
But “emergency” doesn’t even begin to describe what happens. Sometime near midnight, while traveling at what would prove to be an unsafe speed, the ship grazes an iceberg on its starboard side. The terrible extent of the damage soon becomes clear, and anyone unlucky enough to be on board might hear the “bee-like buzzing of nearly three thousand human voices, raised in agonized screams and callings from within the inclosing walls” of the doomed ship. Since the craft has been described as indestructible, it carries “as few [life]boats as would satisfy the laws.” It’s one of the deadliest disasters in maritime history.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about this grim episode, though, is that it has nothing to do with the R.M.S. Titanic. The scene above is taken from a novel known as Futility: or, the Wreck of the Titan, written by Morgan Robertson and first published in 1898—14 years before the sinking of the Titanic, and 11 years before construction began on the White Star Line’s now-infamous ship.

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I hate to write this but the Zionist Jewish bankers Rothschilds Rockefellers etc are the head of the snake. Cut the head off and the body weiggles and dies. No more Soros, Gates or mother WEFers.

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It wasn’t the Titanic that sank. It was the Olympic. John Hamer has done excellent reporting on this.

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For so many years there has been this fascination about that fateful ship. One of the very first songs I learned at day camp was about the Titanic when I was 6 years old. It feels like we've all been groomed into distraction by these myths of glamor and tragedy all rolled up into the biggest blockbuster movie Hollywood ever made. Leonardo DiCaprio is at the centerpiece of so much of the propaganda - He played J Edgar Hoover, Howard Hughes, Jordan Belfert just to name a few; and was also very involved in that climate disaster flick a year ago. Tom Hanks is also prominent in many of them. Makes you question just about everything that's been fed to us by the mockingbirds who are masters of deceit and foul play.

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Being from Northern Ireland and having visited the much lauded Titanic Museum a few years ago, there is absolutely nothing listed, mentioned or otherwise spoken about possible sabotage. The history books stick to the same storyline, i.e. Capt Smith was incompetent (and he was as he had had a few near misses in his time), and his zeal to beat the Atlantic crossing record etc. Always seemed way too simple to me, but now I understand who has run the show, and continues to run the show, and that nothing happens by chance. All part of Ze Plan!!!

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I am sad to say I found this surprising and disappointing. It (along with some comments) paints with a broad brush. And while Malachi Martin’s book The Jesuits is revelatory, especially about influential Jesuit theologians and the lamentable, runaway liberation theology, it does not condemn the entire order. Faithful Catholics know solid Jesuits, but, alas, there are those who have gone off the rails like Fr. James Martin - and more. There are a lot of wide-ranging allegations in the video clip that was included (and combox comments) but, frankly, they do seem to be short on proof.

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The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire

Jesuit Influence and Infiltration of The US and World Governments. Secret Treaty Of Verona


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The head of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, is Jesuit trained.

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The Jesuits? Seriously?

How do you explain all the Jesuit martyrs who died spreading the faith?

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If you dig deeper you may find it was actually the Olympic - the corruption runs deep just like the ocean. Thank you for all your hard work!

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John Hamer claims it is Olympic, not Titanic, at the bottom of the North Atlantic.


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Titanic was owned by the White Star line. The White Star is Lucifer. Interesting.

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Then there was the radio superstar, Jesuit Father McCoughlin, the Apostle of the Swastika with 40,000,000 followers and fueled no doubt by the Vatican publication La Civilta Catholics spewing the worst of anti-Semitism for decades. And then there was Hitler's propaganda high priest theologian Gerhard Kittle publisher of Die Judenfrage who did serious prison time for his crimes and also edited the anti-Semitic Christian seminary reference work The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament revered as THE standard by modern theologians.

And who doesn't know about the Nazi smuggling Vatican ratlines.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Isn't Fauci a Jesuit ? That would explain a lot!

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Thank you, Celia.

I would also steer fans of stacked coincidences (there’s a fair number of them with this slice of history) towards a recent conversation John Hamer had with Jeremy Nel (of Jerm Warfare) about this subject.

You can find it on Odysee (find Jerm’s channel and go from there) and probably other places, too. There’s a documentary, too, that follows the same breadcrumb trail. It’s name is not at my fingertips but it, too, is on Odysee.

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OMG. I know I am probably going to end up writing pages here. Too late! I have already started!

I have spent years investigating the forensics of the wreck and accounts. At this point I think I can even take on James Cameron, (who I suspect is very aware of what really happened and won't tell us, though he eludes to it in the National Geographic 100 year Titanic review issue when he describes the wreckage field as "a crime scene" with the knife over here, and the gun over there)

First of all, forget the Olympic/Titanic "switch theory" which has been pretty well debunked and is red herring when it comes to the forensics of the wreck, so it is inconsequential anyway. Let's stay with the forensic FACTS and then we CAN connect the motives later.

What do I think is Cameron eluding to? (even using his silly bannan-peel illustration) Cameron's engineers proved that the bow only lowered about 19 degrees, unlike the film depiction of about 29 degrees. The Titanic didn't "break in half" due to weight and stress. The Titanic was intended to hit the massive ice floe (like Morgan Robertson's novel) That was when the explosions were set to sink her.

Very Simply, there were timed explosives set to blow the bottom out later at about 2:20 AM, but by chance, (which may have saved lives) the Titanic hit the ice berg first before slamming into the 70 mile long BRICK WALL of ice dead ahead---where the Californian was waiting. (J.P. Morgan owned IMM and the Californian. very likely that Capt. Lord was not aware of what he was supposed to do, but just following orders to be there, and respond as ordered, after the disaster). It WAS the Californian according the 2nd officer Lifghtoller who barely survived and tells his story on YouTube in a radio interview---so let's not get stuck in that dead ice about the "ghost ship"

So what happened? The knife slit Titanic's throat, but the GUN blew out the bottom two plates which we can STILL SEE there on the bottom lying about 3/4 of a mile from the wreckage. Cameron admits they "separated at the surface" and you can see this in many videos of the reconstruction.

My challenge to Cameron and ALL Titanic historians:

Let's send drones down to the two HUGE plates lying on the floor and cut samples off the plates and keel for examination. They are virtually SQUARE like they were "cut out" and measure about 26 feet in ship's length and about 92 feet horizontally across the keel. These need to be examined for explosive residue and even thermite, which did exist at that time and was used in welding.

Now everyone wants to get to motives. but FIRST let's establish the forensics of what happened here.

1. Was this a planned disaster?

2. Why and who was behind it?

Cameron is one hell of an argonaut. I won't argue that. He has tied the record for the deepest manned dive into the Mariana's Trench. But he as connections too, with the Free Masons, the Pilgrim Society, the Jesuits and all the other Illuminati groups. He's covering what happened up, me thinks.

Remember that even as late as 1995 there were STILL lawsuits pending on the Titanic. J.P. Morgan took over the management of the entire Astor fortune after J.J. was killed. (even recently this came up again) The Guggenheim's were deeply involved in mining gold and silver for currency.

There are a LOT of motives here. but we need FACTS first of what really happened.

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