"What disturbs me the most is that the country doesn't seem to have a memory." I learned long ago, to my horror, that memory for most ends with the most recent news broadcast.

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Look forward to listening to this interview. I had the same experience first time I heard Edward. He has shared his personal journey and that’s what always captures my attention - and heart to people. I need at the very least a little bit of vulnerability without victimhood. I feel the same way about you. I look forward to your content and feel it’s so important to get a sense of the person behind the story. I do understand the privacy issue. It’s just a personal preference maybe because I work in very close contact with people (mostly women) and in an atmosphere with the intention to assist in healing. It has been painful to watch my physically healthy clients who I have had between 10-25 years. All the clients who received the poison have experienced physical ailments from blood clots, restless leg syndrome, tinnitus, nerve issues, deformed enlarged knuckles/fingers (arthritis?), breast cancer, anxiety, very disruptive menstrual cycles and now many more colds/flus and pneumonia. These are people who rarely got sick. They are completely oblivious to any connections to the poison shots and are still invested in The Fear. I did lose the majority of my business and was forced to close my business location due to the fear/plandemic. I’m currently taking some clients in my home now. Since losing or distancing myself from friends and family relationships due to their cruelty towards myself and others because of refusal to take the poison, I have realized how important it is for me to feel a part of a community. I too read the comments and believe it’s just as important as the articles and or videos. I have learned so much and been led to more people and info because of the comments. I wish we could all meet someplace someday. I need only read the heartache ~ and yes, even passionate anger of others to realize and be reminded we are all One. I now understand the full meaning of that. I recently came across a quote from Carl Jung which really struck me. I had not been able to put my finger on what or why I had been feeling and experiencing deep inside. I believe from the outside those friends and family I distanced myself from might perceive me as depressed, but I know without a shadow of a doubt this is not depression as I have always enjoyed stillness and solitude in a balanced way. For my own personal wellBeing, I need to talk about the things that deeply affect or move me regardless of anyone disagreeing and vice versa. I am deeply nourished by conversations. I thrive hearing other’s perspectives and I love when I have an aha moment due to seeing a new perspective. That is what feeds my soul. And that has been the silver lining in all of THIS. To always be aware and remain curious and open to what comes my way, “good” or “bad” ~ to pose more questions to those who don’t see eye to eye ~ to gather more info from them so I can be very clear. ~ to always be aware of the reaction inside of me and ask myself why am I reacting to them, rather than focus on what they are causing to me. I have expended too much energy trying of make others see the bigger picture. At the end of the day, all I can do is become very clear to either leave what is causing harm to my wellBeing or participate in a new way that serves humanity, big or SMALL. You and your content and the community have been so meaningful to me. I know this is a lengthy comment and has more of me than I’d like, but I just wanted to express how much you and your work matters. I also adore all the content you share like music, animals and heartwarming stories. Keep it coming. Love and more Love.


Does not come from having no people around.

But from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible. ~ Carl Jung.

Thank you Celia and this community for communicating important data/info ~ and what is felt in your bodies, mind and spirit.

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Audrey, thank you for writing us this letter. I feel we all have versions of the same broken heart, which we try some days to ignore, some days to accept, some days to thank…but still, the feeling of "Covid" (which I always mean as a Satanic attack, begun in 2020) gets us all. Not that we are down and out but it's extremely hard to lose everything and everybody all at once without even being dead. Does that make sense? It means so much to me that our community is proving a successful, robust and nourishing one. I feel so lucky that you all let me get away with even children's songs in Spanish. I believe we are in acute need of soul consolations now.

And I love the Carl Jung quote. I haven't been socially successful since I was 18. I did ok between 11 and 18. (in Sweden) Now I am cast out by Swedish core childhood friends as "right wing." And it hurts, I am not indifferent. I do understand their gothic globalist social contracts and that they have zero options, essentially.

Ed Dowd manages fear and anxiety better than I do. I turn to ice baths. I guess I should take one right now..

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Thank you Celia for your heartfelt reply. Yes it make a lot of sense. “We all have versions of a broken heart…” May you take comfort knowing you have been of great service to humanity, and I and many others appreciate you and send love.

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I'm sorry that core childhood friends have cast you out, Celia. I don't feel exactly cast out by friends as I feel it's more a two-way thing though still sad but I find the labelling of people who don't support the propaganda "right-wing" so ludicrous. To me, it's not in the least about right or left-wing, it's about people who are willing to confront the evil that rules us and those who aren't whatever political persuasion. Perhaps there's more willing among the right-wing but that doesn't make those willing to confront right-wing it just means there's more among the right-wing which I have to say rather puzzles me. It's very sobering to see yourself agree with someone whose ideas and opinions you abhorred a few years before.

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Thanks for expressing your appreciation of Celia and this forum. I share it. Your clarity is refreshing amid this life of distractions.

God bless us!

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Could not endorse the Jung quote more, that is indeed what makes me feel lonely.

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Thanks, Celia! I interviewed him, too, in November: https://mickeyz.substack.com/p/post-woke-60-ed-dowd-on-the-biggest#details

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Mickey, I saw that and I thought to myself I HAVE to hear that one and then…the river took it from me. I will listen now!

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Thank you, as always, Celia! No pressure, no rush. 🙂

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Both you guys, thanks for all you do.

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Watched that too - it was excellent.

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Thank you!

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Unimaginable for sure. The direct death toll isn't close to WW1 or WW2, but this is the first time that THE ENTIRE WORLD was strangled and impoverished and tortured ALL AT ONCE.

The authorities who shouted Never Again after 1945 are the same fucking demons who decided it would be great fun to do it again, and this time do it COMPLETELY.

What they really meant was "Never do a halfway job of torture and genocide again!"

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Polishes, you’ve got a profound message here. Why do you allow vulgarity to reduce your ethos?

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Why do you need to look down upon people that don't conform to your small definitions?

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When Dowd sticks to the numbers, I think he's spot on.

The notion that there's a virus killing people has never, ever been proven. Once you fall for the claim that it does, you've lost the entire thread of what's been happening.

Yes, it operated as a psy-op, but this was orchestrated globally. There's no proof of a SARS-Cov-2 or it's "disease" COVID-19.

The vaxx are massively toxic. Why, it could be because it is meant to kill. I think it's also because you can't make such a concoction in warp speed with multiple points of failure. The manufacturers are exempt from accountability. Period. The mRNA/Spike Protein are fiction as is the red herring that there was ever a "lab leak". Labs manufactured a computer assemblage and visuals to provide "evidence". Nothing more. Labs also provided the injection weapon.

No pandemic. No one died from a novel particle nor of a "disease" labelled Covid-19. Hard Stop.

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What kills people is getting caught in in a multi-pronged simulation attack in which symptoms appear to be something other than what they are, never mind the "test" for the "virus." Then they enter into a sacrificial relationship with the medical system and even if they DIE it was the ERLKONIG, the thing, the thing, the invisible thing…

Parasites exist.

The human gut microbiome. Let's stop being tedious about people who say the word "virus." Change the subject then! OK, I will:

Parasites exist.

What role do they play?

Why were anti-parasitics effective against the combined illness/simulation/bioweapon, whatever we call it?

Some take the position that ivermectin is "poison." And that I "promoted" said "poison" by appearing in an RFK Jr. documentary to talk about the deep history of AIDS.

These are all words, poorly fitting words, poorly describing phenomena.

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Very well said.

The first paragraph is pure gold.

I'm not against using poisons to remove the pathogenic parasites and regain health. Turpentine is a poison. Used wisely and patiently, it could reduce to nought 95% of all medical costs world-wide. Ditto for other highly purified and concentrated "poisons" that plants made. Also, wasn't ivermectin an imitation product of a natural posion that some species of Japanese fungi produce? Guess what, the mushrooms don't like bad parasites either.

For those who missed it, the real point of the "ivermectin is a poison" people is that we should do better than being dependent on the Enemy (those evil guys that want people to freeze to death because of their ecologist ideology) to provide us with healing medicine. We have to create our own ways. Ivermectin probably helps with a lot of things in its "safe" range of dosing. Many other things help too, but they may take more time and more awareness, and people are used to quick solutions. I think many people can afford to make an effort to learn self-healing and help the entire humanity by becoming more self-reliant, but that is not for all, at the moment.

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Celia , I have wondered for the better part of 2 years if the ‘gain of function’ included combining a virus with an airborne microscopic parasite. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27876650/ 👈 an article about interaction of viruses and parasites.

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Jim first you'd need a proven "virus". Since no one has ever provided such proof after extensive research on the matter and hundreds of FOIs to global health, lab and academic institutions, the notion that "it" could be combined seems baseless.

Furthermore, what is it EXACTLY that is talked about regarding medical treatment. Someone exposed to massive chemicals, EMF....? What does any of this have to do with a health pandemic?

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very interesting.

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Celia of course parasites exist. But the official narrative is that it's a virus and a virus has a specific definition which is that it is not a living particle and somehow invades the body and uses the body's cells as host and multiplies. Yet no one has ever extracted these particles and demonstrated they exist and cause an illness. How can this be?

In order to make a case for a parasite causing a specific illness, like any cause, it requires isolation, purification and characterization. That's the mere scientific starting point. Then it must be shown to cause a specific symptom or set of symptoms. Controls must be applied to demonstrate that it, and it alone is the cause and this should be independently replicated.

It's possible some people during this psy-op had a variety of illnesses attributed to "COVID-19" (there's no validated test as you allude). There are a number of hypotheses given some symptoms which differ from seasonal influenza.

Parasitic treatments have substantial toxins. Why? Because the idea is to kill the parasite. There are side effects and this treatment should not be taken every time you have a cough or fever. To my knowledge they are all pharma products.

Some illnesses fall into the nocebo effect. This is a sort of psychosomatic effect, when a person comes down with suggested symptoms.

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I am responding to your statement about a non-living virus being able to invade the body, use the body's cells as host, and multiply. Every time I check Wikipedia, it assures me that non-living things cannot multiply. So I have been curious since 2020 about the explanation of how a virus invades the body and makes us sick. More and more I not only doubt the drawn images that were broadcast in 2020, I am also looking for an altenate, sensible explanation. Until then, I see the whole explanation as a fraud.

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Susan I agree that non-living things do not invade our bodies and multiply. I was simply providing the definition virology affords even though they long ago stopped doing science (they've substituted rigorous experiments for computer simulations).

That said there are theories that various micro-organisms that dwell in the body morph in response to an assortment of toxins. This is part of terrain theory and while these changes occur to protect the body, they can create problems in unhealthy bodies. These are not "pathogenic viruses", but living bacteria, fungi and other microbes.

A particle that is not living but can somehow travel hundreds of thousands of miles, multiply, infecting millions is a fairy tale. A healthy body is extremely resilient. All-cause-morbidity studies demonstrate that what occurred in 2020 doesn't even follow the path set by virologists. It was in the best light a total fraud.

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Thank you for reply. I do not know what is meant by terrain theory these days. I suspect it has morphed since it was conceived in the 1800s by Claude Bernard. It was Antoine Bechamp who theorized, and to some extent proved, that "foreign" things that normally live in a healthy body can, under certain body conditions, appear toxic: That micro-oganisms that normally exist within the body where they assist in the body’s metabolic processes, can change their function to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may be chemical as well as mechanical. His theory is called the microzymian theory.

These micro-organisms do not fly about and infect others.

I am delighted by your claim that the virologists' claims in 2020 were a fraud.

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I have nothing to add to your comment regarding terrain, which hasn't substantively changed.

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i remember in jr. high school 1963?

when our science teacher told our class about these new things: viruses. he said " they are not dead nor alive."

my mind went "?!huh?! nahh. "

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but when people detox parasites they totally transform. Like Josh Macin. Just one example. he runs "Detox Dudes." More on this soon.

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agree with no virus.

but why and how is the spike protein a hoax?

and.. what are the real poisons in these covid shots, please?

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Karen Kingston deals with the issue chapter by chapter; here she mentions military grade nanoweapons:


PEGs, LNPs, you can take your pick.

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thank you. scary stuff😔

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In case you are interested:


Scoglio claims that, according to the scientific literature, the mRNA from the pseudovaccines cannot enter the cell and the spike protein cannot be a product of the activity of this drug product. There is an enzyme called ribonuclease that destroys rna, and this enzyme has activity outside the cell and inside. Any weird looking foreign genetic material that somehow manages to survive the external, self-defense traps, will be destroyed inside the cell, before it reaches any ribosome. The synthetic mRNA is so toxic that it gets destroyed before it can do what it is supposed to do. I think that makes it a failed delivery system.

My conclusion from this is that the cells have an internal "immune system", so to speak. How could they not?

If this is true, the fraud of virology goes very deep.

Scoglio continues attacking most scientists for lying to the public. He explains his argument to explain why antibody tests are another fraud: they take immunoglobulins (iGs) (the protein created by the T-cells, and they are a fundamental component of the blood plasma) and expose it to "recombinant spike protein," which is a synthetic protein created in te lab, not in the body, that does not exist in nature. The iGs react to anything they are put in contact with, protein or not, natural or synthetic. Therefore, the iGs will react against the spike of the test, and then they put the turn everything around and claim that if the iGs react then the body is expressing the spike protein. That is the fraud. The correct test is to take the blood and isolate the spike protein directly from it. So, the antibody test would be a substitute for the direct detection of the real protein, but the test is badly calibrated, and that make it worthless. Most of the data is garbage, if this is correct.

The drug products called "mRNA vaccines" are stealth weapons of mass destruction, and have no merit as therapeutic medicines. The spike protein is a myth, a story meant to make people never realize they are under attack. A very effective myth. I think the attack is meant for the disabling soldiers, which is "legal" according to the international law treaty on bioweapons. The deaths are not the true target, but collateral damage.

I hope that suffices to answer the first question, but don't forget to check this yourself. Maybe Scoglio is wrong and my deductions from his explanations are wrong.

The second question: Scoglio says that the synthetic mRNA and the synthetic LNP (lipid nano-particles) are very toxic and can explain all the adverse effects of the jabs. So those are the two poisons. My understanding is that the body will always be inflamed somewhere, because it is trying neutralize and get rid of the LNPs which are being stored anywhere after they escape the site of injection. If they fall in the gonads (ovaries or testicles) then the reproductive system will be damaged by the immune system. If it falls in the lungs, chronic pneumonia, if it falls in the heart, myocarditis, if in the endothelium, clots, if the LNPs fall in the brain, strokes. This is biochemical judo, they have weaponized the huge strength of our own immune response to maim and kill us slowly, one by one. Those are my interpretations. I wish I am wrong.

This explanation is compatible, I think, with the common observation that many people do not have a bad reaction to the clotshots. Maybe they get less poison and it gets deactivated before it gets distributed to the organs. So, by analogy, the trumpshots would be an injectable cluster bomb, but some cluster bombs don't detonate.

Anyway, we don't need to argue that it is illegal to use coercion to inject people with a killer drug designed to cause disease. No one must be coerced to get any kind of treatment for anything.

It's a natural right: the right to not be killed; and a fundamental human right: the right to bodily integrity.

I know why people hate human rights: they prohibit all the fun!

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I'm going to study this carefully. Thank you very very much Cosmos agent.

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I just watched this interview this morning. I agree on everything you've said about Dowd - as messenger - and his message. We needed him. Danka, Celia.

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I heard SK speak w RFKjr from two days ago.

RFKjr relates a doctor at an AA meeting.

Doctor says he killed his brother in law with an injextxion of Harmacide scamdemic hacksxxxxine.

Then another guy months later also died., He killed with injextxtion. He stopped shooting after that, but....

And that doctor says his sister died of broken heart grief after couple months.

We must halt the Harmacide scamdemic lest we all die of broken hearts.

I disagree , Womanity is best spoken for by all Womanity, but men are indeed more Arrogant.

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Just finished watching the video. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing it. I would put this in a handful of videos that are “counter narrative“ that I find hugely impactful and informative. I like that Mr. Dowd always talks from data. I also really appreciate the expressions of hope. I am a practicing physician with a small panel of adults that are highly vaccinated, I would say 80% had at least the primary series and I bet a third or more have had four or five shots. I am documenting this diligently as I am concerned about their exposure to these shots. I have had a few vax-injured folks, and quite frankly been pondering why more of my vaccinated patients do not seem to have been hurt (so far). I certainly think it is possible they got defective or incompetent vaccines. I am also inclined to believe that our bodies are hugely resilient and complex, and our immune system in particular has evolved over millennia to fight attackers, which includes these poisonous vaccines. Thank you once again for pointing me in this direction. God bless you in your truth-telling efforts!

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I really look forward to hearing more about what you have experienced!

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Jane - a close friend of mine died in 2021 from Creutzfeld Jacob Disease after a double dose of the Pfizer injection. I’m fairly certain that very few others got what he took. The discovery that a vast majority of severely adverse effects according to VAERS came from a small percentage of the vaccine lots is a pretty clear indication that not everyone got the same dose. This is an experiment after all. What’s frightening is to consider what exactly were they testing for.

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You are right, that is a possible explanation; another one I’ve considered comes from Marc Girardot—he thinks vaccine AEs are due to a”bolus effect”—the vaccine is injected directly into a blood vessel due to poor or wrong injection technique. That could also explain why some vax lots seem to be highly associated with AEs. It is likely that an injector uses the same lot ins vaccine session.

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I’ve heard his theory. I think it’s one of many perhaps simultaneous explanations. After all, the White House if I remember correctly was messaging the need for more injectors. All these mass injection sites. Unskilled ill-trained injectors

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I think you are right—there are multiple mechanisms or pathways to injury. Girardot has investigated this a great deal. He tends to discount the spike protein but I believe that can be injurious too.

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Good Lord.

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Hi Celia and fellow readers,

I want to put the following out asap.....

The convo started yesterday on taking no action. So I felt I had an opportunity at the following MSM site.... Please include improvements and or edits for future publication...Thanks


Push your agenda, you ask Mr. Bruce Y. Lee.

When is the proper time to ask about your vax status or if it could be a contributing factor in the event that just transpired ?

Would that be only when you're entering the Holocaust museum in Illinois ? How ironic is the previous statement Mr. Lee ?

Is it per entry into a restaurant, concert, sporting event or possibly to be able to have a life saving transplant?

So Mr. Bruce Y. Lee please tell me when is the proper time to inquire about these matters because the faster the nation knows the truth the sooner we can rectify, what I think beyond a reasonable doubt is provable, the astronomical rise in died suddenly cases, teens diagnosed with myocarditis, other heart ailments etc. etc.

Has it dawned on you the importance of news sources such as this wouldn't eliminate truths that are so important to the conversation to go unheard for either moral reasons or even financial benefits.

So now Mr. Bruce Y. Lee, I beg you, for the sake of the innocents, especially the children, when is the proper time to have this conversation which is possibly the biggest story in the history of our country.

A story that is going to forever change the history of not only our beloved nation but the world at large.

So Bruce, may I call you Bruce ?

I beg you to tell me when is the time, is it today, tomorrow, next week, month or year ? Possibly let it fade into the memory hole like all news stories that enter in the cycle. Wait for its relevance to slowly vanish into another abstract memory.

Please tell me .........

With heartfelt sincerity,

Michael A. Stilinovh

ps May God Bless you all

And please keep the conversation going.

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I couldn't get past his first sentence.

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That thing does not even deserve a conversation. He is a drug pusher. Just look at his affiliations including Johns Hopkins and Gates Foundation. His soul was bought and paid for a very long time ago. Disgusting article. He deserves nothing but a great big ignore.

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Seems Mr. Lee is engaging in classic gaslighting. You’re not only wrong, you’re crazy to think you saw what you saw.

The NFL is walking a dangerous line here. For a player to go into cardiac arrest after a routine play, and to claim it was NOT induced by some outside agent (vax or perhaps another drug) they’re putting all their eggs in the “freak accident” basket. If it happens again they have to either acknowledge that it’s the vax or acknowledge that the game is just too dangerous.

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I guess the NFL and their elite masters (Owners are among the wealthiest people in the world) got a break when Hamlin collapsed into cardiac arrest after a routine hit. But it was enough of a hit to pin the blame on the necessary ABV (Anything but the Vaccine as Dowd puts it). But this is likely not the last time it happens and sadly more athletes in the prime of their health must fall before the average Joe or Jane Six Pack will start to ask questions.

In the mean time those of us who don’t trust the government, the media or the Pharm/Med cabal might want to keep this conversation alive by continuing to ask the questions Joe and Jane are still afraid to consider. Let’s face their biggest malady right now is willful blindness - they don’t want to look at the possibility of what’s been done to them so they pretend it’s not happening. It may be uncomfortable to have to be the ones who rain on their parade. But until they hear anything other than lies of the talking heads with smiling faces who they’ve always trusted, this tragedy will continue.

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His disciples said to him, “When will the kingdom come?” <Jesus said,> “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.” - The Gospel of Thomas

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Thank you Celia so much for the words I would not be able to form about Ed Dowd not having read yours here. I have been listening to every interview he has given that comes into my mail. I watched an interview yesterday about his book. I will read his book because of this post. I would also like to get a copy of "Requiem".

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The book must be selling like hot cakes. Can't get a copy. I won't buy on Amazon

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Just learned it's in its second printing!

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Ed Dowd owns the data! And the data goes from nightmare to hell on earth.

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Celia, Like you, I had a similar reaction upon hearing Ed Dowd speak so perfunctorily in numerical data that previously hadn’t been discussed in the manner he presented. It could easily be fact checked, but in uncharacteristic fashion, wasn’t. No “expert” stood upon the stage of public opinion to disavow his presentation, not in anyway that could begin to pierce it. He simply lays out the data, explaining the methodology of his mind. It stands on its own merit.

We do have great men and women among us who seek to protect the sacrosanct of life, who care for those who don’t seem to have a self preservation gene of their own and most especially for the youngest of us who carry out future. May God bless and keep every man and woman who stands against chaos, confusion and tyranny by being a voice of reason and reassurance.

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The reason I’m here is Celia Farber.

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As one who prefers to read generally...thanks for the tip on that podcast. Great, wide-ranging and HOPEFUL!!! So needed..

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Ahh.. the sycnronicities are just somestimes so sweet.

Pasting what I wrote to a friend just ten minutes ago.

'When people realize that the channel they're watching is the channel they're in, they're bound to run in circles ...with scissors I'd expect.

There's no 3 balls for 5 bucks and a way to test their right arms for accuraccy in the hopes of winning the toy bear for the girlie.

You've seen the murals.

Chaos is the music of that orchestra, however, if they excell at one thing regularly, it is underestimating their oppostion.

A wall of awakened populations isn't likely, and if awakend, questions of immediate priorties will likely face each of us in our contextual ways.

That said, spontaneity of the individual spark and all manner of observable opportunities and proximities will likely prove the thorn in the feudalists ass more than we might expect.

Loose ends tie laces, nooses whatever., but that's not how I see the pivot points, or turns in the road that would cause the bastards pause, rather. divine agency via an availability of willing agents.

Do you know substack is?

The comments are fertile ground for thought.

I've made a few now.

Let others start the story, while others add a few pieces, that better serves it.

Share the liability, reinforce the message but also be a reenforcement.

Grab a five gallon pale, the barn is burning. '

to arrive here, to discover yet again, well.. nice to see you Celiea.

Ed Dowd.

His Dystopian tweet from May 2020, the one he pinned to the top, a 'what if' fashioned as script for a hollywood flick , the new soilent green :)

Well done Ed.

My Jan 21 Shirt design.


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