There are so many big stories coming more into the forefront at the moment - The pipeline explosion story, the Jan 6 "insurrection" story, numerous stories getting closer to exposing the myriad Covid lies, and the organized censorship revelations (among other important and taboo stories).
The common theme in all of these stories is don't trust the experts, authorities and officials.
It is fascinating to watch the history revisionists craft what they believe will be in little Johnny’s text book a few years from now. If you didn’t see it in real time you would not believe it. All it takes is 3 ingredients - The Lie. The willing Media. The willfully ignorant to lap it up.
As they say, "journalism is the first draft of history." That first draft is awful.
On "early spread," I keep trying to emphasize that an accurate and credible timeline or chronology of events is the starting point for any real investigation (a murder investigation or an investigation into the "origins" of a virus spread). If all the key detectives are working from a bogus or dubious timeline (or don't want to create a real or better timeline of key events), the entire investigation is going to go down the wrong path. That's how the guilty sometimes get-away with crimes.
We need some of those "cold case" detectives that start over with an investigation where someone says, "Wait. The damn timeline/chronology is not right ..."
I have to object to this "those stupid idiots" meme, meaning the ignorant who lap it up.
Plain fact is that people trust in medical authorities. They basically trust the judicial system, and although many people are suspicious of their government that only applies mostly to the opposite party.
The people who are most aware of the corruption are the Republicans, yes or no? The people most deceived are the Democrats.
News source like NPR and NY Times present highly slanted stories, to put it mildly. To put it more bluntly, they aren't telling us the news, they're telling us what to think. Many people believe these are trusted sources.
This will end when people realize that the NY Times, NPR, etc., have been outright lying to them and carrying water for the deep state. The alternative news stories coming out will help, but I heard just the other day NPR railing against "misinformation" that Tucker Carlson was putting out about January 6. Yet any honest journalist could simply look at the video and say, "no way the Q-shaman should be in jail."
This will end when the people can break through the propaganda and censorship. The people aren't to blame for the propaganda or the censorship, and it's only their own trust and goodwill and disbelief at the depths of the corruption that keeps them in the mainstream.
We'll get nowhere if we blame it on the people. I see good people all around me, not stupid people. And trust me, I'm right in the thick of "Biden is our man!" country. These people are not ignorant.
Ignorance means ignoring the truth. Outright refusal to look at what “is” because it contradicts ones “belief” makes one culpable in my opinion. Mark Passio has a fantastic Natural Law video series on YouTube. He makes a point that is difficult to swallow but true - who was more responsible for the Holocaust - Hitler or everyone who followed his orders? I agree that most people are well meaning and good, but they are WAY TOO “INTELLIGENT” for their own good because they simply can’t admit they are wrong. This, in my opinion, makes them stupid. The obedient masses who refuse (albeit unconsciously) to look at reality are the biggest problem. “Good Germans” literally turned on their neighbors. We continue to have masses of people who 1) won’t look at evidence to the contrary and 2) if they do, dismiss it as “right wing conspiracy.” Why? Because that’s what their masters told them. If that’s not stupid, I don’t know what is.
Reading Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism," people were caught in total terror where there was no right and no wrong, where only a certain ideology held sway and ruled lives (but not the "ideology" of which Desmet speaks, which is far too broad.)
Think about the mild terror imposed on us during Covid, wherein we were deliberately scared into doing stupid things through an unrelenting propaganda assault. And as Arendt relates, Hitler recognized that the first thing he had to do was stage an unrelenting and massive propaganda assault.
I'm not going to take sides with you, or Desmet, when you say or imply that we basically did it to ourselves because we were so stupid.
It was done to us, deliberately. It was orchestrated. It was a psychological operation. It was planned.
People listen to what trusted sources tell them, not what "their masters" tell them. Their problem is that they can't believe things are so corrupt. This is because they're basically good people who wouldn't do such things to other people. It's not because they're ignorant.
People do inform themselves, don't they? That's why they watch the news and read the papers. If they have reason to suspect that these aren't telling the truth, then they might turn to alternative media. If the mainstream continually hammers into them that alternative media is "misinformation," then they might be dissuaded from looking.
Take me, for instance. Twenty years ago I was naive and believed everything the mass media told me. I didn't have time for any further inquires: college, grad school, new job, family, etc., etc. It was only when I began to look at one particular subject, which was vaccines, that I finally began to realize that something is wrong. Since then I've become a full-blown conspiracy theorist.
Don't condemn people like who I was. Help them. They aren't stupid and neither was I. I just didn't have suspicions that I should have had. It's called losing one's naivete.
I strongly disagree with those who condemn the people who can't see yet. It's not because of them, it's because of the unrelenting propaganda.
Speaking of Hitler. Even the elite Liberal types like Bill Moyers, (White House press Secretary, Director of the CFR and network news commentator) have lauded praise on Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident. He was a key founding member of the Confessing Church. His writings on Christianity's role in the secular world have become widely influential; his 1937 book The Cost of Discipleship is described as a modern classic. Bonhoeffer was executed by Hitler as part of the attempt to assassinate him.
Bonhoeffer stated what you and Mark pointed out. The problem we consistently have when the maniacs gain power is primarily to be blamed on "STUPID PEOPLE."
It is the general population that REFUSE to LEARN form the past and make the same stupid decisions to let these people get into power over them.
Yup. I think there are people who are truly ignorant, deeply deeply deeply unconscious, and unable to see as they have zero inkling there is anything amiss.
But, I also think there are masses of Willfully Ignorant people. I saw a great meme that said something along of lines of premidated ignorance. They don’t know because they don’t want to know, because if they knew they’d have to give up too much of what they believe.
I actually had a date with someone who was open enough to ask why I didn’t take the jab, but literally said “I DONT WANT TO KNOW” when we got into a discussion about the evil in the world.
Yes. What we are seeing is a MASSIVE defection of the human race. People are dummng down at an ongoing rate--and it is going to get worse. II Thes. 2: 9-11
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Ronald Reagan popularized the line, "Trust but verify." I always liked the Gipper, but he should have said, "Don't trust .... until you have verified."
Nancy Reagan knew what happened. She refused any contact with the Bushes. People have blamed her for studying astrology. But Ronald said that after he was shot, she started investigating this as how things like this were "charted" and followed by these occult people.
Another thought, whenever a President is assassinated or an attempt made, the wife always knows who it is! Jackie knew right away it was LBJ behind it (as part of several, of course).
Yes, I don't remember when it became public knowledge that John HInckley was a Bush relative/friend. Once we have learned about MKUltra and programs like that it became obvious they (Bushes) instigated the hit to get rid of Reagan. Seems that MKUltra was involved in many things, such as the RFK assassination and others. The public is kept in the dark on all these things.
Yes, brother Neil Bush was "working" out here in the Denver area with the Hinkley family business.
Dr. William Pepper, who cleared James Earl Ray posthumously in a trial backed by the King family, proved that Ray was not the assassin of MLK Jr. in a court case review, that found Ray "innocent." (another CIA murder it appears)
He also took up the case of Sirhan, who was obviously under some form of MK-Ultra control, is still fighting for his parole. Gavin Newsome is fighting it still. RFK Jr. is convinced that Sirhan did NOT fire the fatal shot from direct;y behind his father Bobby. Sirhan was not the killer, but set up as a patsy.
Also I remember reading in another analysis that after being shot, Regan conceded control of foreign policy, I think it was, to Geo Bush Sr. Usually the VP has minimal influence, but Geo got what he wanted. I feel more now that the Geo Jr administration was 8 more years of Geo Sr. Very depressing.
It also helps that they KNOW their lies are not going to be exposed. Or they know they are not going to suffer any personal consequences from trafficking in whoppers. So, with this knowledge in hand, they act accordingly.
a friend in WI who owns a marvelous small ten acre organic farm - her old-school wisdom is a breath of fresh air in the midst of the sea of never-ending lies. Hope this song will truly bless your heart ♥️🎶❤️🩹
Thank you - at times I need to be reminded of God’s never ending sovereignty & love (because the mainstream media & govt’s have completely abandoned truth it seems)
Through this Substack I started following Teresa who like a Celia ads lots of interesting posts in addition to the usual topics. I’ve learned a lot about the dark side of Woke in addition to getting turned on to some wonderful fun films and music. Who needs Netflix and Spotify when there’s so much good free stuff here?
Thanks for this, Celia! Love Seymour Hersh's reaction! Joe Lauria of Consortium News connects the dots in this bizarre false flag story of NYT, WaPo and Germany's Die Zeit all simultaneously blaming unnamed pro-Ukrainian individuals (leaving door open to Ukrainian govt involvement) on the Nordstream sabotage:
I am really hard pressed to believe, that this lunatic German cabinet, especially amnestic, dumb chancellor Scholz is supposed to make any demands on Chief Biden, as Gonzalo Lira is supposing. Maybe USA is trying to pull back from Ukraine and Scholz had been called in to receive instructions for his new role.
Jim. The operative word is willfully. Not the word ignorant. This has gone on long enough for people to realize they need to put some effort into being informed.
If that’s the off ramp I’d be almost willing to pretend to believe this nonsense. Alas, the German establishment is all in on the Kagan cult so I doubt that anything will come of it.
Hey while we where distracted “someone” cut the underwater internet connection to Taiwan, and the feds have seized a Silicon Valley bank. Are we building back better yet?
There are so many big stories coming more into the forefront at the moment - The pipeline explosion story, the Jan 6 "insurrection" story, numerous stories getting closer to exposing the myriad Covid lies, and the organized censorship revelations (among other important and taboo stories).
The common theme in all of these stories is don't trust the experts, authorities and officials.
That's been my default position for about sixty years.
For me, about 15 years.
23 years here.
What we need is 250 million Americans to say, "For me, one month."
It is fascinating to watch the history revisionists craft what they believe will be in little Johnny’s text book a few years from now. If you didn’t see it in real time you would not believe it. All it takes is 3 ingredients - The Lie. The willing Media. The willfully ignorant to lap it up.
As they say, "journalism is the first draft of history." That first draft is awful.
On "early spread," I keep trying to emphasize that an accurate and credible timeline or chronology of events is the starting point for any real investigation (a murder investigation or an investigation into the "origins" of a virus spread). If all the key detectives are working from a bogus or dubious timeline (or don't want to create a real or better timeline of key events), the entire investigation is going to go down the wrong path. That's how the guilty sometimes get-away with crimes.
We need some of those "cold case" detectives that start over with an investigation where someone says, "Wait. The damn timeline/chronology is not right ..."
I have to object to this "those stupid idiots" meme, meaning the ignorant who lap it up.
Plain fact is that people trust in medical authorities. They basically trust the judicial system, and although many people are suspicious of their government that only applies mostly to the opposite party.
The people who are most aware of the corruption are the Republicans, yes or no? The people most deceived are the Democrats.
News source like NPR and NY Times present highly slanted stories, to put it mildly. To put it more bluntly, they aren't telling us the news, they're telling us what to think. Many people believe these are trusted sources.
This will end when people realize that the NY Times, NPR, etc., have been outright lying to them and carrying water for the deep state. The alternative news stories coming out will help, but I heard just the other day NPR railing against "misinformation" that Tucker Carlson was putting out about January 6. Yet any honest journalist could simply look at the video and say, "no way the Q-shaman should be in jail."
This will end when the people can break through the propaganda and censorship. The people aren't to blame for the propaganda or the censorship, and it's only their own trust and goodwill and disbelief at the depths of the corruption that keeps them in the mainstream.
We'll get nowhere if we blame it on the people. I see good people all around me, not stupid people. And trust me, I'm right in the thick of "Biden is our man!" country. These people are not ignorant.
Ignorance means ignoring the truth. Outright refusal to look at what “is” because it contradicts ones “belief” makes one culpable in my opinion. Mark Passio has a fantastic Natural Law video series on YouTube. He makes a point that is difficult to swallow but true - who was more responsible for the Holocaust - Hitler or everyone who followed his orders? I agree that most people are well meaning and good, but they are WAY TOO “INTELLIGENT” for their own good because they simply can’t admit they are wrong. This, in my opinion, makes them stupid. The obedient masses who refuse (albeit unconsciously) to look at reality are the biggest problem. “Good Germans” literally turned on their neighbors. We continue to have masses of people who 1) won’t look at evidence to the contrary and 2) if they do, dismiss it as “right wing conspiracy.” Why? Because that’s what their masters told them. If that’s not stupid, I don’t know what is.
Reading Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism," people were caught in total terror where there was no right and no wrong, where only a certain ideology held sway and ruled lives (but not the "ideology" of which Desmet speaks, which is far too broad.)
Think about the mild terror imposed on us during Covid, wherein we were deliberately scared into doing stupid things through an unrelenting propaganda assault. And as Arendt relates, Hitler recognized that the first thing he had to do was stage an unrelenting and massive propaganda assault.
I'm not going to take sides with you, or Desmet, when you say or imply that we basically did it to ourselves because we were so stupid.
It was done to us, deliberately. It was orchestrated. It was a psychological operation. It was planned.
People listen to what trusted sources tell them, not what "their masters" tell them. Their problem is that they can't believe things are so corrupt. This is because they're basically good people who wouldn't do such things to other people. It's not because they're ignorant.
We are one people.
So whenever something orchestrated is done to us it relieves us from our responsibility to inform ourselves?
I didn't say that, did I?
People do inform themselves, don't they? That's why they watch the news and read the papers. If they have reason to suspect that these aren't telling the truth, then they might turn to alternative media. If the mainstream continually hammers into them that alternative media is "misinformation," then they might be dissuaded from looking.
Take me, for instance. Twenty years ago I was naive and believed everything the mass media told me. I didn't have time for any further inquires: college, grad school, new job, family, etc., etc. It was only when I began to look at one particular subject, which was vaccines, that I finally began to realize that something is wrong. Since then I've become a full-blown conspiracy theorist.
Don't condemn people like who I was. Help them. They aren't stupid and neither was I. I just didn't have suspicions that I should have had. It's called losing one's naivete.
I strongly disagree with those who condemn the people who can't see yet. It's not because of them, it's because of the unrelenting propaganda.
Speaking of Hitler. Even the elite Liberal types like Bill Moyers, (White House press Secretary, Director of the CFR and network news commentator) have lauded praise on Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident. He was a key founding member of the Confessing Church. His writings on Christianity's role in the secular world have become widely influential; his 1937 book The Cost of Discipleship is described as a modern classic. Bonhoeffer was executed by Hitler as part of the attempt to assassinate him.
Bonhoeffer stated what you and Mark pointed out. The problem we consistently have when the maniacs gain power is primarily to be blamed on "STUPID PEOPLE."
It is the general population that REFUSE to LEARN form the past and make the same stupid decisions to let these people get into power over them.
Yup. I think there are people who are truly ignorant, deeply deeply deeply unconscious, and unable to see as they have zero inkling there is anything amiss.
But, I also think there are masses of Willfully Ignorant people. I saw a great meme that said something along of lines of premidated ignorance. They don’t know because they don’t want to know, because if they knew they’d have to give up too much of what they believe.
I actually had a date with someone who was open enough to ask why I didn’t take the jab, but literally said “I DONT WANT TO KNOW” when we got into a discussion about the evil in the world.
Yes. What we are seeing is a MASSIVE defection of the human race. People are dummng down at an ongoing rate--and it is going to get worse. II Thes. 2: 9-11
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Ronald Reagan popularized the line, "Trust but verify." I always liked the Gipper, but he should have said, "Don't trust .... until you have verified."
He shouldn't have trusted his VP. But then again he probably didn't!
He definitely didn't! Come to think of it, has any VP in living memory been trustworthy?!
Nancy Reagan knew what happened. She refused any contact with the Bushes. People have blamed her for studying astrology. But Ronald said that after he was shot, she started investigating this as how things like this were "charted" and followed by these occult people.
Another thought, whenever a President is assassinated or an attempt made, the wife always knows who it is! Jackie knew right away it was LBJ behind it (as part of several, of course).
Yes, I don't remember when it became public knowledge that John HInckley was a Bush relative/friend. Once we have learned about MKUltra and programs like that it became obvious they (Bushes) instigated the hit to get rid of Reagan. Seems that MKUltra was involved in many things, such as the RFK assassination and others. The public is kept in the dark on all these things.
Yes, brother Neil Bush was "working" out here in the Denver area with the Hinkley family business.
Dr. William Pepper, who cleared James Earl Ray posthumously in a trial backed by the King family, proved that Ray was not the assassin of MLK Jr. in a court case review, that found Ray "innocent." (another CIA murder it appears)
He also took up the case of Sirhan, who was obviously under some form of MK-Ultra control, is still fighting for his parole. Gavin Newsome is fighting it still. RFK Jr. is convinced that Sirhan did NOT fire the fatal shot from direct;y behind his father Bobby. Sirhan was not the killer, but set up as a patsy.
Also I remember reading in another analysis that after being shot, Regan conceded control of foreign policy, I think it was, to Geo Bush Sr. Usually the VP has minimal influence, but Geo got what he wanted. I feel more now that the Geo Jr administration was 8 more years of Geo Sr. Very depressing.
Great point
Eva Bartlett's war reportage:
First casualty of war is the truth! The water from the well of truth is bitter to the majority-thats how the criminals can get away with it.
It also helps that they KNOW their lies are not going to be exposed. Or they know they are not going to suffer any personal consequences from trafficking in whoppers. So, with this knowledge in hand, they act accordingly.
Just recd this beautiful song from
a friend in WI who owns a marvelous small ten acre organic farm - her old-school wisdom is a breath of fresh air in the midst of the sea of never-ending lies. Hope this song will truly bless your heart ♥️🎶❤️🩹
Thank beautiful.
Thank you - at times I need to be reminded of God’s never ending sovereignty & love (because the mainstream media & govt’s have completely abandoned truth it seems)
Abandon truth & God
The beastie boys best song and biggest hit is
This is all so complicated.
Through this Substack I started following Teresa who like a Celia ads lots of interesting posts in addition to the usual topics. I’ve learned a lot about the dark side of Woke in addition to getting turned on to some wonderful fun films and music. Who needs Netflix and Spotify when there’s so much good free stuff here?
Thanks for this, Celia! Love Seymour Hersh's reaction! Joe Lauria of Consortium News connects the dots in this bizarre false flag story of NYT, WaPo and Germany's Die Zeit all simultaneously blaming unnamed pro-Ukrainian individuals (leaving door open to Ukrainian govt involvement) on the Nordstream sabotage:
To me, the USA is the same gov as Ukraine, there is no way to separate them. The distinction was blurred a long time ago.
I am really hard pressed to believe, that this lunatic German cabinet, especially amnestic, dumb chancellor Scholz is supposed to make any demands on Chief Biden, as Gonzalo Lira is supposing. Maybe USA is trying to pull back from Ukraine and Scholz had been called in to receive instructions for his new role.
Yes, the Biden administration is very pro-Ukraine and pro-WW3.
Keith - I would venture this admin is pro death ...tragically ... ours, not theirs
Jim. The operative word is willfully. Not the word ignorant. This has gone on long enough for people to realize they need to put some effort into being informed.
So...the editors of the NYT just called their hero...Sy Hersh...a liar? A fraud?
Who in Ukraine even has the expertise to get the job done? It was a very technical operation.
If that’s the off ramp I’d be almost willing to pretend to believe this nonsense. Alas, the German establishment is all in on the Kagan cult so I doubt that anything will come of it.
Hey while we where distracted “someone” cut the underwater internet connection to Taiwan, and the feds have seized a Silicon Valley bank. Are we building back better yet?
Well spotted!
"... marking the largest bank failure since Washington Mutual during the height of the 2008 financial crisis."
A sense of foreboding here ...
As long as they pull out at this point, it doesn't make the deceit any less palatable.