Where did MSNBC ever dig up such a pompous blow hard as Mehdi Hasan?? Bloviating not about any facts Musk is releasing but lame criticisms about him not consulting with “journalists” about his…whatever… obviously Hasan would be only too happy to “interview Musk” and then edit the hell out of it to make Musk appear the complete and utter fool.. we must never forget that MSNBC IS, of course, Bill Gates’ personal paid whore with the MS part of the name representing Microsoft.. I will never forget that other MSNBC gas bag Rachel Maddow trashing Ivermectin…”Horse dewormer” thereby depriving millions of gullible Americans of valid information which could have saved THOUSANDS of lives…

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At some point in this war of words, words have failed me and fail us all. Live the truth. Merry Christmas Everyone!

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Subtext #1: the MSM is also (effectively) controlled by the three-letter agencies.

Subtext #2 (in light of RFKJr's overnight "attaboy" to Tucker re. his piece on the CIA offing his uncle): could we be witnessing a major battle in the 5th-gen war that only 0.0001% of the population is aware is happening?

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They can't hear because of the sounds of jackboots on the streets. The propaganda flags and billboards block their sight from the truth. A fat wallet full of valueless currency given to them to buy their silence.

Death is their wish. Whether they die or we die, a mass of gore and blood is required. Vax, ukraine, corruption, crime, sudden death all part of the plan.

Our truth is the squeak of a mouse. We say the vaccines kill, they say but Russia. We say, "but Biden" and they say "but Trump".

We say "corruption, they say "let it go."

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The "irrelevant molecule." Well said.

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I forgot to mention Maddows disengenuous misinformation about Ivermectin, no doubt responsible for untold death and suffering, earned for her a TENFOLD increase in salary from $3 Million to $30 Million per year! So we now know the price Rachel Maddow charges to be a contract killer… At LEAST shes not Cheap…

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Interesting times. I think this is all positive, as the depravity that's taken over our culture is now exposing itself a little more each week. And for every Taibbi that gets attacked and cancelled, more people wake up to what's happening.

Will it matter, though? We've known since 1963 that the FBI is owned by the criminal cabal, and we've seen it regularly ever since then. The US public seemingly has no 'red line'; any amount of criminality is fine so long as the general prosperity continues. THAT is the real issue, not one more expose of the FBI out of ten thousand.

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Well "they" are succeeding in trying to confuse and obfuscate ... what is real? what is fake? which should I be paying attention to? which is a psyop? My current answer: ALL OF IT.

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Notice also what they've changed the subject away from: is anyone talking about how J. Edgar's gang was running Twitter?

Think about that; how did the FBI make its bones in the first place? What did they know, and how did they know it and who did they know it about? How did J. Edgar Hoover operate?

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It’s regrettable that Taibbi hasn’t covered the Covid debacle with his usual keen eye and wit.

Both he and Glenn Greenwald have been noted blank spots in the landscape of critical voices.

Lamentable, given both writer’s gifts and demonstrated ability to cut to the bone on important matters.

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I routinely email public.affairs@fbi.gov to let letting the FBI now what criminal filth they are. Usually it's just on the subject line, but the first few were full emails outlining my experiences in Chicago taking on criminal filth, and about my encounters with FBI agents. I let them know that the FBI agents I met, 3 or 4 in total, were all tightly wound weirdos from central casting probably of the socio-psychopathic variety sexual deviant criminals J. Edgar Hoover liked to hire. I also encouraged them to let the creep Chris Wray know he should begin establishing a truth, and reconciliation process so the FBI can be ready when the American population turns on the FBI to demand accountability for all the crimes, including mass murder, it has perpetrated since it founding.

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Quoted you here, Celia.


This is about to get very interesting.

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I think this move by Elon Musk was very good.


ANTIFA is a terrorist organization that seems to be sponsored by masked leftists transporting terror across state lines to create fear and chaos. They should be exposed, since they have been doxxing and trying to intimidate people all over the country.

The Colorado group – which had 15,000 followers- is one of several far-left profiles scrubbed in the past week, with many seemingly linked to Antifa, which has thousands of cells across the country.

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The wailing of journalists, crying out in pain, over what they've taken delight happening to others isn't even slightly interesting. It's annoying. It's like watching an out-of-control brat throwing a flailing temper tantrum for the umpteenth time.

Musk having reinstated these absolute pieces of trash so quickly is seemingly indicative of not being serious about his stated goals. Either people are treated equally on the platform or not.

The "free press" is mostly populated by toxic sub-human filth. They are a danger to humanity. They've become nothing more than the alibi and cover story for the greatest forces of evil in the history of mankind. There is no suffering great enough to compensate for their role in the destruction of our lives.

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"A Few Grounding Quotes From Matt Taibbi, Who Is Absolutely Correct (and will soon become "not a journalist.")"

It's already started.

“Matt Taibbi…what sad, disgraceful downfall,” Daily Beast columnist and New York Times contributor Wajahat Ali posted. “Selling your soul for the richest white nationalist on Earth.”


Imagine saying something so completely insane? Sold his soul? Of course he doesn't mention a word about the obvious veracity of what Matt's reporting about. This is how they work. Suppress. Destroy. Ignore. Go after people's reputations.

But what I need to know is this: did Matt Taibbi go from golden boy to soul less dipshit in the eyes and minds of the liberals who walk in the real world? Is there any evidence of that, or will the whole thing have to boil over and actually show some people the light of what's going on?

Because the center can't hold under these conditions.

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I love Matt Taibbi.

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