Dear TK Readers:

Very shortly, I’m going to begin posting a long thread of information on Twitter, at my account, @mtaibbi. This material is likely to get a lot of attention. I will absolutely understand if subscribers are angry that it is not appearing here on Substack first. I’d be angry, too.

The last 96 hours have been among the most chaotic of my life, involving multiple trips back and forth across the country, with a debate in Canada in between. There’s a long story I hope to be able to tell soon, but can’t, not quite yet anyway. What I can say is that in exchange for the opportunity to cover a unique and explosive story, I had to agree to certain conditions.

Those of you who’ve been here for years know how seriously I take my obligation to this site’s subscribers. On this one occasion, I’m going to have to simply ask you to trust me. As it happens, there may be a few more big surprises coming, and those will be here on Substack. And there will be room here to to discuss this, too, in time. In any case, thanks for your support and your patience, and please hold me to a promise to make all this up to you, and then some.

Twitter avatar for @mtaibbi

Matt Taibbi



11:34 PM ∙ Dec 2, 2022



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Thank you so much for the heads up. I am not on twitter, so I won't see it until you post it here, but that's okay, because your stuff is all worth waiting for. We'll be waiting. God bless you.

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Much drama, to be sure. What does it say about us, and our culture, that THIS is the story that is commanding so much attention, when the global banking cartel is busily implementing a financial and governance system that will turn us into slaves? Seriously, this is what we are focusing on? Have we not yet come to understand that the reality that TPTB is constructing for us has no relation to the real world; are we still that gullible?

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Great point.

Smoke and mirrors. All of it.

They are killing and injuring so many people with the shot.

I'm sorry, I just don't care about the laptop.

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The moves toward implementing a digital "currency" is the main road leading to eternal slavery of humanity. Evil cannot thrive unless it sows chaos, fear, and anger. Distractions are created to whip up the collective consciousness. Dean Radin, Ph.D. has written great books about the impacts of human consciousness on the material realm. The decades of data demonstrates the power of human consciousness. This power is what these evil people need to manipulate. The eugenics bioweapon, lock downs, pushing the exttremely rare, severe mental illness of transgender idiocy to degrade gender, a fundamental characteristic of humanity, are all meant to manipulate our minds. We can all refuse to play their game.

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or the mass Iatrogenocide still unfolding worldwide due to a global mass mind manipulation effort for inducing vaccination of entire populations.

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The rules are for thee but not for me

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as always...

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Yes, some sort of PR rehab job for twitter, all this about twitter on twitter, no publicity is bad publicity right?

I'm still permanently suspended from tweeter for this tweet ‘@mdccclxx Well, you definitely won't 'catch it' cos a virus doesn't exist, but IFR for 'COVID' is dependent on so many variables; age, obesity, solitary confinement (aka care homes), euthanasia, ventilation, toxic antivirals it's not very helpful. VFR a cleaner clearer sort of stat I think’

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You mention Canada, Celia, have you by any chance spoken with Attorney Michael Swinwood up there? He was perhaps the first to file suit against lockdowns up there on behalf of the First Nations people in Canada. The list of defendants in his suit begins with Pope Francis and The Holy See and runs the gamut thru the Queen (now King), Order of the Garter, WEF, Justin Trudeau, Bill and Melinda, etc, etc, etc.. He has proof to back it all up and is both personable and accessible .. he is based in Ontario I believe

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Do we really think the Biden crime family will see any jail time? I don't care who knows what. Or who thinks they know what or thinks they can prove what. These less than humans who stomp on our faces and hold their boots to our necks, I feel, are the untouchables. Meanwhile in Belmarsh prison...

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Matt thrown under the bus to save Jack

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Nothing will happen to them, not a damn thing. The Republican chucks are worthless. No one is held accountable in DC no one. I gave up giving a F a long time ago. I will be here training and loading magazines. Physics lessons for the evil ilk to start in 3 2 1. Call on The Orkin Man if you have a pest problem.

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Great Job getting this out as it's still ongoing. Very cool to see in my inbox and glad to see access given to others. Kudos

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Link to Taibbi's Twitter timeline:


There you'll see only his tweets, not the tons of comments.

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Interesting details but not new. Government always writes the news. Big media always obeys because big media needs licenses and lawyers and loans and Share Value and Access To Sources.

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And then moments after the announcement Musk thanked Macron for a meeting where they discussed "decarbonization". (Macron emphasized the decarbonizing part, Musk just thanked him for the meeting, but that ideology is so destructive).


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"[37.] An amazing subplot of the Twitter/Hunter Biden laptop affair was how much was done without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, and how long it took for the situation to get 'unfucked' (as one ex-employee put it) even after Dorsey jumped in." -- Taibbi


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Twitter, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc.are all, like presstitute media, run by "intelligence" assets.

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i believe this violates the 1st amendment

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Mahalo Celia, full speed ahead.

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