The True History Of The Statue of "Liberty"
Amidst Speculation Of A False Flag Attack, And An Inexplicable Biden Address
Clip to menacing Joe Biden video here.
“Boy that looks like a dude.” (Rogan/Tripoli clip.)
Jüri Lina explains the Masonic origins of the Statue of Liberty, the documentary aired here twice, “In The Shadow Of Hermes.” I clipped the part about the “Statue of Liberty” (should be in quotation marks) and made a YT video:
More details here.
Is she, or he, modeled on this 1797 painting of Lucifer?
It is not known, in the end, which Babylonian Goddess or whatever else The Statue was modeled on but that matters less than us all wrapping our heads around that we are bombarded since birth with Masonic symbolism presented as “America.”
Here, months ago, Ole Dammegard talked about illuminati symbolism, predictive programming in pop culture, and the possibility of a FF on the Statue of “Liberty.”
(He too takes the position that the statue represents Lucifer.)
odd video from Biden insinuating that the Statue of Liberty was built by America, by Americans... a few years ago i researched it for Trivia night questions, i learned that it was a gift from the French... i was quite surprised that it wasn't an American creation.
so, here we have another example of re-writing history in real time.
I understand freaking out about Masonic stuff. It’s been hijacked as an order for a couple centuries now, but it wasn’t always that way.
Ancient knowledge can be twisted to dark purposes in the absence of light, and like a hammer can either build a house or destroy something based on the hands who wield it, it doesn’t make sense to assume our Founders were using this ancient order to bring about our doom instead of infuse us with light and knowledge - to the best of their ability. To cast our ancestors as somehow suspect because the order they took part in then has become dark and ugly in many ways now is “presentism,” and we need to be cautious about that.
Unpopular opinion, because hyper vigilance about all things Masonic is quite in vogue in the “truth” community now.