I was born in 1948, 15 years before the first alleged measles 'vaccine' came on the market. I never received that jab, nor the jabs for chicken pox or mumps; and, I never had chicken pox, measles, or mumps. The only vaccines I had early on (in the '50s) were for polio and tetanus. The reason I had the alleged polio 'vaccine' was that my mother had a short bout of polio when she was a kid. The reason I had an alleged tetanus shot was because I stepped on a 16-penny nail as a very young child, which went clear through my foot. As far as I'm concerned, the CDC/FDA can shove their 'vaccine' schedules up where the sun don't shine.
I had the polio, smallpox and later tetanus vaccines. No measles, chicken pox or mumps. Mother forced me to practically live in my little brother's room determined to infect me with all the crap he was bringing home! The nail in my foot still had the board attached. Kid in the neighborhood loaded me up in his little red wagon and brought me home, board and all. Great childhood, can't complain.
"...still had the board attached." -- I'm laughing...same with me...and, when it happened, I wasn't old enough yet to attend school. In the military, they made us get all sorts of jabs before being sent overseas. My little yellow jab book history is somewhere up in the barn; and, I really do not want to look at it, knowing what I now know...
Children during sudden growth periods release toxins that manifest as chicken pox. Our bodies in an effort to heal us force the toxins out through the lungs and nasal passages in the form of snot, mucous, coughing, through the skin via fever sweating in some cases diarrhea , and when the toxin overload is great, through our skin in the form of measles, small pox or chicken pox! We don't have an immune system we have a detoxification and regenerative system! Dis-ease is caused by environmental toxins...for example charts from both the US and UK governments illustrate that the rise and fall of polio mirrored the rise and fall of DDT use! (Read Dissolving Illusions) Virtually all vaccines, if you look at when they were implemented, were when the dis-ease was already in a 95% or greater decline! Vaccines are themselves toxic! As are all manmade chemical treatments! Not one government or independent health agency when presented with FOI request out of over 200... 200 worldwide including the criminal CDC...can produce any research study that has clearly isolated and purified a virus and shown that it causes dis-ease! There is no proof VIRUSES exist! I would suggest reading and or listening to Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Christine Massey, Dr. Stefan Lanka Mike Stone ViroLiegy See where that journey takes you in regard to what I would consider the greatest lie ever told! Ask Grok and when you do ask Grok to answer ask for research that has zero assumptions in its research.
Thanks...Yes...I'm well aware of all of the above which you wrote. Starting in January of 2021,for at least 18 months, I spent at least 12 hours a day, seven days a week, reading everything I could find on the Plandemic issue. I've since cut my daily time expenditure down to perhaps half that.
Here's the second article I wrote back in 2021 regarding the Plandemic:
The FDA’s “Intentional Malfeasance”: Vaccine Injuries include “Deadly Strokes, Bizarre Rashes, Cardiac Arrest, Blood Clots, Neurological Symptoms
Withholding serious Covid-19 vaccine adverse event outcome information from the medical community, from authorized dispensers, and from all potential Covid-19 vaccine recipients
How did you get "Chickenpox"? It has nothing to do with Chickens. The vaccine is the herpes virus or "disease". Why do you need to be injected with herpes as a kid?
I caught it from my brother. Yes, I know it has nothing to do with chickens, though we did have chickens. He got it from classmates at school. I was never "vaccinated" for chicken pox. "Vaccine" for it did not exist in the 70s. I now believe no kid needs to be vaccinated for anything, but rather, let our God-given immune systems do the job He designed them to do.
I’m well into my seventies. I had the chicken pox ( so did my two older sisters) and none of us died or were harmed. I remember my sister Susi had a small scar from one of the scabs. Went away as Susi grew up.
I’ve had all the childhood diseases that kids now a days have to be vaccinated against. I’m still here and really wish younger people had my growing up experiences when I was a child. Life was much simpler in the 1950’s-70’s.
I’ve had a successful life with all the bells & whistles included.
I miss the simple life Iived as a child/young adult..
Can you elaborate on the chicken pox vax is the herpes virus. As a young mom and completely ignorant, my children were vaccinated. I certain they were harmed but could not understand what the cause was. I believed the doctors and system.
Measles aren't real (there's a condition that they call Measles, but not by the vector that they claim) and RFK Jr's response is the same community immunity circus show we experienced in the staged, "pandemic." Yes, something was making people sick and it's very convenient that 5G towers were erected while the common folk were locked down. No one seems to know anything about radiation apart from the military and here we are...in a point and click...you get sick dystopia.
How the illusion of a pandemic was likely created in 2020 - with lessons learned from the illegal Havana Syndrome experiments - and how they will (probably) create another one this year. To start, notice the correlation between the 5G tower and the coronavirus symbol on Great Britain’s 20 pound note:
The “race to 5G” towers are line of sight directed energy weapons - their precision can target you and you alone inside a crowd of people. In 2020, there was a study in a major journal - now scrubbed from the internet - that found that 5G can induce cold symptoms. As many of you know, Wuhan China was the first city to install 5G and was also ground zero for COVID.
What they were doing to make the pandemic seem real - and this is why these death towers are now installed all over the place - is they were following people around via their cell signature through the 5G grid and zapping them with microwaves to induce COVID symptoms.
This way most people “knew” someone diagnosed with COVID and it made the pandemic feel real (and in a way I guess it was, just from a different attack vector).
They would pick a person from a family, give them “COVID”, and then a week later they would pick someone that person came in contact with and give it to them as well. This occurred with families all over the world, and made the transmission chain plausible.
The 2020 pandemic could have easily been nothing more than a contagion illusion constructed with 5G technology, assaulted victims, backstabbing journalists, baffled doctors, false positive factory PCR testing, and word of mouth.
For more information on how wireless radiation is responsible for pretty much every outbreak of the flu in history (Everytime we get an “upgrade” to our electromatic grid with new wireless communication technologies, an outbreak occurs), watch this phenomenal video by Dr Cowan:
I have wondered why children didn't seem to be impacted if the "Covid" symptoms were caused by sensitivity or shock to the initial introduction of 5G? Wouldn't this new source of radiation impact children even more than adults?
I don't know if herd immunity is real or not. I'm just 99% sure it's not. But, if you follow the logic of the argument, herd immunity necessitates that humans infect each other. Therefore, any legislation that criminalizes a natural and benefic process is seeking to expand disease and damage people's health, which contradicts the essence of the law.
Not that it's unusual for humans to make laws against nature. Most of our problems stem directly from the abundance of anti-natural norms.
This vice of legislators attacking reality runs so deep and is so prevalent in the culture, that there is a constellation of ideologies fully dedicated to attacking one of the most natural things for human beings, which is private property.
Now, I hope you realize that me calling "private property" a natural thing for humans is clearly a provocation directed at the despots that lurk everywhere. I think they won't bite because despots almost always are huge hypochondriacs, and they try to keep it secret. If they try to argue against private property, they would have to accept that they are being selfish with their fear of infections and germs and parasites and whatnot, even if infectious disease was not possible, not a real thing. And then they would have to argue for a Total global Government with unrestricted power, which is not what they want, because that favors the rich. Arguing against natural law is quite a pickle!
Those who argue against natural law need a very big brain and a lot of experience in sophistry to defend the current legal system, and yet manage to survive its democidal effects. One has to be a vampire to pull this one off.
I had both measles and mumps in the late '50s. My mom, a nurse, laughed at my swollen face (mumps) and bribed me with a dollar if she could take my picture! That's how serious it was. I hate big pharma.
Humans hold the power. Always have held the power. Just say no to anything you or your family don't want to be a part of. Might there be consequences in the material world? Perhaps. But we're indigenous to the spiritual world. We're here in physicality on temporary duty. The reality of soul and spirit––that you don't want to betray. Consequences there cannot be escaped.
If he was "no threat" - they wouldn't have tried so hard, to prevent his confirmation - and then 'mousetrap' him, once in office, with stories like this one.
I'm not in "a cult". And I have no illusions - about Bobby - or who any of the alternatives would be, to hold that seat in the Cabinet. Do you think there's someone who we'd get something BETTER out of - that his nomination and confirmation prevented from holding the post? If not - then 'don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good', or at least the marginally better.
If Bobby and Trump aren't living up to what we want from them - the answer is to get out into the streets, and demand better. Get active and put pressure on them, to do what needs to be done. Don't mourn - ORGANIZE.
They are all two wings of the same bird to create an illusion of choice. If you believe we need government controlling us, there are plenty of better choices. Only they will never be selected. It's all a game with paid actors.
What are you waiting for? Trump is ruling by EO like a king and has surrounded himself with globalist technocrats like Musk, Thiel, Ellison, Altman. and Karp to build a technocracy, and is pushing more mRNA with Stargate. RFK presented himself as something completely different until he went to work for Trump, and now has done a complete 180. You heard it during his hearings. What he just said about MMR is consistent with what he said during those hearings. This has nothing to do with what this article says. He deceived you.
B) You appear to lack either the desire, or the intelligence, to properly parse RFK Jr's statements. He says he's for "safe" vaccines. There ARE NONE, at present. He exposed the Vaccine Trials "Placebo" Pyramid Scheme, in his book on Fauci. So he knows this. So his answer was enigmatic, and designed to be interpreted differently by different camps, based upon what they do or don't know.
Now he says that the CHOICE to vaccinate or not, is personal. That's a HUGE achievement for the Vaccine Injury aware movement - that doesn't deserve to be so blithely dismissed, as you appear to be doing. He said it clearly - he wants safety and honest science. Good science, properly publicized, will lead to a less propagandized population - which will lead to better decisions by families, in their own lives. He never said he'd prevent anyone from taking anything. He said he's for informed consent. I see no departure from that.
C) What are YOU DOING? Why are you incorrectly trying to divine what I'm up to, and what I've believed, in the past present or future? Take all that wasted energy, and start the movement that you seem to want me to start. I'll be happy to support you... But LET'S NOT PRETEND that Technocratic Totalitarianism just began on January 20th, 2025. Bill Gates has been deeply involved in US and Global decision-making and covert operations, for decades. Peter Thiel and Elon Musk were part of 'the Paypal Mafia', and been part of the US Intelligence Community for decades. For someone who pretends to be well-informed, it's ODD that you make no acknowledgement of any of this.
Sure, some of what Musk has done I totally disagree with...but not ALL of it. Are you a big USAID-backer?
Try looking at the big picture, and assessing things in an honest and balanced fashion. Try doing yourself - what you think others need to do. Trolling Celia's comments, and making an ass of yourself, with a bunch of foolish assumptions, and poor quality analysis, seems like a poor use of your time.
Not like he’s doing it. This sets an extremely dangerous precedent. What keeps the next president from undoing what’s he’s done by EO, and doubling down in the opposite direction? Nothing. Will you be making excuses when that happens and telling those who don’t like it to “grow up”? Of course not. You’ll come unglued and you know it. Don’t be a hypocrite.
Let me get this out of the way. I’m not a democrat or a republican. I’m a voluntaryist. Nobody has a legitimate right to rule over me. I became one when the C19 scam was rolled out and both parties played along. Nobody stood up for me as my business was being destroyed. They’re on the same team and it became obvious in 2020.
I don’t like rule by executive order, period, and you can see it getting worse with each administration. What is congress for if we have a king? This won’t end well.
Do I like anything Trump is doing? On the surface, some of it might seem great, but I know the end game. He’s tearing the system down to replace it with an AI driven technocracy. Why do you think he has surrounded himself with globalist technocrats like I named in a previous comment? Do you think they’ve all suddenly seen the light because of Trump? That’s absurd. Trump is a Trojan Horse. He was brought in because conservatives would never go along with this coup under a democrat, especially a moron like Kamala
That’s what’s going on. I can see it because I haven’t chosen a side so I can look at things objectively. I’m not going to argue with you all night. You see it or you don’t.
Is he pre Trump Bobby, or is he post Trump Bobby? He’s singing a completely different tune now. He was very critical of the Trump shots, now he’s praising Warp Speed. He’s gone from being very critical of vaccine safety to now pushing the MMR jabs. Why didn’t he bring up the safety concerns today? He already has the job and his supporters would have much rather heard that. It doesn’t make any sense. If he can’t tell the truth, he’s useless. If he doesn’t believe what he was saying pre Trump, he’s useless.
When did Bobby sing the praises of Operation Warp Speed, or the Lethal Injections? Are you just making shit up? Or are you just poorly documenting your claims - and then upvoting your own comments?
He said, and I quote, “Operation Warp Speed was an extraordinary accomplishment”. He said it during his confirmation hearings. Thats easily verifiable. Look it up if you don’t believe me. Controlled opposition Conservative Inc shills don’t want to talk about it. You might want to ask yourself why you don’t know about his comment.
But, the fact is they can invent any epidemic of any disease they want. They have enabling laws. We live in a permanent state of emergency.
To undo fascism, we need to attack it from many angles. Your enemies want only one opposition with only one voice and only one argument. That's easy to parry. That's why they manipulate you so that you attack your friends, who have been helping you for decades before you were awake.
I humbly recommend to stop listening to your enemies.
I've never heard of anyone dieing of measles until recently and frankly, I don't believe it. I think we are all aware of deaths being attributed to the wrong cause. It was extremely popular just recently. The mendacity machine is on maximum output as usual. We loved measles when I was a kid. It meant no school. We'd just slap on the calamine lotion and take it easy. The world has lost its mind.
Maybe he should just get in front of the cameras and announce that more people die from the measles vaccine than from wild measles. It's the absolute truth.
Seriously? How about this is the perfect opportunity for RFK Jr to man up and slap down this nonsense like Dr. Ryan Cole did with one single comment?
"The number of deaths caused by medical error is estimated to be 250,000 times more than the current average deaths attributed to measles. Where is the media on that coverage?" (Source: https://x.com/drcole12/status/1895990875899207799)
There’s no way that RFK Jr. should be caught off-guard by this “measles emergency.” He knew going in that there would be perhaps dozens of fearmongering media catcalls like this one. What is more predictable than the creation of a new plandemic--Marburg, Mpox, or any of the manufactured threats brainstormed by Peter Hotez “starting on January 21—” bird flu, COVID 2, dengue, zika, Oropouche, yellow fever? RFK Jr. fully knew these big lies would make it difficult for him to stick to his guns. That’s why it was so disappointing that, barely one month after his confirmation, he declares that “Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”
I think he needs to gather his resources more before taking on this fight. Remember that his incoming NIH head, Jay Bhattacharya, supports the MMR and just a couple of years ago was lamenting that Covid vaccine distrust was leading more parents to reject the CDC schedule.
We all had measles as kids, and chicken pox. It really should be an informed choice rather than fear mongering
We did as kids boomers we were measles didn’t kill us …. Mumps chicken pox parties.
I was born in 1948, 15 years before the first alleged measles 'vaccine' came on the market. I never received that jab, nor the jabs for chicken pox or mumps; and, I never had chicken pox, measles, or mumps. The only vaccines I had early on (in the '50s) were for polio and tetanus. The reason I had the alleged polio 'vaccine' was that my mother had a short bout of polio when she was a kid. The reason I had an alleged tetanus shot was because I stepped on a 16-penny nail as a very young child, which went clear through my foot. As far as I'm concerned, the CDC/FDA can shove their 'vaccine' schedules up where the sun don't shine.
I had the polio, smallpox and later tetanus vaccines. No measles, chicken pox or mumps. Mother forced me to practically live in my little brother's room determined to infect me with all the crap he was bringing home! The nail in my foot still had the board attached. Kid in the neighborhood loaded me up in his little red wagon and brought me home, board and all. Great childhood, can't complain.
"...still had the board attached." -- I'm laughing...same with me...and, when it happened, I wasn't old enough yet to attend school. In the military, they made us get all sorts of jabs before being sent overseas. My little yellow jab book history is somewhere up in the barn; and, I really do not want to look at it, knowing what I now know...
Children during sudden growth periods release toxins that manifest as chicken pox. Our bodies in an effort to heal us force the toxins out through the lungs and nasal passages in the form of snot, mucous, coughing, through the skin via fever sweating in some cases diarrhea , and when the toxin overload is great, through our skin in the form of measles, small pox or chicken pox! We don't have an immune system we have a detoxification and regenerative system! Dis-ease is caused by environmental toxins...for example charts from both the US and UK governments illustrate that the rise and fall of polio mirrored the rise and fall of DDT use! (Read Dissolving Illusions) Virtually all vaccines, if you look at when they were implemented, were when the dis-ease was already in a 95% or greater decline! Vaccines are themselves toxic! As are all manmade chemical treatments! Not one government or independent health agency when presented with FOI request out of over 200... 200 worldwide including the criminal CDC...can produce any research study that has clearly isolated and purified a virus and shown that it causes dis-ease! There is no proof VIRUSES exist! I would suggest reading and or listening to Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Christine Massey, Dr. Stefan Lanka Mike Stone ViroLiegy See where that journey takes you in regard to what I would consider the greatest lie ever told! Ask Grok and when you do ask Grok to answer ask for research that has zero assumptions in its research.
Thanks...Yes...I'm well aware of all of the above which you wrote. Starting in January of 2021,for at least 18 months, I spent at least 12 hours a day, seven days a week, reading everything I could find on the Plandemic issue. I've since cut my daily time expenditure down to perhaps half that.
Here's the second article I wrote back in 2021 regarding the Plandemic:
The FDA’s “Intentional Malfeasance”: Vaccine Injuries include “Deadly Strokes, Bizarre Rashes, Cardiac Arrest, Blood Clots, Neurological Symptoms
Withholding serious Covid-19 vaccine adverse event outcome information from the medical community, from authorized dispensers, and from all potential Covid-19 vaccine recipients
I did have chicken pox as a kid, but not measles. I wish I had had measles as a kid. It confers protection as an adult from some cancers.
How did you get "Chickenpox"? It has nothing to do with Chickens. The vaccine is the herpes virus or "disease". Why do you need to be injected with herpes as a kid?
I caught it from my brother. Yes, I know it has nothing to do with chickens, though we did have chickens. He got it from classmates at school. I was never "vaccinated" for chicken pox. "Vaccine" for it did not exist in the 70s. I now believe no kid needs to be vaccinated for anything, but rather, let our God-given immune systems do the job He designed them to do.
I’m well into my seventies. I had the chicken pox ( so did my two older sisters) and none of us died or were harmed. I remember my sister Susi had a small scar from one of the scabs. Went away as Susi grew up.
I’ve had all the childhood diseases that kids now a days have to be vaccinated against. I’m still here and really wish younger people had my growing up experiences when I was a child. Life was much simpler in the 1950’s-70’s.
I’ve had a successful life with all the bells & whistles included.
I miss the simple life Iived as a child/young adult..
Wonderful; I could not have written it any better than you did here.
Right. No one (no animal, no living creature) needs to be injected with any 'vaccine' ever.
Can you elaborate on the chicken pox vax is the herpes virus. As a young mom and completely ignorant, my children were vaccinated. I certain they were harmed but could not understand what the cause was. I believed the doctors and system.
No, we "all" didn't. You "all" didn't "get Covid" neither. Let me guess: The source of the Measles is "popped out of nowhere"?
Yes, informed choice
Measles aren't real (there's a condition that they call Measles, but not by the vector that they claim) and RFK Jr's response is the same community immunity circus show we experienced in the staged, "pandemic." Yes, something was making people sick and it's very convenient that 5G towers were erected while the common folk were locked down. No one seems to know anything about radiation apart from the military and here we are...in a point and click...you get sick dystopia.
Amen Brother Nathan!🙏🏼
How the illusion of a pandemic was likely created in 2020 - with lessons learned from the illegal Havana Syndrome experiments - and how they will (probably) create another one this year. To start, notice the correlation between the 5G tower and the coronavirus symbol on Great Britain’s 20 pound note:
https://tritorch.com/degradation/5GOnBrittain20PoundNote.png [image]
The “race to 5G” towers are line of sight directed energy weapons - their precision can target you and you alone inside a crowd of people. In 2020, there was a study in a major journal - now scrubbed from the internet - that found that 5G can induce cold symptoms. As many of you know, Wuhan China was the first city to install 5G and was also ground zero for COVID.
What they were doing to make the pandemic seem real - and this is why these death towers are now installed all over the place - is they were following people around via their cell signature through the 5G grid and zapping them with microwaves to induce COVID symptoms.
This way most people “knew” someone diagnosed with COVID and it made the pandemic feel real (and in a way I guess it was, just from a different attack vector).
They would pick a person from a family, give them “COVID”, and then a week later they would pick someone that person came in contact with and give it to them as well. This occurred with families all over the world, and made the transmission chain plausible.
The 2020 pandemic could have easily been nothing more than a contagion illusion constructed with 5G technology, assaulted victims, backstabbing journalists, baffled doctors, false positive factory PCR testing, and word of mouth.
For more information on how wireless radiation is responsible for pretty much every outbreak of the flu in history (Everytime we get an “upgrade” to our electromatic grid with new wireless communication technologies, an outbreak occurs), watch this phenomenal video by Dr Cowan:
Dr. Tom Cowan: 5G Radio Frequency and the COVID-19 Connection: https://old.bitchute.com/video/LY6dTOr8PW7s [11mins]
I have wondered why children didn't seem to be impacted if the "Covid" symptoms were caused by sensitivity or shock to the initial introduction of 5G? Wouldn't this new source of radiation impact children even more than adults?
I don't know if herd immunity is real or not. I'm just 99% sure it's not. But, if you follow the logic of the argument, herd immunity necessitates that humans infect each other. Therefore, any legislation that criminalizes a natural and benefic process is seeking to expand disease and damage people's health, which contradicts the essence of the law.
Not that it's unusual for humans to make laws against nature. Most of our problems stem directly from the abundance of anti-natural norms.
This vice of legislators attacking reality runs so deep and is so prevalent in the culture, that there is a constellation of ideologies fully dedicated to attacking one of the most natural things for human beings, which is private property.
Now, I hope you realize that me calling "private property" a natural thing for humans is clearly a provocation directed at the despots that lurk everywhere. I think they won't bite because despots almost always are huge hypochondriacs, and they try to keep it secret. If they try to argue against private property, they would have to accept that they are being selfish with their fear of infections and germs and parasites and whatnot, even if infectious disease was not possible, not a real thing. And then they would have to argue for a Total global Government with unrestricted power, which is not what they want, because that favors the rich. Arguing against natural law is quite a pickle!
Those who argue against natural law need a very big brain and a lot of experience in sophistry to defend the current legal system, and yet manage to survive its democidal effects. One has to be a vampire to pull this one off.
I had both measles and mumps in the late '50s. My mom, a nurse, laughed at my swollen face (mumps) and bribed me with a dollar if she could take my picture! That's how serious it was. I hate big pharma.
Humans hold the power. Always have held the power. Just say no to anything you or your family don't want to be a part of. Might there be consequences in the material world? Perhaps. But we're indigenous to the spiritual world. We're here in physicality on temporary duty. The reality of soul and spirit––that you don't want to betray. Consequences there cannot be escaped.
Extreme cope. You are in a cult. He’s part of the system. He is no threat to them.
If he was "no threat" - they wouldn't have tried so hard, to prevent his confirmation - and then 'mousetrap' him, once in office, with stories like this one.
I'm not in "a cult". And I have no illusions - about Bobby - or who any of the alternatives would be, to hold that seat in the Cabinet. Do you think there's someone who we'd get something BETTER out of - that his nomination and confirmation prevented from holding the post? If not - then 'don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good', or at least the marginally better.
If Bobby and Trump aren't living up to what we want from them - the answer is to get out into the streets, and demand better. Get active and put pressure on them, to do what needs to be done. Don't mourn - ORGANIZE.
They are all two wings of the same bird to create an illusion of choice. If you believe we need government controlling us, there are plenty of better choices. Only they will never be selected. It's all a game with paid actors.
That’s correct but people keep on believing a savior is coming to help them. That’s not happening.
Try saying something I haven't been saying, publicly, as a broadcaster - for more than two and a half decades, now, if you want my respect.
What's YOUR SOLUTION? Griping and speculating on the internet?
What are you waiting for? Trump is ruling by EO like a king and has surrounded himself with globalist technocrats like Musk, Thiel, Ellison, Altman. and Karp to build a technocracy, and is pushing more mRNA with Stargate. RFK presented himself as something completely different until he went to work for Trump, and now has done a complete 180. You heard it during his hearings. What he just said about MMR is consistent with what he said during those hearings. This has nothing to do with what this article says. He deceived you.
A) Don't pretend that you know what I'm doing.
B) You appear to lack either the desire, or the intelligence, to properly parse RFK Jr's statements. He says he's for "safe" vaccines. There ARE NONE, at present. He exposed the Vaccine Trials "Placebo" Pyramid Scheme, in his book on Fauci. So he knows this. So his answer was enigmatic, and designed to be interpreted differently by different camps, based upon what they do or don't know.
Now he says that the CHOICE to vaccinate or not, is personal. That's a HUGE achievement for the Vaccine Injury aware movement - that doesn't deserve to be so blithely dismissed, as you appear to be doing. He said it clearly - he wants safety and honest science. Good science, properly publicized, will lead to a less propagandized population - which will lead to better decisions by families, in their own lives. He never said he'd prevent anyone from taking anything. He said he's for informed consent. I see no departure from that.
C) What are YOU DOING? Why are you incorrectly trying to divine what I'm up to, and what I've believed, in the past present or future? Take all that wasted energy, and start the movement that you seem to want me to start. I'll be happy to support you... But LET'S NOT PRETEND that Technocratic Totalitarianism just began on January 20th, 2025. Bill Gates has been deeply involved in US and Global decision-making and covert operations, for decades. Peter Thiel and Elon Musk were part of 'the Paypal Mafia', and been part of the US Intelligence Community for decades. For someone who pretends to be well-informed, it's ODD that you make no acknowledgement of any of this.
Sure, some of what Musk has done I totally disagree with...but not ALL of it. Are you a big USAID-backer?
Try looking at the big picture, and assessing things in an honest and balanced fashion. Try doing yourself - what you think others need to do. Trolling Celia's comments, and making an ass of yourself, with a bunch of foolish assumptions, and poor quality analysis, seems like a poor use of your time.
They all gave EOs. Grow up.
Not like he’s doing it. This sets an extremely dangerous precedent. What keeps the next president from undoing what’s he’s done by EO, and doubling down in the opposite direction? Nothing. Will you be making excuses when that happens and telling those who don’t like it to “grow up”? Of course not. You’ll come unglued and you know it. Don’t be a hypocrite.
Where was all this concern, when Joe Biden and Obama, were setting the precedents, that Trump is now using?
Do you agree with NOTHING that he's done?
Let me get this out of the way. I’m not a democrat or a republican. I’m a voluntaryist. Nobody has a legitimate right to rule over me. I became one when the C19 scam was rolled out and both parties played along. Nobody stood up for me as my business was being destroyed. They’re on the same team and it became obvious in 2020.
I don’t like rule by executive order, period, and you can see it getting worse with each administration. What is congress for if we have a king? This won’t end well.
Do I like anything Trump is doing? On the surface, some of it might seem great, but I know the end game. He’s tearing the system down to replace it with an AI driven technocracy. Why do you think he has surrounded himself with globalist technocrats like I named in a previous comment? Do you think they’ve all suddenly seen the light because of Trump? That’s absurd. Trump is a Trojan Horse. He was brought in because conservatives would never go along with this coup under a democrat, especially a moron like Kamala
That’s what’s going on. I can see it because I haven’t chosen a side so I can look at things objectively. I’m not going to argue with you all night. You see it or you don’t.
You are wrong about Bobby, but if you need proof, just wait.
Is he pre Trump Bobby, or is he post Trump Bobby? He’s singing a completely different tune now. He was very critical of the Trump shots, now he’s praising Warp Speed. He’s gone from being very critical of vaccine safety to now pushing the MMR jabs. Why didn’t he bring up the safety concerns today? He already has the job and his supporters would have much rather heard that. It doesn’t make any sense. If he can’t tell the truth, he’s useless. If he doesn’t believe what he was saying pre Trump, he’s useless.
When did Bobby sing the praises of Operation Warp Speed, or the Lethal Injections? Are you just making shit up? Or are you just poorly documenting your claims - and then upvoting your own comments?
He said, and I quote, “Operation Warp Speed was an extraordinary accomplishment”. He said it during his confirmation hearings. Thats easily verifiable. Look it up if you don’t believe me. Controlled opposition Conservative Inc shills don’t want to talk about it. You might want to ask yourself why you don’t know about his comment.
“Operation Warp Speed was an extraordinary accomplishment”. Yeah. He was set up 🤡
But, the fact is they can invent any epidemic of any disease they want. They have enabling laws. We live in a permanent state of emergency.
To undo fascism, we need to attack it from many angles. Your enemies want only one opposition with only one voice and only one argument. That's easy to parry. That's why they manipulate you so that you attack your friends, who have been helping you for decades before you were awake.
I humbly recommend to stop listening to your enemies.
I've never heard of anyone dieing of measles until recently and frankly, I don't believe it. I think we are all aware of deaths being attributed to the wrong cause. It was extremely popular just recently. The mendacity machine is on maximum output as usual. We loved measles when I was a kid. It meant no school. We'd just slap on the calamine lotion and take it easy. The world has lost its mind.
Maybe he should just get in front of the cameras and announce that more people die from the measles vaccine than from wild measles. It's the absolute truth.
Over the target 🎯
Seriously? How about this is the perfect opportunity for RFK Jr to man up and slap down this nonsense like Dr. Ryan Cole did with one single comment?
"The number of deaths caused by medical error is estimated to be 250,000 times more than the current average deaths attributed to measles. Where is the media on that coverage?" (Source: https://x.com/drcole12/status/1895990875899207799)
I also had measles and apparently chicken pox, these are NOT dangerous..measles vaccine SPREADS measles..hence the outbreaks
There’s no way that RFK Jr. should be caught off-guard by this “measles emergency.” He knew going in that there would be perhaps dozens of fearmongering media catcalls like this one. What is more predictable than the creation of a new plandemic--Marburg, Mpox, or any of the manufactured threats brainstormed by Peter Hotez “starting on January 21—” bird flu, COVID 2, dengue, zika, Oropouche, yellow fever? RFK Jr. fully knew these big lies would make it difficult for him to stick to his guns. That’s why it was so disappointing that, barely one month after his confirmation, he declares that “Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”
I think he needs to gather his resources more before taking on this fight. Remember that his incoming NIH head, Jay Bhattacharya, supports the MMR and just a couple of years ago was lamenting that Covid vaccine distrust was leading more parents to reject the CDC schedule.
He doesn't have a good team around him yet.
spot on the money. : / sadly.
He is not going to consider resigning.
Republicans, stay alert to the tricks they will play! Stay on your game 👍
Or maybe RFK is there to be divide the masses and never really challenge vaccines/mRNA.
We cal BS