What I mean to say is that the "wow" for me was listening to Douglas Gabriel's reverie--his take. I hadn't even listened to the podcast, though I did today. I think his way of describing this is very unique and inspiring.

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I have just listened to a podcast about The Gateway Process: https://rumble.com/v6mr3er-this-secret-cia-document-reveals-exactly-what-happens-after-death-no-bs.html

We are in an energy hologram and astral projection is real. Some documents are available from the CIA Library (Reading Room):


I was told when I was 13 years old that governments lock up telepaths or use them as guinea pigs. Scary. When I was working in the Australian psychiatric system psychiatrists are trained to expose and then subdue telepaths with diagnoses like schizophrenia, bipolar or anything that requires heavy sedation for the rest of their lives and zilch credibility. I think that was in response to telepaths just having a happy knack of exposing national secrets, like Helen Duncan did during WWII in Scotland. Recently a Wikipedia page was established to "debunk" her as a fraud, but nah, it does not line up with what the BBC said about her even in the early 2000's AD. Nice try.

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When I was in high school someone who considered himself to be far more intelligent than I asserted that telepathy was impossible.

Why? I inquired.

Because there's no medium through which the signal can travel.

This dude made straight As in advanced classes. Takeaway: education feeds our ego and blinds us to a universe which works far differently than we've been lead to believe.

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I'd speculate there are two extremes of arrogance/hubris

1. Too dumb to know you're dumb

2. Too smart to know what you don't know

Of the two the first is the most forgivable

The second failure is inexcusable

A smart person has no excuse to not know his limits

Everyone who ever watched Clint Eastwood knows that:)

And it does not require smarts:)

A man's gotta know his limitations

If you're too smart to watch Dirty Harry or any of a number of generic cowboy and other movies you'll miss out on a lot of wisdom:)

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Ray, you just convinced me I MUST watch Dirty Harry, with my son and daughter in law. We watched our first movie at their new home last night, it was Bird Cage with Robin Williams. A truly funny, touching movie, and I loved it despite it being extremely politically correct of its time, (conservatives =zero family values, LGBTQ=great family values.) Our starting idea was to watch anything with Robin Williams. We laugh just seeing his face in a picture. I also realized how much I miss 90 drag queen aesthetic and culture. Did anybody here ever listen to Shirley Q Liquour? Lost forbidden drag comedy genius. Not clean of racism either but strangely full of love. I know a classical music composer who listened, with his conductor, as though it was Beethoven. Shirley was a large gay nurse from the deep south who "became" (in VOICE drag) a large black woman with 13 children who is on welfare and doesn't know who her kids fathers are. After drag became woke, when LGBTQ became like the UN/RedCross/Jesuits/Globalists...the culture was stripped of its essence, its genius, its creativity and legacy. Like what they did to the Native American Indians. Same crowd.

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I recall an Off Broadway (actually I think it was Off Off Broadway) thing called

Ridiculous Theater. Went there a few times. The mean attraction was it was cheap (by New York standards) but after going a respectable number of times turns out it was quite funny. Probably gone now. It was a drag/gay thing and yes it was Ridiculous, and very funny.

On the other side is Dirty Harry. Ridiculous and fun also, but in another way. We found him hysterical. But also wished we could be that cool. Perhaps (almost for sure) that was a boy thing. Nothing quite like the expansive mad vs pissed wide emotional range of Clint to make you laugh. That's what you got from Clint. The true emotionally binary character. Reminds one of coaches and lots of men in our lives growing up who are either sullen or pissed. Not much in between. No complexity to deal with. Just strive not to snap them out of their sullen state in to the mad/pissed state and you were going to get along fine.

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The wise man knows that he does not know and the prudent man respects what he does not control.

Ray, the entirety of the human race suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect to some degree or another. And I agree with you, the closest we get to not falling victim to that is by adopting this philosophy:

“The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing.” ― Socrates

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A thought thread like this triggers memories of the response United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave during the Iraq abomination. He gave a rather famous rant about unknown unknowns. Too bad his talents were in the service of great lies. Turns out some of the premier personalities out there were and are co-opted in the service of great lies. Colin Powell for example became the face of the guy who sold WMD's to the United Nations. He was used (and allowed himself to be used because I'm virtually sure he knew the truth), he was used SPECIFICALLY because of the respect he held to sell the WMD lie. I mean, "If Mr Powell is selling it it must be true". A sad stain on his legacy (IMO).

I saw Powell's U N presentation. On the one hand I knew or at least strongly suspected the WMD thing was BS and at the least going in to Iraq had the whiff of murderous disaster. And yet I'm thinking, "It is Colin Powell, would he really throw away his sacred honor and reputation for a lie and for a bunch of people who were using him BECAUSE of the great respect he had"?

What ever became of honorable men respectfully resigning when the lies they become entangled in become too grievous. I know there is the argument of "If I don't stay on the inside I am totally powerless to correct things". And yet, at some point the only thing you can do is save your honor. RESIGN. They don't even have to say WHY they are resigning. Just resign, save your honor, send a signal. Sadly no one seems to ever do that. Even the ones who have private resources (FU money). They all go down supporting the lie. In so many critical areas it would be nice to see prominent respected people show some conscience AND RESIGN when the lies get too grievous. But few ever do.

At any rate. When it comes to Rumsfeld, whether you liked him, hated him, don't care or don't know who he is, the man could be colorful. Too bad his talents were used in defense of some horrific lies that cost many lives.

Here is the rant he used to do the old "nothing to see here" distraction during the disastrous WMD Iraq war.

The following is the response

"United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave to a question at a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) news briefing on February 12, 2002, about the lack of evidence linking the government of Iraq with the supply of weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups.[1] Rumsfeld stated:

Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.[1]"

A rather engaging response that served to help distract from the WMD lies

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I once had a dream I was at the Pentagon and was to interview Donald Rumsfeld. This was after Sept. 11. I looked down at my feet and discoverd t my horror I was wearing plastic (sparkly) $3 slippers from Chinatown. New Yorkers know these slippers. I was mortified. Then the dream ended. They say shoes represent power, in dreams. So yet another encounter with powerlessness.

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but that was the opposite of contingency .

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Okay... but Tritorch's story is a bad measure of example (2) in your post.

We know of no medium for transmission of telepathic waves, because telepathy hasn't been grounded scientifically. His 'smart friend's' objection was perfectly valid. On the other hand, if telepathy becomes grounded in observation (which, to be honest, it more or less is, depending on what you're talking about), then people can characterize its transmission.

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I think my main issue with the smart guy's position was his certainty his hypothesis was correct. IE there can't be telepathy because there is no medium for it. As you point out, "perfectly valid", or at least reasonable. Not off the rails so to say. It is his CERTAINTY that he is correct that I think is the generic flaw. We all share that flaw some times. In some cases you need to be smart enough to know that maybe you are wrong. I know there are times when I was POSITIVE I was correct about something only to realize I was totally wrong. The problem with being wrong about the thing you had certainty is not the embarrassment (you may be the only witness) but all that time between being sure you were correct and the epiphany your mind was closed.

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Or anyone who listened to Donald Rumsfeld, right?

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Yes, it is true that you can put thoughts into the heads of those you are close to. I do this all the time with my husband. I think hard at something and then he will mention it. Maybe not right away. It might take a day or so.

I think also that sometimes when you get a stray idea in your mind, someone or the universe is doing it to you. To explain in words a bit ... these ideas are like little motes in your peripheral vision, if that makes sense. Fleeting and barely there.

But something that has been bothering me ... when my grandfather passed, I had a very vivid dream about him before I knew he had died. When my father passed, I had a very vivid dream about him the day of his cremation. But after my multi-vaxxed brother died ... nothing. It has freaked me out, tbh.

I haven't really known who to mention these ideas to and am grateful to you, Ms. Farber, and this community, for being open-minded and the range of topics discussed. I feel like if I mentioned it to others, like colleagues, they would never look at me the same again. Sad.

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It’s interesting that you were able to have ‘communication’ with your grandfather and father when they had ‘passed’ but not with your “multi vaxxed brother’ when he died.

I was just commenting the other day on a different Substack, on how the EUA mRNA Jabs have affected people, and one of the ways has been how it has affected their brain, creating the cognitive dissonance they now have, and IMO their psychic/ethereal body, has been affected, as well.

When people ‘cross over’ it’s their ‘etheric body’ you are ‘communicating with.

What’s to say that the ‘mRNA technology’ in these Jabs (which has been bio engineered) has not seriously interfered with people’s etheric body/spirit’ and that’s why you were unable to ‘communicate’ with your deceased, “multi- vaxxed brother”. Or he was unable to connect with you because they interfered with his etheric bodySpirit’s ability to communicate with you.

All this supposition on my part has come to me on an intuitive level, the more I read about the ‘negative affects’ of the C*V*D injections.

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the disconnect occurs on many levels,

so much so

that it seems to be a feature-

not a bug...

(then again, perhaps it's better to feature that the connection occurs on so many levels ;) )

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I believe the j a bs were designed to sever the connection to source before, during, and after death. While some believe reincarnation has many different purposes, I wonder how the j a bs affect it.

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FASCINATING topic: the jabs effect on the mind and soul.

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Dean Radin received his undergraduate and masters degrees in electrical engineering then his doctorate in psychology. He's very bright. If you read his excellent book, "The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena" you'll have a much better understanding of the mountains of evidence in peer-reviewed journals about psychic phenomena as all humans have inate psychic abilities to varying degrees. It's simply a part of our make up as spiritual beings made in the image of God that used to be far more accessible to humans millennia ago but it has been obscured by a veil in these time that is necessary to prevent us from seeing into the spirit realms and it has to do with our continued evolution. Only Rudolf Steiner explains this aspect of humanity. He, like Edgar Cayce, could read the Akashic Record. They both tell profoundly moving truth about Christ Jesus that varies radically from what the preacher pimps make Him out to be so they can fleece their flocks.

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So you have a gift .Use it sparingly ,and wisely ,Fiona .

As well as the fact that 'singularities' are a perception of scarcity 'truncated' ...

A great many good ideas come spontaneously throughout the world -as various discoveries ,except Gallo's illicit use of Montaigner's source material ,shows .

A great friend (and mentor) ,who really was lousy at dying ( he couldnt quite get into 'completion' ) appeared to his adult children in a pub in Boston ,Lincolnshire - a month after he finally succeeded . (at 58)

He is written up in the annals of not 'near death experiences' ,but real death - but still he was ressurected 'prematurely' . A question of no heartbeat for longer than 40 mins , no ECMO etc .

Subsequent to the enormous crippling effect of secondary continious strokes ,lasting weeks thereafter ,after being 'brought back' from initial >40 mins zero heartbeat , in Innsbruck hospital by a leading cardiologst . His revalidation ,before our meeting ,had taken 8 years ,he was registered blind ,but that changed into a very accurate telescope vision . Three tagged marathons later ,etc .

He thenceforward sat on the back of my tandem for two years ,twice a week -over a period of 15 Lazarus additional years . ( A simple single bike was impossible for him .)

Also this saint was very good at swearing- when he came back from his first polyphonic 'do' (at 43 )- he subsequently was in a coma for 3 months .As he healed from deep coma - the first part of his greatly diminished brain to function signalled readiness to 'wake' ...

Speech centres associated with deepest emotion ( he was absolutely not in agreement about being sent back ,by the risen Christ -from his heavenly garden ,the only thing he had selflessly done ,before first 'death' after ,at last millisecond 's repentance 'sorry' was enough - having previously designed a stunning garden as horticulturalist- 21st wedding aniversary for his best friend .

The Lazarus ,incidentally had invented 100% genetic tulip bulb yield -chipping ,refusing to patent the idea,now in use worldwide .)

So he ,emerging from severe brain damage swore his head off ,in the Holy Spirit . Another occasion in North York Moors ,we would debate heatedly ,often flying through the air ,as the tandem was left beneath us ,rolling on the roadside fens grass ,helpless with mirth .

Technical problems .

But he also used days long ,summer -princely swearing to actually' physically 'disown his posterior -on really lengthy expeditions (stokers position increases feeling of movement ) - and his wife and him had seen fit NOT to inform me he could have dropped dead at any moment . He had been a marathon runner ,and cracked the rear wheel very heavy duty sealed bearing units on a rainforest proof tandem ( British Columbia and New Zealand tested ,over many thousands of kms) - because he was stronger on one side of his doubly & triply stroked out body .

Needless to say ,his legendary debating skills returned .

Chew on that ,D . Prince .

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That's a really bizarre, and fascinating account of the resilience of the human physical brain with even far more incredible spiritual aspects to it that are much more difficult to understand especially just from your brief, but truly wild, and cleverly written account of it. Perhaps the spiritual aspects of it were something you were able to see because you were with him, and especially so if he were able to explain them to you if he, in fact, he is fully aware of them.

The physical human brain is very often incredibly resilent, and there are numerous case studies reported in the neuroscience literature of people missing the vast majority of their brain while still being very high functioning beings. Memory is not stored in the brain despite what the deluded, materialist reductionist scientists think. It's stored in our ether body which is where the life review comes from upon death as reported by most near death experiencers, and even from people who have fallen suddenly some significant distance, and who claim they saw their entire life flash before their eyes. It flashed before their eyes because a sudden fall can separate temporarily thr ether body from the brain. The brain is just our material realm tool to access our memories, and control our bodies. The heart EMF can be measured 8 feet from our body, and its coherence or discoherence can entrain other human, and animal's hearts within that range. EEG requires electrodes on the skull because the brain's EMF barely makes it beyond the skull. The heart has a greater impact on the brain than the brain does on the heart.

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LOVE The Telepathy Tapes!

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Excellent. Thank you. Intuition by any other name? That's an extremely well documented fact. Animals still do it. They haven't lost the talent/gift. Excellent studies done on prairie dogs by the linguistics professor at North Arizona University. Here's a fun, simple exercise to develop your 'creation' muscle(to bring things into existence. We are made in the image and likeness of God if you so believe, sooooo.). It's actually called the 'creation game'(based on the experiment videos called 'Dr. Quantum' double slit theory on Youtube). Each day as you go about your day, say to yourself, "I'm going to look for red pentagons, or yellow triangles, or purple squares, or white boxes,....." Different color(s) and different shape(s) every day. You start with simple colors and shapes first then proceed to more complicated if you like. Now some would argue that they were ALWAYS there and you didn't bring them into existence. My question, you did NOT see them before so how do you know(kinda like a noise in a forest if no one is there to hear it)? Those 'Dr Quantum' videos explain how it really works. Most of us see, hear, talk within certain bandwidths. Insects, plants, and animals can access wider ranges of bandwidths. So can we. Its takes exercise as with any 'muscle'. People that are blind, deaf, autistic 'exercise' those 'muscles' out of necessity.

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That's fascinating William.

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Richard Feynman had a fairly decent spiel about that topic. He was, of course, very rational/scientific. But in a very open sort of way.

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I will listen to this with interest. I hope it is not yet another attempt to make autistic people, who are actually people who have been poisoned, appear cool and special. I speak as a person who has been poisoned herself. The poisoning does make you kind of cool and special but it is not okay to keep on poisoning and it is really not okay to say that poisoned people should not get medical help as they are not really poisoned, they are just naturally cool and special and "neurodivergent."

But I will watch this before I say anything more.

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I saw this on Frances Leader's website around a month ago. Wow ! It puts autism, and more, into an entirely different light, at least for me.

So glad you posted this. Thank you.

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Frances kicks some royal ass . (Figuratively speaking)

She is an expert in drawing out a strong form of minimalism - that motivates brevity .

How she writes like that I'll never know .

Is she a cambridge -ite?

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Oxcart, Lamebridge, I don't know other than what she knows she didn't learn in school.

She doesn't mice words and has made mincemeat of "the royals". One could say, a royal flush . . . down the commode.

My heart goes out to her. She's been poisoned and the target of Directed Energy weapons that cause physical agony and chronic sleep disturbances. And who knows what else?

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Yes, she does.

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My impression is that the world is such that you'd be compelled to loiter at a Grenada cafe for having missed a bus, and that the muscular opinions of Alex Jones would tend to have their way in the crowd of bereft souls thusly gathered. Autistic, Downs Syndrome and Asperger's children probably never had it easy, but especially since everyone needed to have the wherewithal to climb into a motorized vehicle to get anywhere, which was not a certain thing until the 1920s within cities. We're all just a matter of memories sometimes gathered in records and manuscripts--

https://laphamsquarterly.org/states-mind/enchanted-loom . There may be a 'cloud of witnesses' surrounding us our lifetimes through [Hebrews 12:1]. And then there are the gods and causes that are emerging through a world-destroying technics that knows no bounds, making us dummies with a need of some animating force.

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Telephathy tapes are interesting but could this be a form of MK Ultra?

As soon as I heard the autistics were able to talk to g-d and angels I became

quite skeptical.

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Yes this thought passed my mind too. I am nervous around anything at all that goes to number one spot on any list. In this case Spotify. And yet, times are such that impossible things ARE happening every day. I see no chance at all this is what those dreadful, drug addled pedo "skeptics" call "hoax." None.

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It seems that technology brought out to us is actually 50-100 years old. We probably cannot imagine what is waiting in the shadows to be thrust upon us. People must know that technology is a double edged sword.It can be used to help and it can be used against you. When new technology is released, people need to think of every way it could be used against them rather than willingly accepting the new gadget-toy-weapon.

This idea of not readily accepting things, like jabs, should be applied to the medical field too, imo. Our health is militarized and we know this because the head person is called the surgeon GENERAL.

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We all have conversations with angels .Known and unknown .

Bk of Revelations has John not being able to tell the difference,falling down and worshipping "the angel of the Lord" .

If he couldn't ,why should we ?

A fully mappable (any thing above 1%)- term of reference is an epistimelogical error ,surely ?

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I am not religious and do not subscribe to the exoteric story. I see an esoteric story in the black book that fits the religion of TransHumanism which is what I think the powers that be might be worshipping.

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Religion means traditions of forefathers- and in that sense I am not religious .

I trained with the translator of the (all) Steiner books into english .

Doesnt mean a fig .

What is cogent is that ,putatively ,the assumption of a language model ,even an out of body inspirational paragim- is mappable ,transferable in meaning in a measurable ,contingent fashion .

In no universe is this so .

The Rev 2-3 passage does reflect the same inability of man to immediately ,ie 'from above' ,evolve to discern between the appearances of (false) 'angels of light' and the other ,the Arhiman .

So to say I cant reason because I dont believe (something) - is like saying I dont believe in cars ,therefore I will not cross the street ,looking .

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I view religion as Mind Control for the people as well as the powers that be.

Only THey have a plan and know the plan. This would be analgous to having a drug and having it's antidote. I view ALL religions as worshipping the same g-d unbeknownst to the mass of believers. Look at the word BE"LIE"VE. The LIE stares us straight in the eye.

I follow the language, its etymology, homophones, anagrams as closely as I can to reveal hidden information and there is much to be found.

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My father, who was Jewish, said this about Jesus, about whom we were having conversations, in the final years of my father's life. "He has helped more people than any other person who ever lived."

Helped more people.

This can't be denied, unless one begrudges people the very rope that THEY SAY pulled them out of various traps of earthly hell.

Who are any of us to deny people their own experiences?

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If religion is a life preserver for someone that is fine. Unfortunately many that I have encountered that say that Jesus is their savior are the most disrespectful jerks I have ever encountered. The way they treat others is contrary to what they profess to be.

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The Telepathy Tapes changed my life. Glad you're promoting it!

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check out Bruce Greyson's After, on near death experiences and Jim Tucker's work on children remembering their past lives.

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thinking of this and a previous post, Celia, you might find a book that came out in 2021 interesting, titled something like "The spiritual effects of the Covid Vaccine" with info compiled by a group of German psychics. the gist was that one of the effects they noticed as psychics working with clients was that the vaccines seemed to cut people off from both their spirit guardians and the helpful dead relatives who hang about us trying to get us to make ethical, helpful choices. the shots make it hard to connect to our higher selves. it affects people with a spiritual/religious praxis much less and can be reversed by a genuine spirituality. But for others without a practice, a dullness in the aura field, they write.

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I am reading The Holographic Universe. I had an NDE many many years ago, when I was 17, so nothing seems impossible to me at all. Thanks for this!

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It’s interesting that you were able to have ‘communication’ with your grandfather and father when they had ‘passed’ but not with your “multi vaxxed brother’ when he died.

I was just commenting the other day on a different Substack, on how the EUA mRNA Jabs have affected people, and one of the ways has been how it has affected their brain, creating the cognitive dissonance they now have, and IMO their psychic/ethereal body, has been affected, as well.

When people ‘cross over’ it’s their ‘etheric body’ you are ‘communicating with.

What’s to say that the ‘mRNA technology’ in these Jabs (which has been bio engineered) has not seriously interfered with people’s ‘etheric body/spirit’ and that’s why you were unable to ‘communicate’ with your deceased, “multi- vaxxed brother”. Or he was unable to connect with you because they interfered with his etheric body/spirit’s ability to communicate with you.

All this supposition on my part has come to me on an intuitive level, the more I read about the ‘negative affects’ of the C*V*D injections.

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This link below is a talk with Pam Gregory, an astrologer from the UK. She is a very good astrologer. This is a very enlightening video regarding 2025, from an astrological/planetary POV.

She talks about “The Telepathy Tapes” and highly recommends people seek them out and take a listen.


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They say we only use 10% of our brain capacity….at least that’s what I heard when I was a child. That was 55 years ago. Is this what they meant by that? No one ever explained where that originated from, but someone clearly knew. I always found this subject fascinating. Thank you for sharing this information. Looking forward to the tapes.

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