I was asked by a few of you to “stop fear-mongering,” after this post a short while ago, about the cats now being targeted as super-spreaders for the next trauma and money laundering operation, “H1N1,” or “Bird Flu.”
I had a 19 year old cat who was clearly close to dying, drinking some water but no food, sleeping 23 hours a day, but still occasionally purring. She had caught a cold and had slowed down massively, we realized this was her natural end. She slept in a sort of cushioned nest on the chair beside my chair, contentedly. But as her breathing became irregular I started to wonder how I would know when she was fully gone?
So I called my vet to say, What do you recommend we look for just at the end of life to make sure we're still attending to her until she's truly passed away? They said, bring her in for euthanasia. I said no. She was a very anxious cat and there's no way I was putting her through that. So I said No, but please could you give me advice, like do I count breaths, do I need a stethoscope, do I just keep petting her until she's cold, what do I do? I was quite upset at this point and vulnerable, and they told me I should bring her in because she could be in pain. She was peacefully asleep, I again said no. The vet tech made me feel I was keeping my cat in pain needlessly and seemed disgusted with me before we hung up, and never offered any advice about natural end of life care. I don't think they even know what natural end of life care for an animal looks like. I felt judged and blamed at a really bad time, it was pretty awful.
Late that night my cat took a deep breath, gave a shudder and passed away. She had a good life and I stayed beside her for many hours on her last day, it was peaceful and loving and I'm so glad I ignored the vet.
Our 20 year old Luna was in decline and by June of this year, was ready to go. Our vet coached us as to what to look for, and gave us full support to sit with her through the entire process. It was such an honor to witness the end of her life. Her eyes got huge, and she began to pant. We knew this was the body letting go. There was even a moment when I felt as if she had left, after sitting with her all day. At 4:30 we left the bedroom where she loved to hang out, had a bite to eat, and when we returned in 30 minutes she was gone. I believe I felt exactly when her spirit left, and it was a matter of the body shutting down. She never cried, she knew we were there, and one of our other cats stayed vigil with us. The two remaining cats were obviously affected by her passing, and wouldn't go into the bedroom for a few weeks. Our vet told us how to put her body on ice, and bring her in the next day where they sent her out for cremation. A week later, we picked up her ashes in a lovely rosewood box. The entire process was so honoring of her life and her passing and I will never, ever euthanize a pet again, as I did over the years with the other cats I had.
My oldest cat was euthanized at the very end, but I believe that day we did it he was in organ shut down, and it came as a true relief of pain. They gave a pain shot and straightway he looked at us and such gratitude in his gaze. Then we gave him his favorite whipped cream, and then he got the shot that stopped the heart which was stuttering already. I knew when his spirit left, and immediately afterward, I put him in the ground in his favorite place under the tree. I put a statue there, and I know he had an incredible life. I was told many times just to put him to sleep before 'he suffers' but I I waited till he was already dying on his own... don't regret it. That look of gratitude for pain relief was so huge.... I know he was hurting with bad teeth, ulcers, lymphoma and fevers at the end.. so it must have been such a huge blessing for him. And I did not rob him of one single day of his life. He lived a full rich one.
Celia, yours was not the only Stack I got today about the cats. I read this from Exposing the Darkness Newsletter too. I left this comment:
They want to destroy our food supply. So they lie about bird flu infecting chickens. Then they lie about bird flu infecting cows. Then they lie about bird flu infecting pigs. Then they lie about bird flu spreading to cats. Then they lie about bird flu spreading to humans.
Bird flu is a LIE. It is an attempt to shut everything down again. They think we are stupid. But most of us know their evil agenda now. They actually want US dead. We will NOT comply.
After Useless Nuisance declared a "bird flu" emergency. Then I was reading in Peggy 's YT comments someone suggested he should have declared a "bird brain" emergency instead.
I’ve been creeped out by veterinarians over the last few years. Turns out there was a big push to get the private practices to go corporate (owned mostly by Merk). Now in TN (no longer in CA) I searched for and found an independent practitioner that does not push vaccines and never tries to boss me around. And his prices are affordable (reasonable) - about a quarter of the fees in CA. His staff is fantastic and actually joyful. We just have to ignore the zombies and never give them a penny. A natural death, even if painful is better than allowing ghouls into our lives.
A bit over 20 years ago, a friend and I found a copy of a veterinary clinic & hospital management magazine that had accidentally been left in the waiting room. In it was an article that described how 'your clients will feel like they got better care for you animals when they pay more for the same service'.
That sounds a lot like collusion. With the suggested prices and price increases printed in the article, it probably qualified a illegal 'price fixing'.
Granted, the cost of vet school has increased dramatically over the past couple decades, and with inflation the cost of everything has gone up, including the cost of running a vet clinic or hospital, but that does not justify the outrageous fees that too many vets charge. Especially the corporate owned veterinary clinics and hospitals.
Veterinary care is for animals. Medical care is for people, but we knew what you meant.
The cost of medical care in the U.S. is also ridiculous. We spend 7-10 times more per capita (per person in our population) than any other country - yet medical outcomes are worse in the U.S. in than any other developed nation.
One reason is that the practice of medicine changed from 'the caring professions' to just another cog in the wheel of the medical-industrial complex. Like the military-industrial complex, and "emergencies", if profit and/or power to be gained from war, or from "emergencies" (2020-2021 saw the most massive transfer of $ and assets in HISTORY- to the already uber-wealthy from the rest of us)... or from sick people, then more wars will be started, more "emergencies" will be declared , and more people will be made sick- or normal state of being will be called 'diagnosed' as an illness o condition that 'must be' treated.
Pet vets have been increasingly focused on profit, at least since the 1990s. As Heather Oxtot mentioned, independent veterinarians are almost always less expensive. (Though basically everything is cheaper in Tenn. than in Calif.)
Whenever possible, we should find & support independent businesses over big corporate chains- for everything we buy, and all the services we pay for. While we still have a choice...
Yes. Corpo vets. They push the rabies jabs endlessly can't get care for a dying seriously ill cat or dog unless 'the rabies is current'. For cats that's every 3 years. I am awake and aware now and onto it. I will stretch it as long as I can between and go for never more than 1 time if I can. I give no vaxes or jabs for 'viruses' like FeLuke etc. Just the rabies required by law to adopt from the shelter. I've taken to thinking I need to report my current cat from shelter as 'gave away because she didn't get on with other cats to friends in California' and no longer report her as in the county because they enforce a rabies license! and you have to pay for the cats too ontop of the rabies... I'll look for a pregger cat rescue it and adopt it to foster and keep it and one kitten and try to get a rescue for the others... much rather that now than go through 'the county shelter' the 'ASPCA' or any other group. Literally because of these arsine and invasive actions. I'm on the basic, use the Merck Manual and only care for them as needed, holistically.
I had a very similar experience with my old cat Luci in 2015, completely traumatizing. She was dehydrated and beginning to fail from kidney disease (from the shitty pet food they sell you, this was before I changed my cat feeding habits to pure raw meat), and it happened on a weekend, and I had nowhere to go but the ER for small animals. They presented me with an estimate of two-overnights in the ICU for $3,000. My jaw dropped. I didn't have that money, but I had credit cards. They immediately said: we can "put her to sleep" (how I hate that euphemism, dirty lie...) for you, or you have to come up with the $3,000. You cannot take her home. Any sort of hospitalists are mobsters.
Good question. It was mostly psychological terror. They said she would die a slow and excruciating death. I don’t know if, legally, they could have charged me with animal cruelty, or if they could have taken ownership of her based on that assessment. In any case, I wasn’t awake enough about hospitalists at that point and had some degree of faith in the “experts” so the psych terror worked on me. My (good) regular vet told me later that it was BS and that they were just intimidating me to have an opportunity to run all the expensive machinery of their ICU because it needs amortizing.
I agree with you 100% that they're after our pets and I've been aware of it through a multitude of little things ever since the covid saga began. I don't see your headline as fear-mongering at all. My closest and dearest companion is a kitty. And yes, I WILL defend her to the end. I'm so sorry you had that experience with Lewis - truly awful. I'm glad to know you're living with your kitties in a much better place.
Not just our pets, but also the animals owned by rural families, and by mall independent farmers. Even wildlife. It's been going on for decades.
The silver lining to the Covid debacle is that so many more people are now aware that so many people we used to trust - government officials, science 'experts', physicians & hospitals... and veterinarians. There are still good, competent people with integrity in all these jobs, but we can't take that for granted.
His name was Peanut. He did nothing wrong. They killed him and his racoon friend Fred. That case alone speaks volumes. What they do to the pets? They want to do to YOU too.
Yes in England, they are coming for the chickens, you now have to register if you have even one. That way when they announce Bird Flu, they will know which houses to go to, where they will kill your chickens "to keep you safe."
I think the rules used to be register if 10 or more but just 1 now. My neighbour kindly told the authorities I had chickens. I'll be trying out my ' can you direct me to the scientific research that proves the virus has been isolated ie that it actually exists?' if they come calling.
🤬. I used to work in an emergency veterinary clinic, many many years ago. We would have never said that to someone! Our veterinarian was the most compassionate doctor I ever met, an amazing and excellent surgeon. I'm glad Lewis survived, is smiling with Rafa. Bless you!!!
I love your dedication to your lovely cats. I almost lost a cat to an evil, money hungry vet. Thank you so much for exposing this racket. It looks like humans and pets, all but the psychopathic super-wealthy are expendable. Thanks so much for sharing this story.
I wanted to adopt a beautiful Siamese cat who was at one of those adoption fairs in front of Petco. As I talked to the woman she asked me about where I lived etc, and how would I have the cat? I said the cat would allowed to be a cat, go in and out, be outside, climb trees, hunt, sleep inside at night. She said No Way! The cat must be an indoor cat! I said see ya later!
Like a vet once tried to persuade me to inject my indoor cat by saying to me,
"You know you could bring rabies into your house from the outdoors on the soles of your shoes."
Oooh how scary! But the attempt to frighten did not work. I replied calmly with the excuse that my finances were a bit tight this month, but perhaps we could do it on a future visit? Then I conveniently failed to schedule the next visit.
I can laugh about the experience now, but I'll never forget that the vet was DEAD SERIOUS about rabies hitching a ride "on the soles of your shoes." 😂
I had two dogs, around 10 years old. One was a purebred golden retriever (we received the paperwork upon adoption) and a Norwegian elkhound we rescued. Lobo (the Norwegian) was the first to lose control of his back legs. We decided to put him to sleep. Within three months, our Golden also started losing control of her back legs. I had to go to California to help my Mom move from that God forsaken hell hole. I believed I had time the time to figure out what to do when I returned. I was mistaken. She passed away while I was gone. I wanted their food and treats tested. I was told I had to go through a vet. I found it peculiar their reaction. What exactly the fu^k was going on?!
And as expected, there was nothing wrong. Yeah, right.
Less than a year later, our oldest cat (not yet seven) was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. We longed to have more time with this unique feline, George, who enjoyed licking the neck of Guinness beer bottles after we had taken a swig. We chose to amputate his affected leg. It was more advanced than believed after his amputated leg was sent for biopsy.
We made the soul crushing decision to not allow him the indignity of dealing with that which was going to certainly take him. He was a feisty one…his beginning stayed true to his end. Feisty and fierce.
There is definitely something nefarious happening.
We HAVE to gracefully accept the blunt truth when it's not possible to dance around a subject and soften it up. Every word you said was totally appropriate and necessary. We may have to fight like you did for your Lewis. These are very strange times and I sometimes wonder if (un jabbed) people have shut down their emotions. Celia, you have nothing to apologize for, so go easy on yourself. There is no doubt that you are genuinely loving, good intentioned and authentic. Smile..... you're in good company & I for one, love it when you say it like it is!
University of Illinois vet med killed two of my parrots. After the obscene cost of the “medical care” they provided, I retained a lawyer who crafted a demand letter. Their response was to let go of the two vets involved within a week of sending the letter (in June). They killed my birds in April. One vet moved to Chicago and got married. The other returned to California. I then retained another lawyer (the first was the sole owner of her practice and wouldn’t be able to dedicate the time my case required) who walked me through filling, but since the two vets were long gone, I didn’t serve them. I paid around $3000 for the vet, and $1000 more in filling, lawyers, an expert vet opinion and I was done. I did not have any more money to spend. Meanwhile U of I basically has endless money - including my tax dollars. So, I guess they win.
Sorry to hear this. A very traumatic and sickening experience to go through, and they had the nerve to charge you three thousand dollars! Unbelievable given they killed your birds.
I have parrots, and thankfully I rarely need to take them to a vet, and if I do, I see a specialist as I wouldn’t trust local vets with my birds care.
You are not fear mongering Celia. The ENEMY is. God Bless
Thank you Pamilla for saying what I was thinking😊. And thank you Celia!
media has its part to play in calming spirits. but there is a wild cat aspect to Celia one is loath to dissuade.
I had a 19 year old cat who was clearly close to dying, drinking some water but no food, sleeping 23 hours a day, but still occasionally purring. She had caught a cold and had slowed down massively, we realized this was her natural end. She slept in a sort of cushioned nest on the chair beside my chair, contentedly. But as her breathing became irregular I started to wonder how I would know when she was fully gone?
So I called my vet to say, What do you recommend we look for just at the end of life to make sure we're still attending to her until she's truly passed away? They said, bring her in for euthanasia. I said no. She was a very anxious cat and there's no way I was putting her through that. So I said No, but please could you give me advice, like do I count breaths, do I need a stethoscope, do I just keep petting her until she's cold, what do I do? I was quite upset at this point and vulnerable, and they told me I should bring her in because she could be in pain. She was peacefully asleep, I again said no. The vet tech made me feel I was keeping my cat in pain needlessly and seemed disgusted with me before we hung up, and never offered any advice about natural end of life care. I don't think they even know what natural end of life care for an animal looks like. I felt judged and blamed at a really bad time, it was pretty awful.
Late that night my cat took a deep breath, gave a shudder and passed away. She had a good life and I stayed beside her for many hours on her last day, it was peaceful and loving and I'm so glad I ignored the vet.
Our 20 year old Luna was in decline and by June of this year, was ready to go. Our vet coached us as to what to look for, and gave us full support to sit with her through the entire process. It was such an honor to witness the end of her life. Her eyes got huge, and she began to pant. We knew this was the body letting go. There was even a moment when I felt as if she had left, after sitting with her all day. At 4:30 we left the bedroom where she loved to hang out, had a bite to eat, and when we returned in 30 minutes she was gone. I believe I felt exactly when her spirit left, and it was a matter of the body shutting down. She never cried, she knew we were there, and one of our other cats stayed vigil with us. The two remaining cats were obviously affected by her passing, and wouldn't go into the bedroom for a few weeks. Our vet told us how to put her body on ice, and bring her in the next day where they sent her out for cremation. A week later, we picked up her ashes in a lovely rosewood box. The entire process was so honoring of her life and her passing and I will never, ever euthanize a pet again, as I did over the years with the other cats I had.
That's a beautiful story, thank you. I'm so glad you had the natural experience as well.
My oldest cat was euthanized at the very end, but I believe that day we did it he was in organ shut down, and it came as a true relief of pain. They gave a pain shot and straightway he looked at us and such gratitude in his gaze. Then we gave him his favorite whipped cream, and then he got the shot that stopped the heart which was stuttering already. I knew when his spirit left, and immediately afterward, I put him in the ground in his favorite place under the tree. I put a statue there, and I know he had an incredible life. I was told many times just to put him to sleep before 'he suffers' but I I waited till he was already dying on his own... don't regret it. That look of gratitude for pain relief was so huge.... I know he was hurting with bad teeth, ulcers, lymphoma and fevers at the end.. so it must have been such a huge blessing for him. And I did not rob him of one single day of his life. He lived a full rich one.
Awwwwww. Sweet though difficult post. You were SUCH an advocate for you 4-legged BFF. Beautiful.
Good for you!
Celia, yours was not the only Stack I got today about the cats. I read this from Exposing the Darkness Newsletter too. I left this comment:
They want to destroy our food supply. So they lie about bird flu infecting chickens. Then they lie about bird flu infecting cows. Then they lie about bird flu infecting pigs. Then they lie about bird flu spreading to cats. Then they lie about bird flu spreading to humans.
Bird flu is a LIE. It is an attempt to shut everything down again. They think we are stupid. But most of us know their evil agenda now. They actually want US dead. We will NOT comply.
Don't forget... A DOLPHIN got bird flu, too...!!! LOL LOL LOL
I know I went to Safeway today and there were no eggs and hardly any milk. Of course they are pulling this garbage right before Christmas.
Fkn demons!
Where is your safeway? UK? America?
California, America.
Right on!
Literally NO eggs available in CA.
After Useless Nuisance declared a "bird flu" emergency. Then I was reading in Peggy 's YT comments someone suggested he should have declared a "bird brain" emergency instead.
Yes, and they use the same exact test they used for covid to detect bird flu.
Yes that same exact test that the inventor said repeatedly should NOT be used to test for anything, as that is not what it is designed for.
Bravo !
That Niemoeller first-first-they-came-for warning will backfire.
Those that do the bidding for those who dare not show their face, can and will be replaced until there are none left with which to replace.
I’ve been creeped out by veterinarians over the last few years. Turns out there was a big push to get the private practices to go corporate (owned mostly by Merk). Now in TN (no longer in CA) I searched for and found an independent practitioner that does not push vaccines and never tries to boss me around. And his prices are affordable (reasonable) - about a quarter of the fees in CA. His staff is fantastic and actually joyful. We just have to ignore the zombies and never give them a penny. A natural death, even if painful is better than allowing ghouls into our lives.
I'm absolutely shocked by the cost of medical care for pets now. They must be colluding with each other.
A bit over 20 years ago, a friend and I found a copy of a veterinary clinic & hospital management magazine that had accidentally been left in the waiting room. In it was an article that described how 'your clients will feel like they got better care for you animals when they pay more for the same service'.
That sounds a lot like collusion. With the suggested prices and price increases printed in the article, it probably qualified a illegal 'price fixing'.
Granted, the cost of vet school has increased dramatically over the past couple decades, and with inflation the cost of everything has gone up, including the cost of running a vet clinic or hospital, but that does not justify the outrageous fees that too many vets charge. Especially the corporate owned veterinary clinics and hospitals.
Veterinary care is for animals. Medical care is for people, but we knew what you meant.
The cost of medical care in the U.S. is also ridiculous. We spend 7-10 times more per capita (per person in our population) than any other country - yet medical outcomes are worse in the U.S. in than any other developed nation.
One reason is that the practice of medicine changed from 'the caring professions' to just another cog in the wheel of the medical-industrial complex. Like the military-industrial complex, and "emergencies", if profit and/or power to be gained from war, or from "emergencies" (2020-2021 saw the most massive transfer of $ and assets in HISTORY- to the already uber-wealthy from the rest of us)... or from sick people, then more wars will be started, more "emergencies" will be declared , and more people will be made sick- or normal state of being will be called 'diagnosed' as an illness o condition that 'must be' treated.
Pet vets have been increasingly focused on profit, at least since the 1990s. As Heather Oxtot mentioned, independent veterinarians are almost always less expensive. (Though basically everything is cheaper in Tenn. than in Calif.)
Whenever possible, we should find & support independent businesses over big corporate chains- for everything we buy, and all the services we pay for. While we still have a choice...
And their prices are incredible, too!
Yes. Corpo vets. They push the rabies jabs endlessly can't get care for a dying seriously ill cat or dog unless 'the rabies is current'. For cats that's every 3 years. I am awake and aware now and onto it. I will stretch it as long as I can between and go for never more than 1 time if I can. I give no vaxes or jabs for 'viruses' like FeLuke etc. Just the rabies required by law to adopt from the shelter. I've taken to thinking I need to report my current cat from shelter as 'gave away because she didn't get on with other cats to friends in California' and no longer report her as in the county because they enforce a rabies license! and you have to pay for the cats too ontop of the rabies... I'll look for a pregger cat rescue it and adopt it to foster and keep it and one kitten and try to get a rescue for the others... much rather that now than go through 'the county shelter' the 'ASPCA' or any other group. Literally because of these arsine and invasive actions. I'm on the basic, use the Merck Manual and only care for them as needed, holistically.
So right! Give a psychopath an inch and they will take a mile.
I had a very similar experience with my old cat Luci in 2015, completely traumatizing. She was dehydrated and beginning to fail from kidney disease (from the shitty pet food they sell you, this was before I changed my cat feeding habits to pure raw meat), and it happened on a weekend, and I had nowhere to go but the ER for small animals. They presented me with an estimate of two-overnights in the ICU for $3,000. My jaw dropped. I didn't have that money, but I had credit cards. They immediately said: we can "put her to sleep" (how I hate that euphemism, dirty lie...) for you, or you have to come up with the $3,000. You cannot take her home. Any sort of hospitalists are mobsters.
What do they mean when they say "you cannot take her home"?
How would they stop you?
Good question. It was mostly psychological terror. They said she would die a slow and excruciating death. I don’t know if, legally, they could have charged me with animal cruelty, or if they could have taken ownership of her based on that assessment. In any case, I wasn’t awake enough about hospitalists at that point and had some degree of faith in the “experts” so the psych terror worked on me. My (good) regular vet told me later that it was BS and that they were just intimidating me to have an opportunity to run all the expensive machinery of their ICU because it needs amortizing.
They can euthanize your beloved cat but you can't take him home?
What did they do for $1700? That is outrageous. I live in South Florida and they are expensive too.
We go to the clinic in LaBelle. Still expensive, not as bad as Dr Shipley , she caters to the snowbirds. So expensive.
I agree with you 100% that they're after our pets and I've been aware of it through a multitude of little things ever since the covid saga began. I don't see your headline as fear-mongering at all. My closest and dearest companion is a kitty. And yes, I WILL defend her to the end. I'm so sorry you had that experience with Lewis - truly awful. I'm glad to know you're living with your kitties in a much better place.
Not just our pets, but also the animals owned by rural families, and by mall independent farmers. Even wildlife. It's been going on for decades.
The silver lining to the Covid debacle is that so many more people are now aware that so many people we used to trust - government officials, science 'experts', physicians & hospitals... and veterinarians. There are still good, competent people with integrity in all these jobs, but we can't take that for granted.
His name was Peanut. He did nothing wrong. They killed him and his racoon friend Fred. That case alone speaks volumes. What they do to the pets? They want to do to YOU too.
Yes in England, they are coming for the chickens, you now have to register if you have even one. That way when they announce Bird Flu, they will know which houses to go to, where they will kill your chickens "to keep you safe."
I think the rules used to be register if 10 or more but just 1 now. My neighbour kindly told the authorities I had chickens. I'll be trying out my ' can you direct me to the scientific research that proves the virus has been isolated ie that it actually exists?' if they come calling.
Good luck, the way England is going they may jail you for improper thoughts.
A pity about your neighbor. Perhaps someday you can return the favor.
Don't register. Its BS.
I heard the crashed the registration web site with passive aggressive compliance registering plastic chickens, chicken nuggets, chicken figures etc...
Happily I am not in England :)
🤬. I used to work in an emergency veterinary clinic, many many years ago. We would have never said that to someone! Our veterinarian was the most compassionate doctor I ever met, an amazing and excellent surgeon. I'm glad Lewis survived, is smiling with Rafa. Bless you!!!
I love your dedication to your lovely cats. I almost lost a cat to an evil, money hungry vet. Thank you so much for exposing this racket. It looks like humans and pets, all but the psychopathic super-wealthy are expendable. Thanks so much for sharing this story.
"Were micro-chips in animals part of the OP to make sure they know every single animal living as a pet in the United States?" si!
nyc dog tags let the watchers know when you take a walk, where and for how long. guessing that other cities use them as a tracking device as well
Stay out of the cities!
I always refuse to microchip my animals, but many ‘rescues’ require that you chip them and sign a ‘future spay/neuter contract’ to adopt! 🙀😾
the latest scheme among nyc "rescues" is an invasive home visit by one of the staff before an adoption can be approved!
I know what’s up with that?
I wanted to adopt a beautiful Siamese cat who was at one of those adoption fairs in front of Petco. As I talked to the woman she asked me about where I lived etc, and how would I have the cat? I said the cat would allowed to be a cat, go in and out, be outside, climb trees, hunt, sleep inside at night. She said No Way! The cat must be an indoor cat! I said see ya later!
And she'd probably say, "the cat must be an indoor cat and STILL be (repeatedly) vaccinated for rabies."
Like a vet once tried to persuade me to inject my indoor cat by saying to me,
"You know you could bring rabies into your house from the outdoors on the soles of your shoes."
Oooh how scary! But the attempt to frighten did not work. I replied calmly with the excuse that my finances were a bit tight this month, but perhaps we could do it on a future visit? Then I conveniently failed to schedule the next visit.
I can laugh about the experience now, but I'll never forget that the vet was DEAD SERIOUS about rabies hitching a ride "on the soles of your shoes." 😂
An endearing story. I'm moved by your love of animals and enraged by those purveyors of death.
I'm not surprised you still want to sue - a very mild response to what they did to you.
I had two dogs, around 10 years old. One was a purebred golden retriever (we received the paperwork upon adoption) and a Norwegian elkhound we rescued. Lobo (the Norwegian) was the first to lose control of his back legs. We decided to put him to sleep. Within three months, our Golden also started losing control of her back legs. I had to go to California to help my Mom move from that God forsaken hell hole. I believed I had time the time to figure out what to do when I returned. I was mistaken. She passed away while I was gone. I wanted their food and treats tested. I was told I had to go through a vet. I found it peculiar their reaction. What exactly the fu^k was going on?!
And as expected, there was nothing wrong. Yeah, right.
Less than a year later, our oldest cat (not yet seven) was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. We longed to have more time with this unique feline, George, who enjoyed licking the neck of Guinness beer bottles after we had taken a swig. We chose to amputate his affected leg. It was more advanced than believed after his amputated leg was sent for biopsy.
We made the soul crushing decision to not allow him the indignity of dealing with that which was going to certainly take him. He was a feisty one…his beginning stayed true to his end. Feisty and fierce.
There is definitely something nefarious happening.
Bad jabs, bad food, bad water... and, we don't know what their microchips are doing to them, either!
We HAVE to gracefully accept the blunt truth when it's not possible to dance around a subject and soften it up. Every word you said was totally appropriate and necessary. We may have to fight like you did for your Lewis. These are very strange times and I sometimes wonder if (un jabbed) people have shut down their emotions. Celia, you have nothing to apologize for, so go easy on yourself. There is no doubt that you are genuinely loving, good intentioned and authentic. Smile..... you're in good company & I for one, love it when you say it like it is!
No lie. Touch my cats. 💀 Touch me. 💀 The Purge cometh.
University of Illinois vet med killed two of my parrots. After the obscene cost of the “medical care” they provided, I retained a lawyer who crafted a demand letter. Their response was to let go of the two vets involved within a week of sending the letter (in June). They killed my birds in April. One vet moved to Chicago and got married. The other returned to California. I then retained another lawyer (the first was the sole owner of her practice and wouldn’t be able to dedicate the time my case required) who walked me through filling, but since the two vets were long gone, I didn’t serve them. I paid around $3000 for the vet, and $1000 more in filling, lawyers, an expert vet opinion and I was done. I did not have any more money to spend. Meanwhile U of I basically has endless money - including my tax dollars. So, I guess they win.
Sorry to hear this. A very traumatic and sickening experience to go through, and they had the nerve to charge you three thousand dollars! Unbelievable given they killed your birds.
I have parrots, and thankfully I rarely need to take them to a vet, and if I do, I see a specialist as I wouldn’t trust local vets with my birds care.