This is only shocking to those not familiar with the history of the chemical industry from the 1950s through the 1970s. It is not shocking when you remember that the postwar American government is an extension of the Third Reich. It's not shocking when you know that 100 million Americans at least were injected with oncogenic SV-40 from outset of the "polio vaccine" through 1964 and many more through 2000 when vero cells were finally abandoned. it's only shocking to those ignorant of the history of science and if you if you focus on the government. In fact it is not shocking at all, and I do not mean that in the rhetorical sense. This is the history of political science as we have witnessed it from 1900 forward.
I'm not asking anybody to be shocked Eric. I'm saying that the un-detonated "bombshell" is in those 46 blank pages and "the American people" should foment a movement called "46 Pages" to sue and sue and sue until their contents are revealed. Since people died, it might have legs. Kristina is the one with the legal insight, there are FOIA socializing lawyers she has spoken to. That's all I will say for now.
I am not naive. But this movement is growing fast. There are even articles about it, as Naomi says in that interview with Steve Bannon. This is a new situation, in my estimate. They really did something extremely helpful here.
Why wait for additional information under FOIA? The documentary evidence is already clear. This was premeditated mass murder. I think the only reason a grand jury has not already been empaneled is that most prosecutors with integrity still believe that sovereign immunity and the PREP Act shield the federal actors from state criminal prosecution. However the Georgia prosecutor has charged Trump and other federal officials with actions they took as federal officials. The doctrine of sovereign immunity is apparently dead, at least for the left, so prosecutors in free states should start calling grand juries to consider the charges against the Covid criminals. It is pointless to call for a special court to try the murderers because that would require the criminals to set up a court to try themselves which is not going to happen. Free states have to stop acting as if this is some normal time and take action. Totalitarian thugs have murdered many of our fellow citizens, they are in charge of the federal government, and they are not finished. It is time to stop filing FOIAs and start filing criminal charges.
Yes. FOIA evidence is being requested to prop up nonsensical "lawsuits" which will fail or be delayed in the courts, whilst the issues at hand are of a criminal nature. How many maiming(s) and mass murders will it take for the proletariat to awaken?
A worthy response. >>>
"The National American Renaissance Movement has presented an 82 page Grand Jury Petition with Exhibits and an Executive Summary to the Governor of New Jersey, his Attorney General and twenty-one county Prosecutors requesting a criminal investigations into the crimes of Covid-19." >>> >>> Note the Actions listed below the "Legal Actions" tab at the top of the page. Thank you for your concise analysis of the situation. Please disseminate widely.
Thanks for the amazing template. I did not know that efforts were already being made to make this happen. I do wonder if it is wise to include a WHO and WEF conspiracy in the Grand Jury Petition. I have seen no direct documentary evidence in the public emails of WEF involvement, but there is plenty of evidence that Fauci and Biden knew the shots were killing and maiming people and still bullied and mandated Americans into being injected with it. There is also documentary evidence of Fauci helping create the Covid-19 virus in Wuhan, covering up his crimes by doing a "takedown" of renowned medical scientists who recognized the laboratory origins on the virus, and denying life-saving medical therapies such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that would have saved the lives of many others. I believe there probably was a conspiracy with WEF but I wonder if it would be better to start with the petty street thugs like Fauci and Biden and work the way up the chain to the crime bosses like Klaus Schwab as direct (and not just circumstantial) evidence becomes available.
Now this is a "renaissance" that I can get TRULY EXCITED about!! There's so much "dirty money" behind all of this lockstep "public health" heirarchy--I would LOVE to see people marching to D.C. to STOP THE PLANDEMIC SCAMS along withtens of thousands of lawsuits filed by private citizens against corporations, schools of all types, local/state governments who "mandated" this bioweapon jab on citizenry under the guise of "public safety"!!
Hello Sharon: The civilian public needs to focus on "Mission Statements" and texts included in filings of "Corporate Charter". These documents are noted in public record, and accessible on the internet.
The Corporate entities involved in these criminal actions are in direct violation of their stated Mission Statements and rules of registered Charter.
Many have filings within the Delaware Court of Chancery, and that court's jurisdiction is a hybrid of constitutional provisions, statutes, and case law. It is instructive to review the Wikipedia definition. >
I am very concerned for my 21 year old granddaughter, Hannah, who is in her senior year at a PA state school. She starts her student teaching the end of winter break and I just know a lot of the schools to which she may be assigned are STILL requiring masking and "proof of vaccination". How does she combat that and still be allowed to TEACH? She already took at least 1 of the jabs--her Mom is all about "public schools" having taught in them herself. If I had it to do over, I would have enrolled my 2 sons in private schools!
Your advice is greatly appreciated, you know about Atty. Jeff Childers from Gainesville, FL? He was very involved in helping citizens from not only FL but around the USA to fight (legally) against the jab and masking mandates.
yes your right but maybe i am just a little more jaded. And maybe it is because the DOJ is either them or under them Either way this moves the ball forward. towards what only god knows.
Liz you are incorrect. Several laboratories have now confirmed that there are four sequences from SV40 dna in the mRNA vaccines with a total of 466 base pairs. The sequences are the following:
1) a promoter region used in gene therapy which has a signal that drives DNA into the nucleus.
The work done in this laboratory has been successfully replicated in several laboratories, some using different techniques but finding the same results.
Here's the deal, without the isolation/purification of da coveed particle, there is no mRNA from the fraudulent virus in any vial of quax-seen. Same with SV 40. What might be sequenced, if we believe any of this, is human sequences, bovine from FBS, or some other contamination. "Successful replication" of bogus work propagating bogus viral sequences that are most likely human in origin is hardly surprising. The facts remain that no virus was ever isolated, and no contagion was ever demonstrated. Virology is like pre-Copernican astronomy, they are calculating the epicycles. But they--and apparently you-- think they're soooooo smart because, wow, it's high tech. Go back to the basics, read the materials & methods in the original fraudulent papers. It's obvious it's all a fraud.
🤨🤨🤨🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ We are talking a about the shots. Not the isolated anything. That's the freaking point- the shots are full and I mean FULL, of contaminants.
The "virus" was the fraud that got peeps to take the bloody poison.🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Kevin McKiernan is the name of the person who brought this to light. He and others have all checked multiple vials all over the world and confirmed not on SV40 promoters, E.coli, heavy metals but my personal favourite (😉*sarcasm for thos not paying attention), the kanamyocin and co, that make those popular antibiotics distributed daily, world wide, possibly resistant. AKA antibiotic resistance🤔🤔😐😐
Dr Benjamin Sandler wrote a book on Polio. He was the medical officer of health in one of the two Carolinas - I've forgotten which... he noted that if you didn't eat icecream, soft drinks, biscuits and cakes etc, you wouldn't get polio and his book was about what sugar does in the body that opens the door for the polio virus. He vastly reduced polio in his state and after two years of rock bottom case numbers which showed up all the other states, he was fired for his efforts.
I have a lot of Dr Klenner's articles, and his dosages were not small. That is all written up elsewhere, so I'm not repeating it.
depends on how you read those words. " SV-40" is in the jab in the sense that there is something in the jab that makes people sick and get diagnosed with "SV-40"
Yes, SV 40, is a simian retro virus, that is reliably carcinogenic, its used to create cancers in experimental animals so anti cancer treatment can be studied. When polio vaccines, were created the vaccine was grown in Chimpanzees. They didn’t think viruses could cross species. Unfortunately it does. Some think this is why there was a tremendous increase in boomers for breast cancer and prostate cancer. The early polio vaccines were contaminated.
Saying that no virus was ever isolated. That is the wrong argument to make. Here is the bottom line. The COVID virus, yes it exists, and it is a bio weapon unleashed on China to crush their economy. I can assure you that, isolated or not, the COVID virus exists: Created and funded by the US and let loose on China.
I know you have done videos about the East Palestine train derailment and dioxin. Is your position that they are concealing this information from the people who live there, or that they will use this to force people off the land, or something else? The Maui and other fires stories have been front and center for those concerned about government creation/opportunistic exploitation of these environmental catastrophes, and I haven’t heard much about E Palestine recently.
A little off topic but these things are all related in my view. Thanks.
East Palestine was not Maui. Different kinds of events. East Palestine is following the pattern of ALL other dioxin events that we know of. The people will be left hanging in limbo until they get sick and a couple will figure it out.
The federal government will never allow another Love Canal or Times Beach. The town needs to be tested properly and people need to understand that the only solution may be to demolish it and restrict the area. But in 2023 that's as unlikely as the Beatles getting back together.
For that to be true, the whole thing would need to be a setup. I have not seen evidence of that. There are other problems. But the train crash was real. How it was handled was a problem. And the dioxin levels were not that high. This points to another issue that I will not get into here, except to say my take is it was 125,000 gallons of something other than vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) that was burned.
LESS THAN YOU WOULD EXPECT if it was 125,000 gallons of VCM open burned, not jut four bin cars of PVC. Levels way too low for open burn of 125,000 gallons of VCM.
Confidential source. Still improper testing is an issue.
Well, you could call it a virus, or you could call it "an issue known to the federal government." To me, SV-40 is the name given to a property of the "polio" "vaccine." And when you study how that issue was handled, it was terrible.
Whatever Bernice Eddy did, it was before the PCR and she was able to induce cardiac cancer in mice, using derivatives of the polio shot, and as a result, her lab was taken away and the issue — whatever it was underneath — was covered up. Following that, there were highly controlled PCR studies done on mesotheiloma tumors, and they matched whatever was in "SV-40." Now, I have not seen the way those test kits were developed -- were the primers in silico? I don't know.
But the lesson of the second round of PCR work done on SV-40 was how careful it was; that it was triple blind; that blanks, negative and posive controls were used; and something like four or eight "virgin labs" that had never handled that or any related substance were used; and nobody knew who the other labs were -- the lesson being how one might use the PCR under actual controlled conditions, unlike what was done in 2020+.
I am not here to vouch for the results, but I am here to talk about the range of possible lab techniques that were used in the process of the most recent set of experiments that I know of.
Whether SV-40 was a "virus" or something else, it WAS associated with the "polio vaccine" and it is my understanding that the substance is oncogenic. And whether it is or not, the federal government HAD REASON TO BELIEVE THAT IT WAS, and did nothing to prevent the problem in the future.
There are many, many lessons to be taken from the SV-40 incident, and I do not let my understanding of the missing virus problem interfere with my ability to take lessons from history.
Bernice Eddy is one of my scientific heroes, one of a rare breed of scientists and of women. I love and admire her actively.
This makes sense to me if we take the meaning of ‘virus’ to be ‘poison’- and ‘oncogenesis’ as the body’s attempt to sequester the results of such an insult...
Without getting into what it was, we can say a lot about how the suspicion of what it was, was handled. We can say a lot about the results of certain experiments without understanding exactly what the causative factor was. And we know that real further study was blocked for many years, and the "polio vaccine" program went on and on.
and let's hope that's all you have. But if it's a complex multi-prong scar, roundish in shape, that would most likely be "smallpox" "vaccine." Polio was usually a standard shot or oral dose, out of a little cup or on sugar, like LSD used to be served.
I understand… The Medical establishment has done a good job of selling themselves, and cultivating a trusting public. Unfortunately, being harmed, compromises that trust, being informed allows one to question it completely.
Operation Paperclip brought in more than one SS Von Braun officer to be part of NASA and CIA. The entire USA government and private military industrial sector became full of them. You can't even tell whether they are German because they were given witness protection with American names and backgrounds, citizenship. Not even the Soviets gave their nazi scientists, citizenship. THey wanted to make sure they knew who the nazis were 3 generations later.
Now the USSA 4th Reich is run by Nazis. Wonder why. Look up JPL lab founder and what they have to do with the founder of scientology, nasa, and aleister crowley.
Bravo, sir, bravo. Now we will also have to collectively pause, while everyone who isn't aware of history, catches their breath. Before they can then come to terms with the next level of this, which is that it is NOT a monumental globalised, bureaucratic SNAFU of gargantuan proportions.
They are in fact trying to kill you.
They decided they know better, and for the planet's sake, they need to cull the masses before 2030, and frankly, they are right on depopulation schedule.😐😐
They sooner people can get their heads around that concept, the better, because they have all the pieces in play and the whole game just levelled up.😐😐💥💥💥🤦♀️
Germany was fighting against the globalist warmongering England, and the Rothschild bank. Then they fought against the Bolshevik tribe that had taken over Russian and killed millions of Christians, and would go on to enslave Eastern Europe. Sadly, the US fought on the wrong side.
Nazi Germany was working for the Khazarian mafia and other negative forces. The Bolsheviks were also Khazarian mafia. Controlled opposition. The Nazi SS had an entire unit, AHnerbe, that ran around trying to find relics for their magick. They had to make pacts with demons and aliens to get the tech. They got the tech and this was transfered to USSA via Operation Paperclip. Now USSA is 4th Reich and demonically possessed. Typical.
Only had time to watch intro. Get the impression even she doesn't say he endorses the proposed new treaty and amendments (the one everyone here despises). Does it come out later in the video? Is he on the record supporting the new "treaty?" If so, please give reference to print or video sources. Agree in full with the criticisms about his Israel stances. Not convinced at all that he buys into 2030 Zero Carbon agenda, etc. but, again, welcome links to sources with him on that specific topic. If he's said NOTHING on it, he should be pressed to.
Appreciate the info and links. Watched the first two, including the Town Hall, and do not think there's any clearcut "truths" exposed but good questions are being raised. On "following the WHO, CDC, NIH, etc. protocols," I'm in full agreement with the commenter who said he was referring to standard "accepted" procedures PRE-scamdemic. I'm not aware of many, if any, thinkers who were into researching and publicizing the PRE-scamdemic standards and protocols. To me, emphasizing this statement is inconsequential; but, again, I ask, what does he think about the new, proposed "treaty" and "regulations" -- which have MAJOR POLITICAL ramifications, not just medical and not just limited to "vaccines?" His comments on energy were mostly limited to solar vs. nuclear. Again, nothing asked or said about the "Green New Deal" and "zero carbon." We have the comments from seven years ago on climate change; what about the UN/WEF agenda NOW? On the second video (Peggy's), it seemed to ultimately end up in the conflict not only between "anti-vaxxer" (ANY vax) and sometimes "vaxxer," but even between germ and terrain theory (my impression of her beliefs). And I now lean toward "anti-vax" and terrain myself. My question is that if he said only "safe whatevers" should be "recommended," instead of using the word "mandate" (and maybe he actually meant that), would Peggy's opinion change? I wouldn't bet on it. So stepping up the politics, who is willing to run for president and promise, at a minimum, to eliminate all mandatory "vaccines" in all circumstances, INCLUDING the school childhood schedules, and, going forward, eliminate all funding for all vaccine research of any type? I'd love to meet him or her. Perhaps my biggest overall disappointment, among several, with RFK Jr. is his clinging to being a "Democrat." His father DID live in a different time. At core, I don't think he measures up to him and is not in the same league as his uncle. The cold war "warrior" probably grew up admiring the intelligence agencies. Then he had his experiences with them. RFK Jr. probably grew up admiring the CDC, FDA, etc. He's had his experiences , and WRITTEN about their dark sides. Where is his, "Break up the CDC into a thousand pieces" spirit, even if it's to reconstruct it? I don't see that.
I'm very disappointed in Kennedy's Israel/Palestinian stance, and will not vote for him unless that is further discussed, however, no one has done more than Kennedy and the Children's Health Defense team in exposing the horrors of vaccine injury. I think they should get a Nobel Prize.
I have listened to him and CHD since April of 2020. They are the reason I am not injected today.
Polly Tommy is now traveling the States in a new vaxxed bus and the stories she is recording are extraordinary. You can watch them on
So I applaud Kennedy for his work on that front. No denying it.
No one gets elected President in the US unless they bend the knee to the Tribe. Is that so hard to understand? Trump said: "He is the chosen one." Yes, chosen by the Tribe not by the Creator.
He is talking about the old guidelines that went to the bin in 2020. Now, I disagree with those guidelines and I'm sure RFKjr would come up with better plan if he thought about it.
He's making the point that it isn't him that is so extreme. The extreme ones are following the new guidelines.
To say there is some sinister plot behind this is totally missing the point.
Do I agree with RFKjr or everything? No. I think he is wrong about global warming but I think he believes in it.
They KNEW long before the scamdemic was announced. They've told us the truth via predictive programming decades in advance. Humanity is the "VIRUS" they want to eliminate.
"...the use of predictive programming, signs, and symbols as a Modus Operandi of the Satan-worshipping elites":
yes, absolutely. I feel that human sacrifice is the thing that makes most of us unable to put it together. Until you accept that, it's very difficult to put it together.
I remember listening to James Perloff on Hiroshima-Nagasaki as sacrifice events, maybe 7 years ago, or 6. It changed my whole outlook. Also "Marx and Satan" by Richard Wurmbrand.
I've been digging into Pizzagate for the last several days. It is the deepest, darkest rabbit hole imagineable. It's like staring the monster straight in the face. But I feel that humanity as a collective must accept what this is. These monsters see you and I as farm animals, experimental subjects, collateral damage, organ harvesting, toys and playthings. It's all about seperating you from your connection to God.
Regarding the redacted parts of the FOIA my best guess is that it involved how to get away with all of it. It almost certainly involved what messaging needed to be conveyed to the public to do so. They didn't just lie and commit crimes. They would have colluded in how to keep us drugged, distracted and divided while their products murdered away. Those communications would have been sent out to the media whores. The marketing message was set
Reading “The Franklin Cover-up” and watching the documentary on John DeCamp where he interviews the victims along with the documentary, “Boys For Sale” also changed my outlook. I am not familiar with “Marx and Satan”. I will check it out. I like your tone Celia and Naomi! It’s passionate and for a good cause. I find it healing for stuck grief.
Because of VAXXINE SHEDDING even the UN-vaxxed are infected now.
The UN-vaxxed are exhibiting the same symptoms of deadly clots, corrupted blood, and self-assembling nanotechnology that the vaxxed have, and the rates of vaxxine/vaxxine-shedding caused DEATHS are now soaring even among the UN-vaxxed.
Genocidal vaxxines pose the greatest threat ever to the human population.
These doctors actually show the nanotechnology clots self-assembling in the blood:
Actually Rufns, Trump saying he opposes mandates is just political posturing.
Trump is using political double-speak, because the federal government CANNOT mandate the vaxxines or masking. It would violate our constitutional civil liberties, and we could REFUSE and have a constitutionally legal ground to stand on.
That's why the mandates were PRIVATIZED.
The store owner said you had to be masked to shop.
The company said you had to be vaxxinated to keep your job.
PRIVATIZED mandating.
So Trump saying he opposes the mandates doesn't mean squat. He's just cleverly grandstanding.
The question I have is: Why does Trump NOT oppose the deadly vaxxines?
So many things confirm this if you have discernment. If we had any doubts about the Ukraine debacle, we only need to look to Zelensky now asking for Marina Abramović to be his ambassador. We are up against pure evil.
I guess all of the lead actors in this matrix theater believe they are getting over on the "extras", when in fact they will be the ones to lose in the end.
This is only shocking to those not familiar with the history of the chemical industry from the 1950s through the 1970s. It is not shocking when you remember that the postwar American government is an extension of the Third Reich. It's not shocking when you know that 100 million Americans at least were injected with oncogenic SV-40 from outset of the "polio vaccine" through 1964 and many more through 2000 when vero cells were finally abandoned. it's only shocking to those ignorant of the history of science and if you if you focus on the government. In fact it is not shocking at all, and I do not mean that in the rhetorical sense. This is the history of political science as we have witnessed it from 1900 forward.
I'm not asking anybody to be shocked Eric. I'm saying that the un-detonated "bombshell" is in those 46 blank pages and "the American people" should foment a movement called "46 Pages" to sue and sue and sue until their contents are revealed. Since people died, it might have legs. Kristina is the one with the legal insight, there are FOIA socializing lawyers she has spoken to. That's all I will say for now.
I am not naive. But this movement is growing fast. There are even articles about it, as Naomi says in that interview with Steve Bannon. This is a new situation, in my estimate. They really did something extremely helpful here.
Celia, it's good that we have what we have so far; foreknowledge is INTENT and SCIENTER.
To get those pages, someone honest will need to litigate under FOIA.
I'll bet the Biden impeachment committee could get this pages faster than we could.
Tom Fitton from judicial watch does this every day
Why wait for additional information under FOIA? The documentary evidence is already clear. This was premeditated mass murder. I think the only reason a grand jury has not already been empaneled is that most prosecutors with integrity still believe that sovereign immunity and the PREP Act shield the federal actors from state criminal prosecution. However the Georgia prosecutor has charged Trump and other federal officials with actions they took as federal officials. The doctrine of sovereign immunity is apparently dead, at least for the left, so prosecutors in free states should start calling grand juries to consider the charges against the Covid criminals. It is pointless to call for a special court to try the murderers because that would require the criminals to set up a court to try themselves which is not going to happen. Free states have to stop acting as if this is some normal time and take action. Totalitarian thugs have murdered many of our fellow citizens, they are in charge of the federal government, and they are not finished. It is time to stop filing FOIAs and start filing criminal charges.
Yes. FOIA evidence is being requested to prop up nonsensical "lawsuits" which will fail or be delayed in the courts, whilst the issues at hand are of a criminal nature. How many maiming(s) and mass murders will it take for the proletariat to awaken?
A worthy response. >>>
"The National American Renaissance Movement has presented an 82 page Grand Jury Petition with Exhibits and an Executive Summary to the Governor of New Jersey, his Attorney General and twenty-one county Prosecutors requesting a criminal investigations into the crimes of Covid-19." >>> >>> Note the Actions listed below the "Legal Actions" tab at the top of the page. Thank you for your concise analysis of the situation. Please disseminate widely.
Thanks for the amazing template. I did not know that efforts were already being made to make this happen. I do wonder if it is wise to include a WHO and WEF conspiracy in the Grand Jury Petition. I have seen no direct documentary evidence in the public emails of WEF involvement, but there is plenty of evidence that Fauci and Biden knew the shots were killing and maiming people and still bullied and mandated Americans into being injected with it. There is also documentary evidence of Fauci helping create the Covid-19 virus in Wuhan, covering up his crimes by doing a "takedown" of renowned medical scientists who recognized the laboratory origins on the virus, and denying life-saving medical therapies such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that would have saved the lives of many others. I believe there probably was a conspiracy with WEF but I wonder if it would be better to start with the petty street thugs like Fauci and Biden and work the way up the chain to the crime bosses like Klaus Schwab as direct (and not just circumstantial) evidence becomes available.
Yes on all critique of the "situation". Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament >>> May 3, 2023 >>>
There are substantial records of Fraud, Collusion, and criminal Conspiracy leading to Genocide, multiple acts of Terrorism, and Treason.
All parties need to hang from a gallows... Thank you for all comment.
Now this is a "renaissance" that I can get TRULY EXCITED about!! There's so much "dirty money" behind all of this lockstep "public health" heirarchy--I would LOVE to see people marching to D.C. to STOP THE PLANDEMIC SCAMS along withtens of thousands of lawsuits filed by private citizens against corporations, schools of all types, local/state governments who "mandated" this bioweapon jab on citizenry under the guise of "public safety"!!
Hello Sharon: The civilian public needs to focus on "Mission Statements" and texts included in filings of "Corporate Charter". These documents are noted in public record, and accessible on the internet.
The Corporate entities involved in these criminal actions are in direct violation of their stated Mission Statements and rules of registered Charter.
Many have filings within the Delaware Court of Chancery, and that court's jurisdiction is a hybrid of constitutional provisions, statutes, and case law. It is instructive to review the Wikipedia definition. >
Corporate Charters can and should be Revoked. Here's a procedural example: >>>
There are similar Revocation processes in most US jurisdictions. Thank you for your interest.
I am very concerned for my 21 year old granddaughter, Hannah, who is in her senior year at a PA state school. She starts her student teaching the end of winter break and I just know a lot of the schools to which she may be assigned are STILL requiring masking and "proof of vaccination". How does she combat that and still be allowed to TEACH? She already took at least 1 of the jabs--her Mom is all about "public schools" having taught in them herself. If I had it to do over, I would have enrolled my 2 sons in private schools!
Your advice is greatly appreciated, you know about Atty. Jeff Childers from Gainesville, FL? He was very involved in helping citizens from not only FL but around the USA to fight (legally) against the jab and masking mandates.
yes your right but maybe i am just a little more jaded. And maybe it is because the DOJ is either them or under them Either way this moves the ball forward. towards what only god knows.
You may need to drop the immunity.
In your statement.
The remainder is fine. IMHO.
JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological
Sign me up for the "46 Pages" movement!
Thank you for your hard work and sharing information.
Much respect!
I believe the SV-40 are in the covid gene jabs
I have heard it is. Judy Mikovits has spoken out a lot about this.
she's full of it. there is no sv-40, never been isolated, and oncogenes are baloney. They kill people with toxins.
Liz you are incorrect. Several laboratories have now confirmed that there are four sequences from SV40 dna in the mRNA vaccines with a total of 466 base pairs. The sequences are the following:
1) a promoter region used in gene therapy which has a signal that drives DNA into the nucleus.
2) SV40 origin sequence.
3) 72 base pair enhancer sequences.
4) SV40 poly-A tail.
One laboratory has done several substacks and put in a paper for peer review. This is one of those blogs.
The work done in this laboratory has been successfully replicated in several laboratories, some using different techniques but finding the same results.
Here's the deal, without the isolation/purification of da coveed particle, there is no mRNA from the fraudulent virus in any vial of quax-seen. Same with SV 40. What might be sequenced, if we believe any of this, is human sequences, bovine from FBS, or some other contamination. "Successful replication" of bogus work propagating bogus viral sequences that are most likely human in origin is hardly surprising. The facts remain that no virus was ever isolated, and no contagion was ever demonstrated. Virology is like pre-Copernican astronomy, they are calculating the epicycles. But they--and apparently you-- think they're soooooo smart because, wow, it's high tech. Go back to the basics, read the materials & methods in the original fraudulent papers. It's obvious it's all a fraud.
🤨🤨🤨🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ We are talking a about the shots. Not the isolated anything. That's the freaking point- the shots are full and I mean FULL, of contaminants.
The "virus" was the fraud that got peeps to take the bloody poison.🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Mikovits is a gatekeeper
Basically full of shit
Kevin McKiernan is the name of the person who brought this to light. He and others have all checked multiple vials all over the world and confirmed not on SV40 promoters, E.coli, heavy metals but my personal favourite (😉*sarcasm for thos not paying attention), the kanamyocin and co, that make those popular antibiotics distributed daily, world wide, possibly resistant. AKA antibiotic resistance🤔🤔😐😐
#snafumya$$ #mistakeswereNOTmade #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #getlocalised
*Not ONLY sv40 etc. It's all been confirmed.
sounds like a pile of left brain hooey to me
I am not a virologist.
If you want to apply that to covid then email this guy since he is one of many who have isolated it:
Dr Benjamin Sandler wrote a book on Polio. He was the medical officer of health in one of the two Carolinas - I've forgotten which... he noted that if you didn't eat icecream, soft drinks, biscuits and cakes etc, you wouldn't get polio and his book was about what sugar does in the body that opens the door for the polio virus. He vastly reduced polio in his state and after two years of rock bottom case numbers which showed up all the other states, he was fired for his efforts.
I have a lot of Dr Klenner's articles, and his dosages were not small. That is all written up elsewhere, so I'm not repeating it.
Maybe you should take this up with her. She worked with these demons.
depends on how you read those words. " SV-40" is in the jab in the sense that there is something in the jab that makes people sick and get diagnosed with "SV-40"
Yes, SV 40, is a simian retro virus, that is reliably carcinogenic, its used to create cancers in experimental animals so anti cancer treatment can be studied. When polio vaccines, were created the vaccine was grown in Chimpanzees. They didn’t think viruses could cross species. Unfortunately it does. Some think this is why there was a tremendous increase in boomers for breast cancer and prostate cancer. The early polio vaccines were contaminated.
You make the wrong argument out of ignorance. Educate yourself.
just WHAT is she saying that is "ignorant"
Saying that no virus was ever isolated. That is the wrong argument to make. Here is the bottom line. The COVID virus, yes it exists, and it is a bio weapon unleashed on China to crush their economy. I can assure you that, isolated or not, the COVID virus exists: Created and funded by the US and let loose on China.
I have. I have a degree in biochem and worked in molecular biology basic research for years. I worked on mRNA in fact, smart Alec.
That means nothing. All western science has been corrupted.
Yes it is
I believe this toxicologist talks about it. This short video is astounding. Got it on Jessica Rose substack
I know you have done videos about the East Palestine train derailment and dioxin. Is your position that they are concealing this information from the people who live there, or that they will use this to force people off the land, or something else? The Maui and other fires stories have been front and center for those concerned about government creation/opportunistic exploitation of these environmental catastrophes, and I haven’t heard much about E Palestine recently.
A little off topic but these things are all related in my view. Thanks.
East Palestine was not Maui. Different kinds of events. East Palestine is following the pattern of ALL other dioxin events that we know of. The people will be left hanging in limbo until they get sick and a couple will figure it out.
The federal government will never allow another Love Canal or Times Beach. The town needs to be tested properly and people need to understand that the only solution may be to demolish it and restrict the area. But in 2023 that's as unlikely as the Beatles getting back together.
This launches in a few hours
My wife’s parents lived at or near the Love Canal, and she and her sisters have all kinds of mysterious ongoing health issues.
Folks still live in love canal
yes they do -- see my report
I live in Niagara county and as environmental professional I too have worked on love canal
For that to be true, the whole thing would need to be a setup. I have not seen evidence of that. There are other problems. But the train crash was real. How it was handled was a problem. And the dioxin levels were not that high. This points to another issue that I will not get into here, except to say my take is it was 125,000 gallons of something other than vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) that was burned.
LESS THAN YOU WOULD EXPECT if it was 125,000 gallons of VCM open burned, not jut four bin cars of PVC. Levels way too low for open burn of 125,000 gallons of VCM.
Confidential source. Still improper testing is an issue.
The Dioxon is setup to ascribe cause of the turbo cancers from mRNA mitochondrial repair dysregulation.
Ironic how many “ events” receive little to no coverage versus the few that garner absurdly overblown coverage.
Eric- why are you referencing a ‘virus’ ?
Well, you could call it a virus, or you could call it "an issue known to the federal government." To me, SV-40 is the name given to a property of the "polio" "vaccine." And when you study how that issue was handled, it was terrible.
Whatever Bernice Eddy did, it was before the PCR and she was able to induce cardiac cancer in mice, using derivatives of the polio shot, and as a result, her lab was taken away and the issue — whatever it was underneath — was covered up. Following that, there were highly controlled PCR studies done on mesotheiloma tumors, and they matched whatever was in "SV-40." Now, I have not seen the way those test kits were developed -- were the primers in silico? I don't know.
But the lesson of the second round of PCR work done on SV-40 was how careful it was; that it was triple blind; that blanks, negative and posive controls were used; and something like four or eight "virgin labs" that had never handled that or any related substance were used; and nobody knew who the other labs were -- the lesson being how one might use the PCR under actual controlled conditions, unlike what was done in 2020+.
I am not here to vouch for the results, but I am here to talk about the range of possible lab techniques that were used in the process of the most recent set of experiments that I know of.
Whether SV-40 was a "virus" or something else, it WAS associated with the "polio vaccine" and it is my understanding that the substance is oncogenic. And whether it is or not, the federal government HAD REASON TO BELIEVE THAT IT WAS, and did nothing to prevent the problem in the future.
There are many, many lessons to be taken from the SV-40 incident, and I do not let my understanding of the missing virus problem interfere with my ability to take lessons from history.
Bernice Eddy is one of my scientific heroes, one of a rare breed of scientists and of women. I love and admire her actively.
This makes sense to me if we take the meaning of ‘virus’ to be ‘poison’- and ‘oncogenesis’ as the body’s attempt to sequester the results of such an insult...
Without getting into what it was, we can say a lot about how the suspicion of what it was, was handled. We can say a lot about the results of certain experiments without understanding exactly what the causative factor was. And we know that real further study was blocked for many years, and the "polio vaccine" program went on and on.
I’ve still got my scar...
and let's hope that's all you have. But if it's a complex multi-prong scar, roundish in shape, that would most likely be "smallpox" "vaccine." Polio was usually a standard shot or oral dose, out of a little cup or on sugar, like LSD used to be served.
Edited...does that answer your question OK?
I am looking into it. Thanks
I have developed this comment into an article.
JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological
Well said! Good connection !
I understand… The Medical establishment has done a good job of selling themselves, and cultivating a trusting public. Unfortunately, being harmed, compromises that trust, being informed allows one to question it completely.
NASA founded by ss nazi. Canada/Ukraine/warmongers like Nuland/Vindman support nazis in Ukraine. Operation Paperclip. Easy to make the connections.
Not founded by one. Engineers and von Braun hired to do "apollo" and ICBM programs
Operation Paperclip brought in more than one SS Von Braun officer to be part of NASA and CIA. The entire USA government and private military industrial sector became full of them. You can't even tell whether they are German because they were given witness protection with American names and backgrounds, citizenship. Not even the Soviets gave their nazi scientists, citizenship. THey wanted to make sure they knew who the nazis were 3 generations later.
Now the USSA 4th Reich is run by Nazis. Wonder why. Look up JPL lab founder and what they have to do with the founder of scientology, nasa, and aleister crowley.
Bravo, sir, bravo. Now we will also have to collectively pause, while everyone who isn't aware of history, catches their breath. Before they can then come to terms with the next level of this, which is that it is NOT a monumental globalised, bureaucratic SNAFU of gargantuan proportions.
They are in fact trying to kill you.
They decided they know better, and for the planet's sake, they need to cull the masses before 2030, and frankly, they are right on depopulation schedule.😐😐
They sooner people can get their heads around that concept, the better, because they have all the pieces in play and the whole game just levelled up.😐😐💥💥💥🤦♀️
good thing the light side blew up the georgia guidestones
Germany was fighting against the globalist warmongering England, and the Rothschild bank. Then they fought against the Bolshevik tribe that had taken over Russian and killed millions of Christians, and would go on to enslave Eastern Europe. Sadly, the US fought on the wrong side.
Nazi Germany was working for the Khazarian mafia and other negative forces. The Bolsheviks were also Khazarian mafia. Controlled opposition. The Nazi SS had an entire unit, AHnerbe, that ran around trying to find relics for their magick. They had to make pacts with demons and aliens to get the tech. They got the tech and this was transfered to USSA via Operation Paperclip. Now USSA is 4th Reich and demonically possessed. Typical.
Thank you, I just said same.
Bolsheviks we're KM.
Only had time to watch intro. Get the impression even she doesn't say he endorses the proposed new treaty and amendments (the one everyone here despises). Does it come out later in the video? Is he on the record supporting the new "treaty?" If so, please give reference to print or video sources. Agree in full with the criticisms about his Israel stances. Not convinced at all that he buys into 2030 Zero Carbon agenda, etc. but, again, welcome links to sources with him on that specific topic. If he's said NOTHING on it, he should be pressed to.
Appreciate the info and links. Watched the first two, including the Town Hall, and do not think there's any clearcut "truths" exposed but good questions are being raised. On "following the WHO, CDC, NIH, etc. protocols," I'm in full agreement with the commenter who said he was referring to standard "accepted" procedures PRE-scamdemic. I'm not aware of many, if any, thinkers who were into researching and publicizing the PRE-scamdemic standards and protocols. To me, emphasizing this statement is inconsequential; but, again, I ask, what does he think about the new, proposed "treaty" and "regulations" -- which have MAJOR POLITICAL ramifications, not just medical and not just limited to "vaccines?" His comments on energy were mostly limited to solar vs. nuclear. Again, nothing asked or said about the "Green New Deal" and "zero carbon." We have the comments from seven years ago on climate change; what about the UN/WEF agenda NOW? On the second video (Peggy's), it seemed to ultimately end up in the conflict not only between "anti-vaxxer" (ANY vax) and sometimes "vaxxer," but even between germ and terrain theory (my impression of her beliefs). And I now lean toward "anti-vax" and terrain myself. My question is that if he said only "safe whatevers" should be "recommended," instead of using the word "mandate" (and maybe he actually meant that), would Peggy's opinion change? I wouldn't bet on it. So stepping up the politics, who is willing to run for president and promise, at a minimum, to eliminate all mandatory "vaccines" in all circumstances, INCLUDING the school childhood schedules, and, going forward, eliminate all funding for all vaccine research of any type? I'd love to meet him or her. Perhaps my biggest overall disappointment, among several, with RFK Jr. is his clinging to being a "Democrat." His father DID live in a different time. At core, I don't think he measures up to him and is not in the same league as his uncle. The cold war "warrior" probably grew up admiring the intelligence agencies. Then he had his experiences with them. RFK Jr. probably grew up admiring the CDC, FDA, etc. He's had his experiences , and WRITTEN about their dark sides. Where is his, "Break up the CDC into a thousand pieces" spirit, even if it's to reconstruct it? I don't see that.
I'm very disappointed in Kennedy's Israel/Palestinian stance, and will not vote for him unless that is further discussed, however, no one has done more than Kennedy and the Children's Health Defense team in exposing the horrors of vaccine injury. I think they should get a Nobel Prize.
I have listened to him and CHD since April of 2020. They are the reason I am not injected today.
Polly Tommy is now traveling the States in a new vaxxed bus and the stories she is recording are extraordinary. You can watch them on
So I applaud Kennedy for his work on that front. No denying it.
No one gets elected President in the US unless they bend the knee to the Tribe. Is that so hard to understand? Trump said: "He is the chosen one." Yes, chosen by the Tribe not by the Creator.
Yes, his position on Israel is very bad. He’s pandering while claiming he’s against war.
And Carlin was right (prescient) about not voting and why. Yet, I still can't conceive right now of not voting in '24. What to do????
And so is his Hollyweird wife, pro-vax. They hosted a dinner party where she would only allow vaxxed guests.
He's not who/what you think he is. Be careful what you wish for.
He is talking about the old guidelines that went to the bin in 2020. Now, I disagree with those guidelines and I'm sure RFKjr would come up with better plan if he thought about it.
He's making the point that it isn't him that is so extreme. The extreme ones are following the new guidelines.
To say there is some sinister plot behind this is totally missing the point.
Do I agree with RFKjr or everything? No. I think he is wrong about global warming but I think he believes in it.
how about his revolting love for apartheid israel...he lost me
I guess you Israel haters don't realize that WE (KM) OWN AND RUN ISRAEL. Time to wake up.
I have seen a video of RFKjr saying that climate change denialists should be thrown in jail.
He has said in numerous interviews and Q&As that he is NOT anti-vaccine. He just wants safe vaccines.
I saw a video about Andrew Tate and Assange too. Didn't Donald create an insurgency on J6 too?
I'm in! New World Odor it is!
It's brilliant!
They KNEW long before the scamdemic was announced. They've told us the truth via predictive programming decades in advance. Humanity is the "VIRUS" they want to eliminate.
"...the use of predictive programming, signs, and symbols as a Modus Operandi of the Satan-worshipping elites":
The Corona End Game. The Truth Behind The Symbols
"Humans are The Virus"..."Human Sacrifice"
SATANIC Mass Sacrifice...Are you AWAKE yet? Our battle is SPIRITUAL
yes, absolutely. I feel that human sacrifice is the thing that makes most of us unable to put it together. Until you accept that, it's very difficult to put it together.
I remember listening to James Perloff on Hiroshima-Nagasaki as sacrifice events, maybe 7 years ago, or 6. It changed my whole outlook. Also "Marx and Satan" by Richard Wurmbrand.
I've been digging into Pizzagate for the last several days. It is the deepest, darkest rabbit hole imagineable. It's like staring the monster straight in the face. But I feel that humanity as a collective must accept what this is. These monsters see you and I as farm animals, experimental subjects, collateral damage, organ harvesting, toys and playthings. It's all about seperating you from your connection to God.
Regarding the redacted parts of the FOIA my best guess is that it involved how to get away with all of it. It almost certainly involved what messaging needed to be conveyed to the public to do so. They didn't just lie and commit crimes. They would have colluded in how to keep us drugged, distracted and divided while their products murdered away. Those communications would have been sent out to the media whores. The marketing message was set
Reading “The Franklin Cover-up” and watching the documentary on John DeCamp where he interviews the victims along with the documentary, “Boys For Sale” also changed my outlook. I am not familiar with “Marx and Satan”. I will check it out. I like your tone Celia and Naomi! It’s passionate and for a good cause. I find it healing for stuck grief.
Thank you for your work.
'Fuchs in America is an anagram of 'human sacrifice'.
As is 'cinch Eurasia fm' and 'Africa I munches'. That covers most of the world.
We can also get 'since Fauci harm' 'ache sin Fauci' and even 'Mr A. S. Fauci niche'
Trump says he opposes the MANDATES.
He does NOT say he opposes the vaxxines.
Because of VAXXINE SHEDDING even the UN-vaxxed are infected now.
The UN-vaxxed are exhibiting the same symptoms of deadly clots, corrupted blood, and self-assembling nanotechnology that the vaxxed have, and the rates of vaxxine/vaxxine-shedding caused DEATHS are now soaring even among the UN-vaxxed.
Genocidal vaxxines pose the greatest threat ever to the human population.
These doctors actually show the nanotechnology clots self-assembling in the blood:
And again I have to ask: AND TRUMP DOES NOT OPPOSE THIS???
Trump began the vaxx attack with warp speed.
"Maybe Trump opposes mandates 100A% of the time?"
Actually Rufns, Trump saying he opposes mandates is just political posturing.
Trump is using political double-speak, because the federal government CANNOT mandate the vaxxines or masking. It would violate our constitutional civil liberties, and we could REFUSE and have a constitutionally legal ground to stand on.
That's why the mandates were PRIVATIZED.
The store owner said you had to be masked to shop.
The company said you had to be vaxxinated to keep your job.
PRIVATIZED mandating.
So Trump saying he opposes the mandates doesn't mean squat. He's just cleverly grandstanding.
The question I have is: Why does Trump NOT oppose the deadly vaxxines?
So many things confirm this if you have discernment. If we had any doubts about the Ukraine debacle, we only need to look to Zelensky now asking for Marina Abramović to be his ambassador. We are up against pure evil.
Woah. Did not know that!
Yes and it is all very bizarre.
I guess all of the lead actors in this matrix theater believe they are getting over on the "extras", when in fact they will be the ones to lose in the end.
Nice way to put it. Or as been said the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Where can this be verified?
The UK Telegraph has the story.
Still not enough to wake the masses
not there yet