I have to say its a very unsettling for me to be entering a mindset in which I am not able to believe anything anymore. Things are so beyond complicated, hidden in layers, double speak, out right lies, subsidiaries, circle-backs, loopholes and technicalities that nothing means anything. I always believed a sense of Patriotism and a gratefulness to those who put their lives on the line to hold these values would always be there. Im afraid I was wrong.

Tech has ruined the world. The world of the heart, soul and imagination. Its ruined love as well.

Forgive the short rant, I fear for our children.

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I am raising children right now... they are here for this reason... they will be the saviors of love and hope and nature... we have a large homeschool group dedicated

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I have been in that mindset since long before COVID. 9-11 and the war on terror is what got me. When the 2500 page Patriot Act was supposedly written in 2 days, I knew it was a false flag and then I went down the worm hole where I figured out that pretty much every single bad thing that happens is a false flag.

Also remember that patriotism is an invention of the CIA. The purpose of it is to re-train people to believe that American government = America. I love the land and the best examples of individuals who thrive under freedom, hate the government. I do not vote because I do not recognize their legitimacy.

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Amen. Those who didn't see all of this in the wake of Sept 11 were deep in denial, and it was obvious in 2001 that all of this had been in planning way before that. And the same madness and denial was obvious in so many ways before that: the Iran CIA coup, the 1960's assassinations, the Vietnam war, prolific CIA drug trafficking, CIA coups and terrorism all over central and south America, with numerous fake pandemics mixed in, including AIDS.

Anyone who votes, or legitimizes this government in any other way as well, is complicit. This tyranny has been a long time in the making, and up until now the vast majority of Americans have supported it because there was lots of money flowing. No chance for positive change so long as that continues.

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That is because just about everything is fake...

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." Former CIA Director William Casey. Casey was the 13th CIA Director from 1981 until he left in January 1987.

You know how they lie about the injections being safe and effective? They do the same with most issues that you read about on the 'news'.

Think Global Warming ... think renewable energy -- a massive heap of lies. Yet day after day ... we read the same nonsense

One can accept that it's a pack of lies --- but where does that leave us? There is not alternative ... no truth's to be had .... there are Substack writers who attempt to get to the truth but they do not have the resources or the contacts to achieve such a goal...

So we are left with at best seeing the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg.

Keep in mind -- the reason they lie to us is because even though people say they want the truth -- they cannot handle it -- they get quite upset if told the truth ... they would fall into despair if told renewable energy is bullshit ... if they knew that most plastic is not recycled etc....

So we get lies...we get 'Hollywood endings'....

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This is what I post when I see these kinds of comments about our children.

It was written by Alex Cravens, a pastor from Hope Christian Church, Arkansas. -

Don't feel sorry for your children/grandchildren because the world they will grow up in is not what it used to be.

Raise them up to know the power they walk in as children of God.

Train them up in the authority of His Word.

Teach them to walk in faith knowing God is in control.

Empower them to know they can change the world.

Don't teach them to be fearful and disheartened by the state of the world but hopeful they can do something about it.

Every person in all of history has been placed in the time that they were in because of God's sovereign plan.

He knew Daniel could handle the lion's den.

He knew David could handle Goliath.

He knew Ester could handle Haman.

He knew Peter could handle persecution.

He knows that your child can handle whatever challenge they face in their life. He created them specifically for it!

Don't be scared for your children/grand children. Be honored that God chose you to parent the generation that is facing the biggest challenges of our lifetimes. Rise up to the challenge!

Raise Daniels, Davids, Esthers and Peters!!

God isn't scratching His head wondering what He's gonna do with this mess of a world.

He has an army He's raising up to drive back the darkness and make Him known all around the world.

Don't let your fear steal the greatness God placed in them. I know it's hard for you to imagine them as anything but our sweet little babies, and we want to protect them from anything that could ever be hard on them, but they (as well as you) were born for a time such as this! (Ester 4:14)

~Alex Cravens


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Reading Matthew can help-

Christ can handle an emotion less to feel what to say and do in red; we cannot, so when emotional, in any false time construct clear feeling is obstructed, even if a reasonable fear is illustrated ...

I understand about the children because truly they (Satanists) are outwardly showing their geno cidal tidal wave intent now, but even the sparrow (defenseless) in all the world is supported, and more often than knot, makes it home- (otherwise there would be no sparrows)

Greatest weapon upon the false fear generation critters is a doomless mindset- accept and work on result in front of you- requires periodic work on any focus mind object aka a meditation, because so much of what you expressed cannot be denied-(constant doublespeak layers lies)

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Yes, but it's not, strictly speaking, "tech" that has ruined the world. It is the perfidious actions of the <insert favorite epithet here> who are trying their best to subjugate all humans into perpetual slavery. They just use "tech" as one of their weapons to cause fear, confusion, division, etc. If you're not already off all flouridated water, commercially packaged food-like substances, pharmaceuticals, and using products filled with toxic chemicals on your skin - then you & everyone else need to get off it all immediately & start detoxing like mad & eating clean.

Never gonna be able to open that 3rd eye and really SEE what's true unless you do. The time has come to start cultivating your own inner powers of discernment and/or 'sight' & relying upon them, instead of what some paid shill masquerading as "The News" is trying to trick you with.

That's the only way anyone is going to really know what's really true anymore. You got to quiet the mind, give up TV, video games, porn, TikTok, trashy pop music & Hollywood movies all filled with entrainment programming & wrongness. And be careful with DIY videos, documentaries & "alt news" too. Even here amongst the mostly good authors on Substack - a few of them are likely compromised as well.

Take up meditation and establish communication with your higher self, your guides or your holy guardian angel - call it whatever you like, but that's the only thing you're really going to be able to rely upon with any certainty. And even then, it takes a while to develop top-flight discernment skills. It's something we all have to practice every day. I still miss stuff the first time around, after being a veteran tin foil hat wearer for a couple decades now. That's just how it is. There's ways to triangulate. Here in the comment sections, we can all help source info and help each with that too. And start training all the kids & teens in your life to do the same.

Sorry there's no cut & dried answer, but it is what it is...

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Hi Free Human. Thanks for your reply. I hear you on all counts and have given thoughts to all many times prior. Yes to what you say, but tech affords them light speed. And a powerful instant message in a easy medium delivered effectively.

As for your personal advice to an escape, meditation, and giving things up? you are correct, but then you are one in a sea of 10,000 normies who will think your nutz.

I do agree and encourage the participation in the comments section, and following good people such as Celia. Thank you and best to you.d

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Also never going to open that 3rd eye without iodine to fluoride detox.

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On the contrary. What goes down must come up. And they’ve gone a long way down…

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Ah So! Chinese Theatre!

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Sweet mother of God, it’s Eric Feigling-Ding! And I see Feigl got autocorrected to Feigling which means coward.

Even autocorrect hates the guy! It’s a Christmas miracle!

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Jesus, the list of tweets from him are unreal.. just leave us ALONE !!!!!!

And the people jumping on the bandwagon scared wearing masks in their profile pics just simply truly amazes me, well saddens and disgusts me ,, uggghh

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People still wearing masks are not my people.

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Here we go, again? They do put on a good show, though. Sadly, far too many people will believe it all. Question is: How long before we, too, are "infected" by this propaganda?

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Dec 19, 2022
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I sometimes wonder if that’s the case

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Only triple jabbed brain damaged sheep believe anything like this anymore. The playbook is always the same, but month by month, from the results of their conduct, there are fewer and fewer of these sheep to practice fear.

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We have not even finished the 're-runs of convid-19 and they gonna release convid-23?!

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It’s such rubbish it’s laughable. What a perfect little scene drawn up after the revolution but it won’t stop it. The Chinese have found their courage and will now fight for their freedoms and I have no doubt won’t buy into this. The tide is turning for sure.

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Hell, we probs paid for those videos.

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Exactly what I thought! Obiden has contracted them to do this to "get the US in line."

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and a way to generally discredit medical videos, many of which attest to covid deaths...grrrr

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The PSYOP must go on

“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come

China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP


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It’s like Broadway, no one’s buying tickets and no one’s talking about it. A freaking shit show

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Ding tells us to be very scared, and then gives us the solution,

"China has very recent approved an aerosolized (inhaled) vaccine delivered via a nebulized form—it produced a greater antibody response than intramuscular—& also raised antibodies over 9-fold, and at lower dose. Mucosal vaccines could be key."

They'll be trying to roll out aerosolized vaccines over here, shortly.

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How very convenient! I'm sure the US will follow suit with an inhalable EUA concoction also.

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The quantity of antibodies is directly proportional to the damage the body has suffered. In other words, the damage is at least 9-fold. Think about that.

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Not sure if what's being described is propaganda, or spontaneous as in the case of rebellions by Chinese people.

So I'll take a stab. First I think the Chinese people are capable of rebelling and have shown this throughout history. If pushed to a certain human point I would expect that Chinese, being fully human beings are not staging a rebellion based on oppressive measures.

I think that much of what's happening in China (Operation Covid) is not altogether the result of CCP, anymore than the US goes to war because the people are more aggressive than other human beings. In other words, I think China, like the US, are captured by transnational powers...not entirely but substantively.

COVID is not a Chinese invention (it should be noted that germ theory is a Western creation promoted by Rockefeller allopathic medicine, and no other medical practices in the world include "germs" which includes Chinese Medicine). Covid is not a novel illness, and the data shows that symptoms have been with us for at least 200 years recently relabeled as novel. It's a fraud used to control.

China has been complicit at some level in presenting the world through the western oligarchically controlled (Gates and Soros Foundations) as the ground zero of this phony "virus". For those researching this they are chasing windmills.

Were Chinese actors part of the scam? It appears so. How much is even based in China?

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I generally agree, Art. Not much of what's happened in China since the Opium Wars has been an expression of the real Chinese people. China has long been brutally conquered by the same forces that are coming at us now. China is like a nation-wide indian reservation.

I disagree, though, about the novel illness. Indeed there's no virus, but there is clearly a new illness. The acute hypoxemia that's been THE cause of so many millions of people going to the hospital since this thing started in 2020 has never been seen before in modern medicine, nor in medical history. And it's been obvious from that start point that it's not a lung issue, it's a blood issue. This glaring fact has been virtually ignored not only by the establishment but by the 'alternative' media as well, for obvious reasons. It doesn't fit the 'respiratory virus' narrative on the pro-Rockefeller medicine side, nor the 'it's purely a psyop' on the extreme of the 'other' side.

Sadly, I still see almost no one capable of simply looking at what's happening and using intelligent reasoning to figure out what's happening and why. Universally people are addicted to the practice of twisting what they see to fit their beliefs, regardless of whether those beliefs are old or new, mainstream or radical.

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David, when I speak of a "novel" illness, I am using the official justification/cause; that is there's no COVID-29 caused by SARS-Cov-2 (the claimed pathogen).

I don't mean to imply people aren't getting ill and some may have illnesses from other causes yet to be determined fully - such as 5G and various toxic experiments in our atmosphere/water/soil/food.

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Victor Hugo-Vaca was in China, moving in high places. In that context, his take on Talmud is of interest. Start at ca 1:08:30. https://www.brighteon.com/c4208676-0bc8-49ba-a57e-14286d3e99c6

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I checked South China Morning Post; they say nothing about this, but this article implies no problems: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3203885/china-reports-first-2-covid-deaths-virus-controls-eased?module=lead_hero_story&pgtype=homepage

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EFD is a thermo-nuclear chicken little. He never has anything to say but the sky is falling.

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Since they completed another table-top exercise, Catastrophic Contagion, in October, (very much like Event 201 preceded the plandemic), we can expect a new fear campaign in short order.

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