instead.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

This "system" is only a symptom of a deeper corruption involving the origin of the idea that everything and everyone is for sale and can be bought and sold. Nothing will change until this evil system of economic prostitution is uprooted and destroyed.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Yes! Thanks!

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I agree Professor..this system is beyond cleansing.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you. Yes!

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you, thank you and yes please please re-publish your entire 2006 book and put it on Audible, too! I worked as admin asst in Prof. Duesberg's department at UC 30+ years ago and regret I never met or spoke with him, as he was already so marginalized by his colleagues. Now, after reading his writings, he's one of my heroes!

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Marilyn, you DID? Wow. How interesting. He's one of my heroes too. What he did stands out even more starkly now. I hope he knows how loved he is. Except knowing Peter, that's not the thing. He wanted to do the science. It's a tragedy, what Fauci and them did to him. A crime. Against us all.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

From 1986-89 I worked in UC's Epidemiology program (School of Public Health) for some prominent HIV/AIDS researchers, including the late Prof. Warren Winkelstein, who told me my first day on the job, "I have to fly to DC tomorrow because Tony Fauci just cancelled our research contract with NIAID." (He got the contract back). Once Duesberg's 1987 paper came out, all the profs and grad students I worked for vigorously denounced him, and I couldn't understand why, but wasn't at the time able to challenge them. In 1990-94, I worked in Duesberg's newly re-organized mega-department, Molecular and Cell Biology, noticing how he was completely sidelined and never got any grad students, while other faculty and top-ranked student applicants were actively wooing each other. May we bring this man the recognition he deserves, for the sake of humanity!

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber


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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber


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I will. That is a promise. Thank you Marilyn!

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Your writing explains so much about the silence of most professors and doctors in response to the horrible mismanagement of the pandemic: mediocrity and fear of losing one's funding or license to earn a living. Although it is distressing to see the world through their eyes, it is necessary to understand how we got here. Superb! Thank you.

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Fauci is the USA's great Inquisitor. Literally speaking. He is a Jesuit. - A Sinister Force Behind Historical Conflicts, Global Agendas, Revolutions and World Wars Is the same sinister force currently working behind The Corona Operation? https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/a-sinister-force-behind-historical

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Oh, dear. This piece (I can't even reduce it by referring to it as a "post"), is so well-written, well sourced, information packed and, in a way, complete in and of itself, that I saved this chapter-1 to my curation platforms (offline bookmarks and to InoReader.Com); so I can refer just about anyone to it. "Do you know how the system works? How it betrays you and science? Are you so sure of what you speak? Read this piece, then we'll talk".

Never give up your long-form Celia. Just fabulous.

I'm sure we can crowd source your book, the way you intended it, out of the abyss. Let us know.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Awestruck at every turn. You have such a wonderful gift for inquiry and observation, from which truth cannot help but emerge clear and distinct. I have been keeping it on my list to obtain this book and Voila! It cannot be coincidence, only. Thank you!!! The cover is real, real, Real...lovely and moving (my days carrying water for the Cambridge astronomers are showing.)

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This is a fabulous and well written work

Thanks for all you do

Blessings to you in '22

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Mind. Blown. So incredibly illuminating. Is the book not available now? The scientific establishment, like all institutions, is hopelessly corrupt. There is a cancer at the core of our society that has to be excised.

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About time this saw the light of day. Hibernating in stasis until this time when the world will be more receptive to these revelations. This is a genesis story.

Love it.

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Well said Paul, well said…….

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Celia, my husband, upon reading this post of yours, went on a quest to find your book--found one copy for 900 bucks on amazon! Even checked scribd...any info on when it may be re-issued? Or where we might find even a pdf in the meanwhile?

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I just finished this really excellent piece of writing. I almost feel like sending to some of my intelligent(?) friends who are consumed with Kool-aid. The ones who feel that Fauci and his thugs and whores are always correct because it cannot be anything but. Thanks for bringing common sense and empathy into this story that has misrepresented true scientific exploration for way too long.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Lovely! And important.

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Working my way through RFK Jr's book and came across your take on how Fauci brought wokeness to science. It has been unreal being in the heterodox space that is the vaccine-hesitant. If it all conspiracy theory akin to flat earth I'm toast because it's resonating as the truth to me.

Just hearing about this theory about Aids now and at first its crazy as I never had heard it before. But the more I hear about it the more it makes sense. South Park had an episode that called out the fact hat Magic Johnson got it and then nothing ever happened ever happened to him. They made a joke about the cure being grinding up large amounts of cash money and injecting it into your blood. Or, maybe, Duesberg was right and it all was BS from the beginning. Need to read more.


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One more thing. I'd be curious as to how The China Study's author T. Colin Campbell's observations that animal protein seems to feed cancer cells more than plant protein ties into Duesberg's theory on Aneuploidy being the driver of cancer.

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Your writing brings this story to life in such a compelling way. Underscoring your wit is a profound humanism. Thank you for sharing this and for posting the Mullis interview and the Willner press conference. I have learned so much about the HIV/AIDS issue and am so appreciative. It is paradoxically disturbing and reassuring to understand that science has been so compromised for so long (and with such grave consequences) and yet that there are brilliant and courageous people persevering with righteous motivations. Thank you Celia!

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How do we ever trust our Medical establishment again? Most of it sides with the Fauci branch and the Giant pharmaceuticals. Remdesiver killed Covid patients and ATZ killed aids patients. The vaccine protocols are giving one in 50 children either autism or some other issue! The Covid vaccines are wrecking havoc in many! Important book you are writing here. Thank you

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