The Telepathy Tapes: "Challenging Everything We Think We Know About Communication And The Human Mind"
"These Children KNOW Everything They Say They KNOW."
For Brian Hooker.
I was booked to do an interview and my internet went out, (got managed to go through my phone eventually) so I wasn’t able to post 2 hours ago as promised.
The clip I was so excited to share is from Douglas Gabriel, talking about “The Telepathy Tapes,” which, before I listened to this at a cafe at the Granada bus station yesterday (having missed my bus,) I had never heard of.
It’s beyond “telepathy,” and Gabriel’s reverie about it opens up entire vistas of wonder, as he brings his own experience to the subject. It begins in earnest about 10 minutes in. Douglas Gabriel is a former exorcist, and former NSA cryptographer, and educator, in addition to being telepathic since childhood.
I am not new to the Gabriels, (husband and wife team) who I listen to often at their YouTube channel, “American Intelligence Media.” My friend Doug Reed, a musician and conductor, well versed in Steiner, anthroposophy, etc, told me about the Gabriels years ago. Their take on the world of “politics” departs from most, as they view the head of the snake, the snake itself, as the Crown, and the Pilgrim Society. But that isn’t the focus of this clip.
This clip is about the documented inner worlds of (some) non speaking autists.
As Douglas says, when you take this onboard, all of material science goes down the toilet.
I doubt the “skeptics” will take this on; They can’t.
I hope you also find it fascinating, as I did:
The Telepathy Tapes’ Website is here.
What I mean to say is that the "wow" for me was listening to Douglas Gabriel's reverie--his take. I hadn't even listened to the podcast, though I did today. I think his way of describing this is very unique and inspiring.
When I was in high school someone who considered himself to be far more intelligent than I asserted that telepathy was impossible.
Why? I inquired.
Because there's no medium through which the signal can travel.
This dude made straight As in advanced classes. Takeaway: education feeds our ego and blinds us to a universe which works far differently than we've been lead to believe.