odd video from Biden insinuating that the Statue of Liberty was built by America, by Americans... a few years ago i researched it for Trivia night questions, i learned that it was a gift from the French... i was quite surprised that it wasn't an American creation.

so, here we have another example of re-writing history in real time.

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I understand freaking out about Masonic stuff. It’s been hijacked as an order for a couple centuries now, but it wasn’t always that way.

Ancient knowledge can be twisted to dark purposes in the absence of light, and like a hammer can either build a house or destroy something based on the hands who wield it, it doesn’t make sense to assume our Founders were using this ancient order to bring about our doom instead of infuse us with light and knowledge - to the best of their ability. To cast our ancestors as somehow suspect because the order they took part in then has become dark and ugly in many ways now is “presentism,” and we need to be cautious about that.

Unpopular opinion, because hyper vigilance about all things Masonic is quite in vogue in the “truth” community now.

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I'm not freaking out in the slightest. I'm studying history! And Juri Lina has never been in vogue and is not now. But I take your point and I am aware of the many many people who find this trendy and worthy of eye-roll. If you read any of of Lina's books I think you may feel differently.

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Alex Krainer reports on a Tuesday Zoom call with Steve Bannon, about Trumps first days in office next week. Next week start the days of thunder

The key battle that's shaping up in the U.S. is the battle between two systems of governance: it could shape up as a civil war 2.0

Much of what Bannon presented wasn't surprising, but what seemed significant was that he confirmed that Trump and his team will go on the offensive from day one in office. "The days of thunder begin on Monday," he said, and the world will not be the same again. Bannon wasn't talking about Trump going on the offensive against the Chinese, Iranians or the Russians. Trump and his team are preparing to take on the "they.” ["Globo-Cap"​; the "Ancien Regime"?] "They," in Bannon's words, are the people who control the world's most powerful empire and, elections or no elections, democracy or no democracy, they will not voluntarily relinquish their privileges and the control over their empire: there will be a fight. In a few recent podcasts, I discussed what this likely implies, simply on the basis of what the nature of this power struggle entails.

​ Namely, taking on the imperial cabal is a fight to the death. "They," are vicious, unscrupulous and extremely vindictive. https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/next-week-start-the-days-of-thunder

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Understood. And asking questions and poking at things is absolutely warranted. But we fall into this Joe Rogan paradigm of “the Statue of Liberty is a dude” so easily now without proper understanding anymore. I’ve been swimming in ancient history lately, and there are common threads and themes throughout the millennia that point to the guardianship of knowledge that we no longer have the full ability to understand. After all, we know that history is written and presented by people who want us to see things in a certain way. Always.

If you believe, as I do, that Satan is a very real, active being, and he’s had millennia to pervert light and knowledge slowly, then it makes sense that we understand that in our day of “awakening” (which I hope is happening), the corruption of ancient knowledge in the last couple hundred years is specifically designed to taint real truth and make us reject it. So that’s the zoomed out perspective I take on topics like this. Just my opinion, obviously.

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Joe Rogan is a useful idiot, but still an idiot. people with no art history in their souls — and that's 90% of americans — say the darnedest things.

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I believe this. Ignorance of truth is a fast road to hell.

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What s the 'ancient knowledge' you refer to please ?

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You're timing on this post is perfect. I read Architects of Deception because of your recommendation last year. Thank you.

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I'm looking for the book now; at Amazon it's priced @ $4,995. Where did you get yours?

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god bless archive.org

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That works; I just downloaded it (thanks!).

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

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Nice - thanks!

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A download for free. I believe Celia posted it. Let me look.

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I think this is very perceptive…the secretive societies that sprang up in Europe during the middle ages were a way to outmaneuver the inquisition. Some of the best hearts and minds in these societies gave their lives to the positive cultural transformations needed for that time period and wielded power for the good behind the European thrones. I do believe these societies were hijacked with time, as those with desire for control and manipulation overtook some of them…the result is that some have become dissipated and are mere shadows of their former power, and others have become corrupted and turned to evil.

This seems to be the pattern of the world…pure inspiration for a great humanitarian endeavor is birthed into the world and then it is corrupted as darkness overtakes it. I prefer to believe that the good cannot be destroyed by the evil.

Masonic symbols can have a meaning for good or a meaning for evil…depends on our own perceptions and identifications. The symbols inverted signify the evil…the symbols in their upright form are very ancient symbols that encapsulate spiritual truths. So the symbols themselves have to be interpreted according to the intention of the one using them.

We live in a dualistic world here, and good and evil co-exist. Even today the presence of evil in America and Europe has an expression of good to balance it. We simply choose to identify with one or the other, and this ability to choose, for me, is the real meaning of Liberty…free will choice…we are learning to exercise Liberty with discernment and faith that the good of humanity will ultimately transmute all evil. Even if the Statue of Liberty was, in some form, consecrated to evil, I can now turn its meaning to good…I have that power within me. I can make a daily declaration that evil has no power over me.

The film in the Shadow of Hermes was truly a horror story…it gives me a much larger context in which to view the human drama. What happened in Russia and Ukraine and other annexations of the USSR horror show was just beyond tragic…the suffering they endured under the evil of communism, which still persists in China today, is unimaginable. How awful that Europe and America participated in creating this. May all souls find peace and healing for such awful brutality.

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Valid point that should not be discarded simply because it’s seen as unpopular. Food for thought lest we choose to starve the mind.

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I started listening to the address for just 4 minutes and could not stand it and turned it off. I am reminded of something that the book of Proverbs says: that God hates, detests a lying tongues, false witness, and eagerness to harm others. People criticize me and probably you for things such as these, such reactions. But you have a strong reaction to evil it is because of this:

You are a new creation in Christ. The old has passed away, behold all things have become new. And they from God.

We are told to put on the spirit, new person we are created like God in true righteousness and holiness. It is because we are, consequently, like God. Even when it comes to hating lying and false witness. We are like God who is love. And love "does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices when right and truth prevail. Don't ever apologize for good, wholesome judeo-christisn values, your zeal for what is right and true, not getting drunk, living a life of moderation. You don't serve this twisted system. You are not under it. You are a pure reflection of God.

One doctor in the state of Texas, christian, was treating patients during c_. He was frustrated. He took a nap in the foyer of the hospital and God gave him a 3 drug formula. He used it with amazing results. People recovered quickly. Got back to their normal lives in a short time. Left the hospital early. Soon afterwards his colleagues and also officials threatened him and tried to get him to stop doing that. But he courageously rosked his career and life, reputation to be a champion of the people and a servant of Jesus Christ. God had called him to help people in that capacity and he was certainly not going to back down and give into such evil people.

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Thank you for speaking the truth. It brings us all back to a grounding in reality.

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A bit more information is needed to put this into full context,'There are several and 2 main schools of Freemasonry in the world.

The one behind the Statue of Liberty is the Grand Orient of France

The other is in Accordance with The United Grand Lodge of England.. Most lodges in the US are in accordance of the United Grand Lodge of England These 2 main schools of Freemasonry do not recognise each other and one can lose their membership with their lodge if the attend one of the other group of Lodges, Notable differences is the Grand Orient of France Allows Women, does not require a belief in God,The Illuminati started under them although has since become their own world

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if you look at the bottom of the statue its in chains

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There is a chain, but it is a broken chain. As in ‘set free’. Supposedly from Britian’s bondage. But if it is an unshackled Lucifer, as has been suggested, then here is one statute that I would not be disappointed to see toppled.

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out of all the “founding fathers” of the USA and the makers of the constitution 6 were 33rd degree Free Masons , the largest Satanic Cult in the world 🌎 , parts of the Constitution were hard hard fought , all the woes we are suffering yoday is at the hands of this huge organisation , it rules every government in every country , we live in scary scary times .

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Liberty should mean not being forced to take a Covid jab.

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MKnight's opinion below concurs with mine. I'm 80, have gone through "esoteric" schools East and West, know the Christ spirit within...and the Great Mother who is Mater, Matter, that which embodies us spiritual beings to run around in this adolescent Disneyland we call Life on Earth.

Most Masons are as dumb as the rest of us. Sociopaths will always work their way up the ladder of any organization to control and pick the pockets of the sheeple who follow leaders.

Most humans are barely articulate upright animals whose lives are spent running in a treadmill reaching for the brass ring of money, security, fantasies about being rock stars, ....or going to some juvenile idea of a "heaven" in which their unphilosophcial egoic projections about the afterlife run in some fuzzy unthoughful fantasy about "eternity," concepts they really barely ever ruminate or meditate or contemplate upon.

In my seldom humble opinion (!) real Masonry is little understood. The Creator or Creative Process of Cosmos is one of Conscioiusness playing a Game as it takes on every form and identity...including YOURS!

Libertas, or Columbia, or Mother Mary...these are symbols of the embodying principle Xtians call the Holy Spirit (having written the female out of the text). Male & Female, positive and negative charge, the Cosmos is simple polarity manifested in Fields...ALL is electrical. Polarity is the basis of your mind which divides All into smaller puzzle pieces: Self vs Other. Same vs Different. Observe your mind as it works.

WHO then are "you" that observes this?

Polarity: black and white...the Masonic floor. OMG! How frightening! Scary! Wake the F up humans. Life leads to Death leads back to Life ...and round and round it goes on and on and on. YOU as persona are gone in a blink of an eye. Yet YOU in your True Nature are part of this ever re-born Wave of Life rising and falling in long cosmological cycles.

Liberty's torch is the Fire of "God's Breath" that animates us. It is the Light in your mind when you suddenly Understand and say "AHA!". It is the warmth in your Heart when you give with charity and without thought of reward.

See deeper than the shallowness of the standard Video Game of Life most humanoids inhabit, never seeing the grandeur of Cosmos. And don't get your little knickers twisted up about morons in Hollywood or pretenders calling themselves Illumined.

Life is a Game for souls...if you can find yours and listen to that small voice which will guide you through this maze. It's a Game kids. An exciting and "deadly" Game...which reboots over and over.

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well said

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Oh my. I have not read Greek or Latin, but I rendered for an art history exam a pencil drawing of the temple of Fortuna at Praeneste/Palestrina…I’m a terrible poker player with no skill at Bridge, yet read a mean tarot. A former student of Aikido and black and white landscape photography, I can recite from memory a variety of passages, but somehow lost the plot. Your comment flew right off my screen, swirled around the room like an ocean breeze and yanked me back to the cosmos—-Thank you ever so, for such marvelous insight so eloquently put.

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Israel Delays Approving Hostage Deal, Accusing Hamas Of Reneging & Stoking 'Crisis' https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/israel-delays-approving-hostage-deal-accusing-hamas-reneging-stoking-crisis


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The genociders not looking too good in the comment section.

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Aside from the masonic sybolism and my loathing for Biden, the video clip of him describing the statue of "Liberty" was described as menacing, but the only thing menacing was the music. In its place put heart-stirring violins or a patriotic march and the video would have a different vibe. This is why I get so irritated by soundtracks to Every.Single.Thing. We're always being manipulated.

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I interpret Liberty's mien as a depiction of determined or fierce resolve.

The New Colossus

by Emma Lazarus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

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Love this poem…piss on all the Masons and anyone else who tried to distort what is truly meaningful.

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It's satan. Look up rothchild picture with marina abramovic and you will see the picture in the background. They all worship satan and it's demons.

The Bible says people, even "the chosen" worshipped gods and did human sacrifice. They didn't teach this in Sunday School but they should have.

Here are 2 examples but there are many.

2 Kings 17:17 And they burned their sons and their daughters as offerings and used divination and omens and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger. 18 Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight. None was left but the tribe of Judah only.

19 Judah also did not keep the commandments of the Lord their God, but walked in the customs that Israel had introduced. 20 And the Lord rejected all the descendants of Israel and afflicted them and gave them into the hand of plunderers, until he had cast them out of his sight.

Psalm 106:34-38

34 They did not destroy the peoples, as the Lord commanded them,

35 but they mixed with the nations and learned to do as they did.

36 They served their idols, which became a snare to them.

37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons;

38 they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters,

whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood.

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Such things as these are why Atlantis was destroyed…if all else fails, cataclysm puts an end to such diabolical practices…many of the light and the dark of that time fled Atlantis prior to the third and final cataclysm. America was one such destination…and they persist even here, as well as in Europe, and in other parts of the world. I still have ancient haunting memories of such things.

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Biden clip stops at 1:42. who wrote the speech? he can still read. I'm impressed.

I wasn't going to listen to it, but safe within the confines of Celia World, I watched at 1.5 replay speed. my conclusion: Joe is repulsive.

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So France gave us this statue. Is he referring to the base. Was that build by Americans. Wow I gotta go look this up.

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The base is what is called a 'star fort.' These can be found all around the world. There's some excellent channels on YT that explore star forts. I visited one massive one earlier 2024 at the end of the Keys in Florida. some are built with millions and millions of bricks.

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At the end of the "Biden" video he's wearin' some kinda WEIRD BRACELET. Old fellas in sober suits ('specially unhip ol' guys like "Biden") ain't wearin' love beads...WTHeck is on his wrist? (notta rosary afaik).

Lady Liberty has masonic roots but "she's" also a beauty... I'd hate ta see her melted down (like so many poor confederates! & former heroes)... aesthetically incredible an' also the symbol associated with many famblies that came here as immigrants...the new colossus bade a GIANT welcome ta many... I'd like ta think of her as havin' a "checkered past" (that's be a masonic board...) but havin' "redeemed" her image!

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It amazes me how many lies we have been told about our history, can we believe anything they say anymore? What a sad state of affairs.

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We have to re-member for ourselves….History lives within us, and we can access it if we but learn how.

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Just to let you know that Facebook wouldn't allow me to post your Substack post. I was Zucked.

It happened a couple of days ago with a Dr Paul Alexander ss post but with your post it said it had been removed by the owner.

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