Can't wait to listen. Sound and frequency - will be a big part of future healing, once we get these pharma parasites out of the way. Thanks.

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No, now!

This is what I do now.

Play and riff, moving sound and vibration.

I don't know about keys or notes. But it's very very healing.

It also loosens my breathing, my breath and brings me into my body and my flow.

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A good point - yes of course now. I was referring to it going wide and becoming known as a viable healing modality to the masses. And sunlight, and earthing, and laughing and raising personal frequency, and...

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As for frequencies, being done already, far and wide - look up bioresonance therapy. Stand-off diagnostics by measuring your EMF, and what parts are out of ... tune. Cured my hayfever.

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I was at a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy group last week. We were talking about methods to aid healing. I mentioned binaural beats as something I was somewhat sceptical about. Neither social worker was at all familiar, but both were intrigued.

Sound and light may be a new frontier

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Thank you for your groundedness Kathleen.

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All those pieces are out there. Likely used by many who don't see the larger psyopses.

I think I raise my personal frequency just by allowing whatever needs to come through come through and be felt and expressed, just for me.

I've had really interesting experiences with total strangers, no words spoken. A very clear recognition. And would guess this has to do with frequency, resonance, vibration.

I noticed this as I was going through a huge horrible very painful transition in my life. (which I guess never ended!)

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I have been meditating since 2009, it has helped me allot. Last year I started to be able to instantly go into a trance while listening to a meditation, my entire body felt electrical and I saw visions that were like movies, until one day I saw a brilliant white light that emitted love like nothing Ive ever felt, I didn't want to stop looking at it, I called it the Light of God, after a minute or maybe less, Im not sure, there was a hand on my leg, I instantly snapped back and since then I have not tried to trance again. I believe the hand was an Angel or possibly even God telling me to come back to life. When you meditate your breathing and heart rate drop allot and I think I was on the brink of death, I love that I saw the Light and it makes me believe God was showing me what I needed to see at that moment. I have always felt spirits around me and I was told as a young kid I have physic eyes, so who knows. I have had spirits speak to me but I try to push them away as it's too much to deal with. I now listen to meditations by ABIDE on YT, they make me feel so relaxed, I have great sleeps.

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I teach gardening classes for kids sometimes, and of course, we learn about our amazing bees, both native species and non-native honey bees; I teach them the "Bee Meditation" before we go out to the garden and children love it. I have videos of 50 kids humming in harmony that sounds exactly like a peaceful bee hive. Fortunately, some schools are teaching yoga and meditation now. Humming is good for you in every way.

Thanks for sharing your story, Hannahleigh. I tell my students that if they learn one thing, learning meditation and yoga is the best thing they can do for themselves (& everyone!!) AUM.

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Thanks for sharing your experience and for sharing the love which emanates from the pure white light of the divine and transcendent Sublime.

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That's right, to the comment below, the keys are not absolute, these are our human names and constructs, you have to give a frequency, like , say A 440 is concert pitch, there used to be an so called international frequency a half step lower, nearly....

Just reading about this In a book called piana tuning for amateurs

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Been thinking along these lines!


The Word




DNA/RNA mmm hmmH!

The battleground? [Connecting to God]

🎵🎶🎼Joy PRAISE Love🙌🏻☝️🫶🏻

[Rom 8:38-39 KJV] 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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If the scientist who is reinventing the Rife Frequency Generating Machine (which was stolen away from us by Big Evil) thinks that the cancer industrial complex is going to allow him to cure cancer & put them out of business then I have a fine selection of bridges to sell him. If he makes much more progress then I can see a sudden death in his future. Crrow777 did a great episode on Dr Rife earlier this year, first free half of it is here https://www.crrow777radio.com/494-rediscovering-frequency-vibration-over-over-again-free/

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As for cancer treatment, you will be interested to read about Dr. Burzynski; his saga could be called The Life & Times of Dr. B. Yet, surprise surprise, he is still alive.

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I watched the documentary on him earlier this year. Obv YouTube removed it! It’s on Bitchute though. He’s a great man

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Thank you for the link!

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Remember, there is strength in numbers. With more than 7B people on the earth, I bet there's more than one person out there reinventing Rife FGMs. Lots of people are understanding how we are influenced (healed) by different frequencies; The good ones I mean. The truth is not going away.

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Rife FGMs re-introduced for the 21st century:


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I was about to post this link to Spooky2, also! I get their newsletters. They're also on FB, YT and Twitter. We're seriously lookong into investing in one of their machines.

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Don't hesitate. The Spooky Scalar is amazing, too. There is an active online community of users for support, as well as support from Spooky.

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Would love to know how it goes.

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You had better doublecheck how diagnostics is done, or it may be like practicing homeopathy on oneself without proper training (and experience).

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Also healing of cancer attributed to sound which is why TheTruthAboutCancer.com presentations are so incredible. The US is still in the darker ages with cut, poison and burn treatments that kill more than they save.

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The holy ohm of Atman... It's resonance baby.

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I hear that resonance has healing qualities.

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In agreement with Grasshopper Kaplan, the "keys" are not absolute, but are human names and constructs.

To take it further, A=440hz is "concert pitch", but the tuning system we use in the West is called "12-tone equal temperament". The word "temperament" literally means it is out of tune, properly speaking. "Properly speaking", only music in "just intonation", as we call it in the West, is truly in tune.

This is a whole rabbit hole and rather complex. Here is an im-sorry-to-say-probably-not-very-simple introduction to just intonation: https://www.kylegann.com/tuning.html. I'm sure there are better ones on the internet.

If you want to here music in pure intonation, listen to an Indian raga that is accompanied only by a tanpura (i.e., that doesn't have a harmonium, which is usually tuned in 12TET). Dhrupad would be the best place to start with this. An example vocalist Chintan Upadhyay singing Raga Yaman:


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Since our bee population has been dramatically depopulated by un-natural electro-magnetic radiation I miss hearing them buzzing about. Whether their thrumming is a healing sound for PTSD sufferers is hard to prove but there is no doubt that sound is important. Confucius once said that the man who fully understands sound could rule the world.

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Yes, and didn't Nikola Tesla tell us that, "If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration"?

According to Genesis - the book, not the band - creation was begun by the utterance of speech.

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If you believe in a book written and translated inaccurately.

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Well, no I don't; but the fact that Bacon wanted the concept of creation being caused by sound/vibration to be put forward in the third sentence of his book speaks volumes, doesn't it?

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Agreed... but what made the sound? That puzzle still eludes us....

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One of many :)

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In the Beginning, was the WORD. and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God.

All things were made by him. John 1: 1-2

Sound, Light, even down to subatomic frequencies, they all move in Waves. Waves put in motion by a plan and divine Intelligence. The sounds of God.

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This is amazing! Thank you for sharing it Celia. How does one go about listening to these different frequencies? I can listen to Mozart but is there an app or a machine that creates the other frequencies?

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If there is, then as sure as night follows day, there will be gaggles of online people claiming it's not the "right" one and that the one you found is part of some dastardly plot.

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You can search for 432Hz on Spotify [for example] and find music in this 'key'. There is also some material on YouTube, comparing similar tunes in 440 and 432Hz. It is not always so easy to tell them apart consciously but I can understand how there is a difference in their effects on our brains.

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Thank you!

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I was wondering the same thing!

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Now look here, Celia. The bees are thrumming in the key of ... wait for it ... B! However, their thrumometers, like their stings, are set to "sharp". But before we go and get all gaga over this bit of nonsense, please be aware that the frequency of C is something set by committee by a bunch of music bureaucrats. And subject to (identity) political and financial pressures. I hope you're not too disillusioned!

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Now look here, Walden: I am not easily disillusioned. Nor am I afraid of "mistakes" like science minded men are. I see them as germinators and pollinators of future truths.

So, I took your statement, that it's a "B" and placed it in the post, so people can see a contrasting view. Then I looked it up. Many sources on the internet also say it's a C. Including this professor of Entomology and Bee Research At University of Minnesota. Would you be willing to share with us on what grounds you deem it "nonsense?" And why you say it's B, not C. Thank you.


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"C"-lia, first off, I'm a retired piano tuner, so I know a few things about pitch. For instance, you can't clean a piano's pitch with turpentine. I tried, and lost many clients.

Secondly, have a look at this, in support of my thesis that C (or any other note) is not a matter of natural law, but one of political machinations: https://historyofmusictheory.wordpress.com/2023/07/11/tuning-the-world-pitch-lessons-for-the-history-of-music-theory/#:~:text=To%20sum%20it%20up%20briefly,pitch%20and%20the%20reality%20of

And thirdly, I was having a bit of fun with you.. Or should I say pun with you.

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Very interesting Walden. I'm just seeing this now…3:20 am in Spain, so must sleep but will read with great interest tomorrow.

I 100% believe you.

But why do all the bee people say it's a C?

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The author begins by noting her book "Tuning the World: The Rise of 440 Hertz in Music, Science, and Politics (1859–1955)"

I thought I'd mosey on over to Wokepedia (good for some things if you use it selectively), and what do I find? Though it says Heinrich Hertz was born "into a prosperous and cultured Hanseatic family", and has nothing else in his early life section indicative, why would the site categorize the entry under this (among other) category? (since I can't put screenshots in here, I will link my substack note)


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What kind of Dastardly Cabal is this, that it can't even impose its standard on society uniformly with total submission of society?

"Crucially, when the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted the standard in 1955, standardizers renounced the idea of certifying the conformity of instruments to A 440, arguing that pitch was ultimately the product of an interaction between an instrument and a player. The aesthetic, subjective aspects of pitch have ultimately exercised an equal, if not opposing power to the gradual triumph of standardization."

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The problem with a conspiracy theory about the universalization of standard pitch arises when it ignores organic factors, among which is the massive context of the 19th century and its (in historical hindsight) relentless trajectory of amazing technological, scientific, and bureaucratic Progress -- along with the sociopolitical power logically involved with that -- into the 20th century. One can observe that in this situation, while no doubt reflecting a chicken-and-egg complexity, the ongoing process of the bureaucratization of all facets of life was on one level a natural logical consequence not **necessarily** (one tries to argue, as the conspiracy theorist's eyes dance with hyperventilating fanatical zeal that can only see its Gnostic magic) a nefarious plot by Them against Us.

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By the way, there are thrumometers that read in C and in F, but none in B. Food for thought, honey.

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That’s interesting. I work outside a lot around California native plants in our yard. I do find it peaceful in the springtime when my largest ceanothus is filled with bees and it makes that deep humming sound. I cannot say it has resolved my own PTSD though. But I do like sound of a gazzillion bees doing their pollination thing.

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Yes, so correct. Meditate pray, know Christ is our inner Savior, sounds, colors, or maybe I should say frequency, are our, or part of our ticket out of here. The cosmic universe is outside and in us. Only way we "win."

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Thanks for nice link. Nature has dissonance and resonance, no doubt. Some indigenous Americans believed bees came from Venus. Sound therapy comes from fascinating and valid research. Let's hope Resonant Frequency Therapy has good aim when it targets cancer cells. Going back into esoterica, check out Thought Forms, a book by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, early members of the Theosophical Society. Re Mozart, I personally feel sharper with Borodin.

Persian and Indian mystics such as Maulana Rum (Rumi), Hafiz, Kabir, Nanak, etc. said the Creation emanates from divine Sound. This Sound was called Akash Bani or Nad by Hindus, the Sarosh by Zoroastrians, the Ruach by Jews, the Dao by Buddhists, the Word or Logos by Christians, Bang-i-Asmani or Sultan-ul-Azkar by Muslims, the Shabda or Naam by Indian mystics, and so on through history. More recently, it's been called the Audible Life Stream, the Ringing Radiance, the Primordial Sound. This mystical Sound of God is purported to be behind and beyond the sounds of nature.

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Thank you so much for sharing this amazing video.

Has anyone ever seen pictures/photos of "starforts"? They are all in various symatic shapes all over the world. Our governments have kept their existence from us. We've never been taught about them.

Who built them and when? They are each so incredibly complex and built in locations almost always next to water/waterways.

They couldn't have been made with any simple technology we know of. Check out

"Starforts.com". Causes me to wonder who made them, what inspired them, what were they for? With water nearby did they use water to generate power, electricity? So many questions of which all answers have been kept from us and or their very existence.

Thank you again. God is in everything in creation. He is the creator of the universe and King of it. God bless you.

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Military tactic to address approaching hostilities from all angles? Cool site - thanks for the link!

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