When American "Culture" Changes, It Changes Fast And Cataclysmic; Nobody Knows Who Is Controlling It Or If It Has A Life Of Its Own, But MAGA Is Like Beatle-Mania Right Now
Quite the Tort- you two queen bitem fanboys make. reheat, you have your re-tort. Nah, I leave all the Covid koolaid for true believers and anti-semites.
Your beloved, banal cadaver in chief, ba’al Joe, destroyer of economies and freedom requires you to jab, jab, jab. Worked out wonderfully for your drug peddling hero, eh. A side of cardiomyopathy for you, included at no extra charge for beloved illegals. Ooops, that is your partying joe who crucifies US citizens, not your poor, wretched befuddled masses of grasses.
Wet monkey bat fudgie for pres? Scarecrow Joe can’t be wrong!
I really started a "descent into enlightenment" a few years after Sept. 11 (though never buying the official assassination theories), but reading David McGowan's Laurel Canyon book on the 60s era was a watershed experience for me.
Love David McGowan and miss him terribly. His dismantling of the Boston Marathon "bombing" was sheer genius, as was his series on the moon landing, the Lincoln assassination, and of course 9/11.
You know, at this point, I'm suspicious of his early, "turbo" cancer death. I can't help it. Regardless of what I heard his wife says. And even Hunter Thompson's "Hemingwayesque" departure; no matter what his family says. Pretty ugly that it's come to this.
I don't blame anyone for wondering aloud about any single person's death anymore. I'm completely open to hearing more, if you have more to share. I get it! Many many many fake their deaths, this is 100% a thing. Always has been in this inverted world of psychopathic thespians. Weeeee!
Hunter S. Thomspon, a total and complete CIA guy, all the way! I think that guy was the phoniest of phonies. Total tool of evil, and willingly so.
Absolutely / England maintaining a position of subliminal dominance on the other side of the “pond” via the use of sentimentality … love without truth , a pernicious insidious weakening agent . Give me “Lay Down “ by Melanie ( candles in the rain ) any day over Eleanor rigby .
Could it be they are moving us right toward where they want us; identifying as victims that need and count on a "savior" (from the government of course) to fix all of our problems? What better way to really implement what's been planned than to have a larger than life figure that has "proven himself" through previously unimaginable obstacles? Many people will now follow him to any end. No, probably more logical to believe that they let one guy totally derail their generations-long carefully laid plan for the world.
I must have misunderstood. Correct me if I am wrong, but you are suggesting that the attempted assassination was engineered?? And by the Trump campaign?? If so, how - and by who?
If people "get it" and others of us do not seem to get it, then it helps when more detail is shared.
I think I just have to punt to Ole Dammegård report tomorrow. I truly have no idea. But I think the JFK comments here demonstrate how advanced the Masons were 60 years ago, so imagine now. I think it's the same people, through history, always. And those people are the International Masons.
Thank you. Much as when I'm asked how Covid could be a hoax, I just get tired. I don't even know where to begin. I don't feel like I owe some person on the internet a novelette. It's so easy to find out the information on ones' own.
Donna Ruth, many of these people would accuse Jesus Christ as a conspiracy theorist!!! They have Trump Derangement Syndrome, love the fact our country is spiraling down the pits of hell and they are part of it! So don’t get sucked into their lies!!!
I am wide awake! I use the discernment God gave me! My trust is in God and he saved President Trumps life! So cast your stones! So you like what has happened to our country the last three and a half years!!! Only people who are evil can condone what has happened under Obiden/Obama and think it is a good thing!
Just because it has turned out this way doesn't necessarily mean that this is the only way it could have turned out. And it doesn't mean that this is the way "they" wanted it to turn out.
I'm as swivel-eyed a loon as Marty Feldman at his peak, but even l know that there is more than one group of people who do these kinds of things, more than one faction, more than one smoke-filled room, more than one team vying for a peice of the pie.
The way I look at it, any time "they" have to assassinate or try to assassinate or pretend to assassinate someone as prominent as Old Trumpy, "they" are in desperation mode—Defcon 2 or higher.
I'm looking forward to seeing Trump move back into the White House, after it's been thoroughly fumigated and cleared of bugs and stashes of crack. Looking forward to having a proper Christmas tree and all that. And I'm wondering if the Oval Office decor will be gold again.
Trump is anti-war in Ukraine, but is okay with leveling Gaza. He isn't the pacifist, or non-interventionist his fans think he is, unfortunately. Like you, I don't care that he is an asshole. I DO care that, like Biden they pose as anti-aggressive war, when they both support Israel. Many of Biden's former supporters care deeply about that. Whereas I see no evidence that ANY Trump supporters give a rat's ass about Palestine.
I agree completely, Jess. Don't even get me started on the geopolitical machinations that enabled the formation of that apartheid state, which has caused nothing but suffering and heartache ever since.
Or the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by that geopolitical construct for which the United States sought no investigation or apology from same.
Shit, really? Who takes your statist posts seriously???
Apartheid state? When have you last examined the population of Israel, the most un-apartic state in middle-east, maybe world. Did you worship Kaddafi and his anti-Israeli zealots? Please study some true history, not some bidenbama tripe.
A little blood libel for you to kick your lips with?
Did you graduate from high school? It's Gaddafi or Qaddafi, NOT Kaddafi; and, Libya was financially stable before Clinton authorized demolishing the country. But Libya was moving away from the dollar, toward a gold standard, and was about to nationalize its oil assets; and, the U.S. could not tolerate that. Before Libya was destroyed, the citizens of Libya were far more financially stable than many citizens in the U.S:
Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails - By Ellen Brown
"Before 2011, Libya had achieved economic independence, with its own water, its own food, its own oil, its own money, and its own state-owned bank. It had arisen under Qaddafi from one of the poorest of countries to the richest in Africa. Education and medical treatment were free; having a home was considered a human right; and Libyans participated in an original system of local democracy. The country boasted the world’s largest irrigation system, the Great Man-made River project, which brought water from the desert to the cities and coastal areas; and Qaddafi was embarking on a program to spread this model throughout Africa"
Pray tell, Jess. I may have completely misinterpreted the post of your friend, STL.
Read as though “she” calls Israel an apartheid nation.
Palestine has, as history repeated proves beyond doubt, many opportunities to chart their course to independence, with the support of Israel. Yet, they choose every time to elect tyrant dictators.
Fool ‘em once, shame on you, fall for the same false promises, shame on them.
But, I admit to being strange in the sense of a Zionist and 100% of the independent nation of Israel. Ukraine, 0! They have chosen their destiny just as Palestine has their fate. As soon as Palestinians refuse to harbor hamas and hezbollah and their fellow mass murdering friends I will come to understand and support them. At this point they have earned scorched earth for harboring those with genocidal ambition. Israeli army has been exceptionally judicious in minimizing “civilian” casualties as much as humanly possible.
Remember obummer? He aided and abetted terrorists for 8 years with US citizen tax dollars in bribes, blackmail, tribute - whatever acceptable term of convenience of sale.
Your “as history repeated proves beyond doubt” is an inversion of reality. The Palestinian struggle for independence from a brutal occupying force is apparently beyond your understanding. Do you even know what a siege is? Do you understand the economic repercussions? Do you know about Operation Cast Lead? The Goldstone Report?
Hezbollah is an indigenous Lebanese organization formed in defense of their land, their homes, and the lives of their people from the invading Israelis in 1982. The result of this invasion was an atrocity-filled occupation of southern Lebanon from 1985 to 2000 when Hezbollah was finally able to get them out. Nine weeks after the invasion of 1982 began, Reagan called Begin to register his disgust toward the Israeli shelling in Beirut. Too many women and children being slaughtered didn’t look good.
You can take your “scorched earth” to another planet where no humans reside. What Israel is doing is heinous—no ifs, and, or buts.
Wow, sieg heil to you and your ilk. Please educate yourself!!
Persecution complex and pseudo victimization is not becoming. But, you wear it well. To excuse , for any reason, the Hana’s atrocities committed in the name of “freedom” is inexcusable at any time.
You (William): "The "Israeli army has been exceptionally judicious in minimizing “civilian” casualties as much as humanly possible."
Sure...About as much as the U.S. military was exceptionally judicious in carpet bombing Iraq and its non-existent "weapons of mass destruction" with depleted uranium that is still wreaking infertility and birth defects on the Iraqi population.
Did the Americans send a warning to Iraq when it did the carpet bombing? Did the Americans give the Iraqi people a good amount of time to get their belongings and move to safety? The answer is No. The Israelis spent years judiciously targeting just the rocket launching points in schools and hospitals used by Hamas. The truth is that Hamas kept the people in the area by force just for the casualty count. October was the tipping point. Hamas had wanted the Israelis to go in with tanks all along, and that’s what Israel had to do. Britain was blamed for the carpet bombing of Dresden but it was the start of the end of the war. America was blamed for Hiroshima, but it was the end of the war. Hopefully the destruction of Hamas will lead to peace for the Palestinian people because I have seen pictures of the bustling streets, the hotels and the people walking happily before the attack on Israel, that might return after Hamas is destroyed.
William: Are you jooish? i$rahell requires DNA tests to become a citizen. xUSA President Jimmy Carter wrote a book on i$rahell's apartheid. The International Red Cross records on 3rd Reich work camps. NO ONE died in any gas chamber.
Records are sealed for 50/70 years by the victors, and then who really gives a sh*t 70 years later? Only those of us that lived through those turbulent times.
I'm a Trump supporter and I care about Palestinians. And no I don't support leveling Gaza.
The thing you don't understand is that Gaza/Hamas/Israel is a side show, a deliberate diversion to get people focused off of the Russian proxy War. This is all about Ukraine-Russia, always was, the Bankster Borg wants to absorb Russia more than anything on Earth right now. And they will risk nuclear annihilation to get it.
Once they got Russia, China & India can be marginalized and forced into submission. Result = World Bankster Totalitarian techno-Feudal Oligarchy. They haven't exactly been silent about that #1 goal of theirs for the past century or more. They will burn this World to the ground just so they can rule over its ashes, if that's what it takes. Israel/Palestine/Gaza is zip, a triviality to distract fools.
Where have been all those folks who care about leveling Gaza, didn't hear a word from them about destroying Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, millions of deaths, far, far worse than Gaza? Total silence from the same bunch.
Funny all that destruction in Gaza but ZERO action from ISIS & Al Qaeda groups. War with Russia and ISIS/Al Qaeda are immediately attacking Russians. I thought they hated Israel?
All people with mental syndromes , mental illness , or arrested mental development have developed tactics to prevent others from seeing the true story that lives behind the mask . When these false personas are given positions of authority and power , the game they play is the same - it s purpose is to create chaos in a random unpatterned way so as to prevent people from looking too closely at them - the destriction of the world around them is simply a shield of cognitive dissonance to prevent the discerning observer .from noticing that the emperor has no clothes .
Coming from someone with the perspective you have , I am highly complimented by your amen .. but believe me I learned this the hard way . Psychosis of all kinds either resolve , or self perpetuate . If they continue through two or more stages of the persons life - there is a reason why … they are very good at hiding behind “the mask of sanity “ which is a fascinating term to study . Think ‘ socially accepted median normative ‘ . My main theory has to do with technology , not human to human interaction . The incoming technology acts as a filter that prevents us from seeing the situation clearly - and certain psychosis’s are adept at matching the technological system set in motion - as I mentioned previously the good looking Kennedy and his gemstone of a wife , vs the potato nosed Nixon - radio voice vs tv charm but in more recent times - I think I’ll combine plastic surgery and the Instagram moment to create a new sort of poetess .. we MUST acknowledge the poder of our creations , or the technology we create will dominate us . Via a human form of it’s own mirror image . …
I firmly believe that DJT ( and Obama ) are mirror images of the technology we have invented - DJT is media hype , and Obama is political correctness .
In the sense that Netanyahu chose his moment carefully, perhaps you could call it a sideshow. Ukraine, I understand, is similar to what you describe. But, I don't see any pro-Palestinian commentary coming for the Pro-Trump crowd. You are one of the 1st.
Sad to say there aren't many. A lot to do with the massive, insidious Israeli lobby in US politics. And, of course, The Bankster club who finance the Neocons & RINOs. Eager as they are to absorb the Oil & Gas giant fuel depot that is Iran.
Gaza is also wanted under Israeli control because of the huge gas reserves under it. With Russia gas supply to Europe turned off, likely until & unless Russia is conquered, they need gas to buffer the idiotic wind & solar power they are foisting in Europe.
I'm pro-Palestine to the extent that I am anti-Israel as a darling protectorate of the U.S. and globalists. I would not call myself pro-Trump strictly speaking either, though. I prefer him because of what he represents, a poke in the of the establishment. He is very flawed personally and politically but I think he's an outsider looking as it related to the oligarchs. He plays the game, no different than any other newly wealthy. I sense that Trump walks a narrow line trying not to be pure evil like Gates or Zuckerberg. These people are -allowed- to be rich and influential and if they step out of line they are punished. But I think they don't have the same blackmail (for example the full Epstein job) on Trump and he's got dirt on them (such as knowing the depth of Crowdstrike's corruption) so it's a careful détente they play. I think he honestly wants to leave the average person alone more or less. At least in a traditional post WW2 world order way, which is of course irrational in many ways but respects most everyone's national sovereignty. He's not on board with killing everyone or being an global king. He's got a monster ego and likes wealth and status. But he knows economics. He is not dumb by a long shot. He seems to understand that allowing people to just live their lives, accumulate savings and market things for them to spend it on is good for everyone.
"HISTORY is written by the victors." Go back to 1933 when National Socialists in Germany took power. They took control of the German banks, and Germany was out of the Great Depression in 1934. The USA was still in the Great Depression until 1938. Hitler was driven around in an open Mercedes. No one tried to assassinate him.
Hitler was an idiot in the long line of Malthusian idiots. After the war Germany lost almost half their territory, taken from them. Then they focused their energy inwardly, developed science, tech, education, skill. Didn't take long before the avg German was living in paradise compared to the avg German when Nazi Germany was at its peak.
Malthusian morons are always claiming "we need land, we need land, there's too many people". When the fact is what every country needs is science, tech, a well educated populace and an efficient productive economy.
SmithFS: Are you in USA or i$rahell? No German living in Germany since 1943 will call it a paradise now. I've spoke with hundreds that were there with Hitler, even 2 joos. Only one, A German from Jena, Germany (Walter Beers) would agree with you. He went through the USA de-Nazification program. I am 90 y.o. and believe in reading documents, interviewing people that were there, not reading books on others ideas. Yes, I do read books. David Irving/David Duke/Germar Rudolf/Robert Faurisson have some good ones on WWII.
Yes, once the Bankster Club of Malthusian, Psychopath Misanthropists took over, along with their Club of Rome Malthusian, Depopulation, Deindustrialization agenda, then things went to hell in a handbasket. Open borders. Shutdown Nuclear power plants. Elevated Greenie wackjobs into the education system, bureaucracy and government. Allowed the USSA/NATO to destroy their cheap Russian gas. Endless destructive wars = more mass migration.
As I said the Malthusians are responsible for virtually all the death, destruction and human misery on this planet. And the German Nazi party morphed into the German Ecofascist movement:
Malthusianism - The Roots Of Modern Eco-Terrorism: From MK Ultra And The Unabomber To Maurice Strong And Yuval Harari, Bankster DeGrowth, MKULTRA, Germany:
The attack on October 7 would not have happened in a Trump presidency. It was Iran who trained and funded Hamas. Obama and Biden funded Iran. Trump tried to cut it off. Your vote for Biden is responsible for 400,000 men, women and children in the Ukraine, Israel and Gaza who are now dead. Their blood is on your head.
It's the joos that control Europe/USA media. The records from 1944 by the International Red Cross have just been opened. NO ONE died in gas chambers. Most died from Allied bombing of food supplies/medicine. USA Army Air Force photos show a swimming pool inside the fence at Auschwitz. Why don't we know about this? What ethnic group controls the news?????? (six ? marks). Read about Ernst Zudel/Robert Faurisson/Germar Rudolf. All spent years in prison trying to bring us Goyim this news.
Yes Celia, something has changed. The "shot heard around the world" has had an affect of re-routing the mindset of the masses. I will accept this as a good thing, and hope that this is THE Great Awakening that will lead to the downfall of the global cabal.
I don't doubt it, esp. with Elon Musk so closely involved. From what I read years ago from Cathy O'Brien (I believe) who writes exhaustively on the elites and their satanism, and gets stories from ex-sex slaves and others, the girl who was raised with Elon (as a slave) said that he was slated to be the next anti-christ. He even used his Baphomet costume avatar for X. He is as satanic as it gets, esp with the transhumanism b.s. These people think they are greater than God, all the while mocking Christianity by pretending to be Christians. Also, Elon's mom, whom he is very close with, is an open satanist. There's a site called Vigilant Citizen who's featured her (just search her name on the site). I mean, they don't even really try to hide it. Notice that Elon is in every political discussion now. Things will go the way he dictates now that he is a darling of the MAGA supporters.
Absolutely. I only addressed the tip of the iceberg. It has been a few years since I read about him. And also, when I did read all that, it was well before he became this guy on center stage in a Baphomet costume, so imagine my horror to see the predictions of this former slave coming to fruition.
And what you are spewing is as satanic as it gets!!!! And the progressive, transgender, child mutilating, child sacrificing, no good child should be a boy or girl only if they are a transgender, pedo is okay group, and let’s teach this to them in elementary school are such upstanding citizens!!! And God forbid you must have the option of killing them up to or even after birth because you are too wicked to just use birth control!!! It’s so much more fun that way according to the evil in so many of your souls! So go join your BLM and Antifa counterparts and destroy some cities for the hell of it, because that’s what progressives do! Who cares that good, hardworking people of all walks of life had their livelihoods destroyed!!! Yep…..look again, MAGA is not the party of Satan…..progressives are! You hate God, Jesus and everything they represent! Only people who worship Satan speak to it as you have!!
that is an interesting statement. how do you know this? i'm interested because i can't help but see the play, the movie, the feel of collective emotional energy; of build up and catharsis on a pretty basic level that celia captures so well in her post. us americans really need to pan back and include the uber powerful globalist 'one world' agenda, recognize and actively acknowledge it's existence and sorry to say, lower our expectations regarding the presidency. whether it's a satanist situation as it appears, or not...we need to own our Humanity First.
Normal living doesn't include these constant highs and lows and distractions. That's the sign of horrible leadership and a country terribly run. Not progress.
When Trump kissed the fireman's costume at the RNC a few nights ago - Trump was praising Lucifer right then and there, and everyone cheered it on.
Buffalo man (Corey Comparatore) was sacrified publicly replacing the "red heifer" to put Trump in the Bullseye. This way nobody sees it, but that's it.
The next day, after worshiping Lucifer, somehow a huge Baptist church in Dallas, TX is burned to the ground. Massive fire. Hmmmmnnn.
For 3.5 years we in America have been insulted with insane idiotic policies and events. Trump actually gives hope that we can recover from these humiliations. Time will tell. To me this was a real assassination attempt that failed. Next 4 years will
You are missing the fact that our "government" keeps two set of financial books: one for pubic consumption which says the country is 31 trillion or so in debt; and, the second set which the public does not get to see, which reveals that the country is a couple of hundred trillion in debt and will eventually crash into oblivion.
You might have missed the part where they are using the trans agenda (and others) in order to get rid of free speech. Hate speech laws get rid of free speech. Check out how it's working in Scotland where they've implemented such a law.
Well, you shouldn't care. Medically damaging children is a whole other issue. What adults do to themselves is not within your purview. A 100k kill themselves every year with street drugs. Most of the rest eat & drink themselves into poor health. Transgender adults are a minor issue compared to that.
James, if you are putting your hope into this guy, methinks you are going to be sadly letdown. As for free speech still existing here, that is up for debate also.
Don't like them either. The vaxx thing got its ugly start via Trump and his crew, and just got continued by Joebama, who doubled down on it. Both sides need to see a jail cell on this matter alone! And the mail-in ballot thing, that came under that 3/13/20 Executive Order, the one that essentially shut down the entire country. And we are still suffering the effects of that and will be for years.
The vaxx thing got its ugly start in Davos, Geneva & London. Trump was just one of many fools who got suckered in, which includes 95% of the population. I bet 90% of the commenters here got suckered in too but just won't admit it.
You are one of the few level heads commenting here today!!! Amazing that those who hate Trump have no worries or a damn clue what is happening to our country! Plus Obiden/Obama don’t give a damn about any of us, including the progressives. I will speak to the jab, though! When Trump mentioned HCQ and other options to covid in the beginning people attacked him like rattlesnakes, even many conservaticws wanted the damn jabs. He had to back what they wanted. I know he was lied to from Fauci, Birx and crew, they (corrected) must be hanged for what they did! He never mandated and wanted opened up by Easter!!! But the idiots out there loved their masks and attacking people who didnt where them because they don’t work. The MSM was relentless from the start of his term. Now they are ramping up the GOF fake bird flu to start 2020 all over and their is an election to steal!
Trump did not have to back down. How many lives would he have saved if he did not back down. MANY M.D.'s never backed down and are still practicing today.
Iam trying to point out facts look what has happened!!!
You can’t even trust the news that has told you safe and effective or even admitting Trump had a attempted assassination … “ he fell because of a loud noise”
Yes, because after the first few months where "one week to flatten the curve", became "your children are going to kill grandma" and worse, and the Alternative Media began to kick in and expose the truth. Even smart people like Steve Kirsch got the 1st two jabs until they got wise to what's happening. This was Worldwide, not just Trump/America.
Trump didn't impose the vax mandate. You should read up on what Dr. Atlas had to say about the whole fiasco during the Trump Administration. Pence was in charge of the Covid Task Force. Yes the shut downs were idiotic but the governors were the ones who perpetuated it.
Those mortal enemies are the proverbial "they." We know they are there. We know they are evil and dangerous, but we do not know exactly who they are but my prayer is that they be exposed for who they are for all to see.
You better put your hope in this guy, or you and your family may well be a cinder this time next year. People are such fools, they think nuclear war is a joke. Back in the 60's people understood. You've been so badly indoctrinated by the Neocons/Neoliberals and Bankster Overlords you are like lemmings walking off the cliff.
How a nuclear war starts: Second-by-second timeline | Annie Jacobsen and Lex Fridman:
"...FREE SPEECH..." NO. They call it HATE SPEECH. Telling the truth about joos is even against the law in many states. We in the USA have a USA Congress/ Federal Reserve/media controlled by joos. "The greatest freedom of speech is the right to offend." (Salmon Rushdie)
He help up his promise to not start another regime change war. He was the first president in the past several decades who did not begin a new war. There are 400,000 people who are now dead, men, women and children because of the Biden Administration. Your vote for Biden helped to kill these people.
Transformed from what...clueless of foreign policy? If he's elected President, let's see if he immediately appoints Pompeo to another critical position and presents Pompeo with another medal. (-: Let's see if he has the brains to meet privately, one on one, with Syria's Bashar al Aasad, as Tulsi Gabbard did, which really opened her eyes; or if Trump still believes 'might makes right'. He met with Kim Jon Un of North Korea, likely only because North Korea has nukes..
If you are familiar with Charlotte Iserbyt’s work you will agree with her assessment. She was part of the fed ed program and her research is how she came up with her assessment.
why does politics have the effect of turning peoples' brains to mush? has no one been paying attention to Whitney Webb's research? both parties are steeped in corruption with oligarchs calling the shots behind the scenes. both parties kowtow to the military industrial complex and Big Pharma. both parties continue to support the genocide in Gaza. by the way, reality check, it was Trump who trumpeted the fast-tracking of "covid" mRNA vaccines. I was beginning to think that Tucker Carlson had turned a corner after leaving Fox; then I watched a portion of his RNC speech. he sounded like a completely different person. as if someone had slipped him a mickey. this 2.0 version of the Trump cult is even more unsavory than its forerunner.
the interchangeable monikers "Tweedledums" & "Tweedledees" also apply. on second thought, compared to contemporary Amerika, Wonderland seems positively tame.
Dear Celia, your uncanny talent for cutting through the noise and getting to the heart of the matter is what makes you one of my favorite commentators. I think you nail it with this one. The missed response, "I'm not rich enough to hate Trump" is priceless! If you were to put it on a T-shirt and offer it for sale, I would buy it! Good one!
This whole thing has evolved to a point where it is enough to make a person gag. All this tear-jerking, crying, wearing fake freakin' patches on ears, yada, yada, yada. Enough is enough here, people! It is like it was ripped from a TV script--maybe it was?
There isn't one security expert, including the anti-establishment ones who believe that crackpot theory. You need to learn a little rationality. What you are claiming is a flat Earth theory. That would be just so difficult to achieve, and so incredibly idiotic.
All you would do if that was your plan is have one person in the crowd with a handgun fire a couple rounds at Trump, deliberately missing, easy to setup, easy to pull off, same result. Very little chance of the whole thing being exposed, unlike the convoluted, difficult deception the REAL assassination attempt was.
Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People - Peak Prosperity, Chris Martenson:
Crooks likely hit the stands, killing and maiming. The near miss to Trump likely came from the open window behind Crooks to his right, in an unsecured building. The weapon was likely an AR, not a sniper rifle.
Also people just don't know how powerful those MkUtra methods and drug cocktails are. It's really incredible what they can do. I don't understand it, almost supernatural. I have no doubt that's what they did to Sirhan Sirhan in the RFK assassination.
I saw that video and that correlates with Martenson's analysis, the first 3 shots came from within the building and were muffled somewhat without an echo due to coming from the window. Crooks may have been another MKUltra victim. The CIA is still actively developing their MKUltra methods, even though they lie about it and claim it was dismantled.
i agree with you margaret-- after all the statements about pussy grabbing, big game hunting, duel citizenship and the israeli lobby during his last time around, the desecreation of land- especially indian land so sacred and beautiful- that's not what i would call saviour- that's what i would call sacrifice to the bad guys-- all about money, greed, profit, 'the self', self aggrandizement, the inability to hear others or think about them- Melania was always very clear for those who could hear- who and what orange man is - there is nothing he will not lie about- he's like biden in so many ways-
There was something definitely different about him when he walked into the Republican National Convention--it wasn't an act and not something that can be manufactured. I do believe it was divine providence that saved him and he realizes it. As far as all of the mania goes, I think we need to be careful. I believe we're in the last push of the final death throes of the cabal. I also think the media, having to choose, would obviously choose to promote maga- mania rather than focus on the divine providence that we've seen. We know they're all about yanking around our emotions, and I'm sure they will try to eliminate Donald Trump another way. I don't think they'll succeed, but I believe they're probably thinking that if they can turn this mania into devastation if something happened to Trump, that will be the end for this country. Remember the adage "the bigger they come, the harder they fall". I do believe most of the recent shift--the renewed hope that people are feeling--is our Creator moving and working in our behalf. We have GOT to invite God back into the picture. We've seen what happens when he's disinvited from the public square. God can change things in a day. No man, not even the President of the United States, can do that.
Would seem to me Divine Providence, as you put it, could have picked a far better individual to bestow that upon; not a self-centered, money centered narcissist. Those traits are just not admirable.
Well done! Looking at the whole Trump phenomenon through the lens of the mythic, the symbolic, makes it even more interesting. Catharsis, yes, we have just witnessed the power of that unfolding before our eyes. An amazing time to be alive.
how sickening to watch the scripts roll out- the mindless flailing about of the dems who pretended not to know- now they have to know- now they need their 'mindless grief' time- omg- what a nation of followers and plodders---if people would really take responsibility in meaningful ways- we'd never have entered the zone- of where they don't even know what or who their children are
The necessary components of a great story contain mind body spirit and soul . Those are generally represented by , in order - logic/ rationale , visceral experience / reproduction , energy/ motivation , and morality / culture . I propose that the visceral is what is being satisfied in this instance , no different than Kim kardashians smashed digit from a sliding glass door - the masses require knowing about mamie Eisenhower pink toilet seat ,
I agree with you, but there is one other thing. Trump did not give in to fear, he did not choose to keep his head down, allowing the bodyguards to lead him off the stage and keeping him shielded from any further bullets (and there could have been more than one shooter), no, he stood up in defiance, throwing his fist in the air, in full view. That takes courage, a courage that goes beyond the concern for his own life and his own safety.
Yes, that cowardly (yup, happened to be female) “agent” ducked and covered- cowered- behind Pres Trump the whole way. Maybe the slopey roof was too scary to look at.
At least Trump knows what a woman is. Unlike these loons who can't define a "woman." So that alone makes him a huge step up from the loons.
The bar is very low these days 😂
You're right.
fourth try commenting, shitshute is deleting my comments and they were NOT pro drumpf
You are the virus. Please self-vaccinate!
Really? I'm 88 & I say, let's take a long hard look at Allopathic Mdicine and itsl synthetic meds and vaccines. ALLOPATHIC is a THEORY, NOT A FACT!
Quite the Tort- you two queen bitem fanboys make. reheat, you have your re-tort. Nah, I leave all the Covid koolaid for true believers and anti-semites.
Your beloved, banal cadaver in chief, ba’al Joe, destroyer of economies and freedom requires you to jab, jab, jab. Worked out wonderfully for your drug peddling hero, eh. A side of cardiomyopathy for you, included at no extra charge for beloved illegals. Ooops, that is your partying joe who crucifies US citizens, not your poor, wretched befuddled masses of grasses.
Wet monkey bat fudgie for pres? Scarecrow Joe can’t be wrong!
Et tu. How about bow to the bitch of Hell, my obstrepirous mate. I will opt for the knockout uppercut vs the swishy jab ever time.
A true gem of a retort here. I approve!
No. These people are obscenely easy to fool.
Indeed. they fool themselves, so.....
It's Obamamania all over again. And all engineered, just as it was then. I just watch it like the reality show that it is.
Have come to think/believe that Beatlemania was also manufactured.
'Twas. It's an easy google, just "Tavistock" and "Beatles."
I really started a "descent into enlightenment" a few years after Sept. 11 (though never buying the official assassination theories), but reading David McGowan's Laurel Canyon book on the 60s era was a watershed experience for me.
Love David McGowan and miss him terribly. His dismantling of the Boston Marathon "bombing" was sheer genius, as was his series on the moon landing, the Lincoln assassination, and of course 9/11.
"Wagging the Moon Doggie"
You will enjoy this site! Go to "Features". His daughter runs the site: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/
David McGowan was fantastic. Love all of his work!
Wag the Moondoggie! So good.
He's wrong about Jeff Dahmer though. Jeff wasn't a serial killer. It was a fake news story.
By whom?
And for what purpose?
Swiss Bank Anthropology?
You know, at this point, I'm suspicious of his early, "turbo" cancer death. I can't help it. Regardless of what I heard his wife says. And even Hunter Thompson's "Hemingwayesque" departure; no matter what his family says. Pretty ugly that it's come to this.
I don't blame anyone for wondering aloud about any single person's death anymore. I'm completely open to hearing more, if you have more to share. I get it! Many many many fake their deaths, this is 100% a thing. Always has been in this inverted world of psychopathic thespians. Weeeee!
Hunter S. Thomspon, a total and complete CIA guy, all the way! I think that guy was the phoniest of phonies. Total tool of evil, and willingly so.
B'mania def manufactured. Screaming girls @ concerts were hired by managment and place in front seats. Only one of the many assertions.
Just because you will enjoy the thought - imagine a Van Gogh portrait of trump with bandaged ear … titled “self portrait “ just to contemplate .
Too late, I'm afraid. It's already on a teeshirt.
Fire up the AI, Jennifer!
Your intellectual property.
Might as well get the credit!!
Absolutely / England maintaining a position of subliminal dominance on the other side of the “pond” via the use of sentimentality … love without truth , a pernicious insidious weakening agent . Give me “Lay Down “ by Melanie ( candles in the rain ) any day over Eleanor rigby .
Could it be they are moving us right toward where they want us; identifying as victims that need and count on a "savior" (from the government of course) to fix all of our problems? What better way to really implement what's been planned than to have a larger than life figure that has "proven himself" through previously unimaginable obstacles? Many people will now follow him to any end. No, probably more logical to believe that they let one guy totally derail their generations-long carefully laid plan for the world.
Absolutely. They're always a few steps ahead of us.
weeping and flailing away
Detail, please, how it was engineered.
You either get it or you don't.
I must have misunderstood. Correct me if I am wrong, but you are suggesting that the attempted assassination was engineered?? And by the Trump campaign?? If so, how - and by who?
If people "get it" and others of us do not seem to get it, then it helps when more detail is shared.
I think I just have to punt to Ole Dammegård report tomorrow. I truly have no idea. But I think the JFK comments here demonstrate how advanced the Masons were 60 years ago, so imagine now. I think it's the same people, through history, always. And those people are the International Masons.
Thank you. Much as when I'm asked how Covid could be a hoax, I just get tired. I don't even know where to begin. I don't feel like I owe some person on the internet a novelette. It's so easy to find out the information on ones' own.
Donna Ruth, many of these people would accuse Jesus Christ as a conspiracy theorist!!! They have Trump Derangement Syndrome, love the fact our country is spiraling down the pits of hell and they are part of it! So don’t get sucked into their lies!!!
I am wide awake! I use the discernment God gave me! My trust is in God and he saved President Trumps life! So cast your stones! So you like what has happened to our country the last three and a half years!!! Only people who are evil can condone what has happened under Obiden/Obama and think it is a good thing!
Just because it has turned out this way doesn't necessarily mean that this is the only way it could have turned out. And it doesn't mean that this is the way "they" wanted it to turn out.
I'm as swivel-eyed a loon as Marty Feldman at his peak, but even l know that there is more than one group of people who do these kinds of things, more than one faction, more than one smoke-filled room, more than one team vying for a peice of the pie.
The way I look at it, any time "they" have to assassinate or try to assassinate or pretend to assassinate someone as prominent as Old Trumpy, "they" are in desperation mode—Defcon 2 or higher.
I'm looking forward to seeing Trump move back into the White House, after it's been thoroughly fumigated and cleared of bugs and stashes of crack. Looking forward to having a proper Christmas tree and all that. And I'm wondering if the Oval Office decor will be gold again.
It's a dilemma.
Bringing myself to vote for Trump or not. Understand your take.
I might join you.
Trump is anti-war in Ukraine, but is okay with leveling Gaza. He isn't the pacifist, or non-interventionist his fans think he is, unfortunately. Like you, I don't care that he is an asshole. I DO care that, like Biden they pose as anti-aggressive war, when they both support Israel. Many of Biden's former supporters care deeply about that. Whereas I see no evidence that ANY Trump supporters give a rat's ass about Palestine.
I agree completely, Jess. Don't even get me started on the geopolitical machinations that enabled the formation of that apartheid state, which has caused nothing but suffering and heartache ever since.
Or the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by that geopolitical construct for which the United States sought no investigation or apology from same.
Shit, really? Who takes your statist posts seriously???
Apartheid state? When have you last examined the population of Israel, the most un-apartic state in middle-east, maybe world. Did you worship Kaddafi and his anti-Israeli zealots? Please study some true history, not some bidenbama tripe.
A little blood libel for you to kick your lips with?
Did you graduate from high school? It's Gaddafi or Qaddafi, NOT Kaddafi; and, Libya was financially stable before Clinton authorized demolishing the country. But Libya was moving away from the dollar, toward a gold standard, and was about to nationalize its oil assets; and, the U.S. could not tolerate that. Before Libya was destroyed, the citizens of Libya were far more financially stable than many citizens in the U.S:
Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails - By Ellen Brown
"Before 2011, Libya had achieved economic independence, with its own water, its own food, its own oil, its own money, and its own state-owned bank. It had arisen under Qaddafi from one of the poorest of countries to the richest in Africa. Education and medical treatment were free; having a home was considered a human right; and Libyans participated in an original system of local democracy. The country boasted the world’s largest irrigation system, the Great Man-made River project, which brought water from the desert to the cities and coastal areas; and Qaddafi was embarking on a program to spread this model throughout Africa"
What a strange response to SheThinksLiberty, William.
Pray tell, Jess. I may have completely misinterpreted the post of your friend, STL.
Read as though “she” calls Israel an apartheid nation.
Palestine has, as history repeated proves beyond doubt, many opportunities to chart their course to independence, with the support of Israel. Yet, they choose every time to elect tyrant dictators.
Fool ‘em once, shame on you, fall for the same false promises, shame on them.
But, I admit to being strange in the sense of a Zionist and 100% of the independent nation of Israel. Ukraine, 0! They have chosen their destiny just as Palestine has their fate. As soon as Palestinians refuse to harbor hamas and hezbollah and their fellow mass murdering friends I will come to understand and support them. At this point they have earned scorched earth for harboring those with genocidal ambition. Israeli army has been exceptionally judicious in minimizing “civilian” casualties as much as humanly possible.
Remember obummer? He aided and abetted terrorists for 8 years with US citizen tax dollars in bribes, blackmail, tribute - whatever acceptable term of convenience of sale.
Please correct me, I am willing to explore.
Did not mean to hurt feelings
Your “as history repeated proves beyond doubt” is an inversion of reality. The Palestinian struggle for independence from a brutal occupying force is apparently beyond your understanding. Do you even know what a siege is? Do you understand the economic repercussions? Do you know about Operation Cast Lead? The Goldstone Report?
Hezbollah is an indigenous Lebanese organization formed in defense of their land, their homes, and the lives of their people from the invading Israelis in 1982. The result of this invasion was an atrocity-filled occupation of southern Lebanon from 1985 to 2000 when Hezbollah was finally able to get them out. Nine weeks after the invasion of 1982 began, Reagan called Begin to register his disgust toward the Israeli shelling in Beirut. Too many women and children being slaughtered didn’t look good.
You can take your “scorched earth” to another planet where no humans reside. What Israel is doing is heinous—no ifs, and, or buts.
Wow, sieg heil to you and your ilk. Please educate yourself!!
Persecution complex and pseudo victimization is not becoming. But, you wear it well. To excuse , for any reason, the Hana’s atrocities committed in the name of “freedom” is inexcusable at any time.
I will pray for your moral ambiguity. Good luck.
You (William): "The "Israeli army has been exceptionally judicious in minimizing “civilian” casualties as much as humanly possible."
Sure...About as much as the U.S. military was exceptionally judicious in carpet bombing Iraq and its non-existent "weapons of mass destruction" with depleted uranium that is still wreaking infertility and birth defects on the Iraqi population.
Did the Americans send a warning to Iraq when it did the carpet bombing? Did the Americans give the Iraqi people a good amount of time to get their belongings and move to safety? The answer is No. The Israelis spent years judiciously targeting just the rocket launching points in schools and hospitals used by Hamas. The truth is that Hamas kept the people in the area by force just for the casualty count. October was the tipping point. Hamas had wanted the Israelis to go in with tanks all along, and that’s what Israel had to do. Britain was blamed for the carpet bombing of Dresden but it was the start of the end of the war. America was blamed for Hiroshima, but it was the end of the war. Hopefully the destruction of Hamas will lead to peace for the Palestinian people because I have seen pictures of the bustling streets, the hotels and the people walking happily before the attack on Israel, that might return after Hamas is destroyed.
You didn't hurt my feelings. You offend my sense of justice and insult my intelligence.
Oh golly gosh. You have the sense of justice of the 3rd Reich. Intelligence? Well, you state your own case of blood libel. To the sea.
William: Are you jooish? i$rahell requires DNA tests to become a citizen. xUSA President Jimmy Carter wrote a book on i$rahell's apartheid. The International Red Cross records on 3rd Reich work camps. NO ONE died in any gas chamber.
100%! Spitting facts here.
Thanks Farrier:
Records are sealed for 50/70 years by the victors, and then who really gives a sh*t 70 years later? Only those of us that lived through those turbulent times.
I'm a Trump supporter and I care about Palestinians. And no I don't support leveling Gaza.
The thing you don't understand is that Gaza/Hamas/Israel is a side show, a deliberate diversion to get people focused off of the Russian proxy War. This is all about Ukraine-Russia, always was, the Bankster Borg wants to absorb Russia more than anything on Earth right now. And they will risk nuclear annihilation to get it.
Once they got Russia, China & India can be marginalized and forced into submission. Result = World Bankster Totalitarian techno-Feudal Oligarchy. They haven't exactly been silent about that #1 goal of theirs for the past century or more. They will burn this World to the ground just so they can rule over its ashes, if that's what it takes. Israel/Palestine/Gaza is zip, a triviality to distract fools.
Where have been all those folks who care about leveling Gaza, didn't hear a word from them about destroying Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, millions of deaths, far, far worse than Gaza? Total silence from the same bunch.
Funny all that destruction in Gaza but ZERO action from ISIS & Al Qaeda groups. War with Russia and ISIS/Al Qaeda are immediately attacking Russians. I thought they hated Israel?
All people with mental syndromes , mental illness , or arrested mental development have developed tactics to prevent others from seeing the true story that lives behind the mask . When these false personas are given positions of authority and power , the game they play is the same - it s purpose is to create chaos in a random unpatterned way so as to prevent people from looking too closely at them - the destriction of the world around them is simply a shield of cognitive dissonance to prevent the discerning observer .from noticing that the emperor has no clothes .
AMEN, so accurate.
Coming from someone with the perspective you have , I am highly complimented by your amen .. but believe me I learned this the hard way . Psychosis of all kinds either resolve , or self perpetuate . If they continue through two or more stages of the persons life - there is a reason why … they are very good at hiding behind “the mask of sanity “ which is a fascinating term to study . Think ‘ socially accepted median normative ‘ . My main theory has to do with technology , not human to human interaction . The incoming technology acts as a filter that prevents us from seeing the situation clearly - and certain psychosis’s are adept at matching the technological system set in motion - as I mentioned previously the good looking Kennedy and his gemstone of a wife , vs the potato nosed Nixon - radio voice vs tv charm but in more recent times - I think I’ll combine plastic surgery and the Instagram moment to create a new sort of poetess .. we MUST acknowledge the poder of our creations , or the technology we create will dominate us . Via a human form of it’s own mirror image . …
I firmly believe that DJT ( and Obama ) are mirror images of the technology we have invented - DJT is media hype , and Obama is political correctness .
In the sense that Netanyahu chose his moment carefully, perhaps you could call it a sideshow. Ukraine, I understand, is similar to what you describe. But, I don't see any pro-Palestinian commentary coming for the Pro-Trump crowd. You are one of the 1st.
Sad to say there aren't many. A lot to do with the massive, insidious Israeli lobby in US politics. And, of course, The Bankster club who finance the Neocons & RINOs. Eager as they are to absorb the Oil & Gas giant fuel depot that is Iran.
Gaza is also wanted under Israeli control because of the huge gas reserves under it. With Russia gas supply to Europe turned off, likely until & unless Russia is conquered, they need gas to buffer the idiotic wind & solar power they are foisting in Europe.
I'm pro-Palestine to the extent that I am anti-Israel as a darling protectorate of the U.S. and globalists. I would not call myself pro-Trump strictly speaking either, though. I prefer him because of what he represents, a poke in the of the establishment. He is very flawed personally and politically but I think he's an outsider looking as it related to the oligarchs. He plays the game, no different than any other newly wealthy. I sense that Trump walks a narrow line trying not to be pure evil like Gates or Zuckerberg. These people are -allowed- to be rich and influential and if they step out of line they are punished. But I think they don't have the same blackmail (for example the full Epstein job) on Trump and he's got dirt on them (such as knowing the depth of Crowdstrike's corruption) so it's a careful détente they play. I think he honestly wants to leave the average person alone more or less. At least in a traditional post WW2 world order way, which is of course irrational in many ways but respects most everyone's national sovereignty. He's not on board with killing everyone or being an global king. He's got a monster ego and likes wealth and status. But he knows economics. He is not dumb by a long shot. He seems to understand that allowing people to just live their lives, accumulate savings and market things for them to spend it on is good for everyone.
Trump is owned by the Zionists. They bailed him out big time, and they are using Trump to their advantage.
"HISTORY is written by the victors." Go back to 1933 when National Socialists in Germany took power. They took control of the German banks, and Germany was out of the Great Depression in 1934. The USA was still in the Great Depression until 1938. Hitler was driven around in an open Mercedes. No one tried to assassinate him.
Hitler was an idiot in the long line of Malthusian idiots. After the war Germany lost almost half their territory, taken from them. Then they focused their energy inwardly, developed science, tech, education, skill. Didn't take long before the avg German was living in paradise compared to the avg German when Nazi Germany was at its peak.
Malthusian morons are always claiming "we need land, we need land, there's too many people". When the fact is what every country needs is science, tech, a well educated populace and an efficient productive economy.
SmithFS: Are you in USA or i$rahell? No German living in Germany since 1943 will call it a paradise now. I've spoke with hundreds that were there with Hitler, even 2 joos. Only one, A German from Jena, Germany (Walter Beers) would agree with you. He went through the USA de-Nazification program. I am 90 y.o. and believe in reading documents, interviewing people that were there, not reading books on others ideas. Yes, I do read books. David Irving/David Duke/Germar Rudolf/Robert Faurisson have some good ones on WWII.
Yes, once the Bankster Club of Malthusian, Psychopath Misanthropists took over, along with their Club of Rome Malthusian, Depopulation, Deindustrialization agenda, then things went to hell in a handbasket. Open borders. Shutdown Nuclear power plants. Elevated Greenie wackjobs into the education system, bureaucracy and government. Allowed the USSA/NATO to destroy their cheap Russian gas. Endless destructive wars = more mass migration.
As I said the Malthusians are responsible for virtually all the death, destruction and human misery on this planet. And the German Nazi party morphed into the German Ecofascist movement:
Malthusianism - The Roots Of Modern Eco-Terrorism: From MK Ultra And The Unabomber To Maurice Strong And Yuval Harari, Bankster DeGrowth, MKULTRA, Germany:
Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier
Fascist Ecology: The “Green Wing” of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents, by Peter Staudenmaier:
Dark Green II: Roots of Eco-Fascism:
William Kay on Ecofascism and Nazi Germany:
William Kay on Ecofascism and Landlordism:
"He isn't the pacifist, or non-interventionist his fans think he is"
Most of the Trumplets don't even know Trump bombed the hell out of Syria, killing women, children and civilians.
or give a rat's ass about Syria...
The attack on October 7 would not have happened in a Trump presidency. It was Iran who trained and funded Hamas. Obama and Biden funded Iran. Trump tried to cut it off. Your vote for Biden is responsible for 400,000 men, women and children in the Ukraine, Israel and Gaza who are now dead. Their blood is on your head.
It's the joos that control Europe/USA media. The records from 1944 by the International Red Cross have just been opened. NO ONE died in gas chambers. Most died from Allied bombing of food supplies/medicine. USA Army Air Force photos show a swimming pool inside the fence at Auschwitz. Why don't we know about this? What ethnic group controls the news?????? (six ? marks). Read about Ernst Zudel/Robert Faurisson/Germar Rudolf. All spent years in prison trying to bring us Goyim this news.
Yes Celia, something has changed. The "shot heard around the world" has had an affect of re-routing the mindset of the masses. I will accept this as a good thing, and hope that this is THE Great Awakening that will lead to the downfall of the global cabal.
I'm taking this as a good thing for now. But I'm already worried sick what they will do to us after 4 years of Trump. Knowing them…
'Shot heard 'round the world?' Founding Fathers have to be spinning in their graves, here.
...and 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan'!
Imagine all those clueless people chanting fealty and devotion to the Lord of Darkness.
I don't doubt it, esp. with Elon Musk so closely involved. From what I read years ago from Cathy O'Brien (I believe) who writes exhaustively on the elites and their satanism, and gets stories from ex-sex slaves and others, the girl who was raised with Elon (as a slave) said that he was slated to be the next anti-christ. He even used his Baphomet costume avatar for X. He is as satanic as it gets, esp with the transhumanism b.s. These people think they are greater than God, all the while mocking Christianity by pretending to be Christians. Also, Elon's mom, whom he is very close with, is an open satanist. There's a site called Vigilant Citizen who's featured her (just search her name on the site). I mean, they don't even really try to hide it. Notice that Elon is in every political discussion now. Things will go the way he dictates now that he is a darling of the MAGA supporters.
Also, have a look at Grimes. Good grief.
OMG you're not kidding! Whoosh.
Also Musk is bloodline. Swiss 'Haldeminn' on his mother's side.
Check this out for the bigger pic - Hugo is good at spotting these things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS8zMnYuAA0&ab_channel=HugoTalks
Absolutely. I only addressed the tip of the iceberg. It has been a few years since I read about him. And also, when I did read all that, it was well before he became this guy on center stage in a Baphomet costume, so imagine my horror to see the predictions of this former slave coming to fruition.
look at the etching on the woman's back who had his 'children' and tell me what that was about
It creeps me out too much to even entertain!
yes- ignorance is bliss for those who are- not so much for the rest of us
And what you are spewing is as satanic as it gets!!!! And the progressive, transgender, child mutilating, child sacrificing, no good child should be a boy or girl only if they are a transgender, pedo is okay group, and let’s teach this to them in elementary school are such upstanding citizens!!! And God forbid you must have the option of killing them up to or even after birth because you are too wicked to just use birth control!!! It’s so much more fun that way according to the evil in so many of your souls! So go join your BLM and Antifa counterparts and destroy some cities for the hell of it, because that’s what progressives do! Who cares that good, hardworking people of all walks of life had their livelihoods destroyed!!! Yep…..look again, MAGA is not the party of Satan…..progressives are! You hate God, Jesus and everything they represent! Only people who worship Satan speak to it as you have!!
Sorry Joni, but 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.
Look it up.
OMG I just checked and you’re right.
Please don't be gullible. There are a lot of acronyms that mean multiple things.
How am I gullible? Read for yourself from their website
that is an interesting statement. how do you know this? i'm interested because i can't help but see the play, the movie, the feel of collective emotional energy; of build up and catharsis on a pretty basic level that celia captures so well in her post. us americans really need to pan back and include the uber powerful globalist 'one world' agenda, recognize and actively acknowledge it's existence and sorry to say, lower our expectations regarding the presidency. whether it's a satanist situation as it appears, or not...we need to own our Humanity First.
We need to learn when we're being bamboozled.
Normal living doesn't include these constant highs and lows and distractions. That's the sign of horrible leadership and a country terribly run. Not progress.
When Trump kissed the fireman's costume at the RNC a few nights ago - Trump was praising Lucifer right then and there, and everyone cheered it on.
Buffalo man (Corey Comparatore) was sacrified publicly replacing the "red heifer" to put Trump in the Bullseye. This way nobody sees it, but that's it.
The next day, after worshiping Lucifer, somehow a huge Baptist church in Dallas, TX is burned to the ground. Massive fire. Hmmmmnnn.
Maga! Maga! Maga! :/
This is very serious.
For 3.5 years we in America have been insulted with insane idiotic policies and events. Trump actually gives hope that we can recover from these humiliations. Time will tell. To me this was a real assassination attempt that failed. Next 4 years will
Tell. In America everyone gets their own opinion
And we still have free speech yes?
Not really. Unless it's free speech to be censored and deplatformed and fired for having a simple opinion such as "men cannot become women."
Who cares about "men cannot become women", we are facing nuclear annihilation and/or a brutal anti-human World Oligarchy led by Psychopaths.
You are missing the fact that our "government" keeps two set of financial books: one for pubic consumption which says the country is 31 trillion or so in debt; and, the second set which the public does not get to see, which reveals that the country is a couple of hundred trillion in debt and will eventually crash into oblivion.
You might have missed the part where they are using the trans agenda (and others) in order to get rid of free speech. Hate speech laws get rid of free speech. Check out how it's working in Scotland where they've implemented such a law.
Well, you shouldn't care. Medically damaging children is a whole other issue. What adults do to themselves is not within your purview. A 100k kill themselves every year with street drugs. Most of the rest eat & drink themselves into poor health. Transgender adults are a minor issue compared to that.
James, if you are putting your hope into this guy, methinks you are going to be sadly letdown. As for free speech still existing here, that is up for debate also.
The way I see it the Dems get an F
Next 4 years we shall see.
Mandated vaxxines.
60 million invading USA
jailing political opponents
Green scam
Men competing w woman
We are no longer a country I recognize.
If you can say your last 3.5 years have been fruitful and prosperous
Next party I realize our system is corrupt but I’m not ready to eat bugs
And own nothing.
Don't like them either. The vaxx thing got its ugly start via Trump and his crew, and just got continued by Joebama, who doubled down on it. Both sides need to see a jail cell on this matter alone! And the mail-in ballot thing, that came under that 3/13/20 Executive Order, the one that essentially shut down the entire country. And we are still suffering the effects of that and will be for years.
Warp speed Trump needs to apologize and say he got that wrong!!
Biden mandated shots this he needs to be held accountable for … crimes against humanity. 17 million dead directly from safe effective vaxxines.
Big difference.
Stolen 2020 election
J6 was not insurrection
Afghanistan retreat abysmal failure
Invasion unforgivable
Inflation idiotic
Based on green carbon CO2
We are more divided now than ever!!
Do you have a better solution?
The real crime is gaming the system of 51% to 49%
Until we get election integrity
There will be no justice
Bc the will of the people is
Is at the will of some machine programmed by some agenda
The vaxx thing got its ugly start in Davos, Geneva & London. Trump was just one of many fools who got suckered in, which includes 95% of the population. I bet 90% of the commenters here got suckered in too but just won't admit it.
You are one of the few level heads commenting here today!!! Amazing that those who hate Trump have no worries or a damn clue what is happening to our country! Plus Obiden/Obama don’t give a damn about any of us, including the progressives. I will speak to the jab, though! When Trump mentioned HCQ and other options to covid in the beginning people attacked him like rattlesnakes, even many conservaticws wanted the damn jabs. He had to back what they wanted. I know he was lied to from Fauci, Birx and crew, they (corrected) must be hanged for what they did! He never mandated and wanted opened up by Easter!!! But the idiots out there loved their masks and attacking people who didnt where them because they don’t work. The MSM was relentless from the start of his term. Now they are ramping up the GOF fake bird flu to start 2020 all over and their is an election to steal!
Trump did not have to back down. How many lives would he have saved if he did not back down. MANY M.D.'s never backed down and are still practicing today.
People hate Trump.
I get his bravado turns people off.
Iam trying to point out facts look what has happened!!!
You can’t even trust the news that has told you safe and effective or even admitting Trump had a attempted assassination … “ he fell because of a loud noise”
Yeah like gunshots!!!
SmithFS: Only 80% of the people got vax'd.
Yes, because after the first few months where "one week to flatten the curve", became "your children are going to kill grandma" and worse, and the Alternative Media began to kick in and expose the truth. Even smart people like Steve Kirsch got the 1st two jabs until they got wise to what's happening. This was Worldwide, not just Trump/America.
Trump didn't impose the vax mandate. You should read up on what Dr. Atlas had to say about the whole fiasco during the Trump Administration. Pence was in charge of the Covid Task Force. Yes the shut downs were idiotic but the governors were the ones who perpetuated it.
I'm not afraid of Trump. I am very afraid of his mortal enemies.
Those mortal enemies are the proverbial "they." We know they are there. We know they are evil and dangerous, but we do not know exactly who they are but my prayer is that they be exposed for who they are for all to see.
You better put your hope in this guy, or you and your family may well be a cinder this time next year. People are such fools, they think nuclear war is a joke. Back in the 60's people understood. You've been so badly indoctrinated by the Neocons/Neoliberals and Bankster Overlords you are like lemmings walking off the cliff.
How a nuclear war starts: Second-by-second timeline | Annie Jacobsen and Lex Fridman:
"...FREE SPEECH..." NO. They call it HATE SPEECH. Telling the truth about joos is even against the law in many states. We in the USA have a USA Congress/ Federal Reserve/media controlled by joos. "The greatest freedom of speech is the right to offend." (Salmon Rushdie)
I just have a hard time believing he has 'transformed". . .
Age has a way of crystallizing what is truly important and worth fighting for.
he doesn't have to- he's a paid actor
Me either. He is a life long narcissist. They seldom change for anything or anybody, because it is always about THEM. No one else matters.
He help up his promise to not start another regime change war. He was the first president in the past several decades who did not begin a new war. There are 400,000 people who are now dead, men, women and children because of the Biden Administration. Your vote for Biden helped to kill these people.
Get some random 20 yo trans to crease your ear with a 5.56 round from 140 yrds. Get back to me.
Transformed from what...clueless of foreign policy? If he's elected President, let's see if he immediately appoints Pompeo to another critical position and presents Pompeo with another medal. (-: Let's see if he has the brains to meet privately, one on one, with Syria's Bashar al Aasad, as Tulsi Gabbard did, which really opened her eyes; or if Trump still believes 'might makes right'. He met with Kim Jon Un of North Korea, likely only because North Korea has nukes..
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt was spot on The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.
Good grief how can so many not see the scam?
Guess because Charlotte was so astute.
Painful to see this mass destruction.
The dumbing down of America began long ago with the infiltration of cultural marxism into our schools. That needs to be eradicated.
If you are familiar with Charlotte Iserbyt’s work you will agree with her assessment. She was part of the fed ed program and her research is how she came up with her assessment.
why does politics have the effect of turning peoples' brains to mush? has no one been paying attention to Whitney Webb's research? both parties are steeped in corruption with oligarchs calling the shots behind the scenes. both parties kowtow to the military industrial complex and Big Pharma. both parties continue to support the genocide in Gaza. by the way, reality check, it was Trump who trumpeted the fast-tracking of "covid" mRNA vaccines. I was beginning to think that Tucker Carlson had turned a corner after leaving Fox; then I watched a portion of his RNC speech. he sounded like a completely different person. as if someone had slipped him a mickey. this 2.0 version of the Trump cult is even more unsavory than its forerunner.
I like the term “bifurcated monarchy “ to refer to the two party system .
the interchangeable monikers "Tweedledums" & "Tweedledees" also apply. on second thought, compared to contemporary Amerika, Wonderland seems positively tame.
Thing one and thing two …
Trump has become the messiah... the making of a messiah... maybe same as alli n the past... of god? or of marketing
Bet he walks on water, too. Right next to JC. Right hand man!
mangled ear = crucifixion, 2024 style.
where in scripture does it say "beware of false prophets?" hmmmmm......
Dear Celia, your uncanny talent for cutting through the noise and getting to the heart of the matter is what makes you one of my favorite commentators. I think you nail it with this one. The missed response, "I'm not rich enough to hate Trump" is priceless! If you were to put it on a T-shirt and offer it for sale, I would buy it! Good one!
Thank you Annette, I am thinking of breaking into T shirts. But I over-think.
This whole thing has evolved to a point where it is enough to make a person gag. All this tear-jerking, crying, wearing fake freakin' patches on ears, yada, yada, yada. Enough is enough here, people! It is like it was ripped from a TV script--maybe it was?
There isn't one security expert, including the anti-establishment ones who believe that crackpot theory. You need to learn a little rationality. What you are claiming is a flat Earth theory. That would be just so difficult to achieve, and so incredibly idiotic.
All you would do if that was your plan is have one person in the crowd with a handgun fire a couple rounds at Trump, deliberately missing, easy to setup, easy to pull off, same result. Very little chance of the whole thing being exposed, unlike the convoluted, difficult deception the REAL assassination attempt was.
Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People - Peak Prosperity, Chris Martenson:
Crooks likely hit the stands, killing and maiming. The near miss to Trump likely came from the open window behind Crooks to his right, in an unsecured building. The weapon was likely an AR, not a sniper rifle.
Also people just don't know how powerful those MkUtra methods and drug cocktails are. It's really incredible what they can do. I don't understand it, almost supernatural. I have no doubt that's what they did to Sirhan Sirhan in the RFK assassination.
I saw that video and that correlates with Martenson's analysis, the first 3 shots came from within the building and were muffled somewhat without an echo due to coming from the window. Crooks may have been another MKUltra victim. The CIA is still actively developing their MKUltra methods, even though they lie about it and claim it was dismantled.
Be glad you can see it. Many others can't/won't see it. Remember trying to explain the PCR nonsense? Feels very similar.
Regarding the patches-- remember the shoes?
i agree with you margaret-- after all the statements about pussy grabbing, big game hunting, duel citizenship and the israeli lobby during his last time around, the desecreation of land- especially indian land so sacred and beautiful- that's not what i would call saviour- that's what i would call sacrifice to the bad guys-- all about money, greed, profit, 'the self', self aggrandizement, the inability to hear others or think about them- Melania was always very clear for those who could hear- who and what orange man is - there is nothing he will not lie about- he's like biden in so many ways-
There was something definitely different about him when he walked into the Republican National Convention--it wasn't an act and not something that can be manufactured. I do believe it was divine providence that saved him and he realizes it. As far as all of the mania goes, I think we need to be careful. I believe we're in the last push of the final death throes of the cabal. I also think the media, having to choose, would obviously choose to promote maga- mania rather than focus on the divine providence that we've seen. We know they're all about yanking around our emotions, and I'm sure they will try to eliminate Donald Trump another way. I don't think they'll succeed, but I believe they're probably thinking that if they can turn this mania into devastation if something happened to Trump, that will be the end for this country. Remember the adage "the bigger they come, the harder they fall". I do believe most of the recent shift--the renewed hope that people are feeling--is our Creator moving and working in our behalf. We have GOT to invite God back into the picture. We've seen what happens when he's disinvited from the public square. God can change things in a day. No man, not even the President of the United States, can do that.
Would seem to me Divine Providence, as you put it, could have picked a far better individual to bestow that upon; not a self-centered, money centered narcissist. Those traits are just not admirable.
I'd rather have a president that can't be bought than one who sells out our country out to the highest bidder.
something different- he's been elevated to pope- what else could he want?
Yes , god , the great dice roller in the sky .
Everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Thank goodness for living in a country where we can be free to follow our own belief system.
Well done! Looking at the whole Trump phenomenon through the lens of the mythic, the symbolic, makes it even more interesting. Catharsis, yes, we have just witnessed the power of that unfolding before our eyes. An amazing time to be alive.
how sickening to watch the scripts roll out- the mindless flailing about of the dems who pretended not to know- now they have to know- now they need their 'mindless grief' time- omg- what a nation of followers and plodders---if people would really take responsibility in meaningful ways- we'd never have entered the zone- of where they don't even know what or who their children are
The necessary components of a great story contain mind body spirit and soul . Those are generally represented by , in order - logic/ rationale , visceral experience / reproduction , energy/ motivation , and morality / culture . I propose that the visceral is what is being satisfied in this instance , no different than Kim kardashians smashed digit from a sliding glass door - the masses require knowing about mamie Eisenhower pink toilet seat ,
I agree with you, but there is one other thing. Trump did not give in to fear, he did not choose to keep his head down, allowing the bodyguards to lead him off the stage and keeping him shielded from any further bullets (and there could have been more than one shooter), no, he stood up in defiance, throwing his fist in the air, in full view. That takes courage, a courage that goes beyond the concern for his own life and his own safety.
If his actions are taken at face value, it was admirable. But many of us just can't quite put it together.
Yes, that cowardly (yup, happened to be female) “agent” ducked and covered- cowered- behind Pres Trump the whole way. Maybe the slopey roof was too scary to look at.
Modern day SS from Biden-hitler.
Now, Secret Disservice. Ban em all, traitors!