I "liked" this email and it showed up and brought me to the comments, so that much is working. Seems like Substack is definitely having issues.

Oh my, packing and moving, for any reason, is such a tedious and stressful thing. Take care.

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I just liked you here on the page.

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You lost 1,000 subscribers in one day?! Good grief. That should not be possible. The "Spider Sense" of many Substack authors has us thinking "something is going on" with Substack and/or its payment processors or whoever handles the emails, etc.

I just saw I've added no new paid subscribers in the last 30 days. I don't think I've ever gone 30 days without adding at least one paid subscriber. A well-known Substack author who is a friend of mine, says he just lost eight paid subscribers (I think) in one day or one week.

My open rate has also plummeted. My articles used to be opened by 43 to 50 percent of my subscribers. Now my Open Rate is about 31 to 34 percent. The bottom line is my articles aren't being read by as many people as they used to be (or my growth rate has fallen off a cliff).

There are many possible explanations for this and maybe I'm just being paranoid ... or maybe "someone" is targetting "Contrarian" Substack authors.

P.S. I've also had issues with the "like" button and have heard other reports of this ... and I'm getting a lot more "disputes" and having to pay $15 dispute fees. (I haven't won a dispute either).

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Bill, I suspect you (and probably Celia, also) are being targeted by the "intelligence" agencies in ways that are clandestine, invisible, brutal, and vicious. Please study this website for details about what I'm referring to: TargetedJustice.com/

I have been a Targeted Individual for thirty-four years (half my entire life.) The torture to which I have been subjected has taken many forms, including gangstalking (which in reality is not what the name implies), directed energy attacks, repeated invasion of my home, theft of my possessions, trashing of my possessions and house, and inexplicable chaos of every imaginable and unimaginable kind. It has also included invasion of my privacy, both analogue and digital, in every possible way. It would be impossible for me to describe all the ways I've been attacked and victimised over the decades, because it has been so complex, overwhelming and incalculable.

Most Targeted Individual are UNAWARE that they are being targeted, at least at first, (this is intentional, by the way!) but their lack of conscious awareness does not mitigate the damage that is done to their physical, emotional, and mental health. Unsurprisingly, most end up committing suicide. There are millions of Targeted Individuals worldwide. It has been estimated that there are half a million Targeted Individuals in the United States alone, but I suspect that estimate is low.

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Also see targetedjustice@substack.com, their Substack publication.

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May 25·edited May 25

I tried to like this comment... but no go.

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I liked you here on Celia's page.

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The "like" button used to work for me whether I was signed in or not, whether I was subscribed to a site or not. Now the "like" button doesn't work for me no matter what the site, whether it's one I subscribe to or not, and it doesn't matter if I'm signed in or not. This unplanned vacation from "likes" has subtly changed my relationship to substack, which might be a change for the better in some ways. But it's still somewhat disconcerting.

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May 24·edited May 24

I just came from Elizabeth Nickson and the like button worked there. Give it a shot, she is one of the best, I am sure you will like it.

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BTW, I just gave you a like, right here.

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Other users are reporting the "like" problem.

It's all about money in the end

Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):


Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works


Attali illuminati (“finest” quotes)


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

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I'm currently packing up my home covering three floors of STUFF! Moving is a nightmare...along with not knowing WHERE I'm moving to! lol Maine? S. Dakota? Arkansas? West Virginia? PA?

Life's an adventure...it's all in GOD'S hands:)

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Best of luck with your move. I hope you find a place you really enjoy.

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Thank you so much! <3

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Outside the USA if you possibly can. It's not just politics, it's Prophesy. We might last a bit longer, but as Paul Simon put it in his American Tune, you can't expect to be forever blessed.

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I'm confused with your comment on "Prophesy". Please explain:)

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It's called Auto Correct. But of course, you knew that.

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I was removed from all of my Substacks even though I had paid up front for the year for a bunch. Once I realized it, I resubscribed to you and Rappaport. And repaid. :) Love your work, Celia! Thank u!

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Good morning Celia, I am assuming that you are departing for Granada. Praying that you and

Lewis arrive safely.🙏 Please give Jeremy and his bride our love and love to you and Lewis as well from Luna, Boots and i.😍

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Celia - the 'like' button is disabled for me too.

Can't grab an independent comment box anymore, no matter what I try.

I've heard others say the like option is no longer working.

Good luck with what you have on your plate.

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Try opera browser, working for me.

The built in browsers are usually buggy from my experience.

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Yandex.com as well.

Much better search info pops up.

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Yandex browser is pretty good but these days opera seems better on Android. I like that both have natural text resizing so you don't have to scroll left right on wider text blocks. It's not a difficult feature to do, but for some reason when mobile sites came out they got rid of it for chrome etc.

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Tried Brave.com?

I'm running that on an iPhone currently and with success.

Don't know what's best for Android, but I'll keep my eyes on Opera.


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Thank you for the suggestion. I'll keep it in mind.

I'd need to update my phone to download anything. Not sure I want to.

(need wifi to update it, staying close right now)

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I find that it works on my desktop but not on my phone.

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I just have a phone.

No internet.

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Substack sabotage was always inevitable, was it not?

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You're not alone in this so-called "bug" with the Substack "like" button, Celia. There is an interesting pattern emerging. Even more interesting is that my ISP selectively fails to complete links to the affected Substacks, throwing a strange error message I've never seen before. When I copy the embedded links and paste them into the browser address bar, they connect with no errors.

Correlation does not equal causation and to claim that the two errors are related, would be an unsupported assertion. They are interesting nonetheless.

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Do you have a private DNS? I have several and have to try one until I am able to access ANY Stack ever. It's a constant running battle with Cisco's ironically named Open DNS censorship app which my provider uses. Lots of stuff is off limits, not just Stacks but that's where it impedes me because that's where most of my time is spent.

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Also, I agree that without certain proof there is no way to know.

But given the randomness and inconsistency I think it's as likely growing pains and overwhelmed servers.

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Internet termites...They chew away at the healthy wood and leave only the inane shité behind.

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maybe they eat paper bags too

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Celia, I know you have angels looking after you. When you close the door, don't look back. You and Lewis, I pray will arrive safely to your new home.

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Try another browser. The Mac Safari is known to be problematic.

Opera working fine for me, it's based on chrome. Firefox should work too.

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I am unable to like any comments as of a few days ago. I can like the article, but nothing from commenters. Also, the box for comments has a red line instead of the previous blue line. This is so for every Substack, paid or not.

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It liked my like. IE I did the like button thing & here I am yakking about it

Wonder if it shadow bans certain likes? You know, We throw the love but you can't see it. Like that Pink Flyod song. (paraphrasing) "...our lips move but you can't hear what we're saying ..."Or perhaps I'm just anthropomorphizing algorithm behavior. Then again, people beget algorithms and people are certainly capable of casting approval that the recipient is never able to feel.

Can they, would they, shadow ban likes? Well certainly they can. But why would they?

Isn't technology wonderful?

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Just had another thought

I know I know. It's not good to share EVERYTHING

Then again thoughts don't come that often ... Especially the thoughts that are not planted by the "manufacturing consent" brain washing we are subjected to everyday. You know how the 24/7 surveillance & control state works. "If you have a thought we want to make sure it is a thought WE planted and signed off on". And what good is 24/7 surveillance if guys like me don't share EVERYTHING?:) Just doing my part to help out

So at the risk of sharing a planted thought. Could it be the algorithm only allows likes from those who sincerely like you and rejects likes from stalkers?:) For your protection of course. You know how it goes in the surveillance state. The digital handcuffs to our freedom and free speech come boiled-frog-like under the guise of "protecting you". Like EUA authorization and emergency lock downs and Patriot Acts to protect us from terrorists who allegedly are not the government terrorists who need the Patriot Act to protect us from the "real" terrorists. You know, the kind of independent actor terrorist that could only DEPLOY bio weapons but not be organized enough to provide their own bio weapon injection counter measures. Everyone must do their part. For the Greater good...

So yeah, that must be it. The likes you don't see are the likes from stalkers. The 24/7 surveillance state algorithms has figured out who they are. It's all for your protection

That's my latest theory and I am sticking with it, ...for now. Just like Safe and Effective is only Safe and Effective till it's not. Only the unseen actors get to make the "till it is not" kind of decisions. Above my pay grade. I only do what the AI bot trains me to do

Another tough tech problem solved. Crowd sourcing for ideas and solutions is wonderful isn't it ?:)

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FWIW, I clicked the Like button via email subscription. I see 15 likes so far.

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Mine just showed 18

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Which is why my favorite possibility is growing pains and overwhelmed servers.

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RemovedMay 24
Comment removed
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That happens too. I am not promising anything but they often come back, too.

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