So beautiful and powerful. I have been moved recently by videos of huge crowds of Americans breaking into song -- the national anthem at a Trump rally and "God Bless America" at a Toby Keith concert (I think). Maybe our roots don't go as deep as do the Estonians', but I sure felt something from these patriots, and would love to see a singing revolution here.
For several years I was devoted to Johnny Cash. Lately I get much pleasure from Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss orchestra. I also miss Mannheim Steamroller - never hear them anymore, but we do have CD's. There is music that soothes the soul, but, there are some pieces that just rile you up, so choose the soothing types.
Professor Hamamoto, and Dark Journalist have noted something I've not heard anyone else note. There is an attempt to destroy, through fire in a few cases, master tapes of large song libraries as Hamamoto mentioned on one of his brilliant pod casts---he's a guitarist, among other considerable talents---and by acquisition by Fascist interests in other cases like those of the entire Beetles, and Bob Dylan catalogues, as Dark Journslist has frequently noted on his brilliant pod casts. It's the way that evil socio-psychopaths are working to erase human culture. It will fail. Evil is destructive, not creative, and ALWAYS really boring, whereas Love is eternally creative. Truth ALWAYS is, and cannot be destroyed. "In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. This One was in the beginning with God. Through this One all things were made, and without this One was not anything made that has been made. In this One was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shined in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." The quantum mechanical nature of light is a fundamental property of God. John told us in no uncertain terms that evil WILL NOT destroy that which God made in man. Evil is a price we MUST pay for our free will. It's hugely expensive but God's grace is free.
Thank you. Enormously important. Certainly music can help save the world. Voices.
thank you so much for this inspiration at a critical time for all nations
bigger than any U2 bono band aid ever was...
grassroots movement
we need a chorus director and songbook, to lead us to victory! ❤️
So beautiful and powerful. I have been moved recently by videos of huge crowds of Americans breaking into song -- the national anthem at a Trump rally and "God Bless America" at a Toby Keith concert (I think). Maybe our roots don't go as deep as do the Estonians', but I sure felt something from these patriots, and would love to see a singing revolution here.
Correction: It was John Rich who led the crowd in "God Bless America" -- And here's the Trump rally:
My raison d'etre.
You may like my new song Thanksgiving
In my latest substack link KGRaS after my name...
It worked in South Africa, as I cited in this piece (
Andrew Fletcher famously said, “Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
For several years I was devoted to Johnny Cash. Lately I get much pleasure from Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss orchestra. I also miss Mannheim Steamroller - never hear them anymore, but we do have CD's. There is music that soothes the soul, but, there are some pieces that just rile you up, so choose the soothing types.
Professor Hamamoto, and Dark Journalist have noted something I've not heard anyone else note. There is an attempt to destroy, through fire in a few cases, master tapes of large song libraries as Hamamoto mentioned on one of his brilliant pod casts---he's a guitarist, among other considerable talents---and by acquisition by Fascist interests in other cases like those of the entire Beetles, and Bob Dylan catalogues, as Dark Journslist has frequently noted on his brilliant pod casts. It's the way that evil socio-psychopaths are working to erase human culture. It will fail. Evil is destructive, not creative, and ALWAYS really boring, whereas Love is eternally creative. Truth ALWAYS is, and cannot be destroyed. "In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. This One was in the beginning with God. Through this One all things were made, and without this One was not anything made that has been made. In this One was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shined in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." The quantum mechanical nature of light is a fundamental property of God. John told us in no uncertain terms that evil WILL NOT destroy that which God made in man. Evil is a price we MUST pay for our free will. It's hugely expensive but God's grace is free.