But the weather porn never stops. We had a dusting of snow earlier this week and the weather forecasters acted like we should prepare for a 20" blizzard.
The blizzard of 77 was quite the weeklong event. Hydro lines at snow level. It fed my youth-based paranoia. But my mother also taught me faith, and the characteristics of a lie. Done. The truth won.
The ash from the Tunga Volcano will make the winter of 2022 - 23 one for the record books. Of course the worshippers of global warming will disregard that as an anomaly. After all, how could nature affect nature?
I just wish there was a way to put a stop to the pushing of this climate change BS. The counties and now states and cities are drawing up some goofy climate change policies. Project Veritas was correct when they showed the video of the news saying after covid the full court press was on for the climate change scam.
In 1965 we stayed home from school for one full week because the snow was too deep for even the western NY plows to do their job . I could not walk on the street.
It was wild in Ontonagon County. Every day for months we averaged 10" of snow. The plows would send clouds of snow a hundred yards. We got a total of 356" in the Keweenaw Penninsula.
This winter (2022 - 23) promises to be even colder and snowier.
Could do with a spot of ye olde global warming up here in the Used-To-Be Great White North right now if ye don't mind sending some of that nice Arizona heat this way it would be very much appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Oh, and I do miss Greta for a laugh - the new G20 girl and poster child for the Association of Climitards, while prettier, just doesn't connect with us deniers.
But the weather porn never stops. We had a dusting of snow earlier this week and the weather forecasters acted like we should prepare for a 20" blizzard.
The blizzard of 77 was quite the weeklong event. Hydro lines at snow level. It fed my youth-based paranoia. But my mother also taught me faith, and the characteristics of a lie. Done. The truth won.
Exactly. I feel sorry for the folks in Buffalo.
The ash from the Tunga Volcano will make the winter of 2022 - 23 one for the record books. Of course the worshippers of global warming will disregard that as an anomaly. After all, how could nature affect nature?
I just wish there was a way to put a stop to the pushing of this climate change BS. The counties and now states and cities are drawing up some goofy climate change policies. Project Veritas was correct when they showed the video of the news saying after covid the full court press was on for the climate change scam.
Covid-1984 => depopulation
Climate change => depopulation
There are horses for courses, and the Club of Rome has had its Limits to Growth for fifty years now.
I nearly forgot: Depopulation = mass murder
They have gotten that type of snows for as long as I can remember and I'm old. It's that "climate change." It changes every season. 🙄
I’m from western NY and attended U Buffalo.
Yes Weather can be difficult.
However, here is some anecdotal evidence .
In 1965 we stayed home from school for one full week because the snow was too deep for even the western NY plows to do their job . I could not walk on the street.
Let’s see that was almost 50 years ago.
In 1978, we had 356" of snow in the Copper Country of northern Michigan.
Buffalo experienced weather warfare. See: www.GeoengineeringWatch.org
I wonder what happened to the ozone layer. Did we survive it?
Yes it repaired itself.
This might make you laugh even harder. From 1977. https://twitter.com/jovanhpulitzer/status/1593633436039798786?s=46&t=_b701oJ4s1elXHofqtT6MA
Thanks for posting that. Very much of the era, with Twilight Zone delivery. Will look on Internet Archive for that. It's a keeper-sender.
I remember that. I was in hog heaven. I love the cold and snow. The blizzard of '78 (January) was beautiful and exhilarating. 🤗
It was wild in Ontonagon County. Every day for months we averaged 10" of snow. The plows would send clouds of snow a hundred yards. We got a total of 356" in the Keweenaw Penninsula.
This winter (2022 - 23) promises to be even colder and snowier.
Yup - I say that to the far left woke zombies every year and they brainwashed eyes glaze over.
Truly amazing. Seems to me the winters are getting longer or at the very least the warmer weather comes later and stays shorter.
I've said we've got a seasonal change.
In Buffalo today they Banned driving. What a Covidish way to ask motorists to avoid driving while we clear those roads.
Could do with a spot of ye olde global warming up here in the Used-To-Be Great White North right now if ye don't mind sending some of that nice Arizona heat this way it would be very much appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Oh, and I do miss Greta for a laugh - the new G20 girl and poster child for the Association of Climitards, while prettier, just doesn't connect with us deniers.
Prettier than what? SBF's hideous gf?
It always makes me wonder that if they can't get the weather right two days from now, how are they so sure what it will be in 50 years?
P.S. We only have 9 years. (This time it's for REAL)!
This one will make you smile & cry :) https://fb.watch/gTJW4BtK4j/
God bless that man.... Lol
(heh heh....)
Ah Copper Harbor Mi
That’s beats Buffalo !
Beautiful area
Route 41 in South Florida ends/begins in Copper Harbor !
Funny how that happens, huh? 😏