Canadian drug companies have played a major role in creating the pandemic, covid 19 and creating the mRNA spike protein injections. Cousin justin has his hand in the payback/kickback jar and that is one reason he is not willing to give up his dictatorship.

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Yes, and my many accounts, the Bloodline goes back to Babylon, thence to Rome, Venice, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and then the City of London (not London the city), also called the Crown. Bankers and other assorted riff-raff in power for millennia. There are countries and politicians only as political wallpaper. Trudeau is the usual sock puppet. Freeland as a member of the WEF trustees is clearly more powerful than he is, though she is also a puppet.

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Freeland (what an ironic name) comes by her fascism by inheritance as her grandfather was a Ukrainian Nazi who supported Hitler. I think there is something to these 13 bloodlines. Exactly what are the qualities that the British aristocratic obsession with "breeding" wishes to maintain. Darwin was one of the richest men in England having married into the Wedgwood fortune. Nice work if you can get it. And the eugenic school started in England with Darwin's cousin, Galton, then moved its headquarters to the USA, spearheaded by the Rockefellers, and then to Germany as a deliberate fecal transplant.

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Royal Round Table and MI6 have always been active in Canada. Yes, Cabal Jewish Central Bankers going on for 4 centuries.

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Indeed. I was avoiding the J-word so as not to offend. But to be clear, the Jews who are clearly involved (most notably the Rothschilds, but there must be others as Rothschilds may not be the top of the hierarchy) in modern times are Sabbateans (Kabbalists), who are not ordinary Jews. Greg Hallett (a new Zealand writer with ties to many spooks) says that the Rothschilds intermarried the British royals with Victoria. Lord Cecil from Elizabethan times and likely consort of Elizabeth I was Jewish. Lots of other intermarriages. They took over the English banking system, and America's and many others.' Alexander Hamilton was a Rothschild agent. But this goes back farther to Canaan and the Babylonian Talmud, which is as bigoted a document as exists. Just read a few passages. So, again, I leave ordinary Jews (and the orthodox Jews) out of this (they know nothing of Sabbata Tzvi and the Talmud or the Kabbalah) and most assuredly there are many non-Jews involved here as well.

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The Rockefellers are not Jewish and they are one of the controlling families, most prevalent on the Americas side of the Atlantic. The only religion these ruling $trillionaire families have is themselves who they see as gods that humanity should worship. Take away their power to create and control the Money supply and you will remove the source of their power.

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I would only add that there are researchers who claim that the Rockefellers were/are Jewish. I'm not asserting that, but just putting it out there. Agree with your comment otherwise.

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I am a Jew and my Jewish relatives are perfectly content with the subjugation of Canadians, Australians, Austrians, Americans etc. It.....blows.......my.........mind! We all learned of Kristallnacht and Germany of 1930s.

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No I believe they were Episcopalian. An Anglican sect.

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Feb 19, 2022
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Interesting. This was the basic argument of Arthur Koestler (an Ashkenazi Jew) in The Thirteenth Tribe from 1976.


It has recently been refreshed by the Jewish Israeli Shlomo Sand (still alive).


And this theory is now supported by an Israeli geneticist here:


Then there are the Israeli archeologists who can find no trace of ancient Israelis in Israel. Or Moses or David. And forget about any presence in Egypt while you're at it. Forgot their names right now. The Hyksos may well be involved in all of this, though it is unclear who precisely they were.

So this makes the Chosen People/12 Tribes of Israel argument much more tenuous or problematic, though of course it still has many adherents, like the British Israelite school, who view the British royals as blood descendants of the original Tribes.

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Feb 18, 2022
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Easy. Just start paying the national debt down with Federal Treasury debt-free$, same way the Treasury creates coins - no debt. So pay 10% of federal debt with Treasury notes every year, and at the same time raise Bank Reserve requirements by 10% every year. Essentially the Banks will be forced to take Treasury notes as their Reserve replacing the Federal debt they were owed. At the end of 10yrs all Federal debt is payed off, Banks must maintain the 100% reserve of Treasury notes that they now have. And then they must function just as Credit Unions do, the way most people think Banks operate, but they don't. If they get one $billion in deposits (debt-free treasury notes) then they can loan out at interest one $billion, no more. You likely will have to imprison a few dozen Banksters to achieve this though, because they will kill to protect their incredible welfare gift of being able to create our money supply.

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Oh of course using the J-word could be offensive and I was being cognitive lazy also.

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Always getting an education on your substacks, Celia. Live long, prosper, and keep ‘em coming! Much gratitude to you.

If the present dismal trajectory continues, the USA will be the last bastion of world freedom. Thank you Founding Fathers.

Choose your hill wisely folks.

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I saw it as it unfolded in Ottawa. One my saddest days ever

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Sick to my stomach. Unbelievable. But we get to see the rotting corpse of democracy as you say. I'd rather we attended the wake of the woke. I have been holding good outcomes for this, for all of us, but I see now we are entering a much darker, much more violent period of 'economic cleansing' before this is over, if that ever truly happens. Honestly, I'm holding out for the essential goodness of humanity overcoming this. But even then, I waver. What happened to us, to our essential goodness? It was clearly displayed and acted on by the truckers and all good people of Canada who came out to support them. But the forces of evil put snipers on the roof and dressed people up in uniforms and gave them license to hurt people, even kill them, to repeatedly bash a woman with a rifle butt as shown in the video. Where is the human decency in that? Where is there any sense of humanity or morality? What goes on in the minds of a men in uniform bashing an unarmed woman? Such an act of extreme cowardice, of indoctrinated obedience to the violent coward Trudeau.

I don't expect answers at this point. I fear there may be none. We are descending, collectively. Let us remain in light and love as much as we can...

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Sure, there's an answer, you already have the beginnings of it in your Charter of Rights, what you need to do is create a republican government with limited and enumerated powers, get rid of most of your select militias - "police" - at the beck and call of government. Any police should explicitly have the legal duty to protect and serve any and all who call on them. And they should be honor-bound to uphold the Charter.

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Brian Peckford, the last living author of the Charter, has recently in association with the Convoy, spoken brilliantly about the Charter. Legacy media totally ignored it, as far as I know. We have lost our way, and are hanging onto the edge with our fingertips.

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Yeah, here's an interview with Jordan Peterson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdhFuMDLBDM - but the important thing is that you're not having to create something entirely new, you have an existing framework in place - the Charter of Rights - to restore.

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Excellent point. Just learned tonight that if the Governor General of Canada receives 900,000-1,000,000 signatures of non-confidence in the PM, she can oust him. which means we can begin the restoration work.

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If the Queen got a couple of million letters - about an ounce or so each - she'd certainly take notice - that's 62.5 tons of mail...

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Another excellent point!

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Our charter of rights has been crushed and burned. Our crime minister is making sure of that.

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Great in theory. Let's see if we can put that into practice.

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O Commonwealth,

when stealthily stolen is your health,

and enraged princlings rule;

Beware , as wealth is all but common.

Hauled in the hands of few.

But commoners are no fools.

They know the only wealth in common

is the everlasting Light of Truth,

the overarching Power of Freedom

and the silent but unrelenting Force of Peace.

Tonight , as a member of the family of mankind, I am also Canadian.

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History should have opened the Canadians eyes being governed by the "Crown of Thorns.". Kings/tyrants/dictators never followed laws for average citizens. They always have special powers to confront their opposittion. The USA founders realized that they had to be independent to survive and have total freedom., using checks and balances to limit government power. Founders even created land patents to make sure no one's land could be taken by the government, liens, taxes, banks, etc. Because the king owned all the land. Those land Patents are still in effect today. The average citizen can patent his land to secure it for ever.

All Canadians must step forward and support these TUCKER PATRIOITS to stop the tyranny from continuing. Next is to had laws removing the queen from their government.

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Chew toy for the Most Secret People, Klaus Schwab, and his sock puppet ,Trudeau, both serve their secret masters. We may never know who they are.

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I want to add that the Chew toy term comes from Catherine Austin Fitts, who got it from a colleague, and mentioned it in a Dark Journalist interview a few days ago.

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My guess would be that their masters are the banking families?

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I have heard Rothschilds, Rockefellers, with whom Gates has connections...the Bilderberg group may point to some of them, seems super likely, eh. IMF and City of London....creepy tentacles everywhere...

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But I agree. Ultimately, who really is at the top of the banking family hierarchy? Probably names we never heard.

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Celia, If you want to know the deep history around the Crown, not only in Canada but around the world, don't miss Session 2 of the Grand Jury put together by Reiner Fullmeich. It's an eye-opener! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLxQK_36yzU

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They may have to get independence from the Crown, just like we did...

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“Crown Agents are corps on the Stock Exchange run by Central Banks.” Uh…whut? 🤔

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do you think Klaus is a puppeteer and Justin Hitler is just a puppet? i mean, are they thinking for themselves? Gavin sounds like he is reading the same lame script, more "shots, Masks..." he calls that smarter? who writes this shit? Canada will incorporate the state of Killafornia and finish destroying it too, looks like...deep doo doo Trudeau

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To ease out some of the extremely bad waves of the atrocities made by the order following ‘police’ on the ground and roofs in Ottawa.

For and to the Truckers and all freedom loving humans that are on the right side of the history.

Hold The Line


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"What We Don't Know About Trudeau's Oaths and True Allegiances"?


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