For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 KJV

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You nailed it Celia. The absence of love is the root of everything that plagues humanity. So simple, and yet so hard.

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Annette, there is much evil and corruption in the world. Are we to love those who are rapists, sex traffickers, pimps, drug dealers, etc? If God hates then he sets an example for righteous anger.

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I’m angry at V. Fischer, Hoffman, A. Fischer, Wodarg, Templin, Schindler, John and all the monsters attacking Reiner. Sorry, but I’m very angry 😡

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Pure anger doesn't necessarily do anybody any harm, and it can be therapeutic.

It depends on what you do with it. Please make positive use of your anger, Marie-Claude.

These days, however, I don't have the energy or the sort of robust nervous system that allows me to deal with anger, so I have to settle for weary disappointment. Like the look on Darth Vader's mask at the end of The Empire Strikes Back when the Millennium Falcon slips away and he wonders for a moment whether to choke any more of his minions to death, but resisted the urge.

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I have a therapist, thank you! Even Jesus got angry. Anger is also a good and legitimate emotion. Being angry is ok! People are not angry enough and that is why we’re in deep shit! People must stop being kind. It doesn’t work with psychopaths! Reiner said it himself!

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Marie-Claude, you are right that kindness does not work with Psychopaths; it makes them view you as vulnerable prey. It doesn't even work much of the time with lesser Cluster-B types.

Protect and care for yourself as much as you protect and care for others, and vice versa.

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Marie, were I standing in front of you I would take your hand and kiss the back of it. You are a much prettier rendition of me as the angry man. Inside we are similar.

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wow, thank you for speaking this truth.

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Yup: spiritual illiteracy abounds among the very smart and the stupid and the in-between.

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After watching a number of NDEs, what I came away with is that love is the most important emotion to experience. To me, love is a verb. It is the dropping of all judgements and unconditionally accepting another being, no matter what, and giving unconditionally acceptance, no matter what. Everyone defines it differently. Love seems to be our biggest challenge in our human experience.

As Rumi said, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in one drop.”

We are all one. We are a part of all that is.

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It is possible and necessary to hate evil people and love the good.

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tessa has been over this target at 5k feet almost since the beginning of the plandemic (disclaimer: i'm as unforgiving as they get) https://tessa.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-forgiveness

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Yes she has.

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Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

And though I understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and have not love, I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profits me nothing.

Love suffers long, and is kind; love envies not; love vaunts not itself, is not puffed up,

Does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil;

Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

And now abides faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

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...and God destroyed over ten thousand of His people in the Sinai desert for being whiners and ingrates. Jesus made a scourge and physically drove the moneylenders out of the temple. God personally rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. And "there is a time to hate" etc etc etc

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Thanks for the comment.

The bible makes sense in proper context. In the Old Testament, God told his people that if they behaved well, they would prosper, and if they misbehaved, they would be punished. Being people, most misbehaved, and God being just, punished them as promised.

The New Testament was an entirely new agreement. Instead of punishing people for misbehaving, God would put all their punishment on God’s own son, Jesus Christ, and give people a lifetime of grace- if at any time during one’s lifetime one accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, future punishment would be avoided. Yes, Jesus Christ kicked out the money profiteers who were in the temple, and he also opposed hypocritical Jewish priests. But Jesus freely associated with (and was criticized for) ordinary disaffected people such as prostitutes and thieves.

Though organized Christian religion often preaches the ten commandments of Jewish law (which the NT condemns as a ministry of condemnation,) Jesus, himself, had only one commandment- “As I first loved you, love your brethren.”

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But He also repeated the Ten Commandments in the NT except "Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.

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You are correct, he did. But, that is where the context comes in. At the time, Judaism was the religion, a religion of rules and rituals. But, Jesus was introducing an entirely new religion, not a religion of rules, but of a changed heart, a changed spirit, that desired to do the right thing, thus eliminating the need for rules. The new religion even eliminated the Levite priesthood that enforced the rules (Jesus was from the Tribe of Judah.)

A personal non-spiritual analogy to distinguish between Judaism and Christianity. One grandmother was all about rules, and as long as I obeyed her rules, I remained in good graces and avoided punishment, but it was never an enjoyable visit. Another grandmother had no rules and gave me unconditional love. Not only were the visits enjoyable, but, because of her attitude toward me, I began doing whatever I could to please her, not because I had to, but because I wanted to.

So, it makes all the difference whether one views God as a strict schoolmaster or as a loving parent. Religion often depicts the Father as the first and Jesus as the second. But, the NT clearly states that Jesus is an exact representation of the Father's nature.

Again, thanks for the comment.

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I'm angry that I'm angry :- )

Psst, hey you ! Yeah, you ! Do you even go for a walk in the woods or is angry-at a full time job ?

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Aug 29·edited Aug 30

I’m very sad that I am so angry, but this post confirmed that I am. And that the love is missing, or drowned out or diffused. Enough.

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AL, and I'm angry, not at you, that you're so sad. It's often a cold world in which those who've done their best still get beaten down because the game is rigged. Yesterday I spoke with such a friend and in me it stirs up rage against the machine. David Jose (he's on TicToc, X and other places) teaches how to return empowerment, a must for addressing anger, to We The People.

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Being angry is not a full time job, it’s an EMOTION! You can be angry sometimes even if you walk in nature.

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I was being silly, hyperbolic. But I know people, and as you may too, who sit and stew all day. Too little physical movement (take a walk/hike) and too much bad nutrition, and TV always on = low grade, or worse, fear, anger, helplessness.

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I agree with you!

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Celia, but not any Celia, you are Celia with the pretty name.. and that is what separates you from the rest. Hear me gal.

Hate is not a bad thing. Nor is anger. Or violence because it is at times the only thing that will work. My closest friend was an abused woman and rough as I am, I could not then nor can I now dwell on her hurt and what hurt her without breaking. But from where comest hate...and anger? I have people of substance and renown in my client list. Tycoons, a billionaire, and many multi millionaires but as a simple man one of the richest men in my list wants to and does take time to talk to me about things.

Totally laid back, relaxed and non emotive. Hate is scriptural as is anger and in my case it is the driving force that energizes me to take on the real haters, the leftists, the politically correct crazies, the wokist wankers and Churchill told us, "Those who say they are anti fascists are the real fascists. True.

God hates and if it good enough for Him it is good enough for me. It says, "Be not angry without just cause." I am angry and I hate. My targets for hate? Sex traffickers, women abusers, drug dealers, murderers, terrorists, violent crime criminals.

The beautiful woman I care about so much and has suffered the worst hurt I ever knew was never nor ever will be afraid of me. What would you do if she called you crying and said "nobody understands me but you." What does that tell you? You have a fine mind and know she has been the subject of judgmental waifs.

She loves my angry side as well as my soft and warm side. She has never or will not ever see towards her the soft and warm and loving side but has seen the other extreme and after the event told me she loved my angry side. Why? Because my angry side focuses on people and organizations who hurt innocent people.

I do not think you could get angry...you are too feminine and there is no angry aspect of you or oyur existence.

I hate evil and evil people. Someone who stabs a child to death is an enemy and I hate him/them. I have no love for them.

But you dear woman are better than I and it is not painful to embrace that. I would say most women are better than me because they embody in most cases the nobler character traits. The woman who is my best friend I love and adore more than life itself. But I have seen her angry and other women as well and it was and is justified.

We live in a world of opposites...love and hate, up and down...cold and hot, good and evil, etc and the ultimate opposites are right and wrong, God and Satan.

You are a precious woman, as are the other gals here who are conservative. As I have said before, it was Isaac Isamov who said in a mag called MC2 that we should "praise excellence" and I see a lot of excellence here in the women and in men but the women are what I notice.

And so it is lovely Celia that I came to praise excellence and many other things but also hate many as well. I doubt I will ever change especially because I hate the same things God does and love the same things He does as well.

You are a fine woman Celia and while I am all over the place, I will always think highly of you.

Always Edward

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I aspire to be more like my Dog…..

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That can be good or bad.

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I study with a Tibetan Buddhist lama who now lives in Nepal. He’s been teaching across Europe this summer and always starts aspiring meditators out with practices to heal the ‘subtle body’ (ie: emotions). He says Western folk get more done than the average Nepali but we pay a terrible price for it in speediness and loss of our happiness without a reason to be. Simply being, love arises. It is our true hidden treasure and birthright.

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It seems like there are so many that go after the ones that hold onto hope and love and try to turn them into empty, hopeless shells. Holding onto hope and love is an important act of defiance, especially now. They want to portray taking that type of stand as naive. It takes a lot of bravery to stand and not be swayed in the midst of all of this.

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Even wisdom without love can be cruel or inhuman.

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Thank you for this. I am reminded of this quote:

"Self interest exists, attachment based on personal gain exists, complacency exists. But not love. Love has to be reinvented, that’s certain.”

― Arthur Rimbaud

I always thought that was supremely wise. It takes discipline and constant work to go against the tide of garbage.

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"It takes discipline and constant work to go against the tide of garbage."

"Yes Tracy, and a lot of brass. But it is only the Truth that will set us free."

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Hooked on a Feeling



Focus Unite!

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Sasha Stone @ 1:22:09


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"Your Fear's Your Power, Your Power's Your Control." C.Manson


"Though I walk through the valley of schlock, I fear no weasel."


Focus Unite!

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"Why Won't Trump or Harris Admit To The Covid Sham?"

start @ 6:00

Westall: "We're in this surreal point where nobody's admitting what we

just went through

- What is that? It's very disturbing."


Kirsch: "Ya, um ... people don't like to admit they kill(ed) people."


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— THANK Y O U , LORD JESUS •••• A A A M E N … !!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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